RyanSmith28's Profile

Joined: May 30, 2018

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RyanSmith28 rated Dark Ages #3 Nov 17, 2021

Dark Ages #3

By: Tom Taylor, Iban Coello
Released: Nov 17, 2021

AFTER THE LIGHTS GO OUT — STRANGE THINGS LURK WITHIN THE DARKNESS! The Earth has been plunged into darkness, and Avengers and X-Men have begun vanishing in the night. They have been taken and twisted by Apocalypse to serve an evil older than the world. A group of heroes will assemble to travel across the dark planet in a desperate attempt to res...

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RyanSmith28 rated Nightwing #81 Jun 15, 2021

Nightwing #81

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Jun 16, 2021

Dick Grayson trades out his escrima sticks for a magnifying glass and a sleuth hat to investigate Blüdhaven’s new mayor, Melinda Zucco, and find out how the daughter of the man who murdered Dick’s parents came to power in Nightwing’s city. But his investigative adventure is cut short when he comes face to face with the most horrendous villai...

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RyanSmith28 rated Flash #771 Jun 15, 2021

Flash #771

By: Jeremy Adams, Tom Derenick
Released: Jun 16, 2021

The Legion of Doom, Teen Titans Academy, Max Mercury’s Wild West origins, and more! Wally West’s leaps from speedster to speedster throughout time draws to a close as he begins to realize why he’s been sent on his quest by the Speed Force and what might be behind it. But with one last stop before he’s allowed to go home, will this journey b...

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RyanSmith28 reviewed Nightwing #79 Apr 20, 2021

Taylor really understands Dick Grayson as a character and I am so excited for what is coming.

Nightwing #79

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Apr 21, 2021

Dick Grayson has inherited Alfred’s fortune, a puppy, and a whole lot of questions. Who is Mayor Zucco, and what is her relation to the man who murdered Dick’s parents? What sinister plans does Blockbuster have for Blüdhaven? What kind of dog food is best for a three-legged puppy? To answer these questions, Dick’s going to need a little help...

+ LikeComments (1)
KiddWith2Ds - Apr 21, 2021

Feels like years really we found a writer who gets Dick Grayson.

RyanSmith28 reviewed Flash #769 Apr 20, 2021

Great issue. A lot of fun.

Flash #769

By: Jeremy Adams, Jack Herbert
Released: Apr 21, 2021

After an accident pushes Wally West into the time stream, the former Kid Flash lands in the body of his onetime partner, Impulse. Now sprinting through the 30th century side by side with the mysterious (and, yeah, ridiculous) Gold Beetle, Wally must uncover what’s causing the destructive explosions that keep propelling him through time and the bo...

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RyanSmith28 rated Nightwing #78 Mar 16, 2021

Nightwing #78

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Mar 17, 2021

Nightwing is back-and his drive to keep Blüdhaven safe has never been stronger! But his adopted city has elected a new mayor with the last name Zucco. When Nightwing enlists Batgirl’s help in investigating the politician bearing the same name as the man who murdered his parents, she unearths details that will shock and fundamentally change the h...

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Don’t listen to Mr. 5 Paragraphs, he hates everything, it was really enjoyable

Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey #1

By: Amanda Conner
Released: Feb 12, 2020

DC Black Label Prestige Plus 8.5" x 10.875"
The creative team that transformed Harley Quinn forever returns to shake up her world once more-and this time, the gloves are off!  Harley Quinn has avoided Gotham City ever since she broke up with The Joker and found a home, and a kind of family, in Coney Island. But when she gets an offer ...

+ LikeComments (10)
packtsardines - Feb 17, 2020

Sorry i meant that as a compliment, my mistake

myconius - Mar 4, 2020

i'd sooner listen to the person who wrote 5 Paragraphs, than listen to someone that wrote one sentence, saying to ignore the person who wrote 5 Paragraphs.


Batman: Pennyworth R.I.P. #1

By: James Tynion IV, Eddy Barrows
Released: Feb 12, 2020

Alfred Pennyworth served the Wayne family for decades-even through the tragic loss of Bruce Wayne's parents. His death at the hands of Bane is the only event that could possibly compare to that fateful night in Crime Alley, and it leaves Bruce at a similar crossroads. If Alfred was the glue that held the Bat-Family together, how will Batman deal wi...

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RyanSmith28 added Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey to their pull list Feb 12, 2020

Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey

DC Black Label Prestige Plus 8.5" x 10.875"
The creative team that transformed Harley Quinn forever returns to shake up her world once more-and this time, the gloves are off!  Harley Quinn has avoided Gotham City ever since she broke up with The Joker and found a home, and a kind of family, in Coney Island. But when she gets an offer ...

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RyanSmith28 reviewed Justice League #40 Feb 5, 2020

Really fun and exciting issue that makes me excited for what’s to come!

