SERIES PREMIERE! Cole Turner has studied conspiracy theories all his life, but he isn't prepared for what happens when he discovers that all of them are true, from the JFK assassination to flat Earth theory and reptilian shapeshifters. One organization has been covering them up for generations. What is the deep, dark secret behind the Department of Truth? Bestselling writer JAMES TYNION IV (Batman, Something is Killing the Children) debuts his first Image ONGOING SERIES alongside breakout artist MARTIN SIMMONDS (Dying is Easy)!
The Department of Truth #1 is the beginning of probably one of the most acclaimed series of the year. One that the reader will be compelled to look through again and again because one read through will never be enough. Read Full Review
The Department of Truth #1 is as savvy as it is suspenseful, spine-tingling in an unnerving way, and a rare read that feels brand new once you put it down. This book is perfect for the super well-read comics fan, or the sci-fi fanatic X-Files fan. Read Full Review
The Department of Truth is made even scarier based on the events in the world today with stuff like Qanon brainwashing everyone's weird uncles and even some politicians. It hits almost too close to reality at times, but it's so worth the read. It helps that the final page is such a great cliffhanger that you'll be begging for more. Do not miss this comic. Read Full Review
The Department of Truth#1 is the ideal start to a new series. With this single issue Tynion has me hooked. This is the new X-Files for the 21st Century. Read Full Review
The premise for The Department of Truth is so simple in its cleverness. The possibilities for fiction in a world of conspiracy at the heart of reality are endless. Tynion's idea is very appealing, but he's going to need an artist with Simmonds' exact aesthetic to bring it to the page in style as the series progresses. There are few other artists working today who could competently bring a drama like this to the page. Read Full Review
An absolutely addicting narration with suspense at every turn. The final page will make you gasp. Writer James Tynion IV continues his rise as an original creator, and in Martin Simmonds hes found a collaborator to match the big ideas in this book. Read Full Review
A neat summary of the dead end America has blundered into in the last few years, THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH #1 is a clever blend of knowing writing, and some glorious artwork. Come for the conspiracy theories, and pray that the liars never win. Read Full Review
THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH #1 will be in our conversation for 'Best Of 2020.' Read Full Review
The big payoff for the issue is a big spoiler, but it sets up a really exciting premise that sets the stage for another can't miss title from Image. Read Full Review
THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH#1 and #2 form a superbly crafted debut providing an entry point into a world of secrets and conspiracies whose central premise is cleverly illustrated through a series of twists of real world ideas and events, where up is down and down is up...a future classic in my opinion Read Full Review
Conspiracy theories abound, and maybe aren't so funny these days, but The Department of Truth is a solid reality bending thriller that charmingly twists the reader's mind. Read Full Review
Martin Simmonds brings a unique visual style to this issue. Many of the pages are brilliantly composed and interesting. There are a couple of moments where the visuals could be distracting from what the story was trying to convey, but the tone of the art definitely draws in the reader. Read Full Review
Between the twists and turns in the narrative and the intriguing art and lettering directions, "The Department of Truth" #1 just raises further questions and we wouldn't have it any other way. Read Full Review
If you’re a fan of horror or sci-fi then you’re in for quite a read. The ending to this issue definitely has me signed up for this series and I’m all for finding out how deep this rabbit hole goes. Read Full Review
The Department of Truth #1 is an engaging debut issue with James Tynion tapping into the expansive worldbuilding of his previous titles like Memetic and its sequels while Martin Simmonds shows that painted art can have a few, new tricks up its sleeves in 2020. They also introduce some actually compelling mysteries and tap into our fearful zeitgeist where believers and spinners of harmful conspiracies have entirely too much power. Read Full Review
The Department of Truth is off to a fantastic start. It's timely, chilling, and absolutely intriguing. Tynion IV, Simmonds, and the rest of the creative team have a hit on their hands already. Read Full Review
Overall, though, this is an enjoyable book and much better than I was expecting. Read Full Review
If you like the X-Files or conspiracy-horror you'll most certainly enjoy The Department of Truth. It is without question a good debut, but in some ways the monsters here are very real already, and fully making that connection in future issues is what will make The Department of Truth a great series. Read Full Review
Tynion has crafted a story full of intrigue and danger, with artwork that matches the mood perfectly. I love the guiding principle in this book, that belief by several individuals can change the world. It is scary yet intriguing. Simmonds artwork is scratchy and emotional, so fitting for a book of this nature. I loved the debut issue: The Department of Truth shines the light on the craziness of conspiracies, and by the end, you might believe as well. Read Full Review
When all is said and done, Department of Truth #1 isan interesting first issue. The big reveal at the end is a bit hard to wrap your brain around, but at the same time presents too much possibility not to follow up on. It is as interesting a premise, as it is a terrifying one. Read Full Review
After just one issue, it's hard to tell exactly what The Department of Truth is trying to say. It has picked a sadly relevant topic in our current moment, and it doesn't seem to be afraid to actually dig a bit instead of treating conspiracy theories as harmless fictional fodder. Read Full Review
The dangers and psychosis of conspiratorial thought are right there in the crosshairs of The Department of Truth, but I think it misses. (The bizarre twist at the end is off-beat enough to be intriguing.) The premise could speak volumes to the ways in which knowledge can be created and controlled by those in power to nefarious ends. The world we're all living in seems more and more like a conspiracy theory come true, so it's only fitting that Department of Truth should be right there to tighten our focus on it. Read Full Review