LunaMoody's Profile

Joined: May 22, 2019

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Action Comics (2016) #1016

Oct 24, 2019

This issue was rather boring. I did find it interesting that Batman stated he had to deal with Bane and Catwoman along with some other issues. Makes me wonder if they are going to make Catwoman a villain again. Other then that the issue was pretty much a waste of time reading.

Batman (2016) #71

May 23, 2019

Bane has always been a weak character to me. Every time he ever gets one up on Batman it's always after Batman is at his lowest point from dealing with all the other stuff in his life. The only way Bane can ever win is if Batman is already worn down and weakened. And even then Batman manages to kick his ass eventually. How does this make Bane a strong character? Even this time around Bane has others helping him. When he broke his back he watched as others wore Batman down first. Even worn out, Batman only lost because Bane had to juice up in order to be strong enough to beat him. Bane is just a pathetic character. I wish this story line would just move on already. The only thing of interest in it, is the adding of Batman's father from another Earth. Otherwise it's just hasn't been that good. To me this issue was a let down in that the Bat family knows how strong Batman is. Knows all ( well a lot of, I mean we are talking Bat's here) the things Batman has had to deal with over the years. Do they really think after all that, all it would take to truly unhinge Batman mentally is a broken heart? Really??? The anger issues and losing control like he did in the beginning I can see after a break up but to think he would image all this stuff about being drugged, held prisoner and Bane being behind it all. Some family they are. Good thing Bat's never has to ask them for a character reference he'd be screwed 6 ways to Sunday. As for hitting Tim, well he has been drugged and held prisoner. So he really isn't at his best mentally. And yes going in he was already rocked from the break up and then in a way losing Dick. So I can sort of see him lashing out but regretting it later. A least the writer better make him sorry about it later and not just drop it. I hate it when they put unnecessary conflict and distance between him and his boys. The part with Alfred saying he lost and was broken. Well Bane and Daddy Bat's were both right there and Bat's really wasn't in shape to fight them so Alfred said what he needed to say to buy him time. I just hope that when this is all said and done we get some real closure dialogue between Bat's and Daddy Bat. As well as Bat's and Tim, Alfred and Gordon. It's annoying when they just drop things and move on to Bat's fighting someone else. I like real dialogue between characters where needed. I'm paying for a story. So dammit tell me a story.

Batman (2016) #73

Jun 19, 2019

Okay Batman's big thing was always that he was a hero without powers. Just a man and his vow. So how is it he once again has his back broken and yet he is perfectly fine? Breaks do not heal that fast. I know his dad is a doctor but still spinal injuries do not heal over night no matter who fixes them. Come on !!! If you going to have him be just a non powered human then put a little reality into his healing. At least the first time around he was in a wheel chair for a while and was magically healed. I liked the ending. But really daddy Bat's helped break him. There should have been more anger. Would have like more dialogue between the Bat's and less Bat dad singing.

Batman (2016) #74

Jul 10, 2019

I think this was a fairly good issue for the most part. I would have liked more dialogue between the characters but I'm pretty much always wanting that. I don't think that daddy Bat really thinks all that much of his "son". He says he is proud of him but at the same time he is constantly getting these little digs in that hint otherwise. I am beginning to believe what daddy bat really wants is to be Batman. I think it's all about getting Bruce to turn away from being Batman so that he can be Batman instead. Daddy Bat's knows that Bane can break Bruce's back but it wouldn't be enough to truly break him. However if Bruce finds true love with Cat and the chance to be happy. Plus on top of that he gets his mother back as well as his sort of "dad" that it would be enough to make Bruce want to turn away from being Batman leaving daddy Bat's the only Batman. I think somehow Thomas got stuck here and that is all he knows how to be and that's whats behind all he's done. It's a theory anyway. I'm probably way off but??? Now for this issue... I had problems believing that Bruce was able to sneak away and bury his mother somewhere without waking daddy Bat's. I mean if ninja's can't sneak up on him without him noticing how could Bruce remove a body, bury it and then refill the box with rocks all the while not waking daddy Bat's. And that's not taking into account that Bruce is recovering from what should have been a serious injury to his back. I don't know maybe he was somehow channeling Superman?? That's about as believable as the rest of it. LOL Also he shouldn't be able to fight or carry someone so soon after his injury. Another thing that bothered me was how daddy Bat kept saying how disgusting that book was. If you felt that way about it why did you even buy it to read to Bruce in the first place??? I really wish there had been more talking between them instead of telling the story from the book twice. It would have been nice to know how Thomas ended up there and for sure which Martha it was in the box.

Batman (2016) #75

Jul 17, 2019

I like that Bane has Psycho Pirate turning the other villains into his police force. That's kind of fun. And I'm glad Selina is finally back. But I'm still disappointed in a lot of the story. All the pages of Bruce climbing the mountain in the snow while the reader is being told a stupid useless story of a farmer was just wasted space that could have been used for real story telling. Same with Gotham Girl rattling on endlessly about nothing. All that unnecessary dialogue makes me as a reader feel cheated on once again of getting a story told to us. And being told a story is after all the reason we buy the book to begin with. Also the conversation between Lex and Bane would have been more enjoyable had it been made clear from the start who was talking, It also would have made the exchange more understandable in terms of what was being said. I for one had to read it twice to be sure I understood what was being said. But who knows maybe that's just me. I am not and never will be a fan of the character of Bane. Truthfully I've always thought of him more as a joke and just not all that interesting of a character. So originally I was so dreading the whole City of Bane story arc but that changed after the last few issues. In fact I was so so excited to get this issue after the build up from the last few issues. I was expecting a great story. While it delivered on some of what I was hoping for it still fell short in many ways. Unlike many readers I've liked Tom Kings run for the most part. I just wish he would work more on the telling of the story and leave out all the endless useless babble that wastes space and drags the stories down. Hence the rating I gave the issue. Kings run is over in 10 issues. I should think he would be putting more effort into telling the story since his run has been shorted. But the story still feels like it's just crawling along. And he is still wasting valuable space on filler junk. I don't know maybe if the reader hadn't been told from the beginning that his run was all part of a larger story line it wouldn't feel like it's going nowhere at a snails pace. I think had the reader been left to see each part of the story as just a story arc that peoples view of the run might have been more favorable. But again that could be just me. I wonder though.....???

Batman (2016) #76

Aug 7, 2019

I have mixed feelings on this issue. There are some parts I really liked.......... 1. First off I have to say I love the art. Selena looks so pretty. Strangely oriental when I believe she is supposed to be Romanian, Italian mix. But who cares. She looks awesome. 2. I did enjoy the part with Tim and Damian on the roof top. I really liked that for once they showed Damian being lost and looking to Tim for answers on what to do. It was a nice brotherly moment for them. I would have liked to have some dialogue about what happened between Bruce and Tim as well as some mention of why they questioned believing him to begin with. I know Bat's has had his crazy like moments here and there over the years. But after all that Bat has done to fight crime why would they jump so quickly to not believing in him? I hope that is answered before Kings run is over with. I have a feeling if not it never will be. That's one of the most annoying habit's comic writers have. Dropping the emotional in depth issues for just writing fighting scenes. I like the characters to actually talk to each other about things. Character growth!!!! 3. I loved Selina with Bruce and how she was begging him to wake up. Even going so far as to bribe him with never stealing again. That was so sweet and emotional. Plus it was good to see Bruce actually hurt and having to be taken care of. He should be in a bad state considering all he has been through. He should have been that way for the last 2 issues. It really was a joke how fast and easily he was "fixed" after his back was broken. Then to be able to fight his father, get out of that pit then travel to and climb some snow covered mountain in search of the Memory of the Mountain guy. I think the writers forget too often that Batman's main appeal and claim is that he's just a man without powers fighting crime. 4. The main thing I love about this story arc is it's supposed to be the City of Bane and yet this issue had none of him it in and the last issue has very little of him. For a person who doesn't even remotely like the character of Bane if I have to have him forced on me because of my love of Batman comics then this is the type of story I want. The type of Bane story that has little to NO Bane in it. LOL The part I didn't like so much........... The main issue I had with this issue was that it just didn't move the story along more. Too much time was spent one again telling us what we already knew. There are a lot of unanswered questions that could/should be addressed without repeating information that was revealed in a past issue. We get it Gotham girl is all powerful. Bat daddy is just another heartless villain doing what Bane wants. The question I want answers for is it all him or is he one of Banes puppets also?

Batman (2016) #77

Aug 21, 2019

It's probably all a trick. Bane or Thomas probably had Psycho Pirate make Damien think he saw that. I don't think Bane has the balls to challenge Batman in that way. He had the chance to kill his sons and didn't do it. One thing I've loved about this story line of the City of Bane is the fact the Bane barely stars in it. Not that I'm complaining about that. I find the character weak and pathetic , so a story based around him that he ends up barely in makes for the best Bane story ever in my book. lol I'm confused about one thing. Didn't King say that Batman had already hit his lowest point and that starting with issue 75 he was supposed to start he's climb out of that? So killing off Alfred ( if he is in fact dead ) is what supposed to be a high point in Bat's life? What next can we expect to see him go around singing Ding Dong The Butlers Dead? If Al is dead I'm not sure how I feel about that. I really like the character. Alfred and Catwoman are the only two characters that call Bat's out on his crap he pulls. So I'll miss the character. However on the other hand maybe now is a good time for him to be killed off. There could be a lot of good stories that could come out of that. Though I don't really think he is dead or if he is it won't be fore long since there is a story going around about another major reboot coming in 2020 starting with another Crisis story line.

Batman (2016) #78

Sep 11, 2019

Beautiful art and coloring. I love how much detail the artist puts into his work. I also love the story. It was good to see Selina helping Batman get his mojo back after all he has gone through. I also loved how they were so torn between their love and emotions after their non-wedding. It felt real and deeply emotional. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I find it funny how so many reviewers are upset over this interlude because of the timing of it. I'm glad they wrote it. It was beautifully done. I don't think at this time Bruce has found out about Alfred yet or maybe he has and that's how Alfred will end up still being alive. Maybe Bruce and Selina set something up that switched him out somehow and he didn't get killed. I for one am interested in finding out how it all comes together. I honestly haven't totally hated Kings run on Batman. At times it has gotten so slow a dead person could out run it. Hate Gotham Girl. Hated Dick getting shot. But that is mostly because of him losing his memory more then anything else. And I'm not happy about the whole Bane arc. It's to much of a repeat of the Knightfall story arc. I would have liked it to have been centered more around Thomas Wayne instead. I think having him show up and the crazy things he's doing is interesting. I hope we find out why Thomas is doing all this. Now there has been a lot of King's run I have liked also. Love the relationship growth of Selena and Bruce. Loved the date issue. I thought the jokes and riddles arc was good. I like how the Joker stopped him from killing Riddler. It made for a cool twist. King did write some interesting things. I'm looking forward to his run on Batman/ Catwoman series.

