I Review Comics 's Profile

Location: Detroit , MI Joined: Oct 19, 2018 About Me: I created this account to share my thoughts on comics and to spotlight indie comics that don't get the attention they deserve.

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I Review Comics reviewed X-23 (One Shot) #1 Sep 26, 2022

I missed most of the original X-23 stories when they were released. One pleasant surprise while reading the X-Women graphic novel (2010) is that I got to read an impressive collection of stories that are leagues better than the endless Krakoa non-sense we are getting in current year.

This one-time is told entirely from Laura Kenny’s (X-23) perspective and touches on her origin’s and more

X-23 (One Shot) #1

By: Marjorie Liu, Filipe Andrade
Released: May 3, 2016

X-23 has spent her short life being used by those in power, from the military to the X-Men. But when she is forced to confront a being who can control her life with nothing but a thought, will X-23 finally learn how to fight- not for others, but herself? Guest-starring NYX!

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I Review Comics reviewed Cloak and Dagger #1 Sep 18, 2022

I was not reading many comics circa 2010 and missed this entire era of X-Men stories. I recently reviewed Chris Claremont and Milo Manara’s X-Women One-Shot. Cloak and Dagger #1 was also included in the trade paperback

Cloak and Dagger #1 is easily the best story I have read featuring these characters. It is also the first story I have seen them treated as individuals with different m more

Cloak and Dagger #1

By: Stuart Moore, Mark Brooks
Released: Mar 31, 2010

Marvel’s most-requested duo return in this all-new one-shot, spinning out of X-MEN: NATION X! Cloak -- dark, brooding teleporter. Dagger -- deadly, shining mistress of light. Having quit the Dark X-Men, Cloak and Dagger find their partnership strained as they struggle to fit in among the mutants of Utopia. But when a new menace targets Cloak, Dag...

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I Review Comics reviewed X-Women #1 Sep 11, 2022

"In Celebration of the Male Gaze"

X-Women #1
Words: Chris Claremont | Artist: Milo Manara | Publisher: Marvel Comics


Full Disclosure I review Comics, but I also have a Facebook page and group called Bluelines: Babes, Cars, Comics and other cool $hit. This page celebrates the female form in every shape and size, real or imaginary. I wanted to preface more

X-Women #1

By: Chris Claremont, Milo Manara
Released: Jul 8, 2010

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I Review Comics reviewed Batman #70 Sep 6, 2022

In my Batman #69 review I mistakenly listed it as the end of the Knightmare’s storyline. While #69 was the end of the dream aspects of the story, this is the end of the arc.

In this installment we see Bruce escape from his fear toxin induced coma and make his way out of Arkham Asylum. Along the way we see an extremely angry batman dispatching several rogues while swearing vengeance o more

Batman #70

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: May 1, 2019

n chapter one of "The Fall and the Fallen," Batman escapes his Knightmares only to wind up in a whole other bad dream. He's locked in Arkham Asylum with his worst enemies, and the only way to get out is to fight them all. It's a gladiatorial game of madness and mayhem, all for the amusement of Bane!

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"80's Slasher At its Finest"

Maniac of New York: The Bronx is Burning - #1

Writer: Elliott Kalan | Artist: Andrea Mutti | Publisher: Aftershock Comics


Maniac of New York: Bronx is Burning is a homage to the 80’s slasher film. It is also the sequel to an indie comic I never knew existed. Like most true horror movie sequels from my youth Ellio more

Maniac of New York: The Bronx is Burning #1

By: Elliott Kalan, Andrea Mutti
Released: Dec 1, 2021

The bloody saga of Maniac Harry continues!
After the tragedy of The Death Train, Detective Zelda Pettibone and mayoral aide Gina Greene have lost the trail of the Maniac - and the support of the city. Copycats are springing up, tensions are high and traffic is a nightmare. So, what happens when your favorite unstoppable, mindless killer resurf...

