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Joined: Aug 03, 2017

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Nihilist reviewed Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #3 Nov 13, 2019

Feels like somebody made a comic out of a Frank Cho's idea for a variant cover of Harley's solo series, because other than that, I can't explain why it was made, and what story does it try to tell. It's a bland, boring, unfunny soap opera, albeit with really pretty art, I have to acknowledge that.

While it tries to address, and to a degree, fix the Ivy mess Tom King caused with Heroes i more

Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #3

By: Jody Houser, Adriana Melo
Released: Nov 13, 2019

Down the rabbit hole and through the looking glass, and what did Harley and Ivy find there? A tea party with some very unexpected and uninvited guests! It turns out the Mad Hatter has a game of his own to play, and Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn must decide between fight and flight. And is that gift Lex Luthor dropped off for Ivy actually of any use, ...

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Nihilist reviewed DCeased #6 Oct 30, 2019

This feels like an ending of a TV series' season, not like a proper conclusion of an event, or a stand alone comic story. It just cuts out, not giving us any real answers - and granted, they could be provided within a sequel, if there's any in the future, but for now, we have what we have, so I'm not willing to give DC a free pass, because there's untapped potential in DCEASED.

So yeah, more

DCeased #6

By: Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairsine
Released: Oct 30, 2019

Humanity is on the brink of extinction, and only a few remaining members of the Justice League stand between life and annihilation. As the remnants of humanity make their last gamble for survival, will there even be a planet left to call home when all is said and done? The senses-shattering conclusion to the year's surprise blockbuster is here!

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Nihilist - Oct 31, 2019

May be. I wonder how will Joe Hill's comics perform. I didn't have time to read basketful of Heads yet, hopefully it's better than this.

Darkseid24 - Oct 31, 2019

I hope so too. I still have to read it.

JordanT4021 reviewed DCeased #6 Oct 31, 2019

Oh. That’s it? Huh, okay...

I’ve been a huge fan of this series and this issue is still a great addition but as a conclusion to the series, I needed a little more. For me, there are too many points left unattended to. It’s evident that DC will be going for a sequel here since Superman and Wonder Woman are roaming freely, the magicians from the DCeased one shot never showed up at t more

DCeased #6

By: Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairsine
Released: Oct 30, 2019

Humanity is on the brink of extinction, and only a few remaining members of the Justice League stand between life and annihilation. As the remnants of humanity make their last gamble for survival, will there even be a planet left to call home when all is said and done? The senses-shattering conclusion to the year's surprise blockbuster is here!

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Part of me is beginning to wonder why this series was necessary at all. I couldn’t help but think that the story and tone feels so Harley centric, that this could have been an arc in Harley’s own ongoing.

It is good to see Ivy back to her strong and powerful self (however short for) but it would be nice to see more interaction from Ivy. It almost feels like Harley is narrating this more

Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #2

By: Jody Houser, Adriana Melo
Released: Oct 9, 2019

Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are on the run with the Floronic Man hot on their trail, desperate for Poison Ivy to understand her connection to the Green and join his new Parliament of Flowers. Knowing Gotham City isn't the safest place for them under the new Bane order, Harley takes a hard left down a rabbit hole to seek sanctuary with a former pati...

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JordanT4021 reviewed Flash #80 Oct 9, 2019

Despite being on the cover and teased for the last 5 issues, the rogues are yet to actually make any sort of play. The year of the villain tie in is gratuitous at this point and serves no point.

Not to mention, this book is so convoluted jumping from black flash to zoom to the sidekicks to the year of the villain. Not very impressive.

Flash #80

By: Joshua Williamson, Scott Kolins
Released: Oct 9, 2019

"The Hunter and the Hunted" part one! Barry Allen is hurt, and his connection to the Speed Force is fading fast. With the Speed Force dying, the only person who can save it is...Hunter Zolomon? Hunter has returned to prove he's the one, true Flash, and he doesn't care who gets in his way. But who is left to deal with the Rogues? Captain Cold has as...

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JordanT4021 reviewed DCeased #5 Oct 2, 2019

By far the best issue of DCeased so far. Such an impressive issue.

