ohhaimark's Profile

Joined: Aug 08, 2018

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myconius posted on ohhaimark's profile Aug 13, 2021

you're probably just as disappointed with most comics coming out as i am.

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ohhaimark reviewed X-Men #14 Nov 15, 2020

Pretty boring. I kept zoning out reading this one.

X-Men #14

By: Jonathan Hickman, Leinil Francis Yu
Released: Nov 4, 2020

The Lovers. A Garden. A chasm of secrets.

Rated T+

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ohhaimark reviewed Marauders #14 Nov 15, 2020

Truth be told, it's been a week since I read this, and I don't remember a whole lot, other than a vague idea that it was an above average issue for this series.

Marauders #14

By: Gerry Duggan, Stefano Caselli
Released: Nov 4, 2020

A toast. A dance. A dinner served: Part I

Rated T+

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I think I might like this more than White Knight. I definitely like Katana's writing more than Sean Gordon Murphy's. The story is pretty interesting, and Harley is actually a nicely written character, much more so than in White Knight.

Batman: White Knight Presents: Harley Quinn #1

By: Katana Collins, Matteo Scalera
Released: Oct 21, 2020

The Joker is dead, Bruce Wayne is behind bars...and Gotham City is just starting to redefine itself without Batman.
As Harley Quinn struggles to adjust to her new life as the mother of Jack Napier's twins, an elusive mastermind called the Producer seizes the moment to assemble a crew of villains-starting with the Starlet, a serial killer wh...

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ohhaimark reviewed Die #14 Nov 1, 2020

This was kind of a weaker issue. The pacing felt off. Little too slow at the beginning, little to quick at the end. Oh well, I'm sure it'll pick back up.

Die #14

By: Kieron Gillen, Stephanie Hans
Released: Oct 7, 2020

"Hey, Stephanie, shall we do DIE's take on the big battles in Return of the King?"
"Sure thing, Kieron. Can you add some big emotional messy beats to the visual splendor?"
"Sure thing!"

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ohhaimark reviewed Excalibur #13 Nov 1, 2020

Surprisingly good. This may be the best issue of this series so far. I don't know what this issue did differently, it was just a lot more engaging and fun. The art was really good too.

Excalibur #13

By: Tini Howard, R. B. Silva
Released: Oct 21, 2020

Opposition. Despair. The dark night of the soul.
Rated T+

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ohhaimark reviewed X-Men #13 Nov 1, 2020

It was alright. I remember liking this when I first read it, but I'm struggling to remember anything about it now.

X-Men #13

By: Jonathan Hickman, Mahmud Asrar
Released: Oct 21, 2020

Lessons. Longing. What has begun cannot be undone.
Rated T+

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John Constantine: Hellblazer #11

By: Simon Spurrier, Aaron Campbell
Released: Oct 28, 2020

A message from Clem Thurso, the most virulently bigoted politician in the UK, unexpectedly sends John on a journey deep into the heart of occult evil-and down into a chamber below Parliament where something truly unspeakable waits…

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ohhaimark reviewed Immortal Hulk #39 Nov 1, 2020

This is the best Grant Morrison comic not written by Grant Morrison. But seriously, this is amazing. This arc in particular is just insane.

Immortal Hulk #39

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Oct 28, 2020

• Some time ago, an outside force entered Bruce Banner's system.
•  The Devil says it's the Green Scar. The Green Scar says it's the Devil. Maybe they're both right...or both wrong...
•   ...but only one of them can be the IMMORTAL
Rated T+

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ohhaimark reviewed The Department of Truth #2 Nov 1, 2020

Wasn't a huge fan of this one. It mostly bored me, and I don't like the art much.

The Department of Truth #2

By: James Tynion IV, Martin Simmonds
Released: Oct 28, 2020

COLE TURNER has spent most of his life suppressing false memories of Satanic ritual abuse at his preschool. Now, he's the newest recruit of the Department of Truth...and he just found out those false memories might be truer than he thinks. JAMES TYNION IV (Batman, Something is Killing the Children) & MARTIN SIMMONDS (Dying is Easy) continue their b...

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ohhaimark reviewed X Of Swords: Stasis #1 Nov 1, 2020

Yeah, I liked this quite a lot. This event seems to pull me in more with each issue.

