Batman '89 #2

Writer: Sam Hamm Artist: Joe Quinones Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 15, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 12 User Reviews: 29
8.2Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

A showdown in Burnside leaves both Batman and the Gotham borough reeling. As the community rallies together behind Harvey Dent, can Bruce find a way forward for both Batman and the city?

  • 10
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Sep 14, 2021

    When it was announced, this felt like a unique novelty, but it's quickly becoming a can't miss look at a forgotten era of Given that most of the principal actors are still with us, maybe Warner Bros. Animation can make this mini-series into an animated production? Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Carl Bryan Sep 13, 2021

    I already want the remaining issues! Sam Hamm and Joe Quinones hit all the right notes. Clayton Cowles letters like the pro he is and Leonardo Ito splashes that 80's vibe across the pages that we so wanted! So many Easter Eggs from that time era and so much eye candy with a solid script! Sigh"Where is my Prince Soundtrack on cassette? Read Full Review

  • 9.1
    Comic Watch - Jimmy Hayes Sep 14, 2021

    Another fine issue, definitely worth picking up. This series is the one that you give people as a gateway to getting them into comics. Everyone is familiar with the movie but will be shocked as to how good the comic is, and that will be a great start to their journey into the comics industry. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Sep 15, 2021

    Still excellent, and I'm just sad this is only six issues. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Kevin M. Gallagher, Jr Sep 20, 2021

    While I wish there was more Batman in Batman '89 #2, Sam Hamm's taking the time to flesh out this universe's version of Two-Face and I'm here for it. Being able to read this series and have it feel like a logical next step after Batman Returns continues to impress. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Nathan Simmons Sep 14, 2021

    After an explosive introduction, the series' second issue elegantly brings 'Batman '89' into the 21st century in a story rife with relevant themes and killer artwork. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Bleeding Cool - Hannibal Tabu Sep 19, 2021

    Usually, a project like this would be a vanity bit of fan service for aging readers desperate to rekindle their childhoods. On the contrary, this is some of the strongest, most effective Batman storytelling captured on-page in years and can stand the test of time, much like the films that created this tapestry. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Jamie Lovett Sep 15, 2021

    It's a wonderfully crafted comic with a far more ambitious narrative scope than anyone was likely expecting. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Sep 14, 2021

    Quinones does a great job with the art in the issue. I like the character expressions and action overall. There are moments that I want to see more depth in the design, but it looks good and keeps the aesthetic established in the films. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Comicbook Dispatch - batbrad Sep 18, 2021

    Maybe the hardest part of the art to get used to is the depiction of Bruce Wayne. As with the last issue, the grey sideburns are distracting and make Bruce seem older. This issue has Bruce wearing glasses when meeting up with Harvey Dent. Yes, Michael Keaton wore glasses in the movie. But for the most part, they were more reading glasses than something he wore regularly. Also between the glasses and those sideburns, Bruce looks nothing like the playboy we know him to pretend to be in the main Bat-books, which is fine. I like seeing variations on BATMAN/Bruce Wayne. It's one of the things that have kept the character fresh for 80 plus years. Keaton didn't play him as a playboy in the movies. Yet here, it's way too distracting. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Gabe Hernandez Sep 14, 2021

    Bits and Pieces:  Batman '89 #2 leans into the real-life sociopolitical issues to craft a Harvey Dent that feels like a character ripped from the pages of today's headlines. However, where the urban life drama succeeds, Hamm does little to build up a character you believe could become Two-Face. On top of the push for realism at the expense of a known character's origin, the light introduction to Robin is eye-rolling, and the overall aesthetic of Gotham lacks any of the gothic hallmarks of a Burton film. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Batman-News - Jay Yaws Sep 14, 2021

    I wouldn't go so far as to say this is a step down from the first issue, because it's at least consistent with the groundwork laid out there. The main problem is this issue doesn't rise above the series' debut, and instead feels like it's treading water. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Asger Oct 14, 2021

    Great stuff, far superior to anything Burton ever did.

  • 8.0
    Fracadactyl Sep 14, 2021

    I know that this is going to feel like a cash grab on interracial communications to some people, but come on Drake Winston and Marlon Wayans were waiting 30 years to make their debut. Besides seeing Batman struggle after much loss and seeing him on the brink of losing his sanity when it looks like Catwoman's back calls for a Robin. Especially one who sees the problems of Harvey Dent. Plus it looks like Two-Face here represents his split between people; the underprivileged people he was born into and the ones he tried to fit into. Just look at how Drake's neighborhood are always on guard when it looks like somebody comes in to offer easier solutions.

