James Ferguson's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Horror DNA, COMICON Reviews: 1456
8.5Avg. Review Rating

'68: Rule of War #1

Apr 2, 2014

'68: Rule of War provides a continued look at the alternate history of the Vietnam War filled with zombies.  As with previous volumes, the creators include some facts about the elements they pulled into the story, so you get the historical significance to the plot.  It's not like they just made this all up.  Now what do we have to do to get this taught in schools?  It would probably help kids pay a bit more attention to this event in class, no?

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30 Days of Night (2017) #4

Mar 28, 2018

We've heard the story of 30 Days of Night before, but not like this. This series is a reboot and writer Steve Niles is taking it in new directions that show how to do a proper retelling. Hollywood should be paying attention. The end result is an unpredictable series that is as surprising as it is terrifying.

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30 Days of Night (2017) #6

Jun 21, 2018

30 Days of Night was already a quintessential vampire comic. This remake reinforces that standing and provides a new look at the now classic tale. The ending is a bit abrupt, but there's more than enough to enjoy here with some incredible visuals that any horror fan will enjoy.

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7 Days of Death #1

Aug 11, 2015

7 Days of Death gets you comfortable in a setting before pulling the rug out from under you.  It does so in such a satisfying way that makes for a really interesting story and one I can't wait to explore further.  It presents a very real feeling as a man is given the chance to be with his wife, who he thought was gone forever.  Who wouldn't move heaven and earth for a chance at reuniting with a lost loved one?  In Robert's case, he'll have to fight monsters and demons, but he's proven more than capable of doing so in spectacular fashion.

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A Dark Interlude #1

Dec 3, 2020

Fearscape is one of the most unique and riveting comics to hit stands in recent memory, so it's no surprise that its follow up, A Dark Interlude, is continuing that trend. This book stretches the boundaries of storytelling in the comic book medium. More importantly, it conveys real emotion and outright hatred because Henry Henry is a vile human being.

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A Walk Through Hell #2

Jun 27, 2018

A Walk Through Hell scratches my favorite horror itch. The idea that you can't trust what you see or that reality itself is altered in some way is horrifying and more than a little maddening. This is a comic that will most definitely get under your skin in the best way. It's going to stay with you for some time and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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A Walk Through Hell #4

Sep 3, 2018

A Walk Through Hell is like the horrifying cousin of Law & Order. Agents Shaw and McGregor crossed a line, but do they deserve to be put through this maddening gauntlet? Will they make it out alive? If they do, will they still have their sanity? These are the questions that make this book a gripping read.

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A Walk Through Hell #6

Jan 1, 2019

A Walk Through Hell grabs you from the jump and never lets go. It's possibly the most unpredictable comic on the stands today. The scares come not from monsters or blood and gore, but with a slow build in tension that will have you looking over your shoulder as you flip through the book.

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A Walk Through Hell #7

Feb 7, 2019

This segment works so well because of the build up we've had up until this point. This is the equivalent of a thousand jump scares. You can cut the tension in A Walk Through Hell with a knife. It's this white-knuckled ride where you just know something horrible is waiting for you around every corner, but you have to keep going. Curiosity is pushing you forward, even if that means certain death. That is such a great feeling for a horror comic.

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A Walk Through Hell #10

Jun 14, 2019

A Walk Through Hell is a terrifying and unpredictable comic. Anything can and will happen as these two agents descend into madness. It delivers some of my favorite horror that really gets into your head. Yes, it has an occasional jump scare or creepy image, but the real terror comes from the elements of the story from the real world, showing the horrible things everyday people are capable of.

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Abbott #1

Feb 2, 2018

Abbott hooked me with a great premise. It's about a journalist investigating supernatural crimes that may be tied to the disappearance or death of her husband. It delivers on that and more with a gripping narrative and incredible artwork. If you want a new Foxy Brown where she deals with monsters and demons, this is the comic for you.

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Abbott: 1973 #1

Feb 3, 2021

Although light on scares, Abbott 1973 is oozing with cool. It's a sleek supernatural thriller that's just getting started. This is a seamless reintroduction to this world and it's clear there are quite a few terrors in store for us.

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Abbott #2

Feb 28, 2018

Writer Saladin Ahmed has created an intriguing and powerful character in Elena Abbott. You can't help but get wrapped up in her life and her pursuit for the truth. This puts her in danger and she's not going to back down any time soon. We get a ton of information in this issue about this case and it's done in an organic way that never feels like an exposition dump. Abbott is a solid detective story mixed with just the right amount of supernatural terror.

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Abbott #4

May 1, 2018

The monsters hit the page like they just ripped through a dimension into our world.  Jason Wordie's colors create this eerie mist around them, taking the form of misshapen demons, as if they were followed by death itself.  Abbott feels like it has a lot of ground to make up in a very short amount of time.  This is the penultimate issue, so hopefully things get tied up nicely by the end.  Since Elena has some personal experience dealing with the supernatural, I expected her to be more attuned to this kind of story, handling it more like classics of the genre like John Constantine, Cal McDonald, or Mr. Rhee.

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Abbott #5

Jun 12, 2018

Abbott left me with more questions than answers. While it is a visual masterpiece, the story falls short. Elena is certainly an interesting character and there's a lot that can be done with her. I'd welcome further issues to explore her world and properly flesh out her destiny and her newfound abilities. As it stands, this final issue leaves something to be desired.

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Abigail and the Snowman #1

Jan 6, 2015

Abigail and the Snowman is an all-ages comic that delivers. It's fun for kids and adults alike without dumbing down the content. Langridge's visuals offer a great approach to introduce your children to the wide world of monsters.

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Absolute Carnage (2019) #1

Aug 15, 2019

I could spend hours singing the praises of Absolute Carnage and still wouldn't get to them all. This book is absolute dream for any Venom or Carnage fan. If you haven't been following Venom since its relaunch, shame on you, but this is a great way to jump in and quickly get up to speed. Absolute Carnage is hands down the best horror I've seen in super hero comics.

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Absolute Carnage (2019) #2

Sep 16, 2019

Absolute Carnage is nothing short of terrifying. It's a pulse-pounding thrill ride of an adventure through the lens of pure, unbridled horror. This book will grab hold of you from the very first page. There were times I had to remember to breathe as I was so enthralled with this book. This is top tier stuff.

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Absolute Carnage (2019) #3

Sep 26, 2019

Absolute Carnage has been a roller coaster of terror. We're not strapped in with a secure harness; we're holding on for dear life and our grip is loosening with each twist and turn, ready to throw us into the abyss. The tail end of this issue provides a glimmer of hope with one of the best cliffhanger endings in recent memory. You know that moment in Evil Dead when Ash picks up the chainsaw? That's the feeling I got at the end of Absolute Carnage #3. We're in for some awesome shit.

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Absolute Carnage (2019) #4

Nov 5, 2019

Absolute Carnage has quickly become a standout Marvel Comics event and not just because it's full of frightening horror. It is an incredible story full of jaw-dropping moments, awesome artwork, and a villain that would scare even the fiercest killers of the horror genre. It also happens to redefine and elevate Venom to levels heretofore unseen. People will be speaking about this character in the same breath as Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Captain America by the time this series is through.

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Absolute Carnage (2019) #5

Dec 5, 2019

Absolute Carnage is epic and incredible. Venom's stock was already on the rise in the Marvel Universe and now it's through the roof. You might wonder how this can possibly be topped. Fortunately, we're given a glimpse at the terror on its way and I can't wait to see how writer Donny Cates tackles this next obstacle, not to mention Eddie's continued growth as a character and as a father.

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Absolute Carnage vs. Deadpool #1

Sep 9, 2019

Everyone is clamoring for some Absolute Carnage action. In the case of Deadpool, he may not realize what he's gotten himself into, which is sure to be an interesting setup. These two can and will tear each other apart. They've done it before. The only difference this time is that it might lead to the awakening of an eons-old alien monster god. No pressure.

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Accelerators #1

Oct 26, 2013

I've actually been following the story of The Accelerators for a few months thanks to the I Sell Comics podcast. It was here that the creators took their idea and made it into an actual comic. Everything from printing costs to distribution was discussed, so I was excited to check out this book. Fortunately, the comic delivered. This is now a ten-issue series and I'm definitely in it for the remainder of the story because I have to see where it goes next.

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Accelerators #2

Jul 3, 2014

The Accelerators pumps up the action with the second issue but doesn't answer many of the burning questions that began with the previous chapter.  Fortunately, the story is exciting enough to pull you in and make you want to find out more about this bizarre world in which the characters have found themselves.  What happened to make America the "capital of the fourth world"?  And what's the fourth world?

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Afterlife With Archie #4

Mar 8, 2014

While this series marks the first Archie comics I've read, I'm very impressed by them.  Putting zombies into this world could have been a complete joke, but it's being taken very seriously.  Aguirre-Sacasa has drafted a true horror story with this comic.  Francavilla's artwork certainly doesn't hurt.  It's gory, bloody, and there are true life-and-death stakes amongst some classic characters. Plus, this comic almost made me cry...twice.  That might go on my tombstone.  "Almost cried during an Archie comic."  I'm kind of OK with that.

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Afterlife With Archie #5

May 20, 2014

Afterlife with Archie is a solid comic that manages to balance terrifying horror with pure emotion.  Although my experience with Archie comics is limited only to this series, I feel like I've known these characters forever.  I have a vested interest in seeing them survive.  They're not just cannon fodder for the zombie horde.  As such, I eagerly await what will happen next as the series heads into its second story arc.

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Afterlife With Archie #6

Jul 25, 2014

Afterlife with Archie was already a solid and emotional zombie comic.  This issue expands it into further areas of horror in an organic way, setting it apart from its rivals.  From the looks of things, the creators are just getting started.

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Afterlife With Archie #7

Dec 16, 2014

Afterlife with Archie keeps getting better. At first it may have seemed like a basic zombie story set in Riverdale, but it soon became so much more. This is a truly human book dealing with terrifying horror elements. As with many stories of this nature, the real monsters may not be the shuffling dead but the man or woman shivering in the cold next to you.

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Afterlife With Archie #9

Jun 19, 2016

Afterlife with Archie is not your traditional zombie comic.  It's far from it.  There are way scarier things at work here and the evil plan is starting to come together.  This issue's focus on Reggie is a glimpse into the mind of someone detached from reality.  He's broken and the dead walking certainly didn't help matters.  What's scarier is that there's a part of Reggie that thinks he's doing the right thing, which makes him an even more diabolical villain.  If you thought the undead and Cthulhu were to be feared, just wait until you see what Reggie Mantle has in store.

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Afterlife With Archie #10

Sep 19, 2016

While I'm curious as to how Josie and the Pussycats will play into the other horror elements of the book, I'm more interested " and anxious " to get back to Archie and the gang.  I'm fully invested in those characters, so this issue feels like new ones being crammed down my throat, like the debacle that was the second season of Lost.  If you're an existing Josie fan, I'm sure this will be right up your alley.

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Afterlift #1

Feb 15, 2021

Afterlift is a wholly unique horror thriller. It has high-stakes action, terrifying monsters, and solid character development all wrapped in a killer premise. You don't want to miss this.

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Alabaster: The Good, The Bad, and The Bird #3

Feb 13, 2016

Alabaster: The Good, The Bad, & The Bird mixes an epic story of good and evil with some top notch artwork.  At the heart of it all is Dancy Flammairon, a strong woman that takes no shit from anyone, alive or dead.  Despite being in a defenseless position, she never asks for help or complains.  She just marches on, ready to do what's right.

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Alien (2021) #1

Apr 4, 2021

I had hoped this would finally be my way into the Alien franchise, but for all its promise, this is a bland entry that follows the same basic formula as all the stories that came before it. It doesn't help that the artwork is either flat and boring or downright stolen.

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Aliens/Vampirella #1

Sep 23, 2015

The xenomorphs worst enemies haven't been predators or Danny Glover. They've been strong women, and you don't get much stronger than Vampirella. While the humans will most likely serve as cannon fodder, I'm looking forward to seeing Vampirella tear into some of these aliens. This might start out with some predictability, but I'm intrigued as to how it will all pan out.

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Aliens: Dead Orbit #1

Apr 27, 2017

Aliens: Dead Orbit is a testament to great storytelling. It shows how effective mood can be in a horror comic. You don't need jump scares or over-the-top gore. You can fill a reader with fear with the right pace and setting. Sure, xenomorphs help and I'm betting we'll get plenty of blood and guts in future issues, but for now, this is a fantastic introduction that stands on its own for new and old fans of the franchise.

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Aliens: Dead Orbit #2

Jun 1, 2017

The tension never lets up. Even the scenes where the crew gets to catch their breath are filled with uneasy foreboding. Stokoe is a master at building the terror, using the story, art, and lettering together in such a cohesive way. Aliens: Dead Orbit is the kind of comic you read with fists clenched, fearful of what's waiting on the next page. This is an unforgettable book and a must-read for any fan of Aliens.

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Aliens: Dead Orbit #4

Dec 19, 2017

Stokoe brings that tension to the lettering as well, with a jagged font that makes the dialogue (mostly grunts and breaths) appear pained. It's like it's a struggle for Wascylewski to even make a sound, let alone put a few words together. Screams are particularly expressive with letters changing in size to coincide with the volume. Aliens: Dead Orbit will leave you with white knuckles and clenched fists. This is the best Aliens comic I've ever read and gave me a newfound appreciation for the franchise. James Stokoe's work is absolutely gorgeous from beginning to end and I hope to see more of it very soon.

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Aliens: Dust to Dust #1

Apr 26, 2018

Although the colony is rather large, it feels suffocating as these two struggle to escape.  The whole place seems to be falling apart with smoke and debris going everywhere.  Colorist Rain Beredo adds to this feeling with some great shadow work.  This works especially well to hide the xenomorphs.  Aliens: Dust to Dust takes a familiar concept and adds a personal touch to it.  Maxon is an innocent kid caught up in complete pandemonium.  Dozens of xenomorphs are swarming the colony and his own mother is about to give birth to one herself.  This poor child is about to grow up very fast.

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Aliens: Dust to Dust #2

Jul 27, 2018

Aliens: Dust to Dust hits with a breakneck pace. You don't have a moment to catch your breath as these poor people are put through trial after trial just to stay alive. Their journey is far from complete, as the threat of the xenomorphs looms ready to tear them apart and feast on their insides.

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Aliens: Fire and Stone #1

Sep 29, 2014

Aliens: Fire and Stone wastes no time setting events in motion. Although the characters are now on a familiar planet, I'm not yet sure how this book is going to tie into the other comics. I'm very intrigued by the overall concept and I'm looking forward to where it's heading. This crossover has reignited my interest in the Alien series.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #49

Oct 12, 2020

I've never yearned for a reboot before, but after referencing the worst Spider-Man storyline in recent memory, it's worth asking for.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #50

Oct 16, 2020

"Last Rites" begins with more questions than answers, but at long last we learn who is behind Kindred's mask.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #50.LR

Oct 26, 2020

If only there was a way to put it all in one place instead of spiraling out into a bunch of side issues...

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #51

Nov 2, 2020

Picking through continuity to tell a new tale and break a deal with the devil. How does this shape up?

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #51.LR

Nov 9, 2020

How has Kindred's plan affected the extended Spider family? Black Cat and Mary Jane get pulled into this tangled web as the Sin-Eater rises once again.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #52.LR

Nov 17, 2020

More plot threads are added to this already crowded storyline, but to what end?

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #53

Nov 23, 2020

We finally get a peek under the mask of Kindred, but it's too little, too late. Since everyone but Peter Parker knows who he is, does this really matter?

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #53.LR

Nov 30, 2020

The Spider Family heads into Peter Parker's dreamscape to save the web-head as "Last Remains" gets more complicated. Can great artwork and quippy dialogue save a convoluted plot?

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #54

Dec 14, 2020

Oh my God! They killed Spider-Man! Again and again and again. All this violence and yet we still don't know why Kindred is all up in the wall-crawler's business.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #54.LR

Dec 24, 2020

Seriously, what is Kindred's deal? Tell us already!

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #55

Dec 31, 2020

We still have no idea as to why any of this is happening as this series continues to walk in place. At least the art is good.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #56

Jan 6, 2021

I keep reading this hoping we'll get some sort of closure for the many plot threads hanging out there and it just never happens.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #57

Jan 14, 2021

Another month, another issue that goes nowhere, but hey, looks like we got a Spider-centric super hero team now. Based on the dialogue in this issue, it feels like the creators are just messing with us at this point.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #58

Jan 28, 2021

Martin Li holds off his evil other half as a fight breaks out with Aunt May caught in the center. Yet another new plot thread is introduced in an already crowded series. Would it kill them to tie a few of these up?

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #59

Feb 12, 2021

While not a bad issue on its own, Amazing Spider-Man #59 is pulled down by the tons of open plot threads, most notably Kindred that are just left hanging. Wilson Fisk takes up the mantle of the Big Bad, but to what end?

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #60

Feb 24, 2021

Peter Parker confronts his trauma in a touching monologue, although we're still light on answers as we return to the mystery of Kindred. Hope is on the horizon with a huge cliffhanger that could have some dire consequences for the wall-crawler.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #61

Mar 15, 2021

With a new costume to help in his hero work and a fat check from Threats and Menaces, Spider-Man deals with some mid-tier villains as a new threat looms in the shadows.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #62

Mar 29, 2021

Adorable little Gog is under attack and only Spider-Man can save him. Although Kindred is still sidelined, some dangling plot threads start to come together in exciting fashion. Plus, check out Spidey's new suit in action!

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #63

Apr 8, 2021

A romance right out of a soap opera mixes with the action / adventure of Spider-Man's latest story. Some sharp artwork makes for a dynamic reading experience that raises the excitement in a packed issue.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #64

Apr 26, 2021

Relationship troubles lead to an all-out gang war with Spider-Man stuck in the middle. The supporting cast takes center stage in this issue as a few plot threads look closer to wrapping up than ever before.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #65

May 6, 2021

The unlikely duo of Robbie Robertson and Tombstone find common ground as fathers. Meanwhile, Spider-Man teams up with the Syndicate to help save the day as yet another storyline looms in the distance for this crowded series.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018) #66

May 24, 2021

General maintenance is the name of the game as Amazing Spider-Man cleans up some loose ends and prepares for its next story arc. It's fine.

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018): The Sins of Norman Osborn #1

Sep 21, 2020

The Sin-Eater's quest for his own form of justice continues, but are we just treading water? Or is the storyline moving forward?

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Amazing Spider-Man (2018): King's Ransom #1

May 14, 2021

The Lifeline Tablet storyline wraps up, not with a bang, but a thud. Inconsistent artwork hampers this overwritten story, leading up to a cliffhanger that falls flat. At least a few loose ends are tied up in this extra issue.

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An Unkindness of Ravens #1

Oct 2, 2020

An Unkindness of Ravens has a great premise that never really gets off the ground in this debut issue. The promise is there, however it doesn't deliver. We'll see if this picks up in subsequent chapters, but for now, it's more of a misguided and mediocre teen drama with a pinch of the supernatural, lacking intrigue and mystery.

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And Then Emily Was Gone #0

May 8, 2015

Free Comic Book Day can be hit or miss with some titles.  Many end up as reprints of old stories or all-too-brief introductions to a story that is way far away.  ComixTribe released a great middle ground with this book, supplying a nice addendum to an already amazing mini-series and offering a fantastic introduction to an upcoming one.  There's also a teaser for a third title.  If this doesn't make you want to go through the publisher's back issues, nothing will.

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Angel & Faith Season 10 #1

Apr 2, 2014

I'm excited to see where Angel & Faith goes under new management. I think it will take a few issues for Gischler and Conrad to sort through the remaining plot points from Season 9 before they can really nail down the path they want to take. The pixies took me a bit by surprise, but there's the same real emotion in these pages that previously fueled the book. These characters are deeply flawed, and unlike Buffy they don't have a support system in place in the form of several supportive friends. They're on their own and that's what makes them interesting.

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Angel & Faith Season 10 #6

Sep 7, 2014

Angel & Faith continues to delve into the minds of the two anti-heroes. They spent last season coming together for a common cause, now they're working separately to build their own lives back up to some level of normalcy. They don't have the benefit of a Scooby Gang like Buffy, so they seem to be struggling to come to grips with the new status quo now that magic has been re-introduced to the world.

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Angel & Faith Season 10 #10

Jan 12, 2015

Angel & Faith has been missing that heart that it had in Season 9, but I'm hoping that after the title characters have spent some time apart, they'll eventually find their way back to one another. They can pull in the other stray dogs in the Buffyverse and have their own weird version of the Scooby Gang. In many ways, this season of Angel & Faith is reminding me of last season of Buffy, in which the main character was struggling to find her purpose in a new status quo. With luck, these two will find their stride heading into the next arc.

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Angel & Faith Season 9 #19

Mar 19, 2013

The current arc, Death and Consequences, wraps up this month.  Angel's quest to resurrect Giles takes some major leaps forward but they don't come cheap.  It's only a matter of time before he runs himself ragged.  I don't know where the book will go after Eyghon, but I'm looking forward to finding out.  Angel & Faith is easily the stand out Buffy book.

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Angel & Faith Season 9 #22

Jun 15, 2013

This issue also sets up the season finale with Angel's forces preparing to battle Whistler, Pearl, and Nash, and prevent a magical apocalypse. I've said it several times before, but Angel & Faith is so much more exciting and interesting to read than the main Buffy book this season. This is where the action is. This is what matters. Whether or not Buffy can hold down a job at a coffee shop pales in comparison to the life and death struggles that these characters are about to go through.

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Angel (2019) #1

Jun 12, 2019

Angel is back and better than ever. He's seamlessly brought into this day and age with a new, refreshing take. It's safe to say that BOOM! Studios has another hit on its hands. Most importantly, it's also new-reader friendly. If you're not familiar with Angel from his TV show, you can still jump right into this series and pick up on everything. This is more like a re-imagining than a continuation of the show.

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Angel (2019) #2

Jul 6, 2019

There's still a fair amount of brooding in Angel, of course. That's a key part of the character after all. It's balanced out by this unsettling story and an increasing cast of supporting characters. Writer Bryan Edward Hill is crafting not just a great Angel story, but a great supernatural story. Anyone can pick this book up and dig right in...or I guess I could go for the pun and say they can sink their teeth in. In any case, this is super accessible and entertaining. It's a solid vampire detective book.

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Angel (2019) #12

Aug 4, 2020

While the Hellmouth crossover event is every bit as epic as it set out to be, Angel & Spike really shines in these closer, personal stories. We get to the heart of these characters and what connects them. As dysfunctional as this group can be, they're still going to stick together and fight for one another, even if what binds them together is still fresh. This has set out on its own path separate from the TV show it's based on and it is better for it. These is a unique story full of possibilities.

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Angel (2019) #14

Sep 26, 2020

This is a bold step for this series and I am excited to see where it goes next. Angel & Spike has been able to take what made the TV show so great and modernize it without losing any of the core essence. It's moody and eerie with a pinch of humor. In short, it's fun and well worth checking out.

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Angel Season 11 #3

Mar 25, 2017

Since Dark Horse began running two series with every season of Buffy, there's usually been one good and one lackluster book every season. It flip flops between the two. This time around, Angel is on the low end with a story that, while full of action, doesn't accomplish much in the way of character development or interest.

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Angel Season 11 #7

Jul 19, 2017

Angel Season 11 is a run-of-the-mill swashbuckling story, but lacks the signature wit and gravitas that we've come to expect from the Buffy universe. It doesn't live up to the name. You could change the names of the characters and it would be a generic story with pirates and zombies. I have to wonder where this is going and what ramifications " if any " it will have for Angel. Right now, it doesn't look like much and we're past the halfway mark.

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Animosity #2

Oct 6, 2016

Animosity presents a frightening reality that hinges on just one element being changed in our world. Talking animals have never been more terrifying.  If anything, it will cause you to be nicer to any creature, big or small, that you see, because if they do gain the ability to speak, they're going to have some choice words for you if you've wronged them.

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Anno Dracula 1895: Seven Days in Mayhem #1

Mar 22, 2017

Anno Dracula presents an intriguing premise that is off to a very slow start. I hope with the introductions out of the way, the book can pick up some speed and flesh out the characters a bit more as it has some great potential. At the bare minimum, it's exposed me to this series which I'll have to explore further with the novels to learn more about.

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Archie Vs Sharknado #1

Jul 28, 2015

Archie vs. Sharknado is the kind of comic where you know exactly what you're getting into when you pick it up. If you've even heard of the Sharknado franchise, you'll have an idea of what to expect. It's weird and silly and not to be taken seriously at all, but ultimately it comes across as lackluster. Having this title come out so soon after the recently wrapped Archie vs. Predator series probably hurt it too, as we've just seen a similar but far more interesting gorefest over in that book.

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Archie vs. Predator #1

Apr 15, 2015

Archie vs. Predator is a very fun comic.  If you've ever wanted to see these beloved characters get torn limb from limb, then look no further.  This is only just beginning.  Place your bets as to which member of the Riverdale folks will get eviscerated by the Predator.  Oh!  I almost forgot!  This comic contains the line "I'm a gosh-darn sexual Tyrannosaur", so shut up and give Dark Horse your money.

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Archie vs. Predator #2

May 30, 2015

Archie vs. Predator is the most fun you'll have reading a comic.  If you have even a passing knowledge of these characters, you'll find a lot to enjoy here.  If you hate them and want to see them all die, you're going to absolutely love it.  Alex de Campi pulls no punches with the mayhem raining down on Riverdale and coupled with Fernando Ruiz's artwork, it's a glorious thing to witness.

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Archie vs. Predator #4

Aug 1, 2015

Archie vs. Predator is a great comic for any fan of either franchise. I'm not fully up to speed on my Archie history. Fortunately, it's somewhat unnecessary to enjoy the comic. The characters aren't really cannon fodder, but they're also not delving into their extended histories. If you have any basic understanding as to who these people are, you'll be fine. At the very least, you can enjoy watching them literally get ripped to shreds by this alien warrior in increasingly elaborate and hilarious ways, leading up to an ending that's perfect in its strange nature.

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Army of Darkness Vol. 4 #1

Dec 7, 2014

This is a comic relaunch I can get behind. It takes a great character and sends him to a place he does not belong, but skips over the tired "fish out of water" idea, instead focusing on the ridiculousness of the situation and playing it up to great effect. It pokes fun at the sci-fi genre, while also paying homage to it. Army of Darkness is an all-around fun comic that delivers laughs, scares, and a hint of nostalgia.

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Army of Darkness: Furious Road #5

Jul 17, 2016

Army of Darkness: Furious Road takes a moment to catch its breath before heading into the final chapter.  Instead of setting up for a large battle, it packs in a ton of needless background information about a number of the characters that bogs down the book.  At the end of the day, if you're a hardcore Army of Darkness fan, you'll probably find something to enjoy here.  If you're just a casual fan, you will have a tougher time.

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Artifacts #25

Mar 17, 2013

Artifacts continues to be an epic comic dealing with very real human emotions.  There are also giant monsters that would make the worms in Tremors cry.  Progeny is just getting started here, but it's looking to be a very painful journey for some of these characters.  Some things are unforgivable and others are just too despicable to even comprehend.  Jackie is walking a fine line between the two.

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Ash vs. The Army of Darkness #1

Jul 16, 2017

Ash vs. The Army of Darkness has an interesting premise, but feels like an old man trying way too hard to stay relevant.  It's like that meme of Steve Buscemi floating around from 30 Rock.  "Hello, fellow kids."  This is one step below a Looney Tunes cartoon.  It's a bummer because I really like this franchise and character.

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Ash vs. The Army of Darkness #2

Aug 9, 2017

There's a nice twist towards the end of the book that could have great effects for Ash's role as the Chosen One in the battle against the deadites. I'm very curious to see how this will play out. At the bare minimum, I hope that it provides a respite from the corny gags that have been peppered through the book so far. Ash vs. The Army of Darkness has the potential to do some cool and interesting stuff with the character.

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Athena Voltaire and the Volcano Goddess #1

Dec 16, 2016

Athena Voltaire and the Volcano Goddess is a great jumping on point for the character.  You get a quick breakdown of her life and what she's capable of without sitting through blocks of text explaining a backstory.  You don't need it here.  Just open the comic and enjoy.  If you like games like Uncharted or Tomb Raider, you'll dig this book.

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Autumnal #1

Sep 27, 2020

The Autumnal will get into your brain and stay there. It has a haunting quality to it that really shines. This first issue has a dynamite cliffhanger and cements the unsettling nature of the story in such a way that you will be dying to learn more. Do not miss this book.

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Autumnal #2

Nov 9, 2020

The Autumnal will engulf you. It seeps into your bones. The characters are so relatable that we have quickly become invested in their lives. This makes the dangers they face all the more harrowing. We're just getting started with this book, but it's already become one of my favorite comics of the year.

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Autumnal #4

Jan 20, 2021

The Autumnal hits with small-town horror in a big way. It shows how dark and tragic life out in the boonies can be and the lengths locals will go to protect this way of life, even with its heartbreak. Despite being born here, Kat is an outsider, so she sees this place for what is really is. That will undoubtedly put her in danger. It's clear we're just getting warmed up in this series and the scares are only getting bigger.

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Autumnal #6

Apr 28, 2021

The Autumnal is one of the most unsettling comics on the stands today. It will leave you on the edge of your seat as so many elements come together in a beautiful and terrifying manner. It's a tense book that's paying dividends in scares.

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Avengers (2016) #1.MU

Feb 8, 2017

Avengers #1.MU is an unnecessary tie-in to Monsters Unleashed.  If you're reading the main book, there is no reason for you to pick this one up.  You will not miss anything and you'll probably be thankful that you didn't have to drop five bucks on a comic that includes nearly the same pages you had in the main event book.  This isn't a knock against the creative team, as they did a fine job with some great artwork and characterization.  It's just that there's no real reason for this comic to exist aside from a cash grab.

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Avengers (2018) #22

Aug 19, 2019

Avengers is digging into some horror angles and Hell itself with this arc and I am here for it. This storyline looks like it's made for new and old Ghost Rider fans alike and I can't wait to see how this plays out. With all the terrifying monsters big and small the Avengers have taken on, there's no reason they can't also fight the underworld.

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Avengers (2018) #45

Apr 30, 2021

Avengers #45 serves as the bridge between King in Black and what's coming next for Earth's Mightiest Heroes. It's like a touch base for these characters to reset before heading into their next big adventure. The vampire angle is intriguing, especially with the history this title has with Dracula and even putting Blade on the team in the first place. I cannot wait to see this explored further, whether it's in this series or another.

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Avengers (2018): Halloween Special #1

Nov 12, 2018

I'm all for horror in super hero comics and the Avengers Halloween Special is a good first step in getting into the spookier side of the Marvel Universe. I would love to see these stories expanded upon, as each one is presented with so many possibilities. As mentioned above, they stop just when they're really getting started, so the comic leaves something to be desired. Hopefully that means we can get a sequel to this next year with some follow-ups or maybe even a spinoff one-shot or mini-series. Fingers crossed.

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Babyteeth #1

Jun 8, 2017

Babyteeth is off to a helluva start. Cates writes characters that feel like actual people you've known all your life, then puts them into horrifying situations that would make any normal person break down. Coupled with Brown's artwork and Englert's colors, this is set to be an incredible series. If this is how the world ends, it's just beginning.

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Babyteeth #3

Aug 16, 2017

Babyteeth is damn good. It has been a consistently solid read since the first page of the first issue and shows no sign of stopping. This poor young girl is about to get wrapped up in pure evil and all we can do is watch. This issue builds to a monumental final page that ups the ante considerably.

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Babyteeth #4

Sep 15, 2017

Every issue of Babyteeth has pulled me in deeper and deeper and this one is no exception. It is a riveting story with real, relatable characters. This is what makes for powerful, pulse-pounding horror. It looks like it's just getting started and I cannot wait to see where it goes next.

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Babyteeth #5

Oct 21, 2017

This is the end of the first arc of Babyteeth. It will be the final chapter in the first trade paperback. If this is where the comic is starting, I cannot wait to see where it goes next. The creators have set up a compelling, unique story that grabs you from the jump with such a brilliant premise. What if a teenage girl gave birth to the Antichrist? We know that all that follows is bad news, but we don't know how we get there. That journey is full of possibilities and it's what is making Babyteeth one of the best comics of the year.

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Babyteeth #6

Nov 22, 2017

Babyteeth always leaves me wanting more. Each issue ends and I cannot wait for the next. It's a gripping read that is a testament to great storytelling. Just buy this book, OK? You will thank me later.

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Babyteeth #7

Jan 10, 2018

Babyteeth feels like it's moving at a breakneck pace now. We got through the introduction of the characters and the situation they're in. Now we're quickly flying forward and not missing a beat. This is hands down one of the best comics on the stands today.

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Babyteeth #8

Feb 19, 2018

This is the issue of Babyteeth that is not to be missed. Granted, every issue has been pretty great and you should be reading it if you like awesome comics. I mean that it is integral to the story, as there are a ton of revelations and some major movements in the plot. It's amazing to watch as characters start out one way and then slowly evolve into the complete opposite, flipping from a helpful ally to a horrifying enemy. This right here is one of the best single issues in recent memory. Babyteeth is firing on all cylinders with compelling characters and brilliant artwork. Damn, this is good.

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Babyteeth #9

Apr 5, 2018

Family is what elevates Babyteeth, making it such a tense and exciting comic every month. This shouldn't come as a surprise, as it's a definite strength of writer Donny Cates (see also Redneck and God Country). This character-driven drama is amplified by the over-the-top and relentless action these people find themselves in. I am continually amazed at the level of quality this comic displays. This is a top-tier book that everyone should be reading, horror fan or not. It's just so friggin' good.

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Babyteeth #10

May 2, 2018

Babyteeth's high level of quality is rivaled by few in horror comics outside of maybe Harrow County. The characters are so well defined and relatable, so seeing them go through such terrifying situations is riveting. Everyone should be reading this comic, not just horror fans.

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Babyteeth #12

Aug 23, 2018

Seriously guys, just go buy this comic. Buy it every month because Babyteeth is consistently one of the best comics out there. Where else are you going to read about a young girl and her Anti-Christ baby trapped in a hell dimension? You're not going to find that in Oprah's book club.

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Babyteeth #13

Nov 1, 2018

Babyteeth has been nothing short of incredible since it started. This issue does the impossible and takes it to even new heights. I seriously cannot believe how great this comic is and it's only getting better with each new chapter. Writer Donny Cates packs this book with so much heart and incredible character moments that propel it forward at a breakneck pace. We're so invested in Sadie's life and in the lives of those around her that we can make a jump to a place like the Red Realm without even batting an eye.

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Babyteeth #14

Jan 31, 2019

It can be tough to do such a text heavy issue, but the creative team pulls it off in a spectacular fashion. There is not a boring moment in this book, as I was glued to the page every step of the way. This is an incredible story that has some crazy twists and turns in this chapter. It builds to an impressive, jaw-dropping cliffhanger and I cannot wait for more. I don't know how many ways to tell you that Babyteeth is one of the best comics on the stands today. It seamlessly blends horror, comedy, drama, and more into this amazing package. Buy this book with confidence.

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Babyteeth #15

Aug 24, 2019

Babyteeth left me with my jaw on the floor with this issue. I cannot wait to see what comes next in this amazing series. It sets such a high bar in scares because of the time the creative team took to develop the characters. I read this book with anticipation and trepidation, as I'm worrying what will happen to Sadie and her loved ones. This poor girl just wants to raise her kid. Is it her fault that he's the Anti-Christ?

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Babyteeth #17

May 16, 2021

You know the story about the apocalypse, right? Four horsemen riding to destroy the world and all that? Well, Babyteeth puts that to shame. It changes the very idea of the Antichrist by going bigger and badder. That, coupled with the terrific character work, has made the wait for these last four issues of Babyteeth worth it. With the stage set, I can't wait to see how this story wraps up. I'm prepared for fire and brimstone, but I'm sure there will be some surprises along the way.

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Backstagers: Halloween Intermission #1

Nov 3, 2018

The Backstagers: Halloween Intermission isn't going to give you any nightmares any time soon, but it does serve as a solid and spooky holiday tie-in. It works like a Halloween episode of a sitcom with the same flow and humor throughout. I really hope this becomes a yearly tradition not only with The Backstagers, but with other comics as well.

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Baltimore: The Widow and the Tank #1

Feb 28, 2013

Baltimore isn't a character that jokes around.  He's very serious when it comes to vampire slaying.  His entire life is dedicated to finding Haigus and exterminating him.  Despite this one-track goal, his conscience constantly pulls him to help others and stop monsters that are lurking nearby.  In that respect, he's a reluctant hero but still somewhat noble.  This is what draws me to the character each time and leaves me wanting more.  I want to see Baltimore reach his goal and finally get some closure but all he knows is suffering so I don't think it will ever happen.

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Barbalien: Red Planet #1

Nov 24, 2020

Mark Markz struggles to figure out who he is on Earth, while in the future, he's imprisoned on Mars. How do these two timelines converge?

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Barbalien: Red Planet #2

Dec 21, 2020

Mark Markz wrestles with the conflicting aspects of his life as this fascinating character study continues.

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Barbalien: Red Planet #3

Jan 25, 2021

Mark Markz struggles with his identity and a Martian bounty hunter as this riveting character study continues. This comic resonates for everyone and should not be missed.

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Barbalien: Red Planet #5

Mar 31, 2021

The Black Hammer Universe always delivers and Barbalien: Red Planet is one of the most impressive entries in the line. This is an amazing character study about finding yourself shown through the lens of an alien from two worlds.

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Basilisk #1

Jun 15, 2021

Writer Cullen Bunn is laying the groundwork for Basilisk in this debut issue. There are obviously quite a few open questions, as we're just getting started, however there's more than enough to grab onto and pull you in for more. It's a supernatural take on a super hero mystery story and I'm here for it.

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Basketful of Heads #1

Nov 19, 2019

Basketful of Heads has demonstrated a huge amount of character development in its first issue. I feel like I've known Liam and June for ages instead of just a single chapter of their story. Again, this makes their imminent danger all the more impactful. I hit the final page of this comic with eyes wide and bated breath. More importantly, I'm begging for more, which is exactly the kind of feeling you should have when you hit the end of a comic like this.

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Basketful of Heads #2

Dec 20, 2019

Basketful of Heads is still gaining momentum. Even though we've had a beheading, it feels like the early climb of a roller coaster. This is getting traction and my enjoyment of the series is only growing. The characters are well defined in both the plot and the artwork and the story is riveting from beginning to end, not to mention how downright terrifying it is. This book is awesome.

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Basketful of Heads #7

May 30, 2020

Basketful of Heads shows that every town has its fair share of secrets. Things make look pristine and quaint on the surface, but that could be hiding sinister intentions ready to bubble up with one big storm or a swing of an ax. It's a bloody, tense ride made even more so with well-defined characters full of life...and a bit of death. This is easily one of the best horror comics of the year.

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Batman (2016) #7

Sep 23, 2016

Writers Steve Orlando and Tom King have brought a little slice of horror to Batman's world.  The Night of the Monster Men is just beginning and this is one exciting and creepy way to kick it off.  If this is how they start, I can't wait to see where they go next.  Plus, I mean, where else are you going to see the Dark Knight fight a giant baby?  Somehow I doubt that's going to be the story in the next movie.

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Batman (2016) #38

Jan 3, 2018

Batman already has one of, if not the best rogues galleries in comics. This issue adds another potential villain to the mix that is more chilling than most of the bad guys in that lineup. And yes, I understand that there's a guy in there literally called Mr. Freeze. You know I didn't mean chilling in that sense. Anyway, this is something that could give Batman pause, forcing him to rethink his actions both as a crime-fighting vigilante and as a billionaire playboy.

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Batman (2016) #88

Feb 16, 2020

Batman is embracing darkness like never before. There are many moving parts in the storyline so far as all of these elements begin to build and build. I'm full of anticipation as we see each piece come into place for this giant macabre picture. From the looks of things, we're just getting started.

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Batman (2016) #90

Mar 15, 2020

I was already all in on this latest iteration of Batman, but this issue just knocked my socks off. It works on so many levels, properly introducing us to the Designer, filling in some gaps in the timeline, making The Joker look just as terrifying as ever, and setting up the story in the present day, all wrapped in some of the best artwork you'll see on the stands today. This comic is awesome and I cannot wait for more.

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Batman (2016) #92

Jun 27, 2020

Batman has been a non-stop thrill ride since this arc began. It has continued to grow in size and scope. We're in the middle of the crazy roller coaster ride now, hurtling down steep drops and plunging into the unknown and I could not be more excited. The horror elements are blending perfectly with the super hero aspects to make a real powerhouse comic. This is awesome.

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Batman (2016) #94

Jul 18, 2020

This arc in Batman was unsettling to say the least. It has shook the Dark Knight to his core and now it prepares to put him through a gauntlet like never before. It's not just a solid super hero book. It's one full of terror at every turn from one of the most heinous villains ever to appear on the comic book page.

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Batman (2016) #96

Aug 10, 2020

"Joker War" is in full swing and chaos is reigning down upon Gotham City. This is a fantastic blend of action and horror that delivers on every front. Batman has been through some crazy battles before, but never like this.

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Batman (2016) #106

Mar 21, 2021

Batman #106 also features a backup story focused on Damian Wayne as he searches for his new place in this world. Writer Joshua Williamson, artist Gleb Melnikov, and letterer Troy Peteri show Batman's son venturing to Markovia to face his mother and battle the mysterious League of Lazarus. This is a great complement to the main story. I'm not entirely sold on Damian's new costume, but that mainly comes down to the mask, as it has these little ear flaps that kind of make his head look like a fish. The cloak and everything else looks great and it's even better in action.

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Batman (2016) #107

Apr 18, 2021

There's a lot going on in this book right now and it's absolutely riveting. With all this around to unpack, it's clear there's a ton in store for the Dark Knight and Gotham City. Starting off this next phase with the Scarecrow and the heightened tension of the city is a great choice. You really get the feeling that this place is a powder keg and that's the perfect place for fear to spread.

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Batman (2016) Annual #5

Jan 7, 2021

This issue could be Clownhunter's first steps towards redemption and dealing with the pure rage that has fueled his war on Joker and his goons up until this point. He's right in that these folks need to pay for their crimes, but does that mean with their lives? There's some introspective stuff at play in this issue and it's helped set this character apart in Tynion's run on the series so far. It's clear there's a lot more to Clownhunter and I'm very interested to see where he goes next.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #1

Sep 18, 2019

I thought the Batman Who Laughs mini-series brought horror into the world of the Justice League. That is small potatoes compared to Batman/Superman. This is a universe-spanning epic following the deranged methods of a murderous lunatic. The Dark Knight and the Man of Steel are already a few steps behind and will have to work extra hard to catch up.

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Batman / Superman (2019) #2

Oct 22, 2019

It's very clear that this is a dangerous game. With five other heroes out there as ticking time bombs, Batman and Superman have to keep this quiet. You know how secrets like this tend to go, right? It's what has to be done since they can't trust anyone. They could be playing right into the Batman Who Laughs' hands. This leads to some desperate measures from the heroes. You have to wonder how far the World's Finest are willing to take this. It could push them past the point of no return.

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Batman: Damned #1

Sep 25, 2018

If this is what we can expect from DC Black Label, sign me up for every book that's scheduled. Batman: Damned is a top-notch comic, providing something new for a character that's been around for decades and I'm not just talking about his junk. Batman must not only investigate the murder of his greatest enemy, but he has to rule himself out as a suspect. That's something he doesn't have enough evidence to do just yet, so the great detective soldiers on along a path of madness and the supernatural.

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Batman: Kings of Fear #1

Aug 28, 2018

It's been said that it's constantly night time in Gotham City. That's the tone you get from this place. The sun may never shine. That is certainly the vibe in Batman: Kings of Fear. There's a feeling of dread that comes through every page as Batman's evening gets worse and worse. We know that the Scarecrow is going to play a major part in this mini-series, so that will play up the horror angle considerably. Unfortunately, he's not in this issue all that much. It looks like that will definitely change in the near future, leading to some terror-filled adventures.

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Batman: Kings of Fear #3

Nov 5, 2018

Batman: Kings of Fear highlights one terror-filled night for the Caped Crusader. The Scarecrow is like his evil conscience, pointing out all his flaws and weaknesses along the way. There are times you want to see Batman just punch him right in his scrawny neck, but that could mean the death of a hostage and that can't be risked. It will make the Scarecrow's eventual comeuppance all the sweeter.

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Batman: Kings of Fear #4

Dec 12, 2018

Writer Scott Peterson is presenting an interesting dynamic between these two characters. I always knew the Scarecrow was a fierce foe in Batman's rogues gallery, but this book puts him on a new level of psychological horror. He literally brings the Dark Knight to his knees and he never even had to throw a punch.

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Batman: Last Knight on Earth #1

Jun 6, 2019

Comics mainly consist of the second act of a never-ending story. We've seen the beginning long ago and we rarely see an end. Batman: Last Knight on Earth feels like an end and it's an amazing one. With all that Bruce Wayne has been through, he deserves one epic sendoff and that's what this is. This is big, scary, and so very awesome. Plus, it's super accessible so anyone can jump in and enjoy, even if you only have a passing knowledge of Batman.

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Batman: Last Knight on Earth #2

Aug 10, 2019

Batman: Last Knight on Earth is a fascinating and exhilarating road trip through a broken and battered DC Universe. It simultaneously serves as a riveting standalone story as well as the culmination of the impressive run from Snyder and Capullo. Batman is forced to face his biggest failures, questioning his never-ending war on crime through a dark, horrific lens.

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Batman: Three Jokers (2020) #2

Oct 15, 2020

Ultimately, Batman: Three Jokers tries to tie together aspects of the origins of these characters in a way to make some cool connections, but feels way too forced. It's ok to have some unanswered questions. If you spell it all out, it will never live up to that mystery that's been built up for decades.

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Batman: Who Laughs #1

Nov 22, 2017

There's a part of every comic fan that thinks it would be cool to see Batman take out everyone in the DC Universe, proving he's the ultimate badass. His fight against Superman in The Dark Knight Returns is an absolute classic. The Batman Who Laughs is a horrifying take on that idea. It pushes the Caped Crusader past all limits and into true super villain territory. After seeing a comic like this, the DC Universe must hope and pray that Batman never goes through such a life-shattering experience. Someone should be assigned to hug him at least once a day.

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Beasts of Burden: The Presence Of Others #2

Jun 15, 2019

Every time a new Beasts of Burden comes out, I'm reminded of how great this comic is and how I desperately want more. Writer Evan Dorkin crafts a well-paced, frightening tale starring animals that are more human than most people. The Presence of Others is a great read that feels like the beginning of something more. I certainly hope that's the case.

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Beautiful Canvas #1

Jun 29, 2017

Beautiful Canvas is a book that will surprise you.  It's a testament to a creative team that works well together, bringing out the best in one another.  This is a great mix of crime, action, and drama with compelling characters and jaw-dropping artwork.  Buy this book.

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Bedtime Games #1

Jul 3, 2018

Avery, Owen, and Jamie don't check off boxes in a stereotypical horror story trope list. They're unique individuals with interesting qualities, making them more relatable, which in turn makes us more invested in their lives (and hopefully not deaths). This solid character development elevates the story and the scares contained within. Bedtime Games reminds me of a good Stephen King tale. Here are three kids who set out on an adventure and end up with something very different.

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Bedtime Games #3

Sep 3, 2018

In my review for the first issue, I pointed out how much Bedtime Games reminds me of Stephen King's work. That is definitely still the case here, if not more so. Writer Nick Keller is crafting a story that will get under your skin. It's a compelling and chilling tale that speaks to the curious child in all of us.

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Belle: Beast Hunter #1

Jan 18, 2018

Belle: Beast Hunter is like Batman crossed with the B.P.R.D. The title character has a plethora of gadgets and gizmos at her disposal, plus years of training. She'll have to put all of those to the test as a monster-filled conspiracy is beginning to play out around her. This first issue hits the ground running by quickly introducing Belle and her world.

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Belle: Beast Hunter #2

Feb 27, 2018

Belle's introduction is enough to get a good understanding of the character and pull you in. We get a glimpse of what she's truly capable of here, especially since all of her bells and whistles have been stripped away. Belle: Beast Hunter is a great addition to Zenescope's line of female adventurers, such as Robyn Hood and Van Helsing. You have to admire a woman who can wield an ax like this.

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Bettie Page: Unbound #2

Jul 27, 2019

Bettie Page: Unbound is a fun trip through the heroines from Dynamite Entertainment. We've seen Red Sonja and now Vampirella with more to come. This one plays with the horror genre, turning it on its ear and playing with the aspects of the genre we love. Bettie has an infectious enthusiasm about this adventure, so it's easy to get wrapped up in this, even when she's drinking blood.

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Big Girls #2

Sep 27, 2020

You might pick up Big Girls for the kaiju action, but you'll stay for the intriguing characters and fascinating world. Creator Jason Howard raises some great questions about what's right and the lengths some will go to protect themselves. This is the Godzilla-like story I've always wanted.

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Big Girls #3

Oct 28, 2020

It's clear that Ember's doubts are not unusual, as there's an underground resistance of sorts that's picking up steam. Some of this is explored in Big Girls #3, adding another layer to this ever-growing story. The Preserve are definitely painted as the oppressive regime, the evil empire if you will. How far does this go? And what lengths will Ember and the resistance go to put a stop to it? Perhaps more importantly, what price will they pay? This is the kaiju-sized action comic I need in my life.

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Big Trouble In Little China #1

Jun 8, 2014

Big Trouble in Little China jumps right into the action.  I didn't think I wanted a sequel to the 1986 film, but after reading this issue, I realized that I was wrong.  I want to see what other hijinks Jack Burton is going to get into and it looks like Carpenter and Powell are ready to deliver. 

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Birthright #1

Oct 22, 2014

Birthright is a damn near perfect comic book. It packs an emotional punch and instantly creates a world that I want to explore with countless additional chapters. Williamson puts a great spin on an old classic, looking at it from a different angle that casts the fun adventure films of my youth in a whole new light. Plus, there is one helluva cliffhanger that will have you begging for the next issue.

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Birthright #2

Nov 10, 2014

Birthright continues with a uniquely human spin on a tried and true fantasy element. It's dark at times but also emotional, as this family is turned upside down by the sudden reappearance of their young son whom they had presumed dead. Now their boy is a muscular warrior that has returned to our world literally haunted by a force of evil.

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Birthright #10

Aug 27, 2015

Birthright manages to mix emotional family drama with incredible action and an epic fantasy world.  It's a damn good story with gorgeous artwork.  There's so much heart contained within these pages, which makes the characters' adventures that much harder to witness.  I've become attached to these people and I'm truly concerned for what the future holds for them, as the forecast is rather dark.

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Birthright #17

Jul 19, 2016

Birthright is a dynamite story about family wrapped in an epic fantasy adventure with creatures ripped right out of a horror movie.  Writer Joshua Williamson can make even a seemingly hospitable conversation between two old friends appear tense and full of excitement.  Old grudges and disagreements bubble up to the surface, as they know just how to piss the other off.  All the while, it might not even matter if pure evil escapes.

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Birthright #46

Feb 16, 2021

The epilogue of this epic fantasy series begins and it's full of just as much emotion and family as ever. With the God King Lore defeated, what's next for Mikey?

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Birthright #47

Mar 15, 2021

You can't go to war with a fantasy realm without having at least a little trauma. Mikey and Boomer share a drink and some stories as Birthright approaches its grand finale.

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Birthright #48

Apr 19, 2021

Mikey and Brennan finally reconnect and get a moment to grieve after all they've lost. The bombastic magical action scenes are matched with somber emotional beats.

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Bitch Planet #1

Dec 11, 2014

Just when you think you've figured out Bitch Planet, writer Kelly Sue DeConnick turns the tables on you. This issue builds up to a top-notch ending that will have you re-examining how you view the story. It's far from your typical women-in-prison comic. There's weight to it. There's a message here but it's not preachy. You don't come out of it feeling bad for yourself, but you might think twice before making that cat call.

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Bitter Root #1

Nov 27, 2018

Bitter Root brings something new to the idea of a monster hunter. While we've seen things like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural, this is an entirely unique spin. It's filled with fleshed-out characters, gorgeous artwork, and an incredible mythos. The creators are building towards something big, moving multiple pieces onto the board at once. We're just getting started too as we've barely scratched the surface as to the overall story just yet.

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Bitter Root #2

Jan 3, 2019

Bitter Root grows by leaps and bounds with this issue. This is a world that feels lived in, with deeply rooted lore. It has a ton of potential with an infinite amount of story possibilities. This one is already pretty exciting and we're only just getting started. This is most definitely a comic to watch. Do not miss it.

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Bitter Root #4

Mar 5, 2019

Bitter Root takes some twists and turns by the end of this issue, upping the ante considerably. This is not just a family hunting monsters. We're talking end of the world here. It will be interesting to see how the rival factions of the Sangeryes work together to combat this threat.

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Bitter Root #7

Mar 29, 2020

Bitter Root blew my mind with this issue, firmly establishing the landscape and mythos around it. This is much more than just a monster-hunting family. This provides a deep look at hatred, what it means, and how it's linked to pain. It's a fascinating look at the human psyche mixed with some great horror elements.

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Bitter Root: Red Summer Special #1

Jul 25, 2019

While I love this collection, I would have been equally satisfied if each of these stories appeared as backups in the main series. The anthology serves to further establish the vast mythos at work, however it's not very accessible to new readers. That being said, if you're even casually interested in this series this offers a good primer as to what to expect, along with a nice variety of impressive artwork. It's like a sampler for you to get psyched for what I hope is a second volume coming soon.

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Black Betty #1

Feb 23, 2018

Black Betty is off to a nice start with just the right amount of intrigue. At its center is a compelling character that we don't know a lot about yet. This is not her origin story. We're dropped into her world and we get up to speed pretty quickly. We don't need to know how she got to this point right now. We can enjoy how effective she is at fighting monsters.

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Black Betty #2

Mar 14, 2018

Black Betty is a badass monster fighter that just won't quit. She's not bogged down by personal drama or an annoying supporting cast. (I'm looking at you, Buffy.) This issue shows her take down a creature twice her size without missing a beat. This series is shaping up to be pretty friggin' cool.

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Black Betty #4

Jun 17, 2018

In the scheme of things, I didn't need an origin story for Black Betty, as writer Shawn Gabborin dropped us into her world with deft precision. That being said, this issue really rounds out the character and makes her more relatable and sympathetic. She can fight all these monsters for the rest of her life, but she can never undo that first time. It shows how she's distanced herself from other people, more for their safety than anything else. Black Betty is in a whole new class of monster hunters.

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Black Betty #6

Dec 14, 2018

I'm hoping now that Black Betty has secured her financing, we can get to the monster fighting. After an ominous and frightening opening, this issue meanders quite a bit. Writer Shawn Gabborin leaves off with a great cliffhanger that gives us a glimpse as to what might be pulling the strings in Edgecliff. Hopefully Betty has been paid enough to deal with it. Otherwise that deaf kid is on his own.

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Black Betty #7

Jan 14, 2019

I'm very curious to see how the twist ending of this issue will play out. This is a frantic ride through a town filled with murderous people. Every turn Betty takes could be her last and she has to stay one step ahead of all of them if she wants to stay alive. The overall tone of this issue has the same feeling as Supernatural, which is definitely not a bad thing.

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Black Cat (2020) #2

Feb 11, 2021

Reading Black Cat #2 made me realize how much we need a horror heist movie. Has that ever happened? This King in Black tie-in mixes the fun of Black Cat's heists with the horrors of Knull's invasion. It shows that this event isn't all doom and gloom.

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Black Friday #1

Feb 28, 2021

Anyone that's worked in retail has their own fair share of horror stories. Black Friday takes those to the extreme with a terrifying idea lurking just beneath the floor tiles and florescent lights. It will certainly have you thinking twice before taking that next trip out to the store.

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Black Hammer: Visions #1

Feb 16, 2021

All of the heroes of the Black Hammer Universe are a bit tragic, but Golden Gail is more tragic than most. Learn the story of the hero trapped in the body of a young girl that's just as moving and poignant as ever.

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Black Hammer: Visions #2

Mar 16, 2021

I've seen enough horror movies to know that nothing good comes out of a trip to the woods. Black Hammer: Visions #2 provides yet another reason to stay indoors. You never know when you might stumble across a mysterious cabin and get sucked into different worlds. Horror comes to the Black Hammer Universe.

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Black Hammer: Visions #3

Apr 15, 2021

Getting older is never easy and it's even tougher for Abraham Slam when a young upstart takes on his super hero persona. He can't swing as hard as he used to, but that doesn't mean he's not a hero.

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Black Magick #6

Jul 5, 2017

Black Magick may have taken a break from the current story to provide some background on the main character, however it doesn't come across as a history lesson.  It doesn't even lose much in the way of momentum.  If anything, it has the opposite effect, making us care more about Rowan and her life so that when Rucka and Scott come back with the next issue, we'll be even more emotionally invested with her.  This is how you do great character work which in turn, translates to compelling horror.

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Black Stars Above #1

Dec 4, 2019

This whole sequence is some top notch horror. Since we've become so deeply invested in Eulalie's life by this point, seeing her in possible danger is incredibly frightening. I was clenching my fists between pages as something began lurking outside her tent. I have no idea what could be coming for this poor girl, but I'm terrified of the possibilities. Do not sleep on Black Stars Above.

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Black Stars Above #5

Mar 29, 2020

There is something truly terrifying within Black Stars Above. The unsettling tone is unmatched and I'm still cringing a bit at some of the moments within. That being said, I'm not entirely sure what I just read and will definitely have to peruse this book again from start to finish to take another crack at it. It's a surreal reading experience.

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Blackbird #1

Oct 27, 2018

Although Blackbird is more in the fantasy aisle than horror, there are a number of spooky and unsettling elements to the story that make it worth checking out. Nina's life is at times unbelievable and frightening as she struggles to deal with the terrors of what is lurking beneath the surface of our world. The idea that something sinister is happening right under our noses is a chilling one.

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Blackwood: The Mourning After #1

Feb 16, 2020

Blackwood: The Mourning After picks up right where the previous story left off. I'd say that it hasn't missed a beat, but that would be doing it a disservice. It's building on everything that's come before with some massive expansions, even more scares, and some dynamite artwork.

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Blackwood #1

May 30, 2018

Blackwood is like Harry Potter mixed with Deadly Class. It keeps all the supernatural elements and ups the danger factor considerably. If this is just a taste of what this series has to offer, I'm very excited to see where the creators take it next. It's a well-rounded horror book.

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Blackwood #2

Jul 8, 2018

The creepiness of Blackwood goes up considerably in this issue. There's something terrifying lurking behind every turn and I have no idea what to expect next. Writer Evan Dorkin is crafting a non-stop ride of horror as these students literally descend into the bowels of the school to find even more frightening artifacts. A monster dean is one thing, but that is just the start. Now we've got so much more, including a two-headed mummy monkey. I'm going to write that out again because that was a lot of fun. Two-headed mummy monkey. Let's see the Boy Who Lived do something about that.

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Blackwood #4

Sep 11, 2018

Blackwood is a fun read with some great characters, deep mythos, and awesome artwork. Unfortunately, it feels like it ends right when it really starts to get going. This is maybe the first few days of this new class and they've already been through so much. Imagine what the rest of the school year could entail.

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Blood & Gourd #1

Sep 28, 2015

Blood & Gourd is the kind of comic where you kind of know what you're getting into from the jump.  It's a crazy story about pumpkins attacking human beings in increasingly violent and vicious ways.  The humans don't take this sitting down and are quick to go on the defensive, taking the fight right back to those pesky gourds.  If like me, you're tired of all this pumpkin flavored crap that comes out every fall, this book is for you.