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"Feels Like Something Special"

Star Henge Book One: The Dragon and The Boar
Writer/Artist: Liam Sharp | Additional Art by Matylda McCormack-Sharp | Publisher: Image Comics

I have been a fan of Liam Sharps work for years and was excited to support this creator-owned project as soon as I saw the solicit on the Comic Hub App. Liam does double duty as Writer more

Starhenge: The Dragon and the Boar #1

By: Liam Sharp
Released: Jul 6, 2022

Revered creator LIAM SHARP cuts loose in his visually stunning six-issue masterpiece, STARHENGE, BOOK ONE! A future Merlin travels to 5th-century Britain to prevent monstrous time-traveling killer robots from robbing the universe of magic, and Amber Weaver's lively present-day narrative reveals how she becomes drawn into a w...

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I Review Comics reviewed X-Cellent #1 Aug 15, 2022

"Sometimes Dead Is Better"

The X-Cellent #1
Writer: Peter Milligan | Artist: Michael Allred | Publisher: Marvel Comics | Variant cover by David Mack

Peter Milligan and Mike Allred’s run-on X-Force which evolved into X-Statix is my favorite take on the X-Force franchise by a wide margin. The series was different from the X-Books that were being released more

X-Cellent #1

By: Peter Milligan, Mike Allred
Released: Feb 2, 2022

They were loved by their adoring fans. They were reviled by the harsh press. They lived, they loved, they fought and they died...a lot - all for the sake of fame. They were the X-Statix, a team of mutant celebrities fighting for a brighter world and an even brighter spotlight! But they're old news now, because there's a new m...

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I reviewed Nubia & The Amazon #3 awhile back and gave it a scathing assessment. Issue #4 does read better this time around. The story may land a satisfying conclusion depending on the direction the creative team goes in the final two issues. On the positive side of this comic, Nubia has a few solid action sequences. This change allows Alitha Martinez and Darryl Banks to flex and show that they can more

Nubia & The Amazons #4

By: Vita Ayala, Darryl Banks
Released: Jan 19, 2022

Andromeda has gone from most talented to most wanted! Concerned about her sister, Nubia leads the charge. What evil from Tartarus has found its way into the very soul of Doom’s Doorway’s latest champion? To find out, our queen will have to delve deep into her haunted past for clues. Can she heal herself from old wounds in time to save another f...

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One of the biggest regrets of 2021 was falling behind on IDW’s TMNT comics. Like Tom King’s run-on Batman, TMNT is a series I will keep reviewing. Neither run is in great shape at the time of writing this review, but I will plug along until the series flatlines or gets better.

TMNT #110 has two plots running concurrently. The main plot follow’s Leonardo as he gathers intel on Old more

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #110

By: Sophie Campbell, Jodie Nishijima
Released: Oct 21, 2020

Raphael and Alopex come face to face with a new group of mutant bikers intent on doing things their own way. Will the Road Hogs be friend or foe?

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I Review Comics reviewed Casual Fling #3 Jul 22, 2022

I checked the reviews of Casual Fling on Comicbookroundup.com and it’s hard to believe that the series is scoring as low as it is. I have a few theories, but I won’t get into them in this review.

The story picks up with Matthew meeting with is Sensei (Mentor) and doing a deep dive into his wife’s sex tape. The goal is to find out who Alex is really.

The first half of t more

Casual Fling #3

By: Jason Starr, Dalibor Talajic
Released: Apr 7, 2021

Jennifer Ryan has the perfect life. A loving family. A high paying job in corporate law. A luxurious apartment in upper Manhattan. Then one day she steps out of her marriage...and finds that her new lover isn't the one night stand she expected. Stalked and threatened with exposure, Jennifer attempts to
unravel the true identity of her tormentor...

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1985’s Fright Night is one of my favorite Vampire movies. When I saw the solicit for a direct sequel to the film by the original writer/director the purchase was an easy decision.

