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Joined: Nov 11, 2018

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huz reviewed Wolverine #1 Sep 18, 2024

Decent first issue, I just wish Coccolo wasn't pulled off Immortal Thor.

Wolverine #1

By: Saladin Ahmed, Martin Coccolo
Released: Sep 11, 2024

THE LEGEND BEGINS ANEW IN THE ADAMANTIUM-TOUGH NEW ONGOING SERIES! There's a killer in the woods - and as WOLVERINE's attempt at piece is shattered, an OLD ENEMY will re-emerge as a NEW VILLAIN rises who will bring LOGAN to the brink of his berserker rage. But NIGHTCRAWLER knows his old friend is capable of doing what's right, and before long, Loga...

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TJMB3891 - Nov 6, 2024

Me too. Thor really lost something when they lost him but at the same time his are on Wolverine for the past two issues has been fantastic.

huz rated Grommets #4 Aug 28, 2024

Grommets #4

By: Rick Remender, Moreno DiNisio
Released: Aug 28, 2024

Rick's dad gives him adolescent world-ending news that causes a fight with Brian, leaving him feeling angry, alone, and unheard just as their movie night with friends and girls begins, but party-crashing high school animals BYOB and blow their plans to bits.

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Afre reviewed Immortal Thor #13 Aug 1, 2024

Script is solid, but art is not. After Coccolo, it feels like no artist has rose to the colossal task of this series. Ewing and Thor deserve better.

Immortal Thor #13

By: Al Ewing, Jan Bazaldua
Released: Jul 31, 2024

The son of Zeus sought Thor out - for Toranos' wheel had turned for the Olympians too, and two Gods together might solve such a mystery. The trail took them to a wasteland of snow and terror and treachery...and to an old foe of Hercules, at the height of her dread power. New series artist JAN BAZALDUA draws the story ...

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huz - Aug 5, 2024 (edited)

losing Coccolo and Matt Wilson is a huge loss.

huz rated Grommets #3 Jul 31, 2024

Grommets #3

By: Rick Remender, Moreno DiNisio
Released: Jul 31, 2024

A house party plan is hatched on a ditch day at the arcade when Rick and Brian take their shot at the girl of their dreams, but will Liberty Spike Mike's defiance of Nancy Reagan make their dreams go up in smoke?

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huz rated Grommets #2 Jun 26, 2024

Grommets #2

By: Rick Remender, Moreno DiNisio
Released: Jun 26, 2024

The Grommets' big day out! After some fine dining at the Bell, Rick and Brian meet up with the Jens to skate a parking garage. They'll face security guards, jock thugs, and wipeouts in a classic day of unsupervised danger, fun, and adventure in the lives of 80s suburban latchkey kids.

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huz rated Grommets #1 Jun 26, 2024

Grommets #1

By: Rick Remender, Moreno DiNisio
Released: May 29, 2024

Two best-friend outcasts navigate the Sacramento suburbs of 1984, where they find a home in skateboard culture and punk rock. On one side of the coin, GROMMETS is an authentic look at 80s skate culture, a snapshot of the generation that turned skating into a worldwide phenomenon. On the other, it's a heartfelt coming-of-age ...

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huz added Grommets (2024) to their pull list May 31, 2024

Grommets (2024)

Two best-friend outcasts navigate the Sacramento suburbs of 1984, where they find a home in skateboard culture and punk rock. On one side of the coin, GROMMETS is an authentic look at 80s skate culture, a snapshot of the generation that turned skating into a worldwide phenomenon. On the other, it's a heartfelt coming-of-age ...

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huz rated Immortal Thor #2 Sep 30, 2023

Immortal Thor #2

By: Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo
Released: Sep 27, 2023

TORANOS WALKS THE EARTH! An Elder God of the Utgard-Realm had marked Thor for destruction - and a city with him. Yet the only power that could prevail carried its own terrible price. And all the while, Loki waited - Loki, who took no side and played no favorites...even if it be their own kin. This is the story of THE IMMORTAL THOR...and the hour of...