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Blood and Dust #1

Aug 10, 2016

Judd Glenny is a character capable of standing toe-to-toe with the legends of the vampire genre. I'd love to see him make Dracula sit down with a glare. He's a great person to build a story around and there's a helluva tale coming here. This is an ideal first issue, as it introduces mystery and intrigue in such a way that will have you begging for more. The final page is easily one of the most badass images you'll see all year.

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Blood and Dust #2

Sep 16, 2016

Blood & Dust takes an epic leap forward with this issue and works to redefine how vampires are seen in comics since 30 Days of Night.  This is not a Dracula or Twilight-esque bloodsucker.  You might compare it to True Blood in the Southern setting, but that's where the similarities end.  Here is a man who wants to do right by his family.  It just so happens that he has to drink blood to do that.  He's got a code and he lives... or un-lives by it.

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Blood Bowl: More Guts, More Glory! #1

Jun 4, 2017

Blood Bowl is based on a popular board game that I have no experience with. You don't need that in order to enjoy this comic. It's like Space Jam, but instead of a team of cartoons going up against a team of awkward monsters, it's a rough group of humans (one of which has a hook for a hand) against snarling beasts capable of ripping out a man's throat. Oh, and it's football instead of basketball. OK, I'm not that good at comparisons like this. In any case, if you've ever watched a sports movie and wanted it to include orcs, giants, or other assorted monsters instead of some rich blonde kid from the '80s, Blood Bowl is for you.

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Blood Brothers #1

Mar 21, 2014

Blood Brothers is a downright fun comic.  The stakes (DO YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE?!  HAR HAR!) are high, but it never feels like things are out of control because you're along for the ride with Nick and Tree.  I could easily see this turned into a feature film.  It would work so well, as it's a smart and funny take on the vampire genre.  Get on that, Hollywood.

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Blood Brothers #2

Aug 24, 2013

Blood Brothers is a fun comic about vampires.  Gagerman and Waller could have parodied countless bloodsucking stories out there.  Instead they've created an original, humorous tale about two buddies that have been partying non-stop for years.  They just happen to need blood to survive.  It should come as no surprise that this comic has already been optioned for a big screen release.  This is the kind of stuff I hope to see more of.

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Blossoms 666 #1

Feb 2, 2019

Blossoms 666 is a slow burn in the same vein as The Exorcist. It has a constant feeling of dread through every page. While the scares are light in this debut issue, it is one of the most riveting openers in recent memory. Writer Cullen Bunn pulls us into this creepy version of Riverdale and I am transfixed by what might come next. Archie Comics has been on a roll with its horror line and Blossoms 666 is sure to be another hit.

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Blossoms 666 #2

Mar 23, 2019

This is the kind of expert pacing that writer Cullen Bunn can deliver. The guy knows a thing or two about horror comics and Blossoms 666 is another solid book. It helps that we're so familiar with these characters, but that's only part of it. This would be a gripping read on its own. Adding Archie and the gang only elevates the terror.

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Bone Parish #2

Sep 1, 2018

Bone Parish is like a paranormal version of The Wire. Instead of Stringer Bell and Avon Barksdale, we've got the Winters family, struggling to keep up with an ever-increasing demand while rival gangs start to hone in on their turf and the feds are circling like vultures. Writer Cullen Bunn is delivering a solid crime story that is amplified by the chilling horror angle.

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Bone Parish #4

Nov 14, 2018

Bone Parish works on many levels. It's a touching family story dealing with loss and a Breaking Bad-esque tale of drug dealing mixed with some truly unsettling horror that will stay with you long after you put the book down. This issue serves as a conclusion, but also as a first step for the Winters into a bold new era. They're making their mark and it's going to have some major repercussions.

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Bone Parish #5

Jan 7, 2019

Bone Parish has already established itself as a creepy supernatural comic. What sets it apart is how well developed the characters are and how invested we are in their lives. This is a low key chapter that's packed with a sense of foreboding. The Winters have already been through so much and their lives are not going to get any easier any time soon.

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Bone Parish #6

Feb 14, 2019

This is just part of the fun of Bone Parish. You'll have segments like that one moment and powerful dramatic scenes like something out of The Sopranos or The Wire the next. Writer Cullen Bunn is spinning many plates to push the overall narrative forward. Each character gets some time in the spotlight and every single one of these threads is riveting.

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Bone Parish #8

Apr 6, 2019

Bone Parish was already a compelling read, but the past few issues have really taken it to a new level. This is a top-notch thriller mixed with riveting family drama with a supernatural thread weaved through every inch of it. It's seamlessly blending multiple genres into an eye-popping comic that will leave you begging for more.

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Book Of Death #1

Jul 22, 2015

Book of Death is rife with possibilities.  It's an event book that carries the gravitas that most tout but rarely deliver.  You get the sense that the status quo is about to change in a way that actually matters.  This isn't a situation where a character will get a new costume for a little while and then everything will go back to normal.  It's going to be tough to come back from some of this, and things are going to get a lot bloodier before it's through.

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Book Of Death #4

Nov 1, 2015

Although Book of Death has been filled with an ominous terror throughout its run, this issue is packed with heart.  It's an inspiration to see how far someone will go to do the right thing.  It has similarities in tone and theme to Hellboy: The Storm and The Fury, which certainly puts it in good company.  It's the kind of book that I wish more event comics strived to be.  This is a self-contained, easily accessible story that holds deep, meaningful ramifications for the entire Valiant Universe that will take it into an entirely new phase.  It hits like a punch to the gut and pulls at all the feels.  This is a solid read and easily one of the best books of the year.

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Books of Magic (2018) #3

Jan 13, 2019

Books of Magic gives us a man-on-the-street entry point into the Sandman Universe. Tim is an average, awkward kid, just like so many of us, so seeing him suddenly get caught up in the wide world of magic with all of its risks and consequences is riveting. He could save the world or destroy it and that will all be dictated by where he goes next.

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Books of Magic (2018) #15

Jan 17, 2020

Books of Magic is a harrowing read as Tim is on a razor's edge. On one side is untold levels of greatness for the world...and on the other is its utter destruction. This tension is a driving force in the book and it's absolutely riveting.

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Border Town #1

Sep 11, 2018

Border Town is off to a tremendous start. It's established the main characters and thrown them into utter chaos thanks to an encounter with an insane and frightening monster. This issue closes out with a jaw-dropping image giving us an idea of the caliber of supernatural creatures we can expect from the rest of the series. Plus, eagle-eyed DC fans will find several references to other properties like Sandman, Wonder Woman, and more, so you get a fun Easter Egg hunt as a bonus to all the terror.

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Border Town #3

Nov 10, 2018

Border Town is equal parts terrifying and relevant. Comics have long been a vehicle for exploring political issues and this one delves into racism in a way that really puts things in perspective. I realize I'm far from an expert with that, as I'm a white man, however there are several eye-opening scenes in this issue that show just how frightening the real world can be for people with a different skin color. It's saying something when the monsters aren't the scariest thing featured.

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Breathless #1

Apr 2, 2018

Although the full story is still taking shape, there's more than enough in Breathless #1 to pull you in. The characters are well developed and the artwork is incredible. Shand does a brilliant job of dropping you into this world and quickly establishing the rules around it. This is a horror comic to watch.

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Breathless #2

May 5, 2018

Breathless delivers a healthy mix of real world terror and crazy monsters. At its center is a smart, badass woman who is ready for a fight. She's been battling her own body her entire life, so she's used to a struggle. These big pharma executives don't know what they're up against.

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Breathless #4

Sep 12, 2018

Breathless brings up some great points and drops us into a world of possibilities. This final issue wraps things up a little too quickly. I would have liked a little more space to flesh this out, although as it stands, we do get a complete story. The status quo is shifted greatly by the end of this tale and it's something I'd love to see explored further. Just imagine what other monsters are out there and how they can be incorporated into this crazy world.

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Britannia (2016) #1

Sep 26, 2016

Britannia shows the brutality of Ancient Rome with a supernatural twist.  If I learned about this kind of stuff in history class, I would have paid a lot more attention.  Of course, if my teachers had taught this, they would all be fired.  This book is worth reading for Juan Jose Ryp's artwork alone.  It is finely detailed with an energy that is unparalleled in the industry today.

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Britannia (2016) #3

Nov 17, 2016

Britannia carries a constant feeling of dread as Antonius Axia heads down the path of madness.  He may find out who's killing these Roman soldiers, but he'll be driven insane as a result.  This book is worth reading for Juan Jose Ryp's artwork alone.  He's one of the best in the business and way too underrated right now.

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Broken Moon #1

Sep 17, 2015

Broken Moon presents a dark version of the future for those living in it and a pretty awesome one for anyone reading that loves monsters. I can't wait to see what other creatures the creative team has in store for the rest of the series. Will these beasts learn to live in peace with some sort of monster version of the United Nations? Or will they squander it all like we did?

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Broken Moon: Legends of the Deep #2

Dec 14, 2016

The one drawback to Legends of the Deep is that it doesn't stand entirely on its own.  You can make your way through it, but if you haven't read the first Broken Moon series, you will be missing a lot of context, especially towards the end of the issue.  This is an awesome and terrifying world that's clearly going to get worse before it gets better.  A small group of people have managed to survive and carve out some semblance of a life for themselves, despite overwhelming odds and the very real possibility that they'd be eaten by some form of monster.  Although there's a bevy of beasts, we see once again that humankind is capable of standing toe-to-toe with the likes of werewolves and mutant fish men when it comes to violence.  Go us?

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Broken World #1

Jun 20, 2015

Broken World tugs at the heartstrings as a woman faces the very real possibility that she'll be permanently separated from her family and there's not much she can do about it.  This isn't a matter of getting a divorce and moving across the country.  Her husband and son are heading into space and she may not be able to join them even as an asteroid descends on a collision course towards the planet.  This drama is played out with the backdrop of the end of the world in a tense ride.  It leads up to a final page that is entirely unexpected and will leave you screaming for more.

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Brothers Dracul #2

Jun 1, 2018

Brothers Dracul is a dark and violent journey through the life of one of the most evil men of yesteryear. It joins other AfterShock titles like Pestilence and Unholy Grail in a solid niche of historical horror, blending fact with fiction.

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Brothers Dracul #5

Sep 8, 2018

Brothers Dracul is another in a growing list of solid horror-themed historical fiction. It just feels like it left some stuff on the table. I hope that means that we'll get to see more from these characters soon, especially since the word "End" on the last page has a question mark after it. As it stands, their story is unfinished, but it leaves a bloody trail through the history books.

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Mar 8, 2021

Yes, Keanu Reeves co-wrote a comic book, but is it any good? An immortal man rampages through enemy soldiers for the bulk of the debut issue, filling the pages with blood and gore. Vandal Savage meets Wolverine with a bit of John Wick mixed in.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #1

Feb 5, 2019

A new Buffy series is going to come under a lot of scrutiny, as the TV show is near and dear to so many people. I'm happy to say that this book delivers on everything you know and love about the show and then some. It has the same witty dialogue, action-packed fight scenes, and fun characters, but with a fresh, new take. It's sure to delight new and old fans alike.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #2

Mar 8, 2019

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is off to a tremendous start. It's moving at a mile a minute, picking up all of our old favorites from the TV show and displaying them in a brand new light. This creates a renewed appreciation for all of them. It helps that the artwork is gorgeous and the story and dialogue can go toe-to-toe with some of the best from Joss Whedon. This is required reading for any Buffy fan.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #3

Mar 30, 2019

Buffy the Vampire Slayer has been getting better and better with each issue. The creative team is firing on all cylinders, delivering some fantastic work across the board. Even if you're only a casual fan of Buffy, you'll find a lot to enjoy about this series. Longtime fans will love this reimagining of the story and all the new elements that have been added in. It's poised to become something big.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #5

Jun 17, 2019

Buffy the Vampire Slayer continues to raise this franchise to new heights. It weaves through the main characters, pulling them together and tearing them apart. Every issue ends in a solid, jaw-dropping moment that will leave you begging for more. I hope this relaunch runs forever.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (2019) #6

Jul 23, 2019

Bellaire is building something special here and we're seeing the seeds of further elements planted in this issue. I am eager to see how this will play out and lead up to the first crossover between this series and Angel later this year with Hellmouth. This comic has reinvigorated my love for this franchise.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #15

May 31, 2015

The issue leads directly into another storyline that's bound to kick up some drama, especially on the "Spuffy" front. These characters are facing a dark evil unlike anything they've ever seen, and that's not the most interesting thing going on in the book. At this point I would read an entire issue where they were all just hanging out in their apartment building talking. Gage takes characters that we already cared about and reminds us why we liked them so much to begin with. This, coupled with Isaacs' terrific artwork, makes Buffy a must-read.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #29

Jul 26, 2016

Buffy Season 10 seems to be ending not with a bang, but a whimper. It's tough to sympathize with Buffy and the Scooby Gang because they brought all this on themselves. While it's been over a decade since the show went off the air, this comic is set only three years after the series finale. That would put these characters right in their mid-twenties and like most people in that age range, they're making poor life choices. Instead of backpacking across Europe to find themselves or getting a tattoo they'd regret later in life, the fate of the world hangs in the balance with these decisions.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #30

Aug 31, 2016

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 10 comes to a close with the characters in a happy place that hasn't been seen in ages. Maybe that's the issue with it. I'm used to Joss Whedon pulling the rug out from under us every time someone gets a little too comfortable with their life. From the looks of things, they're in no danger of that happening, even with Buffy and team taking on a new and exciting challenge.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #2

Dec 23, 2016

One of my main criticisms of Buffy Season 10 is that it seemed like the title character is stuck in an advanced adolescence, refusing to accept the responsibilities that come with being an adult. I'm happy to see that this season is off to a great start with the exact opposite. Buffy is grabbing hold of this problem with both hands, refusing to accept the new status quo. What makes things doubly challenging is that this enemy is not something that she can punch or stab. She's fighting the United States government while also possibly evil, is unlike any other opponent she's faced.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #4

Feb 18, 2017

As mentioned, Buffy Season 11 is delving into some very serious issues, showing how the government could react " or overreact " to a supernatural terrorist attack. Was a vampire responsible for the dragon that destroyed San Francisco? Probably not, but that's not going to stop them from being imprisoned along with any other non-human in the area. This book packs a political punch without banging the message over your head. It puts things into perspective.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #6

Apr 23, 2017

Buffy is more sure of herself than she's been in some time. Sure, she's saved the world a few times and has always been dedicated to the cause, but this is taking that to another level. It's also putting her in a completely new scenario. She's up against the government and not like she was in Season 3. It's a public thing now and the full force of all three branches are working against her. She has to fight an organization, not a big monster. She can't just punch it in the face and be done with it. This requires planning and strategy, tact and brilliance. That's coming through in spades and it's so very exciting. This is a must read for any Buffy fan.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #8

Jun 21, 2017

This season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer has been absolutely stellar. It's one of the best yet, with a compelling story, gorgeous artwork, and undeniable excitement. Every single chapter ups the ante and shows just what made this series so special.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #10

Sep 2, 2017

Buffy Season 11 is approaching its final chapters and we're going deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. The Scoobies are digging into a conspiracy that goes to the top of the government and puts the entire supernatural community at risk from casual Wiccans and slayers to vampires and demons. We don't yet know who was behind the attack on San Francisco that started this whole mess, but I'm sure it will be uncovered soon. From the look of determination from Buffy and crew, I almost feel sorry for whoever"or whatever it is.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #11

Oct 11, 2017

Buffy Season 11 delivers a final battle that's right up there with the classic showdowns of the series. The reveal of the Big Bad's identity falls a little flat, but it's made up for with the action movie-level fight scenes that follow it. There's one chapter left in this season and I cannot wait to see how it's going to wrap up.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike: Into the Light #1

Jul 19, 2014

Spike: Into the Light offers a brief look into the life of a fan favorite character from the Buffy franchise. This graphic novel exists between episodes of the TV show, providing you with some more development as Spike learns to be a good guy. He's still the anti-hero that we all know and love, but he's not going to bust into a local store to steal or ruthlessly kill someone to satisfy his hunger.

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Burning Fields #1

Jan 22, 2015

Burning Fields has a few more moving parts than the creative team's previous project, Curse, but the strong character development is the same. These are people that you can instantly identify with. You'll find yourself wondering what you would do in a similar situation. They're underdogs and they're about to come into contact with something dark and evil. The bulk of the issue is spent giving you an idea of who these characters are, with some strong indications of the horror that is lurking just below the surface. This is an impressive first issue that hits the ground running with blood-curdling imagery.

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Burnouts #2

Nov 8, 2018

Burnouts is a downright fun comic. It borders on absurd as it mixes two genres that I'd never thought would go together and comes out with something truly fantastic. I never knew I needed a teen comedy / alien thriller, but now that I have one, I don't know what I did without it for so long.

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Burnouts #4

Jan 1, 2019

Burnouts is as fun as it is unpredictable. Who do you trust when everyone you meet could be secretly possessed by an alien? Writer Dennis Culver brings a ton of heart to this issue while maintaining the same level of humor and horror. This is a breakout book.

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Cannibal #1

Oct 7, 2016

Although I made comparisons to zombies throughout this review, understand that Cannibal is far more terrifying than that tired genre.  It's almost akin to the werewolf in that the infected has no control over his or her actions once they've contracted the virus.  They're forced to watch as they commit these monstrous actions, powerless to do anything but satisfy their hunger for human flesh, no matter what the cost.  This is southern brewed horror with a dose of heartbreak.

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Carnage: Black, White & Blood #3

May 3, 2021

Carnage: Black, White & Blood is a solid anthology through and through. Its focus on such a terrifying character makes for some crazy stories and this issue is a perfect example of that. I hope we get to see much more of these kind of books in the near future as the Marvel Universe embraces horror.

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Centipede #2

Aug 9, 2017

Centipede is an impressive expansion to the classic video game.  Most folks probably didn't think twice about what the story behind the game could have been while they were popping quarters into the arcade machine.  Here we've got a gripping tale of the last man on earth and his epic struggle against the giant flying centipede that tortures his mind, body, and soul.

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Centipede #5

Dec 28, 2017

On the surface, Centipede is about one man's quest to rid the world of the giant monster that's destroyed humanity. It could have been just that with some great visuals and occasional gags. Instead, it does something more, taking you on a crazy ride that's part psychedelic and part pure insanity. It's way more than just an Atari game now.

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Chainsaw Man #1

Sep 22, 2020

Chainsaw Man introduces us to a world of monsters, forcing its main character to become one in order to live there. It has a tremendous amount of potential if it can avoid the groan-worthy juvenile humor it seems to divert so much attention to.

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Chainsaw Man #3

Feb 15, 2021

Up until now, Chainsaw Man has been playful with pieces of gore thrown in. It's about this fun-loving guy who turns into a chainsaw creature and tears through demons. Fujimoto pulls the rug out from under us with this volume, showing the real stakes for these characters and what they must be willing to do to keep the world safe. It's a major step up for the series.

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Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #1

Dec 21, 2020

The Super Sons are back with a new pint-sized adventure! What kind of hijinks will the son of Superman and the son of Batman get into next?

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Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #3

Dec 31, 2020

The Doom Scroll picks Wonder Woman as its next target and the Super Sons must save her life before time runs out!

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Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #5

Jan 14, 2021

Rora stands revealed, but that giant monster is more pressing at the moment. The next generation of the World's Finest continue to try and figure things out in this gorgeous digital-first issue.

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Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) #7

Jan 27, 2021

Vandal Savage has waited 5,000 years to fight the Super Sons and he's kind of pissed. He's never fought someone like these two though. The boys' time-traveling adventures continue in this latest chapter.

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Chastity #1

Jul 11, 2014

Chastity is getting off to a slow start.  I would have preferred more time spent on the vampire element and less on the boring details of her family life.  Hopefully with that out of the way, the comic can continue on with the girl's new status quo now that she knows vampires are real and are very much interested in the blood coursing through her veins.

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Chastity (2019) #1

Sep 24, 2019

Chastity is back and up against a villain more heinous than ever. She's used to fighting vampires, but this is something else entirely. We're re-introduced to this character and what she can do. It's easy to understand that there's a lot more bloodshed in her future.

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Chastity (2019) #5

Mar 9, 2020

This arc is wrapped up with a solid ending, however the door is left wide open for more as the creative team teases a darker evil behind all of this mayhem. It's something I very much hope we get to see explored further, but with Chastity popping up in the upcoming Vampirella spin-off series, Sacredsix, I'm not sure that we'll get the opportunity. As it stands, this is a solid, blood-soaked adventure full of supernatural carnage.

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Chew / Revival #1

Jun 7, 2014

Chew / Revival is the kind of comic I wish happened more often.  Two books that don't seem to totally mesh together on the surface have found a way to weave their storylines through one another.  I'm not expecting them to make this a regular occurrence or even to do it again.  The fact that it happened at all is pretty awesome.  There's even a nod to another popular Image comic in the issue.  This does beg the question: What other crossovers can the publisher get through?  Can we get a Ghosted / Hoax Hunters mash up?  What about Walking Dead and '68?

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Children of the Atom (2021) #1

Mar 15, 2021

The long-awaited and much-anticipated Children of the Atom kicks off with one of the most impressive debuts of the X-line. This powerful issue takes a look at identity in the world of mutantkind in a really meaningful way.

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Chum #1

May 23, 2016

Chum presents you with intriguing characters, an interesting setting, and a riveting plot.  These folks have been living in what passes for harmony in what should be paradise.  Now it's all about to spiral out of control despite some best laid yet hastily made plans.  This is dark.  This is cool.  This is just so damn good.

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Chum #2

Jun 6, 2016

Chum is a book tailor-made for any fan of film noir or pulp novels.  It's the epitome of cool.  At its center is a woman with nothing to lose and everything to gain.  If that means that she has to take out a few of the locals that have been bringing her down all these years, so be it.  There's one issue left and this one ended in such a powerhouse move that I cannot wait to see how the creative team wraps this up.

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Cinderella: Serial Killer Princess #1

Dec 21, 2016

Cinderella: Serial Killer Princess is a wet dream of violence.  Every other character is cannon fodder for the star, as she literally cuts through them like a hot knife through butter.  If you're a newcomer to Cinderella and by extension, Robyn Hood, these deaths will lack any real meaning, as you won't know who anyone is or why they're important.  If you want to see a beautiful woman murder a number of people in increasingly elaborate ways, this is for you.

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Cinderella: Serial Killer Princess #4

Apr 15, 2017

Cinderella: Serial Killer Princess is a fun, gore-filled romp through the Zenescope Universe. It cements the title character as the publisher's version of Deadpool, quick with a blade and a lame joke. If you've ever wanted to see some of your favorite Zenescope characters horrifically murdered without any consequences or affecting any real story, now is your chance.

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Clean Room #9

Jul 1, 2016

Clean Room is a damn satisfying read.  This is a book that will grip you from the first page and never let go.  It helps that it's scary as hell.  This is a horror fan's dream comic.  Instead of yelling "Don't go into the basement!" you want to warn whatever is lurking down there to be wary of Astrid Mueller.

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Clean Room #11

Sep 10, 2016

I love everything about Clean Room.  It's a book that fires on all cylinders with a riveting story, incredible artwork, and more than a few "Holy crap!" moments.  It's the kind of comic where you get to the end and immediately look up the release date of the next issue.

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Clean Room #13

Nov 20, 2016

Clean Room kicks off a new arc in style, working with the new status quo, moving the characters into position to explore the mystery even further.  Intrigue is bursting from the seams of this comic.  You've got monsters, amazing characters, and a terrifying baby.  What more could you ask for?

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Clean Room #14

Dec 22, 2016

Clean Room never fails to deliver.  It's a near-perfect horror comic that provides scares of all shapes and sizes.  You can try to look away, but your eyes will always be drawn back.  You just have to see what happens next...and then what happens after that...and so on.  Every time you think you've seen it all, the book twists again and plunges you deeper into the abyss of terror.

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Clean Room #17

Mar 29, 2017

There's a reason I called Clean Room the #1 horror comic of 2016. It's moving into 2017 without missing a beat as it continues to deliver solid storytelling with jaw-dropping artwork. It's creating horror on another level. This isn't just people getting cut up by a slasher or some demonic creature stealing souls. This is terror in the truest sense of the word.

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Clean Room #18

Apr 29, 2017

If this is the end of Clean Room, it is an incredibly satisfying conclusion. Writer Gail Simone ties up a number of loose ends, pulling everything together in a nice finale. I obviously hope to see much more of this amazing series that has terrified and delighted me for eighteen solid issues. All too often a story can keep you excited in the beginning and middle, but fall short in the end. I'm happy to say that that is not the case here. Clean Room delivers on all fronts.

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Cluster #1

Feb 6, 2015

The end of this issue finds some of the prisoners in a no-win position that creates an immediate sense of excitement for the reader. How are they possibly going to get out of this mess alive? This rag tag group has to work together if they hope to survive against all of the odds that are stacked against them. I have no idea where it'll go next, but I can't wait to see what Brisson and Couceiro have in store with this series. Cluster is a perfect example of space prison sci-fi done right.

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Cold Spots #1

Aug 29, 2018

After reading Cold Spots, you'll be thinking twice the next time you feel a chill. There are still many questions about this world and what these translucent beings are, however there's more than enough here to pull you in and scare the crap out of you. This is grade A terror.

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Cold Spots #5

Jan 10, 2019

Cold Spots reaches a conclusion with this issue, but it's clear it's just getting started. This opening arc is like an origin story for a world of terror that I can't wait to see explored further. It's a gripping tale that shows how far one man will go to save his daughter, even if that means facing down evil spirits from the afterworld ready to suck the life right out of him.

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Colder: The Bad Seed #1

Oct 27, 2014

Colder: The Bad Seed is a welcome return to insanity. It's a horror book unlike any others that are currently available on the shelves, filled with pure terror and real human characters. This is the kind of comic that you would read under your covers with a flashlight and then have nightmares about.

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Colder: The Bad Seed #3

Jan 5, 2015

Colder: The Bad Seed is a welcome expansion to the original series. It's not bogged down by exposition or needless explanations of the new villain or Declan's past. Instead, it's an immersive experience that surrounds the reader with terror that crawls right up your spine.

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Colder: The Bad Seed #4

Feb 2, 2015

Colder: The Bad Seed is easily the scariest comic on the stands right now. This is terror that will creep up your spine and make you cringe. You'll want to look away but you can't. Once it wraps its long, claw-like fingers around you, you're trapped. It excels at visually exploring insanity as one woman fights her way through all manner of crazy to get to the love of her life, but she might not be happy with what lurks in Declan's deep, dark past.

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Colder: Toss The Bones #1

Sep 29, 2015

Colder: Toss the Bones is filled with the kind of horror that seeps into your skin, spreading to every fiber of your being until you're too frightened to turn the page.  You can't help yourself though.  You have to see what happens, even if that means going down the rabbit hole of insanity that is Nimble Jack and the Hungry World.  While this is the final chapter in the Colder trilogy, creators Paul Tobin and Juan Ferreyra are just getting started. Read this on the toilet because it may scare the crap out of you.

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Colder: Toss The Bones #4

Jan 4, 2016

Colder: Toss the Bones is an unsettling, disturbing read, but it's one that you can't help but be pulled into.  You'll devour every page and beg for more.  It's the kind of horror that stays with you long after you've finished reading it and will have you looking over your shoulder for hours.

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Collapser #2

Sep 2, 2019

Collapser is unpredictable and insane. You never know what's waiting for you around each corner. It could be something that brings a smile to your face or scare the living crap out of you...or both. This is like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest meets world-ending catastrophe.

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Colonel Weird: Cosmagog #1

Nov 2, 2020

What's next for our cosmic hero with the shattered mind? Get ready for another fascinating character study in the Black Hammer universe.

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Colonel Weird: Cosmagog #3

Jan 4, 2021

This fascinating character study continues, taking us through time and space to show how Colonel Weird got to the breaking point.

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Colonel Weird: Cosmagog #4

Jan 29, 2021

Colonel Weird finds what he was missing and it's a game-changer. As he bounces between one tragic moment from his life to another, he may have found the piece that will set him back on track in this gorgeously illustrated comic.

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Come Into Me #1

Mar 15, 2018

Come Into Me is a disturbing read, blending body horror with technology in a way we haven't seen since The Fly. Everyone seems to agree that we're spending too much time with social media. This might just be the push you need to stay off of Facebook for a little while, as it presents a dark and scary possible future.  Writers Zac Thompson & Lonnie Nadler have made some really creepy stuff here.

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Come Into Me #2

May 8, 2018

Come Into Me is the most unsettling comic I've read this year. Writers Zac Thompson and Lonnie Nadler have crafted something that gets under your skin by design. The very thought of becoming a prisoner in your own body is horrifying. This book plays with that concept in a very intriguing way. You're not going to get something like jump scares in Come Into Me. Instead you'll get a horror comic that will scare you to your core. This is taking body horror to a new level.

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Come Into Me #3

Sep 22, 2018

Come Into Me was already a solid horror title, but this issue catapults it to new heights. It is hands down one of the scariest comics of the year and it's not over yet. I cannot wait to see how this wraps up.

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Come Into Me #4

Dec 5, 2018

I could go on and on about Come Into Me, as it's easily one of the best horror comics of the year. This is a terrifying book and this final issue is gripping from beginning to end. Writers Zac Thompson and Lonnie Nadler have stretched the boundaries of this medium, creating something that I should not have read right before going to sleep.

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Commanders In Crisis #1

Oct 15, 2020

Do we need a brand new super hero universe? If it's Commanders in Crisis, I'm going to go with “Yes.”

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Commanders In Crisis #3

Dec 21, 2020

Starting a whole new super hero universe from scratch isn't easy. You need some more foundation laid.

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Commanders In Crisis #4

Jan 13, 2021

Who killed Empathy? The Crisis Command may not like the answer as they try to save this planet from being destroyed like the others in the Multiverse. If you thought you can't do anything new in super hero comics, you need to read Commanders in Crisis.

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Commanders In Crisis #5

Feb 12, 2021

A quieter chapter unfolds as the Crisis Command figures out its next move. They'll have to move fast as the fate of the world and the multiverse hangs in the balance. This series adds more compelling ideas to the often tired super hero genre.

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Contagion #1

Oct 9, 2019

Writer Ed Brisson crafts an unsettling and emotional horror story in Contagion. We're already invested in these characters from decades of comics. Now we're seeing them getting torn apart by something they don't understand and can't see. It all happens in moments too, so it's tough to prepare for such a shock. This is a great opener and fortunately, we don't have to wait long to see it play out.

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Copperhead #1

Sep 10, 2014

Copperhead has all the makings of a great sci-fi western saga.  This may be a small town, but there's death and corruption and laser blasters.  Clara Bronson aims to clean this up.  The artwork is solid and the story is top notch with plenty of mystery involved to keep me coming back for more and more.

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Corktown #1

May 27, 2016

Corktown has a great hook that grabs you early on.  A ghost cop is trying to stop her vampire corpse from killing people.  It presents a slew of possibilities, each of which comes with its own set of questions that I can't wait to see explored further.

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Corktown #2

Sep 18, 2016

Corktown's premise of a ghost solving her own murder as her corpse walks the earth as a vampire is a good one. It's solid and intriguing, pulling you in with the elevator pitch. This issue was a bit of treading water, as it didn't really advance the story and filled in history that we didn't really need. In the end, you could skip this issue and dive into the next without missing anything.

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Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) #1

Jul 13, 2018

I had no prior knowledge of Cosmic Ghost Rider before jumping into this issue. Now he's one of my favorite Marvel characters. The comic opens with a brief recap of his life up until this point, told in defining images and one word captions that instantly gets you up to speed. I most definitely have to go back and read Cates' run on Thanos where this character is introduced. That's what I can do in the time before the next issue arrives because I need some more Cosmic Ghost Rider right now.

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Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) #2

Aug 20, 2018

It's impossible to read Cosmic Ghost Rider and not smile. This has quickly become one of my favorite comics. It's a quirky and absurd concept that works so incredibly well. It's an absolute shame this is only a mini-series because I would totally read about the ongoing adventures of Cosmic Ghost Rider and baby Thanos traveling through space on a sci-fi motorcycle. There is no part of that idea that I dislike.

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Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) #3

Sep 21, 2018

Cosmic Ghost Rider already established itself as one of my favorite comics of the year. This issue raises the bar even higher. It is such a fun, wacky ride that plays like a hilarious comedy. Frank set out to do something good that might make up for all the horrible things he's done in his life, but he might have made it a whole lot worse instead.

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Cosmic Ghost Rider (2018) #5

Nov 26, 2018

I'm so sad that this mini-series has come to an end. I could read this forever. Writer Donny Cates has done wonders with this character, so I'm glad to see that he's sticking around in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy relaunch. For now, this is a solid read that melds all these corners of the Marvel Universe into one awesome being. If you would have told me that a book called Cosmic Ghost Rider would have me screaming from eye-popping action one moment and nearly in tears the next, I wouldn't have believed you. This comic delivers on so many levels and it is an absolute must read.

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Criminal Macabre: The Big Bleed Out #3

Feb 29, 2020

There are some twists and turns by the end of this issue and I'm sure we're in for a shock for the fourth and final chapter of this series. It does feel like this story is wrapping up just as it's really getting going, so it's a bummer that it's ending soon. Cal McDonald always comes back and I certainly hope that's the case again because his unlikely adventures as a down-on-his-luck supernatural detective are always entertaining. Criminal Macabre: The Big Bleed Out is no different.

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Critical Hit #1

Oct 6, 2014

Critical Hit begins with a bang..and a wonk, crash, and a whole mess of explosions. It's a comic with a message, although I'm not entirely sure how effective it is at this point. If the book does go down the territory of human hunting as the official description describes, it will get a whole lot scarier as Jeanette and Sarah are put in the shoes..err...hooves of the deer that they were trying to save in the first place.

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Croak #1

Sep 10, 2016

Croak is further proof that people should avoid the woods.  Leave them for bears and other animals.  You never know what's going to pop out at you when you venture through the trees.  Sure, you may be prepared with a sleeping bag and a first aid kit, but no amount of cotton swabs is going to help you clean up a dead body.

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Croak #2

Oct 28, 2016

Croak is a terror-filled tale of monsters lurking behind every tree trunk.  We don't need to have much information or development of the main characters.  What we need to understand is their fear of what they're going through and that comes across in spades.  It's easy to identify with someone that is literally running for the life with a creepy bird / lizard creature right on their heels.  I dare you to read this before a camping trip and tell me it doesn't give you second thoughts.

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Croak #3

Dec 11, 2016

Croak was originally meant to be a short film from writer Cody Andrew Sousa.  You can see how this could easily translate to the screen.  This is a stellar adaptation to the comic medium that keeps the same breakneck pace and tense action you'd expect from a movie, yet it's all on the page.  The monsters are terrifying and rival those found in modern cinema.  Although this is the end, I'd be curious to learn more about these creatures and what other terror they cause for those foolish enough to venture into these woods.

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Cry Havoc #1

Feb 8, 2016

Cry Havoc has a strong opener that grabs you from page one.  That might be because the first page is also the beginning of the end of the story.  It doesn't stop there though; it pulls you in with each new thread of the plot, weaving a well-rounded and personal werewolf tale with a relatable, interesting character at its center.  The artwork is clean and gorgeous with just the right amount of terror to keep you on your toes. 

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Cult Classic: Creature Feature #1

Nov 12, 2019

I am so excited for Cult Classic to expand into more stories. From the looks of Creature Feature, the creative team is going big. This is some top notch sci-fi horror that's just getting started. It's like Godzilla meets Happy Days through the lens of Junji Ito.

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Cult Classic: Creature Feature #2

Dec 17, 2019

Cult Classic: Creature Feature is a solid and terrifying horror comic with a pinch of quirky humor. It's a tense read that will have you afraid to turn the page, but longing to do so to see where this story goes next. The book is filled with solid character development that only amplifies the scares. Do not miss this comic.

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Cult Classic: Creature Feature #4

Feb 13, 2020

Cult Classic: Creature Feature is a horror fan's delight. You'll invest time with characters before seeing them go through hell with no guarantee of survival. Every time you think you know where it's going, the creative team pulls the rug out from under you and scares the crap out of you. That's some solid spooky storytelling right there.

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Cult Classic: Creature Feature #5

Mar 9, 2020

We had a tremendous amount of build-up for Cult Classic: Creature Feature filled with real characters and unsettling monsters. The ending feels a little abrupt and it's far from a nice and tidy happy one. Writer Eliot Rahal leaves us begging for more from this world and these characters, however I have to wonder what else the town of Whisper can endure after this. Cult Classic: Creature Feature is unsettling, otherworldly, and all kinds of scary. Most importantly, it's unpredictable and truly unique. There are no other horror comics like this one. It will keep you guessing until the very end.

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Cult Classic: Return To Whisper #1

Jan 25, 2018

This issue ends on an incredible cliffhanger that raises the stakes for the story considerably. There is already a solid premise going in, but the final page pushes it to the next level. In many ways, Cult Classic: Return to Whisper reminds me of Stephen King. It has that same emotional connection, baiting you in with compelling characters and a unique setting, then throwing in a twist that reels you in. This is a fantastic way to start a shared universe.

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Cult Classic: Return To Whisper #2

Apr 28, 2018

Cult Classic: Return to Whisper is a great, character-driven comic with a nice mix of humor, drama, and scares. Although I can't tell all the kids apart yet, I'm very much along for the ride based on how real they come across and how relatable their lives are. Granted, I never discovered buried treasure as a kid, but I totally dreamed of doing that. Who hasn't? This makes the troubles and bloodshed that fills their present day lives all the more gripping.

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Curb Stomp #1

Mar 11, 2015

Curb Stomp comes off like an exploitation film, but empowers the women featured within it. This is a gang that's tough as nails and backed up with a lot of heart. It's the kind of comic that you want to read while blasting punk rock music.

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Curse #1

Jan 25, 2014

Curse is off to a great start.  This is the kind of origin issue you want from a new story.  There's just enough information to make it worth your $4, with enough questions to make you want to come back for more.  The shots of the werewolf are sparse, but the scares come from the fact that that Griffin is taking the first steps down a dark path and he doesn't even realize it.

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Curse #4

Apr 17, 2014

Although the werewolf is not the main character in Curse, it never lets you forget how dangerous it is and can be.  It can symbolize what we're all capable of when our backs are against the wall. This finale is one of the best single issues I've read this year. Curse is solid tale that despite some predictability, surges forward with pure emotion and unbridled horror.

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Curse of the Man-Thing (2021): Spider-Man #1

May 4, 2021

The story gets supernatural by the end, further expanding the mythos behind the Man-Thing in new and interesting ways. I'm very curious how this story will wrap up with the X-Men in the next chapter. Man-Thing is frequently compared to Swamp Thing over at DC, but it's less regarded, perhaps because the character hasn't had a breakout story to really put it on the map. This could very well be that story.

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Curse of the Man-Thing (2021): Avengers #1

Apr 9, 2021

Avengers: Curse of the Man-Thing is the first chapter of a bold new path for the protector of the Nexus. It has the potential to redefine the character, putting Man-Thing on the map in a big way. This story sets a high bar right out of the gate and it's clear we're in for an epic adventure, bringing all kinds of horror into the Marvel Universe.

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Curse of the Man-Thing (2021): X-Men #1

May 28, 2021

Curse of the Man-Thing is a great re-introduction to this character as it celebrates its 50th Anniversary. It's redefined Man-Thing and put him squarely in the horror side of the Marvel Universe. Although this story is done, the door is left wide open for more and I certainly hope we get the chance to see this revisited soon.

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Cursed Comics Cavalcade #1

Oct 25, 2018

If you sit in the middle of the Venn diagram of super hero fans and horror fans, Cursed Comics Calvacade is a must-read for you. Show this comic some support because I desperately want to see more like it, and not just every October. Can you imagine an ongoing anthology comic like Creepy or Tales from the Crypt set in the DC Universe? I'd be all over that and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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Cutter #1

Oct 2, 2014

Cutter presents a pretty basic horror story that we've seen many times before. What has yet to be seen is how the creative team puts their own spin on it. The truth behind Emily's death and return has yet to be revealed, but it better be something epic to make the comic stand out amid the clichs of the genre.

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Dame from the Dark #1

Apr 9, 2021

It's clear there's much more story left to tell for Tommy and Eva and I sincerely hope we get to see more from them. Dame from the Dark has an intriguing premise that lends itself to tons of story possibilities. It also serves as a nice complement to Lonesome Days, Savage Nights, another supernatural detective book from TKO. Now that's a crossover I'd love to see.

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Danger Doll Squad #2

Nov 20, 2017

Danger Doll Squad is like a pop culture fueled Tron with boobs. It's an adventure through cyber space starring three of Action Lab: Danger Zone's signature characters. It's over-the-top and completely bonkers, but it's constantly fun.

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Danger Doll Squad: Amalgama Lives #1

May 19, 2019

Since this issue is largely setup, it gets by on all the crazy violence. The story is a little light as it's basically just putting Amalgama in position to head back to Earth and start a fight. If this is what she does to get started, imagine what she'll do when she reaches her target. We've dealt with witches, zombies, vampires, and other supernatural creatures in this universe and now we're getting a real sci-fi adventure. It's dripping with just as much blood as the other titles so I'm curious as to where Amalgama will go next.

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Danger Doll Squad: Galactic Gladiators #1

Apr 11, 2018

There's more than enough to dig into for your average sci-fi fan. The horror elements are a little lighter so far, but they're making their presence known by the end of the issue in a rather disturbing way.

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Daphne Byrne #2

Feb 17, 2020

Daphne Byrne will get under your skin in the best possible way. It's a horror that creeps up on you, sending a shiver up your spine with each turn of the page. This young girl is getting pulled into the depths and the only one there to help her is pushing her head down below the surface.

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Daphne Byrne #3

Mar 17, 2020

This slow burn continues to delight as Daphne Byrne solidifies itself as one of the most unsettling comics on the stands today. This poor girl is trying to find her place in the world, haunted by a mysterious creature making quite a case to embrace the strange and unknown powers she seems to possess. Writer Laura Marks leaves just enough open to interpretation so there's a part of me that wonders if this is all in Daphne's head and I absolutely love that feeling.

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Daphne Byrne #4

May 11, 2020

Daphne Byrne continues its spiral into sheer, unbridled terror. Things get darker and grimmer for our main character as the horrors mount around her, both from the real world and the supernatural.

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Dark Ark #1

Aug 19, 2017

I'm not sure how long into the forty days Dark Ark is set, however spending any amount of time cramped on a boat with a bunch of supernatural creatures is bound to be a tense experience. Somehow, with all these monsters, the human element shines through. The comic delivers a one-two punch with terrifying beasts and personal, relatable characters. It sets a very high bar right out of the gate.

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Dark Ark: After the Flood #1

Oct 23, 2019

You'd think that a series about a boat would end once they reached land and got out. Fortunately, the story is not over, as there is still plenty to explore with these characters, the monsters, and this world. There was one big question left unanswered with Dark Ark and I'm glad to see it as a main focal point in After the Flood. This comic is going biblical with horror and I'm here for it.

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Dark Ark #2

Oct 28, 2017

Dark Ark grabbed me with the first issue. This is where it tightens its grip. The stakes are raised considerably as we see just how quick the monsters are to violence. We may have started with one corpse, but it is not the only one by the end of this chapter and I'm sure there will be plenty more before the series is through.

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Dark Ark #3

Dec 6, 2017

Every issue of Dark Ark has left me wanting more. Writer Cullen Bunn is telling a terrific story that is only getting better with each chapter. The mix of monsters in an enclosed space provides an environment of great tension and terror.

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Dark Ark #5

Feb 7, 2018

Dark Ark presents an exciting new spin on a biblical story we all know well. It does so with intrigue, mystery, and a fair-amount of monsters. The very idea of an ark filled with all manner of supernatural beast...and a couple of unicorns... is pretty great. In the hands of writer Cullen Bunn and artist Juan Doe, it's an awesome, tense comic well worth your time.

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Dark Ark #6

May 9, 2018

Dark Ark takes some awesome and terrifying turns as it begins its second arc. Shrae has survived a vampire mutiny aboard his ship but now has to keep the humans on Noah's ark safe or his entire family will perish. That's a pretty tough job when there are even scarier monsters swimming beneath the waves.

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Dark Ark #7

Jun 19, 2018

Dark Ark delivers a solid balance of terrifying monsters, tense drama, and incredible characters. This is the kind of comic that will make your jaw drop. Writer Cullen Bunn crafts a white-knuckled ride through the Great Flood with all kinds of untold horrors waiting both over and under the surface.

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Dark Ark #8

Jul 21, 2018

Dark Ark continues to up the ante with every issue. Each time I think writer Cullen Bunn has topped himself with an incredible twist or outstanding reveal, the next chapter reaches new heights. At this point, I have no idea how Shrae or Noah are going to survive the rest of the Great Flood.

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Dark Fang #3

Jan 22, 2018

Dark Fang jumps past its brilliant premise with this issue, creating a smart vampire story. It doesn't get too preachy about climate change (although it wouldn't hurt because it is without a doubt real and a very pressing issue facing not only our country, but the world). Like classic George Romero movies, it delivers on its message through the lens of horror.

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Dark Red #1

Apr 4, 2019

With the current political climate, it was only a matter of time before it influenced some comics. Dark Red is a satirical take on the stubborn white American male, through the lens of vampires. It's like a distant cousin to all the sex and violence from True Blood, but this one sits alone in its trailer park, wondering why the world around it is so scary and different.

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Dark Red #2

May 9, 2019

Dark Red puts some current hot button topics in perspective, through the guise of a vampire story. Sure, you can come for the monsters, but you'll stay for the riveting story. Charlie's journey is particularly interesting as we're not entirely sure how to feel about him. Sometimes we hate him and sometimes we love him, but he's always entertaining.

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Dark Red #3

Jun 15, 2019

Although it's lost a little momentum, Dark Red is still packed with some awesome vampire action. The issue is bookended by a scene from the present that's worth the price of admission, as it gives us an idea as to what we can expect next. This is going to get bigger and bloodier and I'm pumped about that. Now we're further invested in Chip and understand his actions a bit more, so I'm curious as to what he does now that his back is against the wall.

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Dark Red #4

Jul 13, 2019

Chip is the most human character in Dark Red and he's a vampire. He got mixed up in the wrong ideas for a moment, but now clearly sees what must be done. When Nazis are involved, there are no doubts about who's right and who's wrong. They are most definitely on the wrong side. These bigoted jerks are about to get what's coming to them and I can't wait. I thought I hated Nazis before this comic, but Dark Red has renewed my hatred for these assholes.

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Darkhawk: Heart of the Hawk #1

Apr 15, 2021

As a '90s kid, I love Darkhawk and this anthology is a great showcase of what the character is capable of. It's a mix of endings and new beginnings, all tied together.

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Darkness Visible #1

Mar 8, 2017

Darkness Visible is the supernatural police book I didn't know I wanted. It mixes elements of exciting cop shows with horror and a bit of family drama to make a compelling comic with real characters and real stakes.

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Darkness Visible #3

Apr 7, 2017

As mentioned above, this issue of Darkness Visible does present an interesting alternate history of the world where demons played a major role in ending World War II. I just wish it didn't come at the expense of the momentum of the main story. I'm not sure how long the series is set to run for, but if it's meant to be an ongoing or a maxi-series, this issue would have been better suited between story arcs to break things up a bit. As it stands, it removes all momentum from the series after it worked so hard building it up over the first two chapters.

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Darkness Visible #4

May 20, 2017

Darkness Visible delivers a robust and ever-expanding world of monsters and the humans who live with them. At its center is Daniel, a man torn between doing what's right for his city and what's right for his daughter. That means allying himself with a demon in more ways than one. It's a tortured life, but it's what he has to do to get things done.

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Darkness Visible #6

Aug 7, 2017

This issue of Darkness Visible represents the end of the first arc.  While this is a nice interlude, it's a major momentum killer.  This is doubly unfortunate because it's not the first time the creators have done this.  Issue #3 is told in a similar fashion.  This information serves to further flesh out this world, but it comes at a cost of taking the attention away from the main character and his ongoing story.  These would have been better served coming later as one-shots or broken up as backup stories in the main issues.

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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes #1

Dec 3, 2014

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a must for any hardcore POTA fans as it expands on the overall mythos and offers further insight into the film's two main characters. The movie started after these two had been through ten years of heartbreak and desperation as they struggled to survive in this new world. Now you get to see what that journey was like firsthand.

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Day Men #2

Dec 26, 2013

Day Men is off to a great start with its first two issues.  This chapter gets the action moving quickly as the battle between the two families heats up...literally.  This is a strong story with some dynamite art.  Let's just not wait so long before issue #3 comes out, huh?

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Day of the Dead #4

May 16, 2017

Day of the Dead builds to a dramatic and horror-filled climax and the book is only halfway through. The final pages reveal just how evil the members of the Order of the Tarot are and the lengths they'll go to get what they want. Or in this case, who they want. It's just that they're far more interesting and entertaining than Mary or Talisman are. I kind of want them to succeed.

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DC Horror Presents The Conjuring: The Lover #1

Jun 16, 2021

The Conjuring: The Lover is a great complement to the films and further explores this fascinating and horrifying universe. I'm a big fan of the movies, however you don't need to have seen them in order to enjoy this comic. If this is what we can expect from DC Horror, I'm eagerly looking forward to what else the imprint has in store for us.

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DC House of Horror (One Shot) #1

Oct 26, 2017

With the success of things like Afterlife with Archie, I would absolutely love to see any one of these stories expanded upon as an ongoing Elseworlds title. I'd be happy if this anthology became a yearly event too. DC House of Horror is evidence that the publisher can do horror and do it well. Pulling on our deep and long-standing connection to these characters and putting them in harrowing situations is only going to make for fun and amazing horror stories.

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DC: The Doomed and The Damned (2020) #1

Oct 25, 2020

I'm so glad that DC has continued this tradition of the horror anthology each year. DC The Doomed and the Damned is another solid entry in this. It shows how you can have a ton of scares in the DC Universe, even with characters like Wonder Woman and Superman. Sure, they're saving planets and averting crises most of the time, but others are filled with demons and other monsters.

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DCeased #1

May 8, 2019

Unsurprisingly, DCeased #1 is mostly the setup. This series has been teased for quite some time, but the big question was how would they do something like this? Writer Tom Taylor lays out the origins of this virus in a very clear manner, putting the Justice League up against something they can't just punch or throw into the sun. Now with that set up, where do they go next? After the end of this issue, I can't wait to find out. DCeased has brought horror to the DC Universe in a big way.

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DCeased #2

Jun 16, 2019

DCeased #2 steadily builds to an impressive cliffhanger. I found myself getting more and more tense as the comic went on, getting wrapped up in the emotional turmoil of these characters. You could tell where things were going to go, but there's this small glimmer of hope that something would happen at the last minute to take us off this collision course. That's not the story we're going to get in DCeased. This won't have a happy ending. The body count is already pretty high and it's only going to get bigger. DCeased is quickly becoming the gold standard in horror super hero comics.

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DCeased #3

Jul 18, 2019

Every sequence in DCeased #3 would be terrifying enough on its own. Put together with everything else going on in this story and the overall chaos it's created and you have yourself a nail-biter of a read. It's clear that no one is safe and anything can happen in this world. More importantly, the heroes that have protected this planet from threats big and small and practically powerless against this threat and that's a chilling notion.

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DCeased #5

Oct 11, 2019

Have you ever cried from watching a horror movie or reading a horror book? I can almost assure you that you'll tear up by the end of DCeased #5. It's a roller coaster of emotion, going from hope to terror to heartbreak and it's riveting every step of the way. Then, just when you think you've made it out the other side, the last twist happens and everything changes. There's one issue left in this series and it cannot come soon enough.

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DCeased: A Good Day To Die #1

Sep 26, 2019

DCeased: A Good Day to Die adds more carnage and bloodshed to the DC Universe. It brings us closer to stopping this global threat that's turned millions of people into bloodthirsty maniacs, but not without a cost. That emotional toll continues to be paid with the lives of heroes and their loved ones. The body count is going to keep rising before this is all said and done.

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DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #3

Sep 12, 2020

While we didn't necessarily need more from DCeased, this series has shown there are still many stories left to tell. Writer Tom Taylor is picking through what's left of the DC Universe, bringing tales of heart and horror that tie together everything that's come before. If these folks are going to have any hope of stopping this terror, they'll need to go for something big and desperate and that comes with a good amount of risk. At the very least, you'll never look at Plastic Man the same way again.

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DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #4

Oct 23, 2020

Discounting a strange relationship between Damian Wayne and Wonder Girl, DCeased: Dead Planet #4 is another terrifying chapter in this undead saga. It could have just rested on its laurels, showing how cool it would be to have zombies in the DC Universe and relying on our existing love for these decades-old characters. Instead, it builds on that with new and interesting tales of love, heart, and pure, unbridled terror. It's pretty friggin' cool.

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DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #6

Dec 8, 2020

DCeased: Dead Planet shows that there's still hope even in the darkest of moments. There are still heroes in this post-apocalyptic version of the DC Universe...even if they're an utter bastard like John Constantine. So much is coming to a head as this series reaches its epic conclusion and I have no idea how it's all going to shake out, but I can't wait to see it.

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DCeased: Dead Planet (2020) #7

Feb 15, 2021

DCeased: Dead Planet shows how you can have big super hero action with a strong, character-driven story all wrapped in a terrifying horror story. It has a somber ending with its share of sadness, but its tinged with hope. It's a fitting end for this story that began back in DCeased. Moreover, it shows how good can triumph over evil even if the odds are stacked so very high against them.

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DCeased: Hope At World's End #1

May 30, 2020

Since DCeased debuted, we've all been clamoring for more from this universe. There's a follow-up mini-series on the way and Unkillables, a short tie-in, just wrapped up. DCeased: Hope at World's End is a nice surprise full of scares, heart, and so much bloodshed. It's a welcome addition to this franchise and I can't wait for more.

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DCeased: Hope At World's End #2

Jun 15, 2020

Misdirection is used very well in DCeased: Hope at World's End #2. Writer Tom Taylor never lets us forget that the infected are close by, however there are times when you feel almost safe, like maybe everything will be ok. We know that to be untrue since we have seen the end of this overall story, but that doesn't stop us from hoping...then the other shoe falls and we're plunged back into the depths of terror. This issue has a great closer that comes out of nowhere and hits with a bang. It shows just how quickly things can go wrong and hope can be snuffed out. In the blink of an eye, the danger reaches new heights.

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DCeased: Hope At World's End #4

Jul 16, 2020

Just as with the main DCeased book, I'm clamoring for more from this world yet terrified at the possibilities. It's a healthy blend of heart and horror and that makes for a powerful one-two punch.

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DCeased: The Unkillables #1

Mar 8, 2020

DCeased is an incredible and terrifying comic that stands on its own with a beginning, middle, and end. I didn't think we needed more from this world, but Unkillables proved me wrong and I could not be happier about that. This is a character-driven horror story that shakes the DC Universe to its core. Writer Tom Taylor returns to this world with a bang; a bloody, horrifying bang.

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DCeased: The Unkillables #3

Jun 1, 2020

DCeased: Unkillables is a powerful horror comic that's full of heart. Our care for these characters makes the tragic and terrifying events they encounter all the more harrowing. I didn't think we could top the original DCeased series, but this one did it in spades.

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Dead Day #1

May 31, 2020

Dead Day has a great high-concept premise that we're just scratching the surface of. The Haskins family presents a human perspective to this mysterious supernatural event. It will be interesting to see if this holiday (if you can call it that) shatters this happy family or makes them stronger in the end...that is, if they even make it through the night.

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Dead Dudes #1

Jan 7, 2021

Dead Dudes is like a bro version of Ghostbusters. It's a testament to how close horror and comedy are on the genre spectrum. Most of all, it shows how you can have both in one story. It's just plain fun.

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Dead Letters #3

Jun 17, 2014

Dead Letters has pulled me in.  I'm dying (HAR HAR!) to find out what happened to Beryl, how Sam is going to figure it out, and more importantly, what he's going to do next.  There's a larger mystery at work here.  I've never been more interested in dead people.

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Dead of Winter #1

Aug 5, 2017

Dead of Winter takes a tired premise like zombies and breathes new life into it.  The inclusion of Sparky and his hate of the undead is fun, balancing the terror of the story with some comic relief.  There's more than enough here to hook you to come back for more.  At the bare minimum, you'll want to check out the Dead of Winter games as a result.  I know I do.

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Dead of Winter #2

Sep 25, 2017

Dead of Winter is like a comedy version of The Walking Dead and it's just as fun as that sounds. How great would it be if every so often Rick Grimes cracked a joke or commented wryly on the ridiculous series of events that led to his current predicament? Plus, have I mentioned the dog? His name is Sparky and he wears a cape. What more do you need here?

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Dead of Winter #3

Oct 25, 2017

Dead of Winter is making zombies fun. It's a great read propelled by a canine main character who friggin' hates zombies. If Sparky was in The Walking Dead, that book would have lasted like six issues because he would have ended everything right away and Rick would still have both hands.

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Dead of Winter #4

Nov 26, 2017

Every time I think the zombie genre may be petering out, something new and exciting comes in to breathe new life into it. Dead of Winter is that new life. It's action-packed, fun, and earnest. Plus, it stars a dog that kicks all kinds of ass.

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Deadly Class #12

May 2, 2015

Deadly Class is a fantastic comic.  It's the kind of book that grabs you from the first page and never lets go.  Remender and Craig are showing what comics are truly capable of as a storytelling medium.  You can feel the energy and excitement coursing through every single panel.  Everyone should be reading this book.

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Deadly Class #21

Jun 24, 2016

Deadly Class is a white-knuckled read from start to finish.  If you've been following this series from the beginning, there are tons of payoffs with this issue as it wraps up the fourth story line, "Die For Me."  It will fill you with questions as to where the book will go from here, enticing you to pick up every future chapter, while simultaneously ripping your heart out.

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Death Force #6

Nov 23, 2016

Death Force is a poor man's Ghost Rider.  It has the makings of something interesting, but it's poorly defined and fails in the execution.  Marc Rosete's artwork is the saving grace and since most of the scenes with the title character (again, I'm not sure if I should even call him that because no one actually does so) are without dialogue, so you can fill in your own ideas as to what's going on.  It's a slugfest in Hell with all sorts of monsters and Death himself watching over everything.  Aside from bringing Rick's friend down, he does nothing but talk the entire time, so he's not all that intimidating as a Big Bad.

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Deathbed #1

Feb 23, 2018

Deathbed is a fast-moving, gorgeously illustrated tale of supernatural adventure. It has the feel of a grown-up version of Goners, which is another series I love. The interaction between Antonio and Val is already delivering and I'm very interested to see where this unlikely duo could go. If this first issue is any indication, it's going to be completely insane.

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Delta 13 #3

Jul 10, 2018

This is the penultimate chapter of Delta 13 and I have no earthly idea what to expect next. Obviously there's going to be more death and carnage as this mysterious woman makes her way through the ship. I don't particularly care about any of the crew as there hasn't been much time to develop them as characters or get to know them in any way. For now, I'm content with watching this play out. It's like a slasher movie in space, but not something silly like Jason X. This is some creepy shit.

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Demon Days (2021): X-Men #1

Mar 22, 2021

If this first issues is any indication, we are in for a real treat with Demon Days. I would gladly read an ongoing series set in this world, as there's so much to dig into. The fact that it has a horror bend to it is a definite plus. This is a riveting and gorgeously illustrated beginning to what I hope is many more stories in this setting. We know there's at least four more to go and I can't wait to see what they have in store.

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Demonic (2016) #1

Sep 7, 2016

Demonic shows the lengths a man is willing to go for his family, even if that means submitting to a literal evil and committing heinous acts of murder.   It presents a very real feeling that any parent can relate to.  There is a constant unsettling feeling that permeates throughout every panel, leading up to one of the best cliffhanger endings you'll read all year.  From beginning to end, Demonic is a great read and well worth your time.

