Mark Scott's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Big Comic Page Reviews: 258
7.7Avg. Review Rating

2000AD #2200

Sep 21, 2020

As such, Im disappointed to announce that 2000AD just isnt hitting the mark for me anymore. I guess sometimes nostalgia just isnt enough.

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2000AD #2250

Sep 22, 2021

Personally I dont think that Ill ever return to the traditional 2000 AD format until we get a true jumping on point and a more reasonable and realistic timescale for actually completing stories.

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A Walk Through Hell #10

May 28, 2019

On the whole this isnt a bad issue. Its well written, its well drawn, its just lacking the tension and flow that previous issues have delivered.

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A Walk Through Hell #11

Jun 18, 2019

So here we are, the 11th issue, one more to go. At the gates of hell, and at the witching hour. What will Christmas Day bring for Shaw?

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A Walk Through Hell #12

Jul 23, 2019

Overall, as a twelve issue series this is a great story, albeit one that sadly missed the mark with the finale for me.

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After Dark (2021) #1

Nov 3, 2021

As a whole, this is a really well put together anthology with a little something for everyone. I enjoyed every story in the book, and I would love to see more stories in this vein from each of the creators involved.

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Amber Blake #1

Apr 2, 2019

I think I need to see more issues of this series for me to decide what I really think about it. On the face of it theres a lot of promise, but there are also a few moments that jar and take you out of the story. Maybe this is a series that would benefit from being read as an OGN or in TPB volumes? Only time will tell.

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An Unkindness of Ravens #1

Sep 25, 2020

The character development and plot progression in this first issue is well paced. Theres enough to immerse the reader in the story without giving too much away. I already really like both Wilma and The Ravens, and have a deep desire to see Scarlet and her cronies get their inevitable comeuppance. This first issue has a YA feel to it, which isnt necessarily a bad thing, but I think that as the story develops its going to reveal a depth and a sense of danger and threat which will lead to more mature horror themes that will keep the interest of any reader.

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Ash & Thorn #2

Jul 10, 2020

I continue to be impressed with this series and Im going to continue recommending that you grab a copy (and possibly a cup of tea and a slice of cake) and give this one a look.

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Ash & Thorn #3

Aug 4, 2020

I sincerely hope that either Ive completely misjudged Peruvia or she is given a swift sharp adjustment to her attitude in short order so that we can move on.

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Ash & Thorn #4

Aug 23, 2020

Considering that this is on the more light-hearted side of Lovecraftian Horror, there are some very well thought out and interesting images in this issue, and I would definitely like to see her take on some of the darker and more esoteric realms of the genre.

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Bad Luck Chuck #1

Feb 28, 2019

With this being a Dark Horse publication and also with the involvement of Matthew Dow Smith there is a very familiar and comforting quality to the artwork, something Kelly Fitzpatrick really hammers that home with her colouring. The vivid explosions and colours in the action scenes are a fantastic contrast to the depth and shadow in the quieter moments.

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Bad Reception #1

Aug 22, 2019

With Bad Reception, we have a really interesting and well written isolation/slasher horror series written, drawn and coloured by Juan Doe, that is off to a flying start. The exposition has been masterfully handled in the first issue and leaves us with the rest of the series to have a lot of fun with the real meat of the story, and believe me, it looks like whats coming next is going to be a whole lot of fun!

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Bad Reception #5

Jul 23, 2020

I honestly expected more from Juan Doe in terms of narrative ability and I dont know whether it fell apart because he couldnt decide what he wanted the story to be, or whether the lesson is that sometimes the bad guy wins, but for me it just fell flat in the denouement and left a genuine feeling of disappointment that this is what were left with.

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Banjax #2

Jul 10, 2019

All in all, this is an interesting take on the superhero narrative and if you dont mind your comics being a little rough round the edges then its definitely worth a shot.

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Basketful of Heads #1

Oct 30, 2019

Niggles about DCs branding debacle aside, there is very little that I can fault in this issue. If anything, Id have liked it to be longer, and Id actually have liked the opportunity to read all seven issues right now, because I know its going to be a bloody, fantastic, romp!

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Basketful of Heads #3

Dec 21, 2019

If Leomacs and Hill can keep this quality up, and the rest of the creators at Hill House Comics continue to do the same, Im confident that it wont be long before they conquer the entire horror comic book world!

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Basketful of Heads #4

Jan 22, 2020

If this series goes the way I think its going then were in for a real whirlwind in the next few issues, resulting in a hell of a ride that you do not want to miss.

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Beasts of Burden: The Presence Of Others #2

Jun 6, 2019

This is not what Id call an ideal jumping on point but it should be close enough to the beginning of the arc for you to grab the previous issue without any problem. And you should most certainly jump on this. Ive read two issues now (I read through the first issue of this run halfway through writing this review), and I am hopelessly and irrevocably addicted. If youve been a fan of Beasts of Burden for a while I think youre going to love this. If, like me, youre new to the series then please, please pick it up! This is a great series and I will most definitely be picking up the first three volumes on pay day and bingeing the whole lot in one sitting!

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Beyond the Breach #1

Jul 14, 2021

This is a great first issue. It has horror, action, humour and a great creative team behind it. Its on my pull list and I think its well worth putting on yours too.

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Beyonders #1

Sep 6, 2018

Wesley St. Claires (Fu Jitsu, Teen Titans) art and colouring is in a style I really enjoy, not too polished, like a hand has actually dragged a pencil across a page and I really liked his depictions of the historical aspects of the story. I genuinely dont know a lot about St. Claires previous work but hes done a great job here of bringing the drama and intrigue of Jenkins story to life.

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Beyonders #2

Sep 26, 2018

A great concept that delivers on every level. Long live the spirit of adventure and the continuing quest for knowledge.

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Big Girls #1

Aug 6, 2020

As first issues go, this one really doesnt give you much chance to catch your breath. Its full throttle pretty much from the start, and from past experience Im expecting Howard to just keep cranking up the action and excitement all the way to the last page of the series. It has great characters, great monsters, great narrative and superb artwork. Trust me, youre going to want to pick this up and you arent going to want to put it down!

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Billionaire Island #1

Mar 5, 2020

I think this series has the potential to be really good, and while Im not going to claim its perfect, I am already looking forward to the next issue. A good, solid effort, well done all involved.

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Black Hammer: Visions #1

Feb 9, 2021

With huge thanks to Oswalt, Kotz, Wordie & Piekos for producing a great new entry in the Black Hammer series, I cannot wait to see what else weve got in store for the upcoming issues of this new series.

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Black Stars Above #1

Nov 12, 2019

At the end of the day, this is a great first issue of what I think is going to be another hit series from Vault Comics, and on a personal note, Im really pleased to be reading a new series from Lonnie Nadler. I cant wait to see what the remaining issues have in store for us.

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Black Stars Above #2

Dec 18, 2019

If you didnt pick up the first issue of this series, sort it out. If you did then make sure you dont miss this issue as this series is going from dark, tense, eldritch strength to strength.

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Black Stars Above #3

Jan 21, 2020

As a whole, this issue has really stepped up the pace with regards to the tension and terror, and you can really feel everything starting to come to a head. If things continue the way theyre going, then the climax of this series will be nothing short of legendary.

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Black Stars Above #4

Feb 25, 2020

Both this issue and those before it has really impressed me as a whole. I havent been able to find even the slightest of weak spots in the work of this creative team, and this is a series that, if you havent already picked it up, youre really going to kick yourself for missing out on.

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Black Stars Above #5

Mar 10, 2020

If you have missed grabbing the single issues of this run then fret not, as the collected edition of Black Stars Above will be released on 27th May 2020 and is available for pre-order now.

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Blossoms 666 #1

Jan 21, 2019

Overall, whilst this isnt the best entry in the Archie Horror catalogue, Im still looking forward to seeing how it develops. However, I may end up waiting for the trade paperback to come out first so that I can read the story in its entirety.

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Bone Parish #1

Jul 24, 2018

Overall I did enjoy Bone Parish and Im really looking forward to whats to come but I think that this is one that might benefit from stockpiling a few issues before starting, or perhaps enjoying the story in the Trade Paperback format when it comes.

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Breath Of Shadows #1

Feb 1, 2023

So, yes, of course I am going to enthuse about this book. Its made by some of my favourite people in comics, and its another superb first issue by this creative team. If you arent already reading Rich Doueks work or enjoying the pure horror of Alex Cormacks artwork then please, grab this off the shelf. Oh, and make sure to buy Road of Bones, and Sea of Sorrows, and just follow the rabbit hole from there. If youre already a fan then pick it up, youre already too far down the rabbit hole to back out now!

