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Joined: Jul 23, 2019

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UW reviewed New Champions #2 Feb 27, 2025

It’s fun and has some nice quirky touches. Something about the ending was insatiably corny though. Still interested to see how the arc develops.

New Champions #2

By: Steve Foxe, Ivan Fiorelli
Released: Feb 12, 2025


Hellrune has summoned young heroes from far and wide, but who among them has what it takes to become a New Champion? The smooth-talking magician Monte seems to be a prime candidate, but is he more than he appears? And who is the mysterious MAGNETRIX?

Rated T

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UW reviewed West Coast Avengers #4 Feb 26, 2025

Bit of a drop from last week, mostly because the art falters. It’s inconsistent.

This issue is less about action and more about bonding and intent, and it provides more emotional content and a satisfying connection between Blue Bolt and Firestar, it just doesn’t really move things forward in any way, and the stakes are no higher than they were at the end of the last issue.

West Coast Avengers #4

By: Gerry Duggan, Danny Kim
Released: Feb 26, 2025


A troubled Firestar and the newest and least-tested member of the West Coast Avengers, Blue Bolt, make an unexpected connection - but will this volatile romance strengthen the team or burn it down?

Rated T+

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UW reviewed West Coast Avengers #3 Feb 26, 2025

This was my favourite issue so far.

It did the nice retro art thing I liked from the first issue. It gave a plausible explanation and interesting dynamic to the multiple Ultrons. It allowed Spider-Woman to shine, again, and quite honestly I could get used to that. It dialled way back on the goofiness. It had an intriguing meeting with the Illuminati. Plus it had *that* cover.

West Coast Avengers #3

By: Gerry Duggan, Danny Kim
Released: Jan 29, 2025

As a second Ultron appears and declares himself leader of a terrifying new religion, Iron Man and War Machine reveal at last how their Ultron became a hero!

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UW reviewed New Champions #1 Jan 21, 2025

I enjoyed Dark X-Men by Steve Foxe. It wasn’t perfect, it maybe needed a longer arc to flesh out the individual plot lines, but it meant business.

Sadly his Spider-Woman run was awful, so I was not inclined to pick this comic up (after all these characters were introduced in that book.)

However, I’m fairly glad I gave it a chance. It’s fun. It’s not ground breaking b more

New Champions #1

By: Steve Foxe, Ivan Fiorelli
Released: Jan 8, 2025

WHO ARE THE NEW CHAMPIONS? What do four kids whose lives were derailed by Hydra, Scarlet Witch's mysterious protégé, a cursed roller derby jammer and a Wakandan runaway have in common? Not much! But when Hellrune's mysterious powers activate to bring them together, they'll have to learn how to work as a team quickly - or face the wrath of the Cul...

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UW reviewed West Coast Avengers #2 Jan 8, 2025

This comic is messy. I get that the team are supposed to be bad at working together, but giving such a massive introduction to Firestar, which served no purpose, and didn’t add to her flaking out, seemed a misjudgment when the Angelic Ultron was reduced to pretty much one page with risible and basic dialogue. On that point, the voices are indistinct, Spider-Woman and Blue Bolt both saying “you more

West Coast Avengers #2

By: Gerry Duggan, Danny Kim
Released: Dec 25, 2024

Firestar officially joins the West Coast Avengers! But the plan for her to mentor redeemed villains like Ultron and newcomer Blue Bolt collapses when it becomes clear she's seeking redemption of her own. Her time undercover with ORCHIS left scars and made her a pariah. Can the West Coast Avengers stop her downwa...

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UW commented on this:
fzanca reviewed West Coast Avengers #1 Dec 3, 2024

I wish Duggan would stop trying to be funny. It just comes off awkward. Now Firestar is an alcoholic? I'm not sure why he's trying to make a new Thunderbolts team out of this. Is it a surprise to anyone that Ultron is still evil? This could be a good title if they drop the criminal side of things and just make it a team. I do miss Tigra not being a part of the team, but bring in She-Hulk and Hawk more

West Coast Avengers #1

By: Gerry Duggan, Danny Kim
Released: Nov 27, 2024


Iron Man and War Machine have put together a new team of Avengers - one that includes villains seeking a path to redemption. Their case study? Ultron - who, against all odds, seems to be walking the straight and narrow...for now. But does the success of one guarantee the success of all? Spider-Woman and Firestar...

