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Joined: Jun 02, 2017

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myconius reviewed Batman #71 May 15, 2019

aside from these plot points being left to hang for months on end, King kicks batman through the dirt a little more.
and he's not done making Batman an unlikable idiotic jerk, now he’s going for broke.
OMG is this bad!!! SO freaking bad!!!
this comic reaches a whole new level of stupidity!

...and Tom King still hasn’t explained WHY Flashpoint Batman is helping Bane! more

Batman #71

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: May 15, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" continues! Will it be father and son working together, or tearing each other apart? When it comes to the Waynes, expect a little of both. In the quest to get Bruce Wayne to hang up the cape and cowl, Thomas Wayne is going to have to use a little tough love. Only, not all the muscle behind it will be his own.

+ LikeComments (9)
myconius - May 17, 2019

i just take solace in the fact that all of this mess will eventually get retconned and ignored. like it was just a bad dream.

Darkseid24 - May 17, 2019

I hope it will. I’m still trying to find some good things in it. And isn’t it a little cruel to make a Thomas vs. Bruce story? Because that’s what is going to happen. I’m worried though

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Quinn reviewed Batman #71 May 15, 2019


This is just a rehash of the Knightfall story arc from the early 1990s.

Bane breaks out the Arkham crew. Batman is stressed out, pushes allies away. Hits Robin the same way Hank Pym hit Wasp back in the early 1980s. (The action, while bad, is not a symptom of being a wife beater, but rather psychological stress).

They have two or seven artists, so the lo more

Batman #71

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: May 15, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" continues! Will it be father and son working together, or tearing each other apart? When it comes to the Waynes, expect a little of both. In the quest to get Bruce Wayne to hang up the cape and cowl, Thomas Wayne is going to have to use a little tough love. Only, not all the muscle behind it will be his own.

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Darkseid24 reviewed Batman #71 May 15, 2019

Meh, guess Kings Batman run is a good example for what happens, if you make fanfiction canon. King doesn’t know how to write these characters at all& at this point I can only hope, that it won’t be that bad after all, when he said, that his run will change Batman‘s character for generations. Hope this is just his ego speaking.
Anyway we should believe, that Batman was imprisoned in Arkh more

Batman #71

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: May 15, 2019

"The Fall and the Fallen" continues! Will it be father and son working together, or tearing each other apart? When it comes to the Waynes, expect a little of both. In the quest to get Bruce Wayne to hang up the cape and cowl, Thomas Wayne is going to have to use a little tough love. Only, not all the muscle behind it will be his own.

+ LikeComments (12)
myconius - May 24, 2019

"i have a body of hurt" x'D

Darkseid24 - May 25, 2019

Lol did he really say that? Lol

SomeDummy reviewed Heroes In Crisis #8 Apr 25, 2019

Why does DC hate its red headed characters?

Ive been a Wally fan since Wolfman and Perez New Teen Titans, then read all of his Flash solo series when he got the mantle, well into the fantastic Mark Waid run.

He was my favorite character on the Justice League tv show, which is my favorite cartoon series of all time.

Grant Morrison's JLA had some of the best flash mo more

Heroes In Crisis #8

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Apr 24, 2019

You've seen all the clues. You've heard the testimony and eavesdropped on the secret confessions of the World's Greatest Super Heroes. Now, with the killer revealed, it's time to find out why. What could have driven a hero to the brink, to turn a savior into a murderer? Rifts will form between old allies, and the trinity of Wonder Woman, Superman a...

SomeDummy reviewed Batman #67 Mar 25, 2019

Tom King is like JAZZ; its the words he doesnt write, maaaaan.

In fact, if TK stopped writing Batman altogether, it would also be the best Batman story ever told.

Now I know how the Spiderman fans felt about Slott :(

Batman #67

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Mar 20, 2019

The "Knightmares" continue as Batman chases a new foe in an impossible race. Over rooftops, across alleyways, up and down the streets of Gotham City, this lightning-fast crook outsmarts the Dark Knight at every turn. Is that because the man under the mask is someone more familiar than he knows? Artist Lee Weeks returns to BATMAN for an all-out acti...

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KFuqua reviewed Batman #67 Mar 20, 2019

I'll say this again..... DC please get Tom King off of Batman and ALL of your major characters.

Batman #67

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Mar 20, 2019

The "Knightmares" continue as Batman chases a new foe in an impossible race. Over rooftops, across alleyways, up and down the streets of Gotham City, this lightning-fast crook outsmarts the Dark Knight at every turn. Is that because the man under the mask is someone more familiar than he knows? Artist Lee Weeks returns to BATMAN for an all-out acti...