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Brigantia #1

Jul 14, 2020

This is a story with gods, monsters and mythology which has the potential to become a really great saga. The next issue is coming up on Kickstarter soon, and Im looking forward to seeing where this story goes next.

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British Paranormal Society: Time Out of Mind #1

Apr 27, 2022

If you are a fan of the Witchfinder series or the original Hellboy stories, then I think youll really enjoy Time Out Of Mind. The Mignolaverse is something I am heavily invested in. I buy the floppies, I buy the trades, and I buy the HC editions when they come out and this will be another welcome addition to my collection.

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Bronze Age Boogie #1

Apr 2, 2019

There is also a bonus within this issue, as we get another story from a different creative team and its also a ton of fun. MAJOR URSA is penned by Tyrone Finch and illustrated by Mauricet. This is a 1950s sci-fi B-Movie in comic book form. Which, for me, is a genre that I absolutely love whether its on screen, in a novel or indeed a comic. What if the space race used Bears instead of Chimps and what if an accident during a test imbued one of those bears with human intelligence? At only eight pages long, we only get a very brief introduction to this series but its a fun take on the genre that Im looking forward to seeing more of.

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Campisi #1

Aug 12, 2021

Its a well-written, well-illustrated story that I think is going to garner a lot of fans.

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Cemetery Beach #1

Aug 17, 2018

I want to head into spoiler territory so badly but I really dont want to spoil it for you, all I can say is that it went to places I wasnt expecting very quickly and if I dont get my hands on the second issue very soon I could end up doing something rash.

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Cemetery Beach #3

Nov 14, 2018

To reiterate comments from my previous review, the 80s child in me loves the over the top action and Howards style in rendering this world is fantastic but I dont know whether Ellis has the stamina to keep pace with his vision. Fingers crossed that going forward Ellis gets back the magic that Ive known and loved for the last twenty years.

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Cemetery Beach #4

Dec 14, 2018

So, with apologies to Messrs Ellis and Howard for last months lack of faith, Id heartily recommend grabbing a copy of the latest issue of Cemetery Beach and just enjoying the ride!

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Cemetery Beach #5

Jan 7, 2019

So, if sci-fi and action at levels that could only be achieved in the most cocaine-fuelled imaginings of an 80s film exec is your thing then you really need to pick up this series ASAP!

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Cemetery Beach #7

Mar 4, 2019

As I said earlier in this review, Im really hoping that this is just the conclusion of the first arc of the story. It has certainly been left wide open for more adventures, and Im sure Im not alone in wanting to see Blackburn and Moodys adventures continue.

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Chu (2020) #1

Jul 22, 2020

If youre a long time reader of the series then I think that this is going to be right up your alley. It promises to deliver a fun new twist on the established premise, and is off to an explosive start here. If youre a new reader then starting here is as good a place as any, and not having read any of the rest of the series wont spoil your enjoyment at all. If however, like me you havent read any of the previous stories then I simply cannot recommend enough that you dive in right away, theres twelve volumes to catch up on.

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Cold Spots #2

Sep 26, 2018

This series has stepped up its game dramatically and given that I was really impressed with the first issue this bodes well for the continuing story. Heres to more chills, shivers and genuine horror from a team that really knows its stuff!

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Cold Spots #5

Dec 19, 2018

As final issues go this is very, very well done. It gives us a conclusion which, while dark and chilling, is still extremely satisfying, but it also leaves us desperate for more. There are many unanswered questions from this series, which is not a bad thing, and to my great delight, Cullen Bunn has confirmed that this will now be the first arc of an ongoing title rather than the miniseries weve had so far, so look out for the further adventures of these characters in the future.

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Come Into Me #3

Sep 8, 2018

This is one of those rare comics that never misses a beat, managing to get more disturbing and gripping with every page, and Im predicting that this will take top spot in my Top Horror Comic list of 2018 – if not the top spot out of all the comics Ive read this year.

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Come Into Me #4

Nov 26, 2018

As a unified creative team they have not missed a single step. Not one. They have delivered an increasing sense of dread and terror every issue and the artwork has been consistently staggering and horrific. If you havent managed to get hold of the single issues (and lord knows Black Masks somewhat erratic and eccentric approach to deadlines has made it challenging), then make sure to keep an eye out for the Trade Paperback due out in January 2019. I genuinely hope we get more stories from these guys in the future as this story has blown me away and they can only go from strength to strength.

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Crackdown (2019) #1

Feb 21, 2019

If mindless action is your thing then youre going to have a blast with this, but if you look for something with an actual plot and a genuine enthusiasm for what the creative team are doing then Id maybe skip this one.

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Creepshow (2022) #1

Sep 21, 2022

I will always be up for a good horror anthology series, and between the nostalgia that comes with a name Ive known since childhood, and the quality of what we get in this first issue, I think this is a title that is going to be gracing my shelves for a long while to come.

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Criminal (2019) #1

Jan 8, 2019

It takes something really special for the same creative team to produce such a consistently incredible body of work on the same title for almost fifteen years but that is exactly what Brubaker & Phillips have done and they show absolutely no sign of slowing down.

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Crimson Cage #1

Dec 3, 2021

So yes, weve entered completely new territory for me. I think that only John Lees could possibly have got me excited about a wrestling comic, but this first issue has me completely hooked. Its thrilling, its tense, its horrific, and I genuinely couldnt have asked for more. I am going to have to do a lot of soul searching over the next couple of weeks as this has seriously shifted what I was going to put in my Best of 2021 list this year.

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Crimson Cage #2

Jan 10, 2022

Honestly, there has not been one single misstep in the first two issues of this series. This, for me at least, is delivered as a real world full of real people. Its tense, brutal, horrific, action packed, and a real rollercoaster ride. I truly cannot recommend this series enough. I mean, it got into my Best of 2021 list based on the first issue alone, and this issue merely seals the deal.

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Crimson Cage #3

Feb 17, 2022

Hands down, this creative team are my number one, top of the pile, best creators in the industry at the moment; writer, artist, colourer, letterer, these four are consistently at the top of any best of list Ive written, and whats more, they continue to get better with every new project.

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Crimson Cage #4

Mar 16, 2022

If youre not convinced by now then I can do no more, but if you're already reading this series then by god youre in for a treat (if thats the appropriate word) with this latest issue.

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Crimson Cage #5

Apr 16, 2022

The Crimson Cage is, in my humble opinion, the best series Ive read this year, and its also the best series Ive seen from this creative team. Which, when you consider the fact that they're my favourite team working in the industry today, is saying an awful lot.

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Crimson Lotus #1

Nov 21, 2018

Overall this is an intriguing start and one Im keen to follow but, as with all of the standalone entries in the Mignolaverse, I think this is going to be one that is best read as a graphic novel rather than in single issues. From past experience Ive found that the single issue format frequently takes you out of the story and doesnt allow you to fully appreciate its nuances, and Ive most enjoyed either being able to read the whole story in one go or in the longer trade paperback format.

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Crone #1

Nov 11, 2019

Am I being hypercritical? Well, perhaps. But with the pedigree that Dark Horse has earned over the years, I really would expect a more polished and far-sighted story than the one Culver and Greenwood have given us. I hope that Im wrong and that this develops into a truly epic tale as the issues progress, and it may well be that this is a series best read in a collected format.

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Cursed Comics Cavalcade #1

Oct 10, 2018

A perfect addition to your Halloween festivities.

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Daphne Byrne #1

Jan 8, 2020

Another superbly delivered horror title from Hill House Comics, so get out there and get your Gothic Horror on!

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Daphne Byrne #3

Mar 5, 2020

In my review of the first issue, I suggested that this is a series that might benefit from being read as an OGN rather than a serialised publication, but now that weve got to the third issue Im actually really enjoying it in this format, and whether its intentional or not, the break between issues has actually kept me coming back for more.

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Dark Red #1

Mar 5, 2019

As I subtly suggested above, this series has really caught me by surprise. Its superb both narratively and visually and Im comfortable citing this as the next big vampire story to hit the shelves.

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Dead Day #2

Aug 19, 2020

There has been a lot of world building and character development in the last two issues which is starting to make the series drag a little, but it looks like the narrative is moving towards a bit more action and tension, which Im grateful for because theres a lot to like in this series. That said, and if youll pardon the pun, this series does need a bit of life injected into it to keep it interesting moving forwards.