Batman (2016) #79

Sep 19, 2019

I loved this issue. I would have liked a little more on the boat action. It would have been nice for it to have been more covert. But over all I enjoyed reading it. The art was beautifully drawn. Would love to have a poster of the one scene on the beach after they fought Magpie. Though without the words. I loved how Bat's wouldn't let her keep the diamond and how he takes it away from her. So funny. To have the boat and street debate settled in such a character-building way was awesome. I loved how Bat explained his feelings on it to Cat and how they decided to make that beach now how they met. It was so powerfully written. Though I figured it out a long time ago except for the beach added part. If you take in what they were wearing and the history of how they see themselves it was really a no brain-er to figure out. Though by writing that in there King just totally aged the characters again seriously. What I loved the most about this issue though was it proved me right on my review I posted for the last issue. I said that Damian went in there because of a plan that Bat and Cat came up with and not on his own decision. I also said that I bet Alfred was switched out somehow and I think Bat confirming Alfred as saying he was safe proves that as true also. Even though it doesn't out right say so in the comic. I'm sure that's because they want people to be talking about it and wondering if he's is dead or not. I would be very very surprised if it turns out he really is dead. For all you King haters...... Next year we are getting a black Batman. So you will have something new to hate on I'm sure. I for one am looking forward to what that means for Bruce and Selina. Unless their series is going to be them taking a break from Gotham for awhile. Maybe he will be following her to where she was living during the break up, to help her clean up the crime there? It will be interesting to find out how it plays out. All I know is that the new Batman I believe is to be around for a year or there about.

Batman (2016) #80

Oct 2, 2019

The hint that Claire has maybe been on venom to control her powers was a cool twist and answers some question on her. It also makes clear why Batman and Catwoman stopping the shipment of venom from reaching Gotham was so important beyond what it does to Bane. I liked that little twist. I also liked that Thomas actually cares for her. It was nice to see him have some heart after all. Loved the "Hell yeah" moment with Kite Man. Classic! How was Hush in it? Wasn't he lost in some other dimension back in Preludes to the Wedding with Bruce, Clark and Dick? How did he get back? When? John Romita, Jr art while somewhat okay at times, I certainly would not want it on the book in any on going capacity. The villains didn't really look like themselves. Pyg was drawn taller then he normally is. Two-face didn't look like Two-face. And the action scenes were rather flat looking. And what is that diamond thing on the cats head? One thing that puzzles me is how nonchalantly Bat's tells Cat that his father will be ordered by Bane to kill Bat's son and his father will have to make a choice as to weather he does it or not. I know Bat's is a pro at reading people and all but that's a hell of a risk to take that has a major play out if he's wrong on what Thomas chooses to do. Makes me wonder if it really is Damien. And what Bat has planed. Maybe that's were that demon that Damien talked about comes into play again? It would explain why Damien said anything about it at all. This is certainly building up to what should be an epic face off. Over all I liked the issue and while I would normally knock my rating down for art work that I didn't like, this time I'm just going to rate just the story itself. I liked it.

Batman (2016) #81

Oct 16, 2019

Okay first off let me start with saying I liked parts of Tom Kings run a lot and have disliked parts of it equally as much. This issue however just pissed me off. I didn't mind the " plan" to a point. Some of it was Batman-ish enough to believe he would do that. But seriously him allowing himself to be beaten by Bane to further along his plan to bring him down. Seriously!!! What if Bane had grew a pair and decided beating him wasn't enough this go around and just killed him instead? Are we the reader to assume he had a plan for that to? Or what if the "broken" back wasn't fixable and he was left unable to move? Then what was the so called "plan"? I'm sorry King but that whole Batman's - it was all according to my ''plan'' is just BULLS - - T !!!!! It would have been more believable if Bat had said I had planned this but this happened instead and I had to do this.... To have Batman make a mistake or admit a failing would be more realistic then this "plan" crap. I mean come on Batman is just a human male. Moving on from the so called "plan" what really pissed me off the most was the hideous art work and the clock. WTF !!! What would have been the best part of the issue we don't get to see at all. Instead we get a clock over and over along side of snippets of the fight that are drawn so that you don't really know who's doing what to who. Also the dialogue written for it was incredibly lame and down right stupid. AND it makes us fans of the comic stupid as well because we paid 4$ to look at panels of a badly drawn clock!!! So F- you Tom King and John Romita Jr for giving us fans a trashy issue. One last thing. If Bane made this venom that makes you so powerful why isn't Bane using it to make himself unbeatable? All that being said as I am not nor have ever been a Bane fan I still say this is the BEST Bane story ever!!! There is hardly been any Bane in it.

Batman (2016) #82

Nov 6, 2019

There is a lot that I liked about this issue. I liked the twist ending of Thomas shooting Bruce and Bane. I hope Bane is dead but I doubt that will happen. The fight between Batman and Bane was good. Loved Catwomans part in it. It was cool how they tricked Bane into fighting fair only to double cross him. Wicked cool. I loved how it appears I was right about it really being all Thomas's show and that he seems to have been playing Bane all along. I was hoping that was the case because I have always thought Bane was a pathetic weak character. I am Bane. I broke your back. I'm the smartest biggest bad of all. Catwoman got it right with the ....blah blah blah. I totally loved the banter between Cat and Bat during the fight with Bane. It added much needed humor into the mix. I am looking forward to seeing the showdown between the Bat's. It should be good. I think Thomas wants his family back but he wants to still be Batman more. And I think it's those two facts that keep him going back and forth with his actions. The art was good. It could have been better, sharper at times but over all it worked. I know a lot of haters will hate on this issue but I liked it for the most part. I think some of the dialogue was unnecessary an needed rewording but over all I liked it.

Batman (2016) #83

Nov 20, 2019

I liked parts of this issue. Before I get to that though let me start with what I hated about this issue...... 1. Alfred's lack of faith in Bruce. After all the things Alfred has witnessed Bruce/Batman over come and defeat how could Alfred so easily give up believing in his being able to beat Bane and Thomas.? Alfred above anyone should have faith in Bruce. So to have him lie and bring about his own death and say that he did it to keep Batman from being defeated is bullshit. 2. I swear I would love to shove Kings poem books up his hoohaw. Enough with the damn poems already. We get it you don't know how to write yourself out of the hole you wrote yourself into. Talk it out with someone and then write some actual story. 3. The art was not great at times. Like the panel where the artist was going for dramatic grief and instead got comic horror. 4. Bruce was shot twice last issue yet once again he's fine with no apparent injury this issue. 5. It would have been nice to know if Bane was killed or not. Now what I liked about the issue...... 1. Thomas is a serious sick twist for the way he sets up the way Bat's finds out about Alfred. The way the table is set up with them having Martinis in front of them. So twisted!!! 2. The emotions displayed in this issue through Alfred's words, Beautifully done. Would have been better without the poems but that's me just being picky. 3. I like how crazy Thomas is. I hope his reasons for all this is explained well. 4. City of Bane is still the best Bane story ever!!!! Little of Bane actually in it and he may now be dead. Best ever!!! LOL

Batman (2016) #84

Dec 4, 2019

Things I liked about the issue........ 1. I rather liked that Thomas had a history with Selina in his world. It's kind of cool that she was like his Robin sort of. It was an unexpected twist. And the fact that Martha kills her was sad but cool also. The whole we met here no we met here thing was over kill. I can understand it between Selina and Bruce but to use it between Thomas and Selina takes what was kind of cute it to far. 2. The art was good in some place not so much in others. Over all it was okay. 3. I liked the story. It was a bit confusing as you read it, but that is due to the way it's lined up. Once you have read it all through, it sorts it's self out order wise. Though still leaves you with questions. The way it was written it appears that the catch up is only for the reader and not being told to Bruce, so we can expect some retelling in the next issue probably. 4. I don't mind the placement of this story. I think it would have been so much better to have had it broken up and added to different issues further back in the arc. It would have helped with the story progression and made it feel like it was actually moving along somewhere. Also it would have been nice to have had some parts of it fleshed out more. But over all this issue was pretty good. I think King had a good idea with this story line but just doesn't have the experience under his hat yet to pull something this big off as he wrote it. I think it would have been far better if his whole run hadn't been about this story. That's where he went wrong and why we ended up getting so many issues of just time filler. 5. The tie into the Booster issue was a nice touch. I think Thomas got the gist of The Booster story from listening to Booster talking to Selina and Bruce afterwards. Questions I have about this issue....... 1. Okay I have to say I loved the date issue with Bat, Cat, Lois and Superman. Loved it! But are we the reader now supposed to believe that considering the lives these 4 characters live and who they are, not a one of them felt like they were being followed and watched? Really?? I mean Superman has said many times he can find Bruce anywhere from his heart beat alone. So you don't think he would have notice the same heart beat (Thomas's) following them around? 2. How did Thomas make it through his world ending? That just wasn't very clearly shown. And on that how did R-Flash save him and when? He tells Thomas that he killed him. So he couldn't have done it while dead obviously . So when? 3. Thomas made a vow to war against anything that would cause his son pain. Except apparently himself. Because that is all he has done since he took up with Bane. Why? If he doesn't want his son hurt why not just go around killing all his major villains? That would have made more sense and Thomas was not above killing people. Are we to believe that his time with Catwoman changed his thinking so much that he couldn't see how this way was only hurting Bruce more? Bane could have killed Bruce easily when he broke his back. Plus putting Alfred in danger and then letting him be killed makes no sense at all. Bruce became Batman because he witnessed the murder of his parents. Why would he think that would be changed after Alfred is killed. Alfred was for all intents and purposes his father. Why would Thomas think that Bruce would not feel and make that same vow to avenge Alfred? 4. Wasn't the Penguin and Thomas friends on his world? I seem to remember a story where they I believe had a casino together??? Or maybe that was from some other world? I don't know it's hard to keep track sometimes and it doesn't help when they make movies of the different stories and change them around. 5. Bane is alive still. That is a major let down. So we can expect more annoying issues with him in them, no doubt once again bragging about breaking Batman. His sad and pathetic one claim to fame. So much for Thomas's promise to kill him for hurting Claire. 6. Why is Thomas drawn with the better body? Bruce looks chubby while Thomas looks fit.

