Following the shocking revelations about her son's fate, Spider-Woman has returned to her old stomping grounds of San Francisco...where she discovers that a brand-new group of young heroes have burst onto the scene! But why does Jess have a sinking feeling that there's more to these teens than meets the eye?
Rated T+
Writer Steve Foxe has locked in on the humor, charisma, and sarcasm that makes Drew such a consistent delight, while also introducing new complexities that will only provide more opportunities for those traits to shine. Read Full Review
Jessica Drew leaps to others' aid, reunites with an ex, trades venom shocks with a fiery foe, and meets a group of ultrapowered strangers in Spider-Woman #7. Read Full Review
Jess' history deserve better in its creative direction. Read Full Review
In this issue, Jess pats herself on the back for being an excellent stealthy spy just before a big glowing zappy hulk apparently sneaks up on her. That's the high point of another round of endless samey thought narration about the past instead of things actually happening in the present and having no supporting cast, unifying theme, or anything really going on beyond Jess being bland and indeed not very good at spying. If all the ruminating on her past is meant to show how she's grown as a character, I hope we're going to address why she's suddenly so bad at everything. I am once again asking: why does Marvel hate Spider-Woman?
AmericanHealthCare says it all really.
Ever since the Hopeless run Handmaidened her into having a kid Jessica has been defined by no more than three things; being a mother, being Carol Danver’s bestie, and, mostly, being useless. It’s like she isn’t allowed to exist in her own right. Half her skills are missing and, even though her bio-electric powers get name checked in this issue, they are still listed as bio-kinetic in the synopsis. Jess is painted as so dumb that she can’t remember how San Francisco trams operate. This is the same shtick that Hopeless pulled early in his run so he could be the manly man to rescue her from the ineptitude that he gave her.
Still, it looks like this run ends after the next t more