I never watched the 1988 sequel or the remake, so my memories of the franchise was pure going into this issue. I could do some more research or watch the movies, but I’d rather keep my reaction to this mat more

Tom Holland's Fright Night #1

By: James Kuhoric, Cyrus Mesarcia
Released: Dec 22, 2021

Welcome to Fright Night...for REAL!  Tom Holland's classic Vampire tale returns with a series that picks up right after the events of the 1985 movie!  Based on Holland's novel which introduces Charlie Brewster, Amy Peterson, Evil Ed, Peter Vincent, and of course, the undead monster, Jerry Dandridge to horror fans!  Wri...

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I Review Comics reviewed Kane and Able #1 Jul 15, 2022

I read Kane Abel about a month ago while stoned and didn’t remember much about it aside from its presentation being akin to a fever dream of ideas.

I reread the original graphic novel again today and though I can recall the events of the book, I’m not sure who the book is for aside from fans of batshit crazy anthologies.

The closest series I can compare Kane & Abel to more

Kane and Able #1

Released: Jun 30, 2021

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"Southern Belles of the Timesteam"
Majorie Finnegan: Temporal Criminal #1
Writer: Garth Ennis | Artist: Goran Sudzuka
Publisher AWA: Upshot | Mike Deodato Jr. Variant

I am not sure why Marjorie Finnegan: Temporal Criminal #1 presented me with such a rough review. The comic has a lot going on. It’s written by Garth Ennis (The Boys, Preacher), one of t more

Marjorie Finnegan: Temporal Criminal #1

By: Garth Ennis, Goran Sudzuka
Released: May 5, 2021

She's Marjorie Finnegan. She's a temporal criminal. What more do you need to know? Oh, all right then: all Marj wants to do is race up and down the time-lanes, stealing every shiny-gleamy-pretty-sparkly she can lay her hands on. But her larcenous trail from the Big Bang to the Ninety-fifth Reich has drawn the beady eye of the Temporal PD, whose num...

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Batman: The Detective #1 - A Dark Knight in London
Writer: Tom Taylor | Artist: Andy Kubert | Publisher: DC Comics
KAEL NGU Variant Cover

Review ✍

Since I relaunched “GTMedia Reviews” as “I Review Comics”, the Batman titles I’ve reviewed have been hit and miss. I’m currently reviewing the tail end of Tom King’s run, as well as Joker: Puzzle box and S more

Batman: The Detective #1

By: Tom Taylor, Andy Kubert
Released: Apr 14, 2021

An epic tale begins that will take Batman on a harrowing, action-packed European adventure in a new miniseries by superstar creators Tom Taylor and Andy Kubert! A horrific tragedy in the United Kingdom sends a very personal and deadly message to the Dark Knight—one that will draw Batman out of Gotham City to investigate! From the moment he la...

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I Review Comics reviewed The Worst Dudes #1 Mar 14, 2022

The Worst Dudes #1 - Too Crude To Be Cool
Words: Aubrey Sitterson | Art: Tony Gregori

Review ✍
Before getting into the meat of this review I have to mention that this is an ugly comic book. I’m not sure why this art style was chosen but It exacerbates the other issues I have with this title.

The Worst Dudes #1 reminds me a lot of Mark Millar’s Space Bandits. more

The Worst Dudes #1

By: Aubrey Sitterson, Tony Gregori
Released: Jun 2, 2021

The book so dirty it'll turn your other comics yellow! A dirty cop, a drugged-up back-up dancer, and an angsty adolescent god; the absolute worst dudes in the galaxy are on a raunch-filled hunt for a missing pop star. It's a hilarious, aggressively weird, willfully vulgar detective story from noted reprobates Aubrey Sitterson (No One Left to Fight,...

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I Review Comics reviewed Batman #69 Mar 11, 2022

Batman #69 - Why is Bane Naked?
Writer: Tom King | Artist: Yanick Paquette
Cover by Francisco Mattina

Review ✍

Tom King’s Knightmares is a very weird story arc. It doesn’t start with a bang, doesn’t have any shocking reveals and there isn’t much of a climax. The arc just ends like sex in a loveless marriage.