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Raffe posted on huz's profile Sep 16, 2023

Hey there, out of curiosity would you happen to be the same huz that had a profile on called huzshrink?

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huz - Sep 24, 2023

No sorry, not me.

huz rated Immortal Thor #1 Aug 23, 2023

Immortal Thor #1

By: Al Ewing, Martin Coccolo
Released: Aug 23, 2023

AL EWING, MARTIN COCCOLO & ALEX ROSS GIVE THE GOD OF THUNDER THE "IMMORTAL" TREATMENT! In Norse myths, they called him Thunderer. Vuer has he been called, and Hloriddi. The Gods know him as Asgard's King, keeper of Mjolnir, hero of the tales. When injustice grips the Earth and ancient powers bring down the sky, he fights for those who cannot - and ...

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huz reviewed Thor #25 May 19, 2022

Great art in this issue.

Thor #25

By: Donny Cates, Martin Coccolo
Released: May 18, 2022

The 60th Anniversary celebration - and Thor and Hulk's epic rivalry - continues in the second installment of the crossover between the HULK and THOR series! Banner's newfound control of his rage is prolonging this fight more than Thor expected, and with Banner holding his own, Thor must get creative. Odin's breakthroug...

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huz reviewed Thor #24 Apr 27, 2022

Really enjoyed this. Lot of great stories from past Thor writers and Artist, with the highlight of the issue being Straczynski and Coipel's pages. Still enjoying the main story from Cates and Klein as well. Klein did a really nice looking double page spread of Odin's funeral.

The only thing I didn't like in this issue was Jason Aaron's story. When I read the description saying we're more

Thor #24

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Apr 27, 2022

After a scorched-earth victory against the God of Hammers, Thor and all of Asgard reel from a brutal loss. But some people are never truly gone, and as Thor and his allies come together so will fan-favorite creators from throughout Thor's history! In addition to the main story by Cates and Klein, join som...

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huz added Until My Knuckles Bleed to their pull list Mar 16, 2022

Until My Knuckles Bleed

From the creator of the bestselling comic, Polar, now a NETFLIX HIT MOVIE starring Mads Mikkelsen, comes a new creator owned series. A tale of crime and capes in the style of THE BOYS, WATCHMEN and SIN CITY. The 90s were the most extreme age of the superheroes... but times have changed. Gabin Hart, AKA Damager, now works as a bouncer in a strip clu...

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huz reviewed Thor #23 Mar 9, 2022

Great finale to the arc and some of the best art I've seen from Nic Klein this run. Only con was Angela still feeling kind of shoehorned in. There's also some pretty blatant MCU synergy inserted at the end, but it worked for the issue.

Thor #23

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Mar 9, 2022


It's the final chapter in Thor's brutal war against the God of Hammers, and after a horrific and tragic loss, Thor is more determined than ever to finish the fight, once and for all. But can he triumph without Mjolnir at his side? Either way, by issue's end, Thor's life will be irrevocably changed!


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huz reviewed Thor #22 Feb 16, 2022

Another great issue

Thor #22

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Feb 16, 2022

To stop the deadly path of the Mjolnir-wielding God of Hammers, all of the Marvel Universe must come together! The final battle is here, but will Thor's allies survive the hammer's blows? Thor turns to an unexpected source to help ensure victory!
Rated T+

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huz reviewed Thor #21 Jan 26, 2022

After that twist ending, I'm back on board with this arc.

Thor #21

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Jan 26, 2022

Thor has been beaten down, and the God of Hammers is about to make the final blow! Is this the end of the All-Father? Prophecies do come true, after all... but not always in the ways they are foreseen. For there is one last chance to save Thor - but at what cost?! Plus: The shocking origin of the mysterious God of H...

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huz reviewed Thor #20 Jan 5, 2022

Not bad, but not really grabbing my attention the way the Black Winter and Donald Blake arcs did.

Thor #20

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Jan 5, 2022

Mjolnir is on a rampage across the realms and is leaving death and destruction in its path! Thor must act fast to save his kingdom for the deadly prophecy of the God of Hammers is about to be unleashed!

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huz reviewed Thor #19 Nov 24, 2021

After the last 7 months, it's good to see the book getting back on track.