X Of Swords: Stasis #1

By: Tini Howard, Pepe Larraz
Released: Oct 28, 2020

A ritual. A parliament. A game begins.
Rated T+

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ohhaimark reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #3 Nov 1, 2020

It was fine. Didn't love it, didn't hate it.

Batman: Three Jokers #3

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Oct 28, 2020

The final chapter of the most terrifying and personal Batman mystery is here!
Still reeling from their last encounter with the three Jokers, Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood discover the terrible truth about the Three Jokers’ plot. Will the caped crusaders have the strength needed to put an end to the maniacal menaces’ master plan once and ...

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myconius - Aug 13, 2021

i heard this ended on a huge FLOP.

myconius - Aug 14, 2021

it might not be accurate but from what i'd heard the story of the 3 Jokers was built up like a mystery, then at the end Batman was just like "Yeah. I knew who he was the whole time." ....that sort of renders the entire mystery aspect as moot. though from what i'd seen of the art, it definitely looks worth a trade copy for that alone. but my collection is already long since toppling over itself with so many pretty stories that i just cannot get myself to re-read.

ohhaimark reviewed New Mutants #13 Oct 18, 2020

This is the best issue of this series in a while. I think Cypher is a really good character, and his situation is very compelling.

New Mutants #13

By: Ed Brisson, Rod Reis
Released: Oct 14, 2020

Diligence. Discipline. A sword of the self.
Rated T+

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ohhaimark reviewed Cable #5 Oct 18, 2020

Pretty unremarkable, but there's nothing to hate about this, and I like these characters enough that it made the story interesting.

Cable #5

By: Gerry Duggan, Phil Noto
Released: Oct 14, 2020

A hand held aloft. A mystery in the stars. An ace up the sleeve.
Rated T+

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ohhaimark reviewed Hellions #5 Oct 18, 2020

I liked this a lot. Couple hiccups with the writing, but this is definitely the most engaging X-of-Swords story so far, and Mr. Sinister is just a great character.

Hellions #5

By: Zeb Wells, Carmen Nunez Carnero
Released: Oct 14, 2020

Desperation. Help from unexpected places. An advance into the unknown.  
Parental Advisory

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ohhaimark reviewed Immortal Hulk #38 Oct 18, 2020


Immortal Hulk #38

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Oct 14, 2020

• He's been chained. He's been suppressed. He doesn't even know if he's real.
•  But something is reaching through the Green Door. It wants to hurt Bruce Banner. And when you hurt Banner...
•  ...the DEVIL HULK takes it personally.
Rated T+

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ohhaimark reviewed Strange Adventures #6 Oct 18, 2020

I don't like this series very much BUT Mr. Terrific is absolutely one of the best characters in a comic I'm reading right now.

Strange Adventures #6

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Oct 14, 2020

How determined is Mr. Terrific to find the truth? The answer becomes more challenging as the whole world starts to turn against him. Adam Strange is a hero who can save the Earth from alien invasion, and who is Mr. Terrific to say otherwise? The extent of the denial only makes the man more suspicious. 
Not that the warmongering Pykkts care...

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ohhaimark reviewed Rorschach #1 Oct 18, 2020

This is the first Tom King comic I've liked in a long time. So, yeah, it's really good. I'm super invested in the story and can't wait for the next issue.

Rorschach #1

By: Tom King, Jorge Fornes
Released: Oct 14, 2020

It’s been 35 years since Ozymandias dropped a giant interdimensional squid on New York City, killing thousands and destroying the public’s trust in heroes once and for all. And since that time, one figure in a fedora, mask, and trenchcoat has become a divisive culture icon.
So what does it mean when Rorschach reappears as an assassin try...

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This series never disappoints.

John Constantine: Hellblazer #10

By: Simon Spurrier, Matias Bergara
Released: Sep 30, 2020

The specter of his older self (and the terrible bargain he made to get another chance at life) has been playing a cat-and-mouse game with John Constantine for months now-but now the game is over, and it’s time to get down to business. Namely, the business of destroying absolutely everything that made that second lease on life worth living…

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ohhaimark reviewed Marauders #13 Oct 10, 2020

I didn't like this a whole lot. Some good moments, but I was mostly bored by it.

Marauders #13

By: Vita Ayala, Matteo Lolli
Released: Oct 7, 2020

A secret flight. A long journey. A Thief and a Queen.
Rated T+

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ohhaimark reviewed X-Force #13 Oct 10, 2020

So far Wolverine's story is the best part of this event. Overall, it's a lot better than I was expecting, though.

