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Joined: Feb 07, 2021

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Reaper74 reviewed Avengers #28 Mar 4, 2025

Nice introduction for The Collector and Giant Mans new name. The -lot is average at best and some of the dialogue is hokey. Stan Lee is stretched pretty thin and a lot of the titles are starting to bleed into one another to be very samey. Though average it is entertaining.

Avengers #28

By: Stan Lee, Don Heck
Released: May 11, 1966

Goliath joins the Avengers, and just in time-- the Wasp has been captured by the Beetle and the Collector!

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Overall nice read with some good trippy art. The plot is fine and some of the revelations are good. Just some of the dialogue just feels forced to be funny and it’s not. This is better though then Tamaki run on Detective though.

Zatanna: Bring Down The House #3

By: Mariko Tamaki, Javier Rodriguez
Released: Aug 28, 2024

It’s out of the Casters’ lair and into the fire as Zatanna takes a tumble down the rabbit hole—although the Order of the Rabbits themselves would tell you they prefer the term “bunny well.” Within, Zatanna finds her inability to perform real magic put to the test in a pulse-pounding fight for her life against a vicious champion the Rabbit...

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Reaper74 reviewed Strange Academy #17 Feb 21, 2025

The run has been overall good but this issue was well paced but everyone’s actions were not fully their own but at the same time work for young teenagers who really know nothing about life. Emily is wrong on all accounts in this but then Doyle ends up wrong and Voodoo has been played. Curious to see how it concludes though.

Strange Academy #17

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Mar 9, 2022


•  An ancient evil - Gaslamp - has targeted Strange Academy - but what is this creature really after?
•  Calvin's caught in this mess, and he could lose everything.
•  Using magic always has a cost, and Strange Academy's been racking up a gnarly bill - but when will that bill finally come due...

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Reaper74 reviewed Superman #9 Feb 21, 2025

Nice finish to the last arc and moving into a new one. I like the western end. Should be fun. Williamson is doing as good here with Supes as he did with Flash.

Superman #9

By: Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo
Released: Dec 20, 2023

SUPER-ARMOR! Superman's battle with the Chained has left him wounded in unexpected ways, but the Lex Luthor Revenge Squad is still forming! To save Metropolis, Superman has no choice but to put on a special armor built by Lex! Featuring artwork from Eisner Award-winning Nightwing artist Bruno Redondo!

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Reaper74 reviewed Green Arrow #3 Feb 18, 2025

Interesting enough to move along and set things up well. Black Canary and Arsenals part were much better then Ollies but there are two transitions in the title that are rather jarring and come out of nowhere that really pulled me out of the book going huh? Ending is cool though.

Green Arrow #3

By: Joshua Williamson, Sean Izaakse
Released: Jun 28, 2023

Arsenal and Black Canary versus Peacemaker and the new Peacewrecker! While Arsenal and Black Canary's quest for answers has sent them into danger, Green Arrow is lost in time and space--but at least he's not alone now. Two members of the Green Arrow family join Oliver Queen in the last place you'd expect!

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Overall just ho-hum stuff. I’m not big on nightmares as it’s an anything goes so it all just feels cheap. The art is fine and the Super twins story is better than Power “Matrix” Girl. Glad we are back to regularly scheduled programming again next issue.

Knight Terrors: Action Comics #2

By: Leah Williams, Vasco Georgiev
Released: Aug 23, 2023

Reality bites! With her perfect nightmare world slowly showing its cracks, Power Girl searches for answers, hoping to find a villain to punch and a way out. Little does she know a threat from her past is here to control her future. Plus, in the Nightmare Realm, a hideously transformed Cyborg Superman is consuming the Super-Family one by one! Who wi...

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Reaper74 reviewed Batgirl #3 Feb 17, 2025

It’s typical bat stuff with decent art and great action when it happens. Characters are clearly written though so it is entertaining and the plot works so it keeps me wanting more.