As this issue progresses we get more more

Batman #69

By: Tom King, Yanick Paquette
Released: Apr 17, 2019

The Dark Knight is breaking through the bad dreams and coming out the other side. But is he ready for the culprit waiting through the veil of terror? And what lasting effects might this whole ordeal have on Bruce Wayne's psyche? With artist Yanick Paquette (WONDER WOMAN: EARTH ONE) jumping on board to tackle the art, "Knightmares" comes to a shocki...

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I Review Comics reviewed Not All Robots #3 Mar 5, 2022

Not All Robots #3 - The Obsolete Machine
Writer: Mark Russell | Artist: Mike Deodato Jr. |
Publisher: AWA Upshot

Review ✍
In my previous reviews of “Not All Robots”, I put a lot of stock into the Human/Robot conflict that had been brewing. Mark Russell shifts that dynamic a bit by introducing a new wrinkle that should have probably been obvious from the start.

Not All Robots #3

By: Mark Russell, Mike Deodato
Released: Oct 20, 2021

In the year 2056, robots have replaced human beings in the workforce. An uneasy co-existence develops between the newly intelligent robots and the ten billion humans living on Earth. Every human family is assigned a robot upon whom they are completely reliant. What could possibly go wrong? Meet the Walters, a human family whose robot, Razorball,

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"The Queen of The Amazons and Her Hoes"

Nubia And The Amazons #3
Writers: Stephanie Williams & Vita Ayala | Artist: Alitha Martinez | Publisher: DC Comics

Review ✍

**Disclaimer** If you’re enjoying Nubia and the Amazons please I’d love to read why in the comments below.

Stories set within Themyscira, Krakoa, and Wakanda tend to have the same p more

Nubia & The Amazons #3

By: Vita Ayala, Alitha Martinez
Released: Dec 22, 2021

After their fight club battle, Nubia believes she has gained an ally in the warrior Andromeda. Little does she know, this new prospect destined to become Champion of Doom’s Doorway is a little too eager to prove herself, and it has led to a bargain with the evil she swore to protect Man’s World against!

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I Review Comics reviewed Casual Fling #2 Feb 24, 2022

Casual Fling #2 - A Little Too Close To Home..
Writer: Jason Starr | Artist: Dalibor Talajic

Review ✍

I read Casual Fling #1 a few months ago and while there was a solid premise established it wasn’t exactly must-read material. However, as a person that has had a tumultuous marriage at times, this issue hit a bit close to home.

After the first issues affai more

Casual Fling #2

By: Jason Starr, Dalibor Talajic
Released: Mar 3, 2021

Jennifer Ryan has the perfect life. A loving family. A high paying job in corporate law. A luxurious apartment in upper Manhattan. Then one day she steps out of her marriage... and finds that her new lover isn't the one night stand she expected. Stalked and threatened with exposure, Jennifer attempts to unravel the true identity of her tormentor, d...

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I love comic books. It's the primary reason I write long-winded reviews of books no one will ever read on a site that no one will ever see.

One reason western comics are losing ground to Manga is the idea that every comic is someone’s first. It’s often hard for new readers to jump into a 700+ issue ongoing series. The question is often where do I start?

There’s also a s more

Fist of the North Star Vol. 1

By: Buronson, Tetsuo Hara
Released: Jun 16, 2021

One day, a wanderer appears out of the wasteland to bring justice to the guilty and hope to the people -- a warrior named Ken, a man who bears seven scars upon his chest and holds the secret of a mysterious martial art known as Hokuto Shinken, the Divine Fist of the North Star!

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I Review Comics reviewed Batman '89 #2 Feb 17, 2022

I wasn’t exactly blown away by Batman 89 #1 and I’m sad to say that this issue doesn’t get any better. I had several problems with this issue. Some are personal biases others are with the story itself. The criticisms may be unfair depending on perspective but it's my blog and I gotta be honest.

The first problem is that this story isn’t Batman 89 at all. Aside from Harvey Dent v more

Batman '89 #2

By: Sam Hamm, Joe Quinones
Released: Sep 15, 2021

A showdown in Burnside leaves both Batman and the Gotham borough reeling. As the community rallies together behind Harvey Dent, can Bruce find a way forward for both Batman and the city?

