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Joined: May 22, 2019

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LunaMoody reviewed Nightwing #78 Mar 16, 2021

The book was okay. Nothing to get excited about. I do hope that Babs is not a part of it for long. I totally dislike her character or them as a couple. I've always thought they fit better as sort of brother sister team rather then a couple. I found the whole Alfred being super rich and leaving his money to Dick unbelievable. If the was to leave his money to any of them I feel it would've been Jaso more

Nightwing #78

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Mar 17, 2021

Nightwing is back-and his drive to keep Blüdhaven safe has never been stronger! But his adopted city has elected a new mayor with the last name Zucco. When Nightwing enlists Batgirl’s help in investigating the politician bearing the same name as the man who murdered his parents, she unearths details that will shock and fundamentally change the h...

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LunaMoody - Mar 16, 2021

Oh I'm not saying that Jason and Babs would make a good couple at all.NO NO NO !!! I don't like Babs at all and don't want her with any of the Bats. I thought was totally gross when they paired her with Bruce. Gross on so many levels !!! I'm not even sure why you thought I wanted Jason with Babs. But no I'd like him with Artemis also

Blackgirl - Mar 17, 2021

I felt exactly the same, if it hadn't been Alfred in the letter it would have been something beautiful. But Taylor I don't know why I'm exaggerating so much on that.

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Merlyn reviewed Nightwing #78 Mar 16, 2021

I know Tom Taylor fans will be in awe of this but I find his writing more and more juvenile as years pass by. Plus some decisions and lines here are completely wrong. "Bruce may feel you should only be a hero when wearing a costume". Really? Dude has pomped a whole lot of money into Gotham, he's no.1 philanthropist, he's helped people by playing stupid in his Bruce Wayne identity whenever it was a more

Nightwing #78

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Mar 17, 2021

Nightwing is back-and his drive to keep Blüdhaven safe has never been stronger! But his adopted city has elected a new mayor with the last name Zucco. When Nightwing enlists Batgirl’s help in investigating the politician bearing the same name as the man who murdered his parents, she unearths details that will shock and fundamentally change the h...

+ LikeComments (50)
Weird Science Jim - Mar 26, 2021

I was hoping that would get a chuckle!

myconius - Mar 28, 2021

@Weird Science Jim - more than just a chuckle, good sir. ...that earned a well deserved Belly Laugh!! 😂😂😂

LunaMoody reviewed Batman #106 Mar 2, 2021

Ahh now I get it. Cat was pushed to the side ( Still PO'd about that ) so Bat and Ghost can have a bro-mance. Bat-Go

The future state concept didn't really interest me so I can't say this issue was any better with it going back to how it began. At least that is the vibe that is being put out there about where this is all heading to. I got enough of this type of story over the years with more

Batman #106

By: James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Mar 3, 2021

Following the tragic events of Infinite Frontier #1, Batman and his new ally, Ghost-Maker, must reckon with a new gang operating in Gotham City-but are they connected to the reemergence of the Scarecrow? Meanwhile, shadowy billionaire Simon Saint pitches an advanced law-enforcement system to the new mayor! The creative team behind the epic “The J...

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Robin - May 16, 2021

I agree with the Part that Damian running back to her mother was a little weak but Joshua still seems to write him amazingly in the “Robin” run. Still I disagree with that the Catwoman was pushed aside, she has her own book and the last writer - tom king run had so much Bat/Cat to the point that sometimes it was unbearable, and there is still a Batman/Catwoman book by Tom King so I am happy that Catwoman is not anywhere near batman for a while, so he can be more batman and properly interact with

SenpaifenixJäger - May 18, 2021

King and his abuse of songs and flashbacks that he does not know how to use them correctly. If the man being able to do something interesting only gives headaches and leaves things unfinished.