The ending of the issue is beyond tragic. Flash and superman fans may not be overly thrilled but their touching character arcs make it all worth it. No doubting that Tom Taylor has earned the praise for this.

DCeased #5

By: Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairsine
Released: Oct 2, 2019

The world is dying at the hands of the infected, and the very survival of humanity is at stake. Facing extinction, Superman and the heroes will make a decision that will fundamentally alter Earth's present...and future!

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Nihilist reviewed Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #1 Sep 5, 2019

One could assume DC will try to bury Heroes in Crisis in the past, just ignore it, move along, never mention this piece of filth again... but nope, for some reason the editorial thought we need this comic, probably because they try to push this entire Year of the Villain shtick.
And because it exists to be connective tissue between two major events, the comic sure lack substance, to no one's more

Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #1

By: Jody Houser, Adriana Melo
Released: Sep 4, 2019

Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are taking their show on the road in this new miniseries! They'll have to evade villains and heroes alike while they explore their relationship and unpack their time and experiences at Sanctuary. Set after the events of HEROES IN CRISIS and smack in the middle of "Year of the Villain," it's a journey across the DC Univer...

JordanT4021 liked this:

The first issue is better than the Harley Quinn run, but still far away from great. I didn’t need another story, that reminded me of the utterly stupid written part of HIC, where Harley beat the Trinity. We also still get zero explanation how Ivy even survived, HIC never made that really clear other than Ivy growing back from a Flower ( King apparently rather listens to some toxic twitter Ivy fa more

Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #1

By: Jody Houser, Adriana Melo
Released: Sep 4, 2019

Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are taking their show on the road in this new miniseries! They'll have to evade villains and heroes alike while they explore their relationship and unpack their time and experiences at Sanctuary. Set after the events of HEROES IN CRISIS and smack in the middle of "Year of the Villain," it's a journey across the DC Univer...


A fun side story with some of our favourite lesser known heroes. Tom Taylor offers up some fun interactions and great use of humour in a bleak zombie story.

As fun as the issue is, it does beg the question of ‘was this a necessary deviation from the main story’.

DCeased: A Good Day To Die #1

By: Tom Taylor, Laura Braga
Released: Sep 4, 2019

While the mainstays of the Justice League-Superman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman - battle the worldwide infection in the pages of DCEASED, a group of other heroes work to stop the impending apocalypse-no matter who they have to kill! Mr. Terrific assembles a motley group of surviving heroes including Mister Miracle, Big Barda, John Constantine, B...

JordanT4021 liked this:

I'm not sure if a spin-off was necessary for DCEASED, after all, it's not like the core series is very deep and requires much exposition. And while I generally enjoyed this issue, especially parts with Constantine, I can't stop thinking this probably should have been a regular entry, not an additional supplementary comic.
It sure has its moments, and shows more desperate side of zombie infest more

DCeased: A Good Day To Die #1

By: Tom Taylor, Laura Braga
Released: Sep 4, 2019

While the mainstays of the Justice League-Superman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman - battle the worldwide infection in the pages of DCEASED, a group of other heroes work to stop the impending apocalypse-no matter who they have to kill! Mr. Terrific assembles a motley group of surviving heroes including Mister Miracle, Big Barda, John Constantine, B...


Issue #1 feels like a bad mix of overarching stories with Heroes in Crisis and Year of the Villain tie ins. It’s hard to believe a full series could be anything more than a side story to the other events.

The art is anticlimactic when you consider the promising cover and variant work by Mikel Janin, Artgerm and other incredible artists. It seems almost child like in a way.

Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #1

By: Jody Houser, Adriana Melo
Released: Sep 4, 2019

Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy are taking their show on the road in this new miniseries! They'll have to evade villains and heroes alike while they explore their relationship and unpack their time and experiences at Sanctuary. Set after the events of HEROES IN CRISIS and smack in the middle of "Year of the Villain," it's a journey across the DC Univer...