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I Review Comics reviewed Vampirella: 1992 #1 Feb 10, 2022

Vampirella 1992 One-Shot
Writer: Max Bemis | Artist: Roberto Castro & Marcos Ramos

Review ✍

Vampirella 1992 is one of the weirdest comics I’ve read in a long time. I am honestly shocked that it got green-lit in the current year, especially in light of the current political climate.

The book opens with some toxic masculinity and the threat of rape towards more

Vampirella: 1992 #1

By: Max Bemis, Marcos Ramos
Released: Jun 2, 2021

Ah, the '90s, our strange yet dynamic link between the excess of the '80s and the pretensiousness of the aughts.  A time when heroes were born, died and were reborn (again). Amidst all that creative chaos, the form of comics was torn between the muscle bound proliferation of All Things Pouch and the heady brew offered up by the British&nb...

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Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons Book One
Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick | Artist: Phil Jimenez | Publisher DC Comics/Black Label

Review ✍

Kelly Sue DeConnick is not a writer I usually check for while visiting my Local Comic Shop. She famously stated that if “don’t like her politics, don’t buy my books”. Being conservative this is normally the point when I chec more

Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons #1

By: Kelly Sue DeConnick, Phil Jimenez
Released: Dec 1, 2021

The wait is over, and the entire story of the Amazons can finally be told! Millennia ago, Queen Hera and the goddesses of the Olympian pantheon grew greatly dissatisfied with their male counterparts…and far from their sight, they put a plan into action. A new society was born, one never before seen on Earth, capable of wondrous and terrible thing...

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I Review Comics reviewed Inferno #4 Feb 5, 2022

Inferno #4 - An Ending
Writer: Jonathan Hickman | Artists: Valerio Schiti & Stefano Caselli

Review ✍

With Inferno #4 the Jonathan Hickman era of X-Men is finally over. This series isn’t a triumph or tragedy it is simply an ending.

The Mystique/Destiny subplot is resolved. Moira X is outed and we get a fairly epic confrontation between Xavier-Magneto and more

Inferno #4

By: Jonathan Hickman, Valerio Schiti
Released: Jan 5, 2022

Jonathan Hickman's time on X-Men ends with the dramatic conclusion of one of the first and best mysteries he brought to the line. Valerio Schiti returns on art to help bring down one of the foundations of the era.

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Hardware: Season One: #1 - Not Just a Black Iron Man
Writer: Brandon Thomas | Pencils: Denys Cowan | Publisher Milestone/DC Comics

I didn’t read many Milestone comics in the ’90s. During the Milestone heyday I had limited income and except for Static none of the character designs stood out to me and the diversity of the cast of heroes wasn’t enough to pull me aw more

Hardware: Season One #1

By: Brandon Thomas, Denys Cowan
Released: Aug 11, 2021

Curtis Metcalf was the brightest shining star of Alva Industries, a brilliant scientist mentored by Edwin Alva since childhood…until the failures of Alva technology at the “Big Bang” disaster threatened to destroy the company, and Alva needed a scapegoat. Now Curtis is on the run from the Dakota police department…but a man as smart-and para...

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The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox #1 - A Trailer for the Rest of the Series.

Writer: Matthew Rosenberg | Artist: Jesus Merino - Joshua Hixson | Publisher: DC Comics

Review ✍

I read through The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox #1 before starting my shift this morning and although the story is coherent there wasn’t enough in this installment for me to latch on to.

The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox #1

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Jess Merino
Released: Jun 9, 2021

It's story time! The G.C.P.D have a mysterious corpse, a magical box, and a murderer's row of the city's most dangerous villains sitting in a jail cell. Now all they need to figure out is what exactly happened. Fortunately, one suspect is willing to talk. Unfortunately, it's The Joker…

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I Review Comics reviewed Batman #68 Jan 25, 2022

Batman #68 + Bruce Dreams of Being Cuckold.