Batman (2016) #85

Dec 18, 2019

What I disliked............ 1. King just did the minimum to finish the story up. This issue feels like he just threw it together and didn't care about giving the fans a real story. I liked a lot of Kings run and disliked a lot also. However with all of what I liked I felt hopeful and was looking for this to be an epic ending. Instead it was more the dying embers to the fire. I was so looking forward to this issue with high hopes and now I'm left feeling stupid for having believed he would give us a good ending to all this. I wonder how different the ending might have been if Kings run hadn't been cut short? 2. What happened with the villains that were being mind-controlled by Bane and Psycho Pirate? And were was the commissioner and the real police in all this? 3. Some interaction with the rest of the Bat family dealing with the aftermath of the insurgence of Gotham would have been welcomed. 4. The part of the story with the football crap was wasted space. Bruce would not have gone into the bar to watch football. He has stated a number of times over the years that he doesn't like football. The last time he said so was in the issue that had Lois and Selina together at Superman's fortress. 5. Were was the big fight? There should have been a big fight. 6. Claire seemed fine and healthy enough to be climbing around just fine with Batman. Why give her back her powers? She never seemed stable from the get go so I don't see how giving her powers back is a smart thing. 7. I didn't like that Thomas seemed to want Bane to kill him. It would have been nice to have him stay one of Batman's villains. Batman's in need of some new villains. The same ones get used over and over. Even though the stories change using the same villains makes the stories feel stale anyway. 8. My biggest bitch about this issue is the fact that once again Bat and Cat look like they are going to get married only to once again be a NO. Seriously you slapped us fans of the couple once already. Only to do it again on the last issue of your run. Screw you King !!!!! What I liked........... 1. The Joker story coming up looks interesting. Though to be honest I'm so getting tired of Joker stories of late. He's being used way way to much lately. Both Joker and Bat-Joker are being over used. 2. I liked that Bane broke Thomas's back. Well okay it's more of I don't dislike it then actual like. But anyway he deserved it. However I hope that this doesn't mean that will be endlessly plagued with hearing Bane brag about having killed him along with his never ending bragging about breaking Batman. His sad and pathetic one claim to fame. 3. The art was good

Batman (2016) #86

Jan 9, 2020

I enjoyed this issue of Batman for the most part. I didn't totally like the art. This artist tends to draw people a bit oddly. Their features lean more on the side of cartoon-ish rather then real life. But other then that I liked it. It touched on Alfred's loss without being to much in it. I enjoyed seeing Catwoman/Selena being a major player in Bruce's life still. It's a interesting twist in the story that this seems to going to be a plan she had a part in to bring Bruce/Batman down. In the past Batman has had some of his secret plans played out by villains. Both in his comics and a few times in the Justice League comics. This time it's going to be one of Selena's plans. I hope this is not going to lead to the down fall of them being together. I'm so so sick of that card being played out with them. One thing that did confuse me though is that Selina is known to be Catwoman by the authorities and world which was why they were going to have that secret wedding to begin with. So no one would put Selina/Catwoman together with Bruce Wayne being Batman. Yet here she is openly showing ties to Bruce Wayne to the Mayor no less. So is she no longer a wanted criminal now? And is it now no longer known to the world that she is Catwoman? I wish it wasn't and also that Batman's identity was less known to so many people as well. Now it seems like just about all his villains know Bruce Wayne is Batman. The one problem I had with the issue was this ridiculous idea that Bruce could make his city into a safe heaven where Batman is no longer needed. That is not a possibility on any level. What do you think if Wayne built enough buildings and what not that the criminals are going to take one look an say Gotham is to bright, new and shiny to mess with and just move out of the city never to bother it again? Also I really would have like more of the fight with Deathstroke shown.

Batman (2016) #88

Feb 5, 2020

This story is getting pretty good. I'm enjoying reading it. I do have a few issues with it but we haven't gotten the full story yet so I'm not going to complain to much about it. I do hope that when ever it was that Catwoman helped come up with this story it was after one of the times Batman had hurt her in the past. Of which there was many. Lets face it at times their relationship was rather like she was his yo-yo toy. I want you Cat - we can't be together Cat - I love you Cat- I can't trust you Cat and so on and so forth. Which I believe is one of the reasons so many of us fans of their relationship got pissed over the marriage not happening. I know it still does me. As does the what appears to be cancellation of the Batman Catwoman maxi series. I for one was looking forward to it. And there has been no word of it since last year as far as I know. One thing I didn't like was how the penguin is drawn. Over the years he has been shown to be very protective of birds so I can't picture him wearing bird feathers. It doesn't seem to be in his character to do so. Furs yes because he's never been shown as having any fondness to anything other then birds. But this may be just me being nit-picky. The art was great

Batman (2016) #89

Feb 21, 2020

I'm liking this run so far. The story has been interesting and has a lot of energy to it with all the action going on. Disliked.......... 1. I do have some issues with the writers choices when it comes to what we are allowed to see and what we are not. I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing that we could've gotten to see Catwoman vs Merlin and Harley vs Cheshire rather then them fighting the robo zombies. 2. The Designer is an utterly ridiculous looking character. I don't see him being a villain that sticks around after this. Looks alone scream one shot character. Hopefully there is more to the character over all. 3. Gunsmith is also probably a one shot character. While so far better then the Designer in looks, GS is a done before and far better shell of a character. Boring. 4. Do we have to have new Bat toys every issue??? 5. Both this issue and last issue when it was on Cat it was raining but when Bat's was shown it wasn't??? Does Catwoman suddenly have a storm cloud that follows her around and rains down on only where she is? Liked....... 1. I really like the creepy look of the character of The Mouth. He could be interesting. I hope his character get used in more stories down the line. 2. Love that Harley is in it. When she's in the Batman books she's not written so childishly as she is in her own book. I don't read her title series because of how childishly written it is, while at the same time it has her saying things that should not really be in a comic that kids read. 3. I love that Catwoman seems to be going to tell Bat's everything. I so hope that this is not going to break them up. They are such a great couple. 4. I love the art 5. The lead up to the Joker story is exciting. I hope the character of Punchline is fun and sticks around awhile. Batman really needs some new villains to fight. The same ones get used all the time. Right now both Joker and Ras are in so many that it's a challenge to remember what they did and in which story they did it.

Batman (2016) #90

Mar 4, 2020

This issue was pretty good. I'm enjoying this writers run so far. Of course there are a few things I don't like. Don't like..... 1. If the Designer really is this brilliant. scary major villain, then why hasn’t Batman heard of him? Batman and the Justice League supposedly watch over crime all over the world. Wouldn't they have at least a brief knowledge of him? And what is with that ridiculous costume of his? He doesn't look threatening he just looks nuts. 2. I don't like that this is looking like it may break up Bat and Cat. I’m hoping this doesn’t destroy their relationship. He seemed to have accepted that she has changed and shouldn't blame her for mistakes made in the past. Love.... 1. Loved Harley controlling the drones that are chasing Deadshot. 2. Love the references to Greek Mythology. Tartarus being the deepest realm of Hades, and the River Styx is the border between the living world and the underworld. I loved how the villains had to take a boat ride with a zombie to get to Tartarus. Much like Charon the ferryman of Hades who carried souls of the newly deceased across the river. 4. The art was awesome. 5. I'm thrilled that Harley is mixed up in this. I love how they write her in the Bat books. I don't read her comic because I hate how stupidly it's written. 6. Most of all I love that there is more interaction with the characters other then just fighting bad guys. I like talking. It gives character growth and added connection.

Batman (2016) #94

Jul 9, 2020

I enjoyed reading this issue for many reasons. I did have a few minor issues with it but over all I liked it. THINGS I LOVED ABOUT THE ISSUE.......... 1. The dialogue between Bat/Cat was emotional and beautiful. I loved it !!! 2. I love that now the Joker has all of Batman's money, toys and even the cave. If written right this could make for a very fun and interesting story. I think it could be cool to have Batman stripped of everything for a while. 3. I liked that the whole Gotham story was rooted back to his nightmares of a darker Gotham and that he let Alfred believe otherwise. That made far more sense then having Bruce drawing pictures of a better Gotham. THINGS I LIKED ABOUT THE ISSUE........ 1. I liked that Fox doesn't want to fill in Alfred's role. Though I did enjoy the word play between him and Batman in past issues, he just doesn't fit the role. I think Fox summed it up perfectly when he said why he would no longer do it. 2. I'm glad the Designer turned out to be the Joker. I had a feeling he was. 3. It's cool that Bat was trained by the detective that the Designer battled against. Though those pages could've used with a bit tighter writing and well less pages/panels. 4. I like how it appeared that Slade may have been considering helping Batman to save his city. I hope that Slade does have more of a role in the story arc yet to play. It would be fun. And I think Slade against the Joke would make for a great story in his own series. THINGS I DIDN'T LIKE ABOUT THE ISSUE......... 1. The interaction between Joker and Punchline. It seems like they want to make her as crazy as Joker. The character of Jokers Daughter pretty much covers that so we really don't need just another Joker. If she's going to work she needs to have her own personality and self image. Right now she doesn't and that could break the character before she even gets started. Harley worked because she was kind of lost and innocent under it all. Plus she was so in love with the joker she would do anything to please him and win his favor. 2. Another thing about Punchline.... I don't really like her looks. The costume is fine. It's the face make up that makes her look stupid. I do feel that DC is some what trying for another Harley but at the same time someone to be crazier and more evil then Harley. So she could be a hit if played right. I can say another thing I don't like is her name. Punchline. A punchline is part of a joke so calling herself Punchline is in fact caller herself a joke. I for one hope the character doesn't end up a bad joke. I know some people out there will argue that Punchline is a perfect name to pair up with Joker. But it's not! Joker isn't a joke. He's a homicidal maniac who believes life, death and all that stands in between is a joke and he is the ultimate deliverer of Jokes. Same with a Harlequin. Though not so much Harley Quinn. While she has no problem with killing she doesn't have the desire to just kill everyone. So anyway I think some more thought could've been used on the name of Punchline. But this is just my thoughts on it all 3. This does feel a little to much like another break the Bat and build him back up story line. I hope that won't be the case. Bruce can be broke (poor) and not be broken. 4. I also did not like the artwork for the back story pages. Bruce looks like a dumb jock type character.

Batman (2016) #100

Oct 8, 2020

Things about this issue I didn't like...... What about the Bruce Wayne investigation ? Is that all there is to it? It would be nice to have this continue on for a bit. It could be interesting to have Bruce have to fight to reclaim not just his money but his standing in Gotham. Why is Catwoman just watching????? How did the Joker reanimate the dead???? What about all the movie theaters? What had Joker planned with those? Punchline left us with the hint that the Joker had more planned before he was stopped. Did that involve the theaters? That line where the Joker said he only it to irritate Batman would have worked just as well with him having only done it at the one Bruce had gone to. Doing it all across town seemed over kill. And would take a hell of a lot of time. Digging up all the bodies. Moving them around. Animating them. Setting up the theaters. Come on there should have been more to that. This one really ticket me off seeing. Bullock throwing his gun down in anger. Cops depend on those to help keep them alive. They would not do something that could damage their guns. No cop would throw his gun down unless forced to. Too many people know Bruce Wayne is Batman. It is getting ridiculous and unbelievable. I mean really all these people know and it still hasn't come out publically? This arc had a lot of build up but the ending was not all that it could've been. The Joker had all of Bat's toys. The fight should've been epic!!! But instead it wasn't. When people look back on this story arc Jokers speeches are more likely to be remembered then the actual fight. That's sad. I don't like the Clown Hunter character but I did like Bao's character. He should become a Robin. I think that could be interesting. Things I liked..... I enjoyed getting to know how the Joker views Gotham and Batman's role in it. I know a lot of people see it being written as political but I don't think that kind of thought was really put into it. I see it as only a major nut case giving voice to how he see the town being. I think some readers want to put to much into it in that regard. I love Harley's role in this arc. She should become a member of the bat family. I like how she and Batman interact together. As well as her team ups with Catwoman. I loved how the Joker called the kids Bruce's weird little orphans he collects. Too funny. I liked the look of the Ghost Maker. Love that he has swords. Loved that Barbara was back as Oracle. I hope she stays Oracle. I've never liked her as Batgirl. I think Cassie should be Batgirl. She's Bruce's kid. Still have no use for Spoiler. She could be killed off anytime and I doubt anyone would care or miss her. Over all I give this story a 6 out of 10.