+ LikeComments (2)
myconius - Mar 20, 2019

hear! hear!

SomeDummy - Mar 25, 2019

Amen. Im not spending another penny until they do.

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myconius reviewed Heroes In Crisis #6 Feb 27, 2019

the only plus i can see is that this garbage event is almost over.

Eisner awards must be pretty worthless if they just hand them to any clown.

Heroes In Crisis #6

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Feb 27, 2019

Get a deeper look into the inner workings of Sanctuary. When heroes visited the facility, they relived their trauma through virtual reality, contending with the events that brought them there in the hope of reaching a meaningful resolution. That is, until the trauma took over and escalated these personal events into a full-blown crisis! Find out wh...

+ LikeComments (8)
myconius - Mar 1, 2019

the sad thing is Ellrick that they probably will give him one. day i'll look back fondly on the days when stories would inspire and promote heroism. not this destruction of our beloved mythic figures.

Darkseid24 - Mar 1, 2019


SomeDummy reviewed Heroes In Crisis #6 Mar 1, 2019

Dont even bother to pirate it

Heroes In Crisis #6

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Feb 27, 2019

Get a deeper look into the inner workings of Sanctuary. When heroes visited the facility, they relived their trauma through virtual reality, contending with the events that brought them there in the hope of reaching a meaningful resolution. That is, until the trauma took over and escalated these personal events into a full-blown crisis! Find out wh...

+ LikeComments (1)
myconius - Mar 1, 2019

hahahaha! that's cold! xD

SomeDummy commented on this:
Nihilist reviewed Heroes In Crisis #6 Feb 27, 2019

If you've heard of Heroes in Crisis, you should already know pefectly it's bad. There's nothing controversial about stating this fact - it may have been when issue #1 came out, but since then, everyone came to realization that, yeah, it's just a piss-poor excuse for a giant comic event as captivating and entertaining as Captain Marvel's movie trailers.

This issue is maybe even worse tha more

Heroes In Crisis #6

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Feb 27, 2019

Get a deeper look into the inner workings of Sanctuary. When heroes visited the facility, they relived their trauma through virtual reality, contending with the events that brought them there in the hope of reaching a meaningful resolution. That is, until the trauma took over and escalated these personal events into a full-blown crisis! Find out wh...

+ LikeComments (25)
Psycamorean - Mar 18, 2019

King has a history of pissing them off. Might as well dig that hole deeper.

Darkseid24 - Mar 18, 2019

As long as it is just Ivy I don’t really care. She’s pretty lame in New52/ Rebirth.

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myconius reviewed Heroes In Crisis #5 Jan 30, 2019

the biggest shame of this comic....

is that such beautiful art is wasted on the garbage writing, as Tom King mocks the mentally ill.

Heroes In Crisis #5

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 30, 2019

The secrets of the DC Universe are hacked! Sanctuary wasn't supposed to keep records, but now that the A.I. is compromised, superhero secrets are leaking all over the 'Net. Booster and Harley set aside their differences to focus on who they believe is the real killer (assuming one of them isn't lying, that is). Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash conti...

+ LikeComments (51)
Darkseid24 - Feb 3, 2019

Heroes, but abuse, bullying, disfigurement, loneliness, rejection is often just linked to villains. Did we ever have a hero, who was disfigured like Two Face& overcame it? I don’t think so. That’s why I personally don’t feel offended by it. I try to see the good pertain both villains& heroes. You can even find good characteristics in a villain like Darkseid.

Darkseid24 - Feb 3, 2019

good sides of

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JordanT4021 reviewed Heroes In Crisis #5 Jan 30, 2019

Turns out, there’s a better way of conveying someone’s emotional turmoil than stuttering, repetition and ellipses. Can someone forward that to King?

To spend longer than 5 minutes writing a review for this crap is 5 minutes too long, and I’ve already lost precious time reading the issue.

To put it plainly, this is bad. Probably one of the worst, most unnecessary comic more

Heroes In Crisis #5

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 30, 2019

The secrets of the DC Universe are hacked! Sanctuary wasn't supposed to keep records, but now that the A.I. is compromised, superhero secrets are leaking all over the 'Net. Booster and Harley set aside their differences to focus on who they believe is the real killer (assuming one of them isn't lying, that is). Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash conti...

SomeDummy reviewed Heroes In Crisis #5 Jan 31, 2019

Bendis and King are going to kill DC comics.