  • 7.5
    Psycamorean Sep 27, 2021

    Wow, you fuckers are going full mask off with this one. Looking at you, DoorMan. I'll keep it simple, so you can understand: Socioeconomic factors determine one's ability to succeed, and unfortunately, our society has, through biases both conscious and unconscious, created a hierarchy where white people are way more likely to have and attain wealth, which is how one has power in our capitalistic society. In America, the likelihood of moving up from the socioeconomic bracket you are born into is incredibly low. This is a very real problem, and because society has these biases towards minorities, they tend to be born into these lower brackets and are stuck there. It creates a terrible cycle as poverty begets crime begets poverty. And no, it h more

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  • 7.0
    ICC Sep 17, 2021

    Started out stronger than the first issue but the ending was way too abrupt and predictable

  • 7.0
    daspidaboy Sep 14, 2021

    ehhhhh its not bad. But its not good either. Might drop this series.

  • 6.0

    I wish I could say this book is living up to the expectations I had when I heard about it, but that would be a major lie. So far it's making Batman Forever look better each issue. I feel especially disappointed since it's written by Sam Hamm who wrote the originals and Detective #598-600's "Blind Justice," which has been an old favorite of mine for years.
    This series is focusing on an issue that should be avoided to prevent fuming tempers. Race, Sexuality and politics should be avoided in anything fictional these days because they only cause trouble when brought up.
    Unfortunately I have to say if this was what Hamm had in mind for Batman 3, odds are there never would have been a Batman 4. A totally original identity for Robin is b more

  • 5.0
    I Review Comics Feb 17, 2022

    I wasn’t exactly blown away by Batman 89 #1 and I’m sad to say that this issue doesn’t get any better. I had several problems with this issue. Some are personal biases others are with the story itself. The criticisms may be unfair depending on perspective but it's my blog and I gotta be honest.

    The first problem is that this story isn’t Batman 89 at all. Aside from Harvey Dent vaguely looking like Billy Dee Williams there isn’t much that ties the story to the Tim Burton Batman films.

    The second gripe is with DC comics in general. Whenever a Black Character is given a platform in a DC comic social ills become the driving force behind their motives. This isn’t an issue in itself but when you’re releasing s more

  • 4.0
    Raging Rainbow Sep 22, 2021

    The second issue of this new Batman '89 miniseries isn't as fun or exciting as the first issue. It does try pretty hard to get us to take it seriously, but it doesn't do very well in that regard.

  • 4.0
    El Wraith Sep 22, 2021

    Well here we go again, anyone who believed this series would be a true extension of Tim Burton era Batman was completely duped. It's just another BLM protest, and god only knows we really don't have enough of that in western media right now. Absolute garbage, DC are just a joke in every format these days be it comics, tv or cinema.

  • 3.5
    Merlyn Sep 14, 2021

    I've heard that Sam Hamm had a different vision for the Batman '89 movie and that he couldn't get through with it because of all the people that were working on the movie then. Well I say to those people "congrats, you've done a great job". If this guy were to go all the way with it those movies wouldn't have got the cult following they did. I feel like he suffers from a severe case of white guilt, all the story is basically about race. Two-Face as a character is seen through those lenses, the DA job matters very little. Oh, and if you want to read YET ANOTHER comic where Bruce is trying to lose all his money, you've got it here. Seriously, this is a pattern. First, he loses his fortune in the main DCU. Then, his son Nightwing throws away a more

    + LikeComments (5)
  • 1.0
    DoorMan Sep 16, 2021

    Another race baiting series that propagates this false narrative that somehow everyone, but blacks themselves, are responsible for problems that plague the black community. Absolute cringe.

  • 1.0
    Hydro-Man Sep 15, 2021

    Loved the first issue so much. All I can say to this one is LOL.

  • 9.5
    deen Oct 10, 2021

  • 8.0
    NoobishSalad Mar 24, 2023

  • 8.0
    Magik Sep 15, 2021

  • 7.5
    K-23 Mar 22, 2022

  • 7.5
    retcon_D Oct 10, 2021

  • 7.5
    ActionCity Sep 15, 2021

  • 7.0
    Jason The Dude May 10, 2022

  • 7.0
    Nikita14 Oct 15, 2021

  • 7.0
    Hellblazer Sep 16, 2021

  • 7.0
    Jmowarp Sep 14, 2021

  • 6.5
    MaxOfSteel616 May 27, 2022

  • 6.5
    ed1138 Jan 14, 2022

  • 6.0
    Rhinoeat May 22, 2024

  • 6.0
    daigorito Dec 10, 2021

  • 6.0
    Joresti Sep 14, 2021

  • 3.0
    Nicetrylaoche Sep 14, 2021

  • 1.0
    Supreme41 Sep 15, 2021

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