Wally West has gotten to the heart of his mission to save the Multiverse...and the heart he found was his own. When it's discovered that the dark multiversal world that's threatening all of existence is the world in which Wally's children are alive, our hero must overcome his greatest fears, regrets, and anger to do what's right. But what's right is the hardest thing anyone would ever imagine doing...letting go.
Perhaps the best compliment that a comic issue can be given is when the reader finishes it and wants to just keep going. When that last panel is a rude and abrupt end to an enjoyable read. That is the case here. The creative team have told and drawn the perfect story here, and the reader could only wish that Flash Forward #6 could come sooner. Read Full Review
Brett Booth offers some beautiful, vibrant and energetic art in this issue. There is a sense of movement and speed throughout and the progression of the art reflects the desperate intent of its protagonist. A great looking issue for a story that is starting to find its footing. Read Full Review
I have quite enjoyed this miniseries so far, but Flash Forward #5 has made me realize something about the series. My overall satisfaction with it hangs on where it leaves Wally when it concludes. At this point, it could end up being the redemption that the character badly needed, but there are some worrying signs that DC is about to crap on the character once again. I am hoping that next issue, Lobdell steps up and delivers the former. Read Full Review
Artist Brett Booth does his usual creative layouts and expressive characters. Hopefully a Wally West ongoing series will spin out out of this and this creative team can remain intact. Read Full Review
This is well-done, but it all feels like it's leading towards dragging Wally back into the dark. This mini has done a good job of reminding fans of the Wally they loved prior to Flashpoint, so it would be awful to get him back just to have him stripped away again. Read Full Review
With one more issue left of this series, I don't know if we're close enough to do anything that will redeem Wally West in any ones eyes, except for maybe his own and while I like some of the concepts that we're given here, it ultimately just kind of comes off sloppy and thrown together. The art though is great and always a highlight to this mini, but I just need more from the story. Read Full Review
It's a slog, the latest in a 5-issue deep trench of slogs, and that's all readers can expect from whatever finale is yet to come. Read Full Review
Flash Forward has been a steadily good book so far but as we near the finish line, Lobdell will need to tie the series together.
The Good:
Lobdell is pulling my heart strings too much here.
Booth's art is great as is consistent with the series.
I like the explanation the Mobius Chair offered.
The Bad:
Why can't Wally just be happy?
A great issue from Lobdell and Booth. I'm just concerned for the final issue due to Wally's recent history.
The series is getting better as it gets closer to the end which is actually a nice change of pace. Most mini series start out strong then fumble the bag at the midway point. I do have to agree with ICC in that having Wally or any speedster, "run faster than they've ever run," is tired and it didn't even have weight to it here. At least when Waid and Johns evoked that story telling "device" they did it with intent and made it important. He would almost die most of the time and you were actually worried because Wally was worried. He didn't want to have what happened to Barry happen to him. Now they just do it because the Speed Force really means nothing. Other than that the story is getting better. I am definitely tired of seeing Tempus Fuginmore
I thought this was a real stand-out issue for this mini.
Great book, excited where this takes Wally. Hopefully he can get a full series out of this.
The best issue of this run so far. Some of my favorite Brett Booth art too.
Why is it that the flash always has to "run faster than he ever has before". I'm sure there is something else you can make the character do. Be creative, it's getting really old.
Eh, maybe if I read the Flash when Wally was Flash, I'd be super invested. But I'm not a Flash fan, so I only know Rebirth Wally, who sucks. This just feels like DC editorial digging its Wally hole deeper.
This remains garbage.