Andy MacGregor's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: BGCP Reviews: 60
8.9Avg. Review Rating

A Righteous Thirst for Vengeance #2

Nov 12, 2021

This is another great issue. I'm really enjoying how this book is set out with the multiple panels and the reserved use of dialogue for the protagonist, Sonny. Remender's storyline really is being driven by the fantastic artwork of Andre Lima Araujo and it is this pairing that is the catalyst or such a successful book. Fans of murder/mystery/thriller books will thoroughly enjoy this series.

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Arrowsmith: Behind Enemy Lines #1

Jan 18, 2022

I picked this book up without reading any previous Arrowsmith books and must admit, I was slightly perplexed as to the backstory. But this did not detract from my enjoyment of the book in the slightest. It's a fascinating take on an alternate history and the Great War. And add into that magic, dragons and mythical beings and this a great read. I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline from Kurt Busiek and will be looking to pick up the back issues so that I can explore this series more. Fans of adventure, magic and alternate universes will thoroughly enjoy this title.

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Beyond the Breach #1

Jul 15, 2021

Beyond the Breach #1 is a superb first issue. Aftershock have been releasing some fantastic comics recently and this looks like it could be another great comic run. Brisson and the art team have combined to great effect on this book and it is one that should be picked up immediately! I'm really looking forward to the next issue in this series.

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Devil's Reign (2021) #1

Dec 9, 2021

Now that's how you kick off a new Marvel Event! There may only be 6 issues of the main storyline but with all the various tie-ins and one-shots, this looks to be a fantastic series that will have series implications to the superhero community. Chip Zdarsky has only just concluded the Daredevil run and has moved seamlessly to his next big project, keeping up that amazing standard of writing that we have come to expect. And with Marco Checchetto, he has an artist whose work only enhances the story to another level. Marvel fans, you are in for a treat!

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Eat The Rich #1

Aug 17, 2021

As first issues go, I thoroughly enjoyed this. And I would recommend to any fans of mystery and horror. Sarah Gailey has written a story which can make the skin on the back of your neck stand up. The pacing of the book starts slow and just builds up to a chilling crescendo which leaves you fearing what will come in the next issue. Beautifully written with a superb supporting art team, this is one book you don't want to miss.

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Eat The Rich #2

Sep 27, 2021

Another great issue and you can just feel the tension building with what Joey has discovered. Sarah Gailey is really setting the tone for this series and I am looking forward to where she goes with future issues. Fans of suspense thrillers will thoroughly enjoy this book and hopefully it's on your watch list if it isn't already!

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Eat The Rich #4

Nov 19, 2021

This is an amazing penultimate issue. It starts off slow and reserved and then just gathers pace, concluding in what is a thrilling cliff-hanger. The writing from Sarah Gailey is again on point and it is matched perfectly with the artwork of Pius Bak. It's slightly bittersweet that this is the penultimate issue as I have thoroughly enjoyed this series. But that being said, I'm excited to see what the finale brings!

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Eat The Rich #5

Dec 27, 2021

And that's it. The thrilling finale in what has been a thoroughly enjoyable series. Sarah Gailey has given us a fantastic storyline to sink our teeth into (pun intended). And it's been a great read from issue #1. I wondered after last month's issue how Gailey would bring it all together and I was not disappointed. The cannibalistic conclusion was gripping from start to finish. And maybe we might see another visit to Crestfall Bluffs in the future. I for one hope so!

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Grim (2022) #1

May 14, 2022

I've really been enjoying the macabre books that BOOM! Studios have been putting out recently and GRIM #1 is no exception. A thoroughly intriguing tale which is well written and matched by superb artwork. If you like death, mystery and suspense, then this should be on your reading list. Even if you don't, pick this book up because I can assure you that you won't regret it.

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Hellcop (2021) #1

Oct 28, 2021

An enjoyable first issue from Image Comics. My only criticism would be that it is very dialogue heavy. But given the storyline, I suppose this is necessary. It has a certain 90's vibe to it and if you strip the book back to it's bare bones, it's essentially a murder/mystery book with some interdimensional travel thrown in for good measure. It'll be interesting to see where the story goes in future issues.

