Angel #1

Writer: Bryan Edward Hill Artist: Gleb Melnikov Publisher: Boom! Studios Release Date: May 29, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 6
8.2Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

    BOOM! Studios, along with visionary writer and director Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Marvel's The Avengers), presents the shocking reimagining of the pop culture phenomenon ANGEL!
Angel walks the line between two worlds; a vampire cursed with a soul, he's spent centuries battling back the forces that would destroy humanity, in an attempt to redeem himself for the crimes committed by the monster he was when he was first turned. But now, when the trail of the most recent demonic uprising takes him to Sunnydale, he realizes that the redemption he seeks can only come at a startling price.
As Angel reunites with old frien more

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes May 29, 2019

    This book is evocative of the show that sired it; with Bryan Edward Hill it has writer that is more than capable in delivering the goods. Coupled with Gleb Melnikov's fantastic art, this series is off to a great start. Just please don't bring Lorne in anytime soon . Read Full Review

  • 10
    But Why Tho? - Kate Snchez May 29, 2019

    Overall, Angel #1is a strong debut for a reimagining of an old character that has me ready for the rest of the series. Both the script and art have created a dark world that not only fits well with the existing character but improves on it in ways I never thought possible.Angel #1is a must-read for those who watched Angeland for those who don't know who he is. Read Full Review

  • 10 - Matthew Aguilar May 29, 2019

    If the rest of the series is this good, Angel fans are in for a hell of a ride. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Jun 12, 2019

    Angel is back and better than ever. He's seamlessly brought into this day and age with a new, refreshing take. It's safe to say that BOOM! Studios has another hit on its hands. Most importantly, it's also new-reader friendly. If you're not familiar with Angel from his TV show, you can still jump right into this series and pick up on everything. This is more like a re-imagining than a continuation of the show. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    The Brazen Bull - Jaimee Nadzan Jun 5, 2019

    Angel #1 is gripping and gritty. Bryan Edward Hill, Gleb Melnikov, and Gabriel Cassata brilliantly capture the moody and tortured Angel. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes May 31, 2019

    This is a fantastic first issue that earns my highest possible rating. I was thrilled and practically moved to tears by the finale. Ye gods, if this is the way the series starts this is going to beat BOOM's Buffy series quickly! The characters are fantastic, the visuals awesome, and the letters perfection. This is a book to follow for thrills, chills, and tears. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Comic Watch - Trey Campbell Jun 27, 2019

    A great adaptation which breathes new life into the character, depicted with stunning art. Evidence that perhaps a reboot wasnt a bad idea after all. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Pastrami Nation - Laura Streppone Jun 9, 2019

    Overall thoughts… I may be slightly biased; however, I really enjoyed the set up for both the prologue and issue #1. I appreciated the previous comic series and can appreciate where they are going with this Angel/Buffy universe. Angel is the only character that I am familiar with; within these first two issues. The artwork was very appropriate and depicted Angel just how he has been sealed in my mind from before. Of course, since vampires run the night, it sticks with a very dark nighttime setting on most of the pages. Shadows are key to creating the creature lurking feeling. I am pleasantly anxious to get the next issue and see how the last panels from issue #1 conclude. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    You Don't Read Comics - Jason A. Fleece May 29, 2019

    If this were the first issue of some brand new property, this would be great for first issue, compelling enough to give the first trade paperback collection a look. As the first issue of a new Angel series, though, it feels just a bit lacking. Heres hoping future issues connect the story somehow to the Buffyverse we know and love. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose May 28, 2019

    While this book's page count runs out a little earlier than one might want it to, there's still some strong work being brought to the table here, making Angel a book you won't want to miss. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Beyond The Panel - Jideobi Odunze May 29, 2019

    Angel #1 gives you hope for what this re-imagining of the vampire with a soul has in store for us. As they said, this is a brand new, modern take on one of the most iconic vampires in pop culture, and every opportunity was taken to attract both new readers. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    AIPT - Nick Nafpliotis May 28, 2019

    A solid "first" issue that you'll enjoy a lot more if you read Angel #0 beforehand. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Corps - Sophie Buijsen May 26, 2019

    This reboot feels less new and different than the Buffy reboot, but that still leaves us with a much beloved character and a great story premise. Don't fix what ain't broken as the old saying goes, and that seems to be very applicable here. Of course, I fully assume that future issues will introduce new and updated characters and world building. For now though, I look forward to Angel's reckoning with social media. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jun 5, 2019

    Relocated to Sunnydale, Angel #1 features the vampire with a soul looking in an old friend who attempts (but fails) to help Angel see the good he has done. Oh yes, Angel is in full brooding mode. The issue also includes cryptic warnings about dangers Angel is about to face and an opening flashback to his time as Angelus when he sired a vampire hunter. Although the flashback appears completely disconnected from the current storyline, it's obviously important to upcoming events surrounding Angel (who it appears will stay outside Buffy and the Scoobies' orbit for the time being, at least in this plotline). For fans. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Matthew Sibley May 30, 2019

    On a visual level, both aesthetic styles are strong and promising in establishing what the series will look like, it's just hard to get a read of the voice of the book with how long it takes for the story to kick in. Read Full Review

  • 4.4
    Multiversity Comics - Alexander Jones May 30, 2019

    The dull script and artwork for "Angel" #1 lack the charm of the beloved television series and sister title. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Psycamorean May 29, 2019

    This was a lot better than the zero issue. It immediately goes for a more adult tone than Buffy, much like the TV series, which is something I've always appreciated, even moreso now. We're in an odd period though. Angel doesn't seem to have a place yet. He's got almost no supporting cast, and nothing to really cement him in the Buffyverse besides his being a vampire. I think this may be a problem down the line because, if we're to assume the comics will be anything like the TV show at all, he needs to meet Buffy and become more ingrained in the Sunnydale group. That looks to be what's going to happen in Buffy's title, but if it does, where does that leave Angel as series? Part of Angel's character is that he's a bit of a loner who eventuall more

  • 8.0
    Simon DelMonte May 29, 2019

    After four months of a Buffy comic that can't figure out how much it wants to ape the TV show and how much it doesn't, while lacking in any urgency till the last two pages of the last issue, it's a relief to read this. Bryan Edward Hill, who has never failed to impress me, brings a sense of edgy darkness and urgency to a character who needs such things to thrive, as well as a more adult sensibility that has always set Angel's stories apart from Buffy's. That this is an Angel who hasn't even met Buffy yet also helps. Melkinov's art is not amazing, but it works well enough and shows signs of becoming exactly what we need.

  • 10
    Rocker97 May 29, 2019

  • 9.0
    MistMiracle May 29, 2019

  • 8.5
    mikesbr42 Dec 30, 2020

  • 8.0
    Bauer Aug 12, 2019

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