Oroku Saki's hellish journey continues. As his twisted path leads him deeper through the underworld, will he be able to survive an onslaught of demonic forces? Or, more importantly-the truth revealed about his own soul?! Fan-favorite artist Mateus Santolouco returns to the world of TMNT! The most infamous villain in the TMNT universe gets his own mini-series!
This, like the first issue, is a great read and another great in-depth look into the character of Oroku Saki, the Shredder. Read Full Review
Shredder in Hell is an incredible exploration of the Ninja Turtles' greatest foe. It serves to redefine the character, adding more depth than he's ever had. You can see the seeds for potential future storylines, like the return of the Pantheon, being planted here. Plus, it isn't every day you get to see some of the most disturbing body horror imaginable in a Ninja Turtles comic, so it's definitely worth checking out. Read Full Review
Whether in Earth or in Hell, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" continues to impress. Read Full Review