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Hellcop (2021) #2

Dec 5, 2021

An interesting follow up to what was an intriguing first issue. Whilst it may not be an action packed issue, the pacing and the level of mystery more than make up for it. I'm enjoying that Brian Haberlin is both writer and illustrator in this series as you know that what is in the panels is what he has envisioned for the book. Haberlin has definitely set his stall out well and it will be good to see where he goes with it. As I said earlier I think there may be more to this story than meets the eye and we have a few more twists and turns.

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Heroes Reborn (2021): Peter Parker, The Amazing Shutterbug #1

May 12, 2021

As One-Shot's go, I wasn't blown away by this. It was a good take on a Peter Parker standalone story. But die-hard Spiderman fans may be left disappointed. If you are looking for an action packed story, this isn't it I'm afraid. It's more so a look at Peter Parker as a person and whether he would still achieve greatness without powers.

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Hulk (2021) #1

Nov 26, 2021

What a fantastic book, easily full marks across the board for me. It's a really interesting take on the complicated character of Bruce Banner. And sure we have seen many iterations over the years but this feels like a fresh take on the subject matter. I'll admit that I'm a massive fan of the Hulk and some stories have left me feeling disappointed. This is not one of them. A must collect for any Hulk fans!

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Hulk (2021) #2

Dec 16, 2021

What can I say about this book, other than fantastic, simply fantastic. With two titans of the industry in Donny Cates and Ryan Ottley, combining to bring their very own spin on the green goliath. And a fascinating new take on the Bruce Banner psyche, this is a book that should be on everyone's reading list. It's easily my book of the week. Marvel/Hulk fans, should rush out and pick this up straight away, you won't be disappointed!

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Hulk (2021) #3

Jan 21, 2022

For some reason this felt like a shorter issue. But that aside, it's still a really enjoyable read and another fascinating instalment to the ongoing ‘Smashtranout' series. Donny Cates continues to weave a masterful storyline and accompanied by superstar artist Ryan Ottley, the pair are firmly putting their own stamp on the Green Goliath. It's really refreshing to see a whole new take on what is a very complex character, given how long the character has been around and the various storylines over the years.

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Hulk (2021) #4

Feb 20, 2022

Wow, just wow. This issue was so good that after I finished the first read-through, I had to start it all over again. I thought that the last issue was slightly on the short side. But it's far from that in this one. This is an action packed roller-coaster from start to finish. And Cates & Ottley do not hold back on the ultra-violence whatsoever. Another fantastic instalment to the 'Starship Hulk' series and highly recommended to all Hulk/Marvel fans.

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Hulk vs. Thor: Banner of War (2022): Alpha #1

May 14, 2022

Sometimes you pick up a cross-over event book, full of expectations and it can leave you feeling underwhelmed. This is not one of those times. There are panels in this book that will have your jaw on the floor! The writing, the artwork, these things will just leave you in absolute awe. But don't let me just tell you, get out there and pick this book up straight away! This has all the hallmarks of being a FANTASTIC Marvel cross-over and I'm really excited to see what future issues bring.

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Kang the Conqueror (2021) #1

Aug 22, 2021

Kang the Conqueror #1 is a fascinating look back at the early beginnings of Nathaniel Richards in the 31st Century. And given his introduction (in some guise) in the MCU, it's only fitting that Marvel have released this series. The creative pairing of Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing combine to great effect to bring us what is a complex character, with the potential to explore multiple storyline possibilities. This is certainly a book that I can see Marvel fans thoroughly enjoying. And given the success of LOKI, I'm sure some fans will be desperate to read more about the character.

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Killtopia #3

May 25, 2021

Another great instalment to the ongoing Killtopia series. The whole book is so action packed you may have to re-read it several times, as I myself did. Trust me, you don't want to miss anything! And with a new art team on board, this feels like a more finished article. I'm sure Dave Cook will be a lot happier with the end product in this book and hopefully this continues in the last two issues.

