Dorival's Profile

Joined: May 30, 2018

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Dorival rated Batman #87 Jan 31, 2020

Batman #87

By: James Tynion IV, Guillem March
Released: Jan 22, 2020

The Riddler has been lying low since his humiliating defeat as part of Bane's army- but as costumed assassins start to make their way into Gotham City, Edward Nygma may have the answers he's been looking for. Or at least, the answer to why Deathstroke is trying to kill him! Is it possible that Batman's tussle with Slade Wilson was all just a ruse t...

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Dorival rated Detective Comics #1019 Jan 31, 2020

Detective Comics #1019

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Scott Godlewski
Released: Jan 22, 2020

The Dark Knight is on the trail of the figure behind a brutal series of murders across Gotham City-and what he finds will send a cold shiver up his spine! A public attack on Bruce Wayne has brought the possible perpetrator of these murders to what is an axe-wielding cult leader from the 1600s doing in present-day Gotham? Find out for you...

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Dorival rated Superman #19 Jan 31, 2020

Superman #19

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Jan 22, 2020

One day later! What happens the day after Superman reveals his secret identity to the world? And what repercussions will his decision have across the entire DC Universe? Plus, Superman: president of Earth?

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Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #2

By: James Tynion IV, Steve Epting
Released: Jan 22, 2020

Apex predator Lex Luthor is on the hunt for the Batman Who Laughs. To catch his prey, he must follow a trail of broken heroes... leading him to Jim Gordon, one of the victims of the Batman Who Laughs' deadly virus that turned the heroic police commissioner into the worst version of himself. The trail leads Lex to a lonely cell in the Hall of Justic...

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Dorival rated Batman / Superman #6 Jan 28, 2020

Batman / Superman #6

By: Joshua Williamson, David Marquez
Released: Jan 22, 2020

The Secret Six may have met their match when they faced the combined might of Superman and Batman, but don't count these infected heroes out yet. With the Batman Who Laughs freed from his prison at last, the clock is ticking for the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel to track down the escaped Deathbringer, Sky Tyrant, King Shazam, Scarab, and the mos...

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Dorival rated Legion of Super-Heroes #3 Jan 28, 2020

Legion of Super-Heroes #3

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ryan Sook
Released: Jan 15, 2020

You knew there was no way Jon Kent was going to leave his best friend behind! Welcome to the future, Damian Wayne! (This is such a terrible idea!) Also, meet the new Legionnaires as they head to a secret undercover mission on the first man-made planet: Planet Gotham. Every page of this new DC epic plants seeds and ideas that will blast out across t...

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Justice League: Odyssey #17

By: Dan Abnett, Will Conrad
Released: Jan 15, 2020

Green Lantern Jessica Cruz and the new JLO have their first encounter with their lost friend Cyborg. Will Victor Stone's hidden messages be the clue to releasing him from Darkseid's deadly grip-or is Vic gone forever? And how much is Jessica willing to risk to save her old friends?

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Dorival rated Freedom Fighters #12 Jan 28, 2020

Freedom Fighters #12

By: Robert Venditti, Eddy Barrows
Released: Jan 15, 2020

The final showdown between the forces of freedom and the axis of oppression crashes to a cataclysmic conclusion! Will a fully powered Uncle Sam be enough to stop Cyborg Overman? What dark impulses must Phantom Lady tap into to stop the Plasstic Men? And...wait a minute, did Adolf Hitler III just murder his own father in cold blood? Oh, you're going...

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Dorival rated Flash Forward #5 Jan 28, 2020

Flash Forward #5

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Jan 15, 2020

Wally West has gotten to the heart of his mission to save the Multiverse...and the heart he found was his own. When it's discovered that the dark multiversal world that's threatening all of existence is the world in which Wally's children are alive, our hero must overcome his greatest fears, regrets, and anger to do what's right. But what's right i...

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Dorival rated Flash #86 Jan 24, 2020

Flash #86

By: Joshua Williamson, Christian Duce
Released: Jan 15, 2020

The Flash battles Captain Cold for the last time! The Rogues' Reign is a brutal battle for power over Central City, but the tides are turning and the reign approaches a deadly end! With the Speed Force in chaos, can Glider help channel Flash's powers long enough to overthrow her brother, Captain Cold?