JordanT4021 liked this:
Nihilist reviewed DCeased #2 Jun 5, 2019

I feel like I should have enjoyed this issue more than I did, but for some reason I can't. I don't consider it bad, or even underwhelming, but I didn't love it either. Sure, the Batman plot twist, as well as Ollie, Dinah and Hal's camping were super fun to witness, but overall the comic really felt to me like a chapter coming from one place and leading to another, itself not really having enough i more

DCeased #2

By: Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairsine
Released: Jun 5, 2019

Millions are dying every minute. Heroes and villains alike are falling. Can the Justice League unite to find a way to stop the spread of death? Can they save humanity from extinction? Can they even save themselves? The key to survival may hinge on the last moments of one of the World's Finest Heroes...

JordanT4021 reviewed DCeased #2 Jun 5, 2019

A very promising second issue.

I always admire when a writer has the balls to scratch off the biggest characters before the story has really started. Finally a chance to see some of our under appreciated heroes taking to the forefront.

The characterisation is really strong here too (something much needed after heroes in crisis). The chemistry between Harley & Ivy and Ollie & more

DCeased #2

By: Tom Taylor, Trevor Hairsine
Released: Jun 5, 2019

Millions are dying every minute. Heroes and villains alike are falling. Can the Justice League unite to find a way to stop the spread of death? Can they save humanity from extinction? Can they even save themselves? The key to survival may hinge on the last moments of one of the World's Finest Heroes...

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Nihilist reviewed Heroes In Crisis #9 May 29, 2019

Finally this piece of crap is over and we can move on with our lives. Forget about it, and its awfulness. Apparently not much changed with this event - Ivy's back and her fan-fic relationship with Harley still exists (sigh...), Wally is alive, well and not insane... Hell, I have a feeling that other than few deaths, nothing happened in Heroes in Crisis. I guess that's a good thing, considering how more

Heroes In Crisis #9

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: May 29, 2019

The most-talked-about miniseries of the year reaches its stunning finale! The mystery behind the murders at Sanctuary is solved, but the mind behind it is one the heroes never expected. With their deepest secrets exposed, the Trinity has to consider how to carry on. Should the tragedy cause them to redouble their efforts to help their hurting comra...

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myconius - May 29, 2019


Nihilist - May 29, 2019

Yeah, these 2.5 points are for the arc, and the art only. Gotta say, it looks great. But the story and characterization is awful beyond belief. So much garbage and unresolved plot points. Like Lois Lane's report - where did it lead, exactly? What did it change? Terrible, terrible event.

JordanT4021 reviewed Heroes In Crisis #9 May 29, 2019

It’s all ogre now.

As the series concludes, I can’t help but think of the initial intent with the series. It was a book that was supposed to highlight the importance of maintaining positive mental health and seeking help when appropriate. For that, we have to acknowledge that King meant well and I applaud him for it.

The unfortunate thing is, every character was painted more

Heroes In Crisis #9

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: May 29, 2019

The most-talked-about miniseries of the year reaches its stunning finale! The mystery behind the murders at Sanctuary is solved, but the mind behind it is one the heroes never expected. With their deepest secrets exposed, the Trinity has to consider how to carry on. Should the tragedy cause them to redouble their efforts to help their hurting comra...

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myconius reviewed Heroes In Crisis #7 Mar 27, 2019

(((((((SPOILER ALERT)))))))
(((((((SPOILER ALERT)))))))
(((((((SPOILER ALERT)))))))
(((((((SPOILER ALERT)))))))

i know who the killer is!!

it's Tom King.

he's killed this series, and he wants to kill the DCU.

the art was really nice, but what's the point if it's for trash writing?

Heroes In Crisis #7

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Mar 27, 2019

The Trinity may have uncovered the true killer responsible for the deaths at Sanctuary, but the artificial intelligence that ran the institution is the one thing standing between them and the culprit. Now Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman must face off with their own creation-and face the consequences for what they created. Also, as the truth is un...

JordanT4021 reviewed Heroes In Crisis #7 Mar 27, 2019

I thought once the characters in this story were dead, they wouldn’t be coming back? I guess being reborn is a different ballpark in that case.

While I’m ecstatic that Ivy is back on the playing field, you can’t help but think: what was the point of her arc? It literally served no purpose.