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KISS: Phantom Obsession #1

Aug 12, 2021

There's been various KISS books over the years so it may seem like a challenge to keep the story fresh. But this is a fantastic first issue and it certainly has the potential to be an action packed rollercoaster of a series. The storyline from Ian Edgerton is perfectly matched with the artwork of Celor, colouring of Valentina Pinto and lettering of Troy Peteri. And I'm looking forward to see if future issues will be as Rock and Roll as this one.

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KISS: Phantom Obsession #2

Sep 8, 2021

After last month's action-packed cliff-hanger, I was worried that maybe the next instalment wouldn't live up to the hype. But I needn't have worried. Ian Edgerton is a writer who's been around for a while and certainly knows what he's doing. And that is evident from this book. It's another action-packed issue featuring the Heavy Metal giants KISS and fans of the band will be delighted with this offering. But even if you have no idea who KISS are, then the artwork of Celor and Valentina Pinto should be more than enough to catch the eye.

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Maestro: World War M (2022) #1

Feb 15, 2022

It's all been leading to this and now Peter David has to bring the Maestro Trilogy to a conclusion. Given how good this issue is, I can't wait for the next as this promises to be an action-packed roller-coaster. David gives us a storyline which does not pull it's punches, literally! And with the supporting characters he's deploying, this looks to be a Battle Royale for Maestro. Not only is this a fascinating read, the artwork from Peralta and Aburtov jumps off the pages and makes you take notice. Highly recommended book for all Hulk/Marvel fans.

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Marjorie Finnegan: Temporal Criminal #1

May 8, 2021

I had high expectations for this comic but sadly these were not met. Garth Ennis is an industry heavyweight and produced fantastic works such as Preacher and The Boys, to name just a couple. As a result I was maybe presumptuous in thinking that this would be another classic. And had it not been for the artwork I would certainly not have enjoyed this as much as I had expected to. So we are left hoping that the storyline improves in the forthcoming issues.

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Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood (2022) #1

May 12, 2022

After the conclusion of the fantastic Moon Knight series from Disney+, I was eager to pick this book up. And following on from the other Black, White & Blood titles featuring Wolverine, Daredevil and Elektra, to name but a few, it's good to see the Fist of Konshu given his own run. Not only that, we get 3 unique Moon Knight stories with exciting storylines and fantastic artwork. What's not to like? If you've enjoyed the other Black, White & Blood titles from Marvel or if you're just a fan of Moon Knight in general, then you are sure to enjoy this book!

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Newburn #1

Nov 3, 2021

What a fantastic first issue. A gritty noir book with a highly original storyline that draws you in from the get-go. Fans of crime/thriller books should have this on their radar and if not, why not? If the names Chip Zdarsky and Jacob Phillips aren't enough to catch your attention, then this superb storyline should do the trick. Without doubt, my pick of the new releases this week.

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Newburn #2

Dec 15, 2021

Chip Zdarsky with another fantastic book. It seems to be a phrase that I have said many times this year. But take nothing away from Zdarsky, he is an amazing writer and deserves all the praise he is receiving. I had enjoyed his work on Stillwater but Newburn has really caught my attention and I find myself eager to pick up the next issue after each instalment. And if having Chip Zdarsky as writer wasn't enough, then you have the artwork from Jacob Phillips which is dark and gritty and matches the storyline perfectly. Fans of Mafia/Crime dramas and of Daredevil should be picking this up as a matter of course!

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Out of Body #1

Jun 3, 2021

This is a book which fans of Mystery & Occult will relish. Milligan and Co. have provided a thoroughly exciting book which is well written and accompanied with beautiful artwork. This should be put on everyone's must read list.

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Out of Body #2

Jul 10, 2021

Another fantastic issue. The storyline on it's own is enough to draw you in but when you pair with the amazing artwork, it's a winning formula. It feels like this book is gathering speed and building up to something great and I am excited to see where it goes. Milligan's mysterious occult tale is one that you should all be picking up!

