Marjorie Finnegan: Temporal Criminal #1
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Marjorie Finnegan: Temporal Criminal #1

Writer: Garth Ennis Artist: Goran Sudzuka Publisher: AWA Release Date: May 5, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 7
7.1Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

She's Marjorie Finnegan. She's a temporal criminal. What more do you need to know? Oh, all right then: all Marj wants to do is race up and down the time-lanes, stealing every shiny-gleamy-pretty-sparkly she can lay her hands on. But her larcenous trail from the Big Bang to the Ninety-fifth Reich has drawn the beady eye of the Temporal PD, whose number one Deputy Marshall is now hard on our heroine's tail - and taking things extremely personally. Worse still, Marj's worthless creep of an ex and his even scummier partner
have seen an angle of their own in all this, and now intend to use her time-tech to change history for their own benefit. more

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Ronnie Gorham May 5, 2021

    Marjorie Finnegan #1 is the perfect start to Garth Ennis's take on time travel. If you like films like Hot Tub Time Machine, Bill & Ted, and Timecop but wish they had a helluva lot more violence, then this story is for you. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Multiversity Comics - Matthew Blair May 10, 2021

    It's a story that won't change the world, but you'll have a lot of fun reading it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    BGCP - Andy MacGregor May 8, 2021

    I had high expectations for this comic but sadly these were not met. Garth Ennis is an industry heavyweight and produced fantastic works such as Preacher and The Boys, to name just a couple. As a result I was maybe presumptuous in thinking that this would be another classic. And had it not been for the artwork I would certainly not have enjoyed this as much as I had expected to. So we are left hoping that the storyline improves in the forthcoming issues. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Graphic Policy - Logan Dalton May 5, 2021

    He's already done Preacher, Hitman, a definitive Punisher run, and hopefully he's rolling in The Boys money so Garth Ennis really has nothing to prove to anyone any more. Marjorie Finnegan: Temporal Criminal #1 is living proof of that and is the comic book equivalent of a fast food meal. But, one of the classier places like Cook Out, In-N-Out, or Skyline Chili thanks to the energy of Goran Sudzuka's art and the brightness of Miroslav Mrva's color palette. Marjorie Finnegan is an action-comedy with better shootouts than one-liners and hopefully, future issues find that balance. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes Apr 14, 2021

    I have liked a lot of Ennis more serious work. Not being a massive fan of The Boys (sacrilege I know), and equally mot a massive Harley fan, I have to say that I found this book just too loud and lacking nuance. If you want a funny time jaunt book, that has some genuinely heartfelt moments, I would go for Paradox Girl by Cayti Bourquin and Yishan Li from Top Cow. This won't assuage the millions of Ennis fans who will rush to buy this book. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    COMICON - Rachel Bellwoar Apr 5, 2021

    There's enough fun to be had in this issue that it doesn't matter yet, but can Ennis and Suduka sustain a time travel series where the risks have been eliminated? Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - Spencer Perry May 5, 2021

    In the end it's solid start but those turned off by Ennis' antics won't like what they find. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Comics Bookcase - Larry Jorash May 5, 2021

    An average story with beautiful artwork. Garth Ennis as a name will draw you in while Sudzuka and Meva are likely to entice you to stay a while with their art. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics: The Gathering - James Caudill May 5, 2021

    To recap, the story is lackluster but the art shines through brightly. If you like good artwork in comics, then I would say pick it up. If you are more of a story person, there are other books out this week that you can pick up. Overall, I would say skip this book. AWA Upshot has several really good titles out right now but this one is a dud. The name on the writer line is what is pushing this one forward, but the story just isn’t there. AWA was bound to put a book out eventually that just isn’t up to par. That’s okay every publisher does it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    I Review Comics Jul 11, 2022

    "Southern Belles of the Timesteam"
    Majorie Finnegan: Temporal Criminal #1
    Writer: Garth Ennis | Artist: Goran Sudzuka
    Publisher AWA: Upshot | Mike Deodato Jr. Variant

    I am not sure why Marjorie Finnegan: Temporal Criminal #1 presented me with such a rough review. The comic has a lot going on. It’s written by Garth Ennis (The Boys, Preacher), one of the greatest comic writers of our time. The art from Goran Sudzuka is solid, varied and shockingly violent. I guess the main gripe is that nothing about this issue connected with me. As much as I like Ennis, this issue feels like he’s phoning it in.

    This is a time travel story. Marjorie is a fun-loving character that pulls heists across more

  • 9.5
    cumgurglinrhino Sep 3, 2021

  • 8.5
    DavidTC May 15, 2021

  • 8.5
    sebastianorellana95 May 6, 2021

  • 8.0
    flodid May 9, 2021

  • 6.5
    fandelabd Jan 13, 2022

  • 5.5
    deen Jun 19, 2021

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