Batgirl #3

By: Tate Brombal, Takeshi Miyazawa
Released: Jan 1, 2025

WILL CASS AND LADY SHIVA OUT RUN THE UNBURIED? The train ride out of Gotham proves more difficult than expected for Cass and Lady Shiva as dangerous new players enter the field. With the Unburied still hot on their trail--and seeking blood--can Batgirl actually trust her mother? Or will it lead to her certain death...?

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Reaper74 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #36 Feb 17, 2025

Standard Spidy issue with an ok villain but nothing great. Only notable is Gwen liking Peter but thinking he’s a coward so in the end he strikes out setting up for later.

Amazing Spider-Man #36

By: Stan Lee, Steve Ditko

Scientist Norton Fester is studying a meteor that has recently crashed near New York. But when the meteor unleashes radioactive energy, Fester is transformed into supper-baddie, the Looter! Spider-Man is in college and in trouble. The Looter's irradiated super-strength may prove to be Spidey's toughest battle yet!

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Reaper74 reviewed Aquaman #18 Feb 14, 2025

Nice start to the new arc. Johns Aquaman has been a stellar run and this issue continues the great writing. Lots of build up and ongoing ends being tied up still make for a great issue for one slowing down to build up to something new.

Aquaman #18

By: Geoff Johns, Paul Pelletier
Released: Mar 27, 2013

The critically-acclaimed adventures of Aquaman continue with DEATH OF A KING. Unfolding out of the events of THRONE OF ATLANTIS comes a mystery that sends Aquaman to the ends of the Earth to solve an ancient murderone that will reveal a horrific truth about Arthur Curry and threaten those closest to him today. Plus, Mera has a quest of her own invo...

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Reaper74 reviewed Flash #9 Feb 9, 2025

Someone laced their pot smoke with some LSD here. The writing is quasi intellectualism at it’s finest really amounting to nothing and I’m sorry but Iris looks like butt cheese.

Flash #9

By: Simon Spurrier, Ramon Perez
Released: May 29, 2024

As the Speed Force glitching causes more chaos around the world, another Rogue is gifted with a mysterious powerset upgrade, while Linda seeks out the source of the mysterious voices she's been hearing, and Barry reaches a breaking point!

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Reaper74 reviewed Fantastic Four #50 Feb 9, 2025

Fun comic with Silver Surfer fighting Galactus. Though it’s almost pointless it’s still fun to read. Otherwise it’s a normal FF comic outside that but does setup nicely at the end to keep you hooked.

Fantastic Four #50

By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby

The Silver Surfer takes on Galactus in an epic battle! Meanwhile, Johnny has received the deadliest weapon of all time--The Ultimate Nullifier!

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The story is a little choppy and not all that interesting. Some good action but Qui-Gon is not robust enough compared to his screen version here.

Star Wars: Jedi - The Dark Side #3

By: Scott Allie, Mahmud Asrar
Released: Jul 27, 2011

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Reaper74 reviewed Tales to Astonish #79 Jan 31, 2025

Namers story is ok. I’m not a big Sub Mariner fan but the story is passable if a little to dues ex Machina on beating Puppet Master. The Hulk story is slam bang action against Hercules.

Tales to Astonish #79

By: Stan Lee, Gene Colan
Released: May 11, 1966

Battle after battle! Will the Hulk's intense showdown with Dr. Konrad Zaxon weaken him enough to take him out of the ring with Hercules?

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Reaper74 reviewed Strange Tales #143 Jan 30, 2025

Both tales are standard Stan Lee Marvel stories by this time. They are fun reads but nothing great or new. You can tell Stan was getting stretched a little thin by now.

Strange Tales #143

By: Stan Lee, Steve Ditko

Will Nick Fury suffer the fool as a mind slave of Mentallo? Not if Dum Dum Dugan can help it! S.H.I.E.L.D. plans a counterattack against two psychic foes. Doc Strange leaves his physical body behind...and ends up losing it!

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Reaper74 reviewed Avengers #27 Jan 29, 2025

Fun fast paced issue with the fight to Attuma finished up. Nothing great but there’s plenty of action and corner dialogue to keep you interested.

