Fear Case #4

Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Tyler Jenkins Publisher: Dark Horse Comics Release Date: May 5, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 3
7.9Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

As the supernatural murder box known as the "Fear Case" wrecks havoc on our heroes, agent Mitchum finally comes into possession of this secret weapon and must face the temptation to open it and fall into oblivion.

  • 9.0
    ComicBook.com - Logan Moore May 5, 2021

    If you've been reading Fear Case since its beginning, I have a hard time imagining that you'll be disappointed by how it ends. It leaves you with something to think about by the time you reach its final page, which is the mark of any good piece of media. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Jake Palermo May 5, 2021

    Fear Case #4 ends the series the way everybody expects it would, by having the reader experience the dread associated with conspiracies. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson May 16, 2021

    Fear Case is an unsettling read. It's the kind of horror comic that will send a shiver up your spine. You'll be questioning reality. At the very least, you'll be thinking twice if anyone hands you a strange box. Remember, they'll need to give the Fear Case to the person they hate the most or the person they love the most will die. Maybe just be nice to everyone to play it safe. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Robert Mammone May 9, 2021

    Artwork and writing mesh very will in Fear Case #4. While the idea that man's inhumanity to man is linked to the supernatural, Kindt doesn't absolve us totally of our sins towards one another. You have to want to open the case in the first place to be the cause of mortal sins, and there's plenty of sinning to go around. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Word Of The Nerd - Brent Jackson May 4, 2021

    I am still a bit perplexed with what I think about Fear Case #4 and the series as a whole. I like the open-ended kind of interpretation of it. I am not really sure if I like where it leaves our characters. I am not just really sure and it is hard to put a grade or score on something like this. After the first read, I didn't really enjoy it. But then after reading it again and thinking about it I liked it more. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Crusaders - Lucas Fashina May 5, 2021

    Note to Comic Speculators:It gives of the vibes of “Button,Button" and the Box. So, this would be perfect for a tv series if they can keep up the energy in later issues. Darkhorse Comics does have a good history of adapting properties but nothing quite as dark as this script. Read Full Review

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