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Devil's Dominion #1

Jan 28, 2021

Devil's Dominion #1 reads like a pilot to a monster-of-the-week TV show. Devlynn will travel the land, taking out demons along the way. Since we don't know her motivation, it's tough to get fully invested in her as a character. Hopefully that clarity will come with future issues of the series.

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Devolution #1

Jan 28, 2016

Devolution hits the ground running with an amazing first issue.  It hits on all marks with a great story, gorgeous artwork, and vibrant colors.  This series was first announced more than three years ago and I assure you, it was worth the wait.

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Diablo House #1

Mar 14, 2017

Diablo House is a by-the-numbers horror anthology with a promising premise that falters in this opening tale. If the story were tied to the house in even a tangential way, it would have resonated a lot more. It's worth checking out for Santiprez's artwork though. This is an artist to watch, as he is delivering some amazing work here. Plus, if you pick this up through the Humble Bundle, you're helping out charity in the form of Traveling Stories and the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and you get over $400 worth of comics for a minimum of $25.

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Die #1

Dec 23, 2018

Die is like a cross between Stephen King's It and The Never-Ending Story. These normal teenagers are whisked away to a fantasy world where they witnessed real terror that's haunted them well into their adult lives. Now they've been forced to return and face it once again, this time voluntarily. This debut issue set a very high bar for this series.

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Die #2

Jan 21, 2019

You might think you know what you're getting into with Die, but you are just scraping the surface. This book was described as "Goth Jumanji" and that's pretty accurate. It's like the most compelling and terrifying version of Dungeons & Dragons ever imagined. This book is packed with stellar character drama and jaw-dropping artwork. It is awesome in every sense of the word.

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Die #3

Feb 21, 2019

Die is big, bold, and terrifying. It takes the fantasy genre to new heights with jaw-dropping imagery and incredible storytelling. Forget what you know about the genre and dig into this astonishing world.

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Die #5

Apr 17, 2019

Die #5 builds up to an incredible climax that really changes the game. I have absolutely no idea where the series will go next and that is an awesome feeling. I'm filled with anticipation as to what else is in store for us. The next issue cannot come soon enough.

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Divinity #1

Feb 11, 2015

Divinity has all the makings of a great science fiction story. It's manages to deliver both on the huge scale of an epic and the personal touch of a single man's life. Now that we've seen the beginning of Abram's story, what lies ahead is how the world will react with this new superpower. Plus, what exactly happened to him up in space to give him these new abilities? If the answer is cosmic rays, I'm leaving.

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Divinity III: Stalinverse: Shadowman #1

Feb 20, 2017

Shadowman and the Battle of New Stalingrad shows a glimmer of hope in this dystopian society as one man stands up against the tyranny of the Soviet Union. Granted, he has some help from undead dinosaurs and demons, but he still kicks some ass. Most of all, it got me really excited about Shadowman again, so I hope Valiant does more with the character in the near future. I heard 2017 is his 25th anniversary...just sayin'.

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Doctor Crowe #1

Nov 6, 2016

If this is the type of quality adventuring we can expect from Doctor Crowe, I sincerely hope we see more in the near future.  This comic is tailor made for fans of Hellboy, with solid supernatural pulp action mixed with top-notch artwork.

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Doctor Crowe #2

Jun 3, 2017

That being said, the stories themselves are pretty solid and if you liked the last issue, you'll like this one, as it's more of the same crazy supernatural adventures. Doctor Crowe is a unique hero, standing up against monsters big and small. He joins the ranks of Hellboy, Lord Baltimore, and John Constantine, which is certainly good company to keep. It's safe to say that this is made for any fans of those characters.

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Doctor Mirage (2019) #1

Sep 21, 2019

Doctor Mirage takes a deep look at the character, breaking her down to the core components. I'm excited to see how she'll be built back up again and who she'll become along the way. It's clear we're in for a big supernatural adventure here and we're just getting started.

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Doctor Spektor: Master Of The Occult #1

May 28, 2014

Doctor Spektor: Master of the Occult adds a unique supernatural element to Dynamite's Gold Key line.  It doesn't just toss in some werewolves and call itself a horror comic.  Instead, Waid has created a flawed character struggling with his own success while also dealing with ghosts and vampires, all while in front of a camera.

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Doppelganger #1

Nov 28, 2017

Doppelganger has the same vibe as Stephen King's Thinner, although with a nicer protagonist. Here's a man who is living a normal, uninteresting life who is suddenly thrown into absolute chaos. He's suddenly given a reason to stand up and fight for everything he has and everyone he holds dear.

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Dracula, Motherf**ker! OGN

Sep 4, 2020

Dracula, Motherf*cker! is a refreshing take on the age-old vampire. It's also a fantastic comic that is absolutely engrossing from beginning to end. The story and visuals work perfectly together to pull you in from the jump. This is a book I will read over and over again, pouring over every single detail, allowing the fantastic artwork to really sink in.

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Dream Police #1

May 3, 2014

Dream Police is off to a great start.  This issue lays the ground work for how the Dreamscape works and what kind of things readers can expect.  There's a nice twist at the end that opens things up quite a bit as to what else can happen.  As with any dream, it's a quick change that immediately alters the entire status quo.  I just hope that doesn't mean that Joe will be going to work in his underpants.

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Dream Thief: Escape #1

Jun 25, 2014

Dream Thief: Escape delves further into the background of this character that has become an instant favorite.  John Lincoln's story is just getting started and we're learning about his abilities and where they come from just as he is.  This first issue gives a good primer to the story so far, so anyone can jump right in.  (This is not to say that you can skip the first trade paperback.  Go out and read that too because it's an awesome comic.)  Author Jai Nitz drops just enough hints at what is to come to get me hooked right away.

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Dream Thief: Escape #2

Jul 27, 2014

Dream Thief: Escape greatly expands upon the mythos that Jai Nitz created with the first volume.  I'm interested in seeing what the potential limits of a Dream Thief are, both mentally and physically.  John Lincoln has been busy providing closure for others, but he might finally get a chance to get it for himself by reuniting with his father, even if it is posthumously...sort of.

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Dredd: Underbelly #1

Feb 23, 2014

Underbelly is a satisfying continuation to Dredd 3D, but as it's only a one-shot comic, it's far too short.  That's not to say that the story is rushed.  It actually fits nicely within the page length.  I just wanted more because it's well done.  This is like a preview for what a new feature length film could be.  Hopefully this will be the comic gateway for fans of the movie who haven't explored the full history of the character (myself included).

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Drifter #1

Nov 18, 2014

Drifter has the makings of the next great sci-fi western. It has the best elements of both genres mixed together in a peanut butter cup of a comic. Plus, this debut issue builds up to a closing piece of dialogue that is an amazing cliffhanger that will have you demanding the next issue.

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Eclipse #1

Sep 11, 2016

Eclipse hits with a one-two punch of sci-fi and horror.  It's got a dynamite premise and some tight pencils presenting a dystopian world that will have you reaching for sunscreen.  Humanity hasn't risen to the skies in this future.  We've burrowed underground like rats, fearful of the day and the terrors it can bring.

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Eclipse #5

Mar 15, 2017

Eclipse takes its first steps as an ongoing series and sticks the landing. This is a solid sci-fi series where the sun is a monster. It's the villain out to destroy everything we hold dear. That would be enough on its own for a compelling story, but writer Zack Kaplan adds in another level of intrigue and mystery with a serial killer immune to the sun's effects and a far-reaching corporate conspiracy.

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Eclipse #6

Apr 25, 2017

Eclipse is a zombie comic where the zombie is the sun in the sky. Instead of eating brains or stomping slowly towards its prey, it literally melts you. If you hate sunburn, this is a book that will scare the crap out of you. This, coupled with not one, but two pulse-pounding thrillers is enough to make this a must read.

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Eclipse #8

Jun 26, 2017

Eclipse is the sci-fi thriller you've been waiting for. It has all the pulse-pounding excitement of a blockbuster movie with incredible visuals and a riveting story. The only thing that's missing is the soundtrack, so I started humming out a score while I was reading the book. That would explain the weird looks I got at the gym.

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Eclipse #9

Aug 8, 2018

I didn't need another reason to avoid the outdoors, but Eclipse certainly provides one. The idea that the sun is a killer is something I've long believed, so that would have been enough for me to enjoy this book. Writer Zack Kaplan uses that as a starting point, building a comprehensive world of corruption and intrigue around it and seeding it with exciting action sequences to make an awesome and riveting read.

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Eclipse #12

Nov 24, 2018

This issue ends with a new beginning of sorts. It's a great way to close out a story arc and definitely leaves you wanting more. Eclipse is this perfect blend of horror and thriller. Every issue leaves you white-knuckled and anxious and this one is no different. This series returns in March 2019, but something tells me it will be worth the wait.

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Eden (2021) #1

May 22, 2021

Eden is a fascinating and tragic story about loss. It mixes horror and romance in this beautiful and disturbing way. Although intentions are pure, the actions are horrifying. This makes for a great combination.

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Edward Scissorhands #1

Oct 27, 2014

This first issue of Edward Scissorhands serves as a re-introduction to this strange world, albeit a more colorful version. The people witnessed something magical once, but that has mostly been forgotten or swept under the rug. From the looks of things, this small town is about to be shaken again by the would-be monster from the castle on the hill.

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Ei8ht #1

Feb 27, 2015

Ei8ht is like Mad Max set on Tatooine. Instead of riding tricked out death machines, people ride dinosaurs. Joshua has plopped down in the middle of this world with a mission, but he doesn't remember what that is. There's no telling what he might encounter next, but if it's anything like what he just went through, things will get worse before they get better.

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Elvira: Mistress of the Dark #1

Jul 9, 2018

You know what to expect when Elvira is involved and this comic delivers on that fun in spades. It's a great blend of horror and comedy that's spooky and very self-aware. From the looks of things, Dracula is not the only horror icon the Mistress of the Dark is going to meet in this series and I can't wait to see what else writer David Avallone has in store.

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Elvira: Mistress of the Dark #4

Jan 28, 2019

As much as I've grown to love horror, it's just as much fun to poke fun at it on occasion. Elvira: Mistress of the Dark pays tribute to the classics, while also sticking it's tongue out at some of the silliest aspects of the horror genre. It's a fast-paced, humorous book starring a macabre icon. What's not to love?

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Elvira: Mistress of the Dark #6

Jun 21, 2019

Elvira's pun-filled journey through Hell is exactly what you'd expect. It showcases the sillier side of the horror genre, poking fun at the concepts of the underworld that have come to define it as a place of pain and suffering. Yes, there's still plenty of that around, but there are clearly ways around that if you're smart enough. If anyone can outwit Satan, it's Elvira.

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Elvira: The Shape of Elvira #2

May 2, 2019

The Shape of Elvira serves as a parody in the way that spoof films haven't been able to do in years. This isn't the Epic Movie or Date Movie version of The Shape of Water. Instead, it's a new story that plays with some of the weirder aspects of that film, with a horror and pop culture icon paving the way with a sly grin. In short, it's just plain fun.

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Empowered & Sistah Spooky #5

Jul 18, 2018

Empowered & Sistah Spooky's High School Hell presents some real-world terror through supernatural means. While no one has had their back broken posing for an art class, they have been teased, taunted, and ridiculed. Seeing these two face this non-stop adversity is inspiring. It makes every one of their successes mean even more as they fight back these brats.

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Enormous (2014) #6

Feb 5, 2015

The people in Enormous are struggling to hold on to the last pieces of civilization they can. In the blink of an eye, the entire world changed around them. For the first time in thousands of years, mankind must fear the animals that lurk around it, and that's a really scary thought. This is like the five stages of acceptance and people are firmly in the denial stage...a very bloody, body-filled denial stage. Enormous is much more than your typical giant monster story. These beasts are not rampaging through cities to destroy or fight each other. They're hunting people and eating them up in brutal ways.

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Enormous (2014) #7

Jul 27, 2015

Enormous returns with a more human issue that shows us once again that many of us are horrible people at heart. Given the opportunity, we can descend into chaos, ready to murder our fellow man. There are a select few that can rise above this temptation and do the right thing. Survival does not mean the death and destruction of everyone around you, especially when there are giant monsters roaming the world. Unlike your typical Godzilla story, Enormous delivers on both the human side and the monster scares.

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Escape From Monster Island #1

Feb 22, 2016

Escape from Monster Island has a killer premise. That alone is what will get me coming back for the next issue. The human characters are pretty interchangeable and there's not much in the way of development. The focus here is going to be all about monsters, and it looks like we're going to get them in droves over the course of this series. It seems as if no creature if off limits, from folklore to fantasy and everything in between.

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Escape from New York #1

Dec 9, 2014

Escape from New York is a balls-to-the-wall action-packed fun ride of a comic. Longtime fans of the film will eat it up and newcomers will instantly fall in love with the bad boy Snake Plissken as he shoots, punches, and explodes his way into your heart.

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Eternal #1

Dec 20, 2014

Eternal mixes elements from some of my favorite sci-fi stories. There's a bit of Battlestar Galactica, Post Mortal, and a hint of Blade Runner. It's a heady concept with a lot of moving parts that I want to see fleshed out a bit more. The book is just starting to build up some steam and I'm interested in seeing where it goes once it's moving at full speed.

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Evolution #1

Nov 14, 2017

Evolution is Cronenberg-level horror. It's creepy and disturbing and I can't wait to see where it's going. When it was first announced, I said that it was my most anticipated comic of the year. I'm happy to say that it paid off in spades. Do yourself a favor and read this book.

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Evolution #2

Dec 27, 2017

Evolution is next-level body horror. It's creepy and unsettling, which are two fantastic qualities for a horror comic. Instead of dwelling only on the gross-out moments, it ascends to a higher level of storytelling with relatable characters placed in horrific situations. It excels on all fronts.

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Evolution #3

Jan 24, 2018

Evolution was already a solid body horror comic. This issue further ties you to the characters, making them more interesting and relatable. I've become emotionally invested in each of their stories, which has pulled me in completely. This is a gripping read.

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Evolution #5

Mar 30, 2018

Evolution has solidified its place as a top-tier horror comic that will get under your skin. There are aspects of it that send a shiver up my spine just thinking about. Infurnari's artwork strikes a great tone filled with dread that permeates through every single page. The writing dream team of James Asmus, Joseph Keatinge, Christopher Sebela, and Joshua Williamson has crafted something truly terrifying here.

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Evolution #9

Aug 23, 2018

Evolution is one of the most unsettling comics on the stands today. It keeps the tension high with every page turn. It looks like we're going to get some answers as to just what the heck is going on, which is a plus. As it stands, this is a riveting story and a white knuckled read.

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Evolution #13

Feb 8, 2019

This uneasy feeling is what makes Evolution such a great read. I found myself shifting uncomfortably in my chair as I was going through this issue, turning the pages with equal parts anticipation and trepidation. I'm terrified by what might come next and that's what makes a truly fantastic horror comic.

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Exorsisters #1

Oct 30, 2018

Exorsisters puts a new spin on the supernatural detective trope. Sure we've had John Constantine and Cal McDonald, but we needed a fun female perspective and the Harrow sisters definitely deliver that. The twist at the end of this first issue reframes the story and opens the door to a slew of possibilities that I can't wait to see explored.

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Exorsisters #2

Nov 29, 2018

Exorsisters could have been a fun romp with two sisters solving supernatural mysteries, like a modern day Scooby Doo, but with real monsters. Instead, it reaches new heights by adding in a compelling mystery and so much family drama. I was already hooked after the first issue, but now I'm pulled in completely.

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Exorsisters #3

Jan 1, 2019

Exorsisters is just plain fun. It's perfect for any horror fan because it plays with all the tropes we've come to know and love. It doesn't insult them either. Instead, it uses them in new and humorous ways while also weaving a great story through them. Exorsisters is the horror / comedy we all need.

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Exorsisters #5

Mar 2, 2019

Exorsisters grows by leaps and bounds in this issue, laying the groundwork for some major plot points. This isn't just an ancient evil that needs to be vanquished. It's personal to Cate and Kate. There are some nice twists and turns that keeps up the unpredictable nature of this comic. There's a Supernatural flair to it, which is certainly not a bad thing.

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Exorsisters #6

May 31, 2020

Exorsisters hit with a bang in its first arc with a great premise and some nice twists and turns. As it embarks on its second storyline, it ups the game considerably. This is the horror comedy you need in your life.

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Faithless #1

Apr 25, 2019

Faithless takes some time to establish the characters and their unique relationship, then leaves you with your jaw on the floor. It ends with an impressive cliffhanger that will have you begging for more. If this is how Hell notices Faith, I can't wait to see what it will do next.

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Faithless #5

Sep 12, 2019

Faithless is definitely one of the most disturbing comics on the stands today. You can't escape its foreboding nature. Since we're five issues in, I was hoping to be a bit farther along in the story or have a clearer understanding as to what exactly Faith is getting herself into. The tone is nice, but I would like some answers sooner or later.

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Family Tree #3

Feb 17, 2020

Family Tree is a conspiracy-laden thriller mixed with body horror and family drama. It's an intriguing combination packed with tension and excitement. In short, this comic packs a punch.

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Family Tree #11

Feb 28, 2021

There are still a bunch of open questions about Family Tree, but they've become less and less important as the series has gone on. Now, as we approach the end of this story I wonder how this is going to wrap up. I'm not looking for answers. Instead, I'm more concerned about this family and how they might survive. After the jaw-dropping cliffhanger that literally made me gasp when I read it, I cannot wait to find out. Family Tree is a dystopian horror story strengthened by the deep connections between its central characters, all wrapped in this strange premise about a young girl turning into a tree.

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Fantastic Four (2018): Road Trip #1

Dec 10, 2020

I honestly cannot believe this comic exists. I mean, Disney owns this. It's something completely unexpected and utterly horrific and I love it. Fantastic Four: Road Trip is a shining example that horror can reach even the brightest and boldest areas of the Marvel Universe.

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Farmhand #1

Jul 23, 2018

Farmhand is a quirky yet unsettling comic. It's filled with little gags and fun that will bring a smile to your face...before sending a shiver up your spine with horrific imagery. I'm going to pretend it's set in the same world as Chew, the series Guillory co-created and illustrated, as the two work well together. It's safe to say if you liked Chew, you'll love Farmhand.

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Farmhand #2

Aug 18, 2018

Farmhand is laying the groundwork for a big story. There are a lot of moving pieces here and it moves at a mile a minute. The mix of comedy and horror keeps you on your toes, as you won't know what to expect. Will you be met with a smile or a bloody knife? The odds are about even for each. It's clear there's a lot more at work at the Jenkins Farm and we're just scratching the surface.

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Farmhand #5

Nov 22, 2018

Farmhand strikes a great balance between horror and comedy, but this chapter leans a lot more heavily into the spooky side. It pulls back the curtain to show you just how far this kooky idea can go and it's some pretty crazy stuff. This issue wraps up the first arc and it does so with a bang. If you're not reading Farmhand, now is the time to dive in and catch up because things are going to get nuts.

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Farmhand #6

Apr 9, 2019

Farmhand is so perfectly weird. It's filled with the best kinds of dark humor with horror weaved into every element of the story. With the basics of this world established in the first arc, it's off to the races with the second one. Things are only getting crazier and I can't wait to see how they all play out.

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Farmhand #9

Jul 12, 2019

At this point we've accepted the fact that a magic seed can replicate human body parts. That's the entry level setup for Farmhand. As the series continues, this has spiraled out into a quirky and creepy tale full of conspiracy, family drama, and good old-fashioned horror. There's an Invasion of the Body Snatchers vibe at times and it's unclear who Jenkins could trust. The kicker is that they don't realize that yet. Man, I can't wait for more from this series.

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Farmhand #10

Aug 5, 2019

As mentioned earlier, there is a whopper of a cliffhanger for Farmhand #10. It's the kind of ending that will make you want to go back and re-read everything that came before to look for clues. It's also the type that will have you clamoring for more. Unfortunately, we have to wait until November before we see this story continue. If this issue is any indication, it will definitely be worth the wait.

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Farmhand #11

Dec 14, 2019

Farmhand #11 is bookended by flashbacks, presumably from the same day in the past. They show two different perspectives of a time when Jed was just starting out, before his company grew to the size and scale of what we see now and before all of it began to topple. Forces are working against this man and his family and things are certainly going to get worse before they get better. Farmhand enters its third arc with a shovel to dig up all kinds of buried secrets and untold horrors awaiting.

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Farmhand #15

May 30, 2020

The only downside to Farmhand #15 is that this is the last issue for a little while, as the book is going on hiatus for the creative team to catch up and take a well-deserved break. It's also in development as a TV show that I cannot wait to see. In any case, Farmhand is a creepy comic from start to finish that took the idea of a seed that can regrow limbs and turned it into an unsettling journey through family, betrayal, and pure unbridled terror. In short: It's awesome.

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Fear Case #2

Mar 21, 2021

Fear Case mixes your typical police thriller with a horror tale that's anything but. It's equal parts exciting and disturbing, which makes for a great combination. It's like a Lovecraftian version of True Detective.

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Fear Case #4

May 16, 2021

Fear Case is an unsettling read. It's the kind of horror comic that will send a shiver up your spine. You'll be questioning reality. At the very least, you'll be thinking twice if anyone hands you a strange box. Remember, they'll need to give the Fear Case to the person they hate the most or the person they love the most will die. Maybe just be nice to everyone to play it safe.

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Fearscape #1

Oct 17, 2018

Fearscape has the vibe of a literary journey through Sandman. It seems to aim that high and so far, is sticking the landing. Writer Ryan O'Sullivan has made a despicable character and put him in a situation where he could save the world. I kind of want to see this jerk fail so he finally gets the comeuppance he deserves, but that would mean sacrificing an untold amount of lives. What a moral conundrum we've got here.

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Fearscape #2

Nov 21, 2018

Fearscape tackles big concepts in an easy to digest manner. It examines a very flawed character, as he's reluctantly pushed along the hero's journey that he doesn't want or deserve to be on. This makes for an interesting dynamic that carries some very dire consequences. The road is only going to get harder from here, so I can't imagine how Henry is going to deal with what comes next.

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Fearscape #3

Dec 20, 2018

Fearscape elicits a visceral reaction in the reader. We've been pulled so completely into this world, both the real side and the fantasy side, that we're along for this ride 100%. I want nothing more than to see Henry Henry get what he really deserves. Based on the events of this issue, I hope it comes sooner rather than later because he is a heinous human being.

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Fearscape #4

Mar 1, 2019

I read Fearscape through gritted teeth and white knuckles, angered by the sheer audacity of Henry Henry. His not-so-carefully constructed ruse is starting to crumble and I cannot wait until it all falls down upon him. From the looks of things, he's not going to go down without a fight, but it will all be worth it to see him taken down a peg.

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Fearscape #5

May 5, 2019

Fearscape is next level storytelling. It's easily one of the best comics of the year and this issue just seals the deal. I am simultaneously overjoyed and angered by the twists and turns the book has taken. It's definitely an unexpected journey that will keep you guessing until the very end. Buy this book with confidence.

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Fight Club 2 #1

Jun 1, 2015

I'm intrigued by this new addition to the Fight Club mythos.  The original novel spoke to someone in their mid-20s, looking to rebel against authority.  The comic book sequel is a stark exploration of a "normal" life and the pitfalls it can contain.  "Sebastian" might have turned his back on Project Mayhem, but the Space Monkeys carried on and it's clear that they may have some help from an inside source.

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Fissure #1

Feb 13, 2017

Fissure is a slow burn that pays off in spades with a breathtaking final-page filled with intrigue and terror.  It does the due diligence of establishing the characters and making you care about them before shaking the ground beneath their feet.  You'll be dying to check out the next issue, if for nothing else than to find out what's in these holes.

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Five Ghosts #14

Dec 4, 2014

Five Ghosts has always been packed with pulp and adventure but now there's a healthy dose of horror mixed in. This is some of the best serialized storytelling you're going to find on comic shelves, filled with excitement, heartbreak, and terror.

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Frank at Home on the Farm #4

May 16, 2021

Frank at Home on the Farm is like nothing else you'll read today. It's equal parts unsettling and unforgettable. This is a haunting, tragic story that will shake you to your core. In short, you need to read this.

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Frankenstein (2015): Underground #1

Mar 23, 2015

Frankensten Underground takes what started as a one-note character and builds him into a powerful yet tormented individual. This isn't Boris Karloff shuffling around with bolts sticking out of his neck. I mean, this is Mike Mignola on Frankenstein. Do you really need another reason to read this?

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Frankenstein Alive, Alive! #3

Apr 23, 2014

Frankenstein, Alive, Alive! is a brilliant character study providing a take on someone that has been labeled a monster for decades.  Instead of telling the same old story of this creature mindlessly rampaging at villagers with torches, Niles and Wrightson are providing an emotional look at a misunderstood beast that is searching for his true place in the world.  Despite his appearance, humanity is the real monster, considering they brought him back to life and have brought him face to face with this new situation.

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Freeway Fighter #1

May 20, 2017

I've never read or played with the original Freeway Fighter books. Fortunately, you don't need to have that background in order to enjoy this series. It drops you right into the action, introducing a terrifying post-apocalyptic world with a strong woman doing what she has to in order to survive. Yes, it's easy to make comparisons to Mad Max, but that's certainly not a bad thing.

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Freeway Fighter #2

Jun 20, 2017

Freeway Fighter is a slow burn. The tone is spot on and definitely worth your time. It's just that it takes a bit to really get going. Things heat up towards the end if the issue, so I'm hoping this turns around in the next chapter.

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Freeway Fighter #4

Aug 14, 2017

Freeway Fighter is a gorgeously illustrated post-apocalyptic comic. Unfortunately, it's all style and no substance. The story leaves much to be desired and doesn't come close to tying up any of the loose ends it creates over its four chapters. This was my first exposure to Freeway Fighter as I'm unfamiliar with the game. The comic should have stood on its own without the need for me to further define it on my own by setting up a campaign. Players may see it differently and use this as a great way to begin their games.

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Frostbite #1

Sep 28, 2016

Frostbite offers a glimmer of hope in a world where most people's hearts have frozen over.  Is that enough to save the planet from its icy demise?  Are these people even worth saving at this point?  It presents a harsh, gritty reality where staying warm means staying alive.  Bundle up, kids and get ready for one helluva ride.

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Frostbite #3

Dec 17, 2016

Frostbite is the alternate, colder version of Mad Max we didn't know we wanted, but are eternally grateful it exists.  Two people are thrown together on a life-or-death road trip.  The body count has only grown since they began this trip and it shows no signs of stopping.  We'll see how that is affected once secrets start coming to the surface.

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Future State (2021): Harley Quinn #1

Jan 12, 2021

Harley puts on her psychologist hat in a twisted form of Silence of the Lambs to help capture some of Gotham's costumed criminals. Check out a new side of the anti-hero as she stands on her own…even if it's behind bars.

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Future State (2021): Green Lantern #1

Jan 18, 2021

If you take away a Green Lantern's ring, you still have a hero. With the power battery going dark, Lanterns are stranded around the universe, doing what they can to not only get out alive, but save some others as well. Get ready for some big sci-fi adventure.

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Future State (2021): Nightwing #1

Jan 25, 2021

Nightwing takes the fight to the Magistrate, joined by someone new under the familiar cape and cowl, but what's with the chin strap?

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Future State (2021): The Flash #1

Jan 11, 2021

Wally West is a murderer…or is he? Barry won't believe it and even without the Speed Force, he's going to find a way to save the former Kid Flash, even if that means losing everything. It's a dark time for the Flash Family.

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Future State (2021): Shazam! #1

Feb 3, 2021

Future State: Shazam is something different, corrupting the incorruptible, but not in the way you might think. There's still a noble streak in this story. The actions were done for the right reasons, despite the horrifying consequences. Now we have to see what happens when one of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe breaks bad and that's a frightening thought.

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Future State (2021): Swamp Thing #1

Jan 17, 2021

Future State: Swamp Thing is an exciting new spin for this decades-old character. It breathes new life into him with an entirely different status quo and all kinds of dangers awaiting around every turn. It's one thing to be the avatar of the Green and protecting all plant life, but it's quite another when those plants walk and talk. Swamp Thing has a family of sorts here and he has to protect them from the monsters (not to mention mankind) that may be lurking out in the world.

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Getting It Together #1

Oct 13, 2020

Get ready for all the relationship drama you can handle.

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Getting It Together #2

Nov 12, 2020

The breakup was just the beginning for Sam and Lauren. Their lives are only getting more complicated and that's quite a fun ride to read.

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Getting It Together #4

Jan 6, 2021

Lauren bets on herself and moves out of San Fran, but can she take the pressure of going solo? Getting it Together comes to a dramatic end in a warm and fun way.

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Ghost Rider (2019) #1

Oct 19, 2019

This book cuts to the heart of what makes Ghost Rider interesting and it does it twice in a single issue since we've got two of them in here. It's much more than just a cool looking design and a bitchin' ride (although that helps). It's a very good time to be a Ghost Rider fan.

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Ghost Rider (2019) #6

Mar 29, 2020

Danny and Johnny's paths are connected and it will be interesting how they come together again. We're definitely building towards something big and I'm eager to see how it will all play out. This is a horror adventure story like no other.

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Ghost Rider (2019) #7

Jul 18, 2020

Ghost Rider #7 serves as a nice closure for this chapter in Johnny Blaze's life while opening the door to a slew of possibilities. If this is how this new series is getting started, I can't imagine what else is in store for us. This is dark, frightening horror at the core of the Marvel Universe and it's pretty awesome.

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Ghost Rider: Return of Vengeance #1

Jan 3, 2021

Ghost Rider: Return of Vengeance ushers in the next chapter for these warriors from Hell. Ghost Rider has been on hiatus for a bit and I hope we get to see more from this corner of the Marvel Universe soon. Hopefully this is the first step towards that. For now, crank up some metal and enjoy this badass one-shot.

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Ghost Tree #1

Apr 29, 2019

Ghost Tree has the look and feel of a great Neil Gaiman story. It resonates in a way that few books do, reaching both the inner child and the jaded adult. It's horror in that it deals with ghosts and the supernatural, but the real terror comes in the everyday fears that we all have. Ghost Tree brings those to the surface in an almost uncomfortable way.

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Ghost Tree #3

Jul 15, 2019

Ghost Tree is like Neil Gaiman meets Ghilbi. It has a nice blend of horror and drama that delivers an incredibly moving story. This is the kind of book that makes you want to go out and hug your loved ones. It uses death and ghosts to create a life-affirming message. There's an undercurrent of terror as we see how Brandt can lose everything, including himself, in these woods.

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Ghost Tree #4

Aug 4, 2019

Ghost Tree hit me hard and at the perfect moment in my life. It speaks to my very soul. This is a comic that's going to stay with me for a long time and I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way. It simultaneously filled me with fear and life-affirming hope. This is what the comic book medium is capable of.

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Ghostbusters Annual: 2017

Feb 5, 2017

The Ghostbusters annual is packed to the brim with the same humor, action, and horror that has come to define the franchise. There are a total of nine stories collected here, including a parody of the classic Hostess snack cakes comic ad, but with a paranormal twist. There is not a bad story in the bunch. This is a must read for any Ghostbusters fan.

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Ghostbusters: Year One #1

Feb 3, 2020

Ghostbusters: Year One is giving me a story I didn't know I wanted. I thought I knew everything about these characters and their first adventure, but it's clear the movie is just scraping the surface. If this first issue is any indication, we are in for a treat, mixing nostalgia with a damn good story and top-notch artwork.

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Ghostbusters: Year One #3

Apr 10, 2020

I was hoping to get a bit further into Peter with this chapter, but there's still a pretty solid look at the character here. The fact that this creative team can give us even a glimpse into new aspects of the Ghostbusters all these years later is a testament to their storytelling prowess.

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Ghosted (2013) #13

Sep 26, 2014

What has been amazing to watch with Ghosted is how writer Joshua Williamson has started with a basic idea in the first volume (a thief asked to steal a ghost) and expanded it into a large supernatural mythos. The ramifications of the first issue are still being felt. There are a few different balls in the air, but Williamson ties everything back together neatly. The different arcs to date have had a natural flow to them while keeping Jackson shrouded in mystery. You can't help but get pulled along for the ride, wherever he may be going. That may be to a seedy underground occult marketplace, but at least it's not Times Square with all the tourists.

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Ghosted (2013) #16

Jan 20, 2015

This issue of Ghosted provides a bit more backstory to the character of Markus Schrecken and really frames him as Jackson's nemesis. His new look is gruesome, making the argument that his outside appearance now matches his hideous insides. Williamson is building up to a big showdown between these two forces that was set in motion with the first story arc. It's clear that things are going to get very bloody very soon.

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Ghosted (2013) #20

May 23, 2015

This issue is a fitting end to Ghosted.  It's rare for ongoing series to have a finite ending in this world of reboots and renumbering, so this was a welcome sight even though it sucks to have a good comic come to a close.  Jackson Winters started as a gruff asshole and slowly turned into a fun-to-read asshole over the course of the book's run.  Ghosted began as a supernatural Ocean's Eleven and quickly evolved into an interesting look at life and death, with one of the most interesting characters at its center.

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Ghoul Scouts: Night of the Unliving Undead #2

Jul 13, 2016

Ghoul Scouts has a great setup, but lacks follow through.  It's rather tame, even for an all-ages comic.  We don't know how or why the dead have risen and that's not entirely necessary for the comic (see also, The Walking Dead).  However, we're not invested with these characters or their situation, so it's tough to care about them, especially when the zombies don't appear threatening at all.  Right now, the worst they've done is set a car on fire and I'm not certain they were the ones responsible in the first place.

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Giants #2

Jan 9, 2018

Giants is like The Warriors meets Godzilla. You'll come for the giant monsters and stay for the compelling character development. We don't know how or why these creatures have taken over the planet and it doesn't matter. What is important is how Gogi and Zedo are going to survive and what will happen when they meet again.

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Giants #4

Mar 27, 2018

From the looks of things, Gogi may be cursed. His presence ruins the tenuous balance that many hold in this post-apocalyptic landscape. He may have found happiness for a moment, but that is fleeting, particularly when his past comes back to haunt him. Giants presents a compelling story of two kids on a collision course. One is trying to be good and the other has fully embraced the bad. Which one will survive in a world run by huge monsters?

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Giants #5

Apr 25, 2018

Gogi's trials also mimic those of humanity in this post-apocalyptic world.  If he can rise up from the depths and find peace, perhaps there's hope for humanity as a whole.  This is represented beautifully in the closing pages as Gogi's family comes together in the face of total devastation.  Giants could have been another in a long line of comics about a big monster destroying a city with some helpless humans running for their lives.  Instead, it reaches a new level with some strong characters and incredible artwork that sets it apart from the average kaiju tale.  Although Gogi and Zedo have little to no hope of taking out creatures like Sheik and Wraith, their story becomes more compelling because they're just trying to survive.  They're scraping together what small bits of happiness they can find to create a life in this horrific world which leads to a pretty inspiring arc.

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Gideon Falls #1

Feb 24, 2018

Gideon Falls takes its time to get going. It doesn't rush into the scares. Instead, it slowly builds tension over time, building to a great cliffhanger that will definitely have you coming back for more. The comic has an unshakable feeling of dread, like untold terrors are awaiting Norton and Wilfred in the coming issues and they're the only ones that can possibly put a stop to whatever's coming. One thing is for sure, if this is writer Jeff Lemire's first foray into horror, he's off to a great start.

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Gideon Falls #2

Apr 18, 2018

Dave Stewart's colors complete the experience, particularly with his use of red.  That shade means danger and when it appears on the page, the scare factor goes up.  Since most of the issue looks grim and dark, red stands out in a vibrant, violent nature.  It's a shock to the system.  Gideon Falls has pulled me in completely.  I still have a lot of questions, but the tone of the story and the mystery surrounding the Black Barn is more than enough to keep me interested.  We're still learning about the main characters, however we know enough about them to get wrapped up in their lives and want to see this through.

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Gideon Falls #3

May 27, 2018

Gideon Falls has been a slow burn, albeit a very satisfying one. Every page turn is filled with dread as we gradually unravel the mystery that connects these two men. I'm eagerly anticipating their meeting and more importantly, what will finally pull them together. On the surface, they couldn't be farther apart, so what about this peculiar Black Barn will link them?

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Gideon Falls #5

Aug 2, 2018

Writer Jeff Lemire paces Gideon Falls #5 perfectly. I was on edge the entire time, as the tension continues to rise with every turn of the page. Although we don't know a lot about the Black Barn just yet, the very thought of it is enough to send a shiver down your spine. Gideon Falls is one of the scariest comics on the stands today. It's not going to scare you with blood and gore. Instead, it seeps under your skin, staying with you for some time.

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Gideon Falls #6

Aug 25, 2018

Gideon Falls #6 is easily one of the best comics of the year. This is an experience like no other, delivering on not only a unique and mind-bending read, but an unsettling story that elevates everything that's come before. You'll want to go back and re-read the previous issues again after the startling revelation on the final page. Writer Jeff Lemire has jumped into the horror genre and made one helluva splash.

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Gideon Falls #8

Dec 1, 2018

Gideon Falls was already a horror comic that dug deep under your skin and made for some dread-filled reading. Writer Jeff Lemire has upped the terror and intrigue a thousandfold with this arc. This is not just a solid horror book it's now working on a whole other level. It's no wonder this is being developed for TV. If the producers can capture a fraction of the scares seen here on the screen, it's going to be a major hit.

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Gideon Falls #13

May 27, 2019

Gideon Falls continues to surprise and terrify me in new and unexpected ways. It will literally send shivers up your spine in the way that only the best horror stories can. This is a book that will have you sleeping with the lights on.

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Gideon Falls #14

Jul 1, 2019

Gideon Falls has grown into a wide web of terror, spanning multiple generations. A dark cloud hangs over every page, like a dreary sense of foreboding. Every time you think you have this figured out, writer Jeff Lemire takes another turn and flips everything on its head. Looking back on the series to date reveals some very careful planning on his part, revealing just enough to keep the story shrouded in mystery. From the way this book is going, I hope it runs forever.

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Gideon Falls #23

Jul 26, 2020

There is nothing else like Gideon Falls on the stands today. While I don't always understand what's going on or where it's going, I appreciate every insane moment it brings. It's completely bonkers and I love every bit of it.

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Gideon Falls #25

Oct 3, 2020

Gideon Falls is finally coming together and it was totally worth the wait. It set a high bar of terror from the beginning and it continues to surpass that with each chapter. That's an impressive feat 25 issues in. As we approach the grand finale, I cannot wait to see what is in store for us, especially if this chapter is any indication.

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Gideon Falls #27

Jan 7, 2021

Gideon Falls delivers an unparalleled reading experience with its finale. There are some open questions, but they don't take anything away from this epic book. The visuals are off the charts and worth the price of admission alone. The gripping story, compelling characters, and mind-shattering horror are gravy.

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Glitterbomb #1

Aug 18, 2016

Glitterbomb seamlessly pulls you into the world of Farrah Durante to the point where you let out a little cheer when the monster inside her straight-up murders someone.  The beast is still shrouded in mystery and I'm intrigued by what its plans are for Hollywood.  I can only imagine the amount of dead bodies it will leave in its wake.  The big score on this book is Djibril Morissette-Phan and his amazing artwork.  It reminds me a bit of Sean Gordon Murphy, which is definitely a compliment.  If this is how he's starting out, I can't wait to see what else he has coming down the line, not only for this comic, but for his career.

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Glitterbomb #4

Dec 19, 2016

Glitterbomb is a scathing look at fame and our quest for it.  It's a comic that could not be hitting at a better time, where people are less concerned with showcasing their talent and more interested in becoming famous.  I wish Kim Kardashian would read this book.  I could sell it on the fact that it has pictures.  Speaking of, the artwork is pitch perfect, walking the fine line between emotion-filled scenes of drama and gore-filled segments of monstrous carnage.  Plus, it leaves off with a cliffhanger where you just have to find out what happens next.

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Glitterbomb: The Fame Game #1

Sep 13, 2017

Glitterbomb: The Fame Game shows real life terror that happens on a daily basis in Hollywood. Fame is a claustrophobic, soul-crushing experience and young Kaydon Klay is about to see it up close and personal. This is something she's longed for all her life and the glitz and glamour is about to chew her up and spit her out. That doesn't even include the literal monster lurking in the shadows nearby!

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Glitterbomb: The Fame Game #2

Nov 1, 2017

Glitterbomb: The Fame Game ups the ante considerably with this issue. It runs the gamut of emotions, bouncing from happiness to sadness to utter despair. Along the way it takes a stop in terror and lingers there for a bit. What is impressive is how this series balances real world, everyday horror with supernatural monsters. In the end, it's tough to tell which one is more frightening.

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Glitterbomb: The Fame Game #4

Jan 2, 2018

Glitterbomb: The Fame Game is a timely, unsettling look at how we perceive fame in today's society. The phrase "If it bleeds, it leads" is very valid. It's created media that we're all guilty of consuming without thinking of the emotional and mental toll it is taking on those affected. It will have you thinking twice before tuning into the local news or clicking on that juicy headline.

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God Country #1

Dec 17, 2016

God Country has the makings of an epic story at a deeply personal scale.  It teases just enough to hook you, leaving you begging for more.  Roy's life is very real and one that you can instantly connect with.  This makes the events of the book all the more dramatic and powerful.  This is a stunning debut issue.

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Godzilla in Hell #2

Sep 2, 2015

At the end of the day, this is a comic of big monsters punching other big monsters. There's not much here in terms of substance. The artwork makes up for this to an extent, but there's really not much else to latch on to. It's not like you get into the deep inner workings of Godzilla or even understand why he's fighting these other creatures. He literally walks into a new area and starts swinging. I'd like to know a little bit more or get the smallest hint of character development, but I'm not sure what I was expecting. This is a Godzilla comic. It's about destruction and kaiju. That's it really.

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Godzilla: Cataclysm #1

Aug 13, 2014

Godzilla: Cataclysm brings back monsters in a big way.  Humanity is still incredibly screwed when these beasts get moving, but you can't help but watch the destruction unfold.  Now a new generation gets to witness the terror of a huge lizard creature rampaging through its city.

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Godzilla: Oblivion #4

Jun 27, 2016

I can't wait to see how everyone handles even more monsters. Things are looking grim for Earth One, but with a new lead scientist, maybe they have what it takes to save their world once and for all.

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Goners #2

Nov 20, 2014

Goners is a perfect mix of horror and adventure. It's a fast paced comic that begins with breakneck speed and never lets up.

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Goners #4

Jan 21, 2015

Goners continues to excel. This is a monster-filled comic surrounded by characters with heart. It seamlessly mixes the horror with emotional drama and throws in some staggeringly good character development. Each issue has unraveled a bit more of the mystery, pulling you deeper and deeper into the Latimer family rabbit hole.

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Goners #5

Feb 23, 2015

Semahn and Corona build to a shocking ending that really changes everything. I know you hear that phrase a lot in comics, but I mean it here. Looking back at the beginning of the series, it's hard to believe that things have escalated to such an extent. I found myself looking at these pages and thinking, "No, they can't be doing this. Please don't be doing this." But I couldn't turn away. The creators have pulled me in. I'm deeply invested in these characters and I want them to avoid the supernatural train wreck that they're barreling towards at full speed...but I don't think that's in the cards just yet. I mean, the comic is called Goners for a reason, right?

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Goners #6

Mar 27, 2015

Goners is the kind of comic that I could see translate easily into a weekly TV show.  These first six issues are basically the pilot.  Granted, the things that Jacob Semahn and Jorge Corona packed this with would require an astronomical budget to produce.  Goners is a blend of action, adventure, horror, and good old-fashioned family drama.  It's about growing up.  It's about standing up for yourself.  It's about kicking ass.

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Goosebumps: Download & Die! #1

Apr 5, 2018

Download and Die! has the right mix of fun and scares that has made the Goosebumps name stand the test of time. There's an entire generation of horror fans that grew up on those young adult novels and this creative team definitely does them justice with this series. It's a great all-ages title that's perfect for new and old fans alike.

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Goosebumps: Horrors of the Witch House #1

May 10, 2019

Goosebumps: Horrors of the Witch House is another solid addition to this notable series. It's very much an all-ages title, enjoyable for kids and adults alike. The children that grew up reading Goosebumps (myself included) can now share them with their kids in comic book form and that's a wonderful thing. This is a great way to introduce a younger audience into horror without freaking them out.

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Goosebumps: Secrets of the Swamp #1

Sep 30, 2020

Goosebumps carries with it a certain weight. It's a legendary series of young adult novels that defined a generation. Secrets of the Swamp continues that tradition in spectacular fashion, delivering a healthy amount of scares that all ages can enjoy.

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Goosebumps: Monsters At Midnight #2

Jan 8, 2018

Goosebumps: Monsters at Midnight is an awesome way to introduce horror to a younger audience. It's an all-ages title so there is something for kids and adults alike. Fans of the original young adult books by R.L. Stine will absolutely love this comic. It makes me want to dig up my old books to revisit them.

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Goosebumps: Download & Die! #2

Apr 17, 2018

Where Download and Die! excels is with the personal teenage drama among Mitra and her friends.  It's real.  Writer Jen Vaughn perfectly captures these genuine feelings that we've all been through.  The phone brings out the worst inner thoughts that Mitra could be thinking and beats up her self-esteem at a time when it is most vulnerable.  As a result, she doesn't realize how much it has affected her.  This relatability heightens the tension in the book.  The scares are greater, as we're so invested in Mitra and her life.   Goosebumps: Download and Die! shows just how great all-ages comics can be.  The series literally works for everyone, tugging on the emotional hardships of teenagers that we've all experienced to make a very personal, terrifying read.

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Goosebumps: Horrors of the Witch House #3

Aug 16, 2019

Goosebumps is an absolute classic and a major gateway to horror for an entire generation of kids. I'm glad to see that tradition continue with Horrors of the Witch House. This is a solid comic that's sure to delight new and old fans alike. It matches the same tone that was established years ago by R.L. Stine. This is all-ages horror at its best.

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Goosebumps: Download & Die! #3

May 26, 2018

Goosebumps: Download and Die! features more of a cliffhanger ending which is certainly not unheard of in the franchise. It's not a cliffhanger where a character is about to plummet to their doom or something like that. It's more about realizing that their world is completely changed and there could be more to this story. It would warrant a sequel to see where these characters could go next. Maybe next time it's a possessed iPad or a haunted Amazon Echo.

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Gotham City Monsters #1

Sep 26, 2019

I love when characters like these get the spotlight, even though they tend to stick to the shadows. Gotham City Monsters is a great example of the kinds of solid storytelling you can get when you dabble with the darker side of the DC Universe. This debut issue sets the stage for an epic battle between good and evil. The funny thing is the good guys are far from your typical heroes, but they're definitely the ones you want on your side in a fight like this.

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Gotham City Monsters #6

Feb 22, 2020

This team really gels with this issue, which is why it's so unfortunate that this is the final chapter of this series. It's clear that writer Steve Orlando has more in store for these characters and he definitely leaves the door open for more adventures. I certainly hope he gets a chance to do so, as there is plenty of room in the DC Universe for a group like this. Yes, we have Justice League Dark, but Gotham City Monsters scratches a different itch. It deals with the outcasts and the misunderstood rising up to stop an evil that has struck at the others like themselves. Even monsters need a hero every now and then.

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Grave Danger #1

Aug 26, 2018

Grave Danger presents a pretty awesome storyline right off the bat. It wastes no time diving into the action while also delivering some of the backstory for the main character. We don't get her full origin here, nor is it necessary. There's just enough to hook you with a great premise and an awesome closer. In this debut issue alone there are all kinds of monsters and demons. If this is what a single day in the life of Grave Danger is like, I can't imagine what kind of terrifying adventures are in store.

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Graveland #1

Dec 9, 2017

If the Re-Animator created Captain America to fight the monsters from Pacific Rim, you'd have Graveland. This is blockbuster movie level action that's blended with crazy kaiju fun. If this is how the book starts, I can't wait to see where it goes next.

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Graveland #3

Dec 17, 2017

The imagery of Los Angeles in flames is unfortunately not a foreign concept at the moment, as most of the West Coast is on fire. It's still a chilling visual seeing these monsters rampage down major highways and destroy buildings. We don't know their true goal here just yet, but Titan Amon is not going to let them get to it without a fight.

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Graveland #4

Apr 6, 2018

Graveland has the look and feel of the Bourne Identity mixed with Godzilla. It just comes up short on the story side. There's a decent plot in here, but it takes some digging to understand just what is at work here.

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Gravetrancers #1

Dec 14, 2017

Gravetrancers will shock you to your core. There is no sugar coating this story. These are dangerous people and there is absolutely no guarantee Maribel and Anthony will make it out alive, let alone in one piece. That makes for one terrifying horror comic.

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Gravetrancers #2

Feb 6, 2018

Gravetrancers has quickly become one of the scariest comics of the year and we're only a few weeks into 2018. The terror never lets up for a single moment. It's always there and it's constantly on the rise. The artwork is absolutely incredible and only serves to pull you deeper and deeper into this bizarre world. Don't sleep on this one, folks.

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Gravetrancers #3

Apr 22, 2018

Gravetrancers is like Rocky Horror Picture Show through the lens of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. It's bold, bloody, and absolutely bonkers. This comic is so unpredictable and insane that you will be eagerly awaiting the next and final chapter because you have to wonder what else can possibly happen at this point.

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Gravetrancers #4

Aug 4, 2018

Gravetrancers is the most unpredictable comic I've read all year. Every time you think you've figured it out, it takes a sharp turn into all new insanity. It might have been built on the idea of a bunch of creeps making a drug out of corpses, but it quickly grew to something far more terrifying.

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Graveyard Shift #1

Jan 4, 2015

Faerber has a talent for introductions. The same could be said for his sci-fi series Copperhead. He hits you with just enough information to pull you in, yet still manages to quickly set up the "rules" of this new world. Graveyard Shift packs a punch with drama, romance, and a healthy dose of good old-fashioned vampire horror.

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Grimm Fairy Tales #97

May 7, 2014

Grimm Fairy Tales is heading towards a large event and getting many pieces in place for it.  The Tooth Fairy is the latest player to enter the game and I'm very interested to see how she factors into things, considered her tortured past.  This kind of re-imagining of a classic character is what makes this title stand out.  I will never look at the dentist the same way again after reading this issue.  Brush your teeth, people!

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Grimm Fairy Tales #100

Jul 27, 2014

Grimm Fairy Tales has grown and evolved over the course of these 100 issues. If you pick up the first chapter of this series and compare it to the latest, you might not believe they're the same book. An entire universe has been built around Grimm Fairy Tales, expanding and improving upon works of classic literature, while maintaining the elements of horror and fantasy that have made the comic great. Issue #100 is an event that puts the comic shoulder-to-shoulder with anything published by Marvel or DC.

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Grimm Fairy Tales #101

Sep 4, 2014

Although I have my issues with how Zenescope appears to be jumping forward with its premiere title, I'm interested to see where this new direction will lead.  We don't know how the Dark Queen is defeated or how the realms become unmerged.  That will probably come from Realm War.  For now we'll see how Sela fairs as a teacher in addition to her other jobs protecting the Nexus.

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Grimm Fairy Tales #105

Dec 24, 2014

There are still some mysteries behind Arcane Acre and its first batch of students. Sela and her cohorts have a challenge ahead of them if the first few issues are any indication. These kids have gotten into a lot of crazy antics and it's much worse than the usual stuff you'd expect from a bunch of hormone-fueled high schoolers. They all have some pretty shaky pasts and are filled with an unknown amount of power. That amplifies the everyday teenage drama a thousandfold.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Dark Shaman #1

Oct 26, 2014

Dark Shaman plays like your everyday horror movie with a bunch of co-eds heading out to a secluded cabin before becoming the target of a supernatural madman. There's little to no emotional attachment to the characters, so there's no real concern when the blood starts flying. This is the kind of story where you root for the bad guy because you don't care about the people.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Presents: Helsing #2

May 22, 2014

This version of Helsing is interesting, but I'm not entirely sold on the character.  Shand is carving out a niche within the Grimm Universe where vampires and slayers can roam as well as adapting classic characters to fit next to gods and people from fairy tales.

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Grimm Fairy Tales Vs. Wonderland #3

Sep 27, 2014

Grimm Fairy Tales vs. Wonderland has been building to a large battle worthy of both titles. This issue moves the last pieces into place, setting the stage for the final showdown, leaving you begging for more. Once again Wonderland is under attack. This time Calie has some help in the form of Sela, but will it be enough to stop the Ace of Spades?

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Grimm Fairy Tales: Dance of the Dead #1

Nov 13, 2017

This first issue of Dance of the Dead takes some time to find its footing. It re-introduces Mystere and tosses Jasmine into the fray. After Day of the Dead, I am curious as to what's next for Mystere, however I don't have that interest in Jasmine yet. She feels forced into this situation and her story isn't enough to care about just yet. Hopefully the two women can help each other figure out where they should go next and how to escape the Shadowlands. In the meantime, they've got hordes of goblins, skeletons, and other assorted monsters to fight.

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Grimm Fairy Tales: The White Queen #1

Feb 8, 2015

White Queen sheds some light on what was going on in Wonderland during the Age of Darkness. Granted, we know how things turn out due to the other ongoing Zenescope titles, so this doesn't come across as all that effective. The characters are in no real danger. That being said, I am interested to see how Calie deals with the Dark Queen and how she'll go about saving her daughter. Things got a little bloody this time around and I have a feeling that's just the beginning.

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Grimm Tales Of Terror #2

Sep 5, 2014

Grimm Tales of Terror pulls on a very real fear that most people have. It takes a little while to get to the scares, but it has a decent pay off, plus some bonus bloodshed with a book-ended scene. What's more exciting is that Zenescope is carving out another little home for short horror stories to live in the comic book industry. We can't have enough of those.

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Grimm Tales Of Terror: 2017 April Fools Edition

Apr 8, 2017

I wasn't expecting a laugh riot from this April Fools' Day comic, but I also wasn't expecting a rehash of previous comics. It's described as a Mystery Science Theater 3000 take on them, but that's a poor comparison. It's more like your old uncle making sad, outdated references while watching re-runs on TV.

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Grimm Tales Of Terror Vol 3 #3

Mar 27, 2017

This issue ends with a great twist. It's something I did not see coming and puts a very cool spin on the Black Eyed Children urban legend. It works really well and takes the book to an entirely new level. It's this kind of work that solidifies Grimm Tales of Terror as a go-to horror anthology.

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Grimm Tales Of Terror Vol 3 #6

Jun 19, 2017

Grimm Tales of Terror continues to be a fun anthology title. This one takes a while to ramp up and when it does, it jumps to lightspeed to an ending you can see coming. You can't deny the compelling nature of the subject matter. I just wish we got a little more with the alligators and a little less with the TV show host.

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Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight #5

Feb 11, 2014

Branwyn is embarking on a quest for revenge in Bride of Blood.  It's going to get a lot messier but she's not going to stop until every last one of those bastards pays.  As with previous Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight stories, this one will be completed with the next chapter.  After this stellar first issue, I'm really looking forward to how this wraps up and what kind of violence this woman will unleash on these men.

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Grindhouse: Drive In, Bleed Out #1

Nov 16, 2014

Grindhouse is returning with a bang. Slay Ride is terrifying, sexy, and fueled by vengeance. It's everything I'd want from the genre and more.

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Grindhouse: Drive In, Bleed Out #3

Mar 31, 2015

This is a lot goofier than the other Grindhouse comics.  In a weird way it reminds me of Tremors in that you've got a small group of people out in the middle of nowhere facing off against a bunch of giant creatures.  The first chapter of Blood Lagoon got all the pieces in order for a big bug-squashing battle royale, which I know that writer Alex de Campi can deliver in spades.

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Grit #1

Aug 17, 2020

Writer Brian Wickman introduces us to an intriguing and terrifying world in Grit. There's enough to chew on to pull me in and I desperately want to see more. There is still quite a bit unknown about Barrow and his career as a monster hunter, but I'm looking forward to see how this unfolds.

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Grit #2

Sep 12, 2020

Grit introduces us to this fascinating world full of monsters in its first chapter. Now it's expanded the mythos with new monsters and new allies (if you can call Ari that) in Barrow's journey. We're just scraping the surface here and I can't wait to see more.

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Grizzly Shark #1

Apr 11, 2016

Grizzly Shark is such a damn enjoyable comic.  I read this with a grin on my face and had several laugh-out-loud moments.  That's probably saying something about my sense of humor, but I'm willing to bet that if you're reading this, you're in the same bucket.  Ryan Ottley delivers massive amounts of ridiculous fun in these 32 pages.  They just happen to be covered in blood.

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Guardians of the Galaxy (2020) #10

Jan 20, 2021

After seeing what Peter can do in this issue, it seems it would be easy to pop by Earth and dispatch Knull, but Ewing has planned for that. There are other forces at place in the stars that require his and the Guardians' attention. We're not going on that detour as this story needs to go forward. This is a pitch perfect tie-in to a massive event that does justice to both storylines at once.

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GWAR: Orgasmageddon #1

Jun 7, 2017

GWAR: Orgasmageddon is an over-the-top, balls-out, insane comic dripping with dark humor. The violence is elaborate and gore-filled. If Animal from the Muppets became a bloodthirsty creature of anarchy and murder, you might get a rough idea of what you're in for. Most of all, this is a fun read that will leave any horror fan with a smile on their face.

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GWAR: Orgasmageddon #2

Jul 6, 2017

GWAR: Orgasmageddon continues to be the dark humor, blood-soaked comic you can't help but love.  It's like an alternate version of Bill & Ted where they murder people throughout time.  Wouldn't that be a fun take?  If you are into horror, outlandish kills, and non-stop gags, this is the comic for you.

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GWAR: Orgasmageddon #3

Aug 31, 2017

GWAR: Orgasmaddon is the best comic you will read featuring a penis-shaped time machine and I'm including that one weird issue of Uncanny X-Men. Now you're wondering which one I'm talking about, aren't you? I'm just kidding. There's no penis-shaped time machine in X-Men...or is there? Anyway, if you love dark humor and gore, you are going to love this comic. Plus, the Krakunt is worth the price of admission alone. I'm going to be having some very confusing dreams / nightmares about that tonight.

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GWAR: Orgasmageddon #4

Oct 22, 2017

GWAR: Orgasmageddon is an absolute blast. It's a pun-filled, blood-soaked journey through time that puts all other time travelers to shame. H.G. Wells is regretting that he didn't have his characters fly around in a penis-shaped ship in The Time Machine. It would have made that Guy Pearce movie was more interesting. At the end of the day, this is a damn fun comic that is enjoyable to anyone with a dark sense of humor, whether you're a GWAR fan or not.

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Hack / Slash: Resurrection #2

Dec 4, 2017

Hack / Slash: Resurrection is a welcome return for Cassie Hack. It puts her in some familiar territory for horror fans and one that's fitting for the character. She would be right at home at Camp Crystal Lake, although Jason would have to think twice before attacking her. Cassie would definitely give him a run for his money. This could have been just a cool side story. Instead, it ties closely to Cassie's past, creating a more personal tale.

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Hack / Slash: Resurrection #7

Jun 5, 2018

This one-and-done story from writer Tini Howard hits all the right marks. It's got humor, gore, and sex appeal, which is just the right combination for a Hack/Slash comic. I hope we get to see Cat again soon, although I can understand how she might be best handled in small doses. I thought Hack/Slash: Resurrection was a mini-series at first, so I'm glad to see that the bloody adventures are continuing with more issues.

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Hack / Slash: Son of Samhain #1

Jul 6, 2014

Hack / Slash: Son of Samhain is a welcome return for Cassie Hack.  The subtitle of the series promises a tie-in to the big bad of the last volume, but little has been seen of this just yet.  Instead, this issue gets Cassie back to doing what she does best, and that's kicking ass and looking good doing it.  The character is in good hands with Moreci, Seeley, and Laiso.