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Star Wars: Crimson Reign (2021) #1

Dec 12, 2021

Star Wars: Crimson Reign #1 is a natural follow on to the recent ‘War of the Bounty Hunters' series. And it gives more of an insight into Qi'ra and her role in charge of Crimson Dawn. The sheer magnitude of her manipulation reaches to every corner of the galaxy but will she come undone going up against the Empire? Charles Soule has started off on the right foot with this book and it will be interesting to see how it develops throughout the upcoming issues. Star Wars fans will certainly enjoy the newest instalment.

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Step By Bloody Step #1

Feb 22, 2022

How can a book work without any text? By having a fascinating storyline and being visually captivating. It shouldn't work but it does and it does it really well! Si Spurrier should be commended for the storytelling in this book and the artwork from Matias Bergara is simply stunning. I urge you to pick this book up if you get the chance. Image Comics really have another winner this series.

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Stillwater (2020) #7

May 18, 2021

An ultra violent storyline mixed with some intense and detailed artwork. Zdarsky and Perez keep us on our toes shocking and terrifying in equal measure. Not as story driven as other issues, this is still an enjoyable addition to the series and will leave you looking forward to the next issue.

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Stillwater (2020) #8

Jun 17, 2021

I said in my review for the last issue that it wasn't very story driven. This feels like another filler issue with a lot of backstory. The series is building up to something and hopefully it starts to come together sooner, rather than later. That being the said, Zdarksy is still an exceptional storyteller and the artwork is well detailed.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #3

May 7, 2021

A really good ongoing story which continues to entertain and intrigue on equal levels. Whilst I haven't enjoyed much of what has been coming out of DC recently, Suicide Squad is a book that I am happy to keep picking up on release. I mentioned earlier about Rick Flag being absent and I am left wondering how Robbie Thompson will address this in future issues. You get the feeling that this is building up to something and hopefully the crossover with the Teen Titans doesn't derail this.

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Suicide Squad (2021) #4

Jun 1, 2021

Another enjoyable issue. I came back sceptical after the shambolic Teen Titans Academy Crossover. But I needed have been. Thompson knows what he is doing with this story arc and the direction he wants it go (hopefully not forced into another crossover!). There is enough action, intrigue and mystery to keep you going from the first page to the last.

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Teen Titans Academy (2021) #3

May 26, 2021

As Crossover Events go, Teen Titans Academy #3 did not impress me. I said when I reviewed Suicide Squad #3 that I thought it was too early to have these titles pair up. And as a result we have this poor excuse for a Crossover Event. The separate titles should have had an established story arc before this was attempted. But unfortunately they were both in their infancy, and it shows.

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The Closet #1

Jun 4, 2022

A thoroughly unsettling book from start to finish. And I loved everything about it. It's been a while since I've read through a book that makes gives you a real feeling of dread. But this brought back memories of being a small child and scared of the dark. This is a book that I would recommend everyone picks up. It's definitely my book of the week and I can't wait for the next instalment.

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The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox #2

Jun 21, 2021

The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox #2 continues to entertain. The second of a seven part series and the mystery and intrigue continue to enthrall. Rosenberg has set his stall out well and I'm loving the twists and turns of this book. I have to keep re-reading to try and pick up the clues to see where it's leading. The addition of Hixson to the art team certainly brings a difference to the book. And not an unwelcome one. Another must pick-up for Joker fans.

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The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox #3

Jul 8, 2021

The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox #3 was another good issue from Rosenberg and Co. And the back and forth between Black Mask and Two Face was something that stuck out for me. Keron Grant's artwork brought another dynamic to the series and certainly I would like to see more of this in future issues. Maybe not as strong a storyline as the previous issues but enjoyable nonetheless.

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The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox #5

Aug 4, 2021

With only two issues to go after this issue, I'm really excited to see how Matthew Rosenberg brings this all together. I said in the last issue that I was struggling to gather the puzzle pieces and I am none the wiser after this! This might be down to the fact that the whole series has been narrated by the Joker and in his twisted psyche, there is no normal thought process or reasoning. But regardless, the book is well written and matched with fantastic artwork, this is another great instalment to this mini-series.