Justice League #40

By: Robert Venditti, Doug Mahnke
Released: Feb 5, 2020

The next chapter for comics' premier superteam begins! An unexpected arrival from the stars brings a dire warning to the Justice League: A new breed of conquerors is on the march. Led by Superman's nemesis Eradicator, a genetically engineered, super-powered strike team has come to subjugate Earth. To aid the Justice League, Batman makes the unprece...

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RyanSmith28 reviewed Flash Forward #5 Jan 16, 2020

Great book, excited where this takes Wally. Hopefully he can get a full series out of this.

Flash Forward #5

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Jan 15, 2020

Wally West has gotten to the heart of his mission to save the Multiverse...and the heart he found was his own. When it's discovered that the dark multiversal world that's threatening all of existence is the world in which Wally's children are alive, our hero must overcome his greatest fears, regrets, and anger to do what's right. But what's right i...

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RyanSmith28 rated Doomsday Clock #12 Dec 18, 2019

Doomsday Clock #12

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Dec 18, 2019

This is it! The final showdown between Dr. Manhattan and Superman shakes up the DC Universe to its very core! But can even the Man of Steel walk out from the shadow of Manhattan?

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RyanSmith28 rated Justice League #35 Nov 6, 2019

Justice League #35

By: Scott Snyder, Francis Manapul
Released: Nov 6, 2019

This issue: Lex Luthor wins! Everything Lex has been working for over the past year and a half comes to fruition as he finally possesses the fully powered Totality and plans to bend Hypertime to his will. The Legion of Doom's leader will defeat the Justice League once and for all and make his final pitch to serve at Perpetua's side-and the Multiver...

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RyanSmith28 reviewed DCeased #6 Oct 30, 2019

Tom freaking Taylor

DCeased #6

By: Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairsine
Released: Oct 30, 2019

Humanity is on the brink of extinction, and only a few remaining members of the Justice League stand between life and annihilation. As the remnants of humanity make their last gamble for survival, will there even be a planet left to call home when all is said and done? The senses-shattering conclusion to the year's surprise blockbuster is here!

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RyanSmith28 rated Flash Forward #2 Oct 16, 2019

Flash Forward #2

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Oct 16, 2019

When the border between the Multiverse and the Dark Multiverse starts to buckle, who do you turn to? The answer: Wally West. Once the Fastest Man Alive, he's now a man with nothing left to live for. Will Tempus Fuginaut's chosen champion rise to the occasion and fight back the demons of the darkness, or will Wally's own demons win the day?

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RyanSmith28 rated DCeased #5 Oct 2, 2019

DCeased #5

By: Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairsine
Released: Oct 2, 2019

The world is dying at the hands of the infected, and the very survival of humanity is at stake. Facing extinction, Superman and the heroes will make a decision that will fundamentally alter Earth's present...and future!

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DCeased: A Good Day To Die #1

By: Tom Taylor, Laura Braga
Released: Sep 4, 2019

While the mainstays of the Justice League-Superman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman - battle the worldwide infection in the pages of DCEASED, a group of other heroes work to stop the impending apocalypse-no matter who they have to kill! Mr. Terrific assembles a motley group of surviving heroes including Mister Miracle, Big Barda, John Constantine, B...

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RyanSmith28 rated Justice League #30 Aug 28, 2019

Justice League #30

By: James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Aug 28, 2019

The "Justice Doom War" starts here! The Lex Luthor the League has known and fought is no more, replaced by an apex predator version of Lex, powered by Perpetua with a goal of bringing tragedy to the DC Universe. Now that Lex has powered up villains across the cosmos, he marshals his own troops, sparking a war between the Legion of Doom and the Just...

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Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 4: Hunted

By: Nick Spencer, Ryan Ottley

VOLUME 4 of Nick Spencer's AMAZING SPIDER-MAN run! When Kraven returns, Spider-Man becomes the hunted! Sergei Kravinoff and his minions have been kidnapping animal-themed superhumans for months, and they need one more to complete the collection: the Spider. But what does Kraven want with all of them?! In Central Park, the prey is let loose, and the...

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RyanSmith28 rated Heroes In Crisis #8 Apr 24, 2019

Heroes In Crisis #8

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Apr 24, 2019

You've seen all the clues. You've heard the testimony and eavesdropped on the secret confessions of the World's Greatest Super Heroes. Now, with the killer revealed, it's time to find out why. What could have driven a hero to the brink, to turn a savior into a murderer? Rifts will form between old allies, and the trinity of Wonder Woman, Superman a...

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RyanSmith28 rated Young Justice #2 Feb 7, 2019

Young Justice #2

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Patrick Gleason
Released: Feb 6, 2019

The new teen super-team unites as Robin (Tim Drake), Wonder Girl, Teen Lantern and Jinny Hex join forces to help Amethyst free Gemworld from those who control it. In another section of the strange dimension, Connor Kent and Impulse find themselves taken captive-but if this is really Superboy, why isn't he putting up a fight with his friend and form...

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RyanSmith28 reviewed Flash Annual #2 Jan 30, 2019

Awesome issue! So much emotion put into and I’m super interested to see where the story goes next!