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Hack/Slash vs Vampirella #4

Jan 13, 2018

Hack / Slash vs. Vampirella pulls in the best parts of both characters. It's a great crossover that I hope continues with further adventures because it's created a fun dynamic. It's sure to please fans of either franchise.

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Hailstone (2021) #1

May 22, 2021

Hailstone is part of ComiXology Originals, available for free for subscribers to ComiXology Unlimited, Kindle Unlimited, and Amazon Prime.

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Halloween Man #18

Dec 5, 2019

This issue sets things up for the three part arc in a big way. With everything established, I have to wonder what kind of retaliation will hit Solomon later on. This is another solid entry in this indie comic that continues to innovate and delight.

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Halloween Man #25

Oct 18, 2020

While this brings up some elements from Halloween Man's past, it most definitely focuses on what's to come. This issue sets the stage for what I hope is another twenty years of monstrous adventures. There are all kinds of horror tropes and aspects from other genres and movies that can be pulled into Halloween Man at any moment, so there's certainly a lot of potential for this series to continue on for quite some time.

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Halloween Man: Hallowtide #1

Jan 9, 2019

Halloween Man: Hallowtide is a solid addition to the character's macabre adventures. This is the first half of a two-part tale and it moves at a breakneck pace. It's packed with story and a batch of character development that will give you a good idea of what makes Halloween Man so unique.

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Hand Me Down #1

Mar 21, 2021

Hand Me Down is a quick yet strong read. It quickly establishes the characters and their situation before turning their lives upside down. Just when you think you know where it's going, it takes some harsh turns and ends up in some surprising places. The ending is unexpected yet warm. There's a happy ending of sorts after all this bloodshed, but not in the way you might think. It shows the kind of horrors that can lurk out in the suburbs.

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Harrow County #1

May 19, 2015

Harrow County is friggin' scary.  It's a story that seeps into your very being, bringing the type of fear and tension that movies need jump scares and pumping soundtracks to come close to pulling off.  Here's the kicker though: It's only the first issue.  Cullen Bunn and Tyler Crook are just getting started and they've already made one of the best horror comics of the year.

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Harrow County: Death's Choir #2

Jan 23, 2020

While it's probably frightening to live in a place like this, there is a certain level of wonder that comes from it, like anything can happen here if you just have a little faith. This mix of horror and adventure is what makes Harrow County special.

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Harrow County #14

Jul 22, 2016

Harrow County is the kind of horror that gets right into your bones.  This was a rather tame issue compared to some of the others in the series to date, but it is no less scary.  That aforementioned panel is something that will stay with me for a while, haunting me whenever I close my eyes.  I get chills just thinking about it.

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Harrow County #22

Apr 12, 2017

Harrow County is a pitch perfect horror comic. Everything about it just clicks between the art, the colors, the writing, the dialogue, the characters. While on the surface, you have two young women walking through the creepy woods at night, that's the least scary thing about the book. It delivers terror on multiple levels and leaves you begging for more.

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Harrow County #23

May 14, 2017

Harrow County delivers a consistent level of quality horror. The foreboding tone is constant. Scenes with happy moments are punctuated by an unshakable feeling of dread, like you're waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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Harrow County #27

Nov 11, 2017

Few comics are as consistently well done as Harrow County. This is a riveting book that pulls you in hook, line, and sinker. It features an epic battle of good against evil that's fought not with capes and tights, but with powerful character-driven story and some of the best artwork in the industry. This should be required reading for all horror fans.

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Harrow County #28

Dec 22, 2017

Harrow County never disappoints. It's such a solid read and continues to be one of the best horror comics on the stands today. Emmy's journey is a wild ride with more than its fair share of shadows. I just hope this poor girl can make it out unscathed.

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Harrow County #29

Mar 31, 2018

Harrow County has become a gold standard for horror comics. With news that the series will be ending soon, I can only imagine what writer Cullen Bunn has in store for a finale. If the story up until now is any indication, we're in for a treat.

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Harrow County #30

May 4, 2018

As Harrow County nears its end, the forces of good and evil are preparing for a final battle. This is the lead up to that climactic showdown. Writer Cullen Bunn has packed it with an intense feeling of dread. A dark cloud hangs over this town and the sun may never shine on it again. I almost don't know what else to say about it at this point because this is a comic everyone should be reading. It excels on all fronts.

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Harrow County #31

Jun 4, 2018

We've got one issue left of Harrow County. While I'm sad to see it go, the finale looks like an amazing ride, so I can't wait to see how it wraps up. I'm eagerly awaiting the last issue with bated breath and clenched fists. Seriously, just read this book and thank me later.

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Harrow County #32

Jul 6, 2018

I'm sad to see it end, but I could not have asked for a better final issue. Writer Cullen Bunn has led us to a fantastic ending that is so very fitting. It shows incredible character development, as Emmy has gone through one helluva journey. While there are certainly possibilities to return to Harrow County to feature more of the strange monsters and odd things that have happened there over the years, it's unnecessary. We have a great story here that stands on its own with a beginning, middle, and an end that will delight any reader.

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Hass #1

Mar 23, 2016

Hass is pitched as Romeo & Juliet meets American History X, which is a pretty apt way of describing it.  Creator B. Alex Thompson pulls you in with relatable characters and just when you think they're going to have a nice happy ending, he pulls the rug out from under you and changes everything.  Aliens don't fly in and the dead don't rise.  Instead, the monsters in Hass are real and just as terrifying.  They're capable of true evil.

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Haunted #1

Apr 30, 2014

Haunted sets up a post-apocalyptic road trip.  This is a great origin story.  You get everything you need to jump right into the story.  This first issue gets the group together and provides them with a destination in New York City.  You can imagine the level of utter madness that a city of millions of people must be like after ghosts have invaded the world.  While their technology is not nearly as advanced as that of the Ghostbusters, I have a feeling that Sarah and the gang could hold their own against Egon and company.

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Headspace #6

Feb 15, 2015

Headspace is a damn fine comic that will keep you on your toes. Lindsay sets a breakneck pace with the story and never lets up, taking sharp twists and turns. Here you have a beacon of sanity in Shane surrounded by an ocean of chaos with Max's mind. This is high caliber work that you are just not going to see anywhere else.

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Headspace #7

Mar 18, 2015

You can practically feel the soundtrack picking up in the background as Shane takes some fateful steps in this issue of Headspace. The music swells. The drums pound. One man stands against insurmountable odds in an effort to do the right thing and stop a killer. There's been too much death so far. Headspace continues to be an amazing character study of a man with moral fiber that would make Batman blush. It's the kind of comic that I can't wait to re-read in its entirety, which is convenient as there's a collection coming soon from IDW Publishing.

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Headspace #8

Apr 9, 2015

Headspace has one of the most satisfying endings I've seen in years.  Lindsay crafted an emotionally draining adventure through the mind of a killer that's unlike anything you'll see on the stands today.  It's huge in scope and earnest as all Hell.  Watching the lengths that one man is willing to go is inspiring.  We should all hope to be half the man that Shane is.  This is what a hero looks like.  There are no capes or tights.  Just a man standing up for what's right with conviction.

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Heavenly Blues #1

Jun 13, 2017

Heavenly Blues has an undeniably great hook that's backed up with solid character development and striking artwork.  You might come in for the supernatural heist but you'll stay for Isaiah's story to see if he and Erin can stick it to the holy man that judged them and sent them down to Hell.  Like any good heist movie, you can't help but root for the bad guys.

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Heavenly Blues #2

Aug 30, 2017

Even with these fight scenes, the pace slows down a bit with this issue of Heavenly Blues. It's largely setup as the characters are moved into place to prepare for the heist. The additional players are very intriguing and it will be cool to see how they all interact with one another. I'm just anxious for them to get to the action and see how they'll bust down Heaven's door. They're beginning to resemble a powder keg.

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Heavenly Blues #3

Sep 28, 2017

Heavenly Blues presents supernatural thievery in Hell that's right up there with classic heist films, and who doesn't love a good heist film? If George Clooney robbed something from a demon instead of Andy Garcia, it would have been a much more entertaining movie, right?

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Heavenly Blues #4

Nov 19, 2017

I have no idea how this whole plan will go down, but I cannot wait to see it play out. Heavenly Blues has been building up with each issue and this one is no different. This chapter reveals what they're actually stealing and it is a real game changer. It raises the stakes considerably. Plus, the team meets who they're stealing from and he's far scarier than Andy Garcia. Man, this is a fun comic.

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Heavenly Blues #5

Feb 15, 2018

Heavenly Blues has been steadily building since issue one. Things really get going here and I'm super excited to see where they go next. Can this group of misfits pull off the heist of this or any lifetime? The rewards are huge, but so are the stakes. This is a biblical heist and we're routing for the bad guys.

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Heavenly Blues #6

May 25, 2018

Heavenly Blues sticks the landing on a terrific and otherworldly heist story. It took the time to establish these characters and what makes them tick so you become so invested in their lives. They absolutely have to succeed because if they don't, it will be completely devastating. Ben Kahn and Bruno Hidalgo make a great team. Between this and Shaman, they've got a couple solid titles under their belt. I'm excited to see what they do next.

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Hellblazer (2016) #1

Sep 1, 2016

I've read a number of the DC Rebirth titles.  Hellblazer is the only one that I'm not all that impressed with.  It has nothing exciting or overly interesting going on in it.  The most intriguing elements have nothing to do with the main character.  John Constantine's hey-day was when he was off in his own little world in the more mature Vertigo line.  Maybe the DC Universe with its capes and tights is just not the right place for him.

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Hellblazer: Rebirth #1

Jul 22, 2016

Hellblazer: Rebirth resets the status quo for John Constantine.  I am not up to speed as to where he was in the DC Universe prior to this issue, so some of the setup, such as the brief stint in New York, feels strange and out of place.  It's like they needed to quickly explain where he went when he left London, but that wasn't really necessary.  The stakes are high and he's on his own.  His enemies are not things that Superman can swoop in and punch.  These are monsters capable of real terror.

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Hellboy: Krampusnacht #1

Dec 26, 2017

Hellboy: Krampusnact is an awesome horror read for the holidays. It keeps the spirit alive while also delivering some great terror. Hughes is a welcome addition to the Mignolaverse with gorgeous artwork that maintains the dark aesthetic we've come to expect from this world. I'd love to see what he could do with some of the other characters.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: Her Fatal Hour & The Sending #1

Dec 10, 2020

Hellboy rarely goes wrong and this one-shot is another solid chapter in the character's history. Since he's been all over the world for decades, there are opportunities for many more stories like this and I sincerely hope we get them. It's clear that Mignola has not missed a beat in Hellboy's 25-plus year legacy.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Beast of Vargu #1

Jul 12, 2019

Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Beast of Vargu is another solid supernatural adventure. Hellboy's history is long and storied, but more importantly, it's not fully explored yet. This allows for these smaller tidbits to pop up every now and then to further the character's legacy and remind us of how awesome he is. It makes you wish Hellboy would run forever.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1952 #1

Dec 5, 2014

Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. is a welcome addition to the Mignolaverse, beginning the story of Big Red's first field mission. Most of it is spent setting the stage, moving all the characters into place, but it promises a big payoff that I'm definitely looking forward to.

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Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1953: Beyond The Fences #1

Mar 3, 2016

You should know by now that if a book has the name "Mignola" on the cover, it's something you should be reading. Hellboy and the BPRD: 1953 - Beyond the Fences is no different. It's filling in some of the vast history that Hellboy had before meeting his untimely end a few years back. There are references to the previous stories in this series, but the book stands on its own with little prior knowledge needed. Any monster fan should be eating this up.

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Hellboy vs. Lobster Johnson in: The Ring of Death #1

Jun 16, 2019

Hellboy vs. Lobster Johnson shows us the sillier side of the Mignolaverse. It's not a slapstick comedy, but it shows how it can poke fun at itself. Writers Mike Mignola and Chris Roberson turned in a great tale that uses the best elements of these characters and the crazy world they live in. I would read an ongoing series of Hellboy's adventures in Mexico if this is the kind of thing we'd get.

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Hellboy: The Midnight Circus OGN

Jan 6, 2014

The Midnight Circus is a great addition to the Hellboy mythos.  It fills in some of the gaps to provide a little more backstory to the character and how he became the man and the hero later on in life.  It also shows how deeply that Professor Bruttenholm cares for the boy in a world where the child is treated as an outcast and a bit of a freak. This is worth checking out for Duncan Fegredo's excellent artwork alone.

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Hellboy: Winter Special: 2019 #1

Feb 3, 2020

Even though Hellboy has been dead for some time, there's still a wealth of stories to tell throughout his long life. I'm glad that we continue to get these snippets of supernatural adventure. The possibilities are endless for what else is in store for us. In the case of the Winter Special, it certainly far more entertaining than The Polar Express.

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Hellbreak #1

Mar 27, 2015

Hellbreak can at times resemble a blockbuster action movie akin to the Expendables.  Then it pulls back the curtain a bit and reveals that this elite team of soldiers is not fighting Columbian drug lords or Mel Gibson.  Instead, they're fighting the forces of Hell itself, in all its terror.  This is a damn satisfying first issue and you are not going to find a better deal on the comic stands right now.

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Hellchild #1

Mar 29, 2016

Much of this issue of Hellchild is setup.  We already know from the solicits for this issue alone that Hades' daughter is on her way back to the land of the living, so it's not much of a spoiler to know what happens by the end of the book.  The creative team introduces us to all the players quickly and efficiently while moving the story along at a solid pace.  We jumped right into the action and we're left craving more.  We're left with an upheaval in these characters' lives that is going to make waves.  Now what?

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Hellchild: The Unholy #2

Dec 12, 2016

Hellchild: The Unholy is a gore-filled ride through Splattertown.  You'll learn the sound a lizard man's skull makes when it explodes as an exxxtreme vampire goddess tears through everything around her.  While all this is happening, I'm trying to keep an eye on Jezebel because there's definitely still something up her sleeve.  Things are going to get more complicated for Angelica, and I'm not certain the obstacles coming up are ones she can punch, bite, and slash her way through.

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Hellchild: The Unholy #5

Apr 10, 2017

Hellchild: The Unholy is a gore-filled fight to the death packed to the brim with monsters. The artwork alone will delight any horror fan, especially eagle-eyed readers. The title character is still rather grating, lashing out at everyone around her. Sure, she's been through some shit, but maybe she just needs a hug.

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Hellicious #1

Aug 9, 2018

Hellicious is like I Hate Fairyland set in Hell. It has the same level of crazy and hilarious humor with super fun artwork and a breakneck pace. This is tailor made for any horror fan with a dark sense of humor. Writers A.C. Medina and Mina Elwell are on to something great here.

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Hellicious #2

Aug 24, 2018

Hellicious is filled with dark humor and it's the best kind. Writers Alan C. Medina and Mina Elwell deliver a non-stop assault of jokes and gags that will keep you smiling from beginning to end. This is the spiritual successor to Lenore from Roman Dirge, although filled with far more hellfire.

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Hellicious #3

Oct 14, 2018

Hellicious is a hilarious comic that somehow makes Hell look fun. It's packed to the brim with dark humor in the best possible ways. It's like a Looney Tunes cartoon set in the underworld.

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Her Infernal Descent #1

Apr 28, 2018

Her Infernal Descent takes Dante's Inferno, a classic I have never really been interested in, and puts it in a context I can easily relate to and want to read. It helps that there are pictures, but it's more than that. The woman at the center of this story has suffered unimaginable pain and heartbreak. She's desperate and is willing to do anything if it means being with her family again, even going to Hell itself. That is some powerful stuff.

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Hex Wives #2

Dec 17, 2018

Hex Wives is a very relevant comic right now. Writer Ben Blacker has crafted a haunting story that gets right under your skin with how wrong it feels. Unfortunately, there will be a segment of the population that will see the men as the good guys and that's even more chilling.

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Hex Wives #3

Jan 14, 2019

Hex Wives works as a horror comic because it deals with witches and crazy violence, but it also works on this entirely other level. It creates this visceral reaction where your fists will clench at the injustice performed on these poor women. Yes, they've killed people in their time, but mainly because they were being hunted and had to defend themselves. I cannot wait until they get their revenge, as it's going to be equal parts glorious and bloody.

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Hex Wives #4

Feb 13, 2019

Hex Wives is steadily building to something big. Each chapter has uncovered more and more atrocities these men have committed in an attempt to control and keep these women down. It's only a matter of time before this all falls apart and the witches rise up to take their well-deserved revenge. This will not be a dish best served cold. It will be served flaming hot and full of pain.

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Hex Wives #5

Mar 11, 2019

Hex Wives has built up to this exciting point where I'm practically shaking from anticipation. These men have gaslit some strong witches, stifling their natural abilities and relegating them into a role of glorified maids and chefs. That will not stand. Now that the cracks are showing, I am eagerly awaiting the moment where they smash everything to pieces.

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Hex Wives #6

Apr 4, 2019

Hex Wives built up to this exciting burst of vengeance and it is so worth it. I have been waiting for this issue since the series began and it delivers on all fronts. Writer Ben Blacker paced this arc well. I was practically pumping my fists out of sheer delight for the justifiable carnage unleashed by this coven. If Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, you should see what happens when you piss off these witches.

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Hexed (2014) #1

Aug 15, 2014

Lucifer is like the power and determination of Buffy mixed with the sheer badassery of Faith, and wrapped in all-around cool.  I like to think Hexed takes place in the same world as the vampire slayers, but she deals in the shady back alleys that the Chosen One would never venture within.  Although she has no real reason to be a hero, she does what's right no matter the cost, and she does it with a smile on her face.  

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Hexed (2014) #7

Feb 18, 2015

Hexed has easily become one of my favorite titles. Lucifer is a strong female lead that rivals the likes of Buffy and Wonder Woman. She's that good. The comic is packed with a rich and seemingly never-ending mythology that only serves to amplify the possibilities for future stories.

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Hexed (2014) #8

Mar 29, 2015

Hexed is easily one of the best comics on the stands today.  Michael Alan Nelson and Dan Mora have built an exciting, supernatural adventure with a strong character-driven story.  I read this entire issue with gritted teeth, shocked at the lengths that Lucifer was willing to go.  This is the kind of comic that reads like a blockbuster movie.  I certainly hope that the big screen is in its future.

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Hexed (2014) #12

Sep 2, 2015

I'm so sad that Hexed is ending, but it could not have gone out in a more spectacular fashion. It ends not with a bang or a whimper, but with a smirk and a knowing nod. In many ways, Hexed is the spiritual successor to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It takes a strong female character, surrounds her with an interesting supporting cast, and throws her into some hellish situations that she must overcome. It makes for a great read and one that I hope returns someday.

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Hoax Hunters (2015) #1

Mar 25, 2015

While the name and the team are back, Hoax Hunters hasn't quite recaptured the magic that it displayed in its Image Comics days. It's still very early and writers Michael Moreci and Steve Seeley had taken a hiatus from the comic to write other projects, so maybe they just have to find their groove with these characters again, much like the characters themselves. It's clear that Heavy Metal is backing them 100%, as Hoax Hunters is the premiere title in its new line of books. Hopefully things will tighten up a bit as we get some more answers to the mysteries surrounding the characters and what's going on with Jack.

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Hollow Heart #1

Feb 28, 2021

Hollow Heart is a beautifully tragic comic. It grabs you early on with this fascinating world and intriguing character-driven story. While I have quite a few questions, I cannot wait to have them answered as this series continues. This is one book you don't want to miss.

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Hollow Heart #2

Apr 18, 2021

EL's appearance is frightening, yet tragic. Despite his bulky robot body and the unsettling floating skull for a face, he's a human being. He may be cobbled together from assorted organs, but he's got a soul and feelings. This strikes a perfect balance in tone for Hollow Heart, mixing up horror, drama, and romance in this intriguing combination.

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Hollow Heart #3

Jun 1, 2021

Hollow Heart adds some more layers to this intriguing story with this issue. It changes the game by taking EL out of the prison he's known for ages. This opens the door to a ton of new possibilities to explore these characters further. This is what EL has wanted for some time, but what will he do when he gets it?

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Hollywood Zombie Apocalypse #1

Nov 13, 2014

Hollywood Zombie Apocalypse is an unoriginal mess filled with cheap jokes and lame pot-shots at celebrities. It coasts by on the name recognition of the stars without any real substance.

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Home Sick Pilots #1

Dec 18, 2020

Home Sick Pilots is one of the most gorgeous comics I've seen this year. The artwork is incredible and the story will hook you from the jump. It's a pitch-perfect supernatural mystery and I'm in completely.

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Home Sick Pilots #2

Jan 22, 2021

Home Sick Pilots has taken some twists and turns with this issue. I feel like I'm playing catch-up a bit, but I'm still very much intrigued. This mesh of fantasy and reality is going to cause some great drama. It's already led to some bloodshed and it's clear this place isn't done. It's one thing to have a haunted house, but it's quite another to have one that can move around or send out soldiers to do its bidding.

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Hook Jaw #1

Dec 21, 2016

Hook Jaw has a slow start, but the reveal of the shark is worth the price of admission.  If you're a fan of Jaws, you'll like this comic.  Every time someone is close to or in the water, you get this feeling of dread, knowing the beast lurking beneath the surface.  Plus, this is the first time I've seen a grown man hit with a severed dolphin's head, so I can check that off the old bucket list.

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Hook Jaw #3

Feb 27, 2017

Hookjaw delivers the same level of tension you'd get from watching Jaws or The Shallows. You know this beast is lurking just beneath the surface, but the characters have to go into the water. Some of these folks are not all that developed, so it will be easy to watch them get eaten alive by a shark with a hook in its mouth.

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Hot Damn #1

Apr 23, 2016

Hot Damn is like a stoner comedy set in Hell.  These characters are screw-ups just trying to putz through the afterlife.  They were stupid when they were alive and they're still pretty dumb.  The thing is, if they mess up now, the results are far worse.  That won't stop them from getting into trouble.

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Hotell #1

Mar 27, 2020

Hotell is a true standout of a horror comic from beginning to end. If this is what new publisher AWA Studios has in store for us, we are in for quite a treat. Hotell sets the bar high right out of the gate with unparalleled scares, brilliant artwork, and great character work. Do not miss it.

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Hotell #2

Jun 29, 2020

Hotell is full of equal parts mystery and terror. It will make you think twice before making an unscheduled stop off the interstate. It hits on all marks and you most definitely do not want to miss it.

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Hotell #3

Aug 4, 2020

Hotell is one of the most innovative and frightening comics on the stands today. It's like a more horrific Twilight Zone, where anything can happen, although it's never bright and shiny. It's always dark and sinister.

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Hotell #4

Aug 29, 2020

Hotell stands strong as four separate yet connected tales. This final issue ties them all together, but does so in a strange and unclear fashion that doesn't quite click. There are still some open questions about what this hotel really is and what's behind it all (with more questions popping up in this chapter too), so I would love to see more tales at this location. At the very least, it will have you thinking twice before taking your next road trip.

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House Amok #1

Sep 3, 2018

House Amok is a disturbing look at a family gone off the rails. It's these five individuals against the world, but the monsters they're seeing may not be real. This adds a layer of mystery that will keep you on your toes. The entire Sandifer clan is a wild card...a violent, dangerous wild card. I can only imagine what family game night must be like for them.

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House Amok #4

Jan 21, 2019

House Amok is like Natural Born Killers through the lens of H.P. Lovecraft. It's disturbing in the best way and will always keep you guessing. We're way past the point of Child Protective Services getting involved. We'll need a whole slew of organizations to rein in this family and keep Dylan safe. I'm just not sure how many people will die before that happens.

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House of El (2021): The Shadow Threat #1

Jan 20, 2021

A new perspective on the last days of Krypton unfolds with a bit of Romeo & Juliet mixed in. Two teenagers rebel against their genetically engineered destiny as the planet begins to crumble around them.

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House of Penance #1

Apr 12, 2016

House of Penance is creepy from the jump.  You get this immediate sense of the skeevies, like something is just not right here.  That feeling only intensifies with each page turn.  This is not a horror story that will jump right out and scare you.  Instead, it will slowly seep in, getting under your skin and making you look over your shoulder as you read on.  The first issue introduces you to this world and all the strangeness that surrounds it.  The fact that this is a real place and an actual woman from history ups the creep factor to eleven.

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House of Penance #6

Sep 22, 2016

House of Penance has built up to this startling climax and it's earned every moment of it.  It's an unsettling read and this issue is no different.  Throughout the entire series, you've wondered if Sarah is crazy.  Are the things she's seeing just in her head?  Or are they really there?  We get some clarification here, but more importantly, we get closure.  It's this perfectly fitting ending that is as beautiful as it is tragic.  Writer Peter J. Tomasi's story of horror and heartbreak is matched by Bertram's artwork that is often disturbing yet poignant.

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House of Waxwork #3

Dec 23, 2018

The anthology is a pillar in the history of horror comics and House of Waxwork definitely adds to that long lineage. With only two stories, plus book end scenes with the De-Composer, it allows the creators a little more room than the average collection to flesh things out.

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Hungry Ghosts #1

Feb 9, 2018

Hungry Ghosts is off to a great start. If this is the caliber of story we get from the first issue, I'm excited to see what the rest of the series will bring. I imagine that each chef will try to one-up the previous one with scarier tales.

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Hungry Ghosts #4

May 17, 2018

Hungry Ghosts has been a unique horror anthology with a total of eight stories centered on food. There is a small thread connecting each one that comes back in a big and satisfying way in the very end. Writers Anthony Bourdain and Joel Rose have crafted some horrifying stuff here. Due to the way it's set up, it can easily be replicated to tell more tales in this nature. I'd love to see more. I guess I should say that I want seconds, huh?

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I Breathed a Body #1

Jan 23, 2021

I Breathed a Body is a disturbing look at our current obsession with social media and how this can escalate into a horrifying direction. That might be scary enough on its own, however it's amplified by some chilling supernatural elements, making for a dynamite read.

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I Breathed a Body #2

Mar 7, 2021

I Breathed a Body will make you want to sign off of social media forever. This is an unsettling comic that is increasingly more relevant with each passing day. It really makes you wonder how the world would react if we saw such atrocities performed live on Facebook or Twitter. Would we scroll away? Or click that like button?

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I Breathed a Body #3

Apr 7, 2021

I Breathed a Body will disturb you in the best possible way. It hits just close enough to the real world that you can see this as the next logical step with our relationship with social media and that scares the crap out of me. This is the kind of comic that will get under your skin and linger there, sending shivers up your spine for days after reading it.

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I Breathed a Body #4

May 15, 2021

I Breathed a Body is absolutely chilling. What makes this book so scary is how you can see it as a natural evolution to our obsession with social media. While I'm not expecting this much body horror the next time I log on to Facebook, I can see how something like this is in the cards if we keep going down this route. That scares the crap out of me and it's just one of the reasons why this is such an incredible comic.

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I Hate Fairyland #1

Oct 4, 2015

I Hate Fairyland is like Candyland seen through the prism of John Kricfalusi.  It's filled with the dark humor that we've come to love and expect from the likes of Lenore and Invader Zim.  It takes the tropes from classic children's tales and kicks them right in the balls before ripping their hearts right out.

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I Hate Fairyland #6

Jun 15, 2016

I Hate Fairyland is a cornucopia of candy-coated carnage.  (Alliteration is fun, kids!)  If you've ever suffered through a game of Candyland or wanted to tear the head off a Care Bear, this is the perfect comic for you.  Let me leave you with this:  Within the first three pages (previewed above), a tiny butterfly teddy bear creature rips the heart out of a monster and displays it to a cheering crowd like some demented version of Gladiator.  If that doesn't make you want to buy this comic, nothing will.  Also, we can't be friends.

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I Walk With Monsters #1

Dec 5, 2020

This is where I Walk With Monsters hits like a punch to the stomach. It's one thing to make a cool monster / serial killer hunting story. It's quite another to pack it with great character development like this. I finished this issue and just said, "Wow", because this is a powerful story right out the gate. This is one of the most impressive and frightening debut issues I've seen in some time. The kicker is that it's not scary because of the literal monster. It's scary because of the situations surrounding it, and that gets right into your bones.

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I Walk With Monsters #3

Feb 21, 2021

I Walk With Monsters is a gripping read from start to finish. Writer Paul Cornell uses literal monsters to shine a light on the metaphorical ones that are somehow far more frightening. It's deeply personal for these characters that have been through so much and still willing to risk it all to do what's right. It's as inspiring as it is terrifying.

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I Walk With Monsters #5

May 6, 2021

While I Walk With Monsters #5 retreads on some concepts, it still stands strong as a powerhouse of emotion. David is a literal monster, but he's not the scary part of this book. The real monsters are the human beings capable of committing these horrifying acts while clawing at power to do it more and more. It makes me excited to see how this series will wrap up so Jacey can get her revenge and David can really sink his teeth into something.

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Ice Cream Man #1

Jan 19, 2018

Ice Cream Man is going to be a series of one-shot stories. This first issue features a complete tale, but there are elements that are only touched upon that I hope to see explored in further issues. It really got under my skin. This is a book that will stick with you for some time. At the bare minimum, it will have you thinking twice about buying ice cream from a stranger on the street.

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Ice Cream Man #11

Apr 11, 2019

You never know what to expect from Ice Cream Man which is just part of what makes it such a great and terrifying comic. You'll turn each page with equal parts dread and anticipation. It's safe to say that there's nothing else like this on the comic stands today.

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Ice Cream Man #12

Jun 1, 2019

Ice Cream Man works like a great episode of The Twilight Zone. Although there are some ongoing elements that long time readers will appreciate, you can jump into this book at seemingly anytime and get a creepy story that's sure to send a shiver down your spine. This comic is consistently weird and disturbing.

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IDW 20/20: Ghostbusters #1

Feb 1, 2019

This wasn't quite what I was expecting when IDW Publishing took my favorite franchise and jumped it ahead twenty years, however I found a lot to enjoy with this new cast of characters. I'm definitely interested in finding out more about them and how they get to here. They also made an appearance in the recent Crossing Over series, so I'm going to have to go back and pick that up to fill in some gaps. This shows that Ghostbusters can truly stand the test of time.

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Imaginary Fiends #1

Nov 26, 2017

Imaginary Friends is like Drop Dead Fred with the little girl from The Ring. It's twisted and unsettling, presenting a world filled with monsters that only a few of us can see. This issue wastes no time introducing us to the landscape and establishing the parameters of the setting. I can't wait to see how it's expanded upon as there are tons of possibilities with this concept. The sky is the limit as the IMPs can be almost anything.

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Imaginary Fiends #3

Feb 4, 2018

The connections made bring Melba and Crockett closer to finding out the truth and it has some dire consequences. There's a conspiracy at work here and it's pretty cool. Imaginary Fiends is a top-tier mystery with horrifying interdimensional creatures. It doesn't rely on these otherworldly beings to move things forward. There are times you can remove them entirely and it would still be a captivating read.

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Imaginary Fiends #6

May 1, 2018

Writer Tim Seeley brings everything together by the end to tie it up nicely. There's a ton of potential for where this could go next, so I do hope the creators get a chance to keep it going.

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Immortal Hulk #1

Jun 14, 2018

The Immortal Hulk presents the character as a big green spirit of vengeance. His human form may perish, but every night the monster will rise up to see justice served. To compare it to DC Comics for a second, it's like if Solomon Grundy became the Spectre. This paints the Hulk in a more frightening light than ever before.

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Immortal Hulk #2

Jul 15, 2018

The Immortal Hulk reframes the green goliath from a rampaging monster to a methodical vigilante of vengeance. He stops short of murder here, but death would have been a better option for his victim than what was actually doled out.

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Immortal Hulk #3

Jul 31, 2018

The Immortal Hulk has been a gamma-infused monster-of-the-week comic so far and that's been fun. This reporter searching for Banner adds an overall arc to the series which could prove very interesting as she gets closer to her subject. There is a surprisingly large number of villains popping up with gamma ray abilities, so Banner's staying busy, even when he's trying to stay off the radar. This newer, darker version of the Hulk has been creepy and awesome to watch.

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Immortal Hulk #5

Sep 19, 2018

The Immortal Hulk cuts deep. It shows a vulnerable side to the Hulk that is scarier than any of the chaos he's caused to date. Writer Al Ewing strikes right at the heart of the character, shaking him to the core. Bruce Banner has been keeping a low profile, but the events of this issue will be hard to keep under wraps. This is a stunning character study that never fails to deliver.

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Immortal Hulk #8

Nov 21, 2018

The Immortal Hulk is an absolutely twisted comic that injects all kinds of horror right into the Marvel Universe. This issue raises it to new heights. It puts the character in a whole new light, showing him for the monster he can be and the tortured man that's forced to live with it. The Hulk is as terrifying as he is awesome.

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Immortal Hulk #11

Jan 13, 2019

The Immortal Hulk sets a high bar for horror in super hero comics. It shows how expertly the genre can be weaved into the world of capes and tights. This is simultaneously adding to a long-established character and scaring the crap out of me.

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Immortal Hulk #13

Feb 19, 2019

Immortal Hulk has brought a new dynamic to this classic character, setting him up as this warrior of vengeance, protecting our world from untold horrors waiting to invade. Judging from the revelations of this issue, we're just getting started and I could not be happier about that. This is breaking the Hulk down to his base components and rebuilding him in a new and fascinating way. It is a must read comic.

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Immortal Hulk #15

Apr 1, 2019

The Immortal Hulk continues to show why it's one of the best comics on the stands today. It can seamlessly bounce from a huge fight scene to a few moments of reflection while catapulting the plot forward and developing characters that have been around for decades. It is an impressive book that never disappoints. From the looks of things, it's only getting started.

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Immortal Hulk #18

Jun 8, 2019

The Immortal Hulk freaks me out in the best way. It's terrifically paced and scary through and through. You go through quiet and tense moments where you'll be nervous about turning the page and then you'll get all out monster-on-monster battles that are like smaller versions of Godzilla movies. This is everything I want from a comic and it is consistently one of the best books on the stands today. Damn, is it good.

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Immortal Hulk #20

Jul 14, 2019

Immortal Hulk never disappoints. It's an awesome comic that delivers on multiple fronts, blending super hero action with riveting drama all wrapped in some of the best artwork you'll see on the stands today. More importantly, it's reinvigorated a decades old character, delivering something truly new and different that will set the Hulk apart for years to come.

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Immortal Hulk #23

Sep 27, 2019

Immortal Hulk is horror at an epic scale. It's like the Universal monsters mixed with Godzilla fighting it out in radiation-fueled madness. It has all the awesome action of a blockbuster movie coupled with some of the most unsettling imagery on comic stands today. This book delivers on multiple fronts and never, ever disappoints.

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Immortal Hulk #24

Oct 22, 2019

This is just half of the terror in Immortal Hulk #24. There's a whole second half that takes a cosmic turn and really freaks me out. It's amazing to see the many varied ways that writer Al Ewing can scare the crap out of me in a single issue. After conquering this world, it seems he might have his sights set for the far reaches of space. Of course, that went really well the last time Hulk went out there, so what's the worst that could happen? Get ready for body horror in space!

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Immortal Hulk #33

Apr 5, 2020

I had heard news of what the next phase of Immortal Hulk would deal with, but I had no idea how or when we'd see it play a part. I was so enthralled by this issue that it hit me as a complete (and very welcome) surprise. I cannot wait to see what's next for this downright terrifying comic book as it continues to stretch the boundaries of what this medium can do and what horror means in the Marvel Universe.

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Immortal Hulk #36

Aug 17, 2020

Immortal Hulk is pure, unbridled terror. It's full of heart so the scares pack a much bigger punch. We're dealing with massive, cosmic horror through the lens of a super hero previously known primarily for smashing stuff. This is so much more and I love every part of it. This comic delivers on so many levels.

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Immortal Hulk #39

Nov 9, 2020

Just when I thought I had Immortal Hulk figured out, writer Al Ewing adds more twists and turns that take this series to frightening new heights. It's an impressive combination of pure, unbridled horror and traditional super hero battles of good vs. evil. I'm terrified of the monstrous forms and body horror as well as what the events of this book mean for the Hulk and Bruce Banner. I don't see how the good guys win this fight and that's pretty scary.

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Immortal Hulk #42

Jan 27, 2021

Immortal Hulk continues to fire on all cylinders. This issue catches us up with the supporting characters, provides new context and new possibilities as this riveting comic keeps going. It's as unpredictable as ever, taking us into uncharted territory. This comic should be on everyone's pull list.

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Immortal Hulk: Time of Monsters #1

Jun 2, 2021

Immortal Hulk: Time of Monsters joins a growing list of solid one-shots dealing with the new status quo of the Green Goliath. This is a welcome addition and I hope we get to see more from these creative teams soon. Honestly, I'm just glad we're getting such top-notch horror in the Marvel Universe. More please!

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Immortal Hulk: The Threshing Place #1

Oct 25, 2020

With the success of Immortal Hulk, I'm glad to see Marvel doubling down to give us new and unsettling stories with this creepy part of the Marvel Universe. This one-shot is special, moving from pure terror to shining hope. It's the kind of horror that can chill you to the core one moment and then bring a tear to your eye the next. This is one of the best one-shots of the year.

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Immortal Hulk: Flatline #1

Feb 26, 2021

Flatline touches upon all the aspects that has made Immortal Hulk such a great read since it launched. We've got some body horror, bombastic action, and solid character work all in this one-and-done story. It shows how much Banner's transformation into the Hulk has affected other people around him, good and bad. There's some excitement to that, but also a bit of sadness.

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Immortal She-Hulk #1

Oct 3, 2020

Immortal She-Hulk is a welcome addition to the always-stellar Immortal Hulk. It expands the incredible work of that series while reminding us that with all its body horror and pure, unbridled terror, that it's still happening in the Marvel Universe. That's the same place where a big purple alien eats worlds guided by a shining surfer and a star-spangled Avenger throws a shield at Nazis. There's room for these scares in the mix and I'm so glad they're being explored.

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Incursion #4

Jun 11, 2019

Incursion is another solid event from Valiant Entertainment. The book is as epic and important as any big, summer blockbuster comic series, yet self-contained and focused so it really packs a punch. This is something that will stand the test of time and its effects will be felt for ages. Incursion sets the next phase into motion for the Geomancer, the Eternal Warrior, and Doctor Mirage and based on how this wraps up, it's going to be an exciting and terrifying time.

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Indoctrination #1

Jul 2, 2016

It's easy to make a comparison to True Detective with this opening issue.  It definitely has that same look and feel, albeit with a potential supernatural angle.  This is certainly not a bad thing.  Moreci writes smart comics and this is no different.  This is a solid first chapter in that it introduces you to all the players and sets in motion events that will bring them into a collision course you can't look away from.  The tagline for Indoctrination is "How do you kill an idea?" which is such an intriguing concept that I can't wait to see played out.

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Inferno: Rings Of Hell #1

Aug 22, 2014

This first issue of Inferno: Rings of Hell is largely setup for the rest of the mini-series.  It sets everything in motion for the events to come that will challenge Lucifer and Mercy with the fate of the Inferno itself at stake.  If you thought that the Age of Darkness couldn't get any more epic, just wait until you read this issue.  Every corner of the Grimm Universe is affected and from the looks of things, many of its residents won't make it out alive.

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InferNoct #1

Sep 5, 2017

InferNoct is a bit of a slow burn that only gets better the deeper you go. The climax of the issue sets up a pretty awesome premise that I can't wait to see explored further. Sam is about to get a whole new kind of job that's a considerable step up from taking care of an old man.

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InferNoct #2

Nov 30, 2017

InferNoct may have lost some momentum with the beginning of this issue, but it recaptures it by the end in spectacular fashion. It further explores this world of monsters that exists just beneath the surface of our own. Sam is now connected to it. Her eyes have been opened and she can't forget the things she's seen. She proves herself capable of fighting these monsters, but there's a cost associated with it that is only going to grow.

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InferNoct #3

Dec 23, 2017

InferNoct is a creepy book. It's one that will get under your skin the more you dwell on it. The idea that a supernatural world exists just beneath our own, filled with monsters ready to consume us whole, is a frightening one. Writer Mina Elwell has crafted a unique blend of foreboding and outright terror.

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InferNoct #4

Feb 10, 2018

InferNoct has an unforgettable dreadful mood. It strikes the perfect tone for an atmospheric horror story. It just didn't come together by the end, so I'm left with more questions and a large amount of confusion. It's a little frustrating as writer Mina Elwell has pulled me into this story with such an interesting concept and a compelling main character and I'm not sure where things go. Don't get me wrong. Questions and open-ended stories can work well, but there's just too much left unanswered here.

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Infidel #1

Mar 27, 2018

Infidel is a shocking comic. It's an early pick for one of the best horror comics of the year. It will chill you to the bone and not just because of the horrifying visions the main character endures.

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Infidel #2

Apr 23, 2018

This is a comic that will stay with you. It's an absolutely terrifying read that will get under your skin.

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Infidel #4

Jul 2, 2018

Infidel is not only one of the scariest comics on the stands today, but one of the most relevant. It forces us to look at our current status quo through the guise of xenophobic entities from another realm, which oddly puts some things in perspective. Read this one with the lights on.

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Infidel #5

Jul 30, 2018

Infidel is easily the scariest comic on the stands right now, let alone one of the best horror comics of the year. This book will chill you to the bone in more ways than one. Words of advice: Don't read this before bed. These ghosts will haunt you long after you put the comic down.

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Infinite Dark #2

Nov 29, 2018

Infinite Dark works on a few levels, merging not only the genres of horror and sci-fi, but adding in a thriller as well. This creates a tense read full of twists and turns where no one is safe and hope is fading fast.

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Infinite Dark #5

Apr 26, 2019

I keep getting a Dead Space vibe when I think about Infinite Dark. That's definitely not a bad thing, as that is an incredible survival thriller set in space. This is a bit more cerebral but no less terrifying. Writer Ryan Cady has introduced some pretty awesome concepts that challenge the way we look at space and the monsters we might find there.

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Interceptor #1

Dec 23, 2015

Interceptor is a solid debut with an amazing story and killer artwork.  It seamlessly merges genres, blending the best elements of sci-fi, horror, action, and comedy in one melting pot of awesome. This first issue leaves things off with such a great hook that will have you clamoring for more.

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Interceptor #2

Feb 14, 2016

Interceptor is one of the most fun comics on the stands today.  Look no further than the expression of sheer joy on Weep's face as she slaughters vampires to get an idea of what to expect.  Poli came here to put an end to the vampire threat, but now she's getting roped into the rebellion, which is a very different task.  This is no longer a solo mission.  Can she play nice with others?  I can't wait to find out.

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Interceptor #3

Mar 8, 2016

This issue of Interceptor has the feeling of the calm before the storm.  The creative team is moving all of the players into just the right places for them to beat the ever loving shit out of each other.  The stakes have changed though, as Poli isn't here to simply eliminate the vampires.  I'm so plugged in to this book now and you should be too.

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Interceptor #4

Apr 23, 2016

Interceptor is the best comic featuring a giant robot suit destroying legions of vampires you'll read all year.  It's pure, unbridled fun.  It's a Michael Bay movie, but with a good story.  Forget popcorn movies.  This is popcorn comics.

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Interceptor #5

Jun 7, 2016

Interceptor seamlessly blends horror and science fiction and throws in a ton of action for good measure.  The story is rock solid with artwork to match.  While it has a satisfying conclusion, the door is left open for more both on Earth and in space.

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Invader Zim #1

Jul 22, 2015

Invader Zim is back and the world is a better place as a result. This is such a damn fun comic and it's great for positively everyone. The humor is so deliciously weird and it never stops being funny. Just go read it already!

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It Eats What Feeds It #1

Jun 6, 2020

It Eats What Feeds It is a terrifying powerhouse of a comic. It starts with a simple concept and builds to an absolute bloodbath. It's one of the best horror comics I've read this year. Do yourself a favor and pick this up.

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Itty Bitty Hellboy #1

Aug 30, 2013

Itty Bitty Hellboy is a great comic and one that I hope continues for many more issues.  It's the kind of book you can read with your kid, which you can both enjoy.  The humor works on several levels.  The structure of the comic is such that you can easily pick it up at any time and dive right in.  This can be the gateway comic for your child to the wide world of Hellboy that includes everything from killer frogs to the devil himself.  This issue doesn't start with that, but who knows where it could go next?

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IXth Generation #1

Jan 12, 2015

IXth Generation is the start of something big. It's world building and possibly world ending. This is a great mix between both sides of the Top Cow house and I can't wait to see how it all plays out.

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Joe Frankenstein #1

Mar 6, 2015

Joe Frankenstein is a great blend of genres, mixing adventure with horror without losing any of the fun and excitement. The main character has had a ho-hum life so far but in one night it's completely turned upside down. Things are only going to get more interesting from here. Plus, how cool is that name? It sounds like an action movie star.

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Joe Golem: Occult Detective #1

Nov 21, 2015

Joe Golem: Occult Detective is a solid read that can sit toe-to-toe with the classics of noir and old private eye classics.  The supernatural bend gives it a creepy twist, although it's still grounded in the reality of this world.  It's just that this world also has strange monsters and witches.  Joe wants to do the right thing and that means saving these kids, especially when no one else is stepping up to do so.  Just how much trouble is he getting himself into though?

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Johnny Boo: The Silly Blizzard #12

Feb 17, 2021

Johnny Boo and Squiggle experience snow for the first time, thinking it's ice cream. Hilarity ensues as the duo tries to fill their bellies without getting too cold.

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Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #1

Oct 25, 2019

I love this new perspective on the Joker and Harley's connection. I'm glad that Harley is shown in such a strong role and judging by how she feels about this case, she's going to tear the Joker apart when she finally gets her hands on him. This is particularly interesting because the clown prince of crime doesn't even appear in this issue. He's referenced quite a lot, but never actually seen. The story is a little clunky at times and the art can be awkward in the flashbacks, but there's still a long way to go in this nine-issue series. Now that the foundation has been set, I'm eager to see where this journey takes the characters.

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Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #4

May 17, 2020

As we approach the halfway point of Joker / Harley: Criminal Sanity, I have to wonder where this series is going as it feels like it's just meandering. It's a very dry thriller with no real heart or emotion to it. Even though we're familiar with these characters " or at least who they are loosely based on " it's hard to invest in their story here as there's nothing to really grab onto.

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Joker: Killer Smile: The Smile Killer #1

Jul 4, 2020

I was already a fan of Joker: Killer Smile, but this one-shot epilogue amplified that by a thousand percent. This is not just a great take on Batman and the Clown Prince of Crime that presents a fascinating look at these two decades-old characters. It is also a chilling read that will absolutely haunt you. This is top-tier horror and it should not be missed. You don't need to have read Killer Smile to dig into this. Do yourself a favor and seek it out.

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Jonna and the Unpossible Monsters #1

Mar 8, 2021

Rainbow searches for her sister in a world where giant monsters roam. Come for the kaiju and stay for the heart in this solid middle-grade debut.

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Journey Into Unknown Worlds #1

Feb 16, 2019

Journey Into Unknown Worlds is a great throwback to the kinds of scary stories that Marvel did back in the day. It shows that the publisher still has some horror chops. I'd love to see this become a more regular tradition, even if it was just a yearly anthology.

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Judge Dredd: Cry of the Werewolf #1

Mar 27, 2017

Judge Dredd: Cry of the Werewolf is worth reading for Steve Dillon's artwork alone.  This is a classic tale that shows how badass Dredd is while also pitting him against classic monsters sure to delight any horror fan.  Although the story is a little basic, it's a solid one that seamlessly mixes werewolves into the futuristic setting of Judge Dredd.  I almost said that it was something to sink your teeth into but I held back.  Wait, does that count?  Damnit.

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Jughead: The Hunger (2017) #2

Dec 19, 2017

The mythos of Jughead: The Hunger grows considerably in this issue, branching out into further reaches of the Archie Universe. Writer Frank Tieri creates an old-school, moody horror feel to the book, filling every page with dread for what might come next. These rival forces are building on both sides, which will ultimately lead into some sort of werewolf showdown and I cannot wait to see it. This is a top tier werewolf story.

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Jughead: The Hunger (2017) #3

Jan 31, 2018

There was a time where the biggest problem Jughead Jones had was how he was going to pay for his next cheeseburger. Now he's got a target on his back and there are quite a few people aiming for it. If they all had a chance to talk, at least some of them might put down their guns, but what are the odds of that happening?

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Jughead: The Hunger (2017) #4

Mar 13, 2018

Jughead: The Hunger takes steps here to grow the mythos far beyond a simple gag. This could have been a cheesy book playing with the idea that one of the beloved characters from Riverdale is a werewolf. Instead, it's an incredibly strong horror series that is only getting better with some of the most terrifying werewolves captured on paper. So...when can we get that TV show? Are you listening, CW?

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Jughead: The Hunger (2017) #5

Apr 24, 2018

Every chapter of Jughead: The Hunger has built the tension more, pulling us deeper and deeper into this twisted world. This issue delivers on that in spades. Writer Frank Tieri is leaning into the terror and carnage, making this an amazing read.

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Jughead: The Hunger (2017) #6

Jun 19, 2018

Jughead: The Hunger has been building to this confrontation between the title character and Reggie for some time. We're about to see that pay off in a big way with some added bonuses, as the Coopers are never far behind. The series challenges the idea of destiny and uses werewolves to do it. Just because Jughead is a werewolf doesn't mean he's a monster. Reggie has always been a monster though. That kid is the worst.

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Jughead: The Hunger (2017) #8

Aug 28, 2018

Jughead: The Hunger gives us a moment to catch our breath, but doesn't let up on the shocking nature of this story. These beloved characters have been through Hell and while they're resting now, they are not out of the fire. This was a bit of a history lesson, but never boring or expository. Instead, it pulls you in deeper into the tragic and bloody history of Riverdale.

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Jughead: The Hunger (2017) #11

Jan 12, 2019

Jughead: The Hunger is sure to delight any fans of the Universal Monster movies. This is the Archie Comics take on those classics and it is nothing short of incredible. It's bloody and crazy and filled with the drama we know and love when we visit Riverdale.

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Jughead: The Hunger (2017) #12

Mar 4, 2019

This issue takes Jughead: The Hunger back to basics, returning the character to his family roots and all the dangers that entails. Writer Frank Tieri is guiding us through an incredible and violent journey, putting these characters we've known and loved for decades through the ringer. Somehow I don't think we'll see them sharing a milkshake at Pop's after all this.

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Jughead: The Hunger (2017) #13

Apr 16, 2019

Jughead: The Hunger has shaken things up considerably as it closes out its first of what I hope are many seasons. The series is going on a bit of a break for a crossover with Vampironica soon. While I'm eagerly anticipating that, I can't wait to get back to these characters and see what happens next. Archie Comics is steadily building a solid horror line and Jughead: The Hunger is one of its core titles.

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Jughead: The Hunger (2017) #1

Mar 19, 2017

Jughead: The Hunger works werewolf lore so seamlessly into the Archie universe that you'd think it's been there since the beginning. Although this is a one-shot, I would love to see more from this world. This is an expertly crafted horror comic with a terrifying, well-paced story coupled with jaw-dropping artwork.

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Jughead: The Hunger vs. Vampironica #1

May 2, 2019

Jughead the Hunger vs. Vampironica is easily one of my most anticipated titles of the year, however it's off to a slow start. I will cut it some slack, as it has to explain how these two worlds collide. It's not like the Crisis of Infinite Earths where you can just have the Flash run really fast for a few seconds. There's more nuance to it. I'm far from giving up on the series, as I can't wait to see how these two characters interact (and undoubtedly fight). You can never go wrong with werewolves vs. vampires.

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Jughead: The Hunger vs. Vampironica #2

Jun 17, 2019

While this issue is a step up from the debut, we're still waiting for everything to really come together in Jughead The Hunger vs. Vampironica. Now that all the pieces are on the board, I'm excited to see what writer Frank Tieri has in store for us. You can't go wrong with some werewolf on vampire action.

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Jujutsu Kaisen #0

Jan 7, 2021

This volume serves as a great introduction to Jujutsu Kaisen and a nice complement to the first volume. Contrasting with Yuji Itadori's quest in the series so far, Yuta shows how you can come back from the dark side. You can work with the curses instead of letting them consume you. That will surely be a lesson as the series goes on.

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Jujutsu Kaisen #1

Nov 30, 2020

Jujutsu Kaisen plants a strong foundation with this first volume. We're introduced to Yuji and this world of demons he's found himself in. There is plenty of runway for him to grow as a character and explore this new frightening path. All the while, he's learning what it takes to do good. That can be quite a mountain to climb, but it's clear he's willing to take the challenge. He's already taken the first step...err...gulp.

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Jujutsu Kaisen #8

Feb 15, 2021

This volume feels a little uneven in terms of its story as it's wrapping up the last arc and preparing for the next one. It's like an intermission of sorts, especially with Yuji taking a back seat for most of it. That being said, it ends with a shocking cliffhanger that could have huge ramifications for the series. It's clear this is a fascinating and terrifying world and we're just scraping the surface of it.

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Junji Ito Story Collection: Lovesickness OGN

Mar 2, 2021

Just in case you needed another example of how brilliant Junji Ito is, Lovesickness is here to showcase the creator's impressive talents. Ito's work is uniquely terrifying, delivering scares that will stay with you for some time.

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Jupiter Jet: The Forgotten Radio OGN

Dec 8, 2020

Our jet-setting hero heads to the stars after a mysterious encounter. The adventures get bigger, but is Jupiter Jet ready for it?

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Justice League Dark (2018) #3

Oct 14, 2018

DC Comics has been creating this solid corner of horror within its universe and I could not be happier. Justice League Dark is a fantastic addition to it and it's just getting started. The Upside-Down Man alone is worth the price of admission for this first brief arc. Seriously, that guy is going to be haunting my dreams for a while. It's like if a tongue had teeth. Ugh. Anyway, Justice League Dark is diving into the supernatural with an awesome mix of characters, solid action, and jaw-dropping artwork.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #13

Aug 1, 2019

Justice League Dark has moved from one epic storyline to the next. This issue gives us a moment to catch our breath before diving into the Year of the Villain, which is shaping up to hit this team pretty hard. They've already been through some tough trials and tribulations, so I can only imagine what's in store for us next. This is what we get when we explore the darker side of the DC Universe.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #16

Nov 9, 2019

Justice League Dark has bounced between a few events and now it's square in the Year of the Villain. This could prevent further development of an overall narrative in some cases, but that's definitely not true here. Writer James Tynion IV manages to push through character development of the current team while also touching about the greater details of the event. Basically, we get our tie-in without derailing the main storyline. It's a nice way to weave all of this together. This puts a horror spin on the latest DCU event.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #18

Jan 18, 2020

So far, this story arc has been a lot of buildup. It's that climb up the first big hill of a roller coaster. By the end of this issue, we've reached the top and we're just about to go careening down with equal parts excitement and dread. Characters are about to make some tough decisions that could change a great deal not only for them, but for the DC Universe as a whole. I think we can all agree that's some pretty cool stuff.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #22

Jun 7, 2020

Justice League Dark is swinging for the rafters here, bringing in some major new concepts that can have big ramifications for the DC Universe at large. It's funny to think that the likes of Superman and the Flash are dealing with villains in brightly colored costumes, but none of that will matter if the forces of life itself revolt against them all. When you have to fight the very idea of Death, you know it's a big deal.

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Justice League Dark (2018) #23

Jul 5, 2020

Justice League Dark aims for the rafters and delivers. I absolutely love the idea that in world where Superman is whizzing around saving cats from trees, there are these powerful dark forces at work with the ability to destroy the entire planet. This rag-tag group of magicians, misfits, and bastards is all that stands against them. That's equal parts intriguing and terrifying on its own, but the horror comes through in waves, setting the stage for even more atrocities in the near future. I cannot wait to see where this story goes next.

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Kaijumax #1

Apr 11, 2015

Kaijumax puts a unique and fun spin on the prison genre by adding giant monsters.  Electrogar's story is heartwrenching.  He's going to have to toughen up fast if he hopes to survive behind bars and get back to his kids.  If Cannon follows the next phase of your typical prison story, the monster will insult the cook or try to dig a tunnel out of here like Steve McQueen.

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Kill Or Be Killed #1

Aug 13, 2016

Kill or Be Killed is so friggin' good.  It presents a premise that grips you so hard you'll be gasping for breath.  Coupled with gorgeous artwork and stunning colors makes it a book you simply cannot miss.  Buy it. Read it.  Thank me later.

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Kill the Minotaur #1

Jun 17, 2017

This issue serves as a great introduction to Kill the Minotaur, slowly pulling you into this world and showing you the players involved.  It's filled with intrigue and danger.  The legendary monster is seen in shadow and referenced frequently, allowing your mind to start imagining just how horrible it looks.  I cannot wait to see it in action.

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Kill the Minotaur #6

Nov 24, 2017

Kill the Minotaur will have you rethinking Ancient Greek Myths. It puts a unique and terrifying spin on this legend. At its heart, it's a monster story and it nails everything that makes for a great one. It's currently being adapted into a movie and I cannot wait to see it on the big screen because it's definitely worth it.

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Killadelphia #2

Jan 7, 2020

Killadelphia presents an interesting and chilling tale, mixing historical fiction with horror in a more serious manner than we're used to. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter this is not. Instead, it's a direct approach, digging into history, violence, and vampires.

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Killogy #1

Oct 5, 2012

Robert earned a lot of good faith from me after I read Crawl to Me, which had an ending that I'm still reeling from. I'm confident that he's going to put his own spin on the zombie genre and make this stand out. The idea of casting his comic characters is a new one and I don't think that just any artist can pull it off. It's tough to nail the likeness of people that anyone can just look up on Google and see a picture of. Robert's characters not only look like the actors portraying them, but they act and feel the way they should as well. It's a movie in a comic and it works very well.

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Killogy #2

Dec 18, 2012

Killogy continues to kick ass. This issue filled in some of the gaps previously created but brought up more questions. It really pulled me into the story and made me anxious to see more.

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Killogy #3

Feb 17, 2013

In a world where zombies are becoming old and tired, Alan Robert comes in with Killogy and breathes new life into the genre.  He doesn't depend on cheap scares or needless undead violence.  Instead he's created a great story and backed it up with some dynamite art.  And he's not done yet.  This is the penultimate issue of Killogy.  The next issue wraps everything up and I can't wait to check it out.

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Killogy #4

Apr 10, 2013

Killogy has been a great ride.  My only complaint about the series is that it had to end.  Of course, that's the fault that plagues all zombie movies and one of the reasons The Walking Dead is so successful.  Robert draws you in with the stories of each of these characters.  The fact that their lives are so intertwined is some LOST level intricacies but without all the stupid crap that no one cares about.  (I'm looking at you, Bai Ling.)  I guess the question now is after three successful comic series in which he created, wrote, illustrated, inked, colored, and lettered everything, what is Alan Robert going to do next?

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Killogy: Halloween Special #1

Sep 20, 2014

The Killogy Halloween Special is a welcome return to this world. I thought the ending of the series felt a little rushed, so I'm glad that Robert has come back to explore further elements to the story. Doyle is a great addition to Killogy. You don't need to have read the original series to enjoy this one-shot, but you'll appreciate it a lot more if you did. You should anyway because that was a damn fun comic.  The series is currently being adapted into an animated TV show, so this is a perfect jumping on point to give you an idea of what to expect: blood, gore, and badassery.

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Kim Reaper #1

Apr 5, 2017

Kim Reaper is more than just a great title. It's a refreshing take on the idea of the Grim Reaper that's not all doom and gloom. Instead of a skeleton in a dark robe, it's a cool goth chick with a scythe and an attitude. You can see why Becka is so interested in her.

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Kim Reaper #2

May 17, 2017

Kim Reaper is a supernatural Scott Pilgrim. It's the kind of comic you will read with a smile on your face from cover to cover. It also takes the doom and gloom out of death and the Grim Reaper. Instead, it's less about an unstoppable force of nature and more about how someone can pay their bills by reaping a few souls here and there. I wonder if they offer dental.

