Inferno #2

Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Stefano Caselli Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 27, 2021 Cover Price: $5.99 Critic Reviews: 13 User Reviews: 65
8.2Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Secrets. Lies. They have a way of coming out and biting you when you least expect them. The secrets and lies of Krakoa will shake it to it foundation. Head of X Jonathan Hickman, continues a tale of consequences with one of his first Marvel collaborators, artist Stefano Caselli!


  • 10
    You Don't Read Comics - David Harth Oct 27, 2021

    Inferno #2 is amazing. That's really all there is to it. It blows everything else out of the water on a script and art level and shows why Marvel can't replace Hickman with Duggan or anyone else. This is storytelling at its finest. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comic Watch - Gabriel De Jesus Oct 27, 2021

    Inferno #2 (Jonathan Hickam, Stefano Caselli, David Curiel & VCs Joe Sabino) delivers on the promise of Hickmans X-Men #6 in this emotional, powerful, intrigue-filled issue that should have long-lasting ramifications for the X-World. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    The Comicbook Dispatch - Dispatchdcu Oct 27, 2021

    Sadly, its issues like INFERNO #2 that make me wish this era wasnt coming to an end. Furthermore, it also makes me wonder where these stories were gradual as this X-MEN era was unfolding. Yet, Ill choose to be happy for what were getting now and excited for whats on the horizon. INFERNO is a must-buy series and issue 2 only helps bolster that statement even more. Dont wait head out over your lunch break and pick this bad boy up! Let me know what you think, have a great week, and God Bless! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    But Why Tho? - Collier "CJ" Jennings Nov 3, 2021

    Inferno #2 continues to build to the end of the first Krakoan Age, revealing how the Quiet Council's secrets and lies may spell danger for the X-Men. I'm not sure where the next two issues will bring for the series, but knowing Hickman's previous work it'll more than likely end as it began with the X-Men undergoing a massive change. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bookcase - Zack Quaintance Oct 27, 2021

    In Inferno #2 the morally-gray leaders of Krakoa get their most pressing challenge of this era, and theyre forced to make a difficult decision. All of that is to say this is one of the more interesting X-Men comics, and a great second part for this event. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Dan Spinelli Oct 27, 2021

    Jonathan Hickman leans on Mystique and Destiny's romance as the emotional core for this blockbuster X-Men story, which seems set for a fiery conclusion. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Black Nerd Problems - Ja-Quan Greene Oct 27, 2021

    Overall, Inferno #2 accomplished its goal of filling in the gaps of how Destiny was resurrected. It also set the stage for the next phase of this Krakoan age. How will the three untouchables manage with a precog in their midst? How will their newly appointed ally take to all this deception? Leave it up to Destiny, I suppose" Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Graphic Policy - Brett Oct 27, 2021

    Inferno #2 is interesting as it feels like it has more in common with The West Wing than it does traditional X-Men comics. This is one of thinking and continued setup as the pieces of the puzzle come together for the final action that's to come. After such a setup, what's two more issues. Inferno #2 might seem like a bit of a bore but the interaction of the characters is impressive showing the X-Men as a political drama without the action might be more interesting than a showing of its flashy powers. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Oct 30, 2021

    This issue gets down into the nitty gritty of actually having characters talk to one another to make things happen, and I live for that sort of storytelling. Everyone and everything feels very dynamic. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geek'd Out - Nico Sprezzatura Oct 27, 2021

    Not so good for Krakoa! This series is definitely leading to some sort of schism between the mutants (After the other Schism? Another one?!) and recent solicits for the near future seem to suggest as much, but well see. Now would be the perfect time for the Krakoa experiment to show cracks right as Orchis is primed to make a breakthrough. Until next time! Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - Jamie Lovett Oct 27, 2021

    It's still a stellar comic, but one that will likely frustrate readers with what could have been. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Christopher Rondeau Oct 27, 2021

    Inferno #2 pays us a lot of cool surprises and engages the reader from the moment they open up the first page. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Impulse Gamer - Tim Chuma Oct 31, 2021

    I could only really recommend this one if you are already following the wider storyline this is a part of or are a fan of the writer and artist involved. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Avanvolk Apr 27, 2022

    "Would you like for me to tell you how it's going to go?"

    Honestly one of the most badass lines I've ever read in comics.
    I'm absolutely loving this. The tension is so thick, Hickman is a master at his craft. But we all knew that already. This is just him doing what he does.

  • 10
    cincyfan Dec 12, 2021

    A phenomenal issue!!!!! I am so into the story. It has real emotion and power to it. Brilliance!

  • 10
    Psycamorean Oct 27, 2021

    This is great so far. There's not much to say aside from everything is working here. If you have any sense, you'll be reading this. There is a tiny bit of concern in me that is worried how this event will wrap up. I know this isn't the end of the Krakoan era, but I hope this event has a finality to it.