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Dead Kings #1

Oct 24, 2018

I absolutely loved this first issue, I think this has the potential to be very special and just the promise that were going to move into Russian folklore married to the strength of the story so far has me very excited for the coming issues

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Dead Kings #2

Dec 13, 2018

I thought the first issue was brilliant and I think this second issue is continuing to build on what could be an epic story that will continue to surprise.

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Dead Kings #3

Feb 16, 2019

Another stellar effort from this creative team, and a story that I cant wait to see more of. If you arent reading this yet, then sort your life out and pick up a copy.

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Dead Kings #5

May 29, 2019

A great end to a fantastic series from some very talented people, and I really hope we get to see more stories from this particular world in the future.

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Dead Legends #1

Aug 8, 2019

I couldnt in good conscience claim that this is a genre I know a lot about, but as I said above, I had a blast reading this and Im really looking forward to the next issue. If youre an 80s martial arts movie fan youre going to love this. If youve ever been a fan of Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, WWE, or cheesy action movies, youre going to love this. Kudos to the team behind this, because youve converted a comic enthusiast of 40 years to a brand new genre!

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Death Squad OGN

Nov 26, 2020

If like me youre *cough* mid-late forties *cough* then you need to buy this book purely for the nostalgia of nipping down the newsagents to pick up your copy of Battle. If youre of the younger generation and are even remotely interested in war stories, then please, do yourself a favour and pick this up, and when youre done with this have a look at some of the other war stories that Rebellion have resurrected as part of their Treasury Of British Comics imprint.

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Deep Beyond #2

Mar 15, 2021

There are the bones of a good story here, and Andolfo certainly has the talent to write it, but Id love to see her take that step away from that PG13 safety net.

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Devil Within #1

Oct 10, 2018

As a creative team Phillips, House & Cunniffe have produced what could easily be another massive hit for Black Mask if this first issue is anything to go by, and Im waiting with bated breath for the next instalment.

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Devlin Waugh: Blood Debt OGN

May 13, 2021

I firmly hope that there is never a point where I tire of reading the lurid tales of Devlin Waugh, and rest assured that today certainly isnt that day.

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Dick Tracy: Dead or Alive #1

Sep 20, 2018

At the end of the day, Dead or Alive is a fun, action packed, nostalgia-filled romp with a modern twist that should delight new readers and old.

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Did You Hear What Eddie Gein Done? OGN

Aug 17, 2021

I will always be interested in comic book/Graphic Novel retelling a of true crime stories, its combines one of my favourite topics with my favourite format and this is a stellar addition to the genre.

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Dig: A Sink Tale #1

Apr 20, 2022

If you arent already a fan of the Tales of Sinkhill then either youve been living on a desert island or there is no hope for you. If you would like to remedy that, both V=volumes one & two are still available, and Dig is due to hit your LCS next month. For my money, Sink remains one of the greatest ongoing comic series Ive read in at least the last decade, Dig is a hugely welcome addition to the series, and I will be waiting with baited breath for the new issues that will make up Volume 3. I sincerely hope that there is never a time that I give less than 5/5 for this series, and today is certainly not going to be that day.

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Disaster Inc. #2

Aug 6, 2020

I do love Japanese folk tales and I love the history and mythology surrounding the Samurai so this alone is keeping me interested in reading this series. However, this series really needs to deliver some sort of character development in the next issue to keep me coming back for more.

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Dogs of London #3

Jul 14, 2022

So yes, this is a really good new title, and its one that Ill definitely be grabbing when the collected edition comes out.

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Dracula, Motherf**ker! OGN

Sep 3, 2020

Overall then, this is an intriguing take on a classic story that could either be viewed as an interesting deconstruction of one of Horrors best known tales, or be taken at face value as a really good pulp story. Either way, theres something for everyone to enjoy.

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Edgar Allan Poe (Ahoy): Snifter of Blood #2

Nov 18, 2020

With huge apologies to Ahoy Comics and the vast creative team behind this project for being so late to the game, I really would recommend you pick up a copy of this series, as well as delving into the back issues as theres plenty to keep you going while youre waiting for the next instalment.

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Electric Warriors #1

Nov 15, 2018

Overall, just having Orlando on the project will keep me interested enough to read the next issue but this isnt a great start to a new title and it really needs to step up its game in terms of the artwork.

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Elvira: Mistress of the Dark #1

Jul 10, 2018

Overall, this isnt a comic thats trying too hard to be something it isnt, like some other similar titles Ive seen of late (Dynamites recent Vampirella offering, for example). Its very self-aware and as long as you go into it knowing that its deliberately intending to be a B-movie horror-comedy then I think youll have a lot of fun. Based on this first issue, Im really hoping that we get more of these stories because I dont think Im going to be satisfied with just four issues.

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Elvira: The Shape of Elvira #1

Jan 29, 2019

On a good day Dynamite produces some great comics, but this is not one of their good days. As much as I wanted to like this story, it felt like a cheap and lazy effort which lacked the charm and charisma that should be effortless with a franchise this well established.

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Errand Boys #1

Oct 6, 2018

Not the greatest of starts, but Id be interested to see this as a trade paperback to see if it improves over the coming episodes, if just for Koutsis artwork.

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Eve Stranger #1

May 12, 2019

I see a lot of people asking for recommendations for their teenagers to pick up, and I think this would definitely be something to suggest if they wanted to step outside the world of capes and cowls. Id also say that if youre generally a thriller or an espionage fan that this is a good series to pick up. I had fun with it and Im already adding it to my ever-expanding pull list.

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Eve Stranger #2

Jun 26, 2019

Im really enjoying this series, it has something for everyone and I think its well worth picking up.

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Fairlady #1

Mar 24, 2019

Overall, the similarities between Fairlady and Saga drag it down and make it this an underwhelming experience, which is a real shame. Fairlady really deserves to have its own voice and style, and theres the potential for this to be a great series but at the moment, its just coming across as a pale imitation of someone elses work for the time being.

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Faithless #1

Mar 19, 2019

I have been lucky enough to read this as an advance preview. As soon as I finished it, I ordered the first issue in both covers, and put in pre-orders for the rest of the series. Its also probably a testament to how good this first issue is that I also pre-ordered the Hard Cover collection, and thats not due to be released for almost twelve months

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Falconspeare #HC

Jan 26, 2022

I loved ‘Mr. Higgins Comes Home', I loved ‘Our Encounters With Evil', and Falconspeare is yet another title to add to the growing list of books by Warwick Johnson-Caldwell that I absolutely love. If you arent already reading these, Id recommend you check them out without any hesitation.

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Family Tree #1

Nov 3, 2019

The opening narrative tells of the end of the world, and Im dying to see how the coming issues unfold. Were promised shadowy mercenary groups, fanatical cults, and predatory paparazzi all chasing down eight year old Meg Hayes. If things end up being as exciting as were promised then this is going to be a new series to follow closely.

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Fearscape #5

Apr 23, 2019

So, with apologies to the creative team for jumping on this so late, I have to say that this is a great series that has taken me to some interesting places, some that are fantastical, some that are horrific and some that have made me think about what is truly important in this world.

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Gateway City #1

Aug 24, 2021

I absolutely love the artwork in this series, it ticks all of the boxes in bringing to a detective-noir series, while (as previously mentioned) fully embracing the alien and the outr seamlessly.

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Gears of War: Hivebusters #1

May 10, 2019

Im not 100% certain what the creative team were aiming for with this series but as a longtime fan of the game I can say with absolute certainty that I wont be picking up issue two. Unfortunately, theres no feeling at any point in this issue that anybody involved in its creation is here for anything other than a paycheck.

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Ghost Cage #1

Mar 24, 2022

Buy this comic, just add it to your list, its great fun and so well delivered.

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Ghost Tree #1

Apr 26, 2019

As first issues go, this is intriguing without giving too much away. The artwork is great and the narrative is written with a gentle touch that I hope promises some chilling developments in the coming issues.

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Gl'urk & Bo #2

Sep 12, 2021

This is a great series. If you arent already on board for the ride then you really should be, so keep your eyes pealed for the next instalment!

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Gogor #1

Apr 13, 2019

I had a lot of fun with this story. As with all first issues, theres so much we dont know and plenty of teasers about whats to come, and Im really looking forward to seeing where Armanis adventures take us in issue two.

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Gogor #2

Jun 13, 2019

Im going to stop gushing now and simply say that this is a fantastic, high fantasy series that doesnt take itself too seriously whilst still managing to deliver something new, fun and intriguing.