Batman (2016) #101

Oct 23, 2020

Batman 101.........This one is kind of hard to rate. There is a lot of things I liked about it and probably equally a lot of things I didn't like about it. I liked ..... For the most part I liked the art work. I did think Batman was drawn way to old looking and at times looked like he was Thomas rather then Bruce. He even had the spiked shoulders at times. I liked the fight with Grifter. He was a great character from Wildcats. I liked the talking. It's nice to have characters actually interact with each other. It was nice to have this issue be about the aftermath of the Joker war. Which honestly I thought would have been so much better then it was. The idea of it was sound but the execution fell flat. So much could have happened with it. It had the potential to have been epic. Now what I didn't like about it....... The biggest thing that I hated about this issue was the Bat/Cat break up. Seriously!!! Again!!??!! I love this couple. I have read/collected DC for 45 years faithfully. Through all the really stupid things they have done with the characters. I get almost every series they have on going monthly as well as mini series that deal with anything Bat family or Superman related. But for the very first time ever I am seriously thinking of dropping them all and going all Marvel. I am so tired of DC constantly screwing with Bat/Cat's relationship. They are an exciting, passionate couple. And they are fun and funny. I love how sarcastic and playful she is compared to his stoic personality. And right now I feel like once again DC has slapped us fans in the face again with a hint of a promise of them being together only to rip them apart. I've had it. I'm really considering dropping all of DC. The way that Bat and Cat are breaking up makes no sense at all. Just a few issues back he was saying if she would just stay with him they would find their way through all of this and now he needs time and space to what get his bats all in a row? Right because having a solid support system when making major life decisions is to hard to deal with. And what about the fact that because of her saving his fortune and cutting the funding to the bad guys to help him, Selina now has a huge target on her back ? This is the woman you love and people want her dead and he's like yeah so I've got to figure out what this whole being alone but not being alone thing is all about so umm good luck with your bad guy problem. Hope it all works out for you and all. I need to be alone now. So he's fine with people being out to probably try to kill her??? The worst part about all this you know what will happen next. He'll take up with someone new and break her heart or she will do something stupid because she's hurting over missing him and that will be the end of them. Just like in the past. Until a new rebirth comes around and then it will start all over again. Another thing I don't like is the whole Wayne fortune thing. It doesn't make any sense. So he's just going to let Lucius keep the money? And how is that supposed to work? Wouldn't suddenly having all that money put Lucius on the radar of the people watching Bruce? Wouldn't that make it look like Bruce as even more to hide? I don't mind a leaner Batman but it should be because the Joker spent it up rather then this way. This way is stupid. I also don't like the whole I'm going to need to learn to do things differently part. He wont kill so how is it going to be any different then before. Catch and escape and repeat basically. So what is going to be different there? Yes he wont have the money to do as he did before but really other than that how is anything going to change? And the last thing that bugs me is Batman's look in this issue. What is with the spiked shoulders? That looked stupid on Thomas and looks even more so on Bruce. So my rating for this book falls at a 5 out of 10

Batman (2016) #104

Dec 1, 2020

Boring and trite story. The art though is the worst part of the issue. I don't get this whole idea about having multiple artist on one issue. If it was a special issue okay fine but this is just a regular issue so why????? And more importantly why such diverse artists? If you are going to have different artist work on a issue together why not get ones that work complements each others work rather then be so different from each other that it just leaves the book looking like a hot mess? This book was a mess. The art was terrible. The only thing I can honestly say about the issue that I liked was how Ghost Maker and Bruce's relationship played out. I have to say from the looks of it GM is the far better Batman. He gets things done. I think he would make for a great stand alone comic series. I would buy it. As for Clownhunter, he started out as a possibly interesting character but is quickly becoming annoying and too one sided of a character. He needs to either grow some depth as a character or just go period.

Batman (2016) #106

Mar 2, 2021

Ahh now I get it. Cat was pushed to the side ( Still PO'd about that ) so Bat and Ghost can have a bro-mance. Bat-Go The future state concept didn't really interest me so I can't say this issue was any better with it going back to how it began. At least that is the vibe that is being put out there about where this is all heading to. I got enough of this type of story over the years with Marvel and it's humans vs mutants crap. I'm really not interested in DC version of it. Damian running home to his mother was a let down. I was hoping for a stronger Damien in the background doing what he does and figuring out who he wants to be without everyone else. Instead he just runs home to mommy. I can understand her disappointment in him. And I'm not a fan of Talia or her father. I did like and find it funny that Harley is chasing after Bat-Go trying to be good and help them take down bad guys. Love the way she was drawn. The art was pretty well done in this book.

Batman (2016) Annual #4

Oct 30, 2019

It was one of those read once and hopefully never think about again issues. Total waste of time and money. Art was good enough for the issue.

Batman (2016) Annual #5

Dec 29, 2020

The art was some of the worst drawing I've ever seen !!! I think a toddler could've drawn it better while wearing a blindfold. Good lord it was bad. As for the story it was nothing new or fresh but I guess it was just barely passingly okay-ish. Totally forgettable and not worth the added price or of being an annual but it is what it is. If it was possible to return this comic for a refund I so would though.

Batman (2016): Pennyworth R.I.P. #1

Feb 14, 2020

Okay this was mostly well done. It was a pretty good tribute to a beloved character. It did have some major flaws in my opinion though. 1. Cassie should have been there to tell her Alfred story also. She is Bruce's adopted daughter and as such her voice should have been heard. 2. Jason should not have been told to not come to the opening. He also was adopted by Bruce and should be treated as such. 3. Barbara should not have been to the bar with them. She is extended family only! Also her blaming Bruce for what happened to her father is wrong. Bruce is one man fighting many different battles from all sides. He can only do and give the best he can. 4. I didn't really like how everyone once again dumps on Bruce for being reserved. He is always that way and always will be that way. They all know that and to expect him to be the one to hold them all up when he is the one that loved Alfred the most is just crap. Bruce is the one that lost the most. Alfred raised Bruce. For all intent and purposed Al was his father. They should be there for him. To help him, not be PO'd because he isn't doing or being what they want. All of them are acting like spoiled brats. 5. Tim telling Bruce he would help out but only if Bruce asked him to do so. Really Tim's his son after all he's done for Tim, why should Bruce have to ask? When did Tim become a selfish little sh_t? 6. Selina should've been at Bruce's side at the bar and standing behind him at the opening. I'm sure Alfred would have wanted Bruce to have the woman he loves with him there. That and the fact that Cassie wasn't there really ticks me off the most. They both should have been there not Barbara who the only time she was of any real use in the comic was when she was Oracle. What I liked...... 1. The Alfred stories 2. The emotions shown. 3. The art work 4. It was over all a good story but it could have been better and should have had more to it.

Batman: Secret Files (2018): Secret Files #2

Jul 31, 2019

Totally forgettable crap that doesn't tie into the City of Bane at all despite the fact that the cover suggests otherwise. The only story I found to be somewhat interesting was the Hugo Strange one. Though the art for it was horrendous. The story with the Joker, if you totally forget about this being a well established character and just out right lie to yourself that the Joker is a new character instead then this story is very funny. However knowing that the Joker is a very intelligent and crafty character that has gone up against Batman many times over the years and fully knows Batman is loaded with tricks in his suit,that just makes this story more an injustice to the character. The Joker would not be this stupid and get knocked on his but over and over. Maybe in the very beginning sure. However this story does not give any hint to this being something that happened years ago. So the end result is a stupid, disappointing joke. As for the story on Bane. I'm not a fan of the character but I will give it credit for being a Bane like story. I could see Bane doing this easily. I do have to question one thing though. In the story it is stated that Bane was interviewed as a child yet clearly the imaged shown was not that of a child. A young man yes but a child no. There was nothing about that image that says child unless Bane has a really underdeveloped " joy stick " that is not shown to us but is where the child reference comes from...... I don't know.

Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again Vol. 1

Nov 22, 2019

This has the worst art work I have ever seen. Did they ask a grade school kid to draw it. You can even tell what is happening in most of it. Plus the story is just as badly written. It doesn't make a lot of sense for 95% of the book. And what little you are able to understand is still crap. How is it this book even got published????? It's trash!!!

Catwoman (2018) #9

May 23, 2019

This sounded like it was going to be such a fun issue. Someone stealing from Cat should have been interesting but it wasn't. This story held such promise. It would have been a blast if only it had been written so differently. How can you take such a wild fun character and make her so boring? This story should have been crazy good. Come on this is Catwoman!!!

Catwoman (2018) #10

May 23, 2019

Boring!!! Dump the Creel story line fast. It's dragging this series down. Don't have Cat hook up with someone so soon after the crap on a non-wedding that was given to us loyal on time Catwoman fans. So the fans some respect and if your not going to put her and Bat back together then let her be alone till after there is some real closure to the Bat and Cat story. The fan's got screwed over enough with that betrayal from DC. Don't rub acid into the wounds. Dramatic yes but as a long time fan of this couple the whole walking away story really PO'd me. Cat and Bat have gone through so many things together. At times their relationship was treated like a yo-yo for years. He's pulled her close only to push her away over and over. She deserves to finally be happy with him. And we as fan deserve to have more interesting stories to read as well as new characters.

Catwoman (2018) #11

May 23, 2019

No real story progression. So far this series has been just plain boring. I don't care about the whole Creel story at all. I just want it over with. The new characters that Cat is hanging around don't interest me much either. I so hope that the one character is not going to become involved romantically with her. If that is where the writer takes it I'll stop reading the series. The series has for the most part already been boring from the beginning. If they cheapen Selina's character over all on top of that with having her hook up with someone so soon, that will totally ruin it for me. I love Catwoman. She is my favorite comic character period. I really hope this writer gets it together and starts writing her right. Give us some grief over Batman. Give us some character growth. Give some idea why she went to where she is. Why that place? So far all this series has felt like is filler and not a real series. Give us readers a reason to look forward to reading each issue. Give us something!!

Catwoman (2018) #12

Jun 12, 2019

The art is awesome!!! Two issues of car chases. Really??? The story just plain sucks.It's boring!!! Jones is killing this character. Why is she ruining this character? Does she not like Catwoman? If she makes Catwoman cheat on Bat's before they get to have their story in the Batman / Catwoman series I'll stop buying the book. Don't ruin Catwoman's character like that. She had loved Batman for so long she would NOT be over him this fast and wanting to move on. Let their story play out first. The fans were screwed over with the non-wedding as it is. At least let them have this. It's bad enough we have to put up with boring stories that is probably going to tank the series soon at least show the fans some respect and don't turn her into a slut before the series ends. Great art!!!