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Kim Reaper #3

Jun 19, 2017

Kim Reaper is like a more casual and humorous Dead Like Me.  Creator Sarah Graley has made Death fun.  Sure, we all have to die at some point, but maybe it won't be that bad if someone like Kim or these strange Grim Reapers are the ones that shuffle us off this mortal coil.

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Kim Reaper: Vampire Island #4

Dec 14, 2018

Kim Reaper: Vampire Island is a great comic that pokes fun at some of the sillier elements of the horror genre. It has a quick pace and never stops being hilarious. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the bizarre lives of these characters as they get into such strange and humorous antics. I really hope we get more from them soon.

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King In Black #1

Dec 7, 2020

I was predisposed to like King in Black, as I've been a huge fan of Venom and all of its tie-ins since this creative team took over the title a couple years ago. This book has exceeded my expectations in every way. More importantly, this is an event that surprised me. We've seen huge attacks on the planet before, but there was always a way out. The stakes were never all that high to begin with because it was clear the heroes had a path to victory. That doesn't exist in King in Black. This is a decisive and swift attack that has decimated every hero, big and small, across the entire planet. If this is the opening salvo, where can this possibly go next?

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King In Black #2

Jan 2, 2021

We're in uncharted territory with King in Black, with such a monumental force seemingly taking over the planet in one fell swoop. Earth's heroes are falling one by one and hope is dwindling. Things don't get any better in this issue. With such a wild ride so far, I have to wonder where this can possibly go next.

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King In Black #3

Feb 8, 2021

King in Black keeps getting bigger, not just in this main series, but with its many tie-ins. It's still in a growth phase with no hope for any of the heroes here. We've seen that over the first two chapters already and this is more of the same. Judging by the way this issue ended, we could be in for another month of this bloodshed. The action is off the charts, but the story itself hasn't quite come together just yet.

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King In Black #4

Feb 27, 2021

King in Black has grown to colossal proportions. It's a bombastic action horror story that has been intense since its very first page. After three issues of Knull beating the crap of of Earth's heroes, they're finally fighting back and that's a nice change. The fact that it's tied to an underutilized and intriguing element in the Marvel Universe is gravy. Now how the Hell is this thing going to wrap up in its next and final chapter?

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King In Black #5

Apr 18, 2021

As it stands, this is a satisfying albeit abrupt conclusion to King in Black. There are a few open questions about what this means for the symbiotes, Eddie, and his son Dylan, however we've got Venom #200 coming soon to presumably wrap all those up. This is some absolutely epic action-horror, showcasing a perfect blend of the genres, playing out in the heart of a super hero universe. It's a dynamite combination.

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King In Black: Ghost Rider #1

Apr 7, 2021

King in Black: Ghost Rider #1 serves as an interesting crossover between the spirit of vengeance and the otherworldly symbiote army of Knull. More importantly, it ties up a few loose ends for Ghost Rider and opens the door for more stories. It's unfortunate that that series was cut short, as there's clearly plenty of gas in the tank (no pun intended). Is it too much to ask for more demonic horror in the Marvel Universe? Judging from this one-shot, there is definitely some potential.

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King In Black: Captain America #1

Mar 21, 2021

In the scheme of things, King in Black: Captain America doesn't do a lot to move the story of Steve Rogers or the war with Knull forward. It's more of a character study, providing a new and interesting look at Steve Rogers in the face of such adversity. On the surface, Captain America is this square-jawed symbol of power and respect, but he's got doubts and insecurities just like any of us. The symbiotes brought all that to the surface, forcing him to question what he's doing. That's the hook for this.

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King In Black: Wiccan and Hulkling #1

Mar 22, 2021

As King in Black rockets towards its conclusion, it seems that just about everyone in the Marvel Universe has gotten in on the action. It's refreshing to see a take like this one that shows there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Love will persevere even if it has to fight through a bunch of gooey aliens to do so. As a longtime fan of these characters, I'm so glad to see them get a honeymoon, even if it is disturbed by the symbiotes.

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King In Black: Scream #1

Apr 2, 2021

If this is the kind of horror-based adventure we can get from Scream, I desperately want to see more. Who do we have to talk to in order to get an ongoing series going? Think of all the supernatural and otherworldly things she can deal with using her unique skill set. This is a standout in the King in Black event as it shows the potential for what else this character can do.

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King In Black: Immortal Hulk #1

Dec 30, 2020

Sometimes event tie-ins can feel forced or thrown together. King in Black: Immortal Hulk #1 is anything but that. It tells a wonderful story on its own that hits with the horror both King in Black and Immortal Hulk have defined themselves, then adds a whole lot of heart. This is a Christmas horror comic, but not the way you'd think. It's beautiful and terrifying all in one.

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King In Black: Gwenom vs. Carnage #1

Jan 22, 2021

King in Black: Gwenom vs. Carnage is a standout for this event. It does what few tie-ins can, by using the big points to further a story about the character and not just shoehorn it into things. I sincerely hope we get to see more from Ghost-Spider after this because there are so many cool possibilities here. This book is scary, personal, and downright awesome.

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King In Black: Gwenom vs. Carnage #3

Mar 21, 2021

Although this mini-series wraps up with this issue, the door is left wide open to tell more stories with these characters, particularly MJ. As popular as Gwen is, it's a big disappointment that she's not starring in her own ongoing series. For now we'll have to settle for these great short series and tie-ins. As it stands, she hasn't played a big role in the main King in Black event, but this book is more than enough to not only provide a unique look at the invasion, but to move Gwen's overall story forward in a big way.

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King In Black: Planet Of The Symbiotes #1

Jan 18, 2021

Both stories offer some interesting ideas that could have a ton of possibilities for future stories. It seemed like the previous series were both cut short too early, so here's hoping we get to see more from both soon and not just in tie-ins like this. Scream and Ravencroft show the true potential of horror in the Marvel Universe.

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King In Black: Thunderbolts #1

Jan 23, 2021

Of all the King in Black tie-ins so far (and there have been many), Thunderbolts shows the most promise for something more. This is the one I most want to see turned into an ongoing series. It's too fun not to have this group of weirdos and B-list villains go on missions around the world. There's certainly a Suicide Squad vibe to this iteration and it works very well.

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King In Black: Thunderbolts #3

Mar 21, 2021

There are some great twists and turns as this mini-series reaches its conclusion. Most importantly, it leaves the door wide open to tell more stories with this rag-tag group...even if they're still carting around the Sentry's corpse. When I reviewed the first issue, I said this was the King in Black tie-in that had the most potential for more and that definitely still holds true with this last chapter. The Marvel Universe needs a book like Thunderbolts. It's got that fun edge to it that you're not going to get from the likes of Captain America or Iron Man.

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King of Eden #1

Dec 6, 2020

King of Eden is a solid monster manga. It casts a wide net with its story with a lot of characters and a deep, impressive mythology that delivers in spades. This is a dense first volume, but it never feels boring or overwhelming. It's riveting from beginning to end and I can't wait to see more.

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Kiss Me, Satan #1

Sep 23, 2013

Kiss Me, Satan! has a lot going on in just the first issue.  This is a mini-series with five chapters and by the end of this one, the setup is complete.  It's clear as to what will happen next, but who or what will be thrown into the mix before these next steps are taken is anyone's guess.  With Ferreyra on art, though, I'm willing to follow wherever it goes.

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Knock Em Dead #1

Dec 7, 2020

While I am curious how Knock Em Dead #1 would read if we got the big cliffhanger earlier in the issue, this is an effective debut that pulls us into this young man's life. We want to see Pryor succeed, especially since he's already been through so much. Can laughter emerge from all this tragedy and pain? Or is something darker lurking nearby? Knock Em Dead gives new meaning to the phrase "I'm dying up here" by adding a supernatural spin on it.

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Knock Em Dead #2

Jan 18, 2021

It's clear that writer Eliot Rahal is in his element here and it's paying off in spades. Where the first issue was largely setup, we really get moving here and I'm super pumped to see where this series goes next. Knock Em Dead is the supernatural stand-up comedy comic I didn't know I wanted. It leans into the darkness in such a natural way that you can't help but get pulled in.

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Knock Em Dead #5

May 3, 2021

Knock Em Dead started with a great hook about a guy literally dying to pursue his dream of being a stand-up comic. It jumps ahead a bit and would have benefited with a little more room to tell this story. What shines through is the great character work that at times proves to be even more frightening than the ghosts.

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Lab Raider #1

Apr 20, 2019

Lab Raider takes a big jump into horror by the end of this first issue. It puts the topic of animal rights front and center with a frightening take on it that, in the scheme of things, doesn't seem all that farfetched. That's what makes this a scary comic. It is dangerously close to real possibilities.

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Lady Baltimore: The Witch Queens #1

Apr 2, 2021

Lady Baltimore is a bold first step into the newly established Outerverse, tying together the worlds of Baltimore, Joe Golem, and more. It's a refreshing take on the monster hunter, paying tribute to the character that came before while also building something new and exciting.

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Lady Killer #1

Jan 9, 2015

Lady Killer takes the idea of a woman leading a double life and adds a lot of heart to it. It's an ideal mix of comedy, horror, and silly family drama with some damn near perfect artwork. Seriously, after reading this, I want to see Jolle Jones draw everything.

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Lady Killer 2 #1

Aug 14, 2016

Lady Killer is not just the best comic you'll read about a contract-killer housewife, it's also a gorgeously illustrated book with levels of gore that will rival any horror book on the stands today.  You just haven't lived until you've seen a beautiful woman cut up a body with an electric carving knife.

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Last Dance OGN

Jan 20, 2021

Last Dance is a perfect example of the "be careful what you wish for" trope, done through the lens of middle-grade horror. There's a lesson in here too and it comes through naturally. This book won't give you nightmares, but it's just spooky enough to have you thinking twice before venturing through strange doors.

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Lazaretto #1

Sep 11, 2017

Lazaretto will make an agoraphobic out of you. This comic delivers the message of deadly, microscopic disease so well that you'll want to take a shower immediately after reading it. It's amazing how quickly this average American college is plunged into chaos. It's only going to get worse now that the quarantine is coming down.

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Lazaretto #2

Oct 18, 2017

Lazaretto will make you want to wash your hands. It shows the worst possible outbreak of a major virus, spreading rampantly among hormone-crazed college coeds. Pascal South is a ticking time bomb, only instead of an explosion, it's going to spit out bodies ravaged by disease.

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Lazaretto #5

Feb 9, 2018

Lazaretto would give any clean freak nightmares for months. It's a disturbing journey that will make you want to bathe yourself in hand sanitizer after reading it. It ends in a perfect shot, as we see the aftermath of this disease and what it's done to the dorm while welcome messages for the freshmen are played overhead. It's a haunting juxtaposition that serves as a nice bookend to how the series began. This is some awesome stuff.

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Legend of the Swamp Thing: Halloween Spectacular (2020) #1

Oct 18, 2020

Although I love that DC is doubling down on the scares this Halloween, this Swamp Thing special falls a little short. The thing is, the stories are fine and the artwork is incredible. It's just that it's missing that tie to the DC Universe. What's great about stories like these is that you know they're set in the same world as an Amazon princess fighting for justice and a caped alien hero leaping buildings in a single bound, yet there are still these dark terrors lurking in the shadows.

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Lenore Vol. 2 #10

Aug 7, 2014

This storyline wraps up with the next issue in which a character will die.  I have no idea who will kick the bucket, but I'd be sad to see any of the characters die as they work so well together.  It's a great comedic team.  If anyone has to go, can it be the pickle hat?  Does he count?  Is it a he?  Do pickle hats have genders?

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Lenore Vol. 3 #1

Aug 26, 2019

I'm so happy that Lenore is back. Horror and comedy are two genres that can exist very close together. This comic shows how they can mix together to create something pretty awesome. It's full of quick wit, fun characters, and super dark humor.

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Leviathan #1

Aug 11, 2018

Leviathan is a super fun, like a humorous take on Godzilla, but still driven by the human characters. Sure, we get tons of kaiju carnage as this thing rampaging through a city, but that's just part of it. The real fun comes in the human element as Ray comes to grips with how this giant monster just changed his life forever. Plus, how hard is he going to go after Goth Jimmy for ruining everything? He's seriously the worst.

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Leviathan #2

Sep 20, 2018

Leviathan is an absolute blast. It is non-stop fun that will bring a smile to your face, especially if you enjoy dark humor. The action is over-the-top and completely bonkers. I have no idea where it's going to go next but I can't wait to find out.

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Little Girl #2

Oct 3, 2018

Little Girl aims right for the heart with its scares. Writer Pat Shand does not let up even for a moment. This is a terrifying comic from start to finish and it's showing no signs of slowing down. This is the kind of book that will have you checking your doors and windows to make sure they're locked before going to bed.

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Little Girl #3

Jan 23, 2019

The level of violence dealt by this pint-size poltergeist is incredible. It's over-the-top and so very satisfying as these people deserve every last bit they get. This builds to an incredible cliffhanger that makes you wonder where this series can go next. Little Girl has kept me on my toes with every page. Writer Pat Shand has weaved a frightening tale of sweet revenge mixed with heartbreaking tragedy.

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Little Girl #4

Feb 19, 2019

It's rare that we get a happy ending in a horror story. I mean, that's kind of the opposite of the term. Little Girl doesn't quite have a happily ever after, but it does end on a somber note, bringing Abby May's journey full circle. It's not your typical ghost story. It's simultaneously terrifying and moving.

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Lobster Johnson: Get The Lobster #4

Jun 5, 2014

Lobster Johnson continues to jump to the top of my pull list every month.  It's a solid pulp hero book with a touch of the supernatural (although that aspect is not as pronounced in Get the Lobster!).  I'd also legitimately kill a man to see a team up between Lobster Johnson and Francesco Francavilla's Black Beetle.  Seriously, Dark Horse, what do we have to do to make this happen?

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Locke & Key Alpha #1

Sep 13, 2013

Locke & Key: Alpha #1 is packed with so much story that I honestly have no idea what Hill and Rodriguez can do with another 48 pages.  There's just one issue left of this series, but in several ways I'd be content if this was the actual finale.  While I'm glad that it's getting a satisfactory ending, I'll be truly sad to see it go.

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Locke & Key Alpha #2

Dec 28, 2013

Locke & Key: Alpha is the perfect kind of closer to a comic.  It's something that's rarely seen in the industry today as we're faced with numerous reboots and relaunches, forcing characters to go on and on.  The series has a beginning, middle, and one helluva an end.  It makes you want to pick up the very first issue and read them all over again right after you put this one down.  It's emotional.  It tugs at the heartstrings.  It's damn near perfect.

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Locke & Key/Sandman: Hell & Gone #1

Apr 28, 2021

Locke & Key / Sandman: Hell & Gone meets and exceeds its lofty expectations. Considering how great these two series are separately, it's saying something to have such a great opener to their epic crossover. The worlds are fully integrated by the end of this first chapter and I am so excited to see what kinds of terrors await in the rest of the story.

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Locke & Key: In Pale Battalions Go #2

Oct 17, 2020

Locke & Key: ...In Pale Battalions Go... amplifies the horrors of war through a supernatural lens. If the German army is willing to use poison gas in battle, imagine what they'd do if they got their hands on these keys. While that would have been an interesting enough premise, the story takes an even more frightening turn. I have no idea how this will be wrapped up in the next issue, but I cannot wait to find out.

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Locke & Key: Small World #1

Dec 27, 2016

Although it's been three years since any new content has been released, Hill and Rodriguez have not missed a beat. Locke & Key is still as wondrous, frightening, and filled with adventure as always. Small World captures the sense of awe that can only be felt by a child while dealing with a simple fear that tons of people suffer from.

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Lola XOXO #1

Apr 9, 2014

Lola XOXO is off to a good start.  I'm intrigued as to where the title character will end up next in her journey and what she'll find if she does make it to her destination.  Will she find her parents?  Are they even still alive?  At the very least I'm looking forward to what the rest of this world will look like in Siya Oum's capable hands.

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Lola XOXO #2

May 22, 2014

Lola XOXO is beginning to branch out into the big bad world.  She has been protected from some of the harsh realities out there, but now she's coming face-to-face with them.  She's facing them down with bravery, providing readers with a strong female character that can stand on her own without relying on anyone else to help her up.

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London Horror Comic #5

Mar 26, 2013

London Horror Comic #5 can be purchased directly from the publisher's website.

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London Horror Comic #6

Apr 9, 2014

London Horror Comic can be purchased directly from the creator via the official website.

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London Horror Comic #7

Nov 19, 2016

London Horror Comic is a solid anthology title that has stood the test of time.  These two tales didn't pack as much of a punch as earlier issues did.  They had more room to breathe being the only two included, but I'm not sure that's necessarily a good thing.  They could have probably been condensed a bit, however that would mean sacrificing some gorgeous artwork (and at least a few nude scenes).

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London Horror Comic #8

May 24, 2020

London Horror Comic #8 can be purchased online at its official website.

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Lonely Receiver #1

Aug 18, 2020

While everyone is cooped up inside due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Lonely Receiver is a very relevant and chilling examination with our obsession and relationship with technology. I have many questions and I'm unsure about some parts of the book, but I am very entertained. I'll definitely be back for more of this unsettling story.

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Lonely Receiver #2

Oct 25, 2020

I'm still not entirely sure what to think of Lonely Receiver. It's super disturbing, but not a jump scare kind of story. Instead, it kind of seeps into your soul. It stays there, haunting your thoughts for some time. It's a chilling tale of love lost through the lens of sci-fi horror.

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Lonely Receiver #3

Nov 15, 2020

Lonely Receiver is a chilling read that shows how you can have horror in romance. It explores the intense feelings of love and how quickly they can turn to terror.

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Lonely Receiver #4

Dec 21, 2020

There's one more chapter in Lonely Receiver and I'm going to see this series through to the end. I may not be picking up everything the creative team is putting down, but you can't deny the unsettling feeling it creates. It's a harsh and frightening examination of our addiction to technology taken to the extremes. It's also super weird and I need some more time to process it all.

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Lonesome Days, Savage Nights: The Manning Files #1

Dec 18, 2020

My favorite part of Lonesome Days, Savage Nights is that the door is left wide open for more stories. The book is subtitled "The Manning Files Volume 1". so I certainly hope we get to see more from this werewolf private detective. If his future cases are anything like this, we're in for a treat, although I do have to wonder what pushes him on after he achieves his vengeance. Will he lose his edge? Even if we never get more from this world, this stands on its own as a solid, terrifying tale from beginning to end. It's like a werewolf version of Hard Boiled.

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Long Lost #1

Nov 25, 2017

The two sisters are connected at the end of this issue along with a jaw-dropping final image. It's the kind of shot that serves as a perfect cliffhanger, as you'll be dying for more. Long Lost is a comic draped in a misleading normalcy that hides nothing but dread. It's a moody book that's filled with the closest thing the medium has to a jump scare. These moments will chill you to the core.

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Long Lost #2

Jan 7, 2018

You just know the girls in Long Lost are heading towards unimaginable horrors. They can't turn back now as it wouldn't make for much of a story, would it? I have no idea what to expect once they get to Hazel Patch, but it can't be good. This kind of uneasy feeling is tough to produce in any medium, let alone comics, but writer Matthew Erman and artist Lisa Sterle have captured the perfect combination and I'm hooked.

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Long Lost #3

Feb 5, 2018

Writer Matthew Erman plants some interesting seeds in Long Lost #3. This world is expanding more and more with each chapter and it's only getting stranger and scarier. The utter normalcy of Piper and Frances contrasts nicely with this world of bizarre terrors they've encountered so far. I can't imagine what else is in store for them with the rest of the series.

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Long Lost #4

Mar 2, 2018

While Long Lost #4 is a slow burn, it picks up exponentially by the end. There are a few crazy moments that create some more questions. Most of all, they provide further examples for why Piper and Frances were so reluctant to come back to Hazel Patch. This town is friggin' weird and more than a little creepy. I mean, how many red flags do you need? While I had some doubts about where this might be going, the end of the issue brought me back.

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Long Lost #5

Apr 9, 2018

Despite my issues with some of the story points, Long Lost still has my interest. I'm dying to know what's going on in Hazel Patch. This is a testament to Erman's foreboding writing and Sterle's artwork that balances the terrifying with the normal. I just hope some of these plot threads start to come together soon.

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Long Lost #6

May 13, 2018

Long Lost #6 ends on a great cliffhanger that is full of possibilities. I have no earthly idea where this story could go next and that's part of what has pulled me back into it. It's a creepy, unpredictable read that will keep you on your toes.

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Long Lost Vol.2 #1

Aug 17, 2018

This issue builds to an incredible cliffhanger that solidifies the new path the series is heading down. It makes you wonder what else writer Matthew Erman has in store for Piper and Frances, as their lives have gotten increasingly complicated and surreal since this story began. They're handling everything surprisingly well, but this latest revelation may just put them over the edge.

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Long Lost Vol.2 #2

Sep 29, 2018

Long Lost is now rocketing towards its end as we've entered its second half. The eerie mystery surrounding these girls' lives has pulled me in completely. They were once normal sisters, albeit with some shared personal trauma from their childhood. Now that's come back to haunt them and take them down a rabbit hole of absolute terror. Things are really heating up now. If you've slept on Long Lost, now is the time to catch up.

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Long Lost Vol.2 #4

Dec 3, 2018

I'm not giving up hope on Long Lost. I just think I need to re-examine it. The unsettling atmosphere it's created cannot be denied. I just haven't put enough pieces together yet to get a good idea of what I'm looking at.

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Low (2014) #1

Aug 12, 2014

Low showcases a glimmer of hope in a desperate world.  With humanity sitting on a ticking clock, some have found the means to enjoy life while they can.  Johl and Stel are about to lose those means.  Now we'll see the lengths they'll go to get them back.

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Lucifer's Knight #1

Apr 13, 2020

It's clear Lucifer's Knight is just getting started. It just takes quite a bit of time to get going. Now that a hook has been thrown out there, we'll probably spend some time redefining the rules in preparation for whatever Luke will face next. That could have been covered in this first issue to create some momentum. We'll see how this plays out.

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Lumberjanes #74

Oct 20, 2020

Summer is coming to an end but one big adventure looms.

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Madame Frankenstein #1

May 7, 2014

Madame Frankenstein is off to an interesting start.  It's not your average crazed-scientist story and definitely not the same old tale as originally written by Mary Shelley.  Instead it's a new spin, tied with love, curiosity, and a bit of madness, with some definite inspirations taken from classic monster films.

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Madame Frankenstein #2

Jun 5, 2014

Madame Frankenstein continues its journey through Vincent Krall's fractured psyche.  What's scary about this comic is not that he brought a woman back to life, but how normal Rich makes it seem.  There's this glimmer of hope that maybe everything will be okay for these two crazy kids.  They'll have a great story to tell their grandkids one day.  I'm dying to find out what's going on with these fairies though.

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Madame Frankenstein #7

Nov 14, 2014

Madame Frankenstein is a fitting tribute to old-school Universal monster movies and Mary Shelley's classic novel. It's a comic that shows how human beings can be the real monsters, even in a world where the dead can return to life.

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Made Men #1

Sep 6, 2017

Made Men puts a refreshing take on the Frankenstein story, greatly expanding it and bringing it to the modern day. Most of the stories that return to Frankenstein focus on the monster and where it went next. This puts a nice new spin on it that is rife with possibilities. Jutte is reluctant to face her family history, but is forced to do so when she and her team are put in the crosshairs. Now she has a rag-tag group of monsters working to bring down the folks that put them in this position in the first place. All the torches and pitchforks in the world aren't going to stop them.

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Made Men #2

Oct 30, 2017

Made Men hits with a brilliant premise that I hope runs forever. We have to see Jutte get her revenge and it's going to be absolutely brutal, however the concept introduced in this chapter allows for a recurring idea. She's no longer on the police force, but she could be gainfully employed by resurrecting people that were killed before their time. This also opens the door to some interesting moral dilemmas. Does she take money from someone to bring back a person that clearly does not deserve a second chance?

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Magdalena (2017) #2

May 1, 2017

If the Spear of Destiny is being passed on to the next in line, it's being handled well and with respect to Patience's time as the Magdalena. To compare it one last time to Buffy, it puts her in the role of the Watcher, guiding Maya in a way that she did not receive. This is how you pass the torch.

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Magdalena (2017) #4

Jul 4, 2017

This Magdalena mini-series serves as a re-introduction to the currently dormant Top Cow Universe.  We don't have titles like Witchblade or The Darkness, however a book like this serves as a reminder that there's a wealth of otherworldly anti-heroes and villains in this shared space.  Some others are name-dropped in this final chapter and it has only drummed up more excitement for additional stories.  I certainly hope the creative team gets a chance to share more with Magdalena, as this has been an awesome ride.  It's a nice mix of solid drama, strong characters, horrifying monsters, and old-fashioned fisticuffs.

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Man-Bat (2021) #1

Feb 13, 2021

After seeing his calmer demeanor in Justice League Dark, I have to wonder what this mini-series will entail for Man-Bat as it takes place before he joins the likes of Wonder Woman and Detective Chimp on adventures of the magical and supernatural. Langstrom is portrayed as a tragic figure that you can't help but sympathize with. It shows how the line between good and evil can be very fine. One bad day can push you over the edge.

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Man-Bat (2021) #2

Mar 21, 2021

This mini-series has given me a newfound appreciation for Man-Bat. He's a tragic character who's trying to do the right thing, but society is stopping him from carrying out his destiny. He's a misunderstood monster, more like Frankenstein's monster than Dracula.

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Maniac of New York #2

Mar 22, 2021

Maniac of New York presents a refreshing new spin on the slasher genre, serving as a great allegory for issues facing the world today. It blends horror with a bit of political thriller and top notch action.

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Manifest Destiny #7

Jun 13, 2014

Manifest Destiny continues this alternate " and far more interesting " take on the adventures of Lewis & Clark.  I know that I would have paid more attention to this part of history if the pair fought monsters as they explored the uncharted continent. It takes the subject seriously, never playing the situation for gags.  This is presented as close to reality as possible and pulls you in and doesn't let go.  You become invested in their journey as you need to find out how they possibly get through this alive.

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Manifest Destiny #29

Jun 15, 2017

Manifest Destiny delivers bucket loads of monsters matched with equal parts character development and incredible artwork. This issue breaks the characters down to their most base fears, nearly destroying them in the process. They've been through Hell and fought all kinds of beasts, big and small, but what might ultimately destroy them is their own minds. This issue builds up to a startling climax that will have you clamoring for the next chapter.

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Manifest Destiny #34

Apr 7, 2018

Manifest Destiny makes even an issue devoid of monsters terrifying as we've become so invested in these characters and their lives. It's hard not to get caught up in this story from writer Chris Dingess when these people feel so real. We understand the stakes involved as we've had a peek into Lewis & Clark's true mission, but not everyone is aware of that. These actions could doom not just everyone in the nearby vicinity, but everyone that is looking to head out west.

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Manifest Destiny #40

Jan 17, 2020

Just when you think these guys will catch a break, they stumble upon brand new horrors. That's the fun of Manifest Destiny. You never know what's lurking just ahead in this great journey of exploration and adventure. More often than not, it's pure, unbridled terror with monsters the likes of which haven't been seen on this continent in a few hundred years.

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Manor Black #1

Aug 6, 2019

Manor Black is tailor made for fans of Harrow County and The Sixth Gun. That makes sense, of course, because those books are made by the same creative team. This serves as a spiritual successor, particularly to Harrow County, with a similar look and feel. Most of all, it delivers some of my favorite kinds of horror. It's the kind that seeps into your skin, making you uncomfortable to turn the page, but forcing you to go on.

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Manor Black #2

Sep 12, 2019

Manor Black is a fascinating and chilling comic. This is a gripping read that will grab you and never let go. All the players are orbiting one another and it's only a matter of time before they come together in a big, bad way. This is awesome.

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Mars Attacks (2018) #3

Jan 5, 2019

Mars Attacks is pure fun in comic book form. The Martians are attacking without a lick of mercy and these two unlikely characters are in the thick of it, struggling just to get by. They're not heroes ready to fight back this invading force and that makes their journey so entertaining.

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Mars Attacks (2018) #4

Feb 9, 2019

The pacing of Mars Attacks #4 is incredible. Writer Kyle Starks takes us through a range of emotions, from the tender conversations between Spencer and his dad to the nail-biting argument with the mad man in the bunker to the action-packed excitement of a fight with Martians. This issue has it all. Sure, Mars Attacks is a campy property with some silly elements, but this comic shows that it is capable of so much more than that. It's really great stuff.

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Mars Attacks: Occupation #1

Mar 11, 2016

Now that the Martians have conquered Earth, they have to hold on to it.  This is the part of the board game Risk where you hope no one attacks you before your next turn so you can get all those extra soldiers by having a full country.  (Did I just take this to a far nerdier place than normal?)  Mars Attacks: Occupation shows a dreadful version of our future where we're no longer at war with an alien race; we've lost.  Despite this, mankind is surviving and in examples like Ruby, it will persevere.  The book puts humanity in an underdog position on its own world to the point where you can't wait to see Ruby kick some Martian ass.

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Martian Manhunter (2018) #4

Apr 10, 2019

Martian Manhunter is like True Detective meets Cronenberg's The Fly. It could have been a satisfying crime story on its own. Adding in heaping helpings of body horror, alien carnage, and pure unbridled terror makes it a must read.

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Martian Manhunter (2018) #5

Jun 10, 2019

I will admit that I didn't really "get" Martian Manhunter before. He is like a weirder looking Superman with a few extra powers. This series redefines the character, allowing me to see him with a new set of eyes and really appreciate what he's gone through. The fact that it's through the lens of the horror genre with some of the most unsettling visuals on the stands today is a bonus. It's kind of crazy to think that some of the scariest horror out there right now is coming from a book about a green, Oreo-loving alien.

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Martian Manhunter (2018) #6

Jul 13, 2019

Martian Manhunter shows the character at his lowest moment as we enter the halfway point of this series. We can hope that writer Steve Orlando will build him up again with the second half, but after all the tragedy J'onn has been through and the menacing obstacle standing in his way, I'm not so sure that will happen. This book is an emotional powerhouse.

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Martian Manhunter (2018) #11

Jan 7, 2020

J'onn J'onzz is facing his toughest challenge of his life and it's not yet over. He's fought through his own failures and relived the horrifying consequences of his actions. That's fueled a fire within him to take down a monster, but will it be enough? That's the question we face as we head into the conclusion of this amazing maxi-series.

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Marvel 2099 (2019): Ghost Rider #1

Dec 21, 2019

Ghost Rider 2099 gives us an idea of what we could expect from Marvel's spirit of vengeance in 80 years. It introduces a number of cool concepts that I'd love to see explored further. There's just enough here to sink your teeth into, but it's more of an appetizer than a main course.

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Marvel Action: Chillers #2

Dec 4, 2020

Marvel Action Chillers presents a great all-ages take of the horror within the Marvel Universe. Some elements are over-explained, but it doesn't take away from the overall fun of this comic. Telling the story through these unlikely team-ups adds a refreshing take to the whole thing. It's a nice way to introduce horror to the little ones in your life.

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Marvel Zombies: Resurrection #1

Sep 10, 2020

I have a lot of questions about this world and what's going on with the overall zombie threat, but there's enough to pull you in. This is more like a Walking Dead take on the Marvel Universe than a fun romp with the undead like I was used to. The horror elements are fully embraced here, showing just how dark and scary these heroes can get if put in the right situation.

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Marvel Zombies: Resurrection #2

Oct 15, 2020

There are hints as to the bigger story and just what the heck is going on with Franklin in this issue. We're now halfway through this mini-series, so I'm eager to see the bigger picture. Marvel Zombies: Resurrection is a road trip through a zombie-filled version of the Marvel Universe.

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Maybe Someday OGN

Nov 25, 2020

Subverting expectations to find hope in the darkest of places is a good lesson we can all learn in a hellish year.

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Memetic #1

Oct 29, 2014

Memetic begins with a fairly silly idea (an Internet meme that brings about the apocalypse) and quickly establishes it as a terrifying way for the world to end. The characters come off as completely real and the use of social media within the comic feels very natural and not forced at all. It's a human take on the complete destruction of society, showing how fast we can go from smart phones to cave men all thanks to a seemingly innocent picture of a happy little sloth.

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Midnight Society: The Black Lake #1

Jun 25, 2015

Midnight Society: The Black Lake is off to an intriguing start.  Johnson's work grabs you right away, slowly pulling you deeper into this world of mysterious monsters and brave adventurers.  The first issue ends rather abruptly, as if this was written as a larger story and cut up to fit within the confines of a single issue.  There's no real cliffhanger or sudden reveal.  Instead it serves like the end of a chapter with a new scene ready to begin with the next issue.

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Mighty Morphin (2020) #1

Nov 10, 2020

Who is the new Green Ranger? What horrors does Lord Zedd have planned? What's going on with Zordon? So many questions!

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Mighty Morphin (2020) #3

Jan 13, 2021

Tensions ride high as the mystery of the Green Ranger continues. Come for the bombastic action and stay for all the drama as Mighty Morphin #3 is bursting at the seams with it.

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Mighty Morphin (2020) #4

Feb 15, 2021

After what felt like forever, the Green Ranger reveals himself, but that's somehow not the most exciting part of this issue. We'll be feeling the ramifications of this moment for some time.

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Mighty Morphin (2020) #5

Mar 15, 2021

With the identity of the new Green Ranger revealed, we go back to find out how all this happened in the first place. Questions are answered and the story is propelled forward as these exciting new elements are weaved into the Power Rangers mythos.

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Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers (2016) #55

Oct 22, 2020

One chapter ends and another begins in the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers mythos. What is in store for us as we enter its next phase?

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #19

Oct 13, 2020

Miles faces off against…himself?!?! Twice?! Several plot threads come together in this issue, so how does it stack up?

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #20

Nov 9, 2020

With his city in danger, Miles steps up big time. Fortunately, he's got some friends helping him out.

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #21

Dec 8, 2020

"The Ultimatum Saga" comes to an action-packed end, but Miles is changed forever by these events. How will our hero go on from here?

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #22

Jan 11, 2021

So many plot points are weaved together seamlessly in this issue. I honestly wish more super hero comics were structured in this way. You get the action and adventure mixed with drama and a whole lot of heart.

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #23

Feb 22, 2021

Another King in Black tie-in, another fight with a symbiote dragon. What does Miles bring to this fight we've seen dozens of times?

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man (2018) #24

Mar 30, 2021

Ms. Marvel guest stars as Miles cleans up the loose ends before plunging himself into his very own Clone Saga. What's a day in the life of a typical teenage hero in Brooklyn?

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Miskatonic High #3

Jul 4, 2019

The creators of Miskatonic High are currently running a Kickstarter campaign to fund the release of this issue. At the time of this writing, it has already surpassed its funding goal.

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Mob Psycho 100 #1

Feb 8, 2021

Mob Psycho 100 is like a comedic version of The Sixth Sense. The young man at the center of the story doesn't just see dead people; he can fight them. In a world invested by angry spirits that throw curses and possessions around, Mob is the hero we need, however we may not fully appreciate him just yet.

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Monster & Madman #1

Mar 17, 2014

The first issue of Monster & Madman deals almost exclusively with the former.  The latter's story looks to pick up in part two.  With the creature in such a doom-and-gloom mood, I can only imagine what someone like Jack the Ripper can do with such a powerful individual.

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Monster Motors One Shot #1

Aug 2, 2014

Monster Motors is the kind of fun, creative story that comics were made for. It's silly and easy for kids to pick up while also being smart enough for adults. This needs to be an ongoing title. I would gladly read about the monthly adventures of mechanic Vic Frankenstein in Transylvania as he battles monster cars. Wouldn't you?

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Monster Motors: Curse Of Minivan Helsing #1

Mar 7, 2015

To say that Monster Motors is a fun comic is an understatement. It's the kind of comic you'll read with a smile on your face from page one. It's an intelligently written comic that will resonate with all ages. Lynch expands on the mythology first seen in the original one-shot and seamlessly continues the story right where he left off. The existence of even more monster motors opens the door for what I hope will be many more stories, if for nothing else than to see what other pun-filled car names Lynch can come up with.

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Monster Motors: Curse Of Minivan Helsing #2

Apr 20, 2015

In previous reviews for Monster Motors comics I've said that this comic should be a Saturday morning TV show and a line of Hot Wheels toys.  I still want those things, but for now, I'd settle for an ongoing series.  There is so much to love about this book.  It's the kind of comic that you can read with a smile on your face.  It's one that you'll want to share because of how fun it is.  Each of the characters is unique and provides a suitable homage to the classic monsters that inspired them.  Seriously, read this comic.

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Monster World #1

Dec 23, 2015

Monster World is a comic that's tailor made for me.  It's a mix of private eye noir and good old-fashioned monsters that delivers on every level.  If The Maltese Falcon had a werewolf instead of a bird statue, it might resemble this comic.  If you're a fan of Hard Case Crime and the classic movie monsters, this is right up your alley.

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Monster World #2

Jan 30, 2016

Monster World expertly blends elements of the private eye novels of yesteryear with those of supernatural horror. It's a solid read with some dynamite artwork. If you ever wanted to see Humphrey Bogart fight a zombie, this book is for you.

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Monsters Unleashed #1

Feb 1, 2017

Monsters Unleashed is a global event of massive destruction, but it's little more than a slugfest.  It's big monsters fighting it out with big heroes.  I have the same problem with Godzilla comics.  There's little story and a whole lot of devastation.  I'm curious as to how Kei and Elsa's paths will continue, however some of the wind has been taken from their sails with Marvel's recent announcement of a monster-filled ongoing series spinning out of this event.  Knowing that everything will be put back together in some fashion makes the events of this book mean less.

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Monsters Unleashed #2

Feb 14, 2017

Monsters Unleashed expands a bit, but it's more of the same we saw in the debut issue.  Here are your favorite heroes punching, stabbing, and shooting lightning at gigantic monsters that are absolutely annihilating the world's biggest cities.  Sooner or later, they'll stop the violence, but how can anyone rebuild from something like this?  Where can anyone possibly go from there?  We'll probably never find out as there will be some other threat for the super heroes to tackle.

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Moonshine (2016) #23

Apr 2, 2021

Moonshine begins its new arc with a bang. This series has net lost any steam as the story rockets forward. We've seen the werewolves out in the mountains and all the carnage they caused out there. Now imagine what they can do in New York City. That's a chilling thought and clearly, no one is safe.

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Morbius (2019) #4

Feb 24, 2020

As terrifying as this new form of Morbius is, he may be needed for what's to come. The Melter has stolen some of his formula to try and transform himself and there are definitely more creatures in the near future. Writer Vita Ayala has shown us the torturous existence of this character, painting him as a sympathetic and misunderstood monster. He's been able to keep this part of himself in check up until this point, but how much longer can he do so? This makes for a fascinating and chilling read.

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Morning in America #1

Mar 11, 2019

Morning in America tugs on that '80s nostalgia vibe not by referencing Transformers and Ghostbusters, but by taking us back to this time where the world was full of wonder. This is before satellites and the internet mapped the entire planet. It's here that things like the Loch Ness Monster and Big Foot are still very real, or at least there's not enough evidence to disprove their existence. Anything can happen in this book and the Sick Sisters in Tucker, Ohio, are about to witness that first hand.

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Morning Star #1

Jun 8, 2018

Morning Star carves out its own unique spot in the supernatural monster hunting genre. It brings a lot to the table and hits the ground running with an attention-grabbing initial case. I'm excited to see where this goes next.

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Morning Star #2

Aug 26, 2018

Morning Star has all the makings of an epic apocalyptic tale. This is most definitely the end of the world and all that stands against complete destruction is this ragtag group of monster hunters. It's going to be one helluva fight.

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Mountainhead #1

Sep 12, 2019

There's a lot to take in during the first half of Mountainhead #1, then the series takes a sudden twist that changes everything. This really elevates the overall story and pulls you in even deeper. It also creates a fascinating character study with Abraham as his world is turned upside down. What is abundantly clear is how rock solid this debut is. The creative team is firing on all cylinders, delivering a pitch-perfect comic. It's shrouded in mystery and intrigue and I can't wait to see what happens next.

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Mountainhead #2

Oct 11, 2019

Mountainhead is chock full of unsettling terror. It's a gripping read that's one part Stephen King, one part David Lynch. You'd think the appearance of a young boy thought dead for years would be the weirdest thing to happen in this town, but you'd be wrong.

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Mountainhead #4

Jun 15, 2020

The only downside to Mountainhead #4 is that Abraham's adopted father feels like he has fallen along the wayside. He is a major factor in the beginning of the series, but is less of a threat now. We have one more chapter to go so we'll see how writer John Lees ties all this together in a bit. What is clear is that Mountainhead is unlike anything on the stands today. It's pure terror, like Twin Peaks through the lens of Junji Ito.

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Mountainhead #5

Dec 19, 2020

Mountainhead is scary on so many levels. It has elements of cosmic and body horror mixed with some family drama and a solid thriller for a perfect combination. More importantly, it will keep you guessing until the very end. It uses the comic book medium to effectively tell a story unlike any other. This comic is awesome.

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Murder #1

Jan 19, 2019

If Animosity and Animal Farm had a kid that was raised by PETA, it might be Murder. The message is pretty clear, however I don't think it's going to get me to stop eating cheeseburgers any time soon. Of course, if the animals that we kill to make these foods suddenly became sentient, it would be a terrifying experience. They'd want some kind of revenge for the countless relatives that have been consumed by humans over the years.

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Murder Falcon #1

Oct 28, 2018

Murder Falcon is pure fun from beginning to end. It had me with the premise alone and then Johnson takes it to new heights with his amazing artwork and powerful storytelling. This comic has everything I could ever want from a story, from giant monsters and a kick-ass hero to compelling character development and good old-fashioned metal.

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Murder Falcon #2

Nov 22, 2018

Murder Falcon is a damn near perfect comic. No, I'm going to change that. It's definitely a perfect comic. It has everything you'd want from a book from awesome action, jaw-dropping artwork, and compelling characters. It's all powered by metal, so throw up the horns and read the hell out of this comic.

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Murder Falcon #6

Apr 2, 2019

The only negative thing I can say about Murder Falcon is that I just found out there are only two issues left. I would read this series forever, so I'm bummed that it's ending. In any case, it looks like we're setting up for some impressive and explosive finale. You might pick up Murder Falcon for the crazy monsters and impressive artwork. You'll get hooked with the dynamite storytelling, incredible character work, and the exploration of our connection to music. This book is awesome.

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Murder Falcon #7

Apr 27, 2019

Murder Falcon is awesome. It's bursting at the seams with intense action, incredible artwork, and some of the most compelling character stories I've seen in recent memory. Throw up the devil horns and dig into this book. You will not be disappointed.

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Murder Falcon #8

May 23, 2019

Murder Falcon is not just one of my favorite comics of the year, it's one of my favorite comics ever. This book works on so many levels. Yes, it's an awesome monster story with some amazing visuals, but what will have you coming back again and again " and what will leave you in tears " is Jake's journey. It's absolutely perfect. Murder Falcon is a comic that is made for everyone. It doesn't matter if you like metal or monsters. If you're a human being, you will love Murder Falcon.

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Nailbiter #1

May 7, 2014

Nailbiter will pull you in and never let go.  It's so easy to get wrapped up in this story and want more right away.  I'm sure there are quite a few more secrets hidden within the town of Buckaroo and I can't wait to see what else Williamson plans to reveal with the coming issues. 

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Nailbiter #2

Jun 7, 2014

Nailbiter is building a great whodunit mystery that's like Law & Order: Small Town Serial Killers Unit.  I'm already hooked on this story and I'm dying to find out more. This can be a fast read but it's a comic you're going to want to go back and savor a bit to really take in all the crazy.

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Nailbiter #5

Sep 8, 2014

Nailbiter just keeps getting better. It's one of the best comics currently on the stands.  It's consistently at the top of my "To Read" pile each month.  This is the kind of comic where you'll finish an issue and demand more and more because it's just not enough.  You'll have to settle for re-reading the previous issues, looking for clues to solve the mystery.

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Nailbiter #8

Dec 8, 2014

Nailbiter is the kind of comic that you will ravenously read through, reaching the end far too quickly. After letting us catch our breath with the last two issues, Williamson picks up right where he left off at the end of the first trade paperback, with a murder mystery filled with tense thrills that cannot be missed.

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Nailbiter #11

Mar 18, 2015

Williamson teases the secrets of Buckaroo not once, but twice in this issue. They're so close to the surface. My head is spinning thinking of what kind of explanation there could possibly be for all this bloodshed over the course of decades. That kind of mystery, coupled with some dynamite artwork, and a mountain of suspense, is just part of what makes Nailbiter so damn good.

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Nailbiter #14

Jul 18, 2015

The mystery of Buckaroo remains unsolved, but no less interesting.  Nailbiter is a white-knuckle read, not just from the tension in the story, but the tease of finally finding out what's really going on in this small town.  There have been moments that I'm not entirely proud of where I shouted at the comic to just tell me already.  I have faith in the creative team though, so I'm sure the payoff will be well worth the wait.

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Nailbiter #15

Aug 16, 2015

Honestly, if you're a horror fan and you're not reading Nailbiter, you're doing it wrong.  Williamson and Henderson consistently deliver a dynamite comic month in and month out.  The mystery is starting to be revealed, but more and more is teased to pull you in and keep you begging for more.

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Nailbiter #22

Jun 15, 2016

Nailbiter never misses a beat and this issue is no different.  This is a riveting story with stellar artwork that will keep you enthralled with every single panel.  I want to come up with theories to answer the questions above, but I also just want to sit back and go on this journey that the creative team is taking us on.  There are certainly plenty of surprises and twists to keep you coming back for more.

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Nailbiter #23

Jul 6, 2016

You will struggle to find another comic that delivers this level of quality storytelling with such consistency month-in and month-out.  Nailbiter is a solid, bone-chilling read.  It pulls you in slowly before making you jump out of your skin with a single panel. 

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Nailbiter #29

Feb 11, 2017

The vast majority of your questions about Nailbiter are answered in this issue.  It's a payoff that's been building since the series debuted in 2014.  I would have preferred if it wasn't all at once, perhaps saving some of the pacing out some of the revelations to build up to the finale.  As it stands, it's still a pulse-pounding comic that I will be sad to see come to an end.

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Nailbiter #30

Mar 1, 2017

Nailbiter has been an amazing ride and a helluva horror comic. It ends just as strong as it begins, with a tense, terrifying story and gorgeous, well-detailed artwork. The characters will stick with you for some time. This is the kind of comic that you'll finish and want to immediately go back and re-read from the beginning to see with a new set of eyes. It's just so damn good.

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Nailbiter Returns #1

May 11, 2020

Nailbiter is back and I could not be happier. The creators have returned to this world and these characters without missing a beat. They have somehow outdone themselves already and I love every bit of it. I didn't think things could get worse than tearing fingernails and then this comic hit and it's one of the most horrifying titles of the year right out of the gate.

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Nailbiter Returns #2

Jul 2, 2020

I realize that I've been rather vague about what actually happens in Nailbiter Returns #2. That is intentional, as this is a mystery. You should come at this completely blind and pick through the clues yourself without having them spoiled for you. I can assure you that this comic is absolutely incredible from beginning to end. Horror is at its core and it certainly excels at that, while also playing with elements of thrillers, mystery, and comedy. It's a great blend that works incredibly well.

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Nailbiter Returns #3

Aug 7, 2020

I do wonder if Nailbiter Returns would have played out the same way if it had continued right after the original series ended. The growing popularity of true crime TV shows and podcasts really puts Nailbiter into a different perspective, particularly in the world of this comic. Buckaroo would be the subject of so many documentaries. This is a fascinating look at these characters and this world, while also keeping the tension high and the scares plentiful. Damn, I love this book.

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Nailbiter Returns #4

Sep 11, 2020

Horror in comics can be tough, as you don't have some of the tools seen in other mediums like a soundtrack or jump scares. Nailbiter Returns is a perfect example of horror done well in comics. It has all the tension of the best spooky stuff on the big or small screen, keeping you on your toes and leaving you begging for more. The twists and turns will leave you guessing, wondering where this incredible story will go next.

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Nailbiter Returns #5

Oct 15, 2020

What's clear about Nailbiter Returns is how well this creative team works together. This is a well-oiled machine of action, horror, and a bit of comedy mixed in. The comic moves at a great pace, never really letting you catch your breath. It's non-stop and I love it.

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Nailbiter Returns #7

Dec 6, 2020

Just when I think I have Nailbiter Returns figured out, writer Joshua Williamson adds some signature twists and turns to keep me on my toes. This issue is one of the most disturbing yet as we explore all kinds of hallucinations that will haunt you for days. All the while, the plot is moving forward, getting these characters " and us " ever closer to answers. Nailbiter is much more than a serial killer story.

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Nailbiter Returns #8

Jan 7, 2021

Nailbiter Returns hits with another great twist and keeps things as unpredictable as ever. This followup series has only amplified everything that's come before while telling a whole new story. It's all new ground with the same level of terror. This is how you do a sequel right.

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Nailbiter Returns #9

Feb 13, 2021

Nailbiter Returns #9 ends with one of the grossest cliffhangers I've ever seen, yet I have to see where this series goes next. It continues to up the ante with this penultimate chapter and I cannot wait to read its grand finale. Nailbiter Returns is an unparalleled horror comic that continues to scare the crap out of me every month.

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Nailbiter Returns #10

Mar 6, 2021

Nailbiter Returns is just as shocking and terrifying as the original series, building on everything that came before, while also standing on its own as an incredible story. It's an unparalleled horror comic.

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Nancy in Hell #1

Aug 1, 2018

Nancy in Hell builds on an overarching narrative while also starting something new and exciting that's accessible to new readers. It's a grindhouse story with the right balance of gore, attitude, and sex appeal. Hell is not ready for Nancy.

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Negative Space #1

Jun 12, 2015

Negative Space is a damn near perfect first issue.  It's a comic that grabs you with a helluva hook and never lets go.  You're instantly pulled into this world and intrigued by the conspiracy that's lurking just beneath the surface.  This coupled with the strong and emotional character development makes it a must read. It's definitely not your average horror story, and that's what makes it so special.

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Negative Space #2

Oct 4, 2015

Negative Space just opened up onto a whole new level.  The first issue was just the precursor to this expansive and horrifying world.  The real scary thing about it is how believable it all is.  It's not that far off to imagine that we're all miserable because an evil corporation has been pulling the strings to make us that way in order to profit from our sadness by feeding it to a race of powerful undersea creatures.  Well, when you say it like that, maybe it's a little out there.  Still, Negative Space can scare you and then make you want to go out and hug someone.  It's a weird feeling at first, but you just kind of go with it.

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Negative Space #4

Apr 13, 2016

Negative Space hits on all marks.  It's a powerful comic with a message, but it doesn't beat you over the head with it.  In lesser hands, this would have turned into a Monsters Inc ripoff where the Evorah found they can feed off of happiness better than depression.  Instead, it became so much more.  This cements Ryan K. Lindsay as an expert storyteller capable of truly incredible character work.  They feel like real people and that's the greatest compliment you can give to someone that made all these characters up.  Owen Gieni has crafted some of the most terrifying monsters seen on the stands today, made even scarier by the fact that they rarely speak.  They come out of the water in silence and just start killing.  The scenes with the humans are far more chilling though.  Seriously, go check out that panel with the keyboards.  I would not be surprised if that's stolen for a horror movie in the next couple years.

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Nicnevin and the Bloody Queen #1

Mar 21, 2020

Nicnevin and the Bloody Queen presents a modern spin on some fascinating folk horror. It's interesting to see how stories like this can still unfold in an age of cellphones and other technology. There's always a place for unsettling stories like this one.

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Night Moves #1

Dec 4, 2018

Night Moves strikes a perfect blend between noir and horror. It works on the principles of the former and pulls in some of the best aspects of the latter. This isn't a supernatural detective story, like Hellblazer or Criminal Macabre. This is a normal, everyday guy who just found himself in a sinister world lurking just beneath the criminal underbelly he is used to.

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Nightwing (2016) #5

Sep 28, 2016

The Bat-Team is united in their grief and using it to band together to help Gotham City combat hideous monsters.   They have not yet seen all of the creatures poised to terrorize the city and I'm sure that Batman still has a few more tricks up his sleeve.  This is not a monster movie where the humans will flee in terror.  These are super heroes that will stop at nothing to protect innocent civilians.  Although they may be broken due to their recent loss, they're laser focused on this task.

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No Angel #1

Oct 24, 2016

No Angel starts as a drama about family and grief, then rips the rug out from under you, throwing you into a horror of immeasurable proportions.  Seriously, there is one panel in particular that will haunt you for some time.  Once you read the book, you'll know exactly which one I mean.  The twists and turns at the end are earned through the top-notch character development throughout the majority of the issue.

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No Angel #2

Feb 8, 2017

No Angel flows like a riveting drama with a supernatural twist.  It plays with a trope that authors like Stephen King have used for years, where a normal person with a normal life is thrown into a mystical situation.  You don't need much in the way of explanation as to the origins of this occult angle because you're so wrapped up in the character's life and thinking of what you'd do in their shoes.

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No Angel #4

Jun 30, 2017

No Angel is a strong, character-driven comic. It presents horror and monsters in a real-life fashion. You could forget at times that Jessica has angel wings or Cord is a human-shaped sack full of spiders. (I can't believe I just typed that phrase. That's comics, everybody!) Instead, you're pulled into their lives for this brief period and become so enthralled in their world, hoping and praying they make it out unscathed. At the bare minimum, this book will terrify anyone afraid of spiders. Holy shit, are there a lot of spiders.

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No Heroine #1

May 24, 2020

No Heroine gives new hope for Kayla as she embarks on a new and terrifying chapter in her life. There's still some work to be done in developing her as a character and fleshing out this world, but there's more than enough to grab onto here. There are some great concepts introduced and I'm eager to see how the creators play with them in subsequent issues.

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No Mercy #1

Apr 6, 2015

No Mercy puts a group of spoiled and annoying pre-college kids on a collision course with doom and never looks back.  You know that they're heading towards something horrible, and the cliff is just the first step.  Let this serve as a lesson to us all that if you're stranded in an unknown place, look to survive first.  If your initial thought is to update Instagram, you deserve to be eaten by coyotes or whatever else lurks in the darkness.

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No. 1 With A Bullet #1

Oct 23, 2017

No. 1 with a Bullet presents real world terror that will chill you to the bone. It will certainly have you re-thinking the next tweet you post or online comment you make. It serves as an effective social commentary while also creeping you out, which makes for some quality horror.

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No. 1 With A Bullet #2

Dec 13, 2017

It's eerie how on point No. 1 with a Bullet is with the headlines in today's news. The comic hits a number of very relevant social issues in a way that makes way too much sense. This can happen. It would not be surprising at all to see a similar story pop up in the news tomorrow. It deals with how we handle fame, sex, technology, and fandom and where the lines are crossed with each.

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No. 1 With A Bullet #3

Jan 10, 2018

No. 1 with a Bullet should be required reading for anyone interested in the entertainment industry today. It also pairs nicely with Glitterbomb, another Hollywood horror comic, although the two scratch slightly different itches. This is an exquisitely crafted comic that will not only creep you out, but also deliver a message. It will challenge how you look at click bait headlines and gossipy news coverage. In other words, it could not be more relevant.

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No. 1 With A Bullet #4

Feb 14, 2018

No. 1 with a Bullet is a horror comic like no other. It hits like a punch to the gut with real world monsters. These are not mythical beings or supernatural creatures. These are normal everyday people capable of incredibly heinous actions. That is a million times scarier than anything that fits the typical monster stereotype.

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No. 1 With A Bullet #5

Mar 24, 2018

No. 1 with a Bullet has gone from technological horror to social media thriller and back again. This is a gripping read full of real world terror. It deals with events that could very much happen in the not too distant future and that is a chilling thought. At this point, it's only a matter of time before this story plays out in real life.

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No. 1 With A Bullet #6

Apr 14, 2018

While the story is wrapped up and there's a happy ending of sorts, there's the uneasy feeling that this could all happen again. It wouldn't even be that hard. There's no defense against something like that short of eliminating all technology from one's life.

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Nocterra #1

Mar 20, 2021

Nocterra presents a fleshed-out, horrifying world where darkness can literally kill you. While it retreads some themes we've seen before, I'm still eager to see where this story goes next. It's another in an increasingly growing line of action horror titles that have been popping up lately and I'm here for it.

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Nocterra #3

May 28, 2021

Nocterra is a blockbuster action movie set in a horror world. It's like watching The Fast & The Furious if Dom's crew was made of literal monsters, scaring the crap out of people a quarter mile at a time.

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Nomen Omen #1

Oct 11, 2019

I'm still putting the pieces together with Nomen Omen, but there's more than enough to catch my interest. There's a dark power at work here and it's targeted this poor family. They've already been through quite a lot, so do they really need more bloodshed? Nomen Omen is the urban fantasy series I didn't know I wanted.

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Non-Stop Spider-Man (2021) #1

Mar 16, 2021

All-out action with some super dynamic panel layouts await in this new Spider-Man comic, however the lack of character development of the supporting cast removes most of the stakes. Coupled with some inconsistent artwork and there are some hold ups for what the book can become.

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Non-Stop Spider-Man (2021) #2

Apr 16, 2021

Some dynamic artwork pulls you in to this action-packed comic, however the story leaves something to be desired.

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Nottingham #1

Mar 21, 2021

Writer David Hazan plays with the concepts behind these centuries-old characters, providing a wholly original re-imagining. It's dark and ominous while maintaining a pinch of the playful nature that has always followed the legendary outlaw, albeit a pretty bloody take. I'm curious as to where this one goes next.

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Oblivion Song #1

Mar 13, 2018

This is a perfect example of how you create a #1 issue. Oblivion Song is the total package, delivering terrifying monsters, personal character development, stunning artwork, and a great story. Do not sleep on this series.

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Oblivion Song #3

May 19, 2018

Oblivion Song is just getting started. It's only three issues in and I am completely hooked. Nathan is such an intriguing character and he has a personal stake in finding these survivors and bringing them back. His brother is over there. That's part of what drives him. He's so determined to bring these people home that he can't see the dangers right in front of him. That's making for one compelling story.

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Oblivion Song #5

Jul 31, 2018

Oblivion Song has all the makings of a sprawling dystopian epic. It presents a glimmer of hope in a sea of chaos, as these folks have found a way to survive in such hellish conditions. They've built a community and they work together to protect it. Nathan represents a threat to that. Will they stay or will they go?

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Oblivion Song #6

Aug 20, 2018

Oblivion Song rises to new heights with this issue. It already had a solid hook, great character development, and gorgeous artwork. Now that it's grabbed you, it reaches up to new levels with some awesome twists and turns. This chapter reframes the entire story to date.

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October Faction #1

Oct 16, 2014

The October Faction offers a brief glimpse into the lives of a very strange group of people. They're like a grown up, more serious version of the Addams Family. There's not a lot to go on just yet, but I'm interested to see where the story is going to take these folks, especially when they start interacting a bit more. Can you imagine what a family dinner must be like in that house?

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October Faction: Supernatural Dreams #1

Mar 14, 2018

The October Faction: Supernatural Dreams is a solid re-introduction to the Allan family. This is a new breed of monster hunters and they may be in over their heads with their very first mission. That doesn't mean they're going to stop. After all, how else are they going to pay their bills? Get real jobs?

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October Faction: Supernatural Dreams #3

May 9, 2018

October Faction: Supernatural Dreams is packed with demonic action with an important family thread running through it. These characters fight against evil and all kinds of things that go bump in the night, but they do it together as a unit. They rely on and love each other and that makes them stronger. I just hope they'll be strong enough to face this latest threat.

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Old Man Quill #5

May 28, 2019

This version of the Marvel Universe is a true dystopian landscape. It shows what happens if the bad guys won. Old Man Quill represents this small glimmer of hope in this otherwise desolate world. Peter is facing untold terrors, joined by people that were by his side for years. It's a nice blend of super heroics and horror.

