A decade has passed since the first Waves hit, unleashing humanity's darkest impulses and plunging the world into chaos. Paxton, a single father of three, must venture from the secluded haven they've built to restock the medicine his chronically-ill youngest son needs to survive. When the somewhat routine trip goes awry, Paxton and his children-now separated-will battle everything in their path to reunite.
There are still a lot of questions with Resonant, but all of them are good. If this debut issue is any indication, we're in for an awesome albeit horrifying treat. This is most definitely a horror comic to watch. Read Full Review
You may have a good idea for a story, but, if your characters aren't immediately accessible, it's a hard-sell to keep reading forthcoming issues of a comic. Resonant #1 builds on a firm foundation with strong characters attached to a haunting premise about what would happen if humanity finally lost all control. I'm absolutely sold on this series after one issue and can't wait to keep reading. Read Full Review
Resonant #1 is a firestorm of raw emotion, anxiety, and fear that any horror buff is going to appreciate. The creative team is able to invoke powerful emotional responses with ease. Read Full Review
Deron Bennett continues to deliver as one of the best letterers in modern comics -- his work here makes it clear how vital letterers are to comics as a visual medium. Read Full Review
Resonant #1 paints an eerie picture full of despair, horror, and a glimmer of hope. With The Walking Dead having ended in comic book form, you might be looking for a book to fill the gap. I highly recommend giving Resonant a shot and get ready for what is sure to be a wild ride. Read Full Review
Issue #1 of Resonant gives us a taste of a family separated in a world cruel and disparate and it has crawled under my skin with an uneasy, creepy feeling that there's more horror to come. Pick this one up if you like apocalyptic stories and comics that speak to something dark and creepy in all the worst ways, even in the light. Read Full Review
"Resonant" #1 combines an effective premise with good character development, excellent art, vibrant colors and good lettering. Read Full Review
Resonant weaponizes its early and effective character work to build something frightening heading for its audience, and none of us have chirper boxes to prepare us. Read Full Review
Resonant from Vault Comics has plenty to offer the reader. It is an intriguing and exciting first issue with powerful artwork from all involved. Read Full Review
Resonant #1 is an excellent first issue and new comic at Vault Comics. It is fast-paced and effective in not only building a new world and introducing us to new characters but getting us invested in them quickly. While the main plot may not be the most original thing ever the characters and their emotions surrounding it is what will draw the reader in. Read Full Review
I haven't read too much from Vault Comics overall but I'm becoming more and more interested in them as a publisher with the range of titles they're introducing. Resonant was one that just from the cover I can't say I was attracted or interested in reading but I had an open slot and figured I'd try it. And I'm glad I did as I really like what Alejandro Aragon does here with the artwork and David Andry's story has a lot of room to grow and expand both in terms of the characters and the Waves. End of the world stories have been popular for some time now, owing to the turn of the century and the rise of other fears, and this digs into it well. I'm definitely curious to see where this team takes it. Read Full Review
Resonant is gorgeous and attractive. It would stand out in any comic book shop amongst any covers made by Big-Time artists. The pacing might be slow for the average comic book reader, but it has the potential to be something that garners a decent following. Resonant is worth the risk. Read Full Review
This is a great start to what looks to be another hit for a publisher that is rapidly becoming one of my favourites this year. Read Full Review
Pretty strong start for this series. I have a serious feeling that this is gonna be the horror book for parents, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Read Full Review
"Resonant" #1 is seemingly a typical dystopian story but flips the genre on its head at the very end. We'll have to wait for the second issue for some important answers, which hopefully it can deliver to sustain our interest. Read Full Review
I like the idea of a post-apocalyptic comic that doesn't involve zombies, but does it matter if it looks and feels exactly like every other zombie comic out there? Read Full Review
Stunning. Every element, writing, art, colouring, and lettering pull together to create a realistic twisting horror that builds suspense and puts its protagonists through the wringer without playing all its cards.
An intriguing first issue, which poses plenty of questions about the world we are being shown. What the waves are is obviously at the centre of these, but it is not alone: what form does civilisation now take; where is Bec, Ty and Stef's mother; is Bec's loss of a limb related to what happened a decade ago; will Ty make contact with the other children? These are only some of the questions in my head. I certainly look forward to beginning to find out some of the answers. This is a well-written comic, which not only sets up the questions but also does an excellent job of building likeable and believable characters within only a few pages. This is something many of the writers of big two books would do well to study.
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