Catwoman (2018) #13

Jul 10, 2019

Will this story arc ever end?????? It's not even remotely interesting. If I wasn't such a huge fan of the character of Catwoman I would've dropped this series already. It's felt like nothing but filler from the first issue. NONE of the characters are interesting. The writer has even managed to make Catwoman herself boring!. Which is just mind boggling. Catwoman is an amazing, fun, vibrant exciting character. It shouldn't even be possible to write her boring in anyway but Jones does just that and very well. How!??? I can only hope that Jones run in ending soon and we get some real Catwoman stories. If not soon I see this book tanking before to long. It's just not any good. If the Creel family story was just dropped without an ending I would not mind at all. I don't care at all to find out how that ends. Nor do I care about Catwomans friends. None of them are interesting.

Catwoman (2018) #14

Aug 14, 2019

Finally we get a Catwoman story!!! Of course it took a different writer on the book to give it to us but finally after over a year we get a Catwoman story that showcases Catwoman more as herself. I loved how all through the story she was thinking about Batman and what he would think of what she was up to. I loved the pace of the story. Unlike with Joelle Jones writing this issue had excitement, emotions, action, energy, forward momentum and well just plain more to it. The writing in this issue was leaps and bounds better than Jones. Joelle Jones needs to be replaced. Give the book to V. Ram for awhile. Ram has breathed life into this issue that is for sure. In fact the only ting I wasn't totally happy with was the art. It started out good but then about half way through the book it looks like the artist got lazy with the drawing and it started looking more like a cartoon drawing. You know how they draw the characters with odd angles and sharp edges. I prefer the art to be less cartoonish and instead sharper and more realistic. In fact so far with this series up to this issue the art has been the only thing I've liked about the series. The only thing that has kept me reading the series if the fact that I love Catwoman as a character. She is one of my very favorite characters. I love the character so much I'll buy issues of other comics she's in rather I read that series or not. Of all the different times she has been written Jones is the only writer that has ever been able to make Catwoman boring and not interesting in any way.

Catwoman (2018) #15

Sep 17, 2019

While not as good as the last issue this issue is leaps and bounds better then what Jones had written so far in Catwoman. Wish this guy would take over the series. He seems to know Catwoman far better then Jones does. I for one feel like Jones doesn't care about the character at all and shows it in her writing. I loved the scene with her breaking in on their dinner and what she says. It's a flash back to a issue of Batman when he does the same thing with some mob bosses in Gotham. I believe even the wording is close if not the same as what he had said. I can't remember for sure but I think it was during Year One in the Batman series. Or maybe War Games. I just know it was part of a mob story. I loved it when he did it and love it now with her doing it.

Catwoman (2018) #16

Oct 9, 2019

Joelle Jones is a good artist and her art work in this issue is some of the best she has done so far on the series. Selina looked gorgeous and catty. But the art is only half the book. While this months issue Selina was more like the Catwoman we all know and love, the story still fell flat. The issue felt like Jones was finally getting a clue as to who Catwoman is. Unfortunately it's taken a year and a half for her to do so. And while that is a relief to see Catwoman emerging in her own title the over all story still lacks depth, clarity, cohesiveness and some much needed story progression. The series is on issue 16 and it still hasn't been revealed why Creed targeted Catwoman in the first place. How is she turning her kids into zombies? Why? What is her over all goal? Will this arc ever end???? Jones writes a lot of action in her books but never seems to be able to explain the reasoning behind what is going on and why something is happening. And amazingly enough while the issues have a lot of action they still manage to be boring as hell. Jones writing is much like I would image it would feel like to watch a movie that has yet to be pieced together. Sure you get a lot of scenes to watch but everything is so disjointed that you can't grasp the over all movie. This comic has had major problems with the writing from the first issue. It has felt like nothing but filler from the start and continues to do so. I've wondered from early on if this title was only out to placate fans who felt cheated with the whole Bat/ Cat non-wedding. And to keep the character still in play till the Bat/ Cat story plays out. Is there an ending to the series already planned out? I love Catwoman and even though this series has sucked for most of it's run I will continue to read it. But I have to say so far with each new issue I'm finding it harder and harder to keep buying it. 5 Rating is for art work and for Jones finally getting a little clue into the character of Catwoman

Catwoman (2018) #17

Nov 13, 2019

I actually liked this issue mostly. So far the series has not been good. There were a few issues written by another writer that were good and I liked a lot but for the most part the series has been very boring and totally uninteresting. Creel and her deal has felt like something just thrown together with no real substance or reason. The fact that this arc is still going on after 17 issues is just ridiculous. Clearly Jones does not have enough writing experience to deal with coming up with more frequent, shorter story arcs. Thus we the fans are being force fed a continuation of the same boring story arc that feels like there will be no ending to. If Catwoman wasn't my favorite DC character ever I would've dropped this title by the third issue. Also the fact that I am eagerly awaiting the Bat/Cat series and don't want to miss any of their story leading up to it keeps me and I'm sure others reading this crappy so far series. Please Jones end this damn story with Creel already. Anyway about this issue. I loved getting more about her feelings on leaving Bruce and Gotham. And I I also loved the the pages of her thinking about her past as Catwoman. It made this issue well worth reading. The art was good. Coloring was great. The lay out of some of the pages was great. Loved the kitty helmet. Too cute.

Catwoman (2018) #18

Dec 22, 2019

As usual with me I liked parts here and there and hated parts of this issue as well. Disliked..... 1. This story is still moving way too slow. We are 18 issues into the story and we still don't know the motives behind Creels actions beyond her wanting power. Why is she turning her kids into zombies? How? What does this mean over all?Why does she look the way she does and no one seem to notice that she's missing parts of her face? 2. The fight scenes were rather lackluster. For starters Catwoman is a much better fighter then shown here. I don't know about Zee, she's usually shown only fighting with her magic. 3. I didn't like Selina and Zatanna's interactions with each other. Normally they are not shown to be so cozy with each other. And what is the secret Zantana knows and feels she owes Catwoman for? Is it the mind wipe from back in the JLA books? Selina knows about that already. Unless it's something that she was made to forget with the Rebirth and Dr. Manhattan stuff? And if that is the case, does that mean she does have a kid out there that could be Bat's kid? I hope not because that story arc really pissed me off. I don't think Selina would have been that selfish as to have a kid and just give her away. I really hope the powers that be do not make that a permanent part of her history. It really ruins her character. 4. I really really did not like the art in this issue. Usually Jones does far better work on the art then she did for this issue. I thought it was bad this time. I guess in that regard it fit the story since it was just as bad if not worse. Now what I liked about the issue......... 1. Loved the cover with the shadow of Batman behind her. Awesome 2. hmmmm uh okay I got nothing.

Catwoman (2018) #19

Jan 8, 2020

Things I disliked about this issue....... 1. The art was terrible and inconsistent. One minute Maggie's in a wheelchair and a few panels later she is just standing around with no chair in sight. The room in the store kept change looks also. 2. There was no story progression at all. The issue was just more unneeded and useless filler. How is Creel making all these Zombies? Is she just grabbing people off the street and giving them a Laz-pit bath? Selina was bitten and didn't turn into one so that shouldn't be how more are being made. But Jones is not a good writer at all so it's a safe bet that could be how even if it doesn't make sense now. 3. We keep getting told Creel has these big plans for the city but never given anything about how, what or why. No clues or hints that this story that has been almost 2 years in the telling of, has an actual story in it. From the first issue it has felt like a place filler to keep Catwoman on the canvas till something happens in the Bat books. I've kept buying it because of being a huge Catwoman fan as well a Batman/Catwoman fan. But now that we no longer seem to be going to get the promised Bat/Cat series I'm feeling less inclined to continue reading this series. 4. What bothered me the most about this issue is the fact that it was more of a Carlos book then a Catwoman book. Carlos is a character that has not had much written about him to make you even care about him and yet we got panel after panel of Carlos fighting the Zombies. When Catwoman, the main character who's book it is, is actually shown she was mostly shown running across a roof and non-stop panting. Which I find to be insulting to the character because she does that every night. Her body would not be that out of shape that she would be non-stop panting. What I liked about this issue.................. 1. Uhhhh .....yeah...... I got nothing. Not a single thing. Umm..... I love the color purple so I liked that she was wearing a purple suit. So I liked that one thing. I didn't like how it was drawn with the lines down it. It looked better way back when it was smooth and sleek looking. Also when she had the longer hair. The short hair just didn't look right with it. Though that could be because it was slicked down instead of how she usually has her hair. So anyway I liked the purple color of the suit.