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Once & Future #1

Sep 7, 2019

Once & Future is most definitely a comic to watch. This first issue is already on its way to a fourth printing, so it looks like people are taking notice. You do not want to miss this. It's a solid tale of monsters and folklore mixed with great character work and some of the best art in the business. The creators set a pretty high bar with this debut issue and I cannot wait to see where this goes next.

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Once & Future #4

Dec 17, 2019

Once & Future has steadily been assembling the pieces of this story and this issue delivers some major developments that left my jaw on the floor. You might come for the new take on Arthurian legend, but you'll stay for the amazing character work and incredible art. This is a powerhouse of a comic, blending action and horror in a big, beautiful way.

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Once & Future #7

Apr 10, 2020

The final pages of Once & Future #7 redefine the comic. You might have thought you knew where it was going next, but writer Kieron Gillen pulls a wild twist that completely changes the game. Once & Future was already a solid action horror title. This chapter greatly expands its size and scope and I'm eager to see how this all plays out.

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Once & Future #9

Jul 26, 2020

Once & Future started as an interesting and frightening take on the legend of King Arthur. It has since grown to be so much more, with seemingly all of the western myths at its disposal, albeit with a horror bend. It's like Once Upon a Time meets Supernatural with a bunch more monsters.

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Once & Future #10

Aug 30, 2020

Once & Future is the action-horror epic we need. It has its foundation in old folklore, then raises the stakes with a personal story of family that is nothing short of riveting. This is tense, exciting, and downright terrifying. In short: This is a great comic.

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Once & Future #14

Dec 28, 2020

I will admit that I don't know anything about The Green Knight from myths and legends, however that doesn't take away from the enjoyment of Once & Future. Writer Kieron Gillen has pulled us in with compelling characters and an intriguing premise that has only gotten more riveting as its gone on.

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Once & Future #15

Feb 12, 2021

This is a quieter yet just as intense issue of Once & Future. We learn more about this family and the lengths its members are willing to go to protect or destroy their homeland. There's a nice twist at the end that opens the door for more possibilities. This book just keeps growing and I love it. The story, characters, and artwork are so strong that you can't help but get pulled in completely.

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Once & Future #18

May 7, 2021

Once & Future reaches new heights with this issue, greatly expanding the world and this fascinating mythos. The stakes are raised considerably and I can't wait to see where this series goes next. Action and horror mix with folklore in this intriguing and terrifying comic.

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Onyx #1

Jul 4, 2015

Onyx has an interesting premise that's packed with traditional sci-fi fun.  It's a bit clunky at parts and contains some stereotypical characters.  Fortunately, it jumps right into the thick of things, dealing with aliens, monsters, and more.  The character of Onyx has a Silver Surfer quality to her, venturing from world to world in an effort to stop the spread of this inhuman plague.

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Orient (2021) #1

Jan 4, 2021

Orient introduces us to this frightening world where humanity is no longer on the top of the food chain. Musashi and Kojiro are just two of the handful of people that have risen up to take the fight to the demon overlords. It will be interesting to see how these two amateurs settle in with other Bushi down the line and what other creatures await them in this journey.

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Osaka Mime #1

May 24, 2021

Osaka Mime presents a supernatural take on the detective thriller. Instead of hunting metaphorical monsters, Yanada and Naito are searching for literal ones. The mime is just one of them and it's clear there's quite a lot to keep this team busy.

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #35

May 15, 2018

Outcast has built to an amazing confrontation between good and evil. As with most issues, this one ends on such an incredible cliffhanger that you'll be begging for more. It's an excellently paced comic that happens to be filled with dread. How are they possibly going to get out of this?

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #37

Jan 3, 2019

A flashback issue like this is difficult to pull off without losing momentum in the overall narrative. The creative team did it with style, adding depth to an important character and tying everything back to the present. This will undoubtedly provide some valuable context to Simon's actions in the next few issues as Outcast marches towards its finale. This was a powerful and important issue that is only going to make the rest of the series more harrowing.

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #40

Apr 15, 2019

Outcast is a tense and shocking read, but more importantly, it's full of incredible character moments. We are along for Kyle's journey, fully invested in his life and all the ups and downs. He's finally got his life together and these forces are working around him to possibly tear it all away again. This makes for a gripping story that will stay with you for some time.

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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #48

May 16, 2021

While the scares are light in this issue, it's definitely worth the price of admission. Outcast delivers a rarity in the horror genre, as it has a happy ending. It doesn't come across as cheesy. Instead, it's very much earned. We've seen these folks go through hell to get to this point, so they deserve at least a moment of happiness. This is a solid closer to the series, wrapping up everything with a great ending.

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Outer Darkness #1

Nov 21, 2018

I feel like most sci-fi / horror stories tend to lean more on the sci-fi side than the spooky stuff. Outer Darkness is right in the middle, if not leaning more towards horror. There are constant reminders that we're dealing with horrifying things, plus these characters are doing it while rocketing through the far reaches of space. This debut issue lays the ground work for a slew of possibilities and many of them are dark. It's like a pilot to your next favorite TV show.

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Outer Darkness #5

Mar 30, 2019

Outer Darkness has rocketed forward in its debut arc and has never let up. The intrigue, humor, sci-fi adventure, and pure, unbridled horror blend together in this perfect mix that scratches every itch. If this is what the crew of the Charon get into in their first real mission, imagine what they'll do next...that is, if they can survive long enough to have a second mission.

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Outer Darkness #8

Jul 22, 2019

Outer Darkness is the quirky, terrifying sci-fi comic I didn't know I needed. It's like Firefly crossed with Aliens. This book is insane and I love everything about it.

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Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare #1

Aug 17, 2015

Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare is filled with a sense of foreboding from page one. Granted, that page also includes a man with a gaping bullet wound in his forehead. It's hard to believe that things only get worse for this city from there. Oxymoron's reign of terror is brutal and absolutely insane. This is what chaotic evil looks like if left unchecked...and it's just getting started.

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Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare #2

Oct 21, 2015

Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare is an expertly written and beautifully drawn book that will scare you to your core. You can see a major influence from Se7en in the book, but taken to super villain proportions. Co-writer John Lees promises that the second half of the series is where "things get REALLY messed up!" I cannot imagine how he's going to top the events of this issue, but I am definitely looking forward to it.

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Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare #3

Nov 16, 2015

Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare is most definitely a book for mature audiences.  The lengths that this character goes are extreme.  The end of this issue will shock you to your very core.  You'll wonder what just happened.  You won't believe it at first.  They didn't really do that, did they?  There's only one issue left and I have no idea how the creators are going to top themselves, but I cannot wait to find out. 

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Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare #4

Dec 5, 2015

Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare is a brutal yet thought-provoking look at the relationship between a hero and a villain and what makes up each side of that coin.  It pulls no punches with its actions, nor does it apologize for them.  The creative team has pushed the story elements to the limits and then some, offering a pulse-pounding read that you cannot put down.  This will be a book that you will read in one sitting once it's collected in a trade paperback. 

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Packs Of The Lowcountry #1

Jul 4, 2016

Packs of Lowcountry has some great ideas packed within its first four issues.  They're just a little disjointed and clunky.  I'm curious as to how all these pieces fit together.  Werewolves fighting aliens is certainly a novel premise, but I'm not certain that's the end game here.  There's quite a bit to resolve in the final two chapters.

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Peek-A-Boo #2

Apr 23, 2018

Peek-A-Boo hits the right marks for a slasher story, albeit instead of a machete, these maniacs wields clubs.  The logline for this comic might be Jason meets the Flintstones.  Writer Victoria Rau packs this issue with tension, putting the characters in frightening situations with seemingly no way out.  It's only a matter of time before they're picked off one-by-one.  It's going to be fun to see how it all happens and if any of them make it out alive. 

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Penny Dreadful (2017) #1

Apr 4, 2017

I might say I'm biased, as anything to do with Penny Dreadful I will adore, but throwing in ancient Egypt as well? You have me hook, line and sinker. The story leaves us begging for the next installment. They have awoken an ancient beast that the Duke wishes to control to summon the dark father himself. Will they destroy the world or each other? I need to know. Like now.

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Pestilence #1

May 3, 2017

Pestilence reads like an awesome Dungeons & Dragons game that you want to be a part of. You have a formidable party that's seen its fair share of adventures riding headlong into a horde of zombies that will present untold dangers and possibly little to no reward (except maybe some sweet experience points). They're doing this because it's the right thing to do and the people need them. They're the heroes the world needs, armed with swords and daggers, they will ride into battle.

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Pestilence #2

Jun 9, 2017

It would be easy to call Pestilence "The Walking Dead in the Dark Ages" but that would be doing the book a disservice. It's taking the traditional zombie tropes and putting a unique spin on them, amplifying the energy and making the undead a real and terrifying force to be reckoned with. This comic is reframing a dark time in history into a zombie uprising and it's pretty friggin' cool.

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Pestilence #4

Sep 16, 2017

Every time I think I'm over zombie stories, I find another that proves this sub-genre still has a lot to offer. Pestilence is one such example. It offers a strong story that pulls you in and incredibly detailed artwork that will hold you there. Of course, it has spoiled any King Arthur stories I will see in the future because I will be expecting the Knights of the Round Table to battle the forces of the undead and be disappointed when they don't.

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Pestilence #6

Jan 12, 2018

Pestilence is a refreshing new take on the zombie genre. It really drives home the claustrophobic onslaught of the undead. They may not be strong or fast, but they're unending. They will wear you down with their hunger for flesh. That is, if you're a normal person. That's not the case with Fiat Lux. These are the toughest warriors this time period has seen. They were first driven by their orders from the Church, but now they're pushed on by a need for justice. What untold horrors lay in wait for them after encountering a horde of eaters?

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Pestilence: A Story of Satan #1

Jun 11, 2018

Pestilence: A Story of Satan ups the ante considerably from the first series. This was already an epic story with horrors big and small. Writer Frank Tieri is taking it to the next level here and he's pulling no punches.

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Pestilence: A Story of Satan #2

Jul 7, 2018

Pestilence: A Story of Satan ups the ante with this issue, getting even darker and more horrifying. Writer Frank Tieri takes this story to new heights with Exorcist-level scares. This is a horror comic that scratches nearly every itch with insane blood and gore, zombies, and the Dark Lord himself. It's like horror bingo and it's a clearly a winner.

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Pestilence: A Story of Satan #4

Sep 15, 2018

Pestilence: A Story of Satan is poised to end with the next issue. I can't imagine how this harrowing tale will wrap up. Writer Frank Tieri has taken an already terrifying tale to new heights with this chapter and the mini-series as a whole. Pestilence took a new, undead look at the bubonic plague. Its follow up has brought in the biggest bad there is and will shake you to the core. This is grade A horror.

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Pirouette #1

Oct 9, 2014

Pirouette is a stunning yet tragic look at circus life through the eyes of a young woman looking to break out. As an added bonus, there's a scene where a woman vomits off the trapeze. What more could you ask for?

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Planet of Daemons #1

Dec 27, 2016

Planet of the Daemons blends some interesting elements, but ultimately is less than the sum of its parts.  We're plopped into the story with little background and struggle to put together the pieces without enough information.  I'm not saying we need to know everything about the story and the characters within the first issue.  It's just that there's not enough here to make me want to come back for more.  There's no hook or cliffhanger.  Instead, the issue just kind of ends with Amos entering a building and seeing something and we have no real context for the importance of either.

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Plastic (2017) #1

Apr 28, 2017

Plastic is a twisted, violent ride of a comic. It harkens back to early Tarantino with quick wit and tons of blood. Instead of someone like Michael Madsen or Uma Thurman, you've got a serial killer and his sex doll. The artwork perfectly captures this mix of action, horror, and dark humor.  This is one of the most impressive first issues of the year.

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Plastic (2017) #2

May 29, 2017

You've seen revenge stories, some more brutal than others. Plastic is perhaps the most demented, twisted revenge story to date. It's bloody, creepy, and filled with dark humor making it a fun read that is well worth your time.

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Plastic (2017) #3

Jun 26, 2017

Plastic is easily one of the best books on the stands right now. It's fun, over-the-top, and excessively violent. It's Justified meets Misery. Edwyn is completely unique and so far out there, but he exhibits traits that are familiar to all of us. He's just a fool in love...a serial killing, maniacial, crazy fool in love.

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Plastic (2017) #4

Jul 31, 2017

Plastic is the most inventive and enjoyable serial killer story in years. Edwyn finds new and increasingly crazy ways to kill people all in an effort to track down his sweet Virginia.  He's clearly deranged and needs some professional help.  Is it wrong that I want him to get that help after he's brutally murdered these bad guys?  From the looks of things, Plastic is setting up for an incredible finale and I can't wait.

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Plastic (2017) #5

Aug 29, 2017

Plastic is an absolute blast. It has it all. You've got action, romance, drama, comedy, and a whole lot of death and carnage. If you have even the slightest interest in any of those genres, you will enjoy this comic. It's the humorous cousin to Nailbiter. I'd actually love to see Edwyn visit the town of Buckaroo, as he would fit right in.

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Plunder #1

Feb 22, 2015

Plunder is a damn scary comic book. It's the kind of story that will make you think twice about going in the water. Sure, Jaws did that decades ago, but this is something else entirely. This is disturbing and abnormal. I'm sure this is the kind of thing that the Navy doesn't want people to read.

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Plunge #3

May 31, 2020

The slow burn of Plunge boils over by the end of this issue, as writer Joe Hill takes us deep into the lands of terror. Since we've been pulled along so far, we can't look away as things get more and more dire for the salvagers. This issue is where the book has really hit its stride and it's paying off in a glorious and terrifying manner.

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Plunge #5

Aug 4, 2020

Just when you think you can't take it anymore, Plunge dives deeper (no pun intended), leaning into the terror and ratcheting it up considerably. This is how you build up to a final issue. I cannot wait to see how this book wraps up and I have no idea how these characters will possibly get out of this...or if they even will at all. That's some great horror right there.

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Poser #1

Apr 9, 2018

Poser has the makings of the next great slasher story. It's like a punk rock version of I Know What You Did Last Summer, but with some actual diversity instead of wall-to-wall white people. Although, now that I think about it, we don't know of a connection between Otto in the past and Ash and her friends in the present. At the very least, this is a fun, slasher comic packed with all the things that have made the horror sub-genre stand the test of time.

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Poser #2

Oct 17, 2018

Poser does not miss a beat with its second issue. It's a solid slasher story that is sure to delight any fans of the genre. The added mystery as to who is behind the mask takes the horror to new heights. Each page turn gets bloodier and I can't wait to see where it goes next.

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Poser #3

Nov 19, 2018

Poser is racking up the kill count and I have no earthly idea who the killer might be. This could be a little frustrating, as I would hope to be able to start making some guesses by this point, but the tone of the series more than makes up for it. I'm very much along for the ride as Poser hits on all the right marks.

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Poser #4

Jan 21, 2019

Poser is a wild ride full of bloodshed and chaos. While I don't entirely get the killer's reveal, I still got a lot out of this series. I want to go back and re-read this series with new eyes, as I'm sure there is some foreshadowing along the way that I missed.

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Power Rangers (2020) #1

Nov 17, 2020

The Rangers are no longer teenagers with attitude. Now they're adults and they don't much care for Zordon's overbearing nature.

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Power Rangers (2020) #2

Dec 18, 2020

A space horror starring the Power Rangers? Yes, please.

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Power Rangers (2020) #3

Jan 20, 2021

It's saying something when a horde of space vampires isn't the most dangerous thing the Omega Rangers have encountered today. This issue combines horror elements and dynamite storytelling with some powerful character development"in space!

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Power Rangers (2020) #4

Feb 23, 2021

What happened to Drakkon after "Shattered Grid"? It's enough to drive anyone mad as the Omega Rangers are about to find out. Top notch artwork meets compelling character development as this space adventure continues.

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Power Rangers (2020) #5

Mar 29, 2021

Some characters from Power Rangers in Space pop up as the Omega Rangers search for answers and a way to stop their powerful new villain. This is sure to be a delight for fans of that particular run of the show, however even if it's new to you, there's plenty to enjoy in this chapter.

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Power Rangers: Drakkon New Dawn #2

Sep 29, 2020

Who is the Unknown Ranger? Kimberly tries to put the pieces together of the world left broken by Lord Drakkon, but will it be enough?

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Power Rangers: Drakkon New Dawn #3

Oct 29, 2020

Is history destined to repeat itself in this alternate universe? Or will good triumph over evil? Power Rangers: Drakkon New Dawn rockets to its conclusion.

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Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens #1

Jul 27, 2016

Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens is exactly what it sounds like.  This opening issue is largely introduction, moving the players into place.  You can see where they're heading and it's set to be a sci-fi battle royale.  It's tough to predict who will come out on top considering the characters involved.

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Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens #3

Dec 18, 2016

Predators vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens is the sci-fi monster crossover you've always wanted.  It adds a human element to the battle of two creatures that don't speak a language people can understand.  This ups the stakes of the fight and makes it more relatable.  The humans aren't just cannon fodder here " although there have been several that have already fulfilled that role " they mean something and as a result, you're more invested in the story.

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Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens #4

Jun 16, 2017

Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens is an over-the-top, action-packed battle royale.  It adds a new spin to the Aliens mythos, making them even scarier, which is something I didn't think was possible.  The ending feels a little rushed, but it works with the overall story and ties up all of the loose ends.  This is a must read for a fan of any of the three franchises involved.

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Predator: Hunters #1

May 2, 2017

Predator: Hunters is just getting started.  The cast of characters has been introduced.  The enemy has been identified.  Now with all that out of the way, let's throw them all together and see who comes out alive.

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Predator: Hunters #2

Jun 9, 2017

Predator: Hunters is still getting going so I'm reserving judgment until the action actually starts. Right now we have little more than a whole lot of background information. It's akin to reading the back of the DVD case for a brief synopsis of the characters and their mission. We haven't really seen anything yet. Judging by the first two issues, Velasco is going to deliver some insane battles. I just can't wait to see them.

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Predator: Hunters #4

Aug 8, 2017

Predator: Hunters delivers on the over-the-top alien violence we've come to love from the franchise, but falls short on giving us something new. The human characters fill stereotypical tough guy roles and fall like cannon fodder in front of the enemy. There's a nice twist at the end of the issue, however it comes a little too late to pack a punch.

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Predator: Hunters #5

Sep 11, 2017

Predator: Hunters would have benefited from one more chapter to flesh out its story. As it stands, the ending is rushed. Everything is tied up in a nice little bow at the end with sudden appearances and changes that come out of nowhere and are a little too convenient. If this was a movie, it would be like cramming the last half hour of action into five minutes.

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Predator: Hunters II #1

Aug 20, 2018

Predator: Hunters II picks up right where the previous series left off. It's just as bloody and gruesome as ever. The human characters are still a little bland, but the Predator more than makes up for it. It's shaping up to be like an extraterrestrial war on terror.

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Predator: Life and Death #1

Mar 6, 2016

You probably know what you're getting into with Predator: Life and Death.  Some soldiers are going to run around the wilderness, slowly hunted by this alien creature.  Many will die.  A few will probably survive.  Someone might get in the choppa.  If you're a diehard Predator (and/or Aliens) fan, you'll dig this book.  That goes without saying.  Otherwise, there's not much separating this from your generic monster / slasher movie with a disposable set of characters.

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Proctor Valley Road #2

Apr 28, 2021

Proctor Valley Road is just getting started and it's already filled with scares, solid characters, and dynamite artwork. The mystery is still unfolding, but it's clear there are some deadly and terrifying things lurking down this haunted street. Proctor Valley Road hits with the same feeling as driving down a lonely highway in the middle of the night and feeling a shiver run up your spine.

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Proctor Valley Road #3

May 24, 2021

Proctor Valley Road is horror with heart. We are with these characters every step of the way as the creative team has spent the time to develop them. It makes the scares resonate a lot more as we genuinely care about them and want to see them not only survive, but succeed. Here's hoping they get out of this intact.

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Project Nemesis #3

Jan 18, 2016

Project Nemesis is another in a growing line of titles from American Gothic Press that is firing on all cylinders.  It delivers an action-packed, mystery-filled monster story that grabs hold of you from the first page.  Plus, there's a panel where a guy literally gets his face punched in, and it is a sight to behold.

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Prometheus: Fire and Stone #1

Sep 15, 2014

Prometheus: Fire and Stone is a satisfying continuation to the movie, building up upon established continuity with a new spin. It's filled with just as much, if not more, terror than the movie. The issue is filled with a sense of dread as these characters unknowingly begin heading towards their deaths. The tension slowly builds as the crew makes its way through this strange jungle, leading to one helluva cliffhanger ending that will have you crying for more.

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Psycho List #2

Oct 13, 2019

Psycho List has a lot of potential. We're still getting to know Donovan, so we're not quite invested in his life or his actions just yet. He's on the cusp of something truly frightening, so it will be interesting to see how he handles all the monsters he's unearthing.

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Punk Mambo #0

Nov 26, 2014

This was my first exposure to Punk Mambo. I'm intrigued about the character, but I don't see her as a tortured soul or some sort of villain. She got dealt a bad hand by some creeps and now she's making the best of it in the bayou as an unusual voodoo priestess.

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Punk Mambo #1

Apr 29, 2019

Punk Mambo #1 leads to an impressive and interesting cliffhanger ending that sets up the overall premise for the series. Writer Cullen Bunn pulls at the character's link with the supernatural, shaking it to its core. It also helps to redefine her a bit. She's not just a stubborn punk. There's a lot more going on here that we'll get to explore.

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Punk Mambo #3

Jul 11, 2019

Some new challenges arise for Punk Mambo just when she thought she was getting ahead. That just makes her more dangerous as she has even less to lose now. As shocking as it is to see her get to this point, I'm eager to see what kind of Hell she's going to rain down now that her back is against the wall. This is the fast-paced supernatural thriller I didn't know I wanted.

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Punk Mambo #4

Aug 13, 2019

Punk Mambo #4 is the penultimate chapter of this mini-series and it certainly sets up one helluva climax. We've already gone through a whirlwind of terror. Judging by the cliffhanger ending, things are going to get crazy with the final issue. This book has explored the darker side of the Valiant Universe through the lens of an arrogant yet multi-faceted character. I hope this leads to further adventures with Punk Mambo in the near future.

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Quilte #1

Nov 9, 2016

Quilte gives Freddy Krueger a run for his money when it comes to terrifying nightmares.  It is truly unlike anything you will see on the stands today, filled with disturbing imagery.  It opens the door to insane possibilities that could be explored further, however it works on its own as a standalone one-shot.

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Ragman #4

Jan 16, 2018

Ragman delivers real horror to the DC Universe. It serves as a nice companion to The Demon: Hell is Earth, and not just because Etrigan pops up here. Between titles like this and last October's DC House of Horror, the publisher has been expanding its spooky comics and I really hope this becomes a trend. If this book is any indication of what we can expect, I would love to see more.

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Rapture #2

Jun 24, 2017

The overall story in Rapture doesn't change much in this issue, but it's nonetheless exciting. We get a closer look at Babel and his forces, showing just what Ninjak and his team are up against. Despite their best efforts, they may not be prepared. As with other Valiant events, Rapture is a big, bold comic that is also self-contained and easy to jump into. You don't need to have a wide knowledge of everyone's history to pick this up and go.

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Raven: Daughter of Darkness #5

Jun 3, 2018

We're approaching the halfway point of Raven: Daughter of Darkness. If the midpoint involves tearing open the fabric of reality, I can only imagine where writer Marv Wolfman will take the series next. Every time Trigon is involved, things get big and terrifying. This comic is no different.

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Raven: Daughter of Darkness #6

Jul 3, 2018

That doesn't take away from the strength of Raven: Daughter of Darkness. Writer Marv Wolfman gives the character some range, making her more than just a moody goth princess. This first half of the maxi-series has her grappling with family, both normal and supernatural, and where she stands in her bizarre family tree. She's not required to follow in the footsteps of her ancestors from either side of the family. Instead, she's blazing her own path and becoming a better person because of it.

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Raven: Daughter of Darkness #11

Jan 16, 2019

Raven: Daughter of Darkness has put this character through the ringer, leading the charge against these monsters destined to destroy her just for living. The way the history has been revealed makes you question which side both factions are on. If the Shadow Riders are trying to protect mankind, does that mean the Arcanes are bad guys? The short answer is "no" because the Shadow Riders are advocating what amounts to ethnic cleansing, so that makes it pretty easy to understand what side they're on.

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Ravencroft #1

Feb 9, 2020

There's a big reveal at the end of this issue that really ups the level of terror in Ravencroft. I was already on board with this series, but that closing page solidified my feelings for this title. I love how letterer Joe Sabino drops the captions here, juxtaposing Knight's thoughts with the actions of the scene for the most impact. There's a tremendous amount of potential here. Of course, that potential is full of evil and horror, but that's the best kind, right?

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Ravencroft #4

May 24, 2020

Ravencroft has a tremendous amount of potential, however I don't think it will come together in time with only one issue left. A whole lot of ideas have been introduced in a short period, yet none of them are really paying off. That might be different if there was more space to tell the story or a more focused effort. I can only hope that we'll see some of these horrific elements embraced further down the line in the Marvel Universe, as we've seen some great spooky stuff in this super hero world over the past few years.

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Realm #1

Sep 6, 2017

The Realm has a stunning debut issue. It's a perfect introduction that pulls you in from page one. This is an awesome blend of fantasy and dystopia. It's The Walking Dead meets East of West with a dash of Lord of the Rings thrown in.

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Realm #5

Feb 7, 2018

The Realm has built an impressive mythos around this dystopian society. A rag-tag group of survivors are making their way across this landscape and they're fighting for every inch of their travel. This issue features one bigger and longer fight that's like a modern day cross between the battle at the Wall in Game of Thrones and any of the major ones from Lord of the Rings. It's epic yet still filled with personal moments to pull you in and keep you interested, like the opposite of a Michael Bay movie. This is the kind of dark fantasy I can get behind.

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Realm #12

Apr 16, 2019

The Realm is like a dark fantasy version of The Walking Dead. It replaces zombies with orcs, harpies, and other deadly creatures and it's just as terrifying. As with The Walking Dead, humanity is often the real monster.

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Realm War: Age of Darkness #1

Aug 7, 2014

Realm War opens like a war movie, with a council convening to discuss any possible options. (Here's a hint: There aren't any.) There's a great deal of doom and gloom and for good reason. This is like the Empire Strikes Back of the Grimm Universe, but I don't see a bunch of little teddy bears coming to the rescue in a sequel. At this point, the best the characters can do is survive, but the odds are not in their favor.

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Red Border #2

Jul 5, 2020

Red Border definitely heats up with this issue. In looking at the series so far, I wish the revelation in this issue had come earlier. It would have packed a bigger punch and certainly upped the stakes from the get go. Now that we're here, I'm excited to see where we go next, as it's sure to be a path full of bloodshed and terror.

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Red City #1

Jun 11, 2014

Red City would be an interesting noir story even if it was set in the here and now.  Throwing it in space adds a new level to the tale, but it gets bogged down a bit in the exposition with this first issue.  With that out of the way, future issues should hit the ground running.  Corey has developed a rich sci-fi mythology and placed a lovable smartass in the center.

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Red Mother #2

Jan 22, 2020

Although we are no closer to understanding what kind of evil is really at work in The Red Mother, it is still incredibly riveting and completely terrifying. This is a comic that will stay with you for some time. It creates an uneasy feeling that will have you looking over your shoulder hours after reading it. Daisy can only see these things because of what happened to her, so are monsters like this lurking around us and we just can't see them? It makes you wonder in the best way and that's what's making this book stand out.

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Red Mother #5

Jun 15, 2020

This book has always been a slow burn, as writer Jeremy Haun has crafted an incredibly unsettling story. Now that we're five issues in, it feels a bit too slow. We don't know anything about the Red Mother or what she wants with Daisy. We've jumped from one scary vision to the next without any real exposition. Hopefully this picks up soon, as it feels like we're treading water a bit.

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Red Mother #11

Dec 18, 2020

I will be honest in that I was about to give up on Red Mother. There were a few issues where we focused almost entirely on Daisy's life about town, ignoring the strange entity that has been haunting her. Now, those two sides have collided together in a horrifying clash. This issue builds to a jaw-dropping climax. It's the kind of horror you almost want to look away from, but you have to see where it goes.

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Red Sonja (2017): Halloween Special #1

Nov 5, 2018

Halloween is the perfect excuse for anyone and everyone to jump into horror. I'm glad that comic publishers are getting in on the fun, allowing creators to explore the spookier side of some classic characters. The Red Sonja Halloween Special is a great example of this and I sincerely hope we get to see her tackle more horror elements in the years to come.

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Redfork OGN

Dec 3, 2020

Redfork works on several levels. It's a story of hope in a desolate small town. It's a story of redemption. It's a gripping body-horror tale. It's all of these things and more. This is a solid small town horror comic that will grab you from the very beginning and doesn't let up to the end.

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Redlands #1

Jul 3, 2017

Over the past few years we've seen various monsters get their day in the sun.  Zombies, werewolves, and vampires have all had time to shine.  Now it's the witches' turn.  Redlands puts them squarely on the top of the food chain.  This is an impressive, terrifying comic that will grab you from page one and never let go.  It is brilliantly paced with non-stop scares.  Do yourself a favor and buy this book.

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Redlands #2

Sep 22, 2017

Redlands is like a supernatural True Detective with a tinge of Silence of the Lambs thrown in. It works as a solid cop drama and is only intensified by the occult abilities of the three main characters. This is a horror comic to watch.

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Redneck #1

Apr 22, 2017

Redneck creates a tangible emotional response to a family that feeds on blood. The characters are real and relatable, making you almost forget the monsters they could be. We spent time with them, seeing them on an average day. It just so happens that this day could be their last, as events escalate considerably. It's a good thing they run a barbeque joint because something tells me they're going to need a lot of wet naps.

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Redneck #2

May 27, 2017

Redneck is an incredible comic that humanizes a family of vampires. It reads like a compelling family drama with real emotion, then escalates into pure, unbridled horror when the fangs come out. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better and I am absolutely pulled in, hook, line, and sinker.

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Redneck #4

Aug 3, 2017

Everything about this stroll down memory lane serves to reinforce the family aspect of Redneck.  This book is first and foremost about this family, however dysfunctional and bizarre as it may be.  It just so happens that it's made up of vampires.  Despite all their flaws and issues, these folks are still connected by blood, albeit it's not the kind that's flowing through their veins.  Instead, it's the kind they drink from a victim's throat.  As we've grown closer to Bartlett, Perry, and the rest, we care more and more for them.  That's going to be hard as things look like they're about to get a whole lot worse.

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Redneck #6

Oct 2, 2017

Redneck is a powerful comic centered on family. That family just happens to drink blood to survive. Some of them are related by blood. Others are joined by different yet unmistakable connection. In the end, they're all family and they've chosen to side with one another against a world that won't have them.

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Redneck #7

Dec 2, 2017

Redneck continues to raise the bar when it comes to solid horror comics. I'm so plugged into these characters' lives. Writer Donny Cates has made vampires human and relatable in a way that has rarely been seen before.

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Redneck #9

Jan 28, 2018

Redneck is a gripping read. I have become so emotionally invested in these characters that I go through each issue with bated breath and clenched fists. How can they possibly get out of this situation alive? It's clear that their escape and survival will only come with more bloodshed...a lot more. I just hope Landry is on the receiving end of that because he's become a heinous creature that deserves every bit of violence coming his way.

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Redneck #10

Mar 1, 2018

Redneck is a fantastic read from beginning to end. It's a perfectly crafted comic that blends strong family drama with terrifying horror elements to produce one of the best books on the stands today. It's so friggin' good.

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Redneck #14

Aug 30, 2018

The poor Bowmans are going from one crisis to another. They get a brief moment to catch their breath here, but they are not out of danger yet. Redneck continues to deliver solid family drama mixed with riveting horror. I'm more invested in these characters than those from your average comic because of the time and care the creative team has spent building them up. This makes every issue a nail biter, as their safety is far from guaranteed.

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Redneck #15

Oct 19, 2018

The scares are low in Redneck #15, but it is no less enjoyable. This is a strong character-driven comic and these folks have earned an evening of peace in an otherwise Hellish world. It speaks to the work this creative team has done that a quiet issue like this still packs such a punch, especially as we dive into the history of the Bowmans and Bartlett in particular. I'm sure we'll be up to the usual life-threatening terror next month.

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Redneck #17

Dec 14, 2018

The ominous feeling never leaves Redneck. As joyful as these scenes are, there's a dark cloud hanging over them because sooner or later, things are going to get crazy again. Judging by the end of this issue, it's going to be sooner rather than later. This is probably the last time we're going to see such a happy moment for the Bowmans.

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Redneck #18

Jan 17, 2019

I shouldn't be surprised that Redneck rebounded from its moments of peace and tranquility into this issue of absolute chaos. Maybe there was a part of me that just thought the series would end with those happily ever after moments, but those words will never apply to the Bowmans. Their lives are full of heartbreak and sadness and we have been pulled so deep into their world, issues like this pack a huge punch. By the time I finished this issue, I was yelling, "No! No! No!" over and over again as the attacks on these characters feel personal. While it's a tough chapter to get through, it's an incredible read.

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Redneck #21

Jul 19, 2019

I read Redneck in a state of fear, terrified by what will await the Bowman family with each turn of the page. They may have been through chaos and untold amounts of bloodshed, but they've managed to persevere. That doesn't make all these atrocities any easier to endure.

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Regression #1

May 11, 2017

Regression builds to an unbelievable cliffhanger, specifically with two mind-blowing full-page spreads that hit like a one-two punch. If your skin wasn't crawling with all the bugs, it will with these final pages. This is the horror comic to watch this year. I mean, you should already be reading it as Cullen Bunn's name is on it and the man knows a thing or two about writing horror comics. This is some next level stuff.

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Regression #3

Jul 13, 2017

So much of Regression to date has been buildup as writer Cullen Bunn diligently placed all of the pieces on the board.  This issue is where he starts knocking them off one by one.  This is where the chaos starts and things get really crazy.  Boy, does it deliver.  Regression will get under your skin.  It will shake you to your core.  This is a damn scary comic.

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Regression #4

Aug 28, 2017

Regression has been building the terror with each successful chapter. Writer Cullen Bunn has crafted a horrifying comic where a man can't trust his own body. Artist Danny Luckert and colorist Marie Enger bring this madness to life in increasingly unsettling ways. Shivers have run up my spine just recounting this issue while writing this review. Damn, this is good stuff.

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Regression #9

May 2, 2018

It's frightening to see how these people are influenced by their previous lives, both positively and negatively. This is where Regression really excels. This kind of horror cuts right to the bone.

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Regression #13

Dec 9, 2018

Regression is pulling out all the stops as we head to the finale. The journey these characters have taken is nothing short of incredible. I would have never guessed this is where we'd end up after reading the first issue. It's dark and disturbing in all the best ways.

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Remina OGN

Jan 8, 2021

Remina is another solid example of Junji Ito's unparalleled horror work. There is nothing else like this out there. Every story is completely unique and stands on its own, delivering the kind of terror that will stay with you for some time. I'm certainly going to look at the stars differently after reading this.

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Renegade Rule OGN

Mar 3, 2021

The world of Esports will never be the same after the Manhattan Mist explodes on the scene. This fun story explores the power of friendship and queer identity with characters you most definitely want to hang out with.

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Resonant (2019) #1

Jul 29, 2019

There are still a lot of questions with Resonant, but all of them are good. If this debut issue is any indication, we're in for an awesome albeit horrifying treat. This is most definitely a horror comic to watch.

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Resonant (2019) #2

Sep 13, 2019

Resonant will keep you on edge from beginning to end. Even the more somber moments are full of dread and the anticipation of violence. You're constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop and every time you think it's happened, another, larger shoe is right behind it. This is a tense, scary read that doesn't let up.

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Resonant (2019) #4

Nov 18, 2019

Resonant has delivered a terrifying world full of dangers. This poor family has been split apart and forced to survive on their own for the first time. Hopefully, this will drive them to bring them back together, but nothing is taken for granted in a horror story. This issue takes the series to new heights, introducing new ideas and expanding this frightening landscape into untold terrors.

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Resonant (2019) #6

Dec 28, 2020

Resonant practically explodes with this issue. The scary moments are amplified by the great character development. It really feels like we're just getting started with this series and there is so much potential for new and riveting stories.

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Resonant (2019) #8

Mar 21, 2021

While you might have gotten sucked into Resonant with the great premise and this mysterious setting, it's the characters that will keep you coming back for more. Paxton's journey back to his family is compelling and relatable. That's why anything that threatens it, even if it looks peaceful, looks frightening in nature.

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Retrovirus #1

Nov 21, 2012

Retrovirus makes science scary again. It reminds us of how weak we've become as a species. People were once a lot tougher than we are now and if we ever came into contact with something from that age it would end badly for everyone involved. As I said before, some things are better left in the ground or in this case, the ice.

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Revenge of Wonderland #6

Jan 18, 2019

It's clear that Revenge of Wonderland is the beginning of something big. Since Raven Gregory was instrumental in putting Wonderland on the map with the initial trilogy of stories, I'm excited to see where he takes these characters and this world next. The final pages are one helluva cliffhanger that will surely please new and old fans alike.

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Revival #47

Mar 8, 2017

Revival is a celebration of life and death. It's a story about loss and how it affects the people left behind. The characters are very real, which makes the book so damn effective. I would compare it to Locke & Key in this manner, especially with how well it wraps everything up. You're not left hanging or wondering what happened to this character or that arc. It's an awesome ending.

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Riftworld Legends #4

Nov 28, 2017

I was unfamiliar with Riftworld Chronicles, the series this comic is based on, and I still have not seen a single episode. That doesn't prevent me from enjoying the book, as there's more than enough information to dive in. I'm sure fans of the franchise will take away more than I did. On its own, Riftworld Legends has the makings of a sprawling fantasy epic. The idea that Jackie is going to take a major heel turn is a driving force of interest in the story, followed by Fiona's fear that she'll be punished for her connection to the man. It's definitely more in the fantasy side than the horror side, but has some dark elements that fans of either genre will dig.

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Road of Bones #1

May 30, 2019

Road of Bones explores a legend, time period, and location that I am entirely unfamiliar with, yet instantly pulls me in. The character development is solid. The story is intriguing. The artwork is second to none. If you thought the yeti was the scariest thing in the mountains, you haven't seen anything yet.

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Road of Bones #2

Jul 9, 2019

Road of Bones hooked me with a great premise in the debut issue. This chapter pulls me into this compelling journey of these three unlikely allies. Writer Rich Douek puts you in their shoes, wondering what might kill them first. It's saying something when the biggest threat isn't from the literal monster lurking in the shadows, but from each other.

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Road of Bones #3

Jul 30, 2019

Road of Bones does a lot with a little. There are no jump scares or other cheesy tactics you see in horror movies. This is the kind of terror that gets under your skin, giving you an uneasy feeling that will stay with you for some time. It will freak you right out.

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Road of the Dead: Highway to Hell #1

Nov 24, 2018

This makes Road of the Dead rather unpredictable. Just when you have an idea of where it's going to go next, the story takes a sharp turn. In a world with a glut of zombie stories, this one found something new and interesting. This is a stellar first issue and I can't wait to sink my teeth into more.

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Robocop (2014) #1

Jul 7, 2014

The first issue of RoboCop has set the stage for a number of cool plot lines.  The title character is just as tough as I remember when seeing the original film as a kid.  New and old fans will enjoy this comic.  This is the sequel we all wanted but never got.

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Robocop: Citizens Arrest #2

May 16, 2018

RoboCop: Citizens Arrest is an absolutely chilling look at our future. What makes it even more disturbing is how close to reality it is. If someone told me this was something the Trump administration was working on, I wouldn't be that surprised. This is emphasized by the TV hosts shown throughout the comic that are very reminiscent of those on Fox News, albeit taken to an extreme. Although, again, if I saw a clip of it from real life, it wouldn't be that hard to believe.

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Robocop: Citizens Arrest #3

Jun 26, 2018

RoboCop: Citizens Arrest is a thrilling comic where the little guy stands up to a big corporation. More importantly, it's an unsettling and all-too-possible future. Reading this after the events of the past couple of years raises the terror levels considerably. I just hope the government isn't looking at this as a blueprint.

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Robocop: Citizens Arrest #4

Jul 26, 2018

Writer Brian Wood's dialogue once again feels like it's ripped right off of Fox News broadcasts. It's chilling when presented in this light, as these white people paint RoboCop and the other residents of the Ruins in such a harsh and menacing light when they're only trying to live their lives. This quality is what makes RoboCop: Citizens Arrest so frightening. While we don't have robot enforcers roaming the streets, the elements are there to do something similar in today's society. This hits in the same way the original RoboCop film did years ago.

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Robyn Hood: The Curse #1

Jan 23, 2018

Robyn Hood: The Curse strikes a nice balance between vigilantism and supernatural terror. Our hero will need more than a bow and arrow to combat this threat, especially if she wants to save Sam. I'm very interested to see what kind of monsters are in store for us as the comic continues. Robyn probably doesn't feel the same way.

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Robyn Hood: The Curse #5

Jun 20, 2018

The penultimate issue of Robyn Hood: The Curse ends with a huge game changer that's like something you'd see out of a blockbuster monster movie. It makes you wonder how one woman with a bow and arrow could possibly hope to stop such an immense and powerful force. See, if this were Hawkeye, there's no way. Robyn seems like she'll stare this thing down before putting an arrow right down its throat and you'd believe it 100%.

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Robyn Hood: The Curse #6

Jul 19, 2018

This final issue of Robyn Hood: The Curse ties up the dangling plot threads, like with Marian's partner, Sam. She shows up looking like a goth princess and ready to throw down. I would have liked a little more information here, as it feels rather rushed. While the final fight scene is epic, it leaves a lot of questions. We don't get much of a denouement, as the comic " and series " ends mere moments after the final blow is struck. I will say though that if this is the kind of supernatural antics Robyn can get herself into, I'm very much looking forward to her further adventures.

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Roche Limit #1

Sep 16, 2014

Roche Limit has been described as a cross between Blade Runner and 2001: A Space Odyssey. While I loved the former, I was bored out of my mind by the latter. Fortunately, the comic is a healthy mix of science fiction and good old-fashioned hard-boiled pulp. It perfectly captures this sense of despair that comes from the human race no longer trying to advance itself. There's a great line towards the beginning of the issue that reads "We were taking steps sideways, not forward." That sums up the feeling of this place pretty well.

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Roche Limit #2

Nov 8, 2014

The beauty of Roche Limit is that it's merging all of the best elements of science fiction with some great noir tropes. It's a heady, futuristic tale that is humanized by a mystery that pulls you in with each page.

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Roche Limit #4

Jan 11, 2015

Roche Limit has blended elements of science fiction and noir in a way that manages to emphasize the best parts of both genres, making them stronger for it. This issue is a bit more in the sci-fi side of things, but it is packed with a level of tension that runs through every page. Something is about to give on this space colony and there's a body count that's going to come with it.

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Roche Limit #5

Mar 11, 2015

There's a feeling of finality with this issue of Roche Limit, but also the dawn of a new chapter. Writer Michael Moreci ties up all of the loose ends of this first arc while opening the door for more questions leading into the second volume. He provides an actual end for these characters, some are noble, others covered in blood, but all of them were fighting for something. Roche Limit is a sci-fi epic with a real human connection. It's for fans of Blade Runner or Chinatown.

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Roche Limit: Clandestiny #1

May 12, 2015

Roche Limit: Clandestiny is a really interesting turn for the story, the kind that makes you want to know more right away.  It's a departure from the cold, cool tone of the first series, but not in a bad way at all.  Instead, it's a slight jump to a different sub-genre of science fiction, one filled with just as much dread and hopelessness.  This is not the bright, shiny future we were promised.  Humanity has failed.  The future sucks and we have to deal with it.

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Roche Limit: Clandestiny #3

Jul 21, 2015

Roche Limit: Clandestiny takes survival sci-fi horror to a new level.  It's like Dead Space mixed with Alien, with a bit of Blade Runner thrown in.  These soldiers are facing true terror and most likely their own deaths.  What little hope they have rests in an angry android sick of mankind and its many flaws.  There are still mysteries all over this space colony and I cannot wait to find out more.

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Rocket Salvage #1

Dec 27, 2014

This is a dynamite first issue that gives you a great quick primer on a brand new universe. There's no time wasted on exposition or character backgrounds. Mercado gets right into the meat of the story and doesn't look back. Rocket Salvage has the makings of a great sci-fi adventure.

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Rogue Planet #1

Apr 18, 2020

This is only the beginning. Just when you thought you'd seen it all and this big tongue monster is the big bad, there's a final-page surprise that freaked me right out. You might think you know what this crew is up against, but you are not ready for the jaw-dropping horror that awaits. If this is what we can expect from Rogue Planet, we're in for quite a treat.

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Rogue Planet #5

Oct 16, 2020

Rogue Planet is a fun and creepy little sci-fi horror tale. It reminds me a bit of Dead Space, although with a more definitive ending. The creators take the characters down to their lowest possible moment and then build them back up again. It's as chilling as it is inspiring.

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Romulus #1

Oct 18, 2016

Romulus has a perfect opening issue.  It seamlessly introduces you to this world and the main character in a way that makes it feel like you've seen them for years.  The puppet masters are still hidden, but I'm sure they won't be for long with Ashlar out there.  This definitely lives up to the description of "Buffy vs. the Illuminati."

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Ronin Island #1

Mar 25, 2019

Ronin Island sets a fantastic foundation with this issue. I am pulled in, hook, line, and sinker and I can't wait to see what Hana and Kenichi will survive this oncoming assault from the horde. Ronin Island sits in this awesome Venn diagram of samurais and monsters and there's nothing bad about that idea.

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Ronin Island #2

Apr 26, 2019

The lives of Hana and Kenichi have been changed forever. They now face a frightening choice between the devil they know and the one they don't. Ronin Island delivers horrors on multiple fronts, first with the monster horde and secondly with the oppressive Shogun rule. As with great zombie stories, the human threat is often more deadly than the supernatural one.

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Ronin Island #4

Jun 18, 2019

Ronin Island is much more than just great fight scenes between monsters and samurai. There's a compelling story here about two young people finding their place in the world. They're realizing that life outside of their little island is so much different and while that may open up all kinds of new possibilities, it can cause them to forget what matters most to them.

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Rot & Ruin #1

Sep 15, 2014

The idea that a handful of teenagers would leave the relative safety of a gated community during the zombie apocalypse to look for a plane that they saw in the sky one day can be a bit of a stretch. I mean, they know the basic direction it was heading, but have no idea where it landed. That almost doesn't matter as Maberry pulls you in right away. The zombies have already won. These characters are just looking for some semblance of hope which is almost a foreign concept to them after everything they've been through.

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Rot & Ruin #4

Dec 31, 2014

Rot & Ruin is quickly becoming my favorite zombie comic. That's saying something considering how many of them seem to be popping up lately. It's got action, adventure, and sheer terror with characters that I have grown to love over a very short period of time.

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Rumble #1

Dec 17, 2014

There are still many unanswered questions in Rumble, but this was one helluva debut issue. The action is exciting. The characters are fun and a little weird. The monsters are terrifying. This is a darker and slightly humorous take on the fantasy action / adventure story. Arcudi and Harren make it their own and do a tremendous job with it.

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S.W.O.R.D. (2020) #2

Jan 31, 2021

Out of all the King in Black tie-ins we've seen so far, Al Ewing has penned the three best. A big event isn't just a way to goose sales on a new series. It can be used to further the storytelling of both parts. In this case, we see the mutant reaction to Knull's invasion as S.W.O.R.D. prepares for an all-out assault against these terrifying forces. This has made me more excited for both series.

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Sabrina the Teenage Witch (2019) #3

Jul 11, 2019

Sabrina the Teenage Witch is a solid comic for middle grade readers. It has a nice blend of teen drama and the supernatural, sort of like some of the shows on The CW. The artwork is top notch with some of the best visuals you'll see on the stands today. It's just a downright fun book.

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Sabrina: Something Wicked #1

Apr 10, 2020

Sabrina the Teenage Witch: Something Wicked is a charming mix of teenage drama and horror. It's perfect for young adult readers that want some scares with their relationship stories. There are some nice twists and turns to set up this volume that have a tremendous amount of potential too.

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Sabrina: Something Wicked #2

May 11, 2020

Sabrina: Something Wicked skews a bit more towards teenage drama than horror with this issue, however it really comes back to the scares by the end with a great cliffhanger. If you dig shows on The CW like Supernatural, you're going to love this comic.

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Sabrina: Something Wicked #5

Feb 26, 2021

Sabrina: Something Wicked has a healthy mix of horror with teen drama. One moment you'll be caught up with the romance between Sabrina and Ren and the next you'll be frightened by the power of Della and how she'll literally suck the life out of these young lovebirds. While it has a solid ending for this adventure, the door is left wide open for another tale that I hope we get to see sooner rather than later.

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Sally Of The Wasteland #1

Aug 11, 2014

Sally of the Wasteland has an interesting setting but a thin premise.  The maguffin leaves much to be desired, however I'm looking forward to exploring the further aspects of this post-apocalyptic world and learning more about what caused society to fall apart.

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Savage Avengers (2019) #1

May 21, 2019

Elektra and Venom are shown in one of Marvel's Free Comic Book Day efforts, so we have an idea of how they get on this trail. For now, writer Gerry Duggan has introduced us to the most brutal version of the Avengers yet and it's only getting started. The fact that it's up against murderous cultists is only going to make this all the more gruesome.

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Savage Avengers (2019) #3

Jul 18, 2019

Savage Avengers has provided a home for some of the fiercest characters in the Marvel Universe to really lash out without holding back. No one is going to bat an eye when Wolverine cuts a dude's arm off or Punisher shoots up a bunch of cultists. If anything, they'd get a thumbs up. This makes for some fun interactions as well as a pretty skewed moral compass. That's only going to get more askew judging by how this issue ends.

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Savage Tales: Vampirella #1

May 18, 2018

Vampirella is not just a horror icon, but a comic book icon. This one-shot written by Erik Burnham is a testament to that storied legacy. Yes, it's more than a little campy, but that's part of the charm with the character. As an added bonus, there's a gorgeous short story included called "Valaka," originally published in Savage Tales: Volume 1 #19 & 20 that works in the same vein as Vampirella. The two complement each other well.

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Savage Things #1

Mar 9, 2017

Savage Things takes spy thrillers like The Bourne Identity or Mission Impossible and adds brutal murder. It's like if James Bond went rogue and started using his considerable training to murder innocent civilians. Think about how terrifying that would be. That's what this book is about and it's riveting.

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Savage Things #2

Apr 5, 2017

Savage Things raises the stakes " and the body count " considerably with this issue. It works with the terrifying premise of a group of highly trained, emotionless soldiers going rogue on American soil. The only person capable of stopping them is another highly trained, emotionless soldier. Sure, this can end well.

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Savage Things #3

May 8, 2017

Savage Things is next level action. It features a frightening look at how a highly trained group of individuals could completely dismantle a major American city in the span of a couple days. There won't be a Bond villain style monologue. Instead, you'll be lucky to make it out alive, let alone in one piece.

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Scarenthood #1

Nov 15, 2020

Scarenthood works on several levels, but what makes it really stand out is how real the scares are. It hits on genuine fears that every parent has had and then adds a supernatural mystery to the mix to turn it right up to eleven. It's a visceral horror that cuts deep. Do not miss this comic.

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Scarenthood #2

Dec 18, 2020

Scarenthood hits the ground running with a solid opener and this sophomore issue doesn't miss a beat. It perfectly blends the real life horrors of parenthood with a supernatural element that will send a shiver down your spine. The scares are heightened because it's not just Cormac in danger, but his young daughter as well. This is most definitely a horror comic to watch.

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Scarenthood #3

Jan 5, 2021

What this means for not only Cormac and Scooper, but the other parents is still up in the air. Scarenthood is shaping up to be the most solid four-issue mini-series I've read in quite some time. It's provided a healthy dose of exposition in each chapter with dynamite scares and great artwork. This penultimate issue sets things up for a grand and frightening finale and I can't wait for it.

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Scarenthood #4

Feb 20, 2021

Scarenthood set a pretty high bar from its first issue. This final chapter sticks the landing of the main story and then reaches a bit too far to connect this to something larger that feels out of its wheelhouse. I am curious as to what the creative team intends to do next with these characters and this world, so I'll be along for the ride. I just question some of the connections based on what's shown here.

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Scooby Apocalypse #1

Jun 5, 2016

Scooby Apocalypse is a reboot that arguably no one wanted. There are some decent ideas in here, and they could stand on their own without being latched on to the Scooby-Doo name. This is an attempt to make this group of mystery solving co-eds and their talking dog cool. By doing so, it's subverting what made them a piece of pop culture to begin with. At no point during this series will Shaggy pull off a monster's mask to reveal an old-man janitor who was behind this all along. Instead, he might lose a limb or be forced to eat one of his friends to survive. Actually, I'd totally read that. At the bare minimum, you can pick up this book to see Velma get compared to Hitler. No joke.

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Scooby Apocalypse #2

Jul 1, 2016

The thing about Scooby Apocalypse is that it's a pretty cool monster comic on its own. The fact that it stars the characters from Scooby Doo doesn't add anything to it in the way that Afterlife with Archie does. While we have decades of association with Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy, and Scooby, they're not the same people we saw on Saturday mornings all those years ago. They're gritty, realistic versions forced into a world filled with monsters. It's like The Dark Knight Returns version, but without the nuance that made that book so special.

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Scooby Apocalypse #3

Jul 27, 2016

I'm still not sure what to think of Scooby Apocalypse.  We're three issues in and the story hasn't progressed all that far, all things considered.  It seems to just reinforce what we already know over and over again.  It's a noble effort but ultimately falls flat, with the exception of Howard Porter's excellent artwork.  Aside from one gratuitous upskirt shot on Velma, he's the engine that's keeping this comic going.

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Scooby Apocalypse #13

May 12, 2017

We're thirteen issues in and I still don't know who Scooby Apocalypse is for.  It's a mediocre monster comic and it's not a great Scooby Doo story.  It doesn't build off of the decades-old characters or make use of the traits that people cared about.  Instead, it throws these imitations into a world filled with dangerous creatures, forcing them to be constantly on the run.  This issue features some rarely seen character development with Velma, but it's something that should have happened ages ago.  Hopefully now that she's showing some backbone we'll get some answers and actually move this plot along.

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Scoop: Buried Leads #2

Mar 11, 2021

Is it a mystery story? Or a sci-fi one? Maybe it's a supernatural tale? Scoop: Buried Leads continues the tale of the young investigative reporter Sophie Cooper as she encounters everything from a murder case and feuding TV stations to alien invaders and talking alligator people.

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Scream: Curse of Carnage #3

Feb 13, 2020

While the fight scenes are top notch and there's some great action horror moments, Scream: Curse of Carnage hits on a few different scary elements. Writer Clay McLeod Chapman is working on several levels of terror, hitting the more traditional as well as psychological aspects to make this an all-round great comic. You might come for the symbiote-on-monster battle, but stay for the unsettling violations of the mind. Although it has Carnage in its title and it definitely spun out of that big event, Scream: Curse of Carnage stands on its own as a solid book.

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Scream: Curse of Carnage #6

Jun 12, 2020

Marvel has been playing with the horror genre for a bit with books like Immortal Hulk and Venom. Those have had ties with the greater Marvel Universe and leading to big events. Scream: Curse of Carnage feels like something else. It's darker and more terrifying. It's an unsettling kind of horror that creeps under your skin and crawls around, making you squirm. This is some real scary stuff.

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Sea of Sorrows #1

May 3, 2020

Sea of Sorrows works like a pot of water on a stove in terms of its scares. It starts off slow with a few bubbles here and there and then before you know it, it's boiling over. I already knew to give the ocean the respect it deserves. I learned that from Jaws. Sea of Sorrows reinforces that feeling and adds even more reasons to stay on the land. You have to wonder if the treasure trove this crew is after is worth the bloodshed they will most certainly endure.

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Sea of Sorrows #2

Jan 2, 2021

Sea of Sorrows is a pitch perfect slow burn and it's paying off in spades. This is a tense read from beginning to end and the creators are dialing that feeling up with each turn of the page. We know that there's nothing but pain and bloodshed awaiting this crew, but they don't and that makes for a riveting experience.

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Sea of Sorrows #5

May 16, 2021

Sea of Sorrows is a moody, unsettling read. It's a fantastic monster story full of dread. This is a reminder that terror lurks in the depths of the ocean and some treasures are best left buried.

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Secrets of Sinister House #1

Oct 31, 2019

I love that DC has made it a Halloween tradition to release a horror anthology every year. I honestly wish they did more of them instead of just waiting for October. There are other spooky holidays, right? Have you seen Arbor Day? I'm sure Swamp Thing could have a special around there. In any case, Secrets of Sinister House is another solid entry and shows how horror can exist in a world full of super heroes and villains. It's often lurking just beneath the surface, ready to jump out and scare the crap out of you.

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Self Storage #6

Aug 3, 2016

Self Storage is a zombie gorefest without a solid story to back it up. The characters are superficial and unsympathetic, which makes it difficult to become invested in their lives. The one saving grace is Matt Timson's artwork, which delivers horror on every level. There is a chilling sequence of panels where a character silently reaches up, grabs a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling and crushes it in his hands, plunging the area into darkness. This definitely works with the aforementioned gore, but didn't help on the story front.

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Sentient (2019) #1

Nov 13, 2020

Finding humanity at the farthest reaches of space makes for a rather compelling science-fiction tale.

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Shadecraft #1

Apr 9, 2021

Shadecraft #1 ends with a great twist that ties everything in this issue together, solidifying the foundation for the rest of the series. It's equal parts heartwarming and horrifying, which is an interesting combination. This is a comic that really hits the ground running and I'm eager to see where it goes.

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Shadecraft #2

May 4, 2021

Shadecraft continues to pull me in with this chapter, further developing the characters and this world. Under other circumstances, I would want more answers by this point, but the way this comic has been laid out so far has definitely delivered. It's seeding in just the right amount of information to keep me intrigued and coming back for more. Shadecraft is off to a brilliant start.

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Shadow Life OGN

Apr 12, 2021

Kumiko is not ready to die and she's taken matters into her own hands by capturing Death's shadow in her vacuum cleaner. She has another chance to right some wrongs and deal with some regrets in this powerful graphic novel.

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Shadow Roads #1

Jul 3, 2018

Barry and Henry are just two of the handful of characters that make up the whole group. They begin to come together by the end of the issue, like pieces of a puzzle starting to form. They're not all in one place just yet, but there's enough movement and development to get you excited for more. This is an awesome way to start a series. These creators know how to handle a western horror comic, so I'm most definitely looking forwards to where Shadow Roads takes us.

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Shadow Roads #2

Aug 22, 2018

Shadow Roads is going deep on lore with this second issue. Writers Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt greatly expand this world filled with monsters and supernatural beings. This continues to establish the rules and mythos of this land and I'm eating it up. This, coupled with compelling character development and amazing artwork, makes Shadow Roads a solid read.

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Shadow Service #1

Aug 30, 2020

Shadow Service stands tall next to the likes of Criminal Macabre and Hellblazer in the world of supernatural detectives while still putting its own spin on it to stand apart. We're just scratching the surface of this world, full of potential and I cannot wait to see more.

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Shadowman (2021) #1

Apr 4, 2021

Shadowman puts horror front and center in the Valiant Universe. It's a great introduction to the character and the terrifying monsters he encounters on a regular basis. This is an intriguing mystery to start off this new adventure and it's full of potential.

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Shadows On The Grave #1

Dec 20, 2016

Shadows on the Grave is a shining example of a horror anthology comic done right.  The fact that it's written and illustrated by Richard Corben should make it a no-brainer for any fan of the genre.  There's a reason the man is a legend, and this book is just further proof.