Avengers #27

By: Stan Lee, Don Heck
Released: Apr 13, 1966

The Avengers' showdown with Attuma comes to a head! But why did the Beetle infiltrate Avengers Mansion to keep Hawkeye from reading a secret message? And what does it all have to do with the Wasp?

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Reaper74 reviewed Thor #127 Jan 29, 2025

Typical Stan Lee stuff going on here with Thor feeling pity for himself but as he heads back to Asgard he becomes dogged again to save Odin. The big part of this book is What is Ragnarok. That short is slam bang and also the basis for the MCU best Thor movie.

Thor #127

By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby

Seidring has been unleashed upon Asgard, casting doom over divine and mortal being alike. Will the son of Odin rise to defeat this latest menace? The Odin Power may be strong with Seidring, but the Mighty Thunderer has clout all his own!

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Reaper74 reviewed All-Star Comics #11 Jan 29, 2025

Fun read but most of the stories are similar so by the end the book tends to drag just a bit. Wonder Woman’s and Star Man have the best stories in this.

All-Star Comics #11

By: Gardner Francis Fox, Stan Aschmeier
Released: Jun 3, 1942

The Justice Society of America joins the fight for freedom!

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So far the story has entertained me but it sits on a precipice that is tethering to go good or bad. The next issue needs to get there to move a major step forward. I like the ideas here but I don’t really dig Zatanna’s feel here just yet.

Zatanna: Bring Down The House #2

By: Mariko Tamaki, Javier Rodriguez
Released: Jul 24, 2024

Magician on trial! Despite Zatanna’s willful determination to avoid Real Magic at all costs, a terrifying showdown with the interdimensional demon that interrupted her stage show reveals that she might not have run as far from the world of sorcery as she once hoped. Now a mysterious group of magic casters emerges from the shadows to accuse her of...

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Reaper74 reviewed Showcase #19 Jan 25, 2025

The first story is fun in the most unusual way. It’s simple but has a charm to its outlandish plot that you can’t help but keep reading. Adam is a bland character that does have fantastic adventures so this one keeps up that for sure. The puzzle to the predicament is well thought out and how Adam solves it is simple but very effective. The second story is B~level sci fi fun. Again the action i more

Showcase #19

By: Gardner Francis Fox, Mike Sekowsky
Released: Mar 4, 1959

In Calcutta, India, Adam Strange, along with a number of explorers, are on hand to witness an ancient rope trick. When one of the locals explains that it's a trick, and nobody can disappear at the end of the rope, Adam Strange offers to prove him wrong!

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Reaper74 reviewed Strange Tales #141 Jan 6, 2024

Both stories are solid and well paced. Both have good cliffhangers to keep you wanting to come back.

Strange Tales #141

By: Stan Lee, Steve Ditko

S.H.I.E.L.D.’s battle with Hydra comes to a head, leading to the death of a key player. Plus, what is Operation Brain Blast? S.H.I.E.L.D. delves into the realm of the supernatural with a new ESP division. Will Fury become the first unwilling subject? Doctor Strange reaches an agreement with Dormammu. Clea is banished to a much darker dimension.

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First Kerra is just not an interesting character. The storyline is pretty bad. The art is at least decent.

Star Wars: Knight Errant - Deluge #1

By: John Jackson Miller, Ivan Rodriguez
Released: Aug 17, 2011

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Well at least it ended on a good note I guess. Just not a good series.

Star Wars: Knight Errant - Aflame #5

Released: Dec 21, 2011

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Reaper74 reviewed Superman #6 Dec 29, 2023

Decent enough issue. Superman acts a little out of character here to get to the prison. I felt he would have taken a more measured response. He’s not an idiot he’s supposed to be a Boy Scout.

Superman #6

By: Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell
Released: Sep 20, 2023

NEW STORY ARC STARTS HERE! FIRST APPEARANCE OF A NEW SUPERMAN VILLAIN! THE CHAINED PART ONE! Following the shocking cliffhanger of Superman #5 and the events of Knight Terrors, Superman has learned that Lex Luthor kept a prisoner beneath Stryker's Island for decades. Who are they and why did Lex lock them up? Can Superman unlock the secrets of the ...