Catwoman (2018) #20

Feb 14, 2020

I for one am so ready for this story to be over and for Jones's run on the series to end already!!! It has been torture to read since the first issue. NONE of the side characters are interesting. The writer managed to make Catwoman boring!. Which is just mind boggling. Catwoman is an amazing, fun, vibrant exciting character. She's funny, strong, smart and so much more. Yet from the first issue Jones has made Catwoman/Selina boring, whiny at times with all her self doubting, unlikable, unreliable and even unfeeling. It was only when another writer stepped in did Selina even show how much she was still grieving having left Batman/Bruce. Plus she's basically tossed Maggie to the side and has forgotten about her most of the time. Where is Selina's heart in all this???? Jones has had just under 2 years to give us Selina's story after Bruce and she hasn't bothered at all. There are so many things wrong with this run. So many questions unanswered. 1. Why did Selina go to that city? 2. Was it her plan from the beginning to only stay for awhile then head back to Gotham ? 3. What was her plan when it came to Bruce when she got back? 4. Is she still wanted for murder? 5. Zombies!!! Really??? Jones has reduced an iconic amazing character down to a Zombie fighter in what would be considered a B movie horror book. 6. What was the point of Cat stealing that thing for Penguin and what did it mean for both Selina and Creel? That was never fleshed out that I can remember. Course this story has been so incredible boring it might have been shown in the book and I just forgot it. 7. What about those 2 cops that were watching/ helping???/whatever Catwoman? 8. Why did Creel look like she does? And why does everyone around her not seem to care that the horror show she is walks among them? 9. What is Creels over all goal? 10. Why did she start all this with Catwoman to begin with? 11. Why kill her kids? 12. What about the rest of the mob in that city? Is Selina done with that now or a part of it still? I think she gave it over to Gentleman Ghost but not sure what that means. 13. What was Selina thinking in terms of Gotham and going back? Was she going to take back up with being a Villain? Is that what she thought Bat needs her to be? She always has had trouble letting go of her past mistakes and just embracing being a hero. 14. I know now Cat is back with her Bat over in Batman but it would be nice to know what she was thinking and planning before she got back with him. 15. Also did she know what is going on in Gotham before going back? 16. How does she find Bat on that mountain? Did she go looking for him because of that phone call she didn't answer from Barbara in an issue of Batman? So many questions. With next month’s issue suppose to be the conclusion to Selina and Creel’s battle, hopefully Jones finds a way to wrap up some of these questions. I also hope that Jones gives us some answers to her struggles with Bruce. Good things about this issue....... 1. The art was good at times. Coloring sucked though. 2. There was some explaining done about how Creel was doing what she was doing. 3. We got to see some emotions out of Catwoman to bad it centered around self doubt. But it was still good to see she had some. 4. Selina ditched that awful purple costume. Good. I love the orginal purple costume like it that didn't have the lines. It was sleek and sexy. But this new take with the lines just made her look frumpy and chubby. It looked like one of those puffy winter coats people wear that are warm but totally unattractive looking. Bad things beyond the over all story...... 1. All the zombie images. Most of the book was zombies and little story. To much wasted pages that could have been used to further the story. 2. The story is still boring!!! 3. The story is awful !!! So are we to assume that Creels big plan is to turn everyone that has money or power in that city into zombies? Ummm.... Why??? What is the point? Sure she would have power over all of them but they are zombies. What good are having control of an army of zombies do for a person. It's not like they can do more then go out and eat/kill people. This story is just so stupid. The only perk I can see Creel getting out of this would be that at least she wouldn't be the ugliest person in the room any more. lol Seriously what was DC thinking when they gave the okay to this story arc? If the goal was to write the worst Catwoman story ever, I'm pretty sure Jones won that award. 4. Selina just leaves her sister with some cats to protect her??? Really??? Did she forget what happened in last months issue? Zombie attack, Her friend maybe dying from said zombie attack. Plus lets not forget crazy no nosed killer zombie making lady wanting Selina dead. But sure a couple of stray cats got all that covered. The sister's all cozy, warm and safe. ahuh......yep.....totally believable. Jones story telling is obviously influenced by Tom King's. Bot of them use a lot of words and images that mean, tell and add nothing to the story. So you just get a lot of filler issues that only wastes the readers time and money. And leaves them with unanswered questions and the feeling that they are stupid for wasting money on these comics. While I must say I did like Kings run on Batman though he dropped the ball many times over what should have been a much shorter and tighter story arc, however with Jones I can't say I've liked anything about her Catwoman story beyond her art work she did on it. This habit that DC has taken up with giving the writers years to write a story arc needs to stop. They need to realize that their writers are comic book writers and not actual BOOK writers. Not every write has the talent to write a novel length story. And certainly not every book writer can write a GOOD book. But that seems to be what DC is expecting from their writers now GOOD novels written in a comic format.

Catwoman (2018) #21

Mar 11, 2020

The ending of this story arc was in par with the entire arc. In other words not that good. The story and the characters just sucked. I'm so glad this ends Jones's run on the comic. Now maybe we can get some good stories told. I hope so anyway. That being said there was some good parts to this comic..... 1. I loved the blue flashback art. It was masterfully done. That alone got it the 6.5 rating 2. Loved that Selina's sister has woken up so to speak. 3. It's finally over yay!!! Didn't like...... 1. All the unanswered questions. 2. The new question it ended on. Didn't Creel add something to that jar that had the Lazarus water in it to make here zombies in like last issue or the one before that? Just before giving it to her guest to Zombie out on? 3. The entire Zombie story was lame and B comic. (as appose to B movie lol ) I find it insulting that such a terrific character was thrown into such a ridiculous, unbelievable story. ZOMBIES seriously !!! 4. What was Creel supposed to take away from Catwoman's story? I don't get it at all. I understand it as Catwoman's story I just don't get how Creel would take anything from it.

Catwoman (2018) #23

Aug 18, 2020

This story is just lame and the art is awful. What is with the drawing Selina looking like she has only one boob?

Catwoman (2018) #24

Aug 18, 2020

I found the story to be okay but rather dull. The artwork just plain sucked!!! In one panel it looked like Catwoman had just one huge boob. And the faces she kept making were stupid looking. I hope this artist is not sticking around past this arc.

Catwoman (2018) Annual #1

May 29, 2019

Why is this writer still on this book? She writes like she has NO real interest in the character at all. Catwoman is a amazing, vibrant, fun and often funny character. She practically writes herself. Yet from issue one the stories have just gotten more and more boring. This annual was awful. The story needed fleshed out to see how it all came about. What was the deal between Morty and the blonde? What did Cat and Lois have to say to each other? What did Morty and Superman say to each other? The only reason this story got as high a rating that it did was because of the nod to Lois and Superman. Otherwise I would've given it a 1. It was just plain BORING.

DC's Crimes of Passion #1

Feb 5, 2020

Total waste of money. The stories were lame. The art work was terrible. I wish I could return it for a refund. oh and in case this is why you might be interested in buying it you should know the cover isn't even a story in it.

Detective Comics (2016) #1007

Jul 10, 2019

Good but need more story to it. I think it should have been a 3 issue arc at least with more back ground story in it. And more between the Spectre and Batman.

Detective Comics (2016) #1027

Sep 15, 2020

Tomasi / Blowback - This story was good. Art was great Bendis / The Master Class - This story was good but could've used with a bit more humor added in. But it was great to have the gang all together. Great art work. Fraction / Many Happy Returns - This one was good but could've been better. The art was mediocre at best. Rucka /Rookie - Long and boring. Art sucked Tynion / Ghost Story - This one is okay. The art was really bad DeConnick / Fore - Okay but greatly forgettable. Art was great Wolfman / Odyssey - Story was a waste of time. Art was okay Morrison / Detective #26 - Dumb story with bad art work King / Legacy - The story was good but could've been better. The art work is awful. Snyder / As Always - Interesting story and good art. Jurgens / Generations - Okay but not a complete story. Art was good Tamaki / A Gift - Okay but forgettable. Art could've used with some more work on it Over all it wasn't worth the price I paid for it.

Detective Comics (2016) #1032

Dec 8, 2020

I liked this issue however it would have been nice to have had some of Bruce and Damian actually talking. Another thing that annoyed me a bit was the once again having Bat thinking how he would never ever hit one of his kids. Right he would never do that except when he does. Tim getting hit in Kings run was not the first time Bat hit one of his kids. Nor even the first time he hit Tim out of anger. While I'm whole heartedly against such acts of abuse, I don't get why everyone is acting like this is out of character for or the first time ever for Bruce to have done that. I do have to say I like the story so far with Hush but I feel it should be drawn out longer. It would've been nice to have had it been more mysterious. Maybe have Bat and Damian really have to work to find out who took the family. I like it best when there are twist and turns and it's not clear who is doing what. Batman is a detective so let him detect. lol The art work is good. I didn't like the cover though.

Detective Comics (2016) Annual #3

Jan 29, 2020

Boring, unnecessary waste of your time and money. It looks and feels like it was just thrown together. The art work is dreadful. The only tidbit that was of any interest was how wrecked Bruce let his gome get in Alfred's absence. That showed a lost man grieving. The rest of the book was junk. More worthy of a negative 1 rather then a 1 rating.

Event Leviathan #1

Jun 12, 2019

The build up to this story event sounded way more interesting then it's proving to be so far. The premiere special comic was boring and half of the art work was horrendous. This first issue was some better. However the dialogue was bad. At times I wasn't really sure what the characters were trying to say to each other. And why was Lois being so rude to Batman? She was down right snarky. I can't say I'm liking her as a character much these days. Also what was the problem with talking to Bruce as Batman? Her remark about it being weird to be anywhere with Batman without Superman around because he's dressed as Batman made no sense. Batman and Superman have been friends and teamed together for years why would she be uncomfortable around him? And why was she holding a gun on him after she knew who he was? The comic is not looking so interesting anymore. Not sure I'll continue with it. Oh an can't forget the art work.... it was okay but only just okay.

Event Leviathan #2

Jul 10, 2019

This issue was better and left me more interested in continuing with the series. I wasn't sure I would after reading the first issue but again in a bought this issue. I'm glad I did. That being said I'm not sure about how I feel about Red Hood being a suspect. The poor guy just gets dumped on non stop by Batman. I love the character of Batman but I have to say I seriously find myself wishing that Red Hood could give him a serious slap down just once.

Event Leviathan #4

Sep 11, 2019

It's been okay but not really an interesting series. And by interesting I mostly mean relevant. Maybe that will change in the next 2 comics but I would place a beat on it. The art was okay at best. It could have used with being done clear and sharper at times. I think the artist got lazy on some pages while others looked good. The coloring now that was just all over awful. Did they run out of ink or paint or whatever they use?

Event Leviathan #5

Oct 10, 2019

I've been disappointed in the series myself. For all the build up and the fact that it's supposed to be so major of a deal it's written with very low impact. And the mystery part of it has no depth or build up to it. There is little to no sense of urgency or danger to it. It's like the characters are all playing a game that no one wants to play or cares if they win. Everything is so - well this happened with the general response being " oh okay ". I give it a 3 just for humor value alone. Over all story would be in the negative range

Event Leviathan #6

Nov 13, 2019

Art - HORRENDOUS!!! It was hard to tell who was who sometime. And everyone looked very old. Story - lame, anticlimactic and boring. This series was a total waste of my time and money.

Excalibur (2019) #1

Oct 30, 2019

I found it boring and just not interesting at all. I might give it another issue but I doubt it. We will see.

Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy (2019) #6

Feb 19, 2020

The ending really pisses me off. Why wont DC ever let their characters that should be together ever actually get to be together? I really like Ivy and Harley together. They are both great characters and they ground each other. Yet each time they get together it's only to get broken up again. Just like with Catwoman and Batman. They are amazing together but once again DC is breaking them up. You can feel it coming. I don't get it. These are two awesome couples that should be together. Superman and Lois get to be together so why not Bat and Cat and Harley and Ivy? At least Harley and Ivy and Bat and Cat are interesting. Lois and Superman are and have always been boring together. I like Superman but don't read it because of Lois and how boring, selfish and whiny she is.

Harley Quinn (2016) #64

Aug 7, 2019

I love Harley but I wish this was a more serious comic. It's written like its for kids only but then the things that happen or are discussed in it are more for adults. So it just comes across as stupid. Sad I really like this character just not how she is written in her own series. Did love the Bane jokes. Very funny.

Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #1

Nov 6, 2019

This was my first Black label comic that I've bought. I must say the it is very well written and the art is just amazing.

Joker: Killer Smile #1

Nov 7, 2019

Good but the art sucked

Joker: Killer Smile #3

Feb 19, 2020

I really enjoyed this series. I almost didn't get it after reading the first book. I mean lets face it, it's basically just a changed up version of how the Joker made Harley. But I really liked the art so I bought the rest of the series and I'm glad I did. It was good. But as good as it was I have to admit the 10 rating is for my favorite part of the book...... Joker calling Batman Mr.Pouty. That was a hoot.

Marauders (2019) #1

Nov 7, 2019

I love the character of Kate Pryde. I'm glad she is a team leader for one of the books. I liked this first issue but I have to say I found Kate's actions a bit on the ruthless side. She's not usually so savage. Leaving a gun in the legs of those 2 men was out of character for her. I wonder if this is just a new direction they are taking her or if it's going to end up Emma's doing? It will be interesting to find out.

