Daisy has taken the mysterious Leland Black up on his even more mysterious job offer, giving her a new outlet to exorcise her demons - but her visions of the Red Mother are only getting worse, and Daisy is beginning to doubt her own reality.
Red Mother continues to be one easily one of the best horror comics out there and #5 is no exception. Read Full Review
Danny Luckert does an amazing job with the art in this issue. From the hulking menace of the herald to the breathtaking chase through the city, the visuals are impressive from start to finish. Read Full Review
While the ending wasn't quite as strong as previous issues, The Red Mother #5 continues this series' streak of excellence. It serves as an ending, of sorts, but at the same time makes it clear that the central conflict is far from over. How this conflict will manifest in future issues, I don't know. But I do know that I can't wait to find out, and neither should you. Read Full Review
Red Mother is one of the best horror books on stands because it's not afraid to take its time " creating a slow burn, helping the story build tension as the title character creeps around the corner. Read Full Review
This book has always been a slow burn, as writer Jeremy Haun has crafted an incredibly unsettling story. Now that we're five issues in, it feels a bit too slow. We don't know anything about the Red Mother or what she wants with Daisy. We've jumped from one scary vision to the next without any real exposition. Hopefully this picks up soon, as it feels like we're treading water a bit. Read Full Review