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The Joker Presents: A Puzzlebox #6

Aug 18, 2021

With this penultimate issue, I have to query how Matthew Rosenberg is going to bring this to a conclusion. As it feels like there could be more to this story without having to cram everything into the finale. That being said, it's another action packed issue with a who's who of Gotham villains and it's great to see some of the lesser utilised characters taking centre stage. And with some fantastic artwork, this should be another pickup for DC fans.

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The Thing (2021) #1

Nov 11, 2021

It's been a while since Benjamin J. Grimm has had a standalone story (15 years if my mind serves me correctly) and It's good to see one of the most fascinating characters out on his own again, literally. Walter Mosley has worked on Fantastic Four titles before and it's good to see him utilise that experience to bring us this fascinating series featuring one of our favourite characters. This is surely a must-read for any fans of Fantastic Four.

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The Thing (2021) #2

Dec 17, 2021

Walter Mosley gives another enjoyable instalment to the Ever-Lovin Blue Eyed Thing. It's always interesting to see how a character who is such an integral part of a group, holds up in a stand-alone story. And Mosley certainly gives The Thing his own stage to which he can shine. Not forgetting Tom Reilly and Jordie Bellaire in the art department, whose work give the book a certain retro feel and a throwback to the silver age of comic books. A decent read to pass the time.

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The United States of Captain America #1

Jul 1, 2021

As a tribute to 80 years of one of the most revered comic book characters, this is a fantastic start to an intriguing mini-series. Thankfully we are spared the re-hash of previous adventures and instead are treated to an up to date look at one of Marvel's greatest characters and the world he operates in. Ironically released in time to coincide with America's Independence Day, this a fascinating read for Marvel fans.

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Time Before Time #1

May 10, 2021

Comparisons to Looper aside, this is a really enjoyable story and I am looking forward to the rest of the series. Shalvey & McConville bring their own take on Time Travel and the storyline leaves you in suspense wanting more. Well written and matched perfectly with glorious artwork, this is a book I am happy to recommend. Fans of Time Travel and mystery, be sure to pick this up!

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Time Before Time #2

Jun 15, 2021

After a 5 star review for the first issue, how would the second issue fare? Honestly, I am loving this story. It's full marks across the board from me again. The storyline is full of intrigue and as I stated in my previous review, the artwork matches it perfectly. And as a result, I am left desperate for the next instalment of this fantastic Time Travel series. If you've already picked up the first issue, then make sure you grab this one on release!

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Time Before Time #3

Jul 18, 2021

Another fantastic issue. I thought this was just going to be an issue with some character development and not a lot else. I mean, how can you keep up the action and suspense that the first two issues had? By drawing you into a fall sense of security that's how! What starts off slowly only ramps up towards the end and I for one, cannot wait for the next issue of this amazing series.

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Time Before Time #4

Aug 16, 2021

What is there to say about the artwork other than… fantastic. It speaks volumes in it's restrained use of colour and its subtlety is completely in keeping with the overall tone of the story. Joe Palmer is an artist who should need to introduction having worked on 2000AD, the Judge Dredd Megazine and Write It In Blood (for Image Comics). And his artwork is perfectly matched with the colour work of Chris O'Halloran who previously worked with DC and Marvel. If that wasn't enough they have one of the best letterers in the business with Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou and his influence shines throughout.

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Time Before Time #5

Sep 19, 2021

For those who may have just stumbled across this series, the Volume 1. TP is out 20 October 2021 from Image Comics.

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Time Before Time #6

Oct 30, 2021

How do you follow up on a fantastic first story arc? By keeping the momentum going and issuing an equally impressive standalone story which gives further insight into the world of the syndicate and how the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence. It's a superb accompaniment to what has been an excellent series from Image Comics. And Declan Shalvey excels as both co-writer and artist in this book.

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Transformers: King Grimlock #1

Aug 5, 2021

Dinobots meets Swords and Sorcery in the this standalone tale for King Grimlock. And whilst not overly dialogue heavy, the action speaks for itself with the tone of the book being firmly established. It was only a matter of time before we had a storyline like this and readers will enjoy what has been offered up by Steve Orlando and the art team. A good first issue and it will be interesting to see where it goes in the future.