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Dorival rated Batman's Grave #4 Jan 24, 2020

Batman's Grave #4

By: Warren Ellis, Bryan Hitch
Released: Jan 15, 2020

Why did a blackmailer become a murderer? How does the Batman survive an opponent who can kill him with his own mind? Find out all this and more in the latest chapter of the 12-issue series from writer Warren Ellis and artist Bryan Hitch!

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Dorival rated Batman's Grave #3 Jan 24, 2020

Batman's Grave #3

By: Warren Ellis, Bryan Hitch
Released: Dec 11, 2019

A corrupt politico dies by his own hand, but James Gordon is convinced there's something more to it. Now, it's time to ask for access to the Batman's resources. And that is why, right now, in a stately Gotham City mansion, the Batman is being beaten to death.

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Dorival rated Aquaman #56 Jan 22, 2020

Aquaman #56

By: Kyle Higgins, Aaron Lopresti
Released: Jan 15, 2020

The countdown to Aquababy has begun! As the birth of Aquaman and Mera's child grows near, don't miss this special interlude issue! In a story that takes place days after Aquaman and Mera's engagement, a violent encounter with the resurgent Kingdom of the Trench leads to an unexpected outcome, and the conflict sheds new light on Aquaman and Mera's p...

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Dorival rated Young Justice #12 Jan 22, 2020

Young Justice #12

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Timms
Released: Jan 8, 2020

It's an epic Wonder Comics crossover: Naomi, the Wonder Twins, and Young Justice all come together for the first time to confront the secrets behind the entire first year of the teen team's series. Where did Connor Kent come from? Why does Bart Allen remember everyone but no one else does? How does it all connect to Jinny Hex's tr...

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Dorival rated Hawkman #20 Jan 22, 2020

Hawkman #20

By: Robert Venditti, Pat Olliffe
Released: Jan 8, 2020

The Batman Who Laughs has infected Hawkman, and now Carter is drawing on the worst versions of himself from his past incarnations. This evil Hawkman is seeking to access the ancient tomb whence all his powers flow. Meanwhile, the Atom and Hawkwoman are in pursuit, hoping to stop their friend from doing something terrible he can't undo and potential...

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Batman and the Outsiders #9

By: Bryan Hill, Dexter Soy
Released: Jan 8, 2020

Ra's al Ghul and his army of assassins have turned their attention away from the Dark Knight-and toward Black Lightning! They've done something terrible to him that can never be fixed, and Black Lightning will need the Outsiders to stop him from crossing a line that could change his life forever.

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Dorival rated Batman #86 Jan 22, 2020

Batman #86

By: James Tynion IV, Tony Daniel
Released: Jan 8, 2020

It's a new day in Gotham City, but not the same old Batman. With Bane vanquished and one of his longtime allies gone, Batman has to start picking up the pieces and stepping up his game. Batman has a new plan for Gotham City, but he's not the only one. Deathstroke has returned as well, under a mysterious new contract that could change everything.

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Dorival rated Lois Lane #7 Jan 15, 2020

Lois Lane #7

By: Greg Rucka, Mike Perkins
Released: Jan 1, 2020

Someone wanting to kill Lois Lane is nothing new for the famed reporter, but is it because of something she knows or something she's about to uncover? Plus, this issue ties to the events of December's Superman #18 and the gigantic status quo shift for both Lois and her husband, Superman, when the Man of Steel decides to reveal his identity to the w...

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Dorival rated Action Comics #1018 Jan 15, 2020

Action Comics #1018

By: Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr.
Released: Jan 1, 2020

One of the biggest Superman stories of all time continues in "Metropolis Doom" part two! War and chaos strikes the heart of Metropolis. The Invisible Mafia, Lex Luthor, and the Legion of Doom all stand their ground to take over Metropolis. Superstar writer Brian Michael Bendis reunites with comic art legends John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson to brin...

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Dorival rated Justice League Dark #18 Jan 15, 2020

Justice League Dark #18

By: James Tynion IV, Alvaro Eduardo Martinez Bueno
Released: Jan 1, 2020

With Eclipso by her side, the new goddess of magic, Circe, is unstoppable! As she rewrites the rules of magic, the Justice League Dark must work to free themselves from Eclipso's grasp. Can they escape in time to save magic from the clutches of the Injustice League Dark once and for all? Or are they doomed to spend eternity trapped in the shadows?