Heroes In Crisis #5

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 30, 2019

The secrets of the DC Universe are hacked! Sanctuary wasn't supposed to keep records, but now that the A.I. is compromised, superhero secrets are leaking all over the 'Net. Booster and Harley set aside their differences to focus on who they believe is the real killer (assuming one of them isn't lying, that is). Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash conti...

+ LikeComments (2)
myconius - Feb 2, 2019


ohhaimark - Feb 2, 2019

Hahahaha! Great review!

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axdn reviewed Doomsday Clock #8 Dec 5, 2018

wow! this is awesome!

Doomsday Clock #8

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Dec 5, 2018

The critical and commercial hit series by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank continues following the shocking revelations of last issue. As the truth behind Dr. Manhattan's actions against the DC Universe are revealed, Ozymandias turns to the only being who can stop him: Superman.

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Quinn reviewed Batman #60 Dec 5, 2018

More of the same. Batman using violence instead of brains. Beating ex-Arkham prisoners, who back up Bane’s story.

Penguin is being guarded by Alfred. They fill up space talking poems. Commissioner Gordon is through with Batman and we learn KGBeast is alive because he was under watch by Russian officials.

Story ends with Alternate Batman (Thomas Wayne, I think) clocking Bru more

Batman #60

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Dec 5, 2018

Batman takes on a new partner, and it's...the Penguin? After rejecting Bane's crime-boss co-op, Cobblepot finds himself in the crosshairs of some very teed-off villains. The feathered felon turns to his old foe to snitch on Bane's scheme, but has to prove his intentions to avoid a Bat-beatdown. Along the way, this Gotham odd couple begins to bond-c...

+ LikeComments (1)
myconius - Dec 5, 2018

i don't think you're wrong. you summed it up perfectly.

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myconius reviewed Heroes In Crisis #3 Nov 28, 2018








Harley Quinn snuck up behind Wally West and killed him with her little mallet?

now i KNOW y'all are trippin!

Heroes In Crisis #3

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Nov 28, 2018

Tragedies deepen as more secrets behind the "superhero hospital" called Sanctuary are revealed! What compelled Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman to create it in the first place? How was it built? And if the hospital truly is alive via A.I., who - or what - is the brain of "Sanctuary?" Another layer peeled back in the biggest mystery woven through t...

+ LikeComments (24)
PeteRick - Dec 6, 2018

Is heroes in crisis canon guys?!

Psycamorean - Dec 6, 2018

As far as we know, yes.

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Nihilist reviewed Heroes In Crisis #3 Nov 28, 2018

At this point I guess it's safe to say the entire event derailed pretty badly for DC, and after reading this issue, I can confidently say that Lagoon Boy perfectly captures who Tom King is as a writer. He loves repetition, he uses repetition time and time again whenever he has a chance, and while it's perfectly acceptable for a traumatized hero who can't let his pain go and relieves his most painf more

Heroes In Crisis #3

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Nov 28, 2018

Tragedies deepen as more secrets behind the "superhero hospital" called Sanctuary are revealed! What compelled Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman to create it in the first place? How was it built? And if the hospital truly is alive via A.I., who - or what - is the brain of "Sanctuary?" Another layer peeled back in the biggest mystery woven through t...

+ LikeComments (3)
Nihilist - Nov 28, 2018

Well, maybe I hold it to a bit too high standard, which to me would be King's first 3 Batman arcs, all being super solid, emotional and tense. But even if my point may be skewed, I can't say I enjoy the entire event. So far it was a giant disappointment to me, and I really don't enjoy reading it. The concept is great, the execution, though...

JordanT4021 - Nov 28, 2018

Not to mention King’s obsession with ellipses. It’s.... extremely... frustrating. At times I can’t tell if the character is being dramatic or their out of breath. I agree too that the series has been mediocre so far. Especially since it was marketed as the best thing since sliced bread.

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Darkseid24 reviewed Heroes In Crisis #3 Nov 28, 2018

Maybe it’s too early to really judge it, but this issue was a little weird.
Harley Quinn is ridiculously overpowered once again, it’s just annoying, nothing more. ( If any character should die, it’s her. I am so sick of her) Apart from showing how these deaths happened there is nothing really new in this issue. So it feels more like a filler.
Maybe these deaths aren’t real& it more

Heroes In Crisis #3

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Nov 28, 2018

Tragedies deepen as more secrets behind the "superhero hospital" called Sanctuary are revealed! What compelled Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman to create it in the first place? How was it built? And if the hospital truly is alive via A.I., who - or what - is the brain of "Sanctuary?" Another layer peeled back in the biggest mystery woven through t...