X-Force #13

By: Ben Percy, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Oct 7, 2020

Stealth. The power within. The burden of knowledge.  
Parental Advisory

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ohhaimark reviewed Wolverine #6 Oct 10, 2020

This went in a really interesting direction and I thought it was well done.

Wolverine #6

By: Ben Percy, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Oct 7, 2020

Descent. Penance. A legendary power reclaimed.  
Parental Advisory

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ohhaimark reviewed Immortal Hulk #37 Oct 4, 2020

The best issue of the Immortal Hulk yet. I have nothing more to add on top of calling this perfect. Everything about this shows a group of talented people putting out the absolute best work they can.

Immortal Hulk #37

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Sep 16, 2020

• When Bruce Banner first came to Shadow Base, he was cut up into pieces and stored in jars. Now Shadow Base is under his control.
•  But Bruce Banner was only the second test subject.
•  Now... THE FIRST is free.

Rated T+

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ohhaimark reviewed X-Factor #4 Oct 4, 2020

So much better than the first X-of-Swords. With a better artist, this could've been a really outstanding issue. As it stands, I still really like it, it's just unfortunate that the one aspect is holding it back, and it's not even Leah Williams' fault, who really outdid herself this time, in my humble opinion.

X-Factor #4

By: Leah Williams, Carlos E. Gomez
Released: Sep 30, 2020

Death and rebirth. Corruption. A dark discovery.
Rated T+

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ohhaimark reviewed X Of Swords: Creation #1 Oct 4, 2020

It's okay. I'm not totally sold on the event, but this made me ever so slightly more interested.

X Of Swords: Creation #1

By: Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz
Released: Sep 23, 2020

A tower. A mission. A gathering of armies.
Rated T+

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ohhaimark reviewed The Department of Truth #1 Oct 4, 2020

That ending really won me over. I can't say I enjoyed anything before it too much, but it definitely sets up an interesting premise for future issues.

The Department of Truth #1

By: James Tynion IV, Martin Simmonds
Released: Sep 30, 2020

SERIES PREMIERE! Cole Turner has studied conspiracy theories all his life, but he isn't prepared for what happens when he discovers that all of them are true, from the JFK assassination to flat Earth theory and reptilian shapeshifters. One organization has been covering them up for generations. What is the deep, dark secret behind the Department of...

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ohhaimark reviewed Batman: Three Jokers #2 Oct 4, 2020

I liked it. I think the middle is perfect. The beginning was pretty good. The ending lost me a bit, but I'm sure it'll pick back up.

Batman: Three Jokers #2

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Sep 30, 2020

As Batman and Batgirl follow an unexpected thread linking the three Jokers with someone from the Dark Knight’s past, Red Hood dives headfirst into trouble and finds himself struggling to stay afloat without the aid of his allies.
Batman: Three Jokers continues its trajectory as the ultimate examination of The Joker and his never-ending con...

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ohhaimark reviewed Giant-Size X-Men: Storm #1 Sep 20, 2020

This was pretty awesome. Hickman should write an ongoing Fantomex series, because I really like this guy.

Giant-Size X-Men: Storm #1

By: Jonathan Hickman, Russell Dauterman
Released: Sep 16, 2020

In GIANT-SIZE X-MEN: JEAN GREY & EMMA FROST, Hickman and Dauterman took Jean and Emma into Storm's mind to learn what had happened to her. Now they take the X-Men's resident goddess to the far end of the world to save herself!

Rated T+

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ohhaimark reviewed Excalibur #12 Sep 20, 2020

This was my usual Excalibur reading experience: boring, but never awful.

Excalibur #12

By: Tini Howard, Marcus To
Released: Sep 16, 2020

SECRETS OF THE BOOK! With Rictor in his clutches, Apocalypse must survive long enough to begin the ritual he has waited on for eons.

Rated T+

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ohhaimark reviewed X-Factor #3 Sep 20, 2020

This was pretty good. I think it's the least interesting issue so far, but it's also the most consistently well-written.

X-Factor #3

By: Leah Williams, David Baldeon
Released: Sep 9, 2020

DROWNING IN THE STREAM! Every streamer in the Mojoverse is desperate to get a little of the X-magic on their channel, but all X-Factor wants to do is figure out who murdered a Krakoan citizen.

Rated T+

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