Thank our green gods this series ends in two months. The butchery has gone on fo more

Heroes In Crisis #7

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Mar 27, 2019

The Trinity may have uncovered the true killer responsible for the deaths at Sanctuary, but the artificial intelligence that ran the institution is the one thing standing between them and the culprit. Now Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman must face off with their own creation-and face the consequences for what they created. Also, as the truth is un...

JordanT4021 reviewed Heroes In Crisis #6 Feb 27, 2019

Fans of this series may also enjoy:
- watching paint dry
- watching grass grow
- a timely resolution to Brexit

The level to which this series has been drawn out is just ridiculous. 2/3 the way through and we’re no further forward with this completely lacklustre mystery.

One of the few interesting elements in this issue is the Harley/Ivy dynamic. There’s de more

Heroes In Crisis #6

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Feb 27, 2019

Get a deeper look into the inner workings of Sanctuary. When heroes visited the facility, they relived their trauma through virtual reality, contending with the events that brought them there in the hope of reaching a meaningful resolution. That is, until the trauma took over and escalated these personal events into a full-blown crisis! Find out wh...

+ LikeComments (2)
Nihilist - Feb 27, 2019

The Brexis analogy was wonderful. I laughed out loud at that. I wouldn't, personally, agree with Harley and Ivy's relationship - I found it to feel... inferior to the animated series, honestly. Maybe if Harl referred to Pam as "Red", I'd be more forgiving, but overall I think it was just poorly written and pointless, like the rest of the comic.

JordanT4021 - Feb 27, 2019

Paul Dini’s Harley & Ivy will always be the best. I long for the days of Gotham City Sirens. I think the best part about this issue was Mitch Gerads art of the two. I thought he captured them well. The dialogue was wrong of course but baby steps!

JordanT4021 liked this:
Nihilist reviewed Heroes In Crisis #6 Feb 27, 2019

If you've heard of Heroes in Crisis, you should already know pefectly it's bad. There's nothing controversial about stating this fact - it may have been when issue #1 came out, but since then, everyone came to realization that, yeah, it's just a piss-poor excuse for a giant comic event as captivating and entertaining as Captain Marvel's movie trailers.

This issue is maybe even worse tha more

Heroes In Crisis #6

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Feb 27, 2019

Get a deeper look into the inner workings of Sanctuary. When heroes visited the facility, they relived their trauma through virtual reality, contending with the events that brought them there in the hope of reaching a meaningful resolution. That is, until the trauma took over and escalated these personal events into a full-blown crisis! Find out wh...

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Psycamorean - Mar 18, 2019

King has a history of pissing them off. Might as well dig that hole deeper.

Darkseid24 - Mar 18, 2019

As long as it is just Ivy I don’t really care. She’s pretty lame in New52/ Rebirth.

JordanT4021 reviewed Justice League Dark #8 Feb 13, 2019

Another great issue. The series continues to be my favourite DC title.

The characterisation of these characters is so spot on. Detective Chimp and Man-Bat have been blessed by Tynion's writing. Despite knowing little about Bobo and thinking of Man-Bat as a one dimensional character, this series has made them two of my favourites.

My only problem with this issue is that the more

Justice League Dark #8

By: James Tynion IV, Alvaro Eduardo Martinez Bueno
Released: Feb 13, 2019

"LORDS OF ORDER" part one! Wonder Woman and the Justice League Dark are in a race against time as the Otherkind close in on the rest of the magical community. With the world's magic failing, the team needs to rally the magic wielders of Earth together. But can they face down Doctor Fate and his newly assembled Lords of Order?!

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JordanT4021 commented on this:
Nihilist reviewed Female Furies #1 Feb 6, 2019

If you thought only WB does not understand DC characters, as proven with multiple choices done in the DCEU (Riddler-Luthor, Harley and Joker both having tattooed faces, murdering Batman, TMNT Doomsday, etc.), read this comic and think again. Sigh, what a mess, where characters are merely one dimensional shells, and their stories are second to the pseudo-empowerment theme so unsubtle and ironically more

Female Furies #1

By: Cecil Castellucci, Adriana Melo
Released: Feb 6, 2019

All their lives the Female Furies have been raised to be the meanest, most cunning and most ruthless fighting force on all of Apokolips. So why are Granny Goodness' girls left behind every time the men go to war? With the might of New Genesis hanging over the planet, and the Forever People making mincemeat out of Darkseid's army, Granny thinks it's...