Marauders (2019) #2

Nov 20, 2019

I am enjoying this series so far. I like that Kate has become a bit darker and stronger of a character then she has been before. However I don't like that the character seems to be turning into a drunk. What is with all the alcohol she's drinking? Don't make her a weak character that needs alcohol as a crutch. I've always liked her character except her dumping Peter at the wedding pissed me off but for the most part I love the character. This is her time to shine. Don't make her weak now.

Marauders (2019) #4

Dec 22, 2019

Art was great. Loved seeing Kate and Bishop team up. I think they could back for an interesting couple. I'm not sure how much I like how dark Kate is getting. Leaving things in people is rather harsh and dark for her character. Over all I like this series, X-Force and Fallen Angels the best of all the X books. In fact I don't care much for the others and have already canceled them as of issue 4 on them. New Mutants was too childish written and had the worst art. X-men did nothing for me. But I will admit I liked the old ladies in the last issue. Though it's bad when you would rather read a series with the villains from the story rather then the heroes. Loved the old ladies though. Excalibur just does not interest me in anyway. I loved it back when the first couple series of it ran. It was more like an X-Men book. But once it started getting more into the magic area it lost my interest. Which is no doubt why this run holds no interest for me. I did give it a try. But this last issue was enough for me.

New Mutants (2019) #1

Nov 10, 2019

First off I have to say the art is horrendous. Did they hire a 5 year old to draw this. Big turn off here. I'm not sure I care to read more. I found it lame and just not interesting. But this is only the first issue so I may read a couple more. If I can get past the bad artwork.

Nightwing (2016) #60

Jun 18, 2019

This has been the stupidest story arc from the beginning and it's not getting any better. A handful of cops find Nightwings old suits and think that makes them qualified to be superheroes??? Really???? And how is it these days everyone seems to be able to swing around on roof tops? I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure if that was possible that there would still have to be some training on that. When is this story going to end??? These characters are not even remotely interesting. They even look like people just playing dress up and not like heroes at all. Plus wouldn't a team of unknown people going around in Dick/Ric's uniforms and using Batman made gear get Batman's attention? I hope Dick/Ric gets his memory back soon because this comic is really lame right now and I'm thinking of stopping buying it till it's back to being just Nightwing/Dick/Ric only. The only good thing to come out of it is his calling himself Ric. Never was fond of the name Dick. Hopefully they will keep Ric as his name and dump all the rest of this crap soon. After all I'm sure I'm not alone in saying the reason we buy this comic is to read stories about Nightwing/Dick/Ric.

Nightwing (2016) #61

Jun 19, 2019

These Nightwings are just not interesting characters. This has been the stupidest story arc from the beginning and it's not getting any better. A handful of cops find Nightwings old suits and think that makes them qualified to be superheroes??? Really???? And how is it these days everyone seems to be able to swing around on roof tops? I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure if that was possible that there would still have to be some training on that. When is this story going to end??? These characters are not even remotely interesting. They even look like people just playing dress up and not like heroes at all. Plus wouldn't a team of unknown people going around in Dick/Ric's uniforms and using Batman made gear get Batman's attention? I hope Dick/Ric gets his memory back soon because this comic is really lame right now and I'm thinking of stopping buying it till it's back to being just Nightwing/Dick/Ric only. The only good thing to come out of it is his calling himself Ric. Never was fond of the name Dick. Hopefully they will keep Ric as his name and dump all the rest of this crap soon. After all I'm sure I'm not alone in saying the reason we buy this comic is to read stories about Nightwing/Dick/Ric.

Nightwing (2016) #62

Jul 17, 2019

Dump these new Nightwings and move on already! I want Nightwing back!. This series is so losing any appeal to me at all. I'm really thinking of dropping it. It's just not any good anymore. And I'm really starting to dislike Dick/Ric. Okay I get he doesn't remember or have feelings for his family and friends anymore. I understand that. But come on just because you no long have those emotions and memories does that mean you can't honor them and yourself really and try to build new ones? These are people that loved him and he loved back and he's just writing them off like none of it matters because he doesn't remember. He's so selfish and even to a point cold now. He can take the time to get to know and befriend the new Nightwings, complete strangers to him, but he can't try to understand and form relationships with people he once loved? That's just crap!!! It's really making him unlikable as a character. Sure rebuilding relationships is hard and in his case doubly so I'm sure but to not even have him try. That's just ruining a well loved character. I hope this story ends soon and we get Nightwing back. He has always been my favorite Robin and a favorite character of mine period so to see him turning so unlikable makes me sad. I think it would have been better if they had just killed the character off instead of doing this to him. Also one other thing about the Nightwings that bothers the hell out of me is how is it these 3 detectives haven't run a background check on him and at least learned he was a cop? Granted it was for only all of about 5 seconds but still I'm sure it would have been the first thing to come up. And yes he's going by Ric now and was Dick then but Richard is his legal first name and would be on his records. Plus how hard is it to figure out Ric would be short for Richard. So at least 1 of the 3 of them should've found that out about him. And since they have doubts about him you would think 1 of them would have checked his background out. These characters are just lame all the way around.

Nightwing (2016) #63

Aug 22, 2019

Okay WOW I never thought I would ever rate a Nightwing or really any comic a 1 but that is what this comic is to me. Here's why..... 1. EVERY issue is half filled with the same narrative and recap of who the new "Nightwings' are and how Ric cares nothing about who he was or knew. Because of this it feels like each month your reading the same comic only with a new backdrop each time. I once heard a joke about how long daytime soap operas drag out their story lines and how you could watch an episode one day and not watch the show again for 10 years and time wise on that show it would only be later that same day. Having watched soaps in my younger years I can say that was pretty much true. It's also similar to how reading this comic feels these days. 2. Ric is simply not all that likable. Yes he saves lives BUT he doesn't really care about people anymore. I know some people will get upset over my saying that but I just went back and read from issue 50 up to this issue because I'm trying to decide if I want to continue getting it. Which I am still on the fence about. Anyway doing that did not change my opinion about Ric at all. He's selfish, uncaring and just all around an ass. He has no respect for anyone. He blows off the Bat family and former friends because he doesn't remember them. He breaks into peoples homes and stays there with no thought to how it may impact how safe they will feel in their homes after finding out someone had stayed there. Because of all that the character feels more like a danger junkie then an hero. Dick was fun, witty, smart, funny, sweet, courageous and to say loyal just doesn't begin to cover how faithful he was to those he cared for. 3. I've said it before and I'll say it again.... the Nightwings are just not interesting. Maybe if we knew more of who they were they might become interesting. But as they are now I just want them gone. The only one that is a little bit interesting is Nightwing Prime. If built upon he could become a good character the rest however NO. I am seriously hoping that at least the brother and sister team gets killed off by Talon. Weed out some dead weight. 4. Another thing that bugs me is Ric saying he's not sure about the other Nightwings being Nightwings. Yet he thinks he should be out there because his body remembers the moves even if he doesn't. How does that even make any sense at all. It's like saying just because you learned how to land on your feet when jumping off a chair as a child that your body knows how to jump off the Golden Gate bridge and land on your feet. 5. The business about saying he's not a superhero is stupid. Hello !!! You go out wearing your version of a mask and costume to fight crime. So is that like normal behavior and dress for everyone in Budhaven? Or does that I don't know.... make you a superhero? This character is so stupid!!!! And lets talk about that "mask". Really what amounts to a dirty face hides your identity? I'm sorry but if that was the case parents across the world would be asking " who the hell are you" every time their child comes in from playing outside. 6. The art was mediocre at best. Most of the time the faces were done with the least amount of detail as possible. And what was with all the supposed looting and the fires in the background yet in the daylight the city looked just fine? Okay now to be fair I'll list the good things about this issue........ 1. Talon taking out one of the Nightwings. It would be cool if the character dies or leaves the group because of this. Him and his sister are the weakest links in the group. 2. Ummmmm....... yeah I got nothing. All I can say now is I hope this story ends soon and we get Nightwing back. He has always been a favorite character of mine so to have the character ruined like this really is just wrong. I think it would have been better if they had just killed the character off instead of doing this to him.

Nightwing (2016) #65

Oct 16, 2019

This story arc is really heating up. I'm enjoying the whole Talon thing. I've always found the Talon to be a cool character. I would love it if Rick did become Talon instead of going back to being called Nightwing. I like the name of Nightwing. Always have but the Nightwings have kind of ruined it for me. So it would be cool to have Ric/Dick take and keep the name Talon. Though I don't want him to be a Talon/ Court of Owls minion. I would just like him to snag the name for himself. And get a new costume also. Something totally new and not a version of a Nightwing costume. This story is really getting interesting again finally because of what it might mean for our character going forward. Will he remember Dick? Hopefully!!! Will us readers finally be free of having to deal with the pathetic Nightwings??? Please let that be YES. I hope going forward the stories continue to get better and we finally get to enjoy reading it again. The whole memory loss and the pathetic Nightwings really brought down the value of this comic. It was really getting sad and just a waste of money to buy. But the last few issues have been getting better so their is hope to once again be great. This issue was good and the art is great. It could have done without the pathetic Nightwings being in it but hopefully they will be gone soon.

Nightwing (2016) #66

Nov 20, 2019

I was looking forward to this issue. I thought it would have turned out to be way more exciting and just plain more interesting then it was. It was boring. After the last couple of books I thought for sure things would only get more exciting and faster paced then what was delivered. But that hope fell flat with this issue. Hopefully the next one will pick back up

Nightwing (2016) #67

Dec 22, 2019

Thought we would get something way more interesting maybe even epic this issue. Like Ric killing the Nightwigs while under the Owls grip. But no it was just more dragging on of the current story. This series needs a new writer on it. Someone that will put some excitement into the book again. The Talon story held promise but is failing to deliver on it. Just bring us Dick Grayson back

Nightwing (2016) #69

Feb 19, 2020

I think this wraps up the story arc of the Owls. It was way better then the Nightwings arc has been but still could've used work. I do have to say I am totally looking forward to next months issue with the Joker. Now that SHOULD be good. Here's hoping anyway

Nightwing (2016) #76

Nov 24, 2020

I loved the story. It's great to have Dick back finally but let's not make him into another Batman. Breaking up Dick and Bea was lame. That whole I can't be with someone because it puts them in danger crap is just too over done. And rather then noble or selfless it just makes the character look weak, stupid and selfish. I'm a hero and can save the world but not someone I care about. Weak! Lame! We love each other but my life is just to dangerous so we have to break up. But not of course before you get that person to fall in love with you first. So is the hero just to stupid to see the danger before hand or to selfish to care until that person is put in danger? This is one thing about Marvel comics I've always liked better then DC, Marvel lets the characters have love lives and marriages. Their writers must be better or more emotional stable because they don't seem to have any problems writing interesting stories with couples.