LunaMoody reviewed Batman Annual #5 Dec 29, 2020

The art was some of the worst drawing I've ever seen !!! I think a toddler could've drawn it better while wearing a blindfold. Good lord it was bad. As for the story it was nothing new or fresh but I guess it was just barely passingly okay-ish. Totally forgettable and not worth the added price or of being an annual but it is what it is. If it was possible to return this comic for a refund I so wou more

Batman Annual #5

By: James Tynion IV, James Stokoe
Released: Dec 30, 2020

The riveting new vigilante known as Clownhunter was a breakout star of “The Joker War”- but what’s the tragic origin of this teenage assassin? How did his parents die at the hands of The Joker, and is there a place for him in the evolving Gotham City? Can there be redemption for the infamous Clownhunter?
This epic tale reteams writer ...

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Weird Science Jim - Jan 3, 2021

Don't understand the idea that someone isn't allowed to like art because that's how "some people like to draw". Do you like everything you see, hear and taste because that's how some people like to do it? It's subjuctive and everybody can like or dislike whatever they want!

LunaMoody - Jan 3, 2021

Thank you Weird Science Jim and DC Stuff

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SenpaifenixJäger reviewed Batman Annual #5 Dec 29, 2020

Bad story, worse art, bored to death, without pain or glory.

Batman Annual #5

By: James Tynion IV, James Stokoe
Released: Dec 30, 2020

The riveting new vigilante known as Clownhunter was a breakout star of “The Joker War”- but what’s the tragic origin of this teenage assassin? How did his parents die at the hands of The Joker, and is there a place for him in the evolving Gotham City? Can there be redemption for the infamous Clownhunter?
This epic tale reteams writer ...

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LunaMoody reviewed Detective Comics #1032 Dec 8, 2020

I liked this issue however it would have been nice to have had some of Bruce and Damian actually talking. Another thing that annoyed me a bit was the once again having Bat thinking how he would never ever hit one of his kids. Right he would never do that except when he does. Tim getting hit in Kings run was not the first time Bat hit one of his kids. Nor even the first time he hit Tim out of anger more

Detective Comics #1032

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Brad Walker
Released: Dec 9, 2020

Father vs. son round two! Batman and Damian Wayne are once again butting heads after Bruce uncovers the missing Black Casebook pages in the clutches of his estranged son. But when the notorious Hush captures the entire Bat-Family, the Dark Knight and the former Boy Wonder must put aside their differences to help Nightwing, Batgirl, Signal, Orphan, ...

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Arsenal29 - Dec 11, 2020

I think everyone forgets that Batman literally back handed Nightwing in Snyder's Court of Owls story arc. I don't remember anyone complaining then, lol.

LunaMoody - Dec 12, 2020

I know. It's crazy

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GTMay reviewed Batman / Catwoman #1 Dec 1, 2020

Gorgeous art and fantastic writing.

Batman / Catwoman #1

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Dec 2, 2020

At last, Tom King returns to the rocky, romantic saga of Batman and Catwoman with his Heroes in Crisis collaborator, superstar artist Clay Mann!
Echoing plot points from King’s epic Batman run, this sweeping tale is told across three timelines: the past, when the Bat and the Cat first fell in love; the present, where their union is threat...

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Quinn reviewed Batman #104 Dec 1, 2020

This issue is the very definition of story-telling that treads water. All we learn is what we know - Ghostmaker is a former "schoolmate" of Batman and they had a deal that Ghostmaker is now breaking. The deal? They keep out of each other's way. Oh, and Bruce apparently misses his old friend. Well, politics will do that.

Clownkiller still wants to kill Harley, and We now know that Oracle more

Batman #104

By: James Tynion IV, Bengal
Released: Dec 2, 2020

Ghost-Maker is living up to his spectral name as Batman scours Gotham City for any trace of him…but this deadly new vigilante is going to prove a bloody point to the Dark Knight by murdering both Clownhunter and Harley Quinn. That is, unless they kill each other first!