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Gogor #4

Aug 14, 2019

This is a series that is much cleverer than it seems to want to admit to being in places, and as Ive said above, it will definitely appeal to all ages. The artwork will appeal to all, especially those who are old enough to remember the good old days of Jim Henson, and this is a story that has the ability to keep us on the hook for a long while yet. A definite recommendation for lovers of fantasy stories the way they used to be told.

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Gogor #5

Sep 12, 2019

If you didnt pick up the single issues of Gogor, have no fear, because you still have a chance to grab the trade paperback collection which is due to be released next month.

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Going to the Chapel #1

Sep 5, 2019

I really enjoyed this as a first issue. I think theres lots of ways this could go, and they all look like theyd be a fun journey to be on. Go grab a copy off the shelf, and I think youll have a fun ride too.

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Gunning For Hits #1

Jan 8, 2019

A perfect first comic of the year for any music and gangster fans out there, and one thats already setting a high bar to jump over for the rest of 2019.

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H.G. Wells' The Island of Dr. Moreau #1

Aug 9, 2019

Overall, this is a nicely done adaptation that shows great respect to the source material while also allowing the creative team to add their own unique flourishes to it.

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Hack/Slash vs. Chaos! #1

Dec 4, 2018

As I said previously, there have been highs and lows to Hack/Slash over the last 14 years, but Tim Seeley has always delivered an entertaining ride, and with Lobosco and Cunniffe on board, I think we have the makings of another great story.

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Harrow County: Fair Folk #1

Jul 21, 2021

Another great start to another arc in the series.

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Harrow County: Death's Choir #1

Dec 20, 2019

I am so pleased to have the opportunity to read more tales from Harrow County and I genuinely cannot wait for the next issue. I have every confidence that Bunn, Crook and Franquiz are going to deliver us another epic series!

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Harrow County: Death's Choir #2

Jan 14, 2020

Reviewing a new arc in such a successful series is a bit of a minefield. As a reader that has been invested in the series since the very first issue, its so easy to become hypercritical of details, and while Ive done my best not to be over the last two issues, I know theres always going to be a part of me comparing what has come before. This arc, however, is very good in its own right, the story is first rate, the artwork is excellent and there is genuinely very little to criticise. As with the last issue, Ive thoroughly enjoyed this latest outing in Harrow and Im really looking forward to the next issue.

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Hawk The Slayer (2022) #1

Apr 13, 2022

Most importantly for me is the fact that this feels like a continuation of the story. The tone is right and the characters appear at first viewing to be true to those we saw on screen back in 1980. This is not a reimagining or a “hot take”, this is an exciting new chapter from a team that clearly has a genuine appreciation for the source material.

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Heart Attack #3

Jan 22, 2020

Overall then, this isnt breaking the mould in any way, but then again not every comic needs to be, and its easy to forget that fundamentally we read comics for entertainment. Heart Attack is a fun adventure with a very relevant premise in todays society, so just sit back and enjoy it.

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Heart Eyes #1

Aug 17, 2022

The artwork is fantastic. The character design is interesting, fun, and flirtatious; the monster designs are superb, these are full on cosmic horrors, with tentacles, teeth, chitinous beaks, and all manner of insect like appendages as all good monsters should be. Hell, Rob Bottin would be proud of some of these. I also love the world that Ibez and Duke have created; its not a desolate wasteland, there is life and colour and some really great details. Theres nothing I can really fault in the art at all, Ibez and Duke do a brilliant job of bringing Dennis Hopeless script to life, and Im really looking forward to seeing what they bring to the rest of the series.

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Heartbeat #1

Nov 22, 2019

That being said, I think Heartbeat has the potential to become a series as challenging and intriguing as its artwor,k but I think I would like to read this as a graphic novel rather than in instalments to better appreciate the story. I do wish success for this series but for me its going to be one that Ill wait for the collected story to come out before reading any more.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: Saturn Returns #1

Aug 23, 2019

That said, and on the whole, Saturn Returns features a pleasing step back into the more local and less dramatic or cataclysmic stories of Hellboys world, and does without the baggage of a sprawling saga to slow down the narrative. This is a story that is building pace and tension slowly and deliberately, without an apparent need to rush to a trademark quip and beat down with the right hand of Doom. Its also a story that I think Im going to really enjoy!

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: Night of the Cyclops #1

May 25, 2022

I really enjoyed this particular title. Its not Hellboy at its peak, but it is a fun adventure, the artwork is great, and, well, its Hellboy!

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Secret of Chesbro House #1

Jul 7, 2021

I will never not want to see a new Mignolaverse story, but hand on heart not every one needs to have Big Red in it, and his being in this one made the whole affair seem just a little schizophrenic. As a story in its own right, Ive enjoyed what Ive read and I will be adding it to my pull list but this could be so much better as an entirely new world in the Mignolaverse.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Return of Effie Kolb #1

Feb 20, 2020

I freely admit that my feelings towards this particular story are tinged with more than a hint of nostalgia and a genuine desire to see more chapters in this particular story, but dont let that detract from the fact that this is a genuinely great addition to the original story. I can only hope that this will lead Mike Mignola to spend more time revisiting smaller, more claustrophobic folk horror tales in his future writing.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Beast of Vargu #1

Jun 20, 2019

While I dont think this story was particularly new or innovative, it still ticks all the boxes on the checklist of what makes a really good Hellboy story, and the artwork alone makes it well worth your time and effort.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Secret of Chesbro House #2

Aug 11, 2021

To be fair, its a good enough story, and the artwork for the most is on par with the writing but for me its just not Hellboy, and I hope that this is just a minor blip rather than anyone taking their eye off the ball on what has been one of my favourite worlds for over the last 25 years.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1957: Falling Sky

Aug 11, 2022

There are almost 30 years worth of Hellboy/B.P.R.D. stories out in the wild, so not every story can be a groundbreaking masterclass, and while this story might not thrill you, its unfair to judge this in any way other than a good character story in an ongoing and vastly successful world.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1957: Family Ties

Sep 15, 2021

While Ive found some of the stories a bit hit and miss over the last couple of years, and as Ive said above, this is a great return to form for Team Mignolaverse. Long may it continue.

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Hellboy: The Silver Lantern Club #1

Oct 28, 2021

Personally, Im looking forward to seeing the collected edition of this in a suitably aged cracked leather tome, titled something along the lines of Fireside tales with Uncle Simon.

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High Level #1

Feb 20, 2019

Ive really enjoyed this first issue, and while its always hard to see the shape of a story from such a brief first glimpse, I think this is going to become a truly great series.

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Home Sick Pilots #2

Jan 19, 2021

There is a lot going on in this series, and a lot to like. As I said earlier, I think that this is aimed at the YA audience, but its a bit close to the knuckle in places for the younger end of the market and I may review this assessment when Ive read more issues. If youre a YA horror fan then this is an absolute must read. However, if youre a mature reader then I still think this should still be considered a must read, as there are some darker aspects that are well worth your attention.

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Hot Lunch Special #1

Aug 9, 2018

My only slight niggle is that the creators have introduced a lot in this issue and, whilst I think it works well, Im more of a delayed gratification kind of guy and Id like to see more time spent on the individual elements of the story. Its a hard call, though. I like the pace that has been set but I really want to know more about the history, the Khoury family, the people who helped build the business I basically want more. I just hope that Rahal and Fornes can balance my need for expansion with not losing the pace of the story.

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Hotell #1

Feb 27, 2020

Issue one of Hotell brings us a Lynchian, Lovecraftian, Stephen King(ian), horror series from one of the best writers in the industry, featuring some excellent artwork that really brings the whole thing to life in all its chilling, twisted glory.

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Hotell: Vol. 2 #1

Dec 1, 2021

It is great to be returning to the Pierrot Courts Hotel. I am so glad that AWA picked this up for a second run, and I cannot wait to see where the creative team take us this time.

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Hotell: Vol. 2 #2

Jan 12, 2022

This is a great series from a great team, and even when I dont personally think its at the top of its game, its still right near the top of my must read comics list.

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Hotell #2

Jun 9, 2020

Another great issue from a great creative team and Im really looking forward to seeing what issue #3 has in store for us.

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Hotell #3

Jul 11, 2020

One issue left to go and still so many unanswered questions, the wait for the finale is going to be pure torture!

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Hotell #4

Aug 17, 2020

The Pierrot Courts Hotel has been, for want of a better word, an absolute joy to visit. Ive loved every moment and its a real wrench knowing this is the end. I do however, have the nascent hope that this is just the end of chapter one.

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Hotell: Vol. 2 #4

Mar 27, 2022

Dalibor Talajis artwork continues to be excellent, easily switching between the seemingly normal landscape of the Hotell and the outr and horrific. He is also great at capturing the tension and emotion from the narrative and really brings John Lees script to life in all its glory.