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She Wolf #1

Jun 22, 2016

She Wolf is a fever dream of a werewolf story where the real monster may be the main character's mind.  Gabrielle is in a living nightmare, unable to distinguish between horror and reality.  When you can't trust your own brain, that's scarier than any creature that could jump out and eat you up.

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Show's End #1

Sep 1, 2019

Show's End begins with an impressive debut with a great twist ending. With this new status quo defined by the end of the first chapter, I'm excited to see where the series goes next. It feels like a supernatural take on Freaks or Geek Love.

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Silk (2021) #1

Apr 5, 2021

Cindy Moon is back with a new job and a new enemy to deal with. Her unique background and abilities allow for a refreshing new take on great power and great responsibility.

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Sinergy #1

Nov 26, 2014

Sinergy seems to coax by on the interesting concept of a genetic ability to see monsters unlocked when one losing one's virginity. This could develop into a fun father / daughter monster hunter book, but right now it feels disjointed with an unlikable patriarch and a stereotypical teenage girl. Oeming's artwork is the real standout, as does Soma's backup strip.

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Sink #3

Sep 21, 2017

You can read this issue, as well as the previous chapters of Sink for free by signing up to the official newsletter.  Go ahead.  Get in the van.

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Sink #4

Jan 29, 2018

If you want to try out Sink, you can read the comic for free by signing up for the newsletter. I assure you, it's well worth it.

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Sink #5

Apr 2, 2018

Sink shows that an anthology series can be done incredibly well with a very high level of quality. Writer John Lees shows his range with not only this issue, but the series as a whole.

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Sink #6

Nov 8, 2018

Sink pulls no punches. This issue is horrifying in the truest sense of the word. The artwork will make you cringe. This woman's journey is an emotional roller coaster through blood and torment with the highest highs and the lowest lows. Plus, it deals with murderous clowns and there is nothing that's not terrifying about that phrase. This is required reading for all horror fans.

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Sink #7

Feb 1, 2019

Sink shows its versatility with this issue, blending humor and horror into one seamless reading experience. Comedy and horror are very close together in the scheme of things with some similar elements in storytelling and timing. They're also very tough to do in comic book form. This is a perfect example of it done very well, although you should be warned that the humor is pretty dark. Odds are, if you're a horror fan, you're probably A-OK with that.

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Sink #9

May 31, 2019

You never know what you're going to get with Sink because anything can happen in this crazy town. This two-issue arc has been nothing short of incredible, raising the bar on what this series is capable of. It's a testament to the talents of this creative team and how well they can work together to create one of the best comics I've read all year. Anyone can dig into these two issues, but fans that have been following Sink from the beginning will absolutely love them.

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Sink #10

Aug 25, 2019

Sink is an unpredictable and always satisfying read. This is a comic that will keep you on your toes. Anything can happen in this town and it often ends in mutilation or death. Despite all the bloodshed and terror, two people have found love. That's pretty sweet. Years from now they're going to have one crazy-ass story to tell their grandchildren.

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Skulldigger and Skeleton Boy #4

Sep 28, 2020

The pieces come together as the past and the present collide. Where does that leave this young orphan boy caught up in the life of a vigilante?

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Skulldigger and Skeleton Boy #5

Oct 27, 2020

Tempers flare as we approach the finale to this incredible series set within the Black Hammer Universe.

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Skulldigger and Skeleton Boy #6

Feb 26, 2021

Is this the best Black Hammer comic yet? It takes the tropes of Batman and Robin and builds something entirely new and so very fascinating as this mini-series comes to an amazing conclusion.

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Sleeping Beauties #1

Jun 29, 2020

While I haven't read the Sleeping Beauties novel, I can see from this comic how the Kings would have laid out its first few chapters. I'm not entirely sold on this adaptation, as I mentioned earlier, since there's so much ground to cover in such a small amount of space so it's hard to get the full impact of the story. For now, there are some pretty interesting ideas brought in and some trippy artwork to match. The key here will be how much heavy lifting the artwork does to help convey emotion and pull the tale along.

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Snarl #1

May 26, 2015

Snarl has a good story somewhere within it.  It gets bogged down with a mismatch of genres and a forced twist / reveal that doesn't pack much of a punch.  Bevil and Sagun basically stumble through the case with everything conveniently falling into place for them and explained by some exposition-friendly side characters.  At one point they meet a guy who is literally carrying a copy of a surveillance tape showing the killer at work.  If some of the fat was trimmed from this 40+ page comic, it would be a pretty lean cop story with a nice horror angle.

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Snow Angels #1

Feb 28, 2021

Snow Angels is part of the ComiXology Originals line, available to read for free for subscribes to ComiXology Unlimited, Kindle Unlimited, and Amazon Prime.

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Some Strange Disturbances OGN

Jul 19, 2020

Some Strange Disturbances introduces us to a strange and frightening world where horrors both real and phantasmagorical exist. It could be a little clearer in terms of flow and character development. As this series is planned to continue, I'm curious as to where it could go now that the foundation has been laid.

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Some Strange Disturbances #1

Jul 19, 2020

Some Strange Disturbances is currently available digitally on ComiXology.

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Something is Killing the Children #1

Sep 25, 2019

Something is Killing the Children is a top-notch horror comic. It's a gripping read full of dread that will shake you to the core. I'm already hooked and we're only one issue in. If this first chapter is any indication, we're in for a wild ride.

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Something is Killing the Children #3

Dec 5, 2019

Something is Killing the Children is as unsettling as it is poignant. This town has been shaken to its core by these murders. They're desperate for answers and none are coming except for this strange girl who claims she can stop all this if everyone just gets out of her way. When you're trying to make sense of something so tragic, can you lose a bit of your sanity for it to stop?

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Something is Killing the Children #5

Feb 13, 2020

Something is Killing the Children is off to a spectacular start. It's a moody, tension-filled comic that has paid off incredibly well. Most of all, it's friggin' terrifying. This is a comic that will stay with you for some time. Yes, it has a literal monster that eats children, but that's just one level of the horror. It adds this additional layer around how loved ones and the community at large can be affected. Now that Pandora's Box has been opened and we see just how deep this rabbit hole is, I can't imagine what's in store for these characters and I cannot wait to find out.

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Something is Killing the Children #6

Mar 29, 2020

Something is Killing the Children has cemented itself as one of the top horror comics on the stands today. I was on edge even with this more low-key issue. The creative team continues to build on what has come before, further developing the characters and expanding this world with all its terrors and monsters. I cannot wait to see what comes next.

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Something is Killing the Children #7

Jun 27, 2020

Something is Killing the Children started out strong and has only gotten stronger as the series has continued. I am deeply entrenched with this story and all of its many possibilities. This is a horror action epic full of engaging characters, terrifying monsters, and raw emotion. It's incredible.

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Something is Killing the Children #8

Jul 18, 2020

Add to that the mystery of the House of Slaughter and you've got an absolutely riveting comic. This book will pull you in and never let go. I have no earthly idea as to where it's going next and that's certainly part of the enjoyment.

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Something is Killing the Children #9

Aug 17, 2020

Something is Killing the Children has been like a pot about to boil for a bit. This issue has the terror bubbling over and spilling everywhere. You can't get away from it. The scares envelope you as you struggle to hold on to some semblance of hope. All that awaits...is Slaughter. We must pray that's enough. This comic is so friggin' good.

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Something is Killing the Children #10

Sep 20, 2020

Something is Killing the Children scares the crap out of me every single month and this issue is no different. It's like a horror roller coaster, full of monsters and death...and I want to ride again.

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Something is Killing the Children #12

Nov 29, 2020

Something is Killing the Children will grab you and never let go. This is a riveting horror comic that has never let up since it started. It's only getting more tense and terrifying with each issue and this one is no different.

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Something is Killing the Children #14

Feb 8, 2021

Something is Killing the Children maintains its high level of quality. It has never let up since the series began, delivering month after month of tense and frightening action, amazing artwork, and one incredible story. Every horror fan should be reading this book.

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Something is Killing the Children #15

Mar 4, 2021

So much of Something is Killing the Children has been about trauma and closure. Once you go through one, you need the other to grow and move on. Archer's Peak has been rocked to its core and if it wasn't for Erica, its townsfolk would never get the closure they so desperately needed. They had to jump through some mental hoops to make sense of all the bloodshed and heartbreak, but they'll get through this thanks to her. That's some powerful stuff and it sets this book apart from the monster-hunting tales we've seen before.

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Sonitus #1

Mar 10, 2018

Sonitus pulls you in with its dark tone and unsettling imagery. It falls short on the story side, but I'm hoping that becomes clearer in subsequent issues. For now, writers Cody Sousa and Dan Sheppard have given me yet another reason to stay out of the woods.

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Sonitus #2

May 1, 2018

While the setting is rather unsettling and filled with all kinds of terrors, it doesn't form a cohesive tale leaving me confused and frustrated.

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Sons of the Devil #9

Aug 2, 2016

Sons of the Devil has pulled me into its tangled web of cults, family, and destiny. I've gone from hating Travis to wishing he gets a break in this crazy world. Infante's artwork has an intensity that makes the book exciting to read from cover to cover. It's got a great beach noir tone that's deadly as it is beautiful.

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Sons of the Devil #10

Sep 2, 2016

Sons of the Devil is a pulse-pounding thrill ride that will take you into the depths of pure evil.  Davis has emerged as a heinous villain capable of some horrifying actions.  I can only hope that Travis is up to the task of putting him down.

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Southern Cross #2

Apr 15, 2015

Southern Cross is the kind of horror that sneaks up on you.  It bides its time, waiting for the right moment to strike.  This isn't some cheesy jump scare.  The soundtrack isn't going to spike as a killer leaps from the bushes.  Instead it's going to reach right into your chest and pull out your heart and it's going to do it all in space.  Even if you could get away, where are you going to go?

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Space Riders #1

Apr 6, 2015

I've never done acid, but if I could get a guarantee that the trip would be half as interesting as Space Riders, I would be tripping balls right now.  The comic feels like a long lost tome that has been locked away for decades, only resurfacing now that the world is ready for it.  It's trippy.  It's fun.  It's absolutely insane.  Damn, is it good.

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Spawn Kills Everyone Too #1

Dec 26, 2018

We don't really get any killing in this, so the title Spawn Kills Everyone Too is a bit misleading. Granted, this is the first issue of a four-issue mini-series, so there's still time. I can tell from this one that four chapters are going to be way too long for this. This is going to get a lot more uncomfortable before it's over.

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Spectacle (2017) #6

Aug 3, 2018

Spectacle enters a new level with this issue. It still has the quirky charm that has come to define the series, except now it comes with a heaping helping of terror, which makes for an odd yet awesome combination. I'm more excited about this series than ever.

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Spider-Man / Deadpool #1.MU

Feb 10, 2017

Spider-Man / Deadpool is the kind of tie-in issue I can get behind.  It presents an entirely unique story that I doubt we'll see in the main Monsters Unleashed book.  The comic moves at a quick pace and is packed with action and a heaping helping of jokes.  There's no slow moment or boring segment.  It's just a fun comic.

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Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #1

Apr 18, 2021

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow is a chilling look at what could have been for Peter Parker. The groundwork is laid for a path of violence and destruction in this debut issue. I cannot wait to see how this decision changes things not only for Spider-Man, but for those closest to him and the villains he encounters. There are no more quips in battle or leaving a villain strung up for the cops to take in. This is pure power and aggression but not tempered by Peter's humanity.

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Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow #2

May 24, 2021

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow has laid the groundwork for a frightening alternate reality. It's not dark just to be dark. It explores the feelings of shock and terror that come from such a startling transformation. While it has the benefit of working with decades-old characters as its base, it transcends that familiarity and delivers a solid and terrifying story on its own.

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Spider-Woman (2020) #8

Jan 8, 2021

Spider-Woman gets more desperate and reckless as this fascinating exploration of addiction through a super hero lens continues. Teaming up with your enemy to rob your friends is totally normal behavior, right?

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Spider-Woman (2020) #9

Feb 22, 2021

Jessica Drew's journey has been absolutely crazy and it's only getting moreso as she faces off against the High Evolutionary and an army of clones of her mother. Will she find answers and a cure for her condition? She's going to have to punch a lot of people first as these amazing adventure continues.

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Spider-Woman (2020) #11

Apr 27, 2021

Spider-Woman goes back to basics as the series resets a bit before diving into the next adventure. Although the status quo is going back to normal, we're still getting all the quip-filled fun and action that has come to define this comic.

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Spirit of the Law #1

Dec 16, 2012

To purchase Spirit of the Law, you can head over to comiXology here.

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Spread #1

Jul 11, 2014

There's more to Spread that has yet to be revealed.  The true origin of this epidemic is still somewhat of a mystery.  The press release announcing the comic talks about something ancient being unleashed when humanity dug too deep.  I'm interested to learn how the quarantine zone is set up as well.  Is North America cut off from the rest of the world?  How far did the Spread spread?  Judging from this issue, it's evolving, but so is mankind.

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Spread #14

Jul 7, 2016

On the one hand, I'm glad that the characters have been given a moment to rest, but on the other, I know that terror is lurking just around the bend.  Spread has set such a breakneck pace to date.  There's clearly more going on and I can't shake this feeling of dread.  It's like watching a train wreck.  You can't look away from the carnage.

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Springheeled Jack #1

Jan 15, 2015

Spring Heeled Jack is an atmospheric horror tale that creeps up on you. There's a mystery at the heart of the story, shrouded in bloodshed and the supernatural. It also presents Victorian London in an easily approachable light, not some stuffy high society like in a Charles Dickens novel.

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Star Wars Adventures: Tales From Vader's Castle #3

Oct 21, 2018

Star Wars Adventures: Tales from Vader's Castle brings horror to a galaxy far, far away. It's not full of blood and gore, though. The series is intended for all-ages, so it's like Goosebumps in space and there's nothing about that sentence that I don't love.

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Stargazer #4

Dec 22, 2020

A breathtaking view of the stars leads to an all-out alien invasion. All the while, the personal story of a few friends drives us forward.

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Stargazer #5

Feb 1, 2021

Learn what's really going on as the truth is revealed about the aliens and their mission on Earth. What does this mean for Shae and her brother, Kenny as we approach the end of this stellar sci-fi series?

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Steeple #1

Oct 6, 2019

Steeple has all the charm of John Allison's previous work with a nice supernatural bend. There's a nice mix of personalities at work that makes for a fun read. It's a little cartoonish with just the right amount of scares, kind of like a horror sitcom.

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Stillwater (2020) #1

Sep 26, 2020

Stillwater scratches that small town horror itch. It starts with a rock-solid premise then builds to a fascinating and unsettling story that should not be missed. This is a comic that's going to stay with you for some time, your mind racing with possibilities and wondering what will happen next.

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Stillwater (2020) #3

Dec 4, 2020

Stillwater has really hit its stride here. It's introduced a killer concept and now it's getting ready for some sweet vengeance. Who would have known that such carnage could be unleashed in a place where you'll never grow old and die?

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Stillwater (2020) #4

Dec 28, 2020

There are still questions about what exactly is going on in Stillwater, but they don't need to be answered in order for the story to rocket forward. This concept has been explored in a fascinating manner. While that premise might be what got you in the door, it's this great personal drama between these characters that will grab hold of you and never let go. This is compelling stuff.

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Stillwater (2020) #5

Feb 12, 2021

Stillwater works on a few different levels. It's a gripping thriller and an unsettling horror tale in one. It shows corruption of absolute power even in a small town. In short, it's fascinating and should not be missed.

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Stranger Things: Six #1

Jun 6, 2019

Stranger Things: Six is an excellent companion to the TV show. It definitely adds more to the experience and makes me even more excited for it. More importantly, writer Jody Houser is expanding the overall mythos with a supporting character that we instantly fall in love with. At the very least, we want to see her break this cycle of sadness. Maybe the creatures in the Upside Down will help with that...

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Stranger Things: Six #2

Jul 18, 2019

Stranger Things: Six reminds us why the TV show was such an instant hit. Sure, there's a riveting story full of monsters from another world, but at its heart it's full of well-defined characters. I've only known Francine for a short amount of time, however that's been more than enough for me to be fully invested in her life. I'm cheering her on as she questions authority and prepares for a fight she doesn't yet realize is coming. This is some awesome stuff.

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Stranger Things #3

Dec 16, 2018

While I'm not crazy that this is the story we're getting in a Stranger Things comic, I am glad it exists. Writer Jody Houser has fleshed out a character that we didn't really get to know in the TV show's debut season. We learn more about his background and his personality when he was little more than an empty chair in the show. As mentioned above, this is a great companion to the TV series so diehard fans will greatly enjoy it.

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Stranger Things: Six #3

Aug 17, 2019

Stranger Things: Six delivers a valuable additional perspective on the Hawkins Laboratory that spawned one of the breakout characters of the TV show. This comic is a must-read for any Stranger Things fan. It shows the size and scope of this world with some compelling characters and amazing artwork.

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Stray Dogs (2021) #1

Mar 7, 2021

Writer Tony Fleecs takes us on an intriguing journey with this debut issue. Stray Dogs may catch your eye with its Disney-like style, but it will grab you with a riveting and shocking story that will keep you coming back for more.

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Stray Dogs (2021) #2

Apr 2, 2021

Stray Dogs moves past the hook of its cartoonish artwork, delivering an incredibly tense murder mystery. It's funny that the characters aren't even human, yet we can relate to them just as much if not more than other stories out there. This book will pull you in completely.

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Submerged #3

Oct 29, 2018

Submerged #3 builds towards a startling cliffhanger that helps showcase just how deep Ellie's journey goes. We're forced to question the reality she's experiencing which makes for a compelling read. It's much more than just a harrowing journey through the subway, which can be treacherous on a normal day. The added stress of the water pressing in makes for a claustrophobic feeling, coupled with Ellie's reliving of her past makes for an all around top notch comic.

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Survivors Club #8

May 13, 2016

That's the thing with Survivors' Club.  It's like a horror movie that's constantly at its climax.  The killer is not taking his time, picking off a co-ed here and there.  He's rampaging full speed through the place, hacking and slashing his way through everyone he encounters.  It just so happens that there are multiple killers, each more terrifying than the last. and the victims are more than capable of holding their own.  After all, they've been dealing with these creatures for almost 30 years.  By the end of this issue, I'm unclear as to who is more dangerous.

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Swamp Thing (2016) #1

Jan 15, 2016

As a big fan of the previously mentioned incarnations of Swamp Thing, I'm curious as to where this one is going.  It's not nearly as dense as those, instead going in the complete opposite direction, going light on overall content.  Swamp Thing runs around, fights an alligator, talks to some people, and fights a zombie.  He's not doing these things because the ancient force of The Green is asking him to.  He's doing them because it's either fun or it's the right thing to do...or a little of both.

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Swamp Thing (2021) #1

Mar 21, 2021

More Swamp Thing is always a good thing. Some top notch creators like Alan Moore and Scott Snyder have lent their voices to the character over the years and this new iteration comes out swinging, earning its spot among such a great pedigree. It's bold, new, and absolutely terrifying. You can have your capes and tights, leaping buildings in a single bound. Give me the Green and the body horror that comes with it any day.

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Swamp Thing (2021) #3

May 16, 2021

This series is redefining Swamp Thing for a new generation. It's big, bold, and exciting, with the undercurrent of horror running throughout every page. It shows how you can have beauty and terror all in one frightening package.

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Swamp Thing Winter Special #1

Feb 17, 2018

This opening story is dedicated to the creators of Swamp Thing, Len Wein and Bernie Wrightson, both of whom passed away last year. The second half of this oversized issue contains one of the last stories Wein created for Swamp Thing for a new mini-series launch. The completed artwork by Kelly Jones and colorist Michelle Madsen is presented without lettering. It's followed by Wein's actual script. Even without text, it is an interesting comic to read through and it's a nice addition to this book. It's unfortunate that we won't see this play out, but it's a great tribute to the late, great Wein and his amazing work.

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Sweet Heart #3

Apr 18, 2020

The world of Sweet Heart is explored further as this series charges on. It's as fascinating as it is terrifying. The comic is like a cross between Wytches and It Follows and I am here for it.

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Sweet Heart #4

Apr 25, 2020

Sweet Heart continues its wild ride of terror with new twists and turns. More importantly, it keeps the overall story moving at a breakneck pace, providing more details and information about this frightening curse that has plagued Maddie's family for generations. At long last, it looks like this young woman may have the upper hand, but can she hold onto it long enough to stop the monster?

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Sweet Heart #5

May 4, 2020

Sweet Heart is a comic about perseverance, even against insurmountable odds, told through the lens of a creepy monster capable of eating you alive. Throughout all of these obstacles, Maddie found a way to persevere, even when everyone else had written her off. There's a message about hope here that stands out among all the bloodshed and that's a powerful thought. This is a special book, blending genres while delivering a message without banging you over the head with it. It's strong, emotional, terrifying, and so much more.

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Tales of Mr. Rhee: Karmageddon #1

Sep 26, 2014

Tales of Mr. Rhee: Karmageddon takes an unexpected turn after Procreation (of the Wicked). This book has begun filling in some of the gaps in the title character's past while leaving his future a mystery. I really want to know how Mr. Rhee got out of the mess he was in at the end of the previous volume, so the fact that this comic didn't lead with that has me a little frustrated. I have faith in Dirk Manning though. The guy knows how to tell a story (and a damn good one at that), so I'm sure he has a plan up his dark sleeves.

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Tales of Mr. Rhee: Karmageddon #2

Nov 3, 2014

Manning ups the ante with this issue of Tales of Mr. Rhee: Karmageddon. Nearly everything is thrown into the mix and the story never feels crowded or bloated. This is the end of the world book to top all end of the world books.

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Tales of Mr. Rhee: Karmageddon #3

Jan 18, 2015

This chapter is light on the monsters, instead giving you a brief moment to catch your breath after the events of the previous issue. That changes abruptly as you get towards the end of the book and everyone takes a one-way express train to Crazy Town. Mr. Rhee set out on what should have been a simple quest to get these kids to safety and instead has been challenged and put through the ringer. He's encountering things that he's just not familiar with. If these were supernatural creatures, he could whip up some magic and take care of them, but these are little kids, lost and alone in a world they don't fully understand.

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Tales of Mr. Rhee: Karmageddon #4

Mar 12, 2015

Tales of Mr. Rhee: Karmageddon is a true post-apocalyptic comic. Unlike other such tales where the survivors look to rebuild society and get on with their lives, there is no hope here. This world is a cold, dark place filled with terrors of all shapes and sizes. Mr. Rhee set out to do something good and possibly make a difference, however small it would be, in the lives of a few kids. He watched it all crumble, turning to ash right in his hands. Just look at the cover for this issue and that gives you an idea of the kind of hopelessness that he's surrounded by. Ouch.

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Tall Tales From The Badlands #3

Apr 19, 2015

Tall Tales from the Badlands is a solid anthology.  There's something for everyone, as it explores the darker side of the western, often with a supernatural angle.  The twist endings are a nice touch and will make you want to re-read the comic to see the stories in a different light.

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Tart #8

Apr 25, 2020

Tart continues to expand and reveal new aspects to this fascinating universe. This book is packed with heart, intrigue, and terror all wrapped in a gorgeous package. It's a stand-out title that has layers upon layers.

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Tart #9

May 15, 2020

The creators of Tart are currently running a Kickstarter campaign to fund the release of issue #10.

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Tart #10

May 23, 2020

The creators of Tart are currently running a Kickstarter campaign to fund the release of issue #10.

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Tart #11

Nov 9, 2020

The creators of Tart are currently running a Kickstarter to fund the release of this issue and the next. 

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Tart #12

Nov 27, 2020

The creators of Tart are currently running a Kickstarter campaign to fund the release of this issue.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #110

Oct 27, 2020

How do you balance new kids and your adult life? Maybe you can get a motorcycle? Decisions are made in TMNT #110.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2011) #111

Nov 17, 2020

Move over Kevin McAllister. The Ninja Turtles have their own traps for the mutants looking to invade their home.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters #1

Oct 26, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters is the answer to so many of my childhood dreams. Granted, I would have loved this comic even if it was just 20 pages of the two teams talking over pizza, but fortunately it's a pretty good story with some dynamite artwork. We'll see how quickly they get through the typical team up stages. Judging from my calculations, the next step is a fight between the two groups before they realize they're on the same team and then join forces to stop the bad guy. As long as Raphael trades quips with Venkman, I'm fine with that.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters #4

Jan 29, 2015

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Ghostbusters is a damn fun comic. Burnham and Waltz pack the book with pop culture references (Michelangelo shouting "They're here!", which I read like the kid from Poltergeist) and fun sight gags. The nostalgia factor definitely helps keep the book exciting through the four issues. Part of me still can't believe it actually happened, and the world of nerdom is better off for it.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder in Hell #2

Apr 1, 2019

Shredder in Hell is an incredible exploration of the Ninja Turtles' greatest foe. It serves to redefine the character, adding more depth than he's ever had. You can see the seeds for potential future storylines, like the return of the Pantheon, being planted here. Plus, it isn't every day you get to see some of the most disturbing body horror imaginable in a Ninja Turtles comic, so it's definitely worth checking out.

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Terminal Hero #1

Aug 7, 2014

Terminal Hero works fast and quickly takes Rory's few remaining days into a horrific spiral.  Getting super powers sounds awesome, but in this case the consequences are dire.  There's no telling what can happen to this man now that he's started down this path.  Milligan has created a dynamic origin story that is far more interesting than any of the clich super heroes out there today.

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Terminal Punks #1

Nov 29, 2020

Terminal Punks mixes quirky humor with pure terror and I love it. You'll laugh one minute and jump the next. Horror and comedy are two genres that are very close together and this book shows how you can have both in one spot to great effect.

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Terminal Punks #3

Feb 10, 2021

Terminal Punks is a pitch perfect dark comedy horror comic. I haven't had this much fun reading a comic in some time. You know the feeling of watching a really fun horror movie in a crowded theater? That's the kind of vibe Terminal Punks gives off and it's awesome.

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Terminal Punks #4

Feb 28, 2021

Just when I think I know where Terminal Punks is going, writer Matthew Erman shifts gears and takes the book in a different direction. It's kept me on my toes with an unpredictable and enjoyable reading experience. We've got one chapter left in this insane story and I can't imagine the laughs and scares that are in store for us. This book is so damn fun.

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Terror! #1

Nov 7, 2016

Terror! is a welcome addition to the annals of horror anthologies.  It's a fresh take on a classic format with two solid horror tales.  I'm curious about Balthazar Remy's involvement, as he shows up very briefly and not much is revealed about him.  In any case, if this is how the book starts, I can't wait to see what other stories it includes in the future.

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Thaniel #1

Mar 27, 2014

Thaniel has a lot of potential.  The second issue will quickly follow this one, so I'm hoping some of the bits with Death come up soon.  According to the press release, he's supposed to be able to control an energy that is cosmically linked with death.  So far he's just slicing up drug dealers and looking badass.  I'm hoping that's cleared up in the coming issues.

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Thaniel #2

Apr 29, 2014

Thaniel has some good elements to it but is rather disjointed so far.  It's like the pieces of the story got mixed up along the way and we're stuck with a puzzle that doesn't quite look like the picture on the box.  We're halfway through the four issue mini-series and there are a lot of basic questions that are still unanswered.

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The Atoll #1

Nov 29, 2016

The Atoll presents real terror on the high seas.  These are not pirates or sea monsters.  These are regular people forcing captives to battle nature's greatest predator on its home turf.  It's something that even Quint would have thought twice about.  If this is how the book starts, I can't wait to see where it goes next.

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The Atoll #2

Jan 30, 2017

The Atoll shows us that there's more to fear in open water than sharks.  Sure, they're terrifying creatures that should be feared and respected, but at the end of the day, it's an animal trying to survive.  Humanity is capable of far more heinous acts of cruelty.  Somehow, the shark isn't the scariest thing in this book.  It's the guy standing at the edge of the water, calling the shots.

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The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #1

Dec 29, 2018

The Batman Who Laughs shakes the Dark Knight to his core in a way that only Scott Snyder can. Yes, the path through this story is a little convoluted, but there's more than enough to capture your attention. Now that we got to this point, I expect smooth sailings since we're getting into the meat of the story. I love how Batman has been dealing with some solid horror elements in recent years and this comic is right in that wheelhouse.

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The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #2

Jan 23, 2019

It's telling that the person that has pushed Batman beyond the breaking point is Batman himself. You'd think this would lead to some serious self-exploration as he figures out what he's really doing with his life, but that's probably not going to happen. In any case, The Batman Who Laughs flows like the biggest action movie the Dark Knight has ever seen, with the most unsettling villain he's ever come across.

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The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #4

Apr 18, 2019

The Batman Who Laughs is a fascinating character study, pushing the caped crusader to the breaking point. This is more stressful than No Man's Land, Knightfall, War Games, and more. He's fighting a battle on multiple fronts and coming up short on all sides.

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The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #5

May 18, 2019

The Batman Who Laughs plants the Dark Knight firmly in the horror genre. There are monsters in the literal and figurative sense as Bruce Wayne faces battles both internally and externally. He's fighting against himself and will have to go farther than he's ever had in order to stay alive, but what if that's just what this twisted version of Batman wants him to do? Can he ever go back to normal after this? What if he goes too far?

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The Batman Who Laughs (2018) #6

Jun 19, 2019

The Batman Who Laughs is a tense and frightening read, pushing Batman farther than ever. He's had his back broken. He's been shot through time. He's lost his mind. This is something far worse than all of those things. This is fighting himself in more ways than one and coming up short. It's realizing that despite all the preparation he's put into everything, he might not have enough to save the day after all. That's a terror that comes from deep down and rattles the bones.

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The Belfry (One Shot) #1

Feb 1, 2017

The Belfry is the terror and intrigue I had hoped to get from Lost.  It delivers tension-filled scares that will stay with you long after you put the book down.  It's horror that will get under your skin in the most chilling ways possible.  Do not miss this comic.

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The Black Hood #1

Mar 6, 2015

The Black Hood is off to a promising start. If there were ever a true-blue vigilante in our world (and I'm not counting those guys like Phoenix Jones), this would be the blueprint for it. It wouldn't be some billionaire with gadgets and gizmos or a suit of armor. It would be a guy in a mask with two bloody fists, beating up thugs in an alley. He'd have nothing else to lose which makes him pretty friggin' scary.

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The Black Hood #2

Mar 30, 2015

The Black Hood takes place in the dark alleys that gritty heroes like Batman or the Punisher forgot.  It's filled with some evil human beings capable of ruining a man's life and yet, Hettinger's scarred face has become the least scary thing about this comic.  Fans can quickly get over the novelty of seeing the F-word in an Archie comic and enjoy this riveting story of a man pushed to the brink with nothing else to lose.  I can only imagine how bloody things are going to get.

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The Black Hood #3

May 2, 2015

The Black Hood continues to be the most realistic take on masked crime-fighting.  It's gritty, but not in the overused way we've seen describe certain modern day comic book movies.  It's rough around the edges, focused on a flawed character that's grasping on to this mask as a lifeline, albeit a bloody and incredibly violent one.

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The Black Hood #4

Jun 8, 2015

The Black Hood is a damn fine origin story.  Swierczynski establishes this character from the heart instead of sitting through a bunch of exposition or flashbacks.  You get to witness the actual birth of an urban vigilante.  You see him lose everything and slowly begin building himself back up.  Now we wait to see just how much bloodshed is in store for the story arc's finale.

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The Black Hood #5

Jul 1, 2015

This first arc of The Black Hood has been nothing short of awesome.  Greg Hettinger goes on a roller coaster of emotion as you watch him lose everything and slowly rebuild his life from the ground up; the foundation of which is built on a vigilante's mask.  There are no capes or tights.  No secret lairs or sidekicks.  There is just one man who's ready to kick some ass.

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The Black Hood #6

Nov 14, 2015

The Black Hood continues to deliver.  Even moving the main character from the dark alleys of Philadelphia to the sunny beaches of California does not lose a fraction of the cool noir action that has filled every issue to date.  Greg is starting to regain control of his life, but that doesn't mean the body count is going to slow down any time soon.  Moving forward, it will be interesting to see how he handles the criminals in Philly without the aid of pain killers.

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The Black Hood #9

Feb 27, 2016

The Black Hood has not missed a beat.  It's the most realistic portrayal of super heroics, which makes it all the more brutal.  You get the feeling that there are no happy endings here.  Sure, Greg has managed to wean himself off the pills, but that doesn't mean his life is back to normal.  He's still a broken man and he's far from the only one in this book.

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The Blackening #1

Jan 11, 2019

Writer Massimo Rossi has crafted a hard-boiled sci-fi tale that's as unsettling as it is intriguing. It's very reminiscent of Blade Runner in both style and tone, which is certainly not a bad thing. The Blackening drops us seamlessly into this creepy future world full of equal parts possibility and despair.

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The Blackening #3

Mar 31, 2019

I've previous said The Blackening reminds me of Blade Runner. Now it's got a bit of a RoboCop vibe thrown in as Tony loses parts of himself in his quest for vengeance. While Arnhem is getting closer to answers, it may be too late for him to save Tony as he moves farther and farther from humanity. This is a deft exploration of what makes a man.

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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #1

Oct 28, 2014

Sabrina is a perfect addition to the Archie Comics horror line and a welcome companion to Afterlife with Archie. It paints a very different picture of the teenage witch that we've known for all these years and makes witches scary again. There are also ties to some other characters in this universe and the setup of a downright terrifying monster that will be explored in some future issues.

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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #2

Apr 29, 2015

If the first issue of Sabrina told her origin and this one delved into the past of Madam Satan, hopefully the next will have their paths crossing a bit more.  As it stands, we're given exposition I'd expect from a Bond villain as Madam Satan plots her revenge against the daughter of the guy that broke up with her years ago.  She suffered in Hell for all that time, not because of something Edward did, but because of what she did to herself.  Also, I don't understand how she's dubbed "Queen of Hell" on the back cover when she literally had to claw herself out of the underworld for her elaborate vengeance.  She's like the Joker of this comic...if the Joker had dated Batman's dad and held a grudge.

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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #3

Jun 5, 2015

I certainly don't envy some of the decisions that Sabrina must make at such a young age.  She's still figuring out her place in the world and she has to choose whether to follow in her father and aunts' footsteps with Lord Satan or become a mortal at the age of sixteen.  Think about what you were like at that age and the most difficult decision you had to make at that time. Sabrina is a bit of a wet rag with no real personality just yet.  This is tough, as she has such an impressive lineage.  Hopefully, as Madam Satan starts mucking things up in the girl's life, she'll become a little more interesting.

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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #4

Aug 4, 2015

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina has some starts and stops throughout this issue, but the scares pack a helluva punch.  It's tough to imagine going through even a fraction of the stuff that Sabrina and Harvey are dealing with here as teenagers.  They're forced to grow up very quickly, learning the truth about the world around them and how it's far from a bright and shiny experience.  It's dark and frightening and no amount of praying or daydreaming can change that.

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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #5

May 26, 2016

This is a welcome return for Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and one that packs a serious punch.  It ratchets up the fear and starts to tie everything together in a way that has me clamoring for more.  I just hope I don't have to wait another ten months until the next issue.

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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #6

Jul 22, 2016

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina has reached new levels of horror with this tangential issue.  Just as Afterlife with Archie #6 sets the book apart as more than just a zombie comic, this one differentiates Sabrina as more than just a witch comic.  It deals with Satan in an intimate way that shows just how powerful and evil a creature he can be.  It sheds some light on three minor characters that you wouldn't have thought twice about previously, but now provide additional insight into the future of the comic.

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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #7

Jul 16, 2017

There's no doubt that Edward Spellman is a force to be reckoned with and a major threat to young Sabrina.  I just want to get to that showdown already, as we've waited long enough for the two to meet.  I am so curious as to how it will all play out.  I question the need for this full flashback issue, as we already had a break from the main story with the previous chapter.  This delays the confrontation even more and makes me ever anxious to get going.

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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #8

Aug 28, 2017

This is where Sabrina stands up for herself, taking control of her life. She's been told what to do by everyone around her forever. Now she's in the driver's seat. Unfortunately, she's driving right off a cliff as a number of dark forces swirl around her. The stakes are raised considerably and this poor girl is stuck in the middle. I just hope she doesn't make out with her dad.

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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Madam Satan #1

Oct 28, 2020

Madam Satan is in a damned if you do, damned if you don't spot. It's burdened by the rest of the Sabrina series that's been MIA for ages, serving as a reminder of all that's left unfinished. It struggles to get out from beneath that weight. By the end, we get there, however this is only a one-shot, so it's whetting our appetite without satisfying it. I want more.

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The Circle (2016) #5

May 10, 2017

The Circle builds to an abrupt, twist ending that doesn't offer much in the way of closure. It just kind of finishes. Christian is certainly changed, but he's not much different than he was at the beginning of the series. He went through some crazy stuff and he's still just as moody and angry at the world as he ever was, if not more so.

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The Crossroads at Midnight OGN

Mar 5, 2021

Each story could stand on its own as a graphic novella, yet collected here they join together like some kind of horror Voltron, becoming stronger as you read them one after another. There is not a bad tale in this book. They're all terrifying and will shake you to your core. This is some of the scariest stuff I've read in months.

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The Crow: Hack/Slash #1

Jul 13, 2019

The Crow: Hack / Slash is a crossover that just makes sense. Of course these two franchises would cross paths. There's some nice overlap, especially in the goth scene. If I could go back in time and tell myself in 8th grade about this comic, it would knock me right out of my JNCOs. Fortunately, this book is much more than a dark tale. There's a story of vengeance wrapped in good old-fashioned supernatural ass-kicking.

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The Crow: Memento Mori #1

Apr 3, 2018

The Crow: Memento Mori delivers a powerful return for the concept. It's one that can work very well and this new iteration deals with the fallout of attacks we've seen all too often in today's headlines. With all the attacks David unleashes in this debut issue, I have to wonder where he can go next.

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The Crow: Memento Mori #2

Apr 26, 2018

The Crow: Memento Mori starts off with a bang - literally - so this flashback chapter takes away all of the momentum that had been built up. It's an abrupt change in pacing and tone. David's story feels like it should be over already.

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The Crow: Memento Mori #3

Jun 10, 2018

The one saving grace with The Crow: Memento Mori #3 is the backup story called "A Murder of Crows." Written by Daniel De Filippis and illustrated by Emanuele Ercolani, the short follows a very different version of The Crow. This is a young girl who seeks vengeance on pedophiles in the most gruesome way possible. I'd read a whole series about this character in a heartbeat.

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The Curse of Brimstone #1

Apr 7, 2018

The Curse of Brimstone has some definite potential. Writer Justin Jordan establishes the main character well in this debut issue, giving us time to become invested in his life before tearing it apart. Although Joe has the best of intentions, he may cause more harm than good with these newfound powers. Let this be a lesson to everyone. Be very careful when a stranger offers you a deal too good to be true. We've seen enough tales of crossroads and demons to know that much.

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The Curse of Brimstone #2

May 7, 2018

The Curse of Brimstone lives up to its name. Joe's life has become torturous. Can he rise up out of this as a hero? Or will he burn it all down? Or will Superman come in and just throw him into the sun? All of those things are possible.

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The Curse of Brimstone #3

Jun 13, 2018

The Curse of Brimstone is the dark side of a hero's origin story. If Joe can rise above all this torment and tragedy, he could be a force for good in this world. He could just as easily turn into one of the most fearsome villains we've ever seen.

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The Curse of Brimstone #4

Jul 12, 2018

Along the way, Joe and Annie meet a strange man who clearly knows more about the Salesman than they do. This opens the door to the wider story at work here and it's some pretty interesting stuff. Writer Justin Jordan expands the mythos of this character considerably in this issue. Where the first three chapters establish Brimstone and his origin, this one is the first step into the greater DC Universe.

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The Curse of Brimstone #5

Aug 8, 2018

The Curse of Brimstone has become this journey through the new monsters of the DC Universe. Writer Justin Jordan has taken us on a supernatural trip for the ages so far. The inconsistent artwork is hurting the series, so I hope that gets more streamlined in future issues. Having three different artists in one issue is a bit much.

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The Curse of Brimstone #8

Nov 24, 2018

The Bel Dame strikes a devastating blow to Joe and Annie, driving a wedge between them that won't be easily fixed. Joe is once again forced to use his powers, despite the ever-growing cost they have. Each time he fires them up, a piece of his humanity is lost and it's become more and more difficult to get back to normal. You have to wonder if there will come a time where he won't be able to change back. The series is really hitting its stride.

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The Damned #1

May 6, 2017

Between this first issue - which is priced at the absolutely insane cost of $1.00 - and the previous trade paperback (also valued priced at only $9.99), this is an effective way to launch a series. You'll become instantly engulfed within this world and be dying to learn more. Unlike Eddie, you won't have the luxury of bouncing right back. If you ever watched movies like The Maltese Falcon or just about anything starring Edward G. Robinson and thought they'd be better with demons, The Damned is for you. This has a great pace, amazing artwork, and a dynamite story that makes it a must read.

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The Damned #2

Jun 18, 2017

The Damned has the makings of a sprawling crime / horror epic. It seamlessly weaves between aspects of both genres, taking normal gangster tropes and upping the ante with the supernatural twist. If it follows in the footsteps of the creative team's previous work, The Sixth Gun, then we're in for an incredible and extended ride. It's just so damn good.

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The Damned #3

Aug 2, 2017

Although one could argue the plot is reminiscent of a stereotypical gangster movie, The Damned has more than enough to pull you in.  Eddie alone is a character you can't help but watch, wondering what move he'll make and how he'll survive in a town filled with monsters.  With his signature scowl, I'm sure demons would hesitate before attacking him.  He has good intentions, but he's still a gangster, and who doesn't love a good gangster story?

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The Damned #6

Dec 20, 2017

The Damned just keeps getting better. It's impossible to predict, so it definitely keeps you on your toes. This issue in packed with content that greatly expands upon the series to date, taking it into some really interesting places. It's a crime story with a supernatural twist. What's not to love?

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The Damned #7

Jan 15, 2018

The Damned is the most fun you'll have with a dead body since Weekend at Bernie's. Morgan is a great addition to the cast and I hope to see more of him as the series continues. Writer Cullen Bunn has a talent for interesting and unpredictable stories and The Damned is no different. Anyone that's ever enjoyed a mobster movie should be reading this book every month.

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The Damned #8

Feb 16, 2018

Guys, I don't know what else to tell you about The Damned. If you're not reading it, you're missing out. This comic is a showcase of a creative team that's firing on all cylinders. They did it with The Sixth Gun and they're doing it here.

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The Damned #9

Apr 24, 2018

The Damned works as a great horror / gangster story, but what amplifies everything about it is the amazing cast. Writer Cullen Bunn pulls you in with these compelling characters. You can't help but get wrapped up in their lives.

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The Dark #2

Dec 2, 2016

The Dark left me with more questions than answers. Why is this creature terrorizing people in the woods? Where does she go once she's done? Where did she come from? At the end of the day, this story has its moments, but boils down to one really good scare and a few pages of filler that could have been better used establishing some relatability to the characters.

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The Darkness (2007): Vicious Traditions #1

Mar 6, 2014

The Darkness: Vicious Traditions delivers on the blood and gore that can be expected from the other bearers of the artifact, but it's pretty light on the story.  Even if this was expanded to a longer series, there's not enough presented here to make me interested about this particular version of the Darkness.  I guess that's also a testament to the latest writers to take on the character, which was so friggin' good.

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The Dead #4

Feb 14, 2015

I'm not sure where The Dead is going just yet, but that's part of the fun. It's unpredictable. Maddox has thrown a bunch of characters into a powder keg and something's going to give. Bringing Arthur back into the mix and learning of his history adds a further monkey wrench because this could drastically change how things are done in The House.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #1

Sep 4, 2014

This first issue of The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage gets all the pieces in order.  The title character is provided with an opportunity to enter the underworld and seek out her lost husband, whom she hasn't been able to communicate with.  For the first time since his death, Mirage has a feeling of hope.  Maybe she can finally get some closure for herself instead of everyone else that she comes into contact with.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #5

Jan 22, 2015

The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage explores a spiritual and supernatural side of the Valiant Universe. More importantly, it is an introduction to a new version of this character that was established twenty years ago. Writer Jen Van Meter brought in Shan in a very organic way while still paying homage to Hwen, the original Doctor Mirage. It isn't a sudden change, like some of the stuff that came through with DC's New 52. It is a logical progression of the character and really makes you identify with Shan instead of just her being thrown into an adventure where she has to talk to ghosts. This book takes her on a journey that nearly breaks her, but she comes out the other end more in tune with her abilities and what she's capable of than ever before.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage: Second Lives #1

Dec 27, 2015

The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage: Second Lives mixes horror with romance in a way that works tremendously well.  You immediately care about Shan and Hwen and want to see them together.  They deserve it after all the pain and suffering they've been through.  They're thrown into some dangerous circumstances by the end of this first issue, but it's all worth it if it means they can at least touch each other again.

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The Demon: Hell is Earth #1

Dec 2, 2017

The Demon: Hell is Earth has given me a newfound appreciation for Etrigan, if for nothing else than the interaction between him and Jason Blood. I'm definitely more interested in the characters if this is the caliber of storytelling we get.

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The Demon: Hell is Earth #2

Jan 9, 2018

The Demon: Hell is Earth brings monsters, mayhem, and madness to the DC Universe. It's a reminder that there's a dark underbelly full of fire and brimstone lurking just beneath the surface of this world. Has Etrigan ever met Hellboy? I feel like they'd have a lot to talk about.

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The Demon: Hell is Earth #3

Feb 4, 2018

The Demon: Hell is Earth greatly expands with this issue, as it pulls back the curtain for some nice reveals. It's clearly building up to something even bigger. I cannot imagine what the next battle will look like. There is going to be so much blood and fire spewing every which way. Etrigan is pissed and he's going to take out his anger on all the forces of Hell. I'm not sure which side is favored to win in this one.

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The Demon: Hell is Earth #4

Mar 12, 2018

The Demon: Hell is Earth is an otherworldly road trip through a hellish landscape. Sure, outside of this fire and brimstone-filled bubble, Superman and the Justice League are flying around, but within it, frightening monsters rule and only Etrigan and his unlikely allies are prepared to put them down. This hero has a cape, but he also has a set of horns and spits fire.

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The Department of Truth #1

Oct 16, 2020

The Department of Truth is made even scarier based on the events in the world today with stuff like Qanon brainwashing everyone's weird uncles and even some politicians. It hits almost too close to reality at times, but it's so worth the read. It helps that the final page is such a great cliffhanger that you'll be begging for more. Do not miss this comic.

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The Department of Truth #2

Nov 8, 2020

The Department of Truth has shot right up to the top of my favorite horror comics of the year in just two issues. It can be a little tough to read at times because of how close it can skew to reality. That's saying something considering we're talking about weird monsters and beliefs shaping the world. It's more that it explains all of the bizarre conspiracy theories that have flown around the internet during the past few years.

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The Department of Truth #3

Dec 3, 2020

I finished this comic and had to take a breather. I had to go read some super hero comics to cleanse my mind after this deep and disturbing book. Department of Truth pulls no punches. It's powerful, horrifying, and frighteningly relevant to current events. Imagine every weird conspiracy theory you've seen pushed on Facebook and Twitter. If belief in any one of them take hold, reality itself warps to bring them to life, regardless of how insane they are and that scares the crap out of me.

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The Department of Truth #4

Dec 31, 2020

After some incredible opening issues, The Department of Truth plateaus with this chapter. We already know the basics, so there's no need to show us even more examples. You had me at lizard men and flat-Earthers in the first issue. I'm eager to see what Black Hat is up to and how they plan to effectively destabilize the world with their actions. It's clear that no one is getting out of this without blood on their hands.

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The Department of Truth #5

Feb 16, 2021

The Department of Truth is a reading experience unlike any other. The story is just close enough to reality that you can see it actually happening. That presents an entirely different kind of horror from the likes of vampires and werewolves. This hits deep, right at your core and it will stay with you for some time.

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The Department of Truth #6

Mar 7, 2021

The Department of Truth has a deep and intriguing mythos. This issue is a further exploration of that, however it feels like overkill at this point. Confining this type of world-building to fill-in issues may be the way to go to maintain momentum and keep the story going at a brisk pace.

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The Department of Truth #7

Apr 19, 2021

The Department of Truth hit with a compelling hook that only got twisted deeper as the first few issues continued. It's why it was an easy choice for my #1 horror comic of 2020. After a few explanation-heavy issues now, it's lost most of its momentum. It's like playing a video game for seven hours and never getting out of the tutorial stage. We understand the premise now, so we don't need further examples. Let's get this going.

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The Department of Truth #8

May 15, 2021

Writer James Tynion IV has found a nice groove here, pulling in additional conspiracy theories and tweaking them just enough to show the dangers they can play should they take root in reality, while also tying everything back to Cole.

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The Devilers #1

Jul 16, 2014

The Devilers gets going fast and furious.  It wastes no time with pleasantries, instead devoting almost the entire premiere issue to action and terror.  The world could very well be ending with a horde of demons marching up from the depths of Hell.  Humanity's only hope lies in an unlikely collection of religions thrown together to push everything back into the darkness.  Now would be a good time to pray to whatever you think is holy.

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The Dollhouse Family #1

Dec 2, 2019

The Dollhouse Family has a Neil Gaiman vibe to it, which is certainly not a bad thing. It captures the innocence of childhood and the dangers that can take advantage of that. Something horrifying is brewing here. I'm anticipating it with equal parts dread and excitement. This is a terrific addition to the Hill House Comics lineup.

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The Dollhouse Family #5

Mar 31, 2020

The Dollhouse Family really ups its game with this issue. I will admit I fell off a bit around issue #3 or #4, but this one more than makes up for it. It's an absolutely terrifying comic that shocked and scared me. I've been trying to rank the Hill House Comics titles for a bit, but it's proving to be an impossible task with how solid each book has been.

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The Dollhouse Family #6

May 24, 2020

The Dollhouse Family reaches a conclusion with this issue, but it's clear this isn't the conclusion. There's more to this story, yet this works as an incredibly satisfying wrap-up to this terrifying tale. It bridges a few different horror sub-genres and delivers on each and every one. This is big, bold horror.

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The Doorman #2

Jun 11, 2016

The Doorman is sci-fi done right.  It's universe-spanning action and adventure with crazy and terrifying aliens.  At its heart is a very human story about wanting to make a difference before shuffling off this mortal coil.  Along the way is a ton of laughs for good measure.  This is a great, well-rounded comic that delivers across the board.

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The Doorman #3

Sep 3, 2016

The Doorman balances science-fiction with action, comedy, and a touch of drama, and it delivers on all of those points.  The jokes are funny.  The action is tense and exciting.  The aliens are so friggin' creepy.  If you've ever liked any sci-fi movie, you'll find something to enjoy with this book.

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The Doorman #4

Oct 16, 2016

The Doorman is pure sci-fi fun.  It mixes the joy of watching Star Wars as a kid with jokes that will satisfy your sense of humor as an adult.  The stakes are high, but there's a personal story with great character development at its core.  Writers Eliot Rahal and Daniel Kibblesmith and artist Kendall Goode have created a vast mythology with one simple-to-understand concept: There's a door on your planet that can take you to any other planet out there.

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The Down River People #1

Jun 16, 2021

The Down River People is a chilling read. It strikes with a haunting tone, however it may leave you hanging. I might pick up more with a second reading, but I'm going to let this one sit and stew in the back of my mind for a bit. At the bare minimum, it's a reminder of the horror that can lurk in the small forgotten towns in the country.

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The Dreaming (2018) #1

Sep 17, 2018

It's clear that writer Simon Spurrier is on to an epic tale with The Dreaming. This should come as no surprise as Sandman is epic in its very nature. What stands out in this story is just how dire the situation is. These side characters are thrown into the spotlight and are creating a compelling narrative without the central figure in this world. That speaks volumes for the strength of the storytelling. It helps that there is a literal hole in the sky looming over them too.

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The Dregs #1

Feb 4, 2017

The Dregs works as a modern day noir tale with a light horror twist.  I'm dying to see that piece expanded upon.  For now, we've got a solid detective story with an untraditional main character.  Arnold is grouchy, unclean, and drug-addled, yet his mind is racing a mile a minute.  He might be crazy, but he just might be on to something.

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The Dregs #2

Mar 12, 2017

The Dregs is a solid pulp detective story, however it has been somewhat declawed by the spoiler-filled opening pages of the series. It led with such an amazing hook that I'm anxious to get back to it. Since we already know what's really going on, we have to become greatly invested in Arnold's life and his investigation. Writers Lonnie Nadler and Zac Thompson accomplish this well, creating an interesting, sympathetic, albeit flawed human being looking for answers in a screwed up world that has all but forgotten him.

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The Dregs #3

May 4, 2017

The Dregs continues to be a solid albeit unusual detective story.  Its one flaw is that it gave away the twist in the very beginning and now we're waiting for the main character to catch up.  It's a helluva hook though, so I'm not sure how the comic would read without that knowledge.  Some of the leaps Arnold makes are a bit too convenient, like he's putting pieces together that aren't all there to begin with, but he's an interesting enough character to make it all work.

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The Dregs #4

Jul 1, 2017

The Dregs is a powerhouse of a comic, stretching the boundaries of the medium.  It delivers a riveting story, unbelievable artwork, and a premise that is just close enough to reality to be absolutely terrifying.  That's the real kicker about the book.  You can see something like this happening.  It's not that far off.  Plus, it's set in Canada!  Just imagine if it was in the US!

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The Eighth Immortal #1

Jan 3, 2021

The Eighth Immortal presents an intriguing idea about a select group of beings. We're still learning the whys and hows of this, however Curipan's story is enough to get you to stick around. It will be interesting to see what kind of consequences come about as a result of her actions in this issue. This is a dysfunctional family like no other.

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The Eighth Seal #3

Feb 6, 2016

The Eighth Seal has quickly become one of the scariest comics on the stands today. It is packed with the kind of horror that hits hard, leaving you breathless yet begging for more. There are scenes that land with Lovecraftian levels of madness, but you cannot look away despite how creepy they may be.

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The Empty Man (2018) #1

Nov 17, 2018

The Empty Man is a horror comic that will definitely get under your skin. It doesn't scare you with gore or what passes for jump scares. Instead, it steadily builds this unsettling feeling that never goes away. You'll dread every page turn, but will still eagerly flip through the comic because you'll have to know where it will go next.

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The Empty Man (2018) #2

Dec 30, 2018

The Empty Man is one most disturbing comics on the stands today, like a more horrifying version of Outbreak. It presents a creepy world that's been ravaged by a strange disease that begets more and more violence and bloodshed. It's showing no sign of stopping and it's only going to get worse.

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The Empty Man (2018) #3

Jan 8, 2019

The Empty Man is like Contagion mixed with The Purge. This disease has not just caused widespread panic, but there are literal riots in the streets as it's driven people to violence. The Kerrys give us a human face to all of this and their tale is nothing short of riveting.

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The Empty Man (2018) #4

Feb 20, 2019

The Empty Man is expanding on everything that came before and doing so in a really terrifying way. The stakes are upped considerably as we dig deeper into this virus and what kind of monsters " literally and figuratively " it can create. If this is what we've got so far, I can't imagine what the rest of the series has in store for us.

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The Fade Out #1

Aug 28, 2014

The Fade Out cements Brubaker and Phillips in the noir genre with the likes of Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler.  This first issue gives you everything you need to fall head first into this world of murder, mystery, and intrigue and will leave you wanting more.

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The Few #1

Jan 23, 2017

The Few is a gripping post-apocalyptic tale with dynamite artwork to match.  It instantly drops you into this story, keeping you guessing at every page turn.  We don't know what caused the world to reach such dire straits, but in a way, it doesn't matter.  Right now it's all about survival and how this handful of characters is going to get by.

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The Fly: Outbreak #1

Mar 23, 2015

The Fly: Outbreak has a creep factor of eleven. It makes me want to go back and re-watch the Cronenberg movie right away. It also makes me want to wash my hands a lot. Martin's fears emanate through these pages and become physical in the form of the mutant fly / man. This is taking the concept of "facing your fear" to a whole new level.

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The Fox #1

Apr 19, 2015

The Fox is thrown back into action with a horde of evil-doers waiting in the wings to take him apart.  He's a small-town  man facing incredible odds, as a nefarious crime kingpin paints a target on his chest.  The book doesn't pack quite the punch as The Black Hood just yet, but it's definitely a very different type of comic, landing more on the fun side of super heroics and less on the grim and gritty.

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The Freeze #1

Dec 19, 2018

Freeze hits the ground running with a debut issue that's full of questions, each more horrifying than the last. Writer Dan Wickline presents an unsettling premise and I'm looking forward to see it unfolding in subsequent issues. This strange event leads to the world collapsing, but how do we get from here to there?

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The Freeze #2

Jan 22, 2019

The Freeze is a terrific high concept that has quickly become full of possibilities. It takes a simple premise and adds a frightening yet human spin on it. The final page of this issue is absolutely terrifying and will have you clamoring for more.

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The Ghost Fleet #1

Nov 12, 2014

This all leads up to a fantastic cliffhanger ending. If you're not hooked with the last page reveal, you're an idiot. It instantly vaults The Ghost Fleet from an all-out action comic to an epic mystery / conspiracy book filled with a thirst for vengeance. You'll be left with more questions than answers, and you'll be begging for the next issue.

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The Ghost Fleet #7

May 18, 2015

The Ghost Fleet really upped the ante with this issue.  It was already an exciting, no-holds-barred comic, but now it's on a whole other level.  Donny Cates and Daniel Warren Johnson left it all on the page here.  It's a popcorn movie of a comic with substance and heart.

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The Ghost Fleet #8

Jun 10, 2015

The Ghost Fleet ends in such a way as to herald in a new beginning.  It's a balls-to-the-wall action book with a massive supernatural angle that changes everything in such an awesome way.  It goes from being exciting to dreadful to friggin' metal.  If you've ever liked any action movie that's ever been made, you should read The Ghost Fleet.

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The Goon: Once Upon A Hard Time #1

Feb 8, 2015

The Goon: Once Upon a Hard Time is a tale of revenge that puts the Taken movies to shame. It's a cold and callous take on vengeance. You have a man that has been pushed to the breaking point. You almost feel sorry for the witches because there is little they can do to stop the Goon at this point. He's coming for them and it's going to get bloody.

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The Gravediggers Union #1

Nov 11, 2017

The Gravediggers Union is off to a tremendous start. It's got a great premise, awesome artwork, and brilliant colors that come together to make this perfect horror package. This is an impressive and oversized debut issue.

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The Gravediggers Union #6

May 6, 2018

The Gravediggers Union takes something as strange as a space-monkey and makes it one of the coolest maguffins since the Holy Grail in The Last Crusade. This comic could have been about a group of old dudes fighting off zombies in a cemetery every night. There is an element of that in here, but it has evolved to be so much more than that. Writer Wes Craig has crafted this surreal supernatural adventure filled with action, intrigue, and a whole lot of heart.

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The Gravediggers Union #8

Jul 10, 2018

The Gravediggers Union is marching towards an epic battle of good against evil with the fate of the world hanging in the balance. Humanity's salvation rests in the hands of this ragtag group of Gravediggers, armed with shovels, pick-axes, and bear traps. Will that be enough to stop the apocalypse? We better hope so.

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The Gravediggers Union #9

Aug 22, 2018

The Gravediggers Union builds to an impressive climax, followed by a perfect closer that harkens back to the origins of the series in writer Wes Craig's Blackhand Comics. It ends with a very similar scene as shown in that collection. Although they just saved the world, the Gravediggers don't get to rest. There will be more monsters out there. Mankind will never be safe. With the Gravediggers Union on duty, they can at least get some sleep at night while the things that go bump are taken care of.

