There is another Bruce Banner! But where is his Hulk? The answer to that question? Well, it's a doozy. And it's about to change our Hulk's entire course of action! The most insane, action-packed HULK story you've ever read gets even MORE epic as Donny Cates and
Ryan Ottley take things to a whole other level!
So far this new vision for the Hulk hasn't missed a step, and all the while has reignited my appreciation for the character in a way I never expected, so consider me all-in. Read Full Review
Visually this book is stunning with all the bells and whistles of a great sci-fi/horror fright fest. Read Full Review
For some reason this felt like a shorter issue. But that aside, it's still a really enjoyable read and another fascinating instalment to the ongoing ‘Smashtranout' series. Donny Cates continues to weave a masterful storyline and accompanied by superstar artist Ryan Ottley, the pair are firmly putting their own stamp on the Green Goliath. It's really refreshing to see a whole new take on what is a very complex character, given how long the character has been around and the various storylines over the years. Read Full Review
HULK #3 was exciting, raw, and wildly different from IMMORTAL HULK. However, that's not a bad thing. Cates and Ottley are trying something different and focusing more on HULK'S rage and inner relationship with Banner than Ewing or Bennett ever did in IMMORTAL HULK. Readers, HULK #3 has great rhythm, vibrant action, outstanding balance, and powerful illustrations that capture the conflict so well. Read Full Review
Ottley delivers some fantastic art in the issue. The visual style is beautiful and I wish there was more action to showcase it. Read Full Review
The run gets interesting here. With continued great art, the story takes a turn that gets its hooks in and shows a compelling thread that has us invested. Read Full Review
Hulk #3travels to an alternate universe, upping the violence and terror in the process. The next issue hints at a battle royale between different Hulks, and given what the creative team has cooked up fans are in for a treat. Read Full Review
Final ThoughtsHulk #3 finally gets to the meat of the story about an encounter with an alternate dimension Banner who's life since the Gamma experiment has taken a more cataclysmic turn. While the story has plenty of creative elements, there's a decided lack of emotional hook or wow factor. It's just okay, and perhaps that's good enough for die-hard Hulk fans. Read Full Review
'Hulk' gets darker and stranger as Bruce Banner investigates a parallel world that holds heavy implications for his future -- and that of the entire multiverse. Read Full Review
Donny Cates' and Ryan Ottley'sHulk run started with a lot of wild promise, but three issues in, that promise is dwindling quickly into a mountain of half-thought-out ideas. Read Full Review
This issue was amazing. Now we know what might have happened in El Paso, but yet who is that shadow? The story is further explained and one new villain from this new universe in introduced. The art and the color palette are always top notch!
I am LOVING what this series is doing.
The premise is extremely fascinating, the art is phenomenal, and the various references to sci fi tropes and rral world references(Bruce quoting Oppenheimer is just the coolest thing to me)from various points in time makes evident that there's a skilled writer at the helm. Much like Bruce in his "starship" Donny Cates is navigating us through a pretty unique take on the Hulk mythos, and as a fairly new Hulk reader I am digging it.
Really good third issue. I'm into this Hulk run, idk. It seems like people are starting to get over that this isn't Immortal Hulk, but we'll see.
Another really good issue for this series. After the introduction of the alternate Bruce Banner at the end of the previous issue, I'm glad that this turned out to actually be a good story. The alternate Bruce's backstory was compelling, and I thought 616 Bruce's reaction was great, and the tease of Thunderbolt Ross at the end was also done well. Good stuff once again from Cates and Ottley.
It's much better, than I expected it to be. Ottley also rocks!
The brakes slam on (literally as well as metaphorically) and this title finally does something besides SMASH-ing. We get some nice world-building on the new AU the Hulk is in, as well as a few foreshadow-y glimpses of Bruce's current inner turmoil.
I like the ideas. I'm OK with the writing; I love the art. If this run can strike a better balance between action and insight, I might end up loving it.
Ryan's art continues to be awesome, and I think Cates kept me intrigued enough to keep me engaged till the end of the first arc. There are some f#ck€d up ideas floating around in this new world Hulk's at, but what would you expect, this series premise was completely bonkers xD
I should be annoyed at how little Cates is using from Ewing's seminal run. But Cates is doing too good a job that make me angry.
A step up from last issue and it's slowing building to something intriguing, and of course Ryan Ottley is just a phenomenal artist. The main problem is that this is the follow up to Immortal Hulk, which is the best marvel comic of the last decade, one of the greatest Hulk runs ever made, and was a consistently amazing comic from beginning to end. This sets a really high bar for the new creatives teams who will work on the character now and in the future, a tough act to follow, so I understand why so many people are frustrated. We went from a horror, subjective, character driven epic tale of man and monster settling differences and making amends on their history to a fucking monster ship fueled by the rage of a caged hulk, and this monster ship is controlled by an evil mad scientist that I'm still having a hard time to believe that it's Bruce Banner, oh, also we are in space and we are going to other realities. All of this without any explanation because of the time jump. We will haver answers for sure, it's impossible to not address Immortal Hulk and what happened after it that made things this way, but at the moment we are just going full crazy without knowing how we got to this level of craziness, if that makes sense. Anyway, hoping for the best, Cates has my complete trust. more
It was probably the best and most interesting book so far. I'll give it the benefit for now but, at some point they really should address the change from Immortal Hulk.
Currently, Ottley's art is what makes this so good to me.
As for Cates' writing? It's fine, honestly. However, it's slower paced then I would like to.
I don't want to compare this Immortal Hulk, and I won't. Which is why I feel I like this more than most. But, if Cates doesn't deliver with suffice answers in the final parts of this first arc, it's hard to stay invested in this. I don't believe Cates chooses to ignore it, as it has been such well-received storyline and it's so recent, but I hope he can make his Hulk story a compelling sequel to it.
Better than that dumb last issue and Ottley is indeed the star here.
Yeah I’m not digging this run of the Hulk so far. There is a tone to the book that just doesn’t settle with me very well. Can’t quite put my finger on it but it just didn’t work. The art is nice and is the saving grace of the issue.