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House Amok #1

Sep 4, 2018

As I said above, I think, based on this first issue, that objectively Sebela has written a really interesting story, to the point where I'll definitely be looking out for the rest of the series. But for me, I do think it would be greatly improved if this felt like more of his own story instead of repeatedly using homage as a prop.

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House of Whispers (2018) #1

Sep 14, 2018

I have been massively impressed by the revival of The Sandman Universe so far. I think the creative teams behind each title within it have done incredible jobs and I think this will take its place as a worthy addition to the ongoing worlds that Neil Gaiman set out almost 30 years ago.

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Human Remains #1

Sep 30, 2021

This issue was handed to me as a wild card by my editor this week, and Im so glad he did. Ive really enjoyed this first issue, and Im looking forward to reading the coming issues.

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I Breathed a Body #1

Jan 5, 2021

I have to be 100% honest that at the end of the first issue I have absolutely no idea where Thompson is taking us on this nightmare fuelled ride, but honestly, I dont care at this point because I am absolutely and irrevocably hooked. This is not a new thing for me, Zac Thompson has a fantastic ability to give the reader just enough in delivering a first issue that gives nothing away, but guarantees that you will pick up the second one without thinking twice. And trust me, youre definitely going to want to pick up the second issue of this one!

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I Breathed a Body #2

Feb 25, 2021

Buy this series, please. Please go out and buy this. I need this book to do well because I want to see the trade come out, and I want that to do so well that someone greenlights an oversized hardcover edition, because that, ultimately, is what I need on my shelf. I want a huge book that really shows off the art with scripts and concept art and essays on the process of writing and designing something this good. Come on, Ive never led you astray, help an ageing comic reader out and buy this book right now.

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I Breathed a Body #3

Mar 30, 2021

I could easily bore you to death about how good I think this series is for hours, Ive actually had to force myself to not go on and on for another 500+ words about this issue. So I will end it here by simply saying that what was already a stellar series is just getting better and better, and if you arent already on board then you really need to be.

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I Breathed a Body #5

May 26, 2021

I have praised this series from the first page to the last, and if you havent been keeping up with this series over the single issues, then you certainly need to be putting this on your list when the collected edition comes out. This is a title which, without question, needs to be on every horror fans shelves.

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I Walk With Monsters #5

Apr 23, 2021

Im really enjoying this series so far. Its heart-breaking, its uplifting, its brutal, its funny and its everything youd expect from Vault Comics.

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James Bond (2019) #1

Dec 5, 2019

This is a tricky series to rate based on its first issue. I think it really needs a few issues to get a good idea of whether it will be good or not but I like the premise that its being built on, and at the end of the day, thats enough to keep me interested in seeking out the next issue.

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Jim Henson's Beneath the Dark Crystal #1

Jul 3, 2018

In summary then, this first issue is beautiful to look at, the writing is good and, given the chance, this could end up as another fantastic addition to the world of The Dark Crystal.

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Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Ghosts #1

Mar 10, 2020

Im really disappointed. This is an opportunity to build a fantastic series in a world where folk horror has had something of a revival, but in a field of competition that includes titles such as Hellboy, Harrow County, Wytches, Redlands, or Hillbilly (to name but a few), this just isnt good enough, and that is a huge shame, as it really should be better.

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Karmen #HC

May 11, 2022

There is so much more Id really like to talk to you about regarding this title but it would certainly spoil the story for you. Suffice to say that, having just devoured this book, Im already anxious to find out if there will be more chapters in Karmens pilgrimage, and I am eagerly awaiting the HC edition landing on my doorstep so I can physically hold the book while I read it again. This is a title that you absolutely should read, several times, and then nag Mister March ceaselessly abuot until he writes a new chapter.

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Kill Whitey Donovan #1

Dec 4, 2019

On the whole, this is a real missed opportunity. There is a wealth of Western revenge stories that Duncan and Barahona could have drawn from, and an incredible number of strong, vengeful heroines that they could have looked at for inspiration. What we ultimately get, however, is a disappointing and easily forgettable effort that definitely wont be making it onto my pull list.

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Killadelphia #1

Nov 28, 2019

Overall then, this is a tight, well-written, well-illustrated, dark, brooding, horror-thriller with a noir twist that you really dont want to miss!

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Killing Red Sonja #1

Mar 25, 2020

This is a very different take on Red Sonja, and while some might either not get it, or choose to seek out something a bit more typical of the world of our beloved Hyborian she-devil, I do think that this is a series that merits a deeper look, and I have a feeling its going to feature some interesting tests and developments in the coming issues.

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Lady Baltimore: The Witch Queens #1

Mar 27, 2021

Ultimately, is this criticism going to stop me from reading this series? No, it wont. I will most likely wait for the trades to come out and read them that way, and on the pedigree of the team and the previous story, I think it will be another story that Ill be glad I have on my shelves.

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Leviathan #1

Jul 30, 2018

I'm already wishing that this was going to be longer than the five-issue run it's slated for, but this is a damned good first issue and I'm already tapping my fingers impatiently for the next instalment.

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Leviathan #2

Sep 4, 2018

Layman continues to write a fantastic story that has you turning page after page and cursing when you get to the last one. Thankfully, Pitarra and Garland have produced such incredibly detailed and vivid artwork that you're going to keep turning those pages back to get a second look. I don't give a perfect score lightly and this one is slightly influenced by the first issue but I have to take my hat off to these guy, top marks!

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Locke & Key: Dog Days #1

Nov 6, 2019

Theres a lot in this book for fans of Locke & Key to be excited about. Theres great writing and artwork, theres the promise of new beginnings, and theres a great intro to a new and completely different story from Hill. Ive been a fan of the series for far too long to pass up the opportunity of laying my hands on more Locke & Key and Id heartily recommend that you dont pass it up either.

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Lonely Receiver #1

Sep 2, 2020

As I said at the beginning, I have been lucky enough to preview the first three issues of this series and I can honestly say that while I was blown away by this first one, it just gets better and better and you really do not want to miss this one.

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Low Road West #2

Oct 19, 2018

With three issues left to go, I can only imagine that we have something spectacular coming our way and I for one am really looking forward to seeing how this is going to develop.

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Lucky Devil #1

Aug 4, 2021

This is completely not what I expected to be reading, its not what I expected from Cullen Bunn, and its 100% something that youre going to have a blast reading.

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Mall (2019) #1

Sep 1, 2019

For fans of post-apocalyptic survival action, I think this might be the series for you. Another great first issue from Vault Comics, and long may they continue to produce them.

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Mezo #1

Sep 25, 2019

This is a well thought out, highly polished and confidently delivered first issue of the quality youd expect to see from a publisher like Image. I think that if A Wave Blue World can continue to turn out quality like this theyre going to be a force to be reckoned with in the comic book world.

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Mirka Andolfo's Mercy #2

May 31, 2020

As for the story, well so far I'm intrigued by the premise and it mixes a lot of horror genres together which is always a tricky task to do well, but I think Andolfo pulls it off well. There is a mixture of Gothic horror, folk horror and, if not strictly Lovecraftian, there are certainly aspects that certainly fall into the eldritch and cosmic horror category and could best be described as being reminiscent of Machen or Derleth.

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Miskatonic (2020) #1

Nov 12, 2020

Overall, this isnt exactly a groundbreaking story. Its a decent Lovecraftian thriller, but Im not wowed. Theres just a feeling that weve seen it all before. Theres a surfeit of Lovecraft out there in the comics world, and while good Lovecraftian is always welcome, its becoming more and more difficult to be outstanding in the genre. That being said, I did enjoy the story enough that Ill be grabbing the next issue to see what happens next.

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Misty & Scream 2020 Special #1

Oct 6, 2020

As always, at this time of year you could do a lot worse than pick up a copy of the Misty & Scream Special if youre looking for something ghoulish and scary, and this years is definitely a good addition to anyones collection.

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Money Shot #1

Sep 29, 2019

Never taking itself too seriously, this new series is a huge amount of fun, although I think that it could be hard to keep the momentum up without slipping into a parody of itself, or starting to rely too heavily on the sex scenes to keep its readership. I do however, hope this series can keep up its steam. Ive been massively impressed with Vault Comics recently, and its great to see the success their creators are having.

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Moth & Whisper #1

Sep 11, 2018

AfterShock are making a big effort at the moment to produce inclusive and diverse characters so its great to see that Anderson is making the protagonist of this story genderqueer. However, Ive yet to see exactly how this fits in with either the story or the development of the character themselves, although Im hoping that there will be more expansion as the series continues to help make their gender identity feel a little more relevant to the story.