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ohhaimark - Feb 6, 2019

Looking through the preview along with reading the reviews has strongly confirmed my decision not to read this series...

Darkseid24 - Feb 6, 2019

It also has good parts I think. It just reduces the characters to one part of their characters, but they are way more complex. I still liked it way more than Darkseid War or Mr. Miracle.

JordanT4021 reviewed Female Furies #1 Feb 6, 2019

I have to admit, theres a slight excitement when first opening up this comic. With art so bright and reminiscent of Kirby's, you'd truly think you're in for a treat. Unfortunately, looks can be deceiving.

As soon as you start reading this issue, the problems become glaringly obvious. The characters are beyond one-note and dull (an alarming contrast to the bright colours of the issue), more

Female Furies #1

By: Cecil Castellucci, Adriana Melo
Released: Feb 6, 2019

All their lives the Female Furies have been raised to be the meanest, most cunning and most ruthless fighting force on all of Apokolips. So why are Granny Goodness' girls left behind every time the men go to war? With the might of New Genesis hanging over the planet, and the Forever People making mincemeat out of Darkseid's army, Granny thinks it's...

JordanT4021 commented on this:
Nihilist reviewed Heroes In Crisis #5 Jan 30, 2019

"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
To get to a terrible comic writer's house.

Heroes in Crisis is just plain bad. It may feature some very solid artwork, but the story is so painfully boring, disjointed, pseudo-intellectually "deep" and in many cases out of character, it basically could be summarized with all the jokes, mockery and criticisms of New-52 era of DC Comics.

Heroes In Crisis #5

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 30, 2019

The secrets of the DC Universe are hacked! Sanctuary wasn't supposed to keep records, but now that the A.I. is compromised, superhero secrets are leaking all over the 'Net. Booster and Harley set aside their differences to focus on who they believe is the real killer (assuming one of them isn't lying, that is). Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash conti...

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myconius - Jan 30, 2019

JordanT4021 - i'm glad people are calling out Tom King for trying to exploit mental illness and people who suffer from PTSD. hopefully more people will come to this realization.

Nihilist - Jan 30, 2019

Good find, it's definitely worth reading and very insightful, especially if you don't know anyone who may have suffered from PTSD, thus may not know how to help someone with PTSD.

JordanT4021 liked this:
Linkush reviewed Heroes In Crisis #5 Jan 30, 2019

A decent issue.

If there's one thing I don't get is that how come, Batman, "the world's greatest detective" can't figure out what is going on, while Booster Gold and Batgirl seem to get closer to solving the mystery? I'm mean it's pretty stupid if you ask me.

I still like where this is going tho. We got a big clue that wally might not be more

Heroes In Crisis #5

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 30, 2019

The secrets of the DC Universe are hacked! Sanctuary wasn't supposed to keep records, but now that the A.I. is compromised, superhero secrets are leaking all over the 'Net. Booster and Harley set aside their differences to focus on who they believe is the real killer (assuming one of them isn't lying, that is). Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash conti...

JordanT4021 liked this:
myconius reviewed Heroes In Crisis #5 Jan 30, 2019

the biggest shame of this comic....

is that such beautiful art is wasted on the garbage writing, as Tom King mocks the mentally ill.

Heroes In Crisis #5

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 30, 2019

The secrets of the DC Universe are hacked! Sanctuary wasn't supposed to keep records, but now that the A.I. is compromised, superhero secrets are leaking all over the 'Net. Booster and Harley set aside their differences to focus on who they believe is the real killer (assuming one of them isn't lying, that is). Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash conti...

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Darkseid24 - Feb 3, 2019

Heroes, but abuse, bullying, disfigurement, loneliness, rejection is often just linked to villains. Did we ever have a hero, who was disfigured like Two Face& overcame it? I don’t think so. That’s why I personally don’t feel offended by it. I try to see the good pertain both villains& heroes. You can even find good characteristics in a villain like Darkseid.

