Divinity #1

Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Trevor Hairsine Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: February 11, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 31 User Reviews: 18
8.3Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

At the height of the Cold War, the Soviet Union - determined to win the Space Race at any cost - green lit a dangerously advanced mission. They sent a man farther into the cosmos than anyone has gone before or since. Lost in the stars, he encountered something unknown. Something that...changed him.

Long thought lost and erased from the history books, he has suddenly returned, crash-landing in the Australian Outback. The few that have been able to reach him believe him to be a deity - one who turned the scorched desert into a lush oasis. They say he can bend matter, space, and even time to his will. Earth is about to meet a new go more

  • 10
    Capeless Crusader - Jesse Quick-Rincon Feb 11, 2015

    When I was a kid I loved magic tricks. But as I've gotten older I find that I can't watch them like I used to. I'm always looking for the reality behind the magic. When you find a good magician, they make you totally forget that you are being willingly tricked and the same is true of art. The twists in this story aren't so much as shocking as they are wondrous. Divinity gets a strong recommendation for being the kind of comic to make your friends jealous of for not being into comics. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Outright Geekery - Henry Starling Feb 8, 2015

    So, in short, all this fantastic writing, artwork, extras, and 34 pages all at standard cover price? This is why Valiant Entertainment is leading the new comics Renaissance we are currently in and exactly why I am a proud Valianteer. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Tyler Goulet Feb 9, 2015

    Divinity is a bit of a mind-bending (foreshadowing?) introduction to a fantastic new VU character. We really haven't learned a lot about what he is or what he can do, aside from some trippy glimpses towards the end of the book, and we certainly don't fully know what happened to him on his thirty-year space exploration mission. After just one issue, it already feels like four issues might not be enough to cover a character this complex. Of course, in Kindt we trust, but there just feels like so much to explore and expand upon. This might be one of the strongest character debuts to date, not just for Valiant, and that's going to make the wait for the second issue even more excruciating. But, hey, there's always room for a few re-reads, right? Read Full Review

  • 9.3
    Hulking Reviewer - Kareem Ali Feb 15, 2015

    Divinity #1 is a solid start to the series and introduces any interesting protagonist with the capability to seemingly shape reality at will. I don't know how deeply this series will delve into certain issues it mentions or if it was just to give Abram a more interesting background. And the parallel drawn between Abram and another character's journey after an injury has me intrigued about what happened to Abram while traveling through the universe. And with the sanctuary he's set up I can't wait to see what he has in store for the world or what he hopes to achieve with his sanctuary. But I have a feeling it's gonna be an entertaining ride. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Comic Crusaders - Adam Cadmon Feb 9, 2015

    Eventually you are going to get tired of me saying how great a streak Valiant is on currently, but until then, I'm going to keep saying it. Every time I think that this company has outdone itself, they manage to amaze me a little more. In addition to the more seasoned characters that have been reintroduced, Divinity offers us a new character and world to discover. If this opening issue is any indication, there's plenty to be on the look out for and even more to be optimistic about as regards Abram and his homecoming. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Ray W Feb 12, 2015

    Overall this book was interesting and Im really intrigued to see what happens next. The power that the character wields could make the plot very interesting. Matt Kindt has really solid story to give us along with the art from Trevor Hairsine. David Barons colors are really bring out the art. The story flows well and has really good pacing. The monologue that also happens is really clever once you get to the end. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Chris Romero Feb 13, 2015

    Right off the bat Kindt gives his characters purpose, and the way he blends two worlds is fresh and exciting. Divinity #1 is completely unpredictable and original; two necessary qualities of a hard-hitting series. Valiant has a knack for enlisting talented artists, and with so many vibrant panels in this book, it's clear the publisher has no problem investing in top-quality creators. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Brady Steele Feb 11, 2015

    The visuals of this new god on Earth named Abram Adams are deftly handled by Trevor Hairsine and Ryan Winn. Hairsine and Winn make everything look as real or as surreal as it needs to b Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Russell Johnson Feb 10, 2015

    The cold-war meets new God and Divinity #1 is a keeper. It's fairly simple why a book like this is so good and Kindt makes this mini-series one worth keeping up on. Sci-fi can be tough but this is easily one of my favorite new entries for Valiant this year and keeps reminding comic book fans why they need to dive in to the Valiant Universe. Good comics are in abundance right now and Valiant is putting out a good portion of them and Divinity will be one of the best so far. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Horror DNA - James Ferguson Feb 11, 2015