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Mountainhead #1

Jun 20, 2019

Buy this book. No ifs, ands or buts. Buy it! I caught a lot of buzz about this book over the last few weeks and while the reality rarely lives up to the hype, Im delighted to say that on this occasion it really does!

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Mountainhead #4

Jun 10, 2020

There are quite a few big reveals in this issue, some shocking moments, some laughs and some tears but I'm not going to spoil that for you. However, I will say that the reveal at the end of this issue, while not totally unexpected, is still delivered epically and had me cheering from my chair " much to the amusement of my long suffering wife.

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Mountainhead #5

Dec 9, 2020

Im just a little bit gutted that this series has come to an end, but honestly, I cant really complain because what weve been given over the last five issues has been nothing short of perfection. Heres hoping that we get more from this team in the very near future.

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Nailbiter Returns #1

May 6, 2020

I'm really glad that this creative team has resurrected Nailbiter. I loved the first series and the second is already off to a great start. Given the pedigree behind this series, I cant see how this can possibly be anything other than a stellar return.

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Nailbiter Returns #2

Jul 1, 2020

I'm hoping that this is just a blip in the overall narrative, that well start seeing something new, exciting and horrifying going forward.

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Nasty (2023) #1

Feb 23, 2023

So yes, its another John Lees title that I have unashamedly donned the cheerleader outfit and Pom-poms for (pictures available on my OnlyFans.) But lets be honest, am I ever wrong about a Lees title? Im pretty sure that John is incapable of putting out an average comic never mind a bad one, so get out there and grab a copy. I promise you wont be disappointed!

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No One's Rose #1

Mar 2, 2020

I really enjoyed this first issue of No Ones Rose. Its something completely different, with a lot of thought behind it, and the artwork makes it great to look at as well.

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Nocterra #1

Mar 4, 2021

This is a superb first issue from a fantastic creative team firing on all cylinders, and for a series I knew nothing about until today, its one that Im sure Ill be shouting the praises of over the coming issues.

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Norse Mythology #1

Sep 25, 2020

I'll admit that I approached this issue with some trepidation. I've been let down far too many times by this style of adaptation, but hand on heart this is really good. Is it a series that Id collect as a monthly publication? Probably not. I think that this is something that should be read in one of Dark Horses trademark oversized Library Editions that you can sit down and with take a Sunday afternoon to savour and enjoy, and when that comes out Ill be all over it!

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Olivia Twist #1

Sep 9, 2018

Overall this is an intriguing start to this new series and I'll be following future issues with interest.

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Olympia #1

Nov 22, 2019

I like what Curt and Tony Pires are creating here. Its a story that has the potential to take us in a lot of very cool directions, very much in the vein of the ‘kid-hero' fantasy adventure movies of the '80s and the upcoming issues should be well worth keeping an eye on. If the artwork were slightly better Id give this a higher score, but for me, Id like to see it come up to the level of the story.

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Operation Overlord #1

Mar 1, 2019

Im pleased to see the effort that Rebellion has put into bringing back comics that a lot of people thought were lost forever. Ive been buying a lot of the recent reprints via their Treasury of British Comics label. The reprint of the Stories from BATTLE is one that I am sure has been eagerly awaited by many, many people and Im looking forward to seeing what else were getting as well as having the opportunity to read a story Ive never seen before.

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Pandemica #1

Sep 12, 2019

Pandemica has all the right elements for a great thriller; mystery, intrigue, betrayal and a shadowy organisation pulling the strings, and thats just the first issue.

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Planet of the Apes: The Simian Age #1

Dec 10, 2018

Overall, if youre a fan of The Planet Of The Apes, youll enjoy this. Its a good addition to the existing worlds within the franchise. If youve never picked up a POTA comic then Id recommend picking this up, as hopefully itll encourage you to delve deeper into at least one of the timelines featured in this issue.

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Plunge #1

Feb 19, 2020

It should come as no surprise then that I am recommending any horror fan to go out and pick up this series. There are a lot of very familiar themes here that, along with the combined skills of the creative team, results in what could end up becoming a truly great horror story.

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Plunge #2

Mar 18, 2020

Id love to be more critical of this issue and this series as a whole but I really dont feel that giving anything less than the rating below would be doing it, or the creative team, justice.

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Primordial #1

Aug 9, 2021

If you're even remotely into Cold War, space race, or science fiction titles in general, then I think this is a series that will drag you in from the first page. I also think that if the series maintains the same high quality as this first issue has then I certainly think were going to have another series as good as Gideon Falls, Department of Truth, or Blue in Green on our hands.

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Pulp (2020) OGN

Aug 3, 2020

As I said above, if you arent already reading Brubaker and Phillips work then please do yourself a favour and pick this up, then go out and buy the rest of the back catalogue. I promise you wont be disappointed!

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Radio Apocalypse #1

Nov 17, 2021

Ill leave that decision to you. Single issues, all at once, buy the trade, buy both, but you should most definitely buy it.

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Red Atlantis #3

Jan 19, 2021

While I will always love comics for what they are, and will always be a huge advocate of them as an important form of literature and a gateway to feeding our minds and fuelling our creativity, I am seeing an increasing number of series that are crying out to have screen adaptations. Red Atlantis is a series that could easily be adapted into a TV series, and thats personally something I would love to see.

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Red Mother #1

Dec 13, 2019

Im hoping that as the story progresses Luckert introduces more depth and tension into the pages as I think this has the chops to be a fantastic horror series that uses paranoia and insularity to nail you to your seat.

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Red Sonja (2019) #1

Feb 6, 2019

Red Sonja will always remain a firm favourite of mine, and Im always eager to see new titles in the series. Whilst this issue certainly has its flaws, its a good start and I think, if youre a Red Sonja fan, this is going to be a series thats well worth your time and money.

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Resonant (2019) #1

Jun 25, 2019

This is a great start to what looks to be another hit for a publisher that is rapidly becoming one of my favourites this year.

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Richard Stark's Parker: The Hunter

Feb 12, 2019

THE HUNTER is the first of four of Cookes adaptations of the Parker novels, and a book that I think you really need to read. Read it if youre a Noir fan, read it if youre a fan of any of the films, read it if youre a fan of Donald Westlake, read it if youre a fan of Darwyn Cooke, but whatever your reason, just read it.

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Road of Bones #1

May 1, 2019

If youre a fan of isolation horror youre going to love this. If youre a fan of folk horror then I think youre going to love this. My only complaint about the whole issue is that the next one isnt out yet.

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Road of Bones #2

Jun 24, 2019

So, congratulations for sticking with me to the end, and the point where I tell you again to just go out there and buy this book. Survival horror, chilling thriller, superbly tense writing, artwork from one of the best comic book illustrators working at the moment hell, you can pick your own reason for buying this book so long as you make sure you get out there and buy it!

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Road of Bones #3

Jul 16, 2019

If you havent heeded my previous reviews of this series so far and started picking it up for yourself I truly hope this convinces you to get on board. If this is the first review youve seen from me then be assured that there are still ample opportunities to catch up.

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Road of Bones #4

Aug 14, 2019

If you havent jumped on board yet, each of the existing three issues seems to be going through reprint after reprint so youve got ample opportunity to catch up. If youve been with the story from the start, you are not going to be disappointed by the ending. Its a killer!

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Sea of Sorrows #1

Apr 1, 2020

As a creative team, Douek, Cormack and Birch produced a flawless title last year, and there is no doubt in my mind that this is going to be another massive success for them. As first issues go, it doesn't get much better than this!

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Sea of Sorrows #2

Dec 9, 2020

Issue two of Sea of Sorrows really ramps up the tension of the series. It brings more depth to the characters and it brings the horror well and truly out of the depths and, if not into the light, certainly into the terror-filled night.

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Sea of Sorrows #3

Feb 3, 2021

If by some insane chance you arent already reading this series then please take my word for it if youre a horror fan, you should not be missing this one. If you are already reading this then I think that this issue, and this series as a whole, is going to be one that haunts you for a good long while.

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Sea of Sorrows #4

Mar 2, 2021

If you arent buying this series already there is practically no hope for you. However, there is time to catch up, and there will still be the collected edition, so you may partially redeem yourselves.

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Sea of Sorrows #5

Apr 27, 2021

I likened this series to John Carpenter's vision of The Thing, and the final pages really hammer this home for me. Again, Im not going to enter into spoiler territory but when I got to the last page, I swear to God that I heard Ennio Morricones theme start playing in my head.

