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Joined: Dec 17, 2020

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Hydro-Man reviewed Fantastic Four #35 Sep 16, 2021

Great issue! Too often publishers use anniversaries to sell you a bloated comic that isn’t rooted in continuity and has a bunch of creative teams that suck. Not the case here at all…

The lead story was extra-sized and a great celebration of FF history. Did find it funny how it reminded me of the Venture Bros episode, “Twenty Years to Midnight.”

The back-up by former more

Fantastic Four #35

By: Dan Slott, Jason Loo
Released: Sep 15, 2021

The entire Kang bloodline is out to destroy every era of the Fantastic Four! How can Reed, Sue, Ben and Johnny hope to survive simultaneous attacks across their lifetimes by Rama Tut, the Scarlet Centurion, Kang the Conqueror and Kang's final descendant, the sinister Scion?! Join the FF and some special surpris...

Supreme41 rated Batman '89 #2 Sep 15, 2021

Batman '89 #2

By: Sam Hamm, Joe Quinones
Released: Sep 15, 2021

A showdown in Burnside leaves both Batman and the Gotham borough reeling. As the community rallies together behind Harvey Dent, can Bruce find a way forward for both Batman and the city?

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Supreme41 reviewed Geiger #6 Sep 5, 2021

Each issue of this series got better than the one before it. By the end of the arc, we get a clear scope of the universe Geiger inhabits. Johns loves playing with comic mythology, as evidenced by his DC runs, and he is finally building one of his own.

Geiger #6

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Sep 1, 2021

The first volume of Image Comics' newest hit hero, GEIGER, concludes with this DOUBLE-SIZED ACTION FINALE as our resident radioactive rebel takes on a relic from the past to save his family's future. But the adventures are only beginning for Geiger, as he discovers a secret about the Unknown War and its mysterious origins. Plus...

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