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UW - Dec 11, 2024

Yeah, I mostly feel that this hasn’t really made its mind up about what it wants a to be. It just feels that Duggan has taken a bit of a scatter-shot approach and needs tighter editing. On a side note, Marvel editors really need to start picking up the ball, there are some basic faults constantly overlooked in favour of flash, bang, wallop, and sensational storylines that are emotionally vacuous.

fzanca - Dec 11, 2024

I agree, UW. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

UW reviewed West Coast Avengers #1 Dec 11, 2024

This was a bit messy and clunky, but the premise shows promise, and that ending elevates it.

So much time was given to Tony’s backstory that the issue began with an info dump rather than a compelling narrative, and we did not get much team interaction, which is a bit of a shame in a team book.

The first five pages should have been jettisoned. The comic would then have begu more

West Coast Avengers #1

By: Gerry Duggan, Danny Kim
Released: Nov 27, 2024


Iron Man and War Machine have put together a new team of Avengers - one that includes villains seeking a path to redemption. Their case study? Ultron - who, against all odds, seems to be walking the straight and narrow...for now. But does the success of one guarantee the success of all? Spider-Woman and Firestar...

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UW reviewed Spider-Woman #10 Aug 21, 2024

Thank goodness it’s over.

I guess it was nice to see Spider-Woman finally coming off the bench for a few scant moments in the final issue but it amounted to nothing.

There was never any sense of danger, despite the hyperbolically written teasers, and no real resolution to anything. Overall, it was pointless and toothless. If the Gang War section was slow and painfully obvi more

Spider-Woman #10

By: Steve Foxe, Ig Guara
Released: Aug 21, 2024

Last issue's shocking revelations lead to a brutal fight that will push Spider-Woman and the Assembly to their limits! Hydra stole Jess' son. What can she take from them? And who among the Assembly will survive to begin a NEW life as CHAMPIONS?
Rated T+

+ LikeComments (11)
UW - Aug 23, 2024

Did you ever read ‘Secret Avengers’ by Aleš Kot? It’s great comics, and I love Jess in that.

Jawnyblaze - Aug 23, 2024

Yea, Jed McCay would be good. Benjamin Percy could probably do a good gritty story with her. I’m pretty sure I read Secret Avengers, the whole New Avengers and Secret Invasion run is what really made me start liking the character

UW reviewed Spider-Woman #9 Jul 18, 2024

I must be reading a different comic to a lot of others.

Yes, it has a nice cover, the art is vibrant, and the use of Angar is creative, so there’s the three stars, but…

The early scenes with Liberty were mawkish, and set Jess up, again, as being a generally useless. She’s solved nothing. Even the idea to reuse Angar, and the spy stuff, belonged to Liberty. Jessica is l more

Spider-Woman #9

By: Steve Foxe, Ig Guara
Released: Jul 17, 2024

Jess learns the truth about these new champions of The Assembly and whose side they're really on. But the shocking reveals keep piling up with the return of someone we thought was dead!
Rated T+

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UW reviewed Spider-Woman #8 Jun 21, 2024

Best SW cover ever.

Sadly, I’m not feeling this book at all.

I guess I should be glad it finally seems to be picking up the pace, but to all intents and purposes this issue, end reveal aside, repeats its predecessor. Jess encounters a villain with a grudge against Echidna, The Assembly swoop in, Jess remains suspicious. Even the jokey song themed title remains the same th more

Spider-Woman #8

By: Steve Foxe, Ig Guara
Released: Jun 19, 2024

Spider-Woman finds San Francisco full of old foes, old friends and a new super-team that could still be either. After a fight with Angar the Screamer, the origin of another new New Champions character will be revealed!
Rated T+

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UW reviewed Spider-Woman #6 Jun 18, 2024

Effectively this is a repeat of the last issue but with a less appealing guest star. The new artist is fine although some of the facial expressions seem peculiar.

Turns out Jessica is now the Patron Saint of all kids, and the way things are going I fully expect her to become a surrogate parent to the mini-me New Champions.

It seems that Marvel has decided Jessic more

Spider-Woman #6

By: Steve Foxe, Ig Guara
Released: Apr 17, 2024

Brokenhearted, Jess decides to leave New York for a fresh start. But the trek across country will not be a smooth ride. A new adventure starts here! Introducing some new faces and with the potential to become New...Champions?!
Rated T+

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UW reviewed Spider-Woman #7 May 7, 2024

AmericanHealthCare says it all really.