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Sea of Stars #1

Jul 8, 2019

A great first issue and what I hope will be an epic fantasy for some time to come.

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Shadecraft #1

Apr 1, 2021

Obviously I dont have the benefit of having seen the whole story yet, but for me, this sits in what I would class as YA horror, the PG13 end of the market. However, that isnt to say that mature horror fans cant also find something to enjoy in this series.

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Sink #9

May 25, 2019

Issue after issue, SINK continues to deliver a staggering level of quality in the storytelling and artwork, and while Id like to say that each issue gets visibly better, Lees and Cormack have set the bar so high that at this point were just arguing over what clarity the diamond is that were looking at.

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Sink #10

Jul 21, 2019

Simply put, this is the best issue of the series so far, from my favourite creators of 2019! A twisted love story from the closest place to hell on earth and its absolutely beautiful! I can not recommend this series enough, so get out there and grab this off the shelf as soon as you possibly can!

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Skull & Bones (2023): Savage Storm #1

Mar 1, 2023

I think whether you plan on playing the game or not, this is a title that most will enjoy. If youre looking for something a bit different from the usual fare then this could be a good diversion.

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Sleeping Beauties #1

Jun 25, 2020

In thinking this review through I really tried not to draw parallels with the output coming from Joe Hill at the moment. Ultimately though, with this being an adaptation rather than an original story, it feels like a project which lacks a little in both passion and originality, and ultimately falls flat as a result.

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Slumber (2022) #1

Mar 12, 2022

As first issues go, this is a well paced, fun and frequently explosive funfair ride that is well worth picking up.

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Something is Killing the Children #5

Jan 29, 2020

While Im not going to claim this is a perfect series, it does have its flaws, it is a good, tense horror story with a lot of potential, and this issue really ramps up the horror aspects. Now that Ive had the chance to catch up with the first five issues, this is definitely a series Im going to be keeping on my pull list going forwards.

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Sonata #1

Jun 20, 2019

Its not my preferred genre, but I ended up really enjoying reading this issue, and if youre a fan of fantasy or dark science fiction, Sonata is definitely well worth picking up.

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Stranger Things #1

Sep 10, 2018

As first issues go this is off to a good start and Houser and the rest of the team seem to have the makings of a decent adaptation that will keep fans of the show happy as well as fans of horror comics in general. If they can just make the whole thing a little darker and scarier then I think they have the potential to turn a good adaptation into a great one.

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Sword Daughter #1

Jun 11, 2018

This may be set in Viking era Scandinavia, but it isnt going to be a jolly sword and sandals romp, its going to be dark and brutal and gritty and I cant wait for the next issue.

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Tales from the Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death #1

Sep 23, 2020

If youre a fan of Umbrella Academy then this is a no brainer, go pick up a copy of You Look Like Death.

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Tales of Mother F. Goose #1

Dec 11, 2021

Between the writing and the art, this is a world that has instantly captivated me, and I desperately want to see more from these guys. In this issue alone we have thrills, shocks, deception, revenge, bloodshed and betrayal. What more could you ask for?

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That Texas Blood #1

Jun 22, 2020

If this is what Condon and Phillips are offering as their first issue I cannot wait to see what the rest of the series brings us!

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The Black-Jack Demon #1

Jun 6, 2021

This isnt quite as cohesive as I would like, but its a great premise that shows some real promise, and has some great artwork to support it.

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The Bone Orchard Mythos: Ten Thousand Black Feathers #1

Aug 26, 2022

I would love to talk more about the story, but – being slightly hampered by not having read the first arc yet, and mindful of entering into spoiler territory – the best I can do is tell you that its a great story. Its engaging, emotional, disturbing, horrific, and I really wish Id started this series sooner.

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The Butcher of Paris #1

Dec 3, 2019

The writing is great, and the story is definitely one that I dont feel has been told enough but the artwork just lets it down, doing something of a disservice to the level of work that Phillips has clearly put into this.

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The Closet #1

May 31, 2022

As far as ratings go, its very difficult to just put a number on it based on just this issue because while this hasnt blown me away, I know the whole story is going to be really good. I would say therefore that this issue is a tentative 3.5/5, but I reserve the right to upgrade that when the future issues arrive.

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The Department of Truth #12

Aug 25, 2021

I've read some truly brilliant comics this year, but Department of Truth is sitting right at the very top of that list. And with four months left of the year, its going to take something very, very special to knock it off first place.

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The Dollhouse Family #1

Nov 15, 2019

This, for me, is an absolutely stellar first issue, and if its not on your pull list already, it really needs to be. Between this and the other titles either already released or on the horizon, Hill House Comics has the potential to rival Vertigo in its prime.

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The Dollhouse Family #2

Dec 13, 2019

This series is just getting better and better and in just two brief issues has already hit my top recommendations of 2019! Seriously people, get out there and buy The Dollhouse Family!

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The Dollhouse Family #3

Jan 8, 2020

If you havent already picked up an issue of this series, youre really missing out. If youre a fan of Sandman or Hellblazer then this is for you. If youre a fan of dark, creeping insidious dread in your horror then this is for you. If youre a fan of Stephen King or Joe Hill then this is for you. I have no qualms at all in giving this series a five-star rating so far, and I sincerely look forward to continuing to do so.

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The Dollhouse Family #4

Feb 12, 2020

This is a horror story first and foremost, but its also a story of a mother desperately doing her best to raise her daughter in a safe and loving environment against insurmountable odds. The balance between this and the horrors that unfold within the pages of this book make it a story that delivers heart, soul and horror in one wonderfully crafted package. In my humble opinion, The Dollhouse Family is a title that is going to be ranked alongside the greats of Vertigos prime in years to come.

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The Dollhouse Family #5

Mar 12, 2020

This year has produced some great titles already, and this is one of my favourites. I cant find fault with anything this team has produced so far, and I think that its going to take something very special to knock The Dollhouse Family out of my top 3 comics this year.

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The Good Asian #1

May 5, 2021

This is a great thriller. It provides a fascinating commentary on racism and social injustice, both past and present, and its a story that you really should be reading.

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The Goon (2019) #1

Mar 12, 2019


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The Last Book Youll Ever Read #1

Jul 28, 2021

On the whole, this isnt a bad first issue but its not a great first issue. I think it has the possibility to be a good series when taken as a whole, so while I probably wont collect the single issues, I will still more than likely wait and grab the collected edition when it comes out.

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The Low, Low Woods #2

Jan 16, 2020

Now a big chunk of this may be because the heart of the story centres around El and Octavias relationship, with the towns oddities playing second fiddle, and theres the possibility that all these themes may connect further down the line, but its just taking me too far out of the story for me to completely enjoy it at this stage. I think that this may well be a series where I wait for the trades to arrive.

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The Ocean Will Take Us #1

Apr 5, 2022

This is a great first issue from a great team, and based on the pedigree alone, this is going to become a great series.

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The Plot #3

Nov 26, 2019

This is a series that has completely caught me by surprise. As I said, Im late to the party but Im so glad I decided to join in as this is a brilliant horror series, another superb series from Vault and a fantastic addition in the growing resurgence of greatest of all comic genres.

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The Rush #3

Jan 20, 2022

This is a series that I have somehow managed to sleep on for the first three issues – a mistake I am in the process of fixing. If you are already reading this series then I assume Im preaching to the choir, but if like me youve missed out on the first couple of issues, then you really need to get on board as the tension and horror seem to be ramping up and this could be another epic horror from Vault when alls said and done.

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The Scumbag #1

Oct 21, 2020

Simply put, this is an outstanding first issue. Its definitely going to catch you off guard and I have no doubt that this is going to be a standout title of 2020.

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The Warning #1

Nov 28, 2018

My main hope therefore is that over the next few issues well see this develop into the kind of sci-fi opera that Laroche deserves the chance to show us.

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The Weatherman #1

Jun 13, 2018

Image have always been a big part of my comic collection. I think theyve put out some incredible series over the years and I feel like The Weather Man really has the potential to be another. The familiarity I felt with the nods to 2000AD and LeHeups excellent narrative really drew me into the world Nathan inhabits and made me feel like I was in safe hands on the journey. This is one I will definitely be following closely in the months to come.

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The Weatherman: Vol. 2 #1

Jun 25, 2019

The only minor niggle I have with this issue is the departure of Dave Stewart from colouring duties. Whilst Moreno Disinio does a great job overall, the detail and depth that Dave Stewart brought to the table just isnt there.