Writer: Tom King | Artist: Amanda Conner
Publisher: DC Comics

Review ✍

After giving high marks to the last few issues in Tom King’s Knightmare story arc we get this shit.

The focus of this issues nightmare is the Bat/Cat respective Bachelor and Bachelorette parties. It sounds interesting considering th more

Batman #68

By: Tom King, Amanda Conner
Released: Apr 10, 2019

Batman is making his way to the end of his Knightmares, but his unseen enemy has a few more tricks up his sleeve. It's time once again to stick a knife into the Caped Crusader's broken heart, letting the groom-that-could-have-been peer in on the bachelorette (or should that be "Catchelorette"?) party that never was. Artist Amanda Conner (Harley Qui...

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I Review Comics reviewed Not All Robots #2 Jan 22, 2022

Not All Robots #2 - A Run Up to Judgment Day
Words: Mark Russell | Art Mike Deodato, Jr. | Colors Lee Loughridge Publisher: AWA Upshot Studios


Not all Robots is an interesting title that gives a tongue-in-cheek take on the classic trope of Man versus Machine. Make no mistake this is a bleak setting but the heavier implications and themes are undercut by a joke, w more

Not All Robots #2

By: Mark Russell, Mike Deodato
Released: Sep 8, 2021

In the year of 2056, robots have replaced human beings in the workforce. An uneasy co-existence develops between the newly intelligent robots and the ten billion humans living on Earth. Every human family is assigned a robot upon whom they are completely reliant. What could possibly go wrong? Meet the Walkers, a human family whose robot, Razorball,...

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I didn’t hear much about Suicide Squad: Get Joker aside from chatter from Ytubers who took issue with minor anti-hero “Wild Dog” participating in the January 6th riot. It’s mentioned in the comic that he took a shit on Nancy Pelosi's desk. I found this detail to be hilarious but I’m not as well versed with the character and I’m conservative so I may be off-base.

All jokes as more

Suicide Squad: Get Joker! #1

By: Brian Azzarello, Alex Maleev
Released: Aug 4, 2021

Critically acclaimed and bestselling author Brian Azzarello (Batman: Damned) and Eisner Award-winning art legend Alex Maleev (Batman: No Man’s Land) collaborate for the first time in this three-issue, Suicide Squad series pitting Red Hood, Harley Quinn, Firefly, and more of DC’s most villainous criminals against The Joker. When Task Force X’s...

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I Review Comics reviewed I Am Batman #0 Jan 9, 2022

I’m not a fan of current year politics in my entertainment. It’s not because I’m conservative or closed-minded. The problem tends to boil down to writer's virtue signaling to a hot button issue that they aren’t equipped to discuss with the complexity, nuance, and maturity needed to sway an audience one way or another.

I do lean conservative so take this review with a grain of sa more

I Am Batman #0

By: John Ridley, Travel Foreman
Released: Aug 11, 2021

Future State gave readers a preview of things to come with Jace Fox as the new Batman...but his debut in the core line arrives with a bang! Picking up immediately from the events of The Next Batman: Second Son, Jace thrusts himself into action when the Magistrate’s crackdown on Alleytown begins, using armor he’s found in the abandoned Hibernacu...

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Psycamorean - Jan 11, 2022

There is a multitude of evidence, from the GPS location of everyone in that building, and where most of them came from (Trump's rally), to the messages sent by Republican members of congress who helped plan it. You really should appreciate that second half on misinformation, because you have a front row seat to it. I've read Nick Spencer's Cap run, and I find it funny that you say this is too on the nose, but that run wasn't.

Psycamorean - Jan 11, 2022

That run literally had these cyborg cops called Americops that openly beat people to death in the streets without any provocation. This is like what you said about Jim Rhodes. Your point doesn't actually work if the person you're saying it to is aware of the context. My point about the number of bat-titles wasn't that it's good there are so many, but that it makes the whining about a black Batman even more absurd when you can't get away from Bruce Wayne if you tried.

Reviews for the Week of...