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Two Moons #6

Nov 7, 2021

It's always interesting to see how a new story arc will stand up to the predecessor and especially given how well received the first was. But I'm happy to say that John Arcudi continues on his rich vein of writing form and everything that was successful in Volume 1. of Two Moons continues here. His gripping story is matched perfectly with the artwork of Giangiordano and Crabtree and their influence really brings the story to life. Fans of horror books should be picking this up as a matter of course.

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Two Moons #7

Dec 10, 2021

Another great issue from John Arcudi. And I really enjoyed how he gave introduction to the Buffalo Soldiers, bringing in historic significance to the book. The storyline is thoroughly intriguing as it balances history, horror and racial inequality and doesn't shy away from the latter. And with the fantastic cliff-hanger, I am desperate for the next instalment of this series. Arcudi and Giangiordano really work well together and it shows. Fans of horror/western should be picking this book up if they haven't already!

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Vampirella / Dracula: Unholy #1

Dec 19, 2021

So one thing I really didn't enjoy about the book is the amount of referrals to previous issues. which I feel detracts from the fluidity of the book. And having never read a Vampirella book before, the need to refer to previous books for context was off-putting. But due to this, it's not a book I see myself returning to in the future. The book itself isn't bad but it's not something I found myself enjoying and would recommend. Fans of Vampirella may disagree and enjoy the book more than I did.

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Venom (2021) #1

Nov 13, 2021

Given the fall out from the KING IN BLACK and EXTREME CARNAGE, it was always going to interesting to see what would happen in a new run. And given that you have Titans of the industry in Ram V and Al Ewing as co-writers, then this is one book that I was eager to get my hands on. It did not disappoint. An intriguing storyline which hints at being another fantastic story arc. Fans of the Venom comic should be picking this up if they haven't already!

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Vinyl #1

Jun 22, 2021

Did I mention how good this book is? It's full marks across the board from me and this is my comic of the week. This is a must pick up! The writing of Wagner alongside the art team of Hillyard, Stewart and Dukeshire really is fantastic. I am loving a lot of what Image Comics have been publishing recently. And this ranks right up there with some of the best. I cannot wait for the next instalment of this amazing series.

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Vinyl #2

Jul 27, 2021

I said last month that I couldn't wait for the next issue. And it was well worth the wait! Another fantastic issue from Doug Wagner and the team. Such a well written story which peaks your interest with the turn of every page and when you add in the fantastic visuals of Daniel Hillyard and the eye catching palette of Dave Stewart, you know you are in a for a treat. There is something about this series that is just enthralling to read and I couldn't help myself in re-reading it multiple times and each is as good as the first.

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Vinyl #3

Aug 22, 2021

If this book hasn't been on people's radars, then it should be! Image Comics have been releasing absolute gold this year and this may just pip Time Before Time for my comic of the year. Doug Wagner is a writer who just keeps enthralling with each issue. The storyline is fantastically twisted and is matched with some of the best artwork from Daniel Hillyard, Dave Stewart and Ed Dukeshire. It's full marks across the board again with this book and I can't wait for the next issue.

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Vinyl #4

Sep 21, 2021

Wow, just wow. What an issue. I have to admit I'm gutted to think there are only two issues left of this series, as it has been nothing short of amazing. Doug Wagner is a twisted genius who brings this gore-filled masterpiece to life. Some people might be sick of me talking about how good this series is but that's because it genuinely is that good! Image Comics have another amazing book here.

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Vinyl #5

Oct 27, 2021

Another fantastic issue and it's slightly bittersweet as I know there is only one book left. Doug Wagner continues to entice and horrify in equal measure. And with that being said, there seems like there is still more to come in next month's finale. Without doubt this is my book of the year and I urge anyone that has not discovered it yet to pick it up immediately. You'll thank me later.

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Vinyl #6

Nov 28, 2021

It's slightly bittersweet to think that this is my final review of this amazing series. I have thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish and cannot recommend it enough. The storyline, the characters, the artwork, there is simply no negative that I can call on about this series. As a finale goes, it as good as the first issue in it's brutal brilliance. My book of the year, hands down. Doug Wagner and Co. I salute you.

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