Detective Comics #1027

8.8Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

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Light the Bat-Signal, because Detective Comics #1027 is here! In honor of Batman’s first appearance in Detective Comics #27, this special, book-size celebration brings you the biggest names in comics as they chronicle the most epic Batman adventures Gotham City and the DC Universe have ever seen! The World’s Greatest Detective has a mountain of cases to crack: Who murdered Gotham’s most corrupt police officer? What does The Joker’s annual visit mean for Bruce Wayne? And most importantly, what WayneTech mystery will sow the seeds of the next epic Batman event? All this and more await you within the pages of the biggest Batman issue of more

  • 10
    Nerdly - Dean Fuller Sep 16, 2020

    Phew, an epic read. Did I mention the multiple covers you can get and also the book is chock full of some great full page pinups? No, well they are all quality too. This book isn't cheap, but it's certainly true you get what you pay for. You get a huge amount of story here, written and drawn by top talent, and a wide variety of takes on Batman, his friends, his enemies, his past, his future, his city. It's iconic stuff. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Sep 17, 2020

    Given the over 80 years of his existence, there are going to be parts of Batman you don't like. Invariably, theses may pop up in here, after all you can't please everyone all of the time. Instead of picking at the faults that I am sure exist in the book (I loved the Aparo mentions and Spoiler getting hugged by Batgirl is one the best bits however), I am instead going to tip my hat and say well done DC for producing a book worthy of this tremendous milestone that I doubt Bob Kane and Bill Finger themselves would ever have seen coming! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Sep 15, 2020

    I wont break down all the stories and creative teams, but theres something for every Batman fan here. DC really went all out for this milestone and its definitely well worth the purchase price. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Dark Knight News - Steve J Ray Sep 15, 2020

    The prolific Rob Leigh, the amazing AndWorld Design, the brilliant Joshua Reed, the tremendous Troy Peteri, the incredible Carlos Mangual, the wonderful Steve Wands, the legendary John Workman, the bodacious Aditya Bidikar, and the terrific Tom (THREE STORIES IN THIS COLLECTION) Napolitano. Thank you all for putting the writers' words on these pages, in a beautiful, legible and artistic manner, thus giving us something to actually read. I salute you all. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Matthew Lloyd Sep 15, 2020

    $10 is a lot of money for one comic. However, there's a ton of material here and it is all good to great. Overall, it has a fantastic focus on character and it's just plain fun front to back. If you like Batman and DC Comics it's worth checking out even if you aren't reading Detective Comics on a monthly basis (and why aren't you…). I have to recommend this as a must buy. There are some of these stories you will want to read again…even a few warm fuzzies here and there, plus a little bit of inspiration…! Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Sep 21, 2020

    I liked this issue a ton. And nice to see Supergirl even briefly! Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Sep 16, 2020

    Actually, this whole issue is. DC did another spot on job with this anniversary issue and I can't wait for the next one! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Sep 16, 2020

    Without a single bad story and many exceptional ones, this might be the best collection of talent DC has ever put together under a single-issue banner. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Sep 15, 2020

    This is without a doubt one of the finest extra-sized Batman issues ever made. It seems like DC Comics learned a few things from Detective Comics #1000 by not tying into the current storylines too much, and instead, showing different slivers of the character. There's a lot of variance in the tales, showing Batman's fighting ability, his inability to give up, his ability to solve crimes as Bruce Wayne, and showing off his rogues gallery too. Anyone could read this and know why Batman is great and how the many shades that make up the hero make him all the greater. Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Comic Watch - Jeff Brister Sep 22, 2020

    An all-star lineup of writers and artists showcase the durability and versatility of the Batman in Detective Comics #1027 Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Matthew Brake Sep 16, 2020

    This is another great anniversary issue from DC Comics, and while it feels like a cash grab, a number of really great talents make this a fun issue! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Critical Blast - RJ Carter Sep 22, 2020

    As has been the case with all these prestige-bound issues, DETECTIVE COMICS #1027 features a boatload of variant covers to choose from, and is littered with some fantastic pinups from the likes of Jamal Campbell, Lee Bermejo, and even the legendary Jose Luis Garcia Lopez (who should be doing a lot more DC work, in our humble opinion). Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Sep 17, 2020