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MKW69 reviewed Heroes In Crisis #3 Nov 28, 2018

Lagoon boy stuff was fine, just like wally, but rest of it? Booster doesn't act like himself, and Death of Wally is A fucking joke. Speedsters have automatic Bullet time. Even in bad shape, he's reflexes should kick in.

Heroes In Crisis #3

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Nov 28, 2018

Tragedies deepen as more secrets behind the "superhero hospital" called Sanctuary are revealed! What compelled Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman to create it in the first place? How was it built? And if the hospital truly is alive via A.I., who - or what - is the brain of "Sanctuary?" Another layer peeled back in the biggest mystery woven through t...

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Big Brother reviewed Batman #59 Nov 21, 2018

Nice artwork!

Batman #59

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Nov 21, 2018

Caught between Batman and his unseen enemy, the Penguin has to think on his feet to avoid being taken down by either side. If he chooses one way, he goes to jail; if he chooses the other, he ends up dead. Then again, the choice seems obvious. Is Batman ready for a new kind of avian sidekick?

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myconius reviewed Batman #59 Nov 21, 2018

this is a synthetic imitation of a Batman comic.


it was laugh-out-load hysterical seeing Batman beating up that inflatable Bane doll.

and Batman socking Gordon in the mouth (though predictable) was also really funny.

this story fails as a Batman comic, but totally wins as a parody.

Batman #59

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Nov 21, 2018

Caught between Batman and his unseen enemy, the Penguin has to think on his feet to avoid being taken down by either side. If he chooses one way, he goes to jail; if he chooses the other, he ends up dead. Then again, the choice seems obvious. Is Batman ready for a new kind of avian sidekick?

SomeDummy reviewed Heroes In Crisis #2 Oct 31, 2018

I appreciate Tom just lazily saying outright Harley is as good as Batman in only 2 issues of this, rather than limply trying to convince us as he did with Catwoman over 50 monotonous issues of Batman.

Friggen awful event so far.

Heroes In Crisis #2

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Oct 31, 2018

Suspected of murder, [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] find themselves on the run from the super-hospital called Sanctuary -with each thinking the other one is the real killer! It's up to Batman to solve this heinous crime, but suspicion falls on him when Superman and Wonder Woman ponder just how much Sanctuary's A.I. is telling them. Meanwhile, [REDACTED]...

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KFuqua reviewed Heroes In Crisis #2 Oct 31, 2018

Tom King continues to prove that he should not be allowed to write comics for DC.

Heroes In Crisis #2

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Oct 31, 2018

Suspected of murder, [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] find themselves on the run from the super-hospital called Sanctuary -with each thinking the other one is the real killer! It's up to Batman to solve this heinous crime, but suspicion falls on him when Superman and Wonder Woman ponder just how much Sanctuary's A.I. is telling them. Meanwhile, [REDACTED]...

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myconius reviewed Heroes In Crisis #2 Oct 31, 2018

it seems Harley Quinn is now the most powerful character in the entire DCU.
this time she completely outfoxes the entire DC trinity.

characters act like complete idiots. dull robotic dialog. poor attempts at humor.
(why is everyone including Batman all of the sudden calling Batman’s utility belt his “Bat-Belt”?)
Batman carries Kryptonite in his *UTILITY BELT* he alw more

Heroes In Crisis #2

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Oct 31, 2018

Suspected of murder, [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] find themselves on the run from the super-hospital called Sanctuary -with each thinking the other one is the real killer! It's up to Batman to solve this heinous crime, but suspicion falls on him when Superman and Wonder Woman ponder just how much Sanctuary's A.I. is telling them. Meanwhile, [REDACTED]...

+ LikeComments (5)
myconius - Nov 5, 2018

Harley has become such an overpowered Mary Sue. she shouldn't need the kryptonite she stole out of Batman's *Bat-belt* to defeat Superman. all she has to do is swing at him with her baseball bat, or maybe just stab him with a pie knife.

JBL Reviews - Nov 25, 2018

Haha. Yes.

SomeDummy rated Harley Quinn #52 Oct 18, 2018

Harley Quinn #52

By: Sam Humphries, Sami Basri
Released: Oct 17, 2018

Trapped in a future he doesn't understand, Captain Triumph can't battle his way out of our modern world, as all his efforts lead to disaster. That causes him to butt heads and trade punches with his would-be protector, Harley Quinn. Can Harley talk her way out of this clash? And more importantly, where's she getting a time machine so she can send C...