Ever since the Hopeless run Handmaidened her into having a kid Jessica has been defined by no more than three things; being a mother, being Carol Danver’s bestie, and, mostly, being useless. It’s like she isn’t allowed to exist in her own right. Half her skills are missing and, even though her bio-electric powers get name checked in this iss more

Spider-Woman #7

By: Steve Foxe, Ig Guara
Released: May 1, 2024

Following the shocking revelations about her son's fate, Spider-Woman has returned to her old stomping grounds of San Francisco...where she discovers that a brand-new group of young heroes have burst onto the scene! But why does Jess have a sinking feeling that there's more to these teens than meets the eye?
Rated T+

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AmericanHealthcare reviewed Spider-Woman #6 Apr 20, 2024

This title really struggles. The story and questionable action stuff would be easier to forgive if the voice worked, but Jess herself and the dialogue in a broader sense are all off. This is not working.

Spider-Woman #6

By: Steve Foxe, Ig Guara
Released: Apr 17, 2024

Brokenhearted, Jess decides to leave New York for a fresh start. But the trek across country will not be a smooth ride. A new adventure starts here! Introducing some new faces and with the potential to become New...Champions?!
Rated T+

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UW reviewed Spider-Woman #5 Mar 22, 2024

This one issue was more fun, and worked better, than all the Gang War issues combined.

Finally, it felt that Jessica’s voice worked, and worked well. I’ll never be a fan of the decision to make the one woman saying “No!”, a mother, and could care less if the next time we see Gerry he is found dead behind a dumpster, but I actually empathised with Jessica for the first time. How more

Spider-Woman #5

By: Steve Foxe, Carola Borelli
Released: Mar 20, 2024

In the fallout from the explosive citywide GANG WAR, Jessica Drew uncovered the terrible truth behind the search for her missing son. Now, when she's at her lowest, the last thing Spider-Woman wants is an unexpected team-up. But try telling that to BAILEY BRIGGS, the spectacular SPIDER-BOY!
Rated T+

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Jawsh reviewed Spider-Woman #5 Mar 22, 2024

A step up the last few issues!

Spider-Woman #5

By: Steve Foxe, Carola Borelli
Released: Mar 20, 2024

In the fallout from the explosive citywide GANG WAR, Jessica Drew uncovered the terrible truth behind the search for her missing son. Now, when she's at her lowest, the last thing Spider-Woman wants is an unexpected team-up. But try telling that to BAILEY BRIGGS, the spectacular SPIDER-BOY!
Rated T+

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AmericanHealthcare reviewed Spider-Woman #4 Mar 2, 2024

What is happening? I've usually liked Foxe's work in the past and this run started out at least functional. This feels so weird with Madame Web just coming out. Do writers just hate Spider-Wom(e)n? There are some decent story beats happening here, but the level of bonkers stupidity is just egregious. We have to suspend disbelief for comics, but everything about this issue breaks immersion. What di more

Spider-Woman #4

By: Steve Foxe, Carola Borelli
Released: Feb 21, 2024

Jessica Drew finds the answers she's been looking for, but her reunion with her son propels her into a new paradigm. But first, there's a GANG WAR to finish! And Jess won't be fighting alone. Not when her best friend is Captain Marvel!
Rated T+

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Screaming Enigma reviewed Spider-Woman #4 Feb 23, 2024

I think this had the potential to be better, but I thought it was still fairly good for what it was. I am interested in the story between Jessica and Gerry, and I thought the way this ended between them, for now, was good and leaves the door open for my exploration later on.

Spider-Woman #4

By: Steve Foxe, Carola Borelli
Released: Feb 21, 2024

Jessica Drew finds the answers she's been looking for, but her reunion with her son propels her into a new paradigm. But first, there's a GANG WAR to finish! And Jess won't be fighting alone. Not when her best friend is Captain Marvel!
Rated T+

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derbycomics reviewed Spider-Woman #4 Feb 24, 2024

Steve Foxe’s initial arc for Jess has had its ups and downs. It’s been good when Jess has been kicking butt, but has struggled when her entire personality is confined to her being an emotional mother. I don’t like that she is reduced to a blubbering female who is only defined by her motherhood.

With Gang War wrapping up, I’m willing to give this run a few more issues to move on more

Spider-Woman #4

By: Steve Foxe, Carola Borelli
Released: Feb 21, 2024

Jessica Drew finds the answers she's been looking for, but her reunion with her son propels her into a new paradigm. But first, there's a GANG WAR to finish! And Jess won't be fighting alone. Not when her best friend is Captain Marvel!
Rated T+

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UW reviewed Spider-Woman #4 Feb 24, 2024

Well, that was just weird. Instead of Gang War they should have called it Jessica Drew and the Case of the Over-Complicated Info-Dumps.

