• An ancient evil - Gaslamp - has targeted Strange Academy - but what is this creature really after?
• Calvin's caught in this mess, and he could lose everything.
• Using magic always has a cost, and Strange Academy's been racking up a gnarly bill - but when will that bill finally come due?
Ramos delivers some beautiful, detailed and impressive art. The panels are wonderful to look at and the action is visually thrilling throughout. Read Full Review
Penultimate issue before the end of the first season and the stakes couldn't be higher. Personally, I don't agree with the direction this comic seems to be taking, but I really enjoy how seriously and how thoughtfully it is exploring this direction. Read Full Review
After seventeen issues everything ‘Strange Academy' has been building begins to crumble as everything crashes down around the cast. This series has consistently proven that despite what many say, books with teenage casts can and do work in comics. Hopefully, the next volume of this story is not far away as there is so much great potential left in this world. Read Full Review
This is a solid book and shows just how a great creative team can take relatively unknown and apparently minor characters and make readers fall in love with them all. Read Full Review
The best part of this entire series has been Young's character work on a fresh, new ensemble and Strange Academy #17 may be the best example of that yet. Read Full Review
Sad to see this come to an end.
I feel bad for Doyle...Emily never even apologized for missing the dance! That could've defused that entire situation. Instead they all sided with Calvin who is clearly in the wrong.
Not a fan of certain characters' actions in this one, but it was a really good issue.
Events spiral toward a conclusion in this installment that's evenly balanced between spectacular magic fights and slow, but arguably necessary, exposition of all the prior developments leading to this point.
The art's got the "spectacular magic fights" part sealed up, and it's no slouch in the talky scenes, either.
There might be a lot of exposition, but the characters are handled very well. The slightly overblown righteousness of the kids is … not exactly realistic. But it's in line with the finest traditions of YA melodrama. It serves its purpose to create tension for the finale.
The run has been overall good but this issue was well paced but everyone’s actions were not fully their own but at the same time work for young teenagers who really know nothing about life. Emily is wrong on all accounts in this but then Doyle ends up wrong and Voodoo has been played. Curious to see how it concludes though.