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WhistleBlower reviewed Nightwing #51 Oct 17, 2018

Expect little more than predictable cliches and dry exposition. Nepotism is killing DC.

Nightwing #51

By: Scott Lobdell, Garry Brown
Released: Oct 17, 2018

Don't forget, this issue features an enhanced foil cover by Mike Perkins!
After the cataclysmic events of BATMAN #55, our hero doesn't remember training to fight, being a member of the Bat family, or being a superhero...and he could not be more content. It's his life, and he's happy to just live it with new friends and a roof over his head (wh...

+ LikeComments (1)
SomeDummy - Oct 18, 2018

yup, they just love to go back to the same terrible well of writers.

SomeDummy reviewed Batman #57 Oct 18, 2018

So predicable, oh no my girlfriend and bro are out of my life, Alfrted is my last remaining connective tissue, now I ambiguously kill someone while spouting off hands down one of the most embarrassing attempts at a badass Batman line on the professional level.

ZZZzzzZzZZzzZZzZZZ.... LOL did he just say hes the worlds greatest detective out loud? Did he just say he has a body of hurt? more

Batman #57

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Oct 17, 2018

The KGBeast isn't working alone. As the Cold War between Batman and the Russian killer heats up, Batman's nose for mystery gets to twitching when he suspects there's more to the KGBeast's attacks than initially thought. Not only does this tie back to the court case Bruce Wayne sat on involving Mr. Freeze, there's another villainous Gotham ghoul in ...

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myconius - Oct 18, 2018

"Dark Knight Depressive" sums it up perfectly! xD

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myconius reviewed Batman #57 Oct 17, 2018


this is a joke, right?
this was supposed to be a joke?

why is DC trying to force Tom King on the Batman series for 100 issues?
the man didn’t even have 50 good issues in him, let alone 100.
DC really needs to find someone who actually understands Batman,
and knows how to tell a good Batman story.
otherwise we ca more

Batman #57

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Oct 17, 2018

The KGBeast isn't working alone. As the Cold War between Batman and the Russian killer heats up, Batman's nose for mystery gets to twitching when he suspects there's more to the KGBeast's attacks than initially thought. Not only does this tie back to the court case Bruce Wayne sat on involving Mr. Freeze, there's another villainous Gotham ghoul in ...

+ LikeComments (26)
Talon1load - Oct 20, 2018

Yeah, being suspicious doesn’t really have anything to do with being fearful. Hadn’t really paid much attention to that but you’re right. Should definitely have been superstitious.

myconius - Oct 20, 2018

i mean it is kind of a minor thing, but that tiny attention to detail i notice quite a bit. especially since i've read so many of these classic stories in reprints over and over as a kid.

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MKW69 reviewed Nightwing #50 Oct 3, 2018

What the fuck.

Nightwing #50

By: Ben Percy, Chris Mooneyham
Released: Oct 3, 2018

"Knight Terrors" begins here! The big issue #50 kicks off an epic four-part story that brings together critical moments of fear and doubt from the past and the present. A young Dick Grayson hopes to escape the shadow of the Bat and earn the title of Nightwing, while an older Dick Grayson must deal with a blow he did not see coming. A common enemy u...

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SomeDummy reviewed Heroes In Crisis #1 Sep 27, 2018

Its just...

Rebirth was so good. It added layers to the main continuity, it got me buying books outside of my normal wheelhouse just to pick up clues. I ended up owning 30+ issues of a Deathstroke run my thirst was so real, and dont regret it that series is great.

But now...

Tom King is the least heroic super hero writer ever. I cant remember the last time I put do more

Heroes In Crisis #1

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Sep 26, 2018

There's a new kind of crisis threatening the heroes of the DC Universe, ripped from real-world headlines by C.I.A.-operative-turned-comics-writer Tom King: How does a superhero handle PTSD? Welcome to Sanctuary, an ultra-secret hospital for superheroes who've been traumatized by crime-fighting and cosmic combat. But something goes inexplicably wron...

SomeDummy commented on this:

Great issue. Story really picks up and the build up was worth it

Doomsday Clock #7

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Sep 26, 2018

The critically acclaimed team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank continue the groundbreaking miniseries bringing the world of WATCHMEN to DC. In this chapter, the truth behind Dr. Manhattan's curiosity with the DC Universe is revealed as the planet teeters on the edge of the Super-War.

+ LikeComments (1)
SomeDummy - Sep 26, 2018

Yes! The build up has made this issue absolutely sing.

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