In the year of 2056, robots have replaced human beings in the workforce. An uneasy co-existence develops between the newly intelligent robots and the ten billion humans living on Earth. Every human family is assigned a robot upon whom they are completely reliant. What could possibly go wrong? Meet the Walkers, a human family whose robot, Razorball, ominously spends his free time in the garage working on machines which they're pretty sure are designed to kill them.
In a world where technology has overtaken human endeavours it would seem the robots running the lives of the living can get away with murder, Literally! Mark Russell and Mike Deodato Jr. deliver another darkly humoured issue of sci-fi satire at its finest. Read Full Review
Russell's toxic masculinity parable continues to highlight the issues in societies when those in charge will not resolve problems and feed of the conflict that division created whether is wealth, gender, race or any other difference the point is to blame each other not the leaders. The ludicrous robots are straight out of a 1980's 2000AD story but that makes it all the better. Read Full Review
Don't missNot All Robots #2. Heck, go back and buy the first issue, too. This is a comic thatdeserves your hard-earned money. Read Full Review
Not All Robots #2 continues its farcical look at the robot revolution, this time pushing the metaphor between the robots and impotent white male rage a little further. Read Full Review
The series has real potential to cast weird electric light into the beating heart of inter-human relations with a deep look into the nature of technology. Still, Russell seems a lot more interested in creating a world that feels strangely unlike our own with weirdly appealing contrasts to current political pop culture. This isn't a bad thing, it just kind of feels like a missed opportunity to do something more profound. This is not to say that greater depth might not be around the corner. The series is just getting going in its second issue. There's plenty of opportunities to get deeper into the satire. Read Full Review
Mark Russell has surpassed his own high standards with the most hilarious book I've read in years. I don't think my review can do this justice, the satire distills the tensions of 2020 so perfectly. But even beyond that, little things like how the robots wear "user-friendly" t-shirts as a passive-aggressive statement against the most cosmetic solution that could possibly be offered, these flourishes debilitate me with laughter. Something so funny and so socially on-point deserves far more recognition than I fear this story will ever receive.
Here's hoping for an Eisner.
Not All Robots #2 - A Run Up to Judgment Day
Words: Mark Russell | Art Mike Deodato, Jr. | Colors Lee Loughridge Publisher: AWA Upshot Studios
Not all Robots is an interesting title that gives a tongue-in-cheek take on the classic trope of Man versus Machine. Make no mistake this is a bleak setting but the heavier implications and themes are undercut by a joke, wink, or a nod.
This issue explores the fallout from a mass casualty event in which 200,000 humans died horribly as a result of a robots actions. The alleged murderer is tried and exonerated within seconds which causes a fissure between an already tense relationship between Humans and the Robots they depend on.
The remainder of more
This is some seriously well done satire. Mark Russell is so damn good and always has something worthwhile to say. Even if you don’t agree with his politics 1:1 (which I and I assume many others do not) doesn’t mean what he has to say isn’t worth thinking and talking about. He always manages to make situations feel real with his perfect blend of humor and politics so when he does come at you with more heavy handed messages, it’s able to land because the characters actually feel like real people, and not just plot devices to progress an author’s agenda. I have always said you can have an agenda, just please tell a decent story!
Only problem I have with this book is I cannot tell any the robots apart for the life of me. Th more