And Then Emily Was Gone #0
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And Then Emily Was Gone #0

Writer: John Lees Artist: Iain Laurie Publisher: Comix Tribe Release Date: April 15, 2015 Critic Reviews: 4
9.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  A chilling prelude to the cult horror sensation, And Then Emily Was Gone!  Bonnie Shaw is a terrifying creature of Scottish folklore who would grant parents their hearts' desire... in exchange for their child.  Young Billy McTaggart has nothing to fear from Ol' Bonnie, as his mother and father love him, don't they?  DON'T THEY?! Featuring a cover by superstar artist Ryan Stegman (Inhumans, Wolverine.)
Rating: Mature Readers

  • 10
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson May 8, 2015

    Free Comic Book Day can be hit or miss with some titles.  Many end up as reprints of old stories or all-too-brief introductions to a story that is way far away.  ComixTribe released a great middle ground with this book, supplying a nice addendum to an already amazing mini-series and offering a fantastic introduction to an upcoming one.  There's also a teaser for a third title.  If this doesn't make you want to go through the publisher's back issues, nothing will. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Pop Culture Uncovered - John A. Apr 27, 2015

    So what have we learned? FCBD is this week, Saturday, the 2nd of May. ComixTribe have gone out of their way to give readers some great story content for free. This plus offerings from other companies should drive readers into their local comic shops. Now for the PSA portion of this review. Please be mindful that as much as this day is an opportunity to nab some free books, don't forget to purchase some items from the store or stores you visit. As much of a celebration of comics FCBD is, it is also to help keep these shops up and running too! Have a great FCBD! Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    BGCP - Daniel Pearson Apr 29, 2015

    It goes without saying this free comic is certainly not one for the kids and is a strong reminder as to why comics can be so good, so when grabbing the new Rocket Racoon or My Little Pony for the kids make sure to pick up a copy of And Then Emily Was Gone #0 for yourself. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson Apr 20, 2015

    Overall, this release firmly cements ComixTribe as one oftodays up and coming publishers, with a rapidly expandingcatalogue of iconic characters and an impressive stable of supremely talented creators. While the vast majorityof FCBD attendees are likely to gravitate towards the Marvel and DC offerings, those who dig a little deeper and take a chance on the murky, depraved worlds of Bonnie Shaw and Oxymoron are in for an absolute treat. Read Full Review

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