This is so good. It’s not going to be for everyone but it’s positively original and exciting and fun. Less old school horror than Immortal, more like a new sci-fi-horror action story. Love it.
This is a good second part for this series. If looking this as it's own thing, it's a fun comic with interesting ideas and wonderful art.
However, many might be annoyed or disappointed that this doesn't feel like a continuation for Immortal Hulk. And I agree, but I'm not surprised. When Cates started Venom, it also didn't really feel like continuation for the previous volumes. The first part, Rex was clearly it's own thing.
I mean Cates has a clear structure that he usually follows. First we get a 6-part storyline that introduces us to his ideas and takes on the character. And then we move from there.
So give it a chance will you? I highly doubt Cates ignores what Ewing wrote. The story just doesn't take place in a setting that has a chance to explains us everything. Because clearly there has been a time jump between Immortal Hulk #50 and Hulk #1.
This is just so much fun. Not much happens story wise, but the art is great and gives us a lot of fun moments.
If you're a fan of fun, crazy action, this issue is gonna be right up your alley. Ottley's art fits in perfectly with bloody violence of this great follow-up to Issue 1. While there isn't much advancement in the overall story, this gives us a further insight into how the starship works, in terms of Hulk's rage acting as fuel. The first few pages where Hulk just runs through the alternate universe team is straight-up funny and also displays just how powerful this form is. As for the ending, there isn't much to say about it other than the fact that it sets up an interesting story going forward and that this alternate Bruce has a cool design.
Not a lot happened story wise but the action is badass. Ottley kills it on the pencils. Great ending and I am sure within time we will know what has happened between Immortal and this.
It was fun to read. Had Fun. Stage Fights of Hulk were great.
But what is this with "Deal with Devil" phrase? This part is pissing me off for unknown reason. Wherever I hear this phrase, it just piss me a lot.
I am still nitpicking about Character Development of Immortal Hulk. Though I knew it was gonna happen. But still feeling bad about it.
Art was good. Ryan Ottley is great artist. His Pencils looks great imo.
Another solid issue. Since the beginning of the comic you will have a lot blood and fights, specially in the "Engine Room". However, it does not add much to the story but it is still enjoyable to see Banner struggling with the Starship Hulk.
This book definitely delivers on the action and scale you'd expect from Hulk. It's a pretty quick read but the art makes it worth the price of admission. This concept is still very interesting to me, and aim hoping with the next issue we'll see the story progress further
Cates wrote this to showcase Ottley art. The story is very decompressed, feel like we are on the second part of the pilot of a tv show. But it is really fun and there is a easter egg about Authority. The end really picked my interest.
If you are a specuato, you may want to get this issue
Just an excuse for tons of fan-service and why not?
Still fun and I am intrigued by the story. This issue focused more on the action side of having Banner face the Hulk, but there was a lot of fun moments, very bloody actually, more than I've seen Marvel do in a while, and I think it fits this story quite well. Banner feels truly crazy, now lets see what the hell is going on with that cliffhanger ahah
I'm a novice when it comes to Donnie Cates so I am not quite so used to his voice yet. I read about 6 issues of Crossover until I kind of lost interest, though the central concept came off pretty dynamite. I am sufficiently entertained so far in a seat-of-your-pants kind of way to see what happens next. Given what little has actually temporally happened since the first issue, it may be a bit too early to tell. So far, the explosion of that first issue continues to be felt in the second, and I'm curious to see it further, for now.
We get more of the inner workings of Starship Hulk this issue. I think Cates is doing a nice job of making this work through Banner's control of the Hulk portion of his psyche. I'm guessing that Betty is really a portion of Bruce's empathy that Bruce has managed to split off from himself in order to create this monstrosity.
It's debatable whether or not that's regressive for the character following Immortal Hulk, but I think that misses the point. Cates is trying to do something entirely new. Bruce has done something terrible to a core part of himself and I hope (and anticipate) that we'll see this the mental affects of this dealt with at some point in the run.
The reveal at the end was a legitimate surprise and caught me off guard.
Edit: Merlyn was more asleep reading this issue and writing his shitty review than Bruce was when he plowed through the Authority knockoffs. more
Ryan Ottley as always, amazing. But while the issue showcases just how good he is, it falls flat in the storytelling aspect. I love Donny Cates so of course i will keep reading, because i'm still very intrigued to find out how we went from the ending of Immortal Hulk to this, but this one was a step down compared to Issue #1.
A surprisingly short issue, though I did enjoy it, especially the reveal at the end. Now, I'm not knocking the idea, but I do have to poke a bit of fun at the whole concept of using Hulk as a starship: it's basically just a larpy version of Banner in control of the Hulk body, which we've seen plenty of times before, it's not actually a fresh take. I'm enjoying it regardless.
I really want to like this. There is good here. But it just feels too disjointed, not only from recent hulk continuity, but the Marvel Universe in general. I get the need for a fresh start after Immortal Hulk, but that can be done in a less jarring way.
It is early, Cates could still connect things, saying what happened to fixit, etc, but I get the feeling it won't be anytime soon if at all.
visiting other universes and dimensions can be fun, but if it goes too long, the isolation from the greater MU can start to make things feel inconsequential.
Of course I had the same fear when Planet hulk started and was proven wrong, so I am hoping I will be again.
Hopefully, the amount of space given to the hulk's imaginary battles will be cut way back now that it established, because after two or three panels, the needed information is conveyed, I.E. Banner subject the hulk to imaginary peril to increase his rage and fuel the "ship."
does anyone really care if the imaginary fight is again Fin Fang Foom, a giant Wolverine, or Irving Forbrush? I sure don't. The only way I can see it being relevant is if the hulk breaks free and encounters them in the real world, but that seems unlikely to occur.
I will continue to read, but next issue needs to do more than simply rehash the first issue like this one did. more
Great art. Somewhat lame story. Had good action and an interesting ending. Not sure what to think overall.
I found the art much better this time around. More polished and featuring a brighter color palette. Strong visuals suit a fast, action-heavy story like this.
Character work was virtually nonexistent. There *was* a bit of plot development, but it continues to underwhelm me.
Plus, the meta-fiction gags really ticked me off. "See Hulk gib a much-belated ripoff of Warren Ellis's Authority, har har!" "We got Ryan Ottley to gore up an A-list Marvel title like a mid-run issue of Invincible, har har!" These are a stupid person's idea of meta cleverness.
(If the real reason for the Authority gag was to fix a "whoops, our issue is 3 pages short" problem, that'd be just awful.)
Yeah, this is garbage. Not even the fun type of garbage, it's just... dull. Ottley's art is decent, but the story is pure nonsense and Banner continues to act like a douchebag, killing people with absolutely no qualms whatsoever. I don't know what happened to Donny Cates but lately he's been in a downward spiral, the Thor book is bad, King in Black was mediocre at best and this was very bad. Long gone are the days when he revolutionized Venom.
This new direction is like Banner getting stabbed in the chest so hard with a giant piece of Cates that his previous personality goes flying out of his head.
What is this? This wouldn't even be a good what if storyline. The whole idea of the starship and fueling and piloting is not clever or fun. Bruce Banner's character is unlikable and and a bad cliche of a mad scientist. I just don't like it. I'll give it a chance for an issue or two more just because its donny Cates.
The art is pretty. The story is beyond ridiculous. It's like Cates is combining his favorite bits of past Hulk storylines into a mashup fanfic. You get about 4 pages worth of story in the entire book. I can only assume the Authority stand-ins and Giant Wolverine were and attempt a humor. Honestly, Ottley's skill and talent deserve better.
What is this stupid nonsense.