Life sucks for Vanessa. Her mother just died and her boyfriend is cheating on her (with her own sister!). To clear her mind, Vanessa is taking the California road-trip that she's been dreaming about for years.
Her postcard-perfect drive through old growth forests quickly turns when THE BREACH hits. A bizarre anomaly in the sky plunges California into a nightmare-world populated with strange, extra-dimensional creatures. Now Vanessa, along with Dougie, an orphaned child, and Kai, a strange, fuzzball of a beast, must fight to survive if they ever hope to make it back home. If there's even a home to return to.
Beyond the Breach's debut issue solidly sets up the concept and nightmarish scenario of this book within the first few pages and doesn't let go as it races towards quite the cliffhanger. Gorgeously beautiful and horrific scenes are brought to life by the supremely talented art team for the book. Most definitely one of the strongest debut issues of the year. Read Full Review
Beyond the Breach #1 is a superb first issue. Aftershock have been releasing some fantastic comics recently and this looks like it could be another great comic run. Brisson and the art team have combined to great effect on this book and it is one that should be picked up immediately! I'm really looking forward to the next issue in this series. Read Full Review
BEYOND THE BREACH #1 is an intriguing opening issue brilliantly capturing the emotional gamut that it's main character goes through with both the art and writing as it introduces us to the strange and deadly creatures from the even called The Breach. Read Full Review
Beyond the Breach is a great example of a horror story establishing a setting so well you're committed for the long haul. It has great creature design and clean art, letters, and colors, too. Beyond the Breach is the perfect summer drive-in horror in comics form. Read Full Review
Beyond the Breach is a very solid opening installment to the larger storyline. There are plenty of questions raised here and no obvious answers but that's a given. It's a forward-moving piece that doesn't stop from the first panel until the last – and even then you're disappointed that there isn't more right away. Brisson's script keeps things hopping but gives us plenty to know about Vanessa, both in action and in her recent past, while Couceiro's artwork fits perfectly across the board to tell the tale. I'm definitely excited to see if this can maintain both story and intensity as it moves forward and we begin to get reveals as to what everything is truly about. Read Full Review
All in all, Beyond the Breach issue 1 is a pretty strong start for this entire creative team. I’m interested to see where this goes as we’ve seen a lot of survivor-type comics in the past decade, so I’m hoping that this series will be a fresh take on it and not a retread. Read Full Review
This is a great first issue. It has horror, action, humour and a great creative team behind it. Its on my pull list and I think its well worth putting on yours too. Read Full Review
Beyond the Breachis a well-made issue that, as of now, doesn't really know what it wants to be quite yet. Is this a dark, Lovecraftian survival story or a whimsical, heartful '80s fantasy adventure? My bet is on the latter, but I really prefer the dark horror in this issue. There also isn't a good enough reason to care about anyone else besides Vanessa. But the creature designs and pacing is enough to keep me interested, and I've enjoyed Brisson's work before, so I'm willing to continue with the second issue at the very least. As of now though, Beyond the Breachstill needs to find its footing. Read Full Review
A Cathartic road trip meets a catastrophic world wrecking. Read Full Review
Couceiro has a blast making these beasts seem gnarly and vicious though, gleefully exhibiting the carnage and gore that comes from their bite radius on bellies. Read Full Review