The Atoll #2
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The Atoll #2

Writer: Tim Daniel Artist: Ricardo Drumond Publisher: Creative Mind Energy Release Date: February 22, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1
9.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

When the burlap sack is ripped from her head, decorated Olympic athlete Story Helms finds herself seated on a steel platform overlooking an arena somewhere far off the northwestern coast of Australia. Welcome to The Atoll, where abductees are pitted in combat against the world's deadliest apex predator, Majesty, a twenty-one foot Great White Shark. Story is next in the ring; how long will she last?

  • 9.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Jan 30, 2017

    The Atoll shows us that there's more to fear in open water than sharks.  Sure, they're terrifying creatures that should be feared and respected, but at the end of the day, it's an animal trying to survive.  Humanity is capable of far more heinous acts of cruelty.  Somehow, the shark isn't the scariest thing in this book.  It's the guy standing at the edge of the water, calling the shots. Read Full Review

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