    A Gift Its day three of the Joker War and Batman must break into Wayne Enterprises to retrieve something of unique value. Unfortunately, with Joker in control of both the company and Lucius Fox, the Dark Knight will find that things have changed in the building and those changes could be deadly. A great precursor to a new storyline for the character with some fantastic art from Dan Mora. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Sep 16, 2020

    If you're a Bat-fan of any stripe or a fan of any of the creators on the lengthy list above, this book is worth the rather hefty price tag. Just be warned that it might not be as collectible as you may hope and be warned that not everything within may be to your liking. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Theodis Wright Sep 15, 2020

    Lastly, I can't say enough about how honored I am to be doing this review for this book, for this character, this monumental issue. One thousand issues. That's a great feat that can only be claimed by one other hero. But here, on this site, and definitely to this reviewer, he doesn't matter.Batman for another one thousand issues and for life. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Sep 15, 2020

    And therein lies the real strength of Detective Comics #1027. It's just really damn fun to read. Offering readers a vast range of what Batman and Detective Comics can offer as a title, Detective Comics #1027 stands as a worthy tribute to the issue that launched the Bat dynasty. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Batman-News - Casper Rudolph Sep 15, 2020

    For the most part I think this is a fun collection. It costs about 10 dollars, but it has over 100 pages of Batman content, and most of it is well worth a read if you are into this type of stuff. The writing and art is mostly on point, save for the occasional dud. Recommended! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Sep 21, 2020

    “Detective #26” gives us a look at the Silver Ghost, a vigilante upstaged by the first appearance of Batman. “Legacy” offers a fight between Batman and Doctor Phosphorous that would lead to Bruce Wayne's death of cancer years later. “As Always” gives us James Gordon's ruminations on Batman dealing with world-wide threats over the years. “The Gift” takes place during the current Joker War arc. Batman fights costumed criminals led by Calendar Man on Halloween in “Generations: Fractured” which kicks-off a time-traveling story that will continue in Generations: Future State #1. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Sep 15, 2020

    DC Comics and many creators get together to celebrate 1000 issues of Batman in Detective Comics, yet it didn't feel like much of a celebration.  The issue had an odd focus at times, and most of the stories went on a bit too long, and were not very memorable.  Most fans will find something to like here, but they may have to search a bit more than expected, and because of that, and the price tag, I can't outright recommend this as a must-read. Read Full Review

  • 6.0 - Christian Hoffer Sep 16, 2020

    If you enjoy the creative teams and don't mind paying a premium for comics meant to provide only a snapshot, this comic is at least worth a flip-through. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Batman Jones Sep 16, 2020

    So many of these anthologies have been disappointing. This is what I've been hoping for out of all of them. What a great read.

  • 10
    Batfan Sep 16, 2020

    So far I’ve only read Fraction’s story and that’s what my current score’s based on. I loved the story, the simplistic art matches so well with the writing, and the close up panel of joker’s smile just before batman arrives as well as the ending is something else in making you feel emotions.

  • 10
    Luiz_FM Sep 15, 2020

    Detective Comics #1000 was one of my last year's favorite comics, and this awesome anniversary issue is way better than #1000.
    Grant Morrison is AMAZING, I was happy to see his return to Batman, but this story was focused on the "Detective #26", and you will enjoy it a lot

  • 10
    tonpas1989 Sep 15, 2020

    Rough ranking

    1. Fraction - Many Happy Returns
    2. Snyder - As Always
    3. Bendis - The Master Class
    4. Rucka - Rookie
    5. Tynion - Ghost Story
    6. Tomasi - Blowback
    7. King - Legacy
    8. Morrison - Detective #26
    9. DeConnick - Fore
    10. Jurgens - Generations
    11. Tamaki - A Gift
    12. Wolfman - Odyssey

  • 9.5
    TheHyruleElf Sep 15, 2020

    Tomasi/Walker: 6.5/10 Probably the weakest which is a bummer because Tomasi has delivered some pretty solid one shots and two parters while writing Detective Comics. Art was good, and the analysis of each villain and their traps was fun, but the ending felt too rushed and odd.

