Scientist Norton Fester is studying a meteor that has recently crashed near New York. But when the meteor unleashes radioactive energy, Fester is transformed into supper-baddie, the Looter! Spider-Man is in college and in trouble. The Looter's irradiated super-strength may prove to be Spidey's toughest battle yet!
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(Cover Date: May, 1966)
Poor Pete strikes out with Gwen again.
Standard Spidy issue with an ok villain but nothing great. Only notable is Gwen liking Peter but thinking he’s a coward so in the end he strikes out setting up for later.
This one does a little better than last issue. The Looter is an F-List villain if there ever was one, but his ego is entertaining enough. He's less of a nothing than Molten Man is. And while there wasn't a ton of a new developments on the Peter Parker front, there was something. The art is again really good. It's just a shame that more interesting villains seem to be out of consideration for the remainder of Ditko's run on the title.
Quote of the issue: "Just Because I Flunked Science in School Doesn't Mean I Can't Discover the Secret of the Universe!"