It's an epic Wonder Comics crossover: Naomi, the Wonder Twins, and Young Justice all come together for the first time to confront the secrets behind the entire first year of the teen team's series. Where did Connor Kent come from? Why does Bart Allen remember everyone but no one else does? How does it all connect to Jinny Hex's trunk? It's a Wonder Comics blockbuster!
There's only one thing I know for certain, and that is I cannot wait for the next issue. Again. Read Full Review
So I really enjoyed this issue, even if you need a scorecard to keep everyone straight. It's fun! Read Full Review
It is worth noting that Robin has chosen a new name… by stealing the codename of an evil version of himself from an alternate reality? I'll be curious to see if “Drake” will last (or if the various teen heroes decide to make a running joke out of such a bizarre choice). Whatever he chooses to call himself, it looks like Tim Drake has himself a team to investigate S.T.A.R. Labs and what happened to his best friend. Worth a look. Read Full Review
The main pattern of this series continues in Young Justice #12 " characters are great, pacing is a mess. Read Full Review
This is the sort of superhero series that's simply enjoyable to occupy and it occupies its space quite well in this issue. Read Full Review
It's a Bendis book, so extended conversations are expected, but this issue is nothing but, and no one really gets their moment to shine. The art is a lot of fun, though. Read Full Review
There's a lot going on in Young Justice this month. The issue isn't bad, in fact it's often funny and has some great character moments. It's simply bogged down by too many characters who sound the same and don't have strong reasons for being there. Read Full Review
If you enjoy great art, you'll get that here but really that's about all you get because nothing happens in this issue beyond adding characters to a title where the main cast of heroes still haven't been explained or explored, not to mention the person they're going after has already been outed as a bad guy in the Superman book months ago. There's really nothing here worthwhile and I'm so sad that this book is so bad because I desperately wanted to be a fan of Young Justice again. Read Full Review
Its a new year but Bendis is still up to his bad tricks making Young Justice #12 one of the more disappointing titles as 2020 rolls out. Read Full Review
Young Justice #12 is an example of what happens a busy book has no solid structure to support its plot threads. Read Full Review