Flash Annual #2

By: Joshua Williamson, Scott Kolins
Released: Jan 30, 2019

A HEROES IN CRISIS tie-in! In Barry's grief and guilt following Wally West's death at Sanctuary, he refuses to divulge the heartbreaking news to the rest of the Flash family until he's searched every corner of the globe for his former partner- including inside the Speed Force itself. But his journey into the heart of all speedster powers inadverten...

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RyanSmith28 reviewed Young Justice #1 Jan 9, 2019

Young Justice is back!!!

Young Justice #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Patrick Gleason
Released: Jan 9, 2019

Superboy! Wonder Girl! Robin! Impulse! Amethyst! They're all united in YOUNG JUSTICE #1, the debut issue of a brand-new series that also introduces new heroes Teen Lantern and Jinny Hex! When the nightmare dimension known as Gemworld invades Metropolis, these teen heroes reunite to deal with the situation-but they're shocked to discover the battle ...

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RyanSmith28 added Green Lantern (2018) to their pull list Dec 6, 2018

Green Lantern (2018)

Superstar writer Grant Morrison (Batman, All-Star Superman) returns to DC alongside red-hot artist Liam Sharp (The Brave AND the Bold, Wonder Woman) to launch a new, ongoing series: THE GREEN LANTERN!
In this debut issue, when Earth's space cop, Hal Jordan, encounters an alien hiding in plain sight, it sets off a chain of events that rocks the...

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RyanSmith28 reviewed Martian Manhunter #1 Dec 5, 2018

Amazing issue from Orlando with some uniquely fantastic art from Rossmo

Martian Manhunter #1

By: Steve Orlando, Riley Rossmo
Released: Dec 5, 2018

No matter what you know about J'onn J'onnz, you're not prepared for this! The acclaimed team of writer Steve Orlando and artist Riley Rossmo (BATMAN/ THE SHADOW, BATMAN: NIGHT OF THE MONSTER MEN) reteam for a reinvention of the Manhunter from Mars in this twisted, unexpected series. Back on Mars, J'onn was about as corrupt as a law officer can be, ...

RyanSmith28 rated Doomsday Clock #8 Dec 5, 2018

Doomsday Clock #8

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Dec 5, 2018

The critical and commercial hit series by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank continues following the shocking revelations of last issue. As the truth behind Dr. Manhattan's actions against the DC Universe are revealed, Ozymandias turns to the only being who can stop him: Superman.

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RyanSmith28 rated Batman #58 Nov 8, 2018

Batman #58

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Nov 7, 2018

The Dark Knight waddles into a turf war with the Penguin! Still reeling from the attacks on his Bat-Family and reputation, the Caped Crusader looks to track down the mysterious operator lurking behind the scenes in Gotham City. As the hunt rages on, Batman runs "a fowl" of Oswald Cobblepot. But the Penguin is on Batman's side for once, and the crim...

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RyanSmith28 reviewed Green Lantern #1 Nov 7, 2018

Morrison writes a really great space cop series with a lot of promising stuff to come and Liam Sharp’s art perfectly fits the weird but fun tone.

Green Lantern #1

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Nov 7, 2018

Superstar writer Grant Morrison (Batman, All-Star Superman) returns to DC alongside red-hot artist Liam Sharp (The Brave AND the Bold, Wonder Woman) to launch a new, ongoing series: THE GREEN LANTERN!
In this debut issue, when Earth's space cop, Hal Jordan, encounters an alien hiding in plain sight, it sets off a chain of events that rocks the...

RyanSmith28 commented on this:
myconius reviewed Batman #57 Oct 17, 2018


this is a joke, right?
this was supposed to be a joke?

why is DC trying to force Tom King on the Batman series for 100 issues?
the man didn’t even have 50 good issues in him, let alone 100.
DC really needs to find someone who actually understands Batman,
and knows how to tell a good Batman story.
otherwise we ca more

Batman #57

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Oct 17, 2018

The KGBeast isn't working alone. As the Cold War between Batman and the Russian killer heats up, Batman's nose for mystery gets to twitching when he suspects there's more to the KGBeast's attacks than initially thought. Not only does this tie back to the court case Bruce Wayne sat on involving Mr. Freeze, there's another villainous Gotham ghoul in ...

+ LikeComments (26)
Talon1load - Oct 20, 2018

Yeah, being suspicious doesn’t really have anything to do with being fearful. Hadn’t really paid much attention to that but you’re right. Should definitely have been superstitious.

myconius - Oct 20, 2018

i mean it is kind of a minor thing, but that tiny attention to detail i notice quite a bit. especially since i've read so many of these classic stories in reprints over and over as a kid.

RyanSmith28 rated Batman #57 Oct 17, 2018

Batman #57

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Oct 17, 2018

The KGBeast isn't working alone. As the Cold War between Batman and the Russian killer heats up, Batman's nose for mystery gets to twitching when he suspects there's more to the KGBeast's attacks than initially thought. Not only does this tie back to the court case Bruce Wayne sat on involving Mr. Freeze, there's another villainous Gotham ghoul in ...

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