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The Great Divide #1

Sep 14, 2016

The Great Divide presents a brand new spin on the end of the world.  It doesn't come with a nuclear holocaust or the zombie apocalypse.  Instead, it comes with the lack of physical connection.  You can't join hands and sing "Kumbaya" to fix this, as that would kill everyone.  You strap on a gas mask and a pair of gloves and you hope you accidentally bump into someone as you're scavenging for supplies.

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The Hangman #1

Nov 18, 2015

If this is where The Hangman starts, I cannot wait to see what's in store for the rest of the series.  Writer Frank Tieri set a pretty high bar here with a death scene that's up there with one of the most memorable and brutal of the year.  This issue finishes just as things really start to pick up, but it will leave you wanting so much more.  Michael Minetta's story is just beginning and it's bound to get darker as it progresses.

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The Hangman #2

Jan 20, 2016

The Hangman continues to explore the dark, supernatural corner of this world, serving as a worthy addition to the Dark Circle Comics lineup.  It pulls no punches with its gore, while pulling you into an intriguing story about a character you either love to hate or hate to love.  It has some similarities to other titles like The Spectre and Spawn, but stands entirely on its own.

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The Hangman #3

Mar 15, 2016

The Hangman plays in a nightmarish corner of Dark Circle Comics.  If you thought The Black Hood was grim and gritty, you're in for a treat with this book.  It's taking its time outlining the players and the rules of this world which pulls you in deeper on every page.  With each new layer, the story hooks me more and more.  The Hangman mixes elements of revenge, supernatural, and good old-fashioned horror in a demonic showcase of terror.

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The Hardways #2

Apr 19, 2021

Some more players are introduced as this caper takes a few more twists and turns. Poor Maury is stuck in the middle and he was just looking to blow off some steam at the casino.

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The House #1

Apr 28, 2017

The House has a chilling premise that grabs hold of you from the jump.  Everyone can relate to a creepy house.  Maybe it's one you avoid down the block or an abandoned building around the corner.  Now imagine being trapped in there with no way out.  Everywhere you turn is just more hallways, stairs, and doors, none of them leading to the outside world.  Did you hear that?  Something's coming for you.

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The House #3

May 20, 2017

The House is a solid paranormal horror comic. It's a frightening haunted house tale that has only gotten scarier the further it gets. We're only halfway through, so I can't imagine what else is in store for these poor soldiers. War may be Hell, but the House is something worse.

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The House #4

May 29, 2017

The House is an absolutely stellar independent horror comic. The scares never stop as these poor men struggle to survive as the very building they're in tries to snuff them out. I'm afraid to turn the page, but I have to see what's going to come next.

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The House #5

Jun 28, 2017

Every time I think The House has gotten the scariest it will be, it ups the ante. It keeps getting better and it's been gripping since page one. This building is full of mystery. Dread lurks around every corner. You will not want to put it down.

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The House #6

Aug 17, 2017

This is the penultimate issue of The House. There are still many unanswered questions and honestly, they don't all need to be answered. The main one I see is not, "What's the deal with the house?", but, "Will these men survive?" Writer Phillip Sevy and artist Drew Zucker have crafted an eerie comic that has built up an incredible amount of tension over its run. I'm ready for them to rip the band-aid off.

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The House #7

Oct 15, 2017

At the time of this writing, Sevy and Zucker are currently running a Kickstarter campaign to collect the entire series of The House in a graphic novel format.

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The Humans #1

Nov 8, 2014

The Humans is a balls-out (literally...there are quite a few ape penises in these pages), drug-fueled, psychedelic ride through exploitation-era cinema. The book has an old school look to it, like it was just discovered in the most awesome time capsule ever. Plus, where else are you going to find the sound effects Butt, Schwing, and my personal favorite "KA-FUCKIN-BOOM"?

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The Last Hunt #1

Jul 23, 2017

The Last Hunt shows a lot of potential.  The aforementioned twist ending is something I've never seen before and I'm very curious how it works out with the rest of the series.  The path to get there takes quite a while, but now that the setup has been completed, I'm hoping to jump into the rest of the book.

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The Last Hunt #2

Sep 12, 2017

Writers Hannu Kesola & Ken Janssens established the world of The Last Hunt in the first issue. This one jumps right into the action and does not hold back. Blood is flowing freely and it shows no sign of slowing down. You can practically feel the walls closing in as the crewmen struggle to find a place to run. You know they have no hope of hiding.

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The Life And Death Of Toyo Harada #1

Apr 3, 2019

The Life and Death of Toyo Harada is a tense, action-packed thriller with elements of sci-fi and horror weaved in. It breaks down one of the most intriguing characters in the Valiant Universe in a way that humanizes him. It doesn't excuse all the horrible things he's done, but it does provide some valuable context. This is a series to watch.

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The Lollipop Kids #4

Apr 13, 2019

Lollipop Kids mixes a number of supernatural elements from myths and folklore into a modern day setting, all through the eyes of children. It's like Monster Squad meets The Last Starfighter. Judging by the end of this issue, there's a lot more in store for us.

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The Long Con #1

Aug 5, 2018

The Long Con hits on all the right marks. It pokes fun at nerd culture without disrespecting it, which is a tough line to walk. Everything comes together well to present a solid story packed with humor and a great premise. I have to know what happened at this convention now and how Victor possibly made it out alive.

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The Long Con #2

Sep 22, 2018

The Long Con flows like a funny version of Dead Rising, but replaces the zombies with crazed convention attendees. Victor is along for this ride and still might not know what he got himself into. His snark and signature wit will not save him from a pack of wild dogs looking to tear down the set of Boat Cop.

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The Long Con #8

Apr 24, 2019

The Long Con is more than a little absurd, but it never stops being fun. It plays with the sillier aspects of fandom without making fun of it. Instead, it shows how ridiculous some of us can be when we obsess over the minute details of our favorite franchises. Are these things really worth coming to blows over? In this case, where the convention has become the entire world for thousands of fans, it might be.

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The Mask: I Pledge Allegiance to the Mask #1

Oct 28, 2019

If this is what The Mask comics were like, I missed out big time. Fortunately, Dark Horse Comics has released some omnibus collections allowing me to check some of those older books out. In the meantime, this new series is creepy, gritty, and mixed with dark humor. It's a mashup of a crime story, a political thriller, and a horror tale in a sickly green package.

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The Modern Frankenstein #1

Apr 26, 2021

The Modern Frankenstein is not a horror comic that's going to jump out and scare you. Instead, it slowly seeps in under the guise of a modern day medical drama with a bit of romance. Before you know it, you're caught up in these characters' lives as they prepare to do something absolutely horrible and you can't help but watch. It's like a creepy version of Grey's Anatomy.

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The Nice House on the Lake #1

Jun 14, 2021

The Nice House on the Lake is an amazing modern day horror story. It quickly introduces the characters and this world before setting them all on fire. We're constantly on edge through each page, creating one of the best horror reading experiences in recent memory. This is most definitely a comic to watch. Do not miss this.

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The Order of the Forge #1

May 8, 2015

The Order of the Forge throws together a handful of fun facts surrounding the Founding Fathers and tosses in a magic ax.  Unfortunately, the ax is the most interesting thing about the book so far.  That might be because it doesn't speak.  At this rate, I expect Paul Revere to shout "The British are coming!" while exiting the brothel.

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The Plot #2

Dec 1, 2019

Just when you think The Plot can't get any creepier, it hits with a downright terrifying cliffhanger ending. Writers Michael Moreci and Tim Daniel pull us deeper and deeper into this frightening mystery. I am dying to learn what's going on with this house and this family. Secrets are buried deep below the surface and they're starting to bubble up. The thing is, they're not just revealing the truth, they're also bringing untold horrors with them.

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The Plot #5

Jul 16, 2020

The Plot returns with a powerhouse of a comic. It pulls back to give us some perspective as to how deep this goes, while tying it back to the present with Chase's current discovery. The terror is reaching a new generation and by the looks of things, we're just getting started. It's issues like this that make me wish this book runs forever.

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The Plot #8

Mar 22, 2021

Hixson's artwork really shines through in the closing pages, giving more meaning to that phrase that's been a constant throughout The Plot: In order to receive, first you must give. We see the deep, emotional toll this has had on Chase, however we've also seen how he's able to overcome it. This is as frightening as it is powerful. The Plot most definitely sticks the landing in its final chapter.

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The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage #1

Dec 17, 2019

The Question: The Deaths of Vic Sage takes this gritty, noir character and puts him through the wringer. It moves from street level corruption to so much more. Writer Jeff Lemire has given us a new and valuable perspective on this character and I'm curious to see where this journey goes next.

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The Replacer #1

Apr 28, 2019

The Replacer will break your heart. It's a comic that everyone can relate to, even if you haven't experienced something like this. Writer Zac Thompson frames a family tragedy through the eyes of a young boy. There's a deep, personal feel to this story. While you might guess as to whether or not the demon exists, part of you will pray that it's real so that there's some semblance of hope that Marcus' father can come out of this. Sometimes real life is scarier than the supernatural.

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The Resurrected #1

Apr 12, 2018

There's definitely a good story in The Resurrected. It's just not totally together just yet. All of the different sci-fi elements look cool, but there are some large gaps between them. I'm curious as to how these dots will be connected and there's enough here to pique someone's interest.

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The Sandman Universe #1

Aug 18, 2018

The Sandman Universe is a welcome return to this world. It's an impressive collaborative effort and a fantastic way to introduce a number of new series. I'm more excited about this continuation than most of the relaunches and reboots that have popped up in recent years. It accomplished this with a single, solid issue that weaved through each area calmly and efficiently. At the bottom line, it's just great storytelling. That sums up Sandman as a whole and it certainly applies here too.

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The Silver Coin #1

Apr 18, 2021

The Silver Coin is planned as an anthology series, with Walsh working with a number of writers to follow this mysterious item. This debut issue is top notch, delivering solid character work, incredible artwork, and an intriguing story. I have to wonder where this deadly coin will take us next.

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The Silver Coin #2

May 24, 2021

If you have even a passing interest in slasher movies, you are going to love The Silver Coin #2. It pays homage to all the greats, most notably Friday the 13th, while telling something wholly original and satisfying.

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The Sixth Gun (2010) #48

May 1, 2016

The tension is palpable as we near the end of this seminal series.  You can't help but be filled with anticipation with each step these characters take towards Boot Hill.  This is more than an old-fashioned showdown at high noon.  There's a good chance that no one will come out of this alive.  We're 48 issues in " more if you count the mini-series tie-ins " and the creative team can still surprise and excite with each page.  This is going to be one wild ride.

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The Spider King #4

May 14, 2018

The Spider King concludes with this issue, however the door is left wide open for further stories to be told. I certainly hope that more are coming because an immersive world has been created here. There are so many more possibilities to explore with Hrolf and his crew. This is like a badass D&D campaign with alien technology.

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The Spider King: Frostbite #1

Feb 4, 2019

Where the mini-series introduces us to this world and these characters, The Spider King: Frostbite shows how widespread and dangerous this alien invasion really is. Hrolf's journey is far from over. There will be many more monsters in his path, but he is not backing down. If anything, this has strengthened his resolve.

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The Squidder #1

Jul 27, 2014

The Squidder is Ben Templesmith at his best.  This is what he can do when he's given free rein to create whatever he wants.  He's created a world that has lost all hope and doesn't even realize it anymore.  It's one that is ruled over by a group of squids, worshipped by some, hated by others, and ignored by everyone else.

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The Twilight Zone: 1959 (One-Shot) #1

Feb 20, 2016

The Twilight Zone: 1959 perfectly captures the tone of the original show.  You half expect Rod Serling to step out from the gutters of the page to handle the outro of each story.  "The Comics Code" is a clear standout and definitely something that any fan of comic history should check out, if for nothing else than to see an imitation of Fredric Wertham get what he deserved in life.

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The Union (2020) #1

Dec 14, 2020

The Union is thrust into a mega-event in the Marvel Universe right out of the gate. They're dealt a crushing blow that can utterly destroy any hope of survival, but they're heroes. They're rising up against this horde for Queen and country. Pip Pip.

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The Unsound #1

Jun 8, 2017

The Unsound is a brilliantly paced and unsettling horror comic.  It makes Arkham Asylum look like a day spa. The book delivers the kind of terror that gets under your skin.  You may want to sleep with the light on after reading it.

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The Unsound #2

Jul 9, 2017

Where the first issue of The Unsound works in the horror in small ways, building up the tension over time, this one makes a hard turn into crazy town.  If the comic were a roller coaster, the first issue would have been the climb up the big hill and this one is the first terrifying drop.  We're plummeting down into absolute madness with crazed patients brandishing razor blades closing in on us.  Now hold on tight because the first loop is coming up.

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The Unsound #4

Sep 26, 2017

I said it earlier, but it bears repeating: The Unsound scares the crap out of me. There is nothing else like this book on the stands now or perhaps ever. It stands on its own as an unparalleled horror comic that will have you frightened to turn the page, yet eager to do it to see what happens next. You will not be able to put it down, partly because it might not let you.

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The Unsound #5

Nov 3, 2017

The Unsound is insanity unhinged. When you can't trust your own mind, the entire world becomes way scarier. I have no earthly idea as to where this comic is going to go next, but I'm certain it's going to shake me to the core. It's the type of comic that will leave you shaking from fright, yet begging for more. It's a perfect horror comic.

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The Valiant #1

Dec 24, 2014

The Valiant is an event comic done right. It quickly introduces all of the key players and clearly explains what's at stake. There is a dark force coming for these characters and things will get worse before they get better, but you can be damn sure that there's going to be one helluva fight when all is said and done.

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The Westwood Witches #1

May 29, 2013

The Westwood Witches has a few moving parts, but I'm not sure how they all work together just yet.  Granted, this is the first chapter of a four-issue mini-series, so I can't judge it entirely yet.  There's an interesting setup here, though.  It's clear that Jack is either going to get the story of his life or die in the quest as he goes further down the rabbit hole that is his new neighborhood.

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The Wilds #1

Mar 12, 2018

One problem I have with this first issue is that some future aspects of the story have been spoiled by the solicitation information. It's odd because this twist isn't even in this chapter. It will serve as a catalyst for where the plot goes next though. As it stands, The Wilds #1 provides a spotlight on an intriguing character, giving us time to understand her and the challenges she faces. I'm looking forward to learning more about this world and how it came to such disarray.

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The Woods #4

Aug 12, 2014

The Woods captures the terror of the unknown and wraps it in a flurry of teenage hormones.  These kids aren't going out into the forest to make out.  They're trying to find a way to survive before they're all taken out by mutant bats or other strange creatures wandering through the darkness.

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The X-Files: Season 10 #1

Jul 21, 2013

The plot of "Believers" was put together by series creator Chris Carter and Joe Harris, with the latter actually writing the script. With Carter's involvement, I'm hoping this comes together in a bit more coherent manner than the series finale did. The artwork could be better, but this comic could skate by on nostalgia alone. I'm ready to believe again.

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Thistlebone #1

Mar 22, 2021

Thistlebone is another in a growing list of comics showing why we should all stay inside. I didn't need a pandemic to tell me that. I have comics like Thistlebone to show me that no good things come from going out in the woods.

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Thomas Alsop #6

Nov 18, 2014

Thomas Alsop has been building up to something big. We're not quite there yet, but the title character has gone through a major transformation in the eyes of the reader. He began as your average spoiled idiot, filled with power that he didn't seem to deserve. Every action he's taken since discovering the trapped souls at Ground Zero has been in an effort to redeem himself for his forefathers and the island itself. Everything is riding on this. If he can fix this, everything will be ok...until the next disaster comes along.

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Thomas Alsop #8

Jan 20, 2015

Thomas Alsop has been an emotional journey that has shown a man going through a true transformation and finding purpose in his life for perhaps the first time. Writer Chris Miskiewicz has a real talent for character development, as he took someone that I practically hated in the first couple issues and changed him into someone that I can really empathize with and even root for. He also uncovered a secret supernatural history of New York City that I hope to see explored further in future stories.

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Toe Tag Riot #1

Nov 25, 2014

Toe Tag Riot could have been a preachy book about tolerance, but it plays everything pretty light. When Dickie starts to lecture the skinheads at the show, the other members of the band start to roll their eyes, knowing that he's about to go on a tirade. Evie and Annie jump in to poke fun at the skinheads on their own, just by being who they are. This is a fun book with punk rock, zombies, and a great sense of humor. What more do you want?

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Toe Tag Riot #2

Jan 4, 2015

Toe Tag Riot is one gigantic undead middle finger to the likes of One Million Moms and the Westboro Baptist Church. It's a near non-stop, gore-filled romp that is unfortunately bogged down by some awkward dialogue. If you ever wanted to see a Bible thumper stabbed with a crucifix, you've come to the right place.

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Toe Tag Riot #3

Feb 14, 2015

Matt Miner and Sean Von Gorman have really found their stride with this issue. Toe Tag Riot is a damn fun comic book. It flows like a gore-filled, undead road trip with a cast of characters that really grow on you. It's kind of like the Punisher if he killed stupid people instead of mobsters...and he was four zombies in a punk rock band...OK. It's nothing like the Punisher.

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Toe Tag Riot #4

Apr 18, 2015

Toe Tag Riot is a gore-filled romp of a comic, destroying everything normal people hate about the world.  It's taken on ridiculous stereotypes by literally eviscerating them without ever losing sight of the overall message of acceptance and " perhaps most importantly " never getting preachy.  It's not like the band pops up at the end and reminds everyone to be cool.  Instead it's a bunch of friends having fun and flipping a big middle finger at the bigots and the other assorted douchebags out there.

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Tommy Gun Wizards #1

Sep 24, 2019

Tommy Gun Wizards perfectly mixes genres to create something greater than the sum of its parts. It's not just the Untouchables fighting magic. That might be enough to get you in the door, but you'll stay for the great character work, incredible artwork, and shocking twists and turns. This book is something special.

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Transference #1

Jul 7, 2015

Transference mixes time travel and action in the same manner as Looper.  Unlike that film, you don't have to look at Bruce Willis' bald head for 2 hours.  Plus, the conflict feels so much more personal here.  Is this what could happen if you piss of the wrong people in the future?  Could aspects of your life be completely removed?  How far would you go to get them back?

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Transformers vs. Terminator #1

Apr 5, 2020

Transformers vs. The Terminator is a crossover I didn't know I wanted. It can definitely catch your attention with its title alone, but it's more than just a flashy name. It has a solid, intriguing story, presenting an all new spin on these decades-old franchises.

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Transformers/Ghostbusters #1

Jul 5, 2019

Transformers / Ghostbusters delivers a great mix of action, comedy, and horror, all blended together in a big bowl of nostalgia. It's a crossover 35 years in the making and it's definitely worth the wait. We're just getting started too, so I can't wait to see what else this mini-series has in store for us.

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Trees #2

Jul 2, 2014

The mystery in Trees is no closer to being solved with the second issue, but I'm not sure that it ever needs to be.  I want to learn more about the world now that humanity has been knocked down a peg.  Sure, I'd like to find out where the trees came from and what they actually do, but for the time being I'm content just roaming through Ellis' creations.

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Twelve Devils Dancing #1

Aug 1, 2018

Twelve Devils Dancing is very reminiscent of True Detective (The first season, not whatever happened in the second). It moves at breakneck speeds, instantly diving into the main character's past and how this serial killer is connected to his life. The final pages of this chapter will have you glued to the page and begging for more.

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Twilight Zone #2

Feb 9, 2014

JMS' Twilight Zone is off to an interesting start.  I had originally thought this would be a one-shot story but it's part of a larger arc.  Now that Trevor Richmond has found that his life has been taken over (and that someone else is living it better), he's having second thoughts about his change.  But is it too late?  I guess I have to tune in next month to find out.

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Underwinter #1

Mar 24, 2017

Underwinter is a truly unique comic. It delivers a sense of foreboding that you can't look away from. You know that these musicians are about to enter into some crazy scary stuff and they're walking headlong into it seemingly none the wiser.

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Undone By Blood #1

Feb 17, 2020

Undone by Blood is a solid tale of vengeance that's just getting started. It has an undeniably impressive hook that will grab you from the jump. This is like a bloodier version of Justified, mixing noir and western elements to produce a solid read full of suspense.

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Unearth #1

Jul 29, 2019

You will want to clean your hands immediately after reading Unearth. It's an awesome mix of pandemic horror with otherworldly monsters. It's like Outbreak meets Aliens. We're only one issue in and I'm already terrified.

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Unfollow #17

Apr 2, 2017

Unfollow is rocketing towards its conclusion and I'm not confident there's enough space to fit everything in. It makes me wonder if the book was cut short, as I would have expected it to have fleshed out some more of these elements over time. Instead we're diving headfirst into the final confrontation as the 140 dwindle down to a smaller and smaller number. There is a lot of money on the line and these people have made it clear that they're willing to do almost anything to get their hands on it.

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Unholy Grail #1

Jun 12, 2017

Unholy Grail fires on all cylinders.  It's got a great hook, dynamite art, and did I mention it's written by Cullen Bunn?  Yeah, that should have been enough right there.  Seeing a monster-infused version of the King Arthur story helmed by Bunn is worth the price of admission alone.  You don't have to be familiar with the story to enjoy it either.  It stands on its own as a dark fantasy story.

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Unit 44 #1

Sep 25, 2014

Unit 44 is a downright fun comic, which is something that is unfortunately a rarity in the funny book industry today. It takes a subject that has been conspiracy-laden for years and filled with all types of serious tales like the X-Files, and pokes fun at it in a way that makes total sense.

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V-Wars #1

May 4, 2014

In any case, V-Wars gets started with a bang...quite a few of them actually...and some decapitations too.  Maberry gets things moving and jumps right into the battle.  The conspiracy running through the events of the story is exciting and is on the level of the X-Files in terms of size and scope.  Even if Swann can figure out who's behind everything, will it be enough to stop the war?

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V-Wars #2

May 25, 2014

V-Wars has grabbed hold of me and has not let go since the first shot was fired.  There's a deeper story here and Maberry appears to just be scraping the service.  I can't wait to see what else is coming down the line, as these first couple issues have provided a full background to both sides of the war.

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Vain (2020) #1

Oct 27, 2020

Just when I thought I had The Vain down and knew where it was going, it takes an abrupt turn, re-framing everything. Again, the book would have been great on its initial premise. I would have been totally satisfied with that, but then we get something so much more and I'm even more excited for it. In a world where we've seen just about everything vampires can do, The Vain gives us something new and refreshing. It's got scares, action, drama, romance, and heart.

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Vain (2020) #2

Nov 29, 2020

The Vain still has a lot of steam, although it feels like we've jumped ahead a bit without an explanation. This comic has so many things going for it between the great characters, awesome premise, and gorgeous artwork. While we bounced around a bit with this chapter, I think this will really take off with the next.

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Vain (2020) #3

Dec 31, 2020

The Vain has floundered a bit in its bounces through time. There is a compelling story here with the vampires, but it's bogged down by the dry FBI agent who often feels like an afterthought, shoehorned into the story. I'm hoping he starts paying his dues soon.

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Vain (2020) #4

Jan 20, 2021

There is some really cool stuff at play in The Vain as the paths of Felix and the vampires continue to circle each other in this strange spiral. After losing everything, will the FBI agent take his revenge? I just hope we get a bit more on the character development side as the plot has been taking up the bulk of the space so far. Also, how far ahead will we jump with the next issue? Will we get into the styles of the '80s?

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Vain (2020) #5

Feb 21, 2021

The Vain condenses decades of these characters lives into just five chapters. A lot is glossed over, but the gist of it comes through. The tragic lives of the vampires are what drives this series and particularly this finale. Sure, they're basically immortal, but what has that cost them? It's an interesting character study for the tragic lives of these creatures. Despite their hunger for blood, they still love like anyone else, although their love often ends in bloodshed.

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Vampblade #1

Feb 11, 2016

Vampblade is just getting started. There's more than enough here to pique my interest and continue to check it out to see where it goes next. At the very least, I definitely want to check out the character's other appearance in the recent Zombie Tramp vs Vampblade trade paperback. This comic takes place before that story.

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Vampblade: Season 2 #6

Aug 31, 2017

Vampblade is a guilty pleasure of a comic with over-the-top action and provocatively posed women. Although this issue is really just the pre-cursor to the big crossover event, there's some fun to be had with these two characters colliding once again. They may be in the same line of work, but they are not friends. They're like a sexy supernatural Odd Couple.

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Vampblade: Season 2 #9

Dec 4, 2017

Vampblade has the perfect mix of horror, action, and comedy with some added sex appeal for good measure. It's a book that doesn't take itself too seriously, but maintains a steady pace that always moves the story forward.

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Vampblade: Season 2 #11

Feb 12, 2018

The scope of Vampblade is greatly expanded with this issue. It takes the character to a whole new level and opens the door for a ton of exciting story possibilities. It's full of badass beautiful women slicing and dicing their way through an alien invasion.

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Vampblade: Season 3 #1

Apr 13, 2018

Vampblade is a fun, campy comic. Writer Jason Martin packs the book with gags and in-jokes for long time fans of the medium. This season looks to expand the scale of the series and explore additional wielders of the Vampblade. That sounds pretty awesome and I'm very curious as to where this will go next.

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Vampblade: Season 3 #3

Jul 16, 2018

As it stands, we're taking a stroll down memory lane as our Katie is encountering the same villains she did when she was first starting out, albeit slightly altered versions. She's coming at them with a new set of eyes, but it does feel like we're rehashing some old storylines when there are so many possibilities for new, cooler stuff out there.

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Vampblade: Season 3 #8

Feb 13, 2019

Vampblade takes another turn by the end of this issue so I'm curious as to where it might go next. Writer Jason Martin crafts a fun story with an equally fun main character. I just feel like she's been bouncing around like a pinball lately. I'm eager to dig into the mythos of the Vampblades and what that might mean for demons, space vampires, and other monsters of this world.

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Vampire Hunter D: Message From Mars #1

Dec 7, 2016

Vampire Hunter D: Message from Mars is off to a tremendous start.  Any fan of the anime film will love this book.  While it gets extra points for nostalgia, it stands on its own with a solid story and gorgeous artwork.  This is based on a previously untranslated and unpublished short story from creator Hideyuki Kikuchi, and I hope to see may more adaptations of D's adventures make their way to the comic book medium.

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Vampire: The Masquerade #1

Aug 10, 2020

With how much I enjoyed Vampire: The Masquerade - Winter's Teeth, I am curious about the game it's tied to. If you're already a player, you'll probably love this even more. This is a vast world full of possibility and we're just scratching the surface in this debut issue. This is a fresh take on vampires, mixing it with crime, thrillers, and a pinch of romance all with a vein of horror running through it.

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Vampire: The Masquerade #2

Sep 29, 2020

Vampire: The Masquerade " Winter's Teeth is a fascinating journey into several aspects of the vampire world. It's no wonder this is an RPG as it's clear you can exist as a number of different types of bloodsucker. This comic brings that out well, revealing the deep mythos at work while also focusing on some key stories. It blends real world horror with the supernatural in a seamless fashion.

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Vampire: The Masquerade #5

Dec 10, 2020

There's a major twist at the end of this chapter that I did not see coming. It hits with a bang and I am super excited to see how this will play out next. Vampire: The Masquerade " Winter's Teeth has introduced a fascinating world where vampires are like the mob, controlling every aspect of the Twin Cities from the shadows. There is a certain amount of politics at play here as different factions vie for power. This is the horror thriller we all need.

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Vampirella (2014) #1

Jun 5, 2014

While the crux of the issue has already been spoiled by the advance solicitation promoting the book, Vampirella is off to a big new start with this relaunch.  She's out on her own, working against a group of evil cultists and possibly the church itself to get out with her life.  Vampirella belongs at the forefront of horror comics, and Nancy A. Collins could be the one to take her there.

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Vampirella (2014) #100

Jan 18, 2015

Although this comic is celebrating 100 issues of Vampirella, it's pretty new-reader friendly. Anyone can jump in and get a good introduction to the character and what she's about. She's a smart, sassy vampire hunting vampire that may be from another planet. What more do you really need?

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Vampirella (2016) #1

Mar 5, 2016

This relaunch of Vampirella is off to a great start.  It requires no prior knowledge of the character to jump right in and enjoy.  Writer Kate Leth introduces an intriguing monster mystery while simultaneously bringing Vampirella into the 21st century.  This is a reboot I can get behind.

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Vampirella (2016) #5

Jul 11, 2016

This first arc works to set the new status quo for Vampirella.  Writer Kate Leth takes the character on a journey that modernizes her and sets her up in a new locale that's rife with possibilities.  By the end of this issue, the last thing anyone should care about is her new costume (which I still say looks great and makes perfect sense).  Instead, they should be focused on where Vampirella is going next.  I'm more excited to be reading this book than I have ever been and not just because I can now read it in public without feeling a little bit embarrassed.  Move over, Buffy.  There's a new monster hunter in town.

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Vampirella (2017) #0

Feb 6, 2017

This is a great introduction to the new status quo for Vampirella.  It requires no previous knowledge, allowing you to jump right in and enjoy a cool story with some terrific artwork.  This is pleasing to new and old fans alike.  Plus, this costs $0.25!  It's an absolute steal at this price.  Alternatively, it's free on Kindle and ComiXology.  Even if you've never heard of Vampirella, it's worth trying out.  Worst case scenario, you're out a quarter instead of the usual four bucks, but I assure you, you won't be disappointed.

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Vampirella (2017) #1

Mar 15, 2017

Vampirella jumps a thousand years into the future and loses everything that made it an edgy, interesting read. The title character is now little more than a vampire version of Cher from Clueless, focused more on the latest fashions than investigating this new world. This city of phalluses is presented as shock value that falls flat, as they look more silly than anything. I'm bummed about all of this because the debut issue #0 showed a lot of promise, but it seems to have stumbled right out of the gate.

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Vampirella (2017) #2

Apr 14, 2017

Vampirella may have jumped to a bold new world, but the character has lost her edge. She's not the fierce and sexy heroine she once was. Instead, she's a gal about town that occasionally gets into a fight or two. It's a Sex and the City version of Vampirella.

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Vampirella (2019) #1

Aug 2, 2019

Vampirella #1 reads like a great mystery as we slowly put the pieces together that would cause such a tragedy. It ends with quite a cliffhanger that will leave you with some questions and begging for more story. I feel like there's a lot more to each image than is immediately apparent, like the details on every page are going to play a role later on, lending itself to future readings.

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Vampirella / Army of Darkness #1

Jul 24, 2015

If Vampirella / Army of Darkness follows traditional comic book crossovers, the next chapter will be a fight between the two main characters before they realize they're on the same side and join forces to battle a common enemy.  That's what looks to be the case so far, although there's not much revealed just yet.  If you're a hardcore fan of either franchise, then you'll probably find something to enjoy here, but casual fans or curious newcomers can find more entertaining fare elsewhere.

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Vampirella vs. Reanimator #4

Apr 26, 2019

These two horror icons clash in a big way in Vampirella vs. Re-Animator. They make for an unlikely pair, but for a pretty interesting dynamic. Writer Cullen Bunn brought out the best of both characters and delivered a frighteningly fun story. The door is left open for more and I would certainly be happy to see these two characters bump into each other again.

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Vampirella: Roses for the Dead #1

Jul 5, 2018

Vampirella: Roses for the Dead is off to a rocky start. It feels like an awkward way to force this other character (Evily) into Vampirella's world. That makes for a weird crossover and that's saying something considering she just finished meeting Cassie Hack and KISS. Despite the clunky narrative, the two heroines are fighting for a noble cause. There's just enough here to pull me back to see what comes next.

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Vampironica #1

Mar 19, 2018

Writers Greg and Meg Smallwood have quickly established Vampironica as a unique, terrifying vampire tale. Archie Comics has another horror hit on their hands here. It is tonally and visually different than the other titles under the Archie Horror umbrella, yet with the same level of quality.

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Vampironica #2

Jun 4, 2018

Vampironica builds on the success of other Archie Horror titles like Sabrina and Afterlife with Archie. It takes characters we've known and loved for decades and puts them in dire circumstances that can chill you to the bone. I honestly wish more publishers took chances like this, as it's resulting in some top tier horror comics. You may know Veronica from Riverdale on The CW, but you've never seen her like this.

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Vampironica: New Blood #4

Apr 25, 2020

Vampironica: New Blood introduces some great concepts to this corner of the Archie Horror universe, but falls short on a cohesive story. Once the groundwork is finally finished, the series ends, leaving you hanging, but hopefully that comes with new stories down the line as there's quite a bit more to dig into with these characters.

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Veil #1

Mar 5, 2014

Veil is off to an excellent and intriguing start.  Rucka knows how to write a great first issue (and several others that follow...the guy's a great writer), so it's no surprise that this is such a compelling read.  The girl is shrouded in mystery and there are more questions than answers, but I'm excited to find out where she goes next and if the body toll gets any bigger as a result.

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Venom (2018) #1

May 16, 2018

Cates takes the character down an interesting path, asking questions that I never thought of but bring up some really awesome points

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Venom (2018) #2

Jun 26, 2018

Writer Donny Cates is building up the mythos behind Venom in big ways. This is some awesome stuff and it's already paying off with some excellent storytelling. This has elevated the character above its extreme '90s anti-hero origins into something much more.

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Venom (2018) #3

Jul 7, 2018

Venom has been moving at a breakneck pace since the series relaunched. It has already reached event levels in terms of the size and scope of the story, taking the character to new heights. This dramatically expands the symbiote mythos in new and interesting ways. If you're even remotely interested in Venom (and what '90s kid isn't?), do yourself a favor and check this one out.

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Venom (2018) #8

Nov 30, 2018

Writer Donny Cates is making the Venom comic every fan of the character has ever wanted. It builds on everything that's come before and adds so much to the mythos, raising Venom from a cool anti-hero to a fleshed out pillar of the Marvel Universe that has some pretty deep roots. The mythos is ever-expanding and it's as dark as it is awesome. Eddie Brock is getting some justice and it's pretty great.

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Venom (2018) #10

Jan 24, 2019

This series has given me a newfound appreciation for Venom. He was already a fan-favorite character, but this book has taken him to new heights, elevating him past a cool gimmick and awesome costume. There's a lot more going on with Eddie Brock and his story is only getting more and more interesting with each new chapter.

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Venom (2018) #11

Mar 5, 2019

This presents a pretty crazy idea that becomes all the more harrowing with the understanding that the threat of Carnage looms in the distance. Eddie is going to have to find a way to work with his symbiote if he hopes to survive that, but how could he forgive it for what it's done? Cates continues to revitalize Venom, redefining the character from the ground up. It is a bold new take and I could not be more excited for it.

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Venom (2018) #13

May 4, 2019

While this is a departure from the incredible run this series has had so far, it's far from an unwelcome one. Venom isn't dead center in War of the Realms, but he wouldn't fit in there anyway. This shows just how far and wide this is reaching that even someone like this can get caught up in it. This is a horror take on this big event, showing us some truly terrifying monsters while keeping the scariest one of them all right in the middle with a long tongue lashing out in a sinister grin.

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Venom (2018) #15

Jun 20, 2019

In the end, Eddie Brock walks away from this battle, not because of Asgardian magic, but because of his own wits and strength. Considering what's waiting for him around the corner, he's going to need that. Venom #15 wraps up this little quest through War of the Realms, which has taken over every other book from Marvel for the past month or so. Writer Cullen Bunn turned in a solid overall story, but it takes away from the great momentum the series has built up until this point. This makes me question the need for tie-ins like this.

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Venom (2018) #16

Jul 25, 2019

Dylan puts things in perspective for Eddie as he tries to stay on the side of the angels. With Carnage pulling strings in the background, preparing for an all-out assault, Eddie Brock may be the only thing standing in the way of genocide in the Marvel Universe and that's a disturbing thought. With all the violence it had, Venom #16 is the calm before the storm. This might be the closest thing Eddie has to a normal day before his life is turned upside down by Carnage.

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Venom (2018) #18

Oct 4, 2019

Venom is at the center of Absolute Carnage and there are some major players here that will surely have a part to play in the main story. I love how all the elements of the series to date have come together here in a really satisfying way. Everything is paying off and it's awesome. The scares have so much more impact because we're so invested with these characters. This is what top-notch storytelling looks like in a big shared super hero universe...that happens to be full of alien monsters at the moment.

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Venom (2018) #21

Jan 5, 2020

We're not quite done with Carnage even after we saw him killed at the end of the Absolute Carnage event. I'm happy with this, as he's a great and terrifying character. This presents a new angle with him, playing with all the symbiotes Eddie absorbed at the end of that arc. We're going from a big, epic story to a more personal and emotional one and it's somehow just as frightening. Venom continues to be the horror hub of the Marvel Universe.

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Venom (2018) #25

Jun 3, 2020

Venom continues to build. I was already loving this series, but the glimpses we see of what's to coming, shown in a few brilliant double-page spreads from Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer, and Frank Martin make me even more excited. We get an idea of what we can expect and it's going to be huge. I cannot wait. Venom seamlessly blends the big bold energy of the Marvel Universe with the best aspects of the horror genre.

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Venom (2018) #26

Jul 26, 2020

"Venom Beyond" is shaping up to be a pretty big deal. That's saying something considering how many big deals this series has already delivered. This book continues to go in new and interesting directions that are still just as creepy as ever. The stakes are raised now with Dylan's involvement. For perhaps the first time ever, Eddie Brock has something to fight for, and more importantly, something to live for. This changes the game entirely, making things considerably scarier.

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Venom (2018) #30

Nov 29, 2020

With King in Black coming so soon, I was put off by "Venom Beyond" at first. It is a distraction when we know that Eddie should be preparing for this epic encounter. All in all, it is worth the ride for the great character moments and a glimpse into the possibilities that could await Dylan. Now the path is clear for Knull and his forces and I cannot wait to see where we go next and who is left standing.

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Venom (2018) #31

Dec 20, 2020

Venom #31 tears Eddie Brock apart. He's taken to his core essence and we'll see him built back up again over the course of this arc and King in Black. Is he the hero we expected? Far from it, but he's what we have and he'll have to do. That's a chilling yet somber thought in the midst of this horrifying comic.

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Venom (2018) #32

Jan 16, 2021

Venom is serving as a perfect complement to King in Black, which makes total sense, as they're written by the same guy and linked up story-wise. This is the quieter part of the big action seen on the planet's surface. It uses that event as a way to further Eddie Brock's story and the overall mythos around him in some pretty awesome ways. Plus, it has a fantastic cliffhanger that fans will absolutely eat up.

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Victor LaValle's Destroyer #1

May 28, 2017

Destroyer presents a harsh future for Frankenstein's monster that is quite creepy. The real stars of the comic are Baker and her son. She steals the show away from the monster that sets a high bar with the first half of the book. Baker presents a compelling story that is equal parts heartbreaking and bone-chilling. Just think about it for a minute. What if Dr. Frankenstein was a mom? How would the story change?

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Villainous #1

Oct 22, 2020

A new twist in the wide world of super heroes is a welcome sight, although this one takes a darker turn"

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Vinegar Teeth #1

Jan 28, 2018

Vinegar Teeth is described as Lovecraft meets Lethal Weapon and it definitely delivers on that premise. It's a quirky book, filled with equal parts horror and humor. You just have to go with it and enjoy the ride. This was already a strange world and it just got even stranger with the appearance of this creepy monster that's now serving as a police officer.

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Wayward #1

Sep 4, 2014

This is a damn near perfect first issue.  You've got the basics of Rori's new status quo with just enough sprinkled in to give you an idea of what to expect while not boring you with exposition about where she comes from or where she got her abilities.  Instead, writer Jim Zub gets right into the story and pulls you into this world head first to the point where you never want to leave.

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Wayward #5

Dec 27, 2014

Wayward is a healthy mix of action, emotion, and damn good storytelling. The comic continues to explore a supernatural area of Japan that is increasingly terrifying. What really shines through is the strength of the character development and how easy it is to connect to them. Each one represents a different aspect of a typical high school student, and we've all been there.

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Wayward #6

Apr 5, 2015

Wayward continues to present a very real interpretation of high school life, albeit one where giant dog monsters attack the students.  Jim Zub puts forward characters that are instantly relatable and manages to introduce a brand new one, who, by the end of the issue, is like one of the gang.  It's not cheap, like that time The Brady Bunch introduced cousin Oliver.  Instead, it's very organic and comes through naturally.  Now to watch as horrible things potentially happen to this poor girl.

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Wayward #10

Jul 31, 2015

Wayward's shift puts it on par with Neil Gaiman's American Gods in terms of size and scale.  Jim Zub and Steve Cummings are gearing up for an epic battle of the gods with Rori and her friends right in the middle of it.  This issue ends with a rather awesome shot that fills you with anticipation of what's to come.  Unfortunately, we'll have to wait a few months before we get to see the next chapter.  At the very least, we get an idea of where the book's title comes from.

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Wayward #12

Dec 22, 2015

If you're not completely plugged into Wayward by now, I don't know what's wrong with you.  Although the characters are still finding themselves, they're all so relatable and, more importantly, real.  They come across so naturally that when they suddenly find themselves in this situation where they are fighting for not only their lives but perhaps the future of Japan, you can't help but be glued to the page.  Each issue adds to the ever growing mythos and pulls me in deeper, leaving me greatly anticipating the next chapter.  It might have started as "Buffy in Japan", but it's so much more than that now.

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Wayward #19

Dec 31, 2016

Writer Jim Zub is moving the characters around as if they were on a chessboard.  All of the pieces were just knocked astray and now they're slowly moving into their new positions, gathering themselves together for the next attack.  Based on what we've seen, the old gods are not going down without a fight, but given that the new group is so fractured, it will take a lot to take down such forces.  Can Rori and the others ever find the synergy they need to regroup once more?

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Wayward #21

Jun 29, 2017

I'm so glad that Wayward is back.  This new arc picks up right where the last one left off and it hasn't missed a beat.  This is a gripping character-driven series containing action, horror, and good old-fashioned teen drama.

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Wayward #22

Aug 1, 2017

Unsurprisingly, I'm curious as to where Rori's path will take her next and if she'll decide to stay on it.  Wayward has a strong female character at its heart and she's clearly not going to get pushed around.  If she's still learning her powers, I can't wait to see what happens when she reaches her full potential.

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Wayward #26

Jun 27, 2018

Wayward is marching towards something big. There's going to be a major confrontation between the new and old gods of Japan. It's clear that Rori is done being pushed around as she plans to take the fight right to the Yokai. That means she may have to go through the Japanese military though. If this is how the final arc begins, I can't imagine how it's going to end.

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Wayward #28

Sep 5, 2018

Wayward is not slowing down at all. It's steaming forward towards an incredible climax with monsters all around. If this issue is any indication, we're in for some epic supernatural battles to close out the series. This is bittersweet, as I don't want to see it end, but so far it's been a monumental journey. Wayward was pitched as "Buffy set in Japan" and it's grown so far beyond that. This is an immersive experience steeped in terrifying folklore.

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Wayward #30

Nov 8, 2018

The final pages reveal possible futures for some of the characters and there's a lot of hope there. While I'm sad to see Wayward end, this finale is pitch perfect. This is truly an epic comic in more ways than one.

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We Can Never Go Home #2

May 18, 2015

We Can Never Go Home is like a teenage version of Bonnie and Clyde.  Duncan has jumped into this new life of crime with full force, reveling in this chaos his life has become.  He was born for something like this and nothing can stand in his way.  It's almost like he's been planning this and everything is falling into place for him.

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We Found A Monster (2021) #1

Jan 21, 2021

There are times where you must wonder if this is all in Casey's head. That certainly adds to the enjoyment of the story. There's a darker version where he's crazy. In any case, We Found a Monster is a solid way to introduce your kids to the world of monsters. There's not enough all-ages horror out there, so this is a welcome addition.

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We Stand On Guard #1

Jul 9, 2015

We Stand on Guard presents an intriguing premise that is filled with possibilities.  Americans are always concerned about attacks coming from overseas that something coming from "the apartment above the party" would be completely unexpected and incredibly deadly.  The inclusion of big robot drones greatly amplifies matters, making the struggle of the resistance much harder.  Vaughan has a talent for final pages that leave you begging for more.  This issue is certainly no exception.  It's a smart book filled with beautiful artwork that you should be reading.

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Web Of Venom: Cult of Carnage #1

Apr 18, 2019

Web of Venom: Cult of Carnage is another step towards Marvel's summer event, Absolute Carnage. I was already excited for it and this book only added to it. This is horror in the truest sense of the word, brought into the Marvel Universe in a big way. Carnage is unlike any villain out there. He's not trying to rob a bank. He wants to see the world burn.

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Web Of Venom: Ve'Nam #1

Sep 6, 2018

Web of Venom: Ve'Nam fills in the gaps in the symbiote's timeline on Earth in a pretty fun way. It's a nice complement to the current Venom series that's greatly expanding on the character's mythos. Just think of what other events throughout history the symbiotes could have been involved in, both from the real world and the Marvel Universe. The possibilities are as endless as they are bloody.

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Web Of Venom: Empyre's End #1

Nov 15, 2020

I was already excited for Knull's arrival in King in Black, but one-shots like this and Wraith further heighten that anticipation. If this is what Knull can do to the space-faring characters, what will he do to Earth's Mightiest Heroes? I cannot wait to find out.

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Web Of Venom: Venom Unleashed #1

Jan 21, 2019

Carnage is a constant threat throughout this entire issue. We know that he's behind all this, but Eddie and the symbiote don't yet. They're uncovering this and get pulled deeper and deeper into the terror with each turn of the page. I was already excited for this eventual match up, but Web of Venom: Venom Unleashed just amplified that a thousand-fold. I cannot wait to see where this goes next.

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Web Of Venom: Wraith #1

Sep 20, 2020

Web of Venom: Wraith drops some hints as to what we can expect for King in Black, the comic that will usher in the arrival of Knull on Earth. This is the appetizer to the main course and there is so much more to dig into.

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Web Of Venom: Funeral Pyre #1

Aug 8, 2019

Absolute Carnage is coming and I cannot wait. If Web of Venom: Funeral Pyre is even a sampling of what's in store for us, this event is going to be incredible. I will be honest in saying I haven't thought too much about Andi (or her life as Mania) in some time, yet I am enthralled by her story and her fight for her life. That's a testament to the creative team and the story they put together. This book scared the crap out of me.

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Weird Detective #1

Jun 17, 2016

Weird Detective mixes noir level detective drama and terrifying horror with a bit of humor thrown in to sweeten the pot.  This issue gives you everything you need to know to immerse yourself in the series and at a bargain price for all the content you get in this oversized edition.  Greene is a strange character that definitely lives up to the name of the book.  He's one that I'm interested in following and finding out more about in future chapters.

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Weird Detective #2

Jul 20, 2016

Weird Detective is shaping up to be a solid police procedural show surrounded by horrifying monsters.  This isn't a supernatural detective-type book.  It's more of a crime comic that happens to deal with lizard monsters and other assorted things that go bump in the night.  I am curious as to how the second half of this type of Law & Order would work out.

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Welcome Back #1

Aug 23, 2015

Welcome Back is off to a great start with an impressive first issue.  You're fully immersed in this world from the get-go.  Writer Christopher Sebela outlines what could be a complicated concept in a very quick and easy to understand way that is not bogged down by boring exposition.  Instead of telling, he shows thanks to Sawyer's artwork, and it really pays off.  This issue leaves us with a great cliffhanger that only serves to reinforce the stellar ideas put forth in this story.

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Wellington #1

Dec 31, 2019

Wellington makes an interesting albeit dry debut. For fans of the Lore podcast, you'll notice a similar flair and style. The translation to this medium doesn't entirely gel since you can get through the entire story in a podcast in 20 minutes where here we're getting it over the course of a few months, which is not helping the pacing.

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Werewolf By Night (2020) #1

Oct 28, 2020

Werewolf by Night #1 had a lot of ground to cover and it looks like there's still more to go until this comic finds its bearings. There are some interesting concepts introduced, but we're not quite invested with these characters just yet. I'm still along for the ride though. The Marvel Universe is capable of producing great horror, so I want very much to see a book like this succeed.

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Werewolf By Night (2020) #3

Jan 3, 2021

Werewolf by Night was a highly anticipated relaunch with a ton of potential. With one chapter left, I have to wonder how the creative team is going to tie any of this together or at least leave the characters on a more solid footing with more stories to tell. Instead, it's more of a ho-hum, forgettable tale.

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Wicked Things #5

Sep 24, 2020

We're starting to get back to the heart of Wicked Things and proving Lottie's innocence, although I wonder if it's too late to do so. That doesn't take away from this incredibly fun comic packed with dynamic artwork. This book is so much fun.

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Wicked Things #6

Nov 9, 2020

Sure, the casino robbers are stopped, but does that matter when you're still wanted for attempted murder?

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Winnebago Graveyard #1

Jun 14, 2017

Winnebago Graveyard feels like a modernized version of Stephen King's Desperation. There is something dark and wicked in this area and unsuspecting people walk unknowingly into it thinking it's an average American town. They only figure out there's something wrong when it's far too late. Maybe next time they'll just take a plane. Although, with the way some airlines are treating customers lately, it's probably just as scary to fly.

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Witch Doctor: Mal Practice #4

Feb 28, 2013

Witch Doctor: Mal Practice continues to be a stellar read.  The dialogue is fast moving and smart.  The visuals are crisp and clean.  The characters are always interesting and never dull.  My only problem is that this is only a six-issue mini-series and not an ongoing title.

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Witchblade (2017) #2

Jan 17, 2018

Witchblade is back and I could not be happier. This is a bold new direction for the franchise and I'm super excited about it. It really is a more modern day take on the concept. The comic takes the core elements that make the original series great and puts a new spin on them. This pays homage to what came before while making something entirely new.

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Witches of Brooklyn #1

Jan 4, 2021

If you thought your family was strange, it's nothing compared to Effie's new living situation. On the plus side, she's a witch! This warm and welcoming original graphic novel is perfectly suited for kids and adults alike.

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Witchfinder: City of the Dead #1

Sep 1, 2016

Witchfinder: City of the Dead opens strong, pulling you into Sir Edward Grey's tangled world of the occult.  You don't need prior knowledge of the character or his previous endeavors.  At this point in his career, Grey is shaping up to be a hardened, skilled warrior of the supernatural, right up there with others from creator Mike Mignola, like Hellboy and Baltimore.

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Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #2

Jul 19, 2014

Sir Edward Grey is his own Sherlock Holmes and Watson, using his powers of deduction to track down the squirming evil at work in Hallam.  Although he's facing this darkness alone, he does so with bravery and determination.  It's no wonder that he exists in the same world as Hellboy, as he could easily stand next to Red in the battle against things that go bump in the night.

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Witchfinder: City of the Dead #2

Oct 10, 2016

Even in the face of so much adversity, Sir Edward Grey continues on. He's determined to root out the occult evils that are troubling his native land. Witchfinder: City of the Dead is a no-brainer for any fans of the Mignolaverse. It holds that same feeling of darkness and dread that permeates through the likes of Hellboy, B.P.R.D., and Abe Sapien. There are all kinds of things lurking in the shadows and Grey is there to drag them into the light.

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Wolvenheart #1

Nov 17, 2019

If Buffy and James Bond had a child, it would be Sterling Cross. Wolvenheart is off to a tremendous start, seamlessly introducing us to this wide world and all the creepy dangers it poses. There's a solid mystery at work that is sure to shake Sterling to its core. We're in for a wild ride with this book.

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Wolverine Vs. Blade Special #1

Jul 26, 2019

Wolverine vs. Blade is a fun one-shot showing an odd team-up in an even odder situation. Since these two lurk in the more dangerous areas of the Marvel Universe, it makes for an interesting combination. With Blade moonlighting on the Avengers right now, I hope we get more from the character and the other supernatural elements he comes up against.

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Wonder Woman: Dead Earth #4

Aug 31, 2020

Wonder Woman: Dead Earth is an incredible ride through a dystopian DC Universe. It's an action-horror comic like no other, as Daniel Warren Johnson is an absolute master. The levels of terror are matched with heart to create a riveting and powerful book that will scare you one moment and bring a tear to your eye the next.

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Wrapped Up #9

Jul 31, 2018

Wrapped Up is hands down one of the most fun comics on the stands today. The inclusion of monsters is an added benefit. The jokes work for kids and adults, so it's definitely something you can read with your children and not be bored out of your mind with. It's hilarious and gorgeous. Just read it and enjoy.

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Wrapped Up #10

Aug 27, 2018

Wrapped Up is the pure essence of fun. It's the perfect way to share mummies and assorted monsters with your children. The comic doesn't dumb down the material or handle it with kid gloves. Instead, it dives right into the laughs and crazy stuff that can happen when your best friend is a disheveled wizard. This is a book that adults should read too, as it speaks to the inner child in all of us. If you ever got up early on a Saturday morning to watch cartoons, you need Wrapped Up in your life.

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Wrath of the Eternal Warrior #13

Nov 15, 2016

Gilad Anni-Padda is driven by sheer determination.  He's faced down foes great and small across countless lifetimes.  Now it's personal as a demon has taken his son away from him and he will stop at nothing to get him back.  My only disappointment with this book is that this is the penultimate issue.  I presume this means that Gilad will be returning to earth to continue his service as the Eternal Warrior, but I'm going to miss this amazing tale.  It shows the lengths a man will go through for family and honor.  This character is a true hero that can stand toe-to-toe with the legends of the industry.  He can have complete happiness for all eternity if he just stays down, but he can't bring himself to do that and let others suffer.

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Wulfborne #1

Mar 10, 2019

If this is where Wulfborne starts, I can't imagine what kind of monsters we'll encounter with the rest of this series. It's a dark, brooding journey filled with danger at every turn.

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Wytches #1

Oct 8, 2014

Wytches has a never-ending sense of tension. It grabs you from page one and never lets go. I'm hooked. I also can't read this in the dark. It delivers true scares in a way that will stick with you long after you've finished the comic.

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Wytches #6

May 23, 2015

Wytches delivers very real terror.  This is not a book with cheap jump scares or cannon fodder kills.  It's scary in the truest sense of the word, shaking you right to your very core.  It works on multiple levels, touching on the horrors of parenthood, family, and good old fashioned monsters.  Plus, this is just the end of the first story arc.  There's another one on the way.  Pledged is pledged.

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Wytches: Bad Egg Halloween Special #1

Nov 16, 2018

Wytches: Bad Egg is an incredible comic. It's a reminder of how great Wytches is and how much I missed it. There's another arc in the works and it can't come soon enough. This is Stephen King-quality horror that will stay with you long after you've finished it. Read this one with the lights on.

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Year Zero #1

May 30, 2020

Year Zero debuts with a bang, completely changing the lives of five people as the world falls into chaos around them. We have a lot of questions, like what caused the zombie apocalypse and what makes these folks special, but there's more than enough to grab onto. You might think you've seen it all when it comes to zombies, but you'd be wrong. Year Zero is proof of that.

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Young Hellboy: The Hidden Land #1

Feb 27, 2021

Young Hellboy: The Hidden Land #1 perfectly captures the feeling of fun and adventure tinged with horror as seen in movies like The Goonies and The Monster Squad. The dangers are real yet still manageable and there's a good amount of mystery to keep us entertained. Let's see where this goes next.

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Young Hellboy: The Hidden Land #3

Apr 30, 2021

Writers Mike Mignola and Thomas Sniegoski mix that sense of wonder that can only happen when you're a kid with monsters and other terrors. The scares are real, although they lean more on the fun and adventurous than the chilling. It's a fun balance.

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Zachariah Thorn #2

Feb 22, 2019

There are some cool elements at work in Zachariah Thorn, however they don't quite come together just yet. Writer Scott Reichert has outlined an intriguing world full of possibility, but it's full of extra drama and tangents that don't line up with the story just yet. This might all come together in time, so I'm not throwing in the towel any time soon.

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Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead #1

Feb 20, 2021

It's a fun, humorous take on the zombie genre. It takes tropes familiar to cheesy comedy movies and puts them on the backdrop of a horror film.

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #38

Aug 29, 2017

Xula is attempting to put her final plan into motion, but Janey has learned a lot since being resurrected so this will be no easy task. This is a battle between two major opposing forces. You've seen Spider-Man vs the Green Goblin and Batman vs the Joker. Now, witness the Zombie Tramp vs Xula. The stakes are high. The fight is personal. It is only going to get bloodier as it goes on.

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #39

Sep 27, 2017

Zombie Tramp maintains its status as a campy, sexy horror tale that would be at home on Cinemax in the late hours of the evening. It's not a book that takes itself too seriously, although there is an overarching narrative that pushes the story forward. Janey Belle has been through a lot. She's now in a position of power and she's not going to let anyone take that away from her. I just wish we got a little more from the story this time around, as it's basically one long fight sequence.

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #42

Dec 30, 2017

This issue shows that Janey Belle can endure physical and emotional hardships and still come out unscathed. You almost feel sorry for the monsters that are sure to be in her future.

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #46

Apr 30, 2018

Janey Belle has turned into a monster and it may take the combined forces of the other anti-heroes of the Zombie Tramp universe to stop her. That is going to be one crazy matchup. Until then, the wagons are circling and we're in for a great show. If this is what we're getting when the Kaiju Queen is just knocking on the door, imagine what will happen when she busts it down.

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #47

May 31, 2018

This arc has been teased for a bit as a lead up to the Death of Zombie Tramp. While I don't want to see this series end, I'm very curious as to how it will all go down. It's very clear that writer Dan Mendoza is pulling out all the stops to lead up to a monumental issue #50. You get the sense that all the characters are being moved into position, like an epic chess game of violence. This is that first big climb on a roller coaster and we're inching ever closer to the big drop of terror.

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #48

Jul 7, 2018

Zombie Tramp is quickly approaching its landmark 50th issue, which has been teased as The Death of Zombie Tramp. Seeing how Janey Belle is acting in this chapter, it's tough to see any way that she can be redeemed at this point. She's so far gone from the woman we saw at the beginning of the series. Can she possibly come back from this darkness? Can she do it before the world is invaded by a horde of monsters? This is a sexy supernatural epic with the world on the line.

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #50

Jul 28, 2018

Although this is the Death of Zombie Tramp, it is not the end. There will be an issue #51 coming out in August. Writer Dan Mendoza led us to an intriguing cliffhanger with this chapter and I'm eager to see how it will play out. Janey Belle's journey has been nothing short of riveting as she's spiraled down this black hole of evil. There's no telling if she'll make it back. If she does, will we even recognize her?

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #51

Sep 2, 2018

It's clear that Janey Belle's death is not the end of this story. Things are heating up even more as these characters essentially prepare for the end of the world. This issue goes by quick, as it mostly consists of a fast-paced battle between supernatural warriors. It's like an occult blockbuster movie. Get out the popcorn because Zombie Tramp is showing no signs of stopping.

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #56

Feb 18, 2019

I thought I knew where "The Death of Zombie Tramp" was going, but I was completely wrong. I'm glad I was because this is a terrific way to close the chapter on one character and open the door for a new one. Janey has been incredibly fun to read over the years and now we get to see what someone else will do with the role. This is a fantastic way to end a story.

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Zombie Tramp (2014) #58

Apr 27, 2019

Zombie Tramp is not resting on its laurels after sending Janey Belle off in the sunset. Angel Lynch has made a big splash, only in blood and guts, not water. She is a force to be reckoned with, although we're still learning more about her. I have to wonder if there was a way to introduce her earlier in the series to get us better acquainted with her before making the abrupt shift between main characters. In any case, we're getting more of what this book is known for, so if you were a fan before, it's still worth digging into.

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Zombie Tramp Easter Special #2017

Apr 6, 2017

You might see the holiday a little differently after reading the Zombie Tramp Easter Special. This is a fun comic that seamlessly merges horror and comedy in such an effective way. It's perfect for anyone with a twisted sense of humor.

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Zombies vs. Robots #1

Jan 28, 2015

Zombies vs Robots delivers on its title in spades. Usually you need a major human character to make a horror story like this work, but this just transcends that need and delivers a fun comic. Opening it up for other creators to add to the overall mythos is a nice touch and I'm interested to see who else will be joining the book down the line.

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