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Psycamorean reviewed Batman #104 Dec 1, 2020

Well, this issue seemed like it suffered from all the problems a bi-weekly schedule can bring to a comic. First, hardly anything happens. We get more context as to who Ghost-Maker is, but it's nothing that really changes anything we don't already know about the character. It feels like pointless additions. Second, the art is just all over the place. There are four artists on this one issue, and no more

Batman #104

By: James Tynion IV, Bengal
Released: Dec 2, 2020

Ghost-Maker is living up to his spectral name as Batman scours Gotham City for any trace of him…but this deadly new vigilante is going to prove a bloody point to the Dark Knight by murdering both Clownhunter and Harley Quinn. That is, unless they kill each other first!

LunaMoody reviewed Batman #104 Dec 1, 2020

Boring and trite story. The art though is the worst part of the issue. I don't get this whole idea about having multiple artist on one issue. If it was a special issue okay fine but this is just a regular issue so why????? And more importantly why such diverse artists? If you are going to have different artist work on a issue together why not get ones that work complements each others work rather more

Batman #104

By: James Tynion IV, Bengal
Released: Dec 2, 2020

Ghost-Maker is living up to his spectral name as Batman scours Gotham City for any trace of him…but this deadly new vigilante is going to prove a bloody point to the Dark Knight by murdering both Clownhunter and Harley Quinn. That is, unless they kill each other first!

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Flexstyle reviewed Batman #104 Dec 1, 2020

Batman and Ghost Maker got that shounen rivalry. Soon they'll be screaming:



Batman #104

By: James Tynion IV, Bengal
Released: Dec 2, 2020

Ghost-Maker is living up to his spectral name as Batman scours Gotham City for any trace of him…but this deadly new vigilante is going to prove a bloody point to the Dark Knight by murdering both Clownhunter and Harley Quinn. That is, unless they kill each other first!

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SenpaifenixJäger reviewed Batman #104 Dec 1, 2020

Apparently this is what we see from Tynion stagnates, advances a little, stagnates, advances a little. Not as bad as Joker War but I feel like I'm losing interest in this story.

Batman #104

By: James Tynion IV, Bengal
Released: Dec 2, 2020

Ghost-Maker is living up to his spectral name as Batman scours Gotham City for any trace of him…but this deadly new vigilante is going to prove a bloody point to the Dark Knight by murdering both Clownhunter and Harley Quinn. That is, unless they kill each other first!

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Flexstyle reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #51 Nov 25, 2020

Writer: "I have this great pitch, ready? Red Hood meets Luke Cage!"

I know its a new direction but it feels disconnected from the rest of the Red Hood series. We're introduced a ton of new characters but don't really get a chance to understand who they are or what their purpose is. Jason might as well be a guest star since he gets very little focus.

Art is a bit rough and the more

Red Hood and the Outlaws #51

By: Shawn Martinbrough, Tony Akins
Released: Nov 25, 2020

A new era begins for the Red Hood! With his Outlaw days behind him, Jason Todd returns home to Gotham City. While he plots what’s next for Red Hood, he tracks down a childhood friend now living in the Hill. As Gotham City reels from the effects of “The Joker War,” Jason finds himself caught in the crossfire between vigilante protectors of the...

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Weird Science Jim - Nov 27, 2020

I didn't like it much either, but "The Hill" isn't new and in fact, the story is a contiuation of the one shot "Batman: The Hill" from 2000 that Shawn Martinbrough did art for with Christopher Priest writing. I wish this was better, but sadly, it's hard to follow and Jason is barely in it and the art was rough imo

LunaMoody reviewed Suicide Squad #11 Nov 24, 2020

I enjoyed this run and hope to see more of these characters

Suicide Squad #11

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Nov 25, 2020

The explosive final issue is here! Task Force X has been through hell and back. Now they’re the last thing standing between a human bomb and an island full of innocents. Which means that even if they win the day, there’s nowhere to run when the Justice League arrives to clean house!