I mean props where they’re due, Jess being called out for being a poor mother isn’t undeserved, and her cleverly getting Carol not to follow Gerry by demanding her attention showed Jess still occasionally has the smarts.

Sadly, overall more

Spider-Woman #4

By: Steve Foxe, Carola Borelli
Released: Feb 21, 2024

Jessica Drew finds the answers she's been looking for, but her reunion with her son propels her into a new paradigm. But first, there's a GANG WAR to finish! And Jess won't be fighting alone. Not when her best friend is Captain Marvel!
Rated T+

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UW liked this:

Fuck the reviewer GhostDemon

Vengeance of the Moon Knight #2

By: Jed MacKay, Alessandro Cappuccio
Released: Feb 14, 2024

Khonshu VS. Khonshu! Fist of Khonshu fights Fist of Khonshu as the new Moon Knight brings the fight to the Midnight Mission and Hunter's Moon - but what could drive brothers to battle? And with the Mission a battleground, what of those who seek aid?

UW reviewed Spider-Woman #3 Jan 24, 2024

If Steve Foxe ever writes a Diamondback solo it will likely be top notch, every one of that character’s scenes shine. I am enjoying the straightforward tone of the book, and the artist and colourist are doing consistent work.

Okay so we didn’t have to wait until the final issue for the info-dump, but getting it here, as she is already in the process of being saved, completely destr more

Spider-Woman #3

By: Steve Foxe, Carola Borelli
Released: Jan 24, 2024

Spider-Woman tried to take down Diamondback's operation from the top...and barely escaped with her life. Now she's angrier than ever and ready to hit him - and Hydra - where it hurts. Jessica Drew goes street level as GANG WAR nears its brutal conclusion!

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UW reviewed Spider-Woman #2 Jan 5, 2024

Okay, I’m struggling a bit here.

Jess is my fave, and I don’t think she’s always been well served. I hated the Hopeless run, and whilst I mostly enjoyed the Pacheco run it didn’t hold the same excitement on a second read. I’m a fan since the original days and here, we’re getting something that feels like it could deliver something special but is, imo, let down by missteps. more

Spider-Woman #2

By: Steve Foxe, Carola Borelli
Released: Dec 27, 2023

...against the GANG WAR tearing through New York. On the trail of the ruthless DIAMONDBACK and his mysterious backers, Jess commits a little corporate espionage, which may bury her in a dark corner of her past. Plus, the shadowy GREEN MAMBA prowls for a rematch Spider-Woman may not be ready for!
Rated T+

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UW reviewed Sainted Love #3 Jan 5, 2024

That’s more like it.

This issue had a really compelling emotional core that resonated within the plot, and the story was strong. The way it ends make me feel as if that may be it for now, perhaps a break, but despite my previous concerns I l’m definitely keeping it in my pull list.

Sainted Love #3

By: Steve Orlando, Giopota
Released: Jan 3, 2024

Malcom Irina and John Wolf, an inventor and a bare knuckle boxer from 1907 New York, are stranded on a Roman battlefield centuries away from everything they know and love (except each other). But that's okay, it's part of the job. They're two heroes fighting their way through time against the...

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UW reviewed Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1 Jan 5, 2024

I don’t think I ever reviewed an issue of the Moon Knight run that preceded this but it was likely my favourite comic. Dependable, rich, and involving.

Vengeance issue one takes time to look at the supporting cast and prepares us for a shake up for the titular character. It works well and provides a nice emotional connection that will no doubt be tested over the coming months.

Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1

By: Jed MacKay, Alessandro Cappuccio
Released: Jan 3, 2024

Clad in the black of mourning, the Midnight Mission remains! But who is left to keep the faith? And how have they been changed by the Black Spectre's master stroke? The next chapter of MOON KNIGHT starts here as the congregants of the Midnight Mission pick up the pieces and carry on the mission...and find themselves faced with a mysterious new enem...

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wakizashireviews reviewed White Widow #2 Dec 13, 2023

Disclaimer: I only read this issue because a YouTube buddy wanted me to review it with him. We covered issue #1 and that was enough for me.

This is not a comic book. I don't know WHAT it is to be honest. It was a chore to get to the end. I think it's 20 pages but it felt like 50. There might be some semblance of a story in this issue but I couldn't find it.