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Still not digging the main character. Really makes Jedi seem so stupid.

Star Wars: Knight Errant - Aflame #3

By: John Jackson Miller, Ivan Rodriguez
Released: Dec 8, 2010

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Reaper74 reviewed Tales of Suspense #74 Dec 29, 2023

Overall bonkers book. Caps adventure ends in a really fast manner that comes somewhat out of left field. Enjoyable arc that was was just entertaining enough to get over the sheer ridiculousness of it all. Iron Man adventure is sci Fi fun with some good Jeckll Hyde moments.

Tales of Suspense #74

By: Stan Lee, Adam Austin

When Iron Man is left for dead by the Black Knight, he calls upon Pepper Potts to come to his rescue.

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Reaper74 reviewed Speed Force #1 Dec 14, 2023

I like the lead characters and the central story while vague so far does shape up to hook you. My issue is the manga style art. Not a fan of it at all. Avery looks just horrible in this. Some of the action is rather non

Speed Force #1

By: Jarrett Williams, Daniele Di Nicuolo
Released: Nov 15, 2023

Wallace West and Avery Ho: the young speedsters have been Teen Titans, Justice Leaguers, and above all, members of the Flash Family. As they become aware of mysterious changes happening to the Speed Force, they race to Keystone City, where they encounter old friends, new threats, and a chance to forge their own paths. Spinning out of the pages of T...

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Reaper74 reviewed Outsiders #1 Dec 14, 2023

Ho hum start. Nothing really lept off the page and the dialogue was a little off kilter. Drummer seems somewhat interesting but I’ll give another issue before I close the book on this.

Outsiders #1

By: Jackson Lanzing, Robert Carey
Released: Nov 15, 2023

Never the End. A universe of secrets is about to come to light. Batman protects Gotham City from evil. Batman Inc. protects the rest of the known world. But what of the unknown world? What of the ancient evils in hidden tombs and forgotten tragedies from a magic-and-mad-sciencefueled super-heroic century? Using his fortune, Luke Fox launches a new ...

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Fun fast read. For a lot happening the story never slows down but it also has to many plot points so it doesn’t all jibe with itself. A tall order is in for this to pay off. Overall though I want to see what is next.

Justice Society of America #4

By: Geoff Johns, Mikel Janin
Released: May 24, 2023

Helena's journey through time continues! Each new time period gives her one more piece of the puzzle, but is Degaton too far ahead in his quest to eradicate the JSA to be stopped? Is this truly the end of the Justice Society?

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Reaper74 reviewed Action Comics #1055 Dec 2, 2023

Main story was really good with solid action. Jurgens story was also very well done. Steel’s story had its moments. Looks like that one is picking up. Overall good solid read.

Action Comics #1055

By: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Rafa Sandoval
Released: May 24, 2023

Superman's true enemy has been revealed: the Cyborg Superman, Hank Henshaw! Everything the Super-Family has built stands on a knife's edge, and Superman and Metallo become the unlikeliest of allies as they hunt for Metallo's missing sister. Can they prevent the inevitable devolution of Metallo's mind and body long enough to save his sister from Hen...

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Reaper74 reviewed Flash #1 Nov 30, 2023

I really don’t know how I feel about this book. At times it’s fun at other times it’s word salad. The gist of the plot seems interesting but getting there felt like I was walking through a swamp. Overall I’m intrigued but I don’t know how long I can take the Psuedo nerd talk.

Flash #1

By: Simon Spurrier, Mike Deodato
Released: Sep 27, 2023

WALLY WEST RACES TOWARD THE FUTURE WITH ALL-STAR NEW CREATIVE TEAM SI SPURRIER AND MIKE DEODATO JR.! Wally West has never been quicker, more fulfilled, more heroic. His loving family is around him. And yet something is off. Very off. His evolving understanding of his powers has opened Wally to new avenues of sci-fi adventure and attuned his senses ...

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