In the aftermath of a Wave, Paxton continues his journey in search of medical assistance for his sick son. Left to fend for themselves at the family cabin, the kids are visited by a mysterious stranger. Meanwhile, Paxton, joined by a welcome companion on the road, reaches the settlement of Hospitality-only to find the welcome less than hospitable.
Resonant #2 shows what a firestorm truly is and can be as the creative team continues to use raw visual and written emotion to pump the reader full of all the anxiety, trepidation, and dread you could want from the survival horror genre. Read Full Review
Resonant will keep you on edge from beginning to end. Even the more somber moments are full of dread and the anticipation of violence. You're constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop and every time you think it's happened, another, larger shoe is right behind it. This is a tense, scary read that doesn't let up. Read Full Review
Resonant is certainly intriguing and the creative team is building it up to be a series I want to read more of. Read Full Review
This is gearing to be a very good story, I'm just worried that the space between releases may drive down the interest. Honestly, that isn't fair to this story. Read Full Review
It's a solid post-apocalypse story that leaves you wanting more of it quickly and it looks great with a really strong sense of design and color that gives it a good earthy feeling. Read Full Review
Once this first story arc is over, the reader should have a good grasp of the future he is writing. The story can develop much further from there. Two issues in, Resonant stands out from other indie titles about dystopian futures. Read Full Review
A solid issue with exceptional art and a strong story. Resonant is all about atmosphere and the sense of fear that rules these characters lives. Read Full Review
Wonderful. Such an involving plot, and just when you think you’ve seen the worst, there lurking in the background, is another even more disturbing detail. It is quite an intense read.
A great second issue that builds beautifully on issue one.