The character voi more

White Widow #2

By: Sarah Gailey, Alessandro Miracolo
Released: Dec 13, 2023

Just as Yelena Belova begins to settle into life in suburbia as a consultant for honest, hardworking assassins, change comes in the form of Armament - a company whose endeavors seem to infiltrate every aspect of life in the tiny town of Idyllhaven. But what exactly is Armament's interest in Idyllhaven - and what does it have to do with Yelena's rog...

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wakizashireviews - Dec 13, 2023

@thecimmerian Yet two "critics" gave it an 8.5 and an 8 using words like brilliant and thrilling. Truly unbelieva-shill!

UW - Dec 14, 2023

Thank you for your service. I read the first issue and despaired. Couldn’t bring myself back for any more.

UW commented on this:
fzanca reviewed Spider-Woman #1 Dec 4, 2023

This issue isn't complete garbage, but it's close. The art is horrible and I don't really understand the whole web of life thing. It doesn't make a bit of sense. I never like the whole arc of her having a child and I assume one of the writers retconned it and now Foxe is addressing it. Captain Marvel doesn't even belong is this book, just like Jessica didn't need to pop up in every single Captain more

Spider-Woman #1

By: Steve Foxe, Carola Borelli
Released: Nov 29, 2023

The Web of Destiny restored Spider-Woman's life, but even CAPTAIN MARVEL and MADAME WEB can tell something's changed. Now SPIDER-MAN wants to recruit her for a new team because VIPER has engineered a deadly union between HYDRA and DIAMONDBACK that's about to tear the city apart, bringing forth a new foe powerful enough ...

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UW - Dec 5, 2023

I’m not certain there was a retcon as such, unless this story turns out to be that. Karla Pacheco was offered the opportunity to reboot after the Dennis Hopeless run but didn’t. Presumably, if she had, then the entire baby arc would have been left behind as a massive ‘What if…?’. Who knows what the plan is this time round.

fzanca - Dec 5, 2023

I wish she had rebooted it, but her writing was pretty bad. I couldn't even read her run.

UW commented on this:
derbycomics reviewed Spider-Woman #1 Dec 1, 2023

Less of a tie-in to the Gang War event as the other two tie-ins this week, Steve Foxe’s story focuses more on Jessica Drew’s lingering storyline around her missing child (lots of similarity to Mystique’s story) and her own personal vendetta against Diamondback. Something felt very off about Foxe’s writing for Jessica, perhaps I’ve just reached my fill of Marvel moms running around cryin more

Spider-Woman #1

By: Steve Foxe, Carola Borelli
Released: Nov 29, 2023

The Web of Destiny restored Spider-Woman's life, but even CAPTAIN MARVEL and MADAME WEB can tell something's changed. Now SPIDER-MAN wants to recruit her for a new team because VIPER has engineered a deadly union between HYDRA and DIAMONDBACK that's about to tear the city apart, bringing forth a new foe powerful enough ...

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UW - Dec 2, 2023 (edited)

I didn’t know that about Mystique but it is a very common trope.

UW added Spider-Woman (2023) to their pull list Dec 1, 2023

Spider-Woman (2023)

The Web of Destiny restored Spider-Woman's life, but even CAPTAIN MARVEL and MADAME WEB can tell something's changed. Now SPIDER-MAN wants to recruit her for a new team because VIPER has engineered a deadly union between HYDRA and DIAMONDBACK that's about to tear the city apart, bringing forth a new foe powerful enough ...

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UW dropped White Widow (2023) from their pull list Nov 30, 2023

White Widow (2023)

Yelena Belova returns! Superspy. Rogue agent. Shadow of the Black Widow. Yelena Belova has been many things, but striking out as a hero in her own right is new to her. Now that she's finally free to choose her own path, who will she become? Sarah Gailey (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Eat the Rich) joins forces with Alessandro Miracolo (Obi-Wan, Yoda) f...

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UW reviewed Spider-Woman #1 Nov 30, 2023

Okay, this is a mostly good.

The tone, the pacing, and the look of the book are all very welcome. It feels streamlined, and grownup, and there is a refreshing lack of wackiness. Although her venom blasts are listed as bio-kinetic not bio-electric so I don’t know what that’s about.

The plot is slim, but effective, and by the end of the book enough pieces are already in p more

Spider-Woman #1

By: Steve Foxe, Carola Borelli
Released: Nov 29, 2023

The Web of Destiny restored Spider-Woman's life, but even CAPTAIN MARVEL and MADAME WEB can tell something's changed. Now SPIDER-MAN wants to recruit her for a new team because VIPER has engineered a deadly union between HYDRA and DIAMONDBACK that's about to tear the city apart, bringing forth a new foe powerful enough ...

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