Best SW cover ever.
Sadly, I’m not feeling this book at all.
I guess I should be glad it finally seems to be picking up the pace, but to all intents and purposes this issue, end reveal aside, repeats its predecessor. Jess encounters a villain with a grudge against Echidna, The Assembly swoop in, Jess remains suspicious. Even the jokey song themed title remains the same this time.
The mystery is as obvious as Gerry being the Green Mamba. Since failing to save her own son Jess has been on a mission to save other kids. Thankfully Hydra didn’t age The Assembly into adults so the chances of her saving them, like Bailey and the train kid, by using her not so hidden powers of super-mommyhood should be quite high.
I should be thrilled by the call backs and the prospect of a new Champions team, which is of course another call back, but it feels like leadened product placement instead. For instance, finally someone remembers Jess can glide, but we get a solitary static shot, and Jess has to jump off a high building when she was previously adept at low elevation take offs, and then wishes she had a bike over her own former skill in a rather oddly drawn monologue. When she splits up Angar and the militia her venom blast is orange not green. It’s also hard to praise continuity when Lindsay McCabe got written out in place of a clunky cameo with Roger. Ironic when everyone’s mind seems to have been interfered with and that hasn’t prompted an all out attack on Hydra by all the other superheroes affected. Seems important that. Ah well. We’ll see what’s next.