Darkseid24 - Feb 3, 2019

good sides of

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nec reviewed Heroes In Crisis #5 Jan 30, 2019

I feel dumber for having read this dialogue. Every character speaks like a 12 year old. They know words but not how to structure them in a sentence or say the same thing 5 different ways. Also to beat the flash all you have to do is say what's that. What is he a dog. How stupid is his rogues gallery to not figure that out.
I like how superman is making a speech to the world and ends it by s more

Heroes In Crisis #5

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 30, 2019

The secrets of the DC Universe are hacked! Sanctuary wasn't supposed to keep records, but now that the A.I. is compromised, superhero secrets are leaking all over the 'Net. Booster and Harley set aside their differences to focus on who they believe is the real killer (assuming one of them isn't lying, that is). Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash conti...

JordanT4021 commented on this:
Samuel Almeida reviewed Heroes In Crisis #5 Jan 30, 2019

What an emotional issue! Supermans speech was so inspiring an touching. Brilliant writing by Tom King.
Alongside a brilliant art by Clay Mann! His Superman is one of my favorites! Amazing!
Two things im dying to know is WHO was the person with red gloves that found the rose at the beach and HOLY CRAP!!! The dead Wally is 5 days too old??! So, does that mean his not the real Wally?!!!1 Im more

Heroes In Crisis #5

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 30, 2019

The secrets of the DC Universe are hacked! Sanctuary wasn't supposed to keep records, but now that the A.I. is compromised, superhero secrets are leaking all over the 'Net. Booster and Harley set aside their differences to focus on who they believe is the real killer (assuming one of them isn't lying, that is). Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash conti...

+ LikeComments (24)
ryaleus - Feb 3, 2019

You know some people buy this series not because they love it,but because it affects their favourite characters,right?

Darkseid24 - Feb 3, 2019

That’s true. I mainly read it because it affects so many characters.

JordanT4021 liked this:
RBL reviewed Heroes In Crisis #5 Jan 30, 2019

I initially wanted to to give this a 5, because as middling as it was it had a scant few decent moments, but the last page is idiocy like no other. I even believe a 4 is being generous.

I will start off by saying I believed the Blue&Gold bros were well portrayed and I enjoyed their interactions, while their plan was decidedly dumb their acknowledgement of the same shows a small degree o more

Heroes In Crisis #5

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 30, 2019

The secrets of the DC Universe are hacked! Sanctuary wasn't supposed to keep records, but now that the A.I. is compromised, superhero secrets are leaking all over the 'Net. Booster and Harley set aside their differences to focus on who they believe is the real killer (assuming one of them isn't lying, that is). Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash conti...

JordanT4021 reviewed Heroes In Crisis #5 Jan 30, 2019

Turns out, there’s a better way of conveying someone’s emotional turmoil than stuttering, repetition and ellipses. Can someone forward that to King?

To spend longer than 5 minutes writing a review for this crap is 5 minutes too long, and I’ve already lost precious time reading the issue.

To put it plainly, this is bad. Probably one of the worst, most unnecessary comic more

Heroes In Crisis #5

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 30, 2019

The secrets of the DC Universe are hacked! Sanctuary wasn't supposed to keep records, but now that the A.I. is compromised, superhero secrets are leaking all over the 'Net. Booster and Harley set aside their differences to focus on who they believe is the real killer (assuming one of them isn't lying, that is). Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash conti...

JordanT4021 reviewed Justice League Dark #7 Jan 16, 2019

Without a doubt, the best issue of the series so far.

It’s an extremely dark and scary chapter for JLD, with a genuinely creepy atmosphere. I couldn’t help but think of Neil Gaiman’s Sandman at times. The fourth wall breaks are brilliant and especially unnerving: don’t tell the stories or the other kind will come. More of the much loved cameos from the DC world of magic as well more

Justice League Dark #7

By: James Tynion IV, Alvaro Eduardo Martinez Bueno
Released: Jan 16, 2019

First rule of magic: things can always get worse! Man-Bat learns that the hard way when he plays narrator and chronicles the nightmarish menagerie known as the Otherkind-horrific, monstrous entities such as "the Soup," "the Rip" and "the Offspring"-that burst through the Sphere of Gods and invaded Earth. The JLD soon realize they're no match for an...

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