Thor #19

By: Donny Cates, Nic Klein
Released: Nov 24, 2021

“GOD OF HAMMERS” STARTS HERE! Mjolnir has gone missing! And nobody, not even the powerful eyes of Lady Sif, is able to locate it. So Thor must turn to the last person he wants help from…Odin. For until the hammer is found, nobody in the realms is safe! Artist Nic Klein is back for the twists and turns not even the All-Father is ready for!...

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huz added Hulk (2021) to their pull list Nov 17, 2021

Hulk (2021)

IMMORTAL NO LONGER! CATES & OTTLEY DELIVER A NEW, COLOSSAL-SIZED ERA! “MAD SCIENTIST” Part 1 of 6 The uncontrollable rage of the Hulk has reached an all-new level, and nobody – including the Avengers – is prepared to handle it. But is it really the Hulk that people should be afraid of, or is there something missing to this puzzle? Join th...

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Merlyn reviewed Inferno #2 Oct 27, 2021

This isn't a bad issue but it's safe to say there are some HUGE plotholes that I can't ignore just because it's Hickman. So Charles and Erik know that Mystique is basically the biggest danger on Krakoa but they're somehow stupid enough not to have any contingencies against a shapeshifter that could impersonate them and get access to stuff she's not allowed to. Yeah, sorry, I can't pretend that mak more

Inferno #2

By: Jonathan Hickman, Stefano Caselli
Released: Oct 27, 2021

Secrets. Lies. They have a way of coming out and biting you when you least expect them. The secrets and lies of Krakoa will shake it to it foundation. Head of X Jonathan Hickman, continues a tale of consequences with one of his first Marvel collaborators, artist Stefano Caselli!


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Stormwrath reviewed Thor #18 Oct 20, 2021

Really enjoyed the issue overall, but I need the main plot back

Thor #18

By: Donny Cates, Pasqual Ferry
Released: Oct 20, 2021

After the events of "Revelations," Thor has a top secret mission that only one trusted ally can carry out: Throg, the Frog of Thunder! Guest artist Pasqual Ferry makes a return trip to Asgard for this unique tale of otherworldly espionage, one that will have a profound
impact on the future of the M...

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DDJamesB reviewed Thor #18 Oct 20, 2021

Was it enjoyable? Sure. Was it that good? Not really. Its fun and somewhat humorous but, i need more excitement from this series.

Thor #18

By: Donny Cates, Pasqual Ferry
Released: Oct 20, 2021

After the events of "Revelations," Thor has a top secret mission that only one trusted ally can carry out: Throg, the Frog of Thunder! Guest artist Pasqual Ferry makes a return trip to Asgard for this unique tale of otherworldly espionage, one that will have a profound
impact on the future of the M...

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Rachit Mittal reviewed Thor #18 Oct 20, 2021

It's okay.

Thor #18

By: Donny Cates, Pasqual Ferry
Released: Oct 20, 2021

After the events of "Revelations," Thor has a top secret mission that only one trusted ally can carry out: Throg, the Frog of Thunder! Guest artist Pasqual Ferry makes a return trip to Asgard for this unique tale of otherworldly espionage, one that will have a profound
impact on the future of the M...

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huz reviewed Thor #18 Oct 20, 2021

It's filler. Not necessarily bad filler, but after 6 months of issues like this, it gets kind of frustrating.

I'm glad Nic Klein is coming back next month, I just wish there wasn't a 7 month gap between main story arcs.

Thor #18

By: Donny Cates, Pasqual Ferry
Released: Oct 20, 2021

After the events of "Revelations," Thor has a top secret mission that only one trusted ally can carry out: Throg, the Frog of Thunder! Guest artist Pasqual Ferry makes a return trip to Asgard for this unique tale of otherworldly espionage, one that will have a profound
impact on the future of the M...

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huz reviewed Immortal Hulk #50 Oct 15, 2021

When Marvel announced the original heroes returning for the Fresh Start relaunch, Bruce Banner got the least amount of enthusiasm. A lot of readers even doubted how many good stories there were left to tell about the character. Three years later, Al Ewing and Joe Bennett conclude one of the most acclaimed series in all of comics.