    Bendis/Marquez: 8/10 Bendis and the Bat-Family, as drawn by David Marquez. This a fun little read and it shows how much Bats appreciates his family. Its Bendis speak to the max, so if you don't like that skip it, but if you don't it, it works here. Art by Marquez is fucking stellar, the way he renders Red Robin oml. A solid story.

    Fraction/Zdarsky 10/10 Tragic and hilarious, which is pretty much how I describe Sex Criminals so I guess that makes more

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 9.0
    雨人点雪 Sep 15, 2020

    Much much much better than the other batman one.

  • 9.0
    BitchWitcher Sep 15, 2020

    Tomasi/Walker: 5/10 Great art, pointless story - if one can even call it a story when really it's more of a Batman's rogues gallery recap.

    Bendis/Marquez: 10/10 Probably the best thing Bendis has done at DC so far outside of Naomi. Someone give him and Marquez a Batgirl ongoing STAT.

    Fraction/Zdarsky 10/10 Obviously. What did we expect? I'm a sucker for anytime Bruce and Joker get downright Freudian with each other, and this may be the best example of that yet. Also, honourable mention for Joker grafitting an alley with the following quote: "Every alley is a Crime Alley if you believe in yourself!" Indeed.

    Rucka/Risso 9/10 Again unsurprisingly great with a team like this, and a really topical and inspiration more

  • 8.5
    Swift Planet Sep 28, 2020

    Really liked Legacy(shame about the art), As Always, and my favourite was Detective #26.

  • 8.5
    EDiakota Sep 21, 2020

    " You're a fine bunch of detectives. Each and every one of you."
    - BATMAN

  • 8.5
    Watchtower022 Sep 19, 2020

    These anthology anniversary books are always hit or miss for me. This was overall one of the better ones I’ve read though.

  • 8.0
    daspidaboy Mar 30, 2024

    this was a massive step up from the Issue 27 from Detective Comics 2014 series. I still liked the 1000th issue, but this issue also has some golden nuggets. I liked Matt Fraction/Chip Zdarsky (my favorite), Bendis story (surprisingly), Greg Rucka, James Tynion IV, Kelly Sue Deconnick, Grant Morrison, Tom King (surprisingly), Scott Snyder, and Dan Jurgens.

    Overall, there were some misses, but I would reccomend this anthology issue.

  • 8.0
    Spacey Medicine Sep 27, 2020

    I only read Many Happy Returns, Detective #26, and A Gift, so my experience was quite ruthlessly curated. I liked them!

  • 8.0
    Canada_Comic_Guy Sep 19, 2020

    I hate Anthologies!

    It feels like I only get one bite of an amazing steak before it gets taken away from me. Cause I want MORE of it!

    But, as long as all the courses are good and I enjoy the overall meal then I guess I'm happy!

  • 8.0
    REYNARD Sep 16, 2020

    "Blowback" by Tomasi and Walker = 6/10
    -Rogues gallery clip show. Walker's art is great though.

    "The Master Class" by Bendis and Marquez = 8/10
    -Nothing better than the family in action. Bendis juggles the cast really well and Marquez fits the script extremely well.

    "Many Happy Returns" by Fraction and Zdarsky = 9/10
    -The fact that "Where's my birthday present!" is already a meme is hilarious.

    "Rookie" by Rucka and Risso = 10/10
    -Bring back Gotham Central please!

    "Ghost Story" by Tynion and Rossmo = 8/10
    -Say what you will about Tynion, man can write the hell out of Robin.

    "Fore" by DeConnick and Romita Jr = 6/10
    -"Holy Birdie Batman!"

    "Odyssey" more

  • 8.0
    Batphantom Sep 15, 2020

    It´s okay, something was missing, I don't think all the stories deserve to be in this anniversary compilation, I think an 8 is fine, mostly the art is beyond reproach.