Nightwing (2016) #78

Mar 16, 2021

The book was okay. Nothing to get excited about. I do hope that Babs is not a part of it for long. I totally dislike her character or them as a couple. I've always thought they fit better as sort of brother sister team rather then a couple. I found the whole Alfred being super rich and leaving his money to Dick unbelievable. If the was to leave his money to any of them I feel it would've been Jason. The son that seems to get crapped on by every other bat family member. Alfred seemed to be the only one that accepted Jason for who he was. And rightly blamed Bruce for Jason going the route he did. So I don;t feel he would leave every thing to Dick.

Nightwing (2016) Annual #2

Oct 30, 2019

What began as just Dick recovering from a brain injury and becoming someone else is shown to be something far deeper and darker. This issue shows us that Dick is being manipulated and his memories suppressed all along. We finally get to see why Dick/Ric has been acting the way he has and are given some much needed progression in the story. Before this issue little to nothing really made any sense and truthfully was just boring. I have no interest at all in the Nightwings. Their characters are just lame and unappealing in every way. Hopefully this arc will finish their run in the book and give us back the reason we fans read this series - Dick Grayson as Nightwing !!! This issue was good but it had to glaring mistakes in it. Number 1 being Dick Grayson’s parents were not shot , their trapeze ropes were tampered with causing them to fall to their deaths. Number 2 being he lost twenty years of memories? Dick is only supposed to be in his twenties. And if I remember right he was 11 or 12 when Bruce took him in. Number 3 Dick is no longer his ward. Bruce adopted him. That makes him his son. Why can the writers never get that right when it comes to any of his adopted sons. They are NO longer considered your ward or your foster child or your guardian once they are adopted. They are your parent and child!!! That just drives me nuts.

Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #51

Nov 24, 2020

This issue sucked. The art was awful. The story bad and not even remotely interesting. The new characters are stupid. I was worried that this comic was going to end like a bunch of others are but now after reading this issue I think that it ending it would have been a blessing if this is where the story is going to take us. Between the art work and the story it's a toss up as to what is worse. As it stands right now I'm not looking forward to the next issue at all. This is crap

Suicide Squad (2019) #11

Nov 24, 2020

I enjoyed this run and hope to see more of these characters

Superman (2018) #17

Nov 13, 2019

Wow this book used a lot of words to say absolutely nothing. Why is Superman going to tell the world who he is? That's just stupid. This book was a waste of my money. Also the art really sucked.

Superman (2018): Leviathan Rising Special #1

May 29, 2019

Hated half of the art work and story. Thought it would be more interesting then it turned out to be. Thought the female villain rather looked a lot like Ophra.Which was kind of funny. Not sure yet if I'll bother with the Event. This wasn't that good and feel like I wasted money on buying it so probably wont read the rest of it.

Swamp Thing: New Roots (2020) #1

Jun 7, 2020

I don't normally read Swamp Thing books but at this price I gave it a try. I'm glad I did. I really enjoyed reading it. I hope it continues being written for a long time to come.

Swamp Thing: New Roots (2020) #2

Jun 7, 2020

Good story. I liked the ( voodoo lady??? ) too bad she ended up bad and was killed.

Swamp Thing: New Roots (2020) #3

Jun 7, 2020

Good story

Swamp Thing: New Roots (2020) #4

Jun 7, 2020

Story still going strong. I'm enjoying it

Swamp Thing: New Roots (2020) #5

Jun 7, 2020

Swamp Thing: New Roots (2020) #6

Jun 7, 2020

Love the ending. LOL

Undiscovered Country #1

Nov 7, 2019

Seems somewhat like a Mad Max rip off idea. While it was somewhat interesting, I don't feel it worth reading any more of the series

Wolverine (2020) #1

Feb 19, 2020

Good start to the series. I'm all in for this book and looking forward to the next issue

X-Force (2019) #1

Nov 10, 2019

I enjoyed this comic. It feels like it's going to be a good one. The art is really good also

X-Force (2019) #10

Jul 12, 2020

First off I have to say the art SUCKED this issue. The characters are blurry, odd shaped, you can't tell what is going on in some of the panels. The story was confusing at times and over blown others. It felt like the writer knew what he wanted to say but had no clue on how to say it. This book just was a mess in my opinion. Is anyone else having issues with the whole Scott, Jean and Logan thing? It just seems weird. So is Scott with Emma also? What about Logan and Storm? Do they still have a thing going on?

Young Justice (2019) #8

Sep 11, 2019

Okay there are several things about this issue I didn't like. 1. The art work was lazy. I prefer the art to be drawn more real life. I hate when characters are drawn with just lines for eyes and lips. I also hate when they are drawn with sharp edges and odd angled body parts. That's just laziness on the artist part. 2. The new characters so far are NOT that interesting. Plus they don't really feel like a team but they are still new so they could come together better with time. I'm not sure about them becoming interesting though. 3. Was not happy with Spoiler/ Steph popping up. One thing about the comic I was enjoying was her not being in the comic since the first issue. I have not been a fan of Spoiler since she was introduced in the comics. The only time I did sort of like her was when she was Robin for a few issues. I've always found the character to be whiny, weak, annoying, stupid very very stupid and plain pathetic. I think Tim deserves a way better love interest then Steph and I was hoping that he would get one. 4. DRAKE???? Really??? I've long thought he needed to break away from the Robin name but Drake? No please no. For starters it's his last name. So I fail to see where that would be a smart thing to do. Granted he is now a Wayne but he doesn't call himself that so again where would the logic be in calling himself Drake as his hero name. Unless he no longer wishes his identity to be secret. ALSO a Drake is a term for male duck. So I don't know if the writer knows that or not but....... Drake? So NOT a cool super hero name in anyway!!!! NOW for what I do like so far about the book 1. I've liked the world jumping. It's been fun and funny for the most part. 2. I love that Tim is going the route Nightwing went and getting his own name and leaving behind the Robin persona. It's past time. And I'm looking forward to him getting the new costume. I do hope though that he keeps the Bat emblem on it somewhere. Just to show pride in where it all started with him becoming a hero.

Young Justice (2019) #9

Oct 2, 2019

I think I'm going to be dropping this comic soon. I'm just not that impressed by or interested in most of the characters. Teen Lantern is boring. I've never liked that knock off Wonder Girl character Cassie. To me Donna Troy is Wonder Girl. Jenny Hex is rather a lame character so far and Amethyst was a stupid character from her beginnings back when she first appeared in comics. Plus I'm sure Spoiler will be on the team once they are back home and I never liked her. Impulse I both like and dislike. Sometimes he's a bit to much and I just wish someone would hit him. Other times he's funny as hell. So that basically leave me liking Tim and Conner. That doesn't give me a lot to hope for. Especially if the writers are going to rename Red Robin to Drake. I'm sorry but I just can't get behind a character who is basically being called a male Duck. It just turns a good character into a laughable one. While I totally agree he should get a new name. It's past time for that really. But not Drake. It's stupid on so many levels. And it's his actual real last name. Come on Tim is a genius he would not pick his last name for his superhero name. He just wouldn't. Though it would give Dick and Jason loads of jokes to make with it. That could be funny. Still writers please... no.

Young Justice (2019) #10

Nov 6, 2019

Well it happened. They have been hinting at the name change for a while now and I for one was seriously hoping that they were just playing with us as to what it was going to be. Such was not the case. Tim DRAKE is now calling himself Drake. Why??? Why are they making the second smartest Batman family member stupid. Tim is the one that figured out who Batman, Robin and Nightwing really were. He was able to piece together clues to their identities like it was nothing special beyond adding 2 + 2. He's way to smart to be dumb enough to use his actual real last name as his superhero name. Why are they making him stupid now? Why? Plus he would never pick something as lame and ridiculous as a term for a male duck as his hero name. He's basically going around calling himself a duck. As a last name that's fine but as a superhero.... NO no no no no. Tim was my favorite character in the book. He was the reason I've been reading it though it hasn't really been worth doing so. But now I'm afraid I just can't get behind a character named duck. I just can't do it. Now when I look at the character instead of seeing a strong fierce fighter trained by Batman I see nothing but Duckboy. I even hear quacking in the background. Now let's talk about that suit of his. I like the design but the color choice... nope. He looks like a superhero UPS driver. Someone steal your package off your porch ? Never fear! Duckboy will get it back for you. I've kept reading this series since it came out hoping the book would improve once the team finally got back home. Now I don't even care where the title goes. I just can not bring myself to buy it to support the character of Duckboy ( oops Drake ). I just can't do it. Maybe if this 5G crap that DC has planned changes his name to something logical and cool sounding I'll come back to it. We will see. With any luck fans will step up and follow my lead and force DC to see how stupid an idea this change is for Red Robin's character. Just complaining doesn't help prove the point if you keep buying the book and showing you will buy it no matter how they fuck it up. A drop in sales speaks far louder and goes further then any simple complaint. A complaint just gives then attention and gets people buying it to check out what everyone is talking about. While a drop in sales speaks volumes to there being a problem in need of being fixed. As for the art. It was just okay. It could have been better and more consistent. At times it looked lazily drawn. The over all story is still stupid and feels thrown together.

Young Justice (2019) #12

Jan 8, 2020

Too many characters piling into the story and not enough story. This issue was just boring. I'm starting to like Tim's costume. It's growing on me. Still hate that he is calling himself Drake now. I just can't get behind him calling himself Duck basically. Because that is what a Drake is. A male Duck. I keep saying I'm going to stop getting this series but I keep getting just one more issue hoping it will turn into something worth reading and that Tim will get a better name. No luck on either front there. I think I'll stop getting them here and stick to that decision this time. It's just throwing good money away. One good think about the comic. I like the art.

Young Justice (2019) #13

Feb 5, 2020

I am once again mad at myself for buying this book. It has sucked from day one and does not look to be ever going to improve on that. Total waste of money. The issue is badly written. The art work was terrible. I kept saying I'm not going to continue to get it but I keep hoping it will get better and I just really like the character of Tim Drake even though he now is basically being called a male duck every time his name is called. Which still PO's me big time. Who ever came up with that idea is a complete idiot.

Young Justice (2019) #18

Sep 1, 2020

There is absolutely NOTHING good about this issue. The story sucked. The art was beyond awful and the dialogue was just endless droning on about nothing of interest. Too much of Spoiler. The one and only time I like Steph was when she was Robin for a few issues. Okay I was wrong there is one thing about this issue that was great. Tim is no longer styling a UPS driver costume or calling himself a male duck. Yay!!!!!!!! While I don't really want him to be Robin again, he's to old to be wearing that costume and not coming across as looking either very immature or like a possible future child molester. That custome is better on a much younger character. It would have been nice to have been told why Tim is Robin again and how he feels about it. That is so annoying. Once in awhile it's nice to get into some character depth and growth.

Young Justice (2019) #19

Oct 6, 2020

Total waste of time, money and the energy it took to read!!!!! The art was pretty good though so for that alone it is worth a 1 otherwise if it was possible to rate this book in negative numbers I would.

Reviews for the Week of...