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The Weatherman #2

Jul 18, 2018

The Weather Man continues to be in my top three titles of 2018 and based on the strength of the first two issues I think it may end up vying for the top spot before alls said and done.

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The Weatherman #3

Aug 14, 2018

Once again the pacing and contrast between utter brutality and laugh out loud moments that Jody LeHeup crafts are genius. Likewise, Nathan Fox continues to deliver a visual delight that really loves the over the top action sequences in this story but also really brings out the important details, the facial expressions and body language, in the more static, dialogue-led scenes. As for the colouring well, once again Id like to offer up a prayer of thanks to whichever of the Gods gave us Dave Stewart!

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The Weatherman #4

Sep 11, 2018

Not everything in this issue is bleak and doom and gloom, though. There are some fantastic action scenes and some real laugh out loud moments that give a pleasant and welcome relief from the tension. This is a story that I firmly believe has everything you could possibly want all in one well crafted bundle. The Weatherman continues to be, in my opinion, one of the best comics of 2018 and I hope that I can continue to find enough superlatives to do it justice.

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The Whispering Dark #1

Oct 23, 2018

This is a great first issue, a dark, tense and claustrophobic story about a team facing insurmountable odds that threaten their sanity… and maybe even their very souls.

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The Whispering Dark #3

Jan 3, 2019

Its safe to say that Im a massive fan of this series and that if it continues as strongly as it has started then its definitely going to be a title to watch out for in 2019. I sincerely hope that Emgrd and Aira continue to bring us this same level of exceptional quality and I'm already desperate to get my hands on the next issue.

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The Whispering Dark #4

Feb 12, 2019

If you havent picked this up yet, Id highly recommend grabbing all four issues of this series while you can.

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The Witcher: Witch's Lament #1

May 20, 2021

At the end of the day, if youre a fan of the series, this is worth a punt and its certainly good enough that Ill pick up issue two but, I do feel that we arent getting the best that Dark Horse can publish here.

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The Wrong Earth: Night & Day #1

Jan 6, 2021

On the whole, this is another fine publication from Ahoy Comics and one Ill definitely be adding to my pull list.

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The Wrong Earth: Night & Day #2

Feb 7, 2021

The Wrong Earth is fun, its got some depth to it, the artwork is great, and Im really looking forward to seeing where we get taken next month.

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These Savage Shores #1

Oct 3, 2018

I am very impressed with this issue. I think that the mixture of traditional Gothic Horror and Indian mythology works very effectively in taking us out of our comfort zone and into a new and intriguing world where nothing is certain and anything can, and probably will, happen.

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These Savage Shores #2

Nov 28, 2018

A lot of care and effort has gone into the presentation of this series and its clearly paying off. If they can keep up this quality and this passion for the rest of the series then this has the makings of an absolute classic.

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These Savage Shores #3

Feb 6, 2019

If you havent already picked up this series then I seriously cannot think of anything else that I could recommend more at the moment. Its a fantastic blend of historical drama and supernatural thriller with some of the best creative talent in the industry behind it.

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These Savage Shores #4

Apr 16, 2019

Four issues. Thats all weve had so far. Just four issues and this series already feels like an epic saga that could span generations. There is a potential to bring this story through the ages, up to the modern day, especially with the developments of this issue. I dont think I can offer up much more in the way of praise for this series, if you are already reading it, I hope youre enjoying it as much as I am. If not, please, please pick up a copy. I promise you wont regret it.

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These Savage Shores #5

Oct 2, 2019

Im sad to see the end of These Savage Shores, but the ending of this series is everything Id hoped for and more, and Im happy that were ultimately left with an denouement which is all about new beginnings and hope.

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Thumbs #1

Jun 6, 2019

This is a fantastic first issue. It has tension and action, and has taken some familiar tropes and thrown a new spin on them. The characters are engaging and believable. Sean Lewis' writing is superb, Hayden Sherman's artwork is superb, and the combination of the two is superb. This is slated as a five issue run, but if the quality of their output continues to be this good, I'd sincerely like to see this become a much larger story.

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Tommy Gun Wizards #1

Aug 21, 2019

All in all, this is a solid start to an exciting new series, and one I will be definitely adding to my pull list.

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Triage #1

Sep 5, 2019

I sort of get where Sevy is trying to go with this story but Im not sure its coherent enough for me to make me want to pick up the next issue and continue the journey.

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Two Moons #1

Feb 23, 2021

Ive been looking for something to fill the void left by the end of The Devil You Know, and with it the conclusion of the adventures of the B.P.R.D., and fingers crossed, Two Moons looks like it will go some way towards doing so. I look forward to seeing where issue two takes us and can heartily recommend you give this a try.

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Ultramega by James Harren #1

Mar 17, 2021

This is James Harrens debut as a writer, and it is an exceptional debut. There is something for everyone in here. Horror, comedy, Kaiju, superb character development, emotional depth, more Kaiju" If youre a regular reader of my reviews then Im going to assume that have broadly similar tastes to me in terms of the genre that float your boat, and this is a book that hits so many of my favourite genre and sub-genre that its one I cant recommend enough.

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Undone By Blood #1

Feb 13, 2020

Just because I havent said it in a while, this is metatextual, its incredibly ambitious, and if this issue is anything to go by its going to be a staggering success. Another blindingly good first issue from all involved and I absolutely cannot wait to see what happens next.

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Undone By Blood: The Other Side of Eden #1

Feb 14, 2021

Im really excited to see this series continue, and Im really looking forward to seeing this new storyline and where it takes us. Simply put, this is a no-questions-asked, do as youre told and add it to your pull list right now, recommendation from me.

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Undone By Blood: The Other Side of Eden #2

Apr 12, 2021

This remains a series that gets a 100% recommendation from me, and I cant urge you strongly enough to start reading this one if you arent already.

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Unearth #1

Jul 10, 2019

Am I going to continue to read this series? Of course I am. A story in the mould of B.P.R.D., penned by Bunn and Strahm, is always going to keep my attention but Id really like to see them up their game with the artwork and show us some of the unique inventiveness weve come to expect.

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Vampirella/Dejah Thoris #1

Sep 28, 2018

Overall I think this is a series that has potential but as with previous Vampirella stories I think this will benefit from being read in Graphic Novel format rather than single issues.

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Vampirella: Roses for the Dead #1

Jun 27, 2018

This issue delivers neither the depth of writing to make it a classic horror comic nor sufficient campiness to make it fun. I think I would have still given it a decent score if the artwork had been any good but it just didnt feel like Joseph Michael Linsner has any great feelings for what hes illustrating.

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Vinyl #2

Jul 28, 2021

Vinyl continues to be utter perfection for me. Wagner and Hilliard blew us away with Plastic, but Vinyl is on a whole other level.

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Vinyl #6

Nov 24, 2021

As I mentioned earlier, we now have an entire Plastic-verse unfolding, so we could be seeing a lot more superb series down the line, but I genuinely hope that we also see the return of Walter at some point in the not too distant future, as it almost felt like losing a friend turning the last page.

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Wailing Blade #1

May 4, 2019

On the whole, I really enjoyed this first issue and I think the blend of genres is going to make this a really interesting and exciting read. Definitely one I will be adding to my pull list.

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William Gibson's Alien 3 #1

Nov 12, 2018

So, with my reservations about delivering this story in single issues and my problems with the art, this unfortunately and ultimately is a disappointing delivery of what should be a celebration of what could have been.

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Wizard Beach #1

Dec 6, 2018

I really enjoyed Wizard Beach. Its a familiar enough tale which manages to feel new and vibrant and different at the same time. Theres a lot of fun to be had and a lot to discover in here if you take on board the books main theme and just slow down and notice the world around you.

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Wizard Beach #2

Jan 10, 2019

Another fun-filled, magical episode in the adventures of Hexley and the denizens of Wizard Beach that I would easily recommend to any fan of the fantasy genre.

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Wizard Beach #3

Feb 13, 2019

If youve got the patience to wait for each issue to arrive then I heartily recommend this as something to bring a smile to your face and add a bright spot to your day. Im going to keep picking up the issues but I wish I could have a giant grimoire-like volume to pull down from my shelves right now.

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Wytches: Bad Egg Halloween Special #1

Oct 29, 2018

As a standalone story I couldnt possibly have wished for better than what has been delivered here. If this is truly a prequel to the next volume then I cannot wait to see what Snyder, Jock & Hollingsworth have in store for us, but I know its going to be epic! Im trying to work out if I can get away with adding this to my top horror comics of 2018 as its a strong contender for the top spot.

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