    Honestly, putting this issue aside I think the Batman comics need a shakeup, not necessarily a change of creative team, but something innovative because I'm starting to feel both titles (Batman/Detective Comics) somewhat repetitive. I even get the impression that the "mega events" of Batman have dragged this title down, which in general feels a little more solid than the Batman title.

  • 8.0
    allenquanobi Sep 15, 2020

    Starts great with rlly good stories but ends really poor with teases that don't excite me. Art was really good though

  • 7.5

    If DC still cared more about a good story they could easily have made this eventful issue a real milestone. Instead they chose an anthology of short stories. Some okay, some poor, a few good. I think when the upcoming Black and White mini is up I'm through with anthology Batman books. Over the last few years they've been rather poor. Here's my take:

    Blowback: Understandable why this was the first one, as it was one of the best. 8/10
    The Master Class: Considering the poor job he's done on Superman, this is a reminder that Bendis can write some good stuff. Good art too. 8/10
    Many Happy Returns: It's nice to see a story focusing on the never-ending conflict between Batman and the Joker instead of the usual "Why not kill hi more

  • 7.5
    BlueAndEvil Sep 21, 2020

    Could've done without the teasers at the end.

  • 7.0
    KFuqua Sep 18, 2020

    Not awful, but a lot of money for what's there. The two things that stood out to me about this issue are:
    1) I don't understand why Riley Rossmo has a job drawing comics. His "art" is awful.
    2) Please keep Grant Morrison away from Batman and all comics for that matter.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 6.5
    ohhaimark Sep 20, 2020

    I don't know why I read this. Shame on me for giving in to the hype, I guess. Here's my rough ranking and review for each of the stories. All in all, I thought this was pretty alright for an anthology.

    Many Happy Returns- My favorite. I don't know. It was just a cool story that knew how to make a short and unique anthology story, plus the art was probably my favorite in the comic. 9.0/10

    Detective #26- Pretty fucking hilarious. 9.0/10

    A Gift- I actually liked this one quite a bit. The writing and art were both on point. I'm hoping this creative team will pick up Batman, because that might make me read the series again. 8.5/10

    Fore- The most frustrating thing about this comic is that there's like more

  • 6.5
    myconius Sep 16, 2020

    a real mixed bag.

    on one hand we have fun and entertaining stories like Morrison's Detective 26, which was a fun dark humored parody of Batman's origin.

    then we have Tom King trying to pretend he's clever, while at the same time taking his usual steaming $#!% on Batman.

    not worth the $10 price tag. also not a worthy enough tribute to Batman.

    just another DC cash grab.

  • 6.5
    Psycamorean Sep 16, 2020

    I really don't like anthologies, so I'm not expecting much from this. But hopefully it's not too bad.

    Blowback was okay. It doesn't really do much besides reiterate Batman's rogues gallery, which is... Fine. I liked the art at least.

    The Master Class was *fine*. I don't like Bendis' dialogue, but he writes the Batfamily with a certain brand of competence compared to his other work.

    Many Happy Returns was actually really excellent. Fraction nails the writing, and Zdarsky's art is very fun.

    Rookie was fine. It started out good, but it feels dragged out by the end. I wish it was a bit more brief.

    Ghost Story was pretty bad, in my opinion. I just didn't find it entertaining.

    For more

  • 5.5
    LunaMoody Sep 15, 2020

    Tomasi / Blowback - This story was good. Art was great
    Bendis / The Master Class - This story was good but could've used with a bit more humor added in. But it was great to have the gang all together. Great art work.
    Fraction / Many Happy Returns - This one was good but could've been better. The art was mediocre at best.
    Rucka /Rookie - Long and boring. Art sucked
    Tynion / Ghost Story - This one is okay. The art was really bad
    DeConnick / Fore - Okay but greatly forgettable. Art was great
    Wolfman / Odyssey - Story was a waste of time. Art was okay
    Morrison / Detective #26 - Dumb story with bad art work
    King / Legacy - The story was good but could've been better. The art work is more

  • 5.0
    RKS Sep 26, 2020

    Meh, a lot of filler with 1 maybe 2 decent stories. The worst was "Rookie" for over all story and worst for art was "Fore".

  • 10
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