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LunaMoody reviewed Nightwing #76 Nov 24, 2020

I loved the story. It's great to have Dick back finally but let's not make him into another Batman. Breaking up Dick and Bea was lame. That whole I can't be with someone because it puts them in danger crap is just too over done. And rather then noble or selfless it just makes the character look weak, stupid and selfish. I'm a hero and can save the world but not someone I care about. Weak! Lame! We more

Nightwing #76

By: Dan Jurgens, Ronan Cliquet
Released: Nov 18, 2020

One bullet robbed Nightwing of his memories and identity. One bullet erased Dick Grayson and replaced him with Ric Grayson. Now, with Dick’s true identity returned, KGBeast is back with one last bullet for him. Using Bea as bait, KGBeast has made it abundantly clear that this one last bullet isn’t intended for Nightwing’s head-this one is aim...

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LunaMoody reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #51 Nov 24, 2020

This issue sucked. The art was awful. The story bad and not even remotely interesting. The new characters are stupid. I was worried that this comic was going to end like a bunch of others are but now after reading this issue I think that it ending it would have been a blessing if this is where the story is going to take us. Between the art work and the story it's a toss up as to what is worse. As more

Red Hood and the Outlaws #51

By: Shawn Martinbrough, Tony Akins
Released: Nov 25, 2020

A new era begins for the Red Hood! With his Outlaw days behind him, Jason Todd returns home to Gotham City. While he plots what’s next for Red Hood, he tracks down a childhood friend now living in the Hill. As Gotham City reels from the effects of “The Joker War,” Jason finds himself caught in the crossfire between vigilante protectors of the...

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Emma reviewed Red Hood and the Outlaws #51 Nov 24, 2020

I love Red Hood and I thought Lobdell would do really disastrous things at times, but I didn't like this issue because it's not about Jason, they focus on a group of gang members and put Jason as filler in his own series and this stinks.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #51

By: Shawn Martinbrough, Tony Akins
Released: Nov 25, 2020

A new era begins for the Red Hood! With his Outlaw days behind him, Jason Todd returns home to Gotham City. While he plots what’s next for Red Hood, he tracks down a childhood friend now living in the Hill. As Gotham City reels from the effects of “The Joker War,” Jason finds himself caught in the crossfire between vigilante protectors of the...

LunaMoody reviewed Batman #101 Oct 23, 2020

Batman 101.........This one is kind of hard to rate. There is a lot of things I liked about it and probably equally a lot of things I didn't like about it.

I liked .....

For the most part I liked the art work. I did think Batman was drawn way to old looking and at times looked like he was Thomas rather then Bruce. He even had the spiked shoulders at times.

I liked more

Batman #101

By: James Tynion IV, Guillem March
Released: Oct 21, 2020

A new day dawns in Gotham and the horrors of “The Joker War” are just being realized. A bold new direction for Batman begins as Bruce Wayne’s circumstances are forever changed. How did the Joker’s rampage affected the citizens of the city? And why does Cole Cash-a.k.a.-Grifter, now work for Lucius Fox?!

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SenpaifenixJäger reviewed Batman #101 Oct 20, 2020


Tynion is selling us the Cat and Bat series, just that, again DC is afraid that his characters advance. When do you plan to marry Bruce when she is 80 years old? or he will definitely remain an immature bachelor who cries for attention over and over again.

The attempt at status Quo is like Marvel's Civil War or the persecution of the Muta more

Batman #101

By: James Tynion IV, Guillem March
Released: Oct 21, 2020

A new day dawns in Gotham and the horrors of “The Joker War” are just being realized. A bold new direction for Batman begins as Bruce Wayne’s circumstances are forever changed. How did the Joker’s rampage affected the citizens of the city? And why does Cole Cash-a.k.a.-Grifter, now work for Lucius Fox?!

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Afre reviewed Batman #101 Oct 21, 2020

It is a good fallout issue to an event I really didn't care about. But that is fine. It is not bad, the writing is solid and art nice. This means a new change to Gotham but unfortunately we don't see it yet.