Immortal Hulk #50

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Oct 13, 2021

•  Down in the Below-Place, the Hulk searches among the ghosts of the past for the answers to all his questions.
•  The One Below All, the Green Door, Samuel Sterns, Jackie McGee and Bruce Banner. It's all been leading here.
•  This is the last issue of THE IMMORTAL HULK.

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huz reviewed Thor #17 Sep 29, 2021

I don't know if this issue was meant to make us like Freyja, hate Odin or remind us that Angela from Spawn is a Thor character now, either way, not a lot happened.

Thor #17

By: Donny Cates, Michele Bandini
Released: Sep 29, 2021

Thor, ruler of Asgard, can now focus on just that - ruling! But with power comes truth, and Thor will learn that being king isn't so simple. When havoc on Midgard begins, Mjolnir seems to have vanished under the Avengers' watch. And Thor must learn more than one truth this day. The shocking conclusion of "Reve...

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Psycamorean reviewed Iron Man #11 Aug 23, 2021

I love Iron Man, and I was a fan before the movies. I have been a fan for a long time, so when I say this, I say it with love. Tony Stark is an egotistical douche. And I'm sick of people acting like he's not. That's part of the charm of the character. Seeing him called on it by a *woman*, or if a few of you prefer, a *femoid*, doesn't faze me. The art does a good job looking and feeling like CAFU. more

Iron Man #11

By: Christopher Cantwell, Angel Unzueta
Released: Aug 18, 2021

After bringing down an Ultimo robot nearly singlehandedly, Iron Man continues to investigate the strange and small colony on the remote planet where he's been marooned. Life here seems perfect...but is it? And who's possibly pulling the strings behind its delicate design? As Tony digs deeper for answers, an astral projection of Hellcat warns him th...

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Psycamorean - Sep 23, 2021

The Busiek/Chen run probably has the most selfless interpretation of the character, but we can't cherry pick which versions of a character we like, and then vehemently disregard any other interpretation, especially when it's not a hard left turn for the character by any means. I was frustrated that that's what so many people were doing in the reviews for this issue.

Psycamorean - Sep 23, 2021

Although, let's be honest, that response probably had little to do with Tony Stark's characterization, and a whole lot more to do with Patsy Walker, a female character, being too strong willed and acting as the voice of reason for our main character. I could be nice and say it's because, as Tony is the protagonist, any derision directed at him and his goals makes us dislike the source of that derision. Or I could say it's because people don't like strong women in fiction, due to their... biases.

huz reviewed Thor #16 Aug 25, 2021

Solid issue with great art by Michele Bandini. I especially liked the Berserk vibe from the last page.
In an earlier Beta Ray Bill issue, we learn Odin's been spending his time brewing beer, now we see what Freyja's been up to.
The readers complaining about the smaller arcs feeling like filler will probably just see this issue as a teaser for next months issue though, and the readers wh more

Thor #16

By: Donny Cates, Michele Bandini
Released: Aug 25, 2021

Thor has only known two things, being a warrior and weilding a hammer. But he is realizing that in order to be the best ruler of Asgard that he can be, he must give up those two things. Who is Thor without them? And hostilities between Thor and Odin reach a boiling point as "Revelations" continues to uproot Thor's ent...

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huz added Defenders (2021) to their pull list Aug 11, 2021

Defenders (2021)

When existence itself faces extraordinary threats, it needs an extraordinary defense! That's when you call...THE DEFENDERS!
DOCTOR STRANGE and the MASKED RAIDER take a non-team of Marvel's weirdest, wildest heroes on a mission that will uncover the hidden archite...

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huz rated Immortal Hulk #49 Aug 6, 2021

Immortal Hulk #49

By: Al Ewing, Joe Bennett
Released: Aug 4, 2021

• This is the gate into the city of suffering. To the hurt that never ends. This gate is for the lost.
•  The gate is a thing of divine power - a thing of forever. But even for the strongest one there is, it bears the warning:
Rated T+

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