  • 9.5
    Screaming Enigma Jun 2, 2024

    I feel similar here to how I felt with the previous issue. I was super into the stuff with the mutants, and not as into the stuff with Orchis. Luckily for this issue, the mutant stuff was absolutely excellent. Had it not been for the Orchis stuff, this might have been a 10/10 for me. That said, I do feel as though the Orchis stuff is laying groundwork for something that will be paid off later. I just hope that that side of things gets more interesting. Either way, this was a lot of great stuff, particularly the Quiet Council meeting and Mystique making sure the vote went in her and Destiny's favor.

  • 9.5
    Miracleman92 Aug 12, 2023

    Hickman certainly wants to end his run with a bang. While this mini-series is probably the weakest he's written Magneto (which I'm surprised by as usually Hickman is on point with writing the character), Hickman still manages to write other characters like Emma, Mystique and Destiny in a way that makes me root for them like I never had before.

  • 9.5
    JBL Reviews Oct 30, 2021

    It was nice to see more of Destiny and Mystique. I wonder if this series will have insight into Professor X and why he is so much darker than most versions since HoX and PoX.

  • 9.0
    CrazyforRAMU Mar 5, 2022

    This script shows off the best of Hickman: Some twists that are easy to predict, some that are much more surprising, and lots of spare, sharp language. But there are some weaknesses, too. Despite how eventful this issue is, the pace is still slow. On the art front, though, I have zero complaints and a ton of kudos. I love exaggerated faces, and it's rare to see them done so well in such a polished, top-shelf style.

    If developments here actually tie to recent developments in X-Force, that would be uncanny.

    Also, how long do you reckon Mr. Hickman has been dying to use the line "Solve for X"?

  • 9.0
    Loafy Trophy Oct 28, 2021

    There isn't a comic book writer on earth that does political intrigue better than Jonathan Hickman and this book has it in spades. Mystique's machinations were great and the way Hickman was able to pack so much emotion into the couple pages after she brought Destiny back really resonated. The chess match between Mystique/Destiny and the trio of Moira/Charles/Erik was my favorite part of the issue and introducing Emma as a rogue, and rightfully upset, element as well as Colossus as the loyal pawn has me hyped for the next issue. Everything here really clicks.

  • 8.5
    Federico Liguori Aug 8, 2022

    Despite some convenient twists and coincidences, this is probably the best story to end the run. I love the political intrigue and the plot twists are powerful. Keep it up!

  • 8.5
    PolarIceHavok Nov 1, 2021

    The hypocritical hysterics are still a bit much,
    BUT, think I liked this ish better than the last.
    And that's probably 'cause this one, I found...
    MAGNETO, & me both,
    brother, YOU...AND ME, BOTH!!

  • 8.5
    Kalaoui Oct 29, 2021

    The tension is there by Hickman and the art is great by Caselli and Curiel. Skipping over some unexplained idiocies, this issue was worth the read as long as I purge the last year from my head. Moving right along to the next one.

  • 8.0
    DDJamesB Oct 31, 2021

    Another good issue. I'm just worried there won't be a good conclusion with just two more issues.

  • 8.0
    Onomatopoeia Oct 27, 2021

    By the end of the issue, I found myself asking why did they offer Mystique a seat on the council in the first place? It was made very clear that Destiny was never to be resurrected, so why give her widow such a seat of power?

    I was also confused about what was going on with Sage. Is anyone able to clarify that?

    + LikeComments (5)
  • 7.5
    Merlyn Oct 27, 2021

    This isn't a bad issue but it's safe to say there are some HUGE plotholes that I can't ignore just because it's Hickman. So Charles and Erik know that Mystique is basically the biggest danger on Krakoa but they're somehow stupid enough not to have any contingencies against a shapeshifter that could impersonate them and get access to stuff she's not allowed to. Yeah, sorry, I can't pretend that makes any sense. These are two mature characters, they're not idiots, first thing they'd do is make sure Raven doesn't get away with that kind of stuff. Also, there's a huge error in art. Last issue "Magneto" has the black costume when he goes after the Cerebro helmet, here he's wearing the white one. This coming on top of the fact that last issue Hic more

  • 6.5
    I Review Comics Nov 28, 2021

    The promise of Jonathan Hickman’s X-Men inspired me to dip my toe back into Marvel Comic’s after a long layover. The House and Powers of X series were brilliant and seemed to be a jumping-on point for the comic line. Hickman reintroduced high concept storytelling to the X-Men and also presented fresh ideas that went well beyond the constant rehashes of popular storylines that were overdone a decade ago.

    After a year of a meandering and stalled storyline, I felt myself checking out of the X-Men again. It was pretty clear that something had gone wrong in the X-Office and that the core concept of Hickman’s House of X had been warped. I don’t want to get into the rumors swirling about the creative direction of these books. It more

  • 6.0
    LeiaFavaz Oct 27, 2021

    Great art indirectly proportional to the story, without pain or glory.

  • 6.0
    maelstron Oct 27, 2021

    Some bad ploting here, really boring. So all this time non telepaths could use cerebro. mystique is a awesome player, we have to believe on that even if her play with other council members was mostly awful.
    Emma feel bad when they manipulate her, but have no problems to manipulate others

  • 10
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