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Dorival rated Flash #85 Jan 13, 2020

Flash #85

By: Joshua Williamson, Christian Duce
Released: Jan 1, 2020

"Rogues' Reign" part four! An out-of-control Flash must figure out a way to harness his powers, because he's about to face the villain who flipped his world upside down- Mirror Master! Our hero has only one hope of survival-the Rogues are warring with each other and their forces are split. But while Barry struggles with his own abilities, are the R...

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Dorival rated Dial H For Hero #10 Jan 13, 2020

Dial H For Hero #10

By: Sam Humphries, Joe Quinones
Released: Jan 1, 2020

Miguel and Summer's search for the remaining H-Dials takes them into the Multiverse, where they encounter new worlds and new threats never seen before! But are they fast enough-and focused enough-to catch up to Mister Thunderbolt?

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Dorival rated Detective Comics #1018 Jan 13, 2020

Detective Comics #1018

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Scott Godlewski
Released: Jan 1, 2020

In the aftermath of "City of Bane," the Dark Knight has found himself cold, alone, and missing one of the very foundations of his life as both Bruce Wayne and the Batman. But personal problems will have to wait-a mysterious series of deaths have been peppered throughout Gotham and it seems an element of the supernatural is at play in the form of a ...

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Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #6

By: Matt Fraction, Steve Lieber
Released: Dec 18, 2019

Meanwhile, in Gotham City, the great Olsen/Batman prank war rages on. An old favorite returns to make heads or tails of just what the heck has been going on. Jimmy does some funny Fraction stuff. Batman is there, too, doing some Lieber stuff. Lex Luthor's kicking around. It's a whole thing.

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Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen #1

By: James Tynion IV, Steve Epting
Released: Dec 18, 2019

DC's "Year of the Villain" begins its sinister conclusion! Lex Luthor has brought Perpetua back from her cosmic grave and restored her power! Now the Multiverse lives in fear that she might wipe out all existence. The only thing that could stop her are the forces of the Dark Multiverse- which means it's Luthor's mission to defeat the Batman Who Lau...

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Dorival added Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen to their pull list Jan 7, 2020

Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen

DC's "Year of the Villain" begins its sinister conclusion! Lex Luthor has brought Perpetua back from her cosmic grave and restored her power! Now the Multiverse lives in fear that she might wipe out all existence. The only thing that could stop her are the forces of the Dark Multiverse- which means it's Luthor's mission to defeat the Batman Who Lau...

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Dorival rated Shazam! #9 Jan 7, 2020

Shazam! #9

By: Geoff Johns, Dale Eaglesham
Released: Dec 18, 2019

After their terrifying adventure through the Darklands, Billy and the rest of the Shazam family find themselves going over the rainbow and through the looking glass into the upside-down, topsy-turvy world of the Wozenderlands! It's a magical, multicolored metropolis where it's always time for a cup of tea, a game of croquet or even a stroll down th...

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Dorival rated Justice League #38 Jan 7, 2020

Justice League #38

By: Scott Snyder, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Dec 18, 2019

"Justice/Doom War" finale! Lex Luthor is triumphant. Perpetua is back to full power and ready to take on the Multiverse, to bend and twist the whole of existence to suit Doom. Has the Justice League finally come up against a foe they can't defeat? Perpetua is the mother of their universe after all, the original creator. In war, there can only be on...

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Dorival rated Joker: Killer Smile #2 Jan 4, 2020

Joker: Killer Smile #2

By: Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino
Released: Dec 18, 2019

Ben Arnell promised his wife and child one thing: even though he spends his days attempting to reach the bottom of The Joker's insanity, he would never bring that madness home. No matter how dark the work gets, he would never allow The Joker's craziness to tear their family apart.

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Dorival rated Flash Forward #4 Jan 4, 2020

Flash Forward #4

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Dec 18, 2019

On Wally West's journey into the depths of the Multiverse, he's run across vampires and hellhounds and his own ghosts from the past...but nothing has prepared him for this next stop on his journey. In this issue, the mysterious world that is causing the Dark Multiverse to bleed into our own will be revealed, and you will not believe what connection...

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