So this is once again one of these issues where only the next one will tell how good this is. But I'm very glad there is not a breakup or anything between Selina and Bruce.

Batman #101

By: James Tynion IV, Guillem March
Released: Oct 21, 2020

A new day dawns in Gotham and the horrors of “The Joker War” are just being realized. A bold new direction for Batman begins as Bruce Wayne’s circumstances are forever changed. How did the Joker’s rampage affected the citizens of the city? And why does Cole Cash-a.k.a.-Grifter, now work for Lucius Fox?!

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LunaMoody - Oct 22, 2020

Basically Bat and Cat did break up. He'll be with someone new before too long and they will be done for good. Or she will be made to do something stupid and he wont take her back. It will be the same BS we always get with them being a couple.

LunaMoody reviewed Batman #100 Oct 8, 2020

Things about this issue I didn't like......

What about the Bruce Wayne investigation ? Is that all there is to it? It would be nice to have this continue on for a bit. It could be interesting to have Bruce have to fight to reclaim not just his money but his standing in Gotham.

Why is Catwoman just watching?????

How did the Joker reanimate the dead????

Wh more

Batman #100

By: James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Oct 7, 2020

“The Joker War” comes to a city-shattering conclusion as Batman battles The Joker in a brutal, no-holds-barred duel! This is a fight 80 years in the making, and its outcome won’t just change Batman’s life-it will change Gotham City for years to come! Plus, catch the first glimpse of the new villain known as Ghost-Maker! And after the senses...

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雨人点雪 reviewed Batman #100 Oct 6, 2020

I don’t know how to describe this whole arc. I don’t even know what happened in this story. There is NOTHING in this f**king Joker War.

Batman #100

By: James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Oct 7, 2020

“The Joker War” comes to a city-shattering conclusion as Batman battles The Joker in a brutal, no-holds-barred duel! This is a fight 80 years in the making, and its outcome won’t just change Batman’s life-it will change Gotham City for years to come! Plus, catch the first glimpse of the new villain known as Ghost-Maker! And after the senses...

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Urboibolaz - Oct 18, 2020

Your right but I think only #’s 95-97 were useless. 98-100 were a bit better. My only real complaint is joker. He is never out to get revenge on Batman. Joker is not joker in this arc. The only thing he did right were the laughs. That’s it.

LunaMoody reviewed Young Justice #19 Oct 6, 2020

Total waste of time, money and the energy it took to read!!!!! The art was pretty good though so for that alone it is worth a 1 otherwise if it was possible to rate this book in negative numbers I would.

Young Justice #19

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Scott Godlewski
Released: Oct 7, 2020

Wonder Girl calls Young Justice together to help her with a family problem. Seems the pantheon of Greek gods is having a hard time with some of Cassie’s choices. She’s taking a stand to change rules as old as the heavens! And she is going to need her team by her side to do it.

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LunaMoody reviewed Detective Comics #1027 Sep 15, 2020

Tomasi / Blowback - This story was good. Art was great
Bendis / The Master Class - This story was good but could've used with a bit more humor added in. But it was great to have the gang all together. Great art work.
Fraction / Many Happy Returns - This one was good but could've been better. The art was mediocre at best.
Rucka /Rookie - Long and boring. Art sucked

Detective Comics #1027

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Lee Bermejo
Released: Sep 16, 2020

Light the Bat-Signal, because Detective Comics #1027 is here! In honor of Batman’s first appearance in Detective Comics #27, this special, book-size celebration brings you the biggest names in comics as they chronicle the most epic Batman adventures Gotham City and the DC Universe have ever seen! The World’s Greatest Detective has a mountain of...

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KErtneY reviewed Young Justice #18 Sep 1, 2020

Tim was Robin for 20 years, he is too old to be the wonder boy, he is already an adult he should have his own identity, be his own hero, one that is already equal to nightwing, red hood and even batman, he is no longer a sidekick, he is no longer a child

Young Justice #18

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Scott Godlewski
Released: Sep 2, 2020

At last, the coolest couple in the DCU gets the spotlight! Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown have sacrificed so much. For each other. For their families. For Young Justice. Now, Tim and Stephanie must take control of their destinies as Young Justice gathers together to help overcome their criminal pasts!

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Psycamorean reviewed Young Justice #18 Sep 1, 2020

Well, it seems like this volume has been pointless. Never is that more exemplified than by that throwaway line at the end of the issue that gets rid of the Drake costume and codename.

Young Justice #18

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Scott Godlewski
Released: Sep 2, 2020

At last, the coolest couple in the DCU gets the spotlight! Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown have sacrificed so much. For each other. For their families. For Young Justice. Now, Tim and Stephanie must take control of their destinies as Young Justice gathers together to help overcome their criminal pasts!

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LunaMoody reviewed Young Justice #18 Sep 1, 2020

There is absolutely NOTHING good about this issue. The story sucked. The art was beyond awful and the dialogue was just endless droning on about nothing of interest. Too much of Spoiler. The one and only time I like Steph was when she was Robin for a few issues. Okay I was wrong there is one thing about this issue that was great. Tim is no longer styling a UPS driver costume or calling himself a m more

Young Justice #18

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Scott Godlewski
Released: Sep 2, 2020

At last, the coolest couple in the DCU gets the spotlight! Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown have sacrificed so much. For each other. For their families. For Young Justice. Now, Tim and Stephanie must take control of their destinies as Young Justice gathers together to help overcome their criminal pasts!

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LunaMoody reviewed Catwoman #23 Aug 18, 2020

This story is just lame and the art is awful. What is with the drawing Selina looking like she has only one boob?

Catwoman #23

By: Sean Murphy, Cian Tormey
Released: Jul 15, 2020

Even Catwoman needs a break from the city sometimes! Featuring a story by Eisner Award winner Sean Murphy (Batman: White Knight) and the DC debut of co-writer Blake Northcott (Vampirella), join Catwoman on this two-part story as she leaves for the jungle to blow off some steam in the best way she knows how…stealing the world’s largest diamond f...

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LunaMoody reviewed Catwoman #24 Aug 18, 2020

I found the story to be okay but rather dull. The artwork just plain sucked!!! In one panel it looked like Catwoman had just one huge boob. And the faces she kept making were stupid looking. I hope this artist is not sticking around past this arc.

Catwoman #24

By: Sean Murphy, Cian Tormey
Released: Aug 19, 2020

The cat’s out of the bag! Everyone at Snowflame’s auction is there for the same thing: the list. But what is the market value of a list containing all the intel the world’s greatest crime-fighters have on super-villains? And who exactly is on the list? You’ll have to ask Catwoman to find out.

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LunaMoody reviewed Batman #94 Jul 9, 2020

I enjoyed reading this issue for many reasons. I did have a few minor issues with it but over all I liked it.


1. The dialogue between Bat/Cat was emotional and beautiful. I loved it !!!

2. I love that now the Joker has all of Batman's money, toys and even the cave. If written right this could make for a very fun and intere more

Batman #94

By: James Tynion IV, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Jul 8, 2020

The Designer’s machinations have left Batman’s life in tatters! Gotham City’s ambitious rebuilding has skittered to a halt as  new powers are rising to shape its destiny-and Batman is powerless to stop them! With no Alfred or Bat-Family to lean on, the Dark Knight stands alone against the ascendance of his greatest adversary! 

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Br'er Lapin AKA 20-Ish Ceiln - Jul 12, 2020

User ratings also have no rules. Nobody on this site follows a scale guideline other than their own lol

LunaMoody - Jul 13, 2020

Br'er Lapin AKA 20-Ish Ceiln that is very true and well said lol : )

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