    Divinity has all the makings of a great science fiction story. It's manages to deliver both on the huge scale of an epic and the personal touch of a single man's life. Now that we've seen the beginning of Abram's story, what lies ahead is how the world will react with this new superpower. Plus, what exactly happened to him up in space to give him these new abilities? If the answer is cosmic rays, I'm leaving. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Amy Okamoto Feb 28, 2015

    Divinity #1 provides plenty of history and sets up an intriguing new character within the current Valiant universe. The source of Abram's new powers is likely only one of many revelations. With three books left in the series, we are left with many questions to be explored in what promises to be a highly entertaining series. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book City Podcast - Jazmin Aguilera Feb 16, 2015

    You can't miss with space-race era sci-fi, but Divinity #1 goes beyond with their protagonist, a black astronaut, and their clever ways to augment time. Graphically vivid and poetic narrative, this issue is a strong gauntlet thrown down for this genre. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Critical Blast - Mike Maillaro Feb 8, 2015

    That said, it really didn't change my feelings about this book. Divinity is a great new comic from Valiant, and seems to start an exciting new chapter of Valiant. I have wanted to see what Valiant can do outside the confines of the Valiant universe, and if Divinity is a sign of things to come, then Valiant should be in great shape! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Feb 16, 2015

    There's not much room for characteristic depth in the first issue of Divinity. But Kindt's words, matched with Hairsine's visuals, give it a lyrical harmony (two hands lovingly grip each other in one panel, the next sees Abram clasp the bolt that will keep him safe in his space-faring mission). There's a lot of world to cover it seems, and the fact that we're kept at arm's length for the duration of the introduction does wave a red flag. (The limited series ends at issue #4, so there's that.) Issue #1 feels like one hell of a trailer to something much larger, something far more magnificent. As far as premiere issues go, Divinity #1 is a tease above all others. That's why I'm clamoring for issue #2. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Feb 11, 2015

    Divinity starts of with a solid foundation, with much more that we are going to have to be patient to understand. Is Abram still the same man who left Earth to explore the far reaches of space all those years ago? Is he the hero or villain?What does the future hold for David? Who knows, but the second issue should be worth checking out to start getting answers. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    ComicBook.com - Chase Magnett Feb 11, 2015

    Divinity #1 pushes the scope of Valiant ever further, striking into the territory of surrealistic science fiction. It is a beautifully designed introduction and one that plays to all of Kindts strengths as a writer. While it may be unclear where Abram Adams journey may lead, it is certain that it will be an experience worth reading. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geekality - Julius Freeman Feb 11, 2015

    If you're a fan of good old fashion Sci-Fi, I would give this book a look. It's not original, but it's a nice throw back to the Sci-Fi of old, which, by the way, I'd like to give kudos to the creators of Divinity for the ever so subtle nod to the iconic character, Adam Strange. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Forrest Hollingsworth Feb 11, 2015

    Ultimately, Divinity shows two things. One of them is that these old origin tropes still offer a lot of room for creativity and inspiration. The second, and more apparent, is that Valiant is fully capable of publishing heavy hitting books that, despite their flaws, are interesting and refreshing reads. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Ross Sweeney Feb 10, 2015

    Overall, if youre still looking for an excuse to throw your money at Valiants stable, this is yet another fantastic jumping on point – only this one is a brand new character, so if you havent dived aboard already, youre really running out ofexcuses. Chop chop. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    AIPT - Nick Nafpliotis Feb 10, 2015

    Also, I'd like to note that my fellow reviewer and not-so-secret mancrush David Brooke has been telling me for a while to give Valiant books a try. If the level of quality found in Divinity #1 is the norm, I'll definitely need to pick up some more of their titles in the future. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Forces Of Geek - Atlee Greene Feb 16, 2015

    If this book were authored by anyone else, I would be disappointed by not entirely knowing where the story is going. However, Matt Kindt is one of the few writers that can get away with that sort of thing. Anyone who has read his work on such titles as Mind Mgmt knows that patience will be rewarded ten fold. Different + Weird = Success. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Feb 11, 2015

    DIVINITY #1 is a great opening offering. Kindt has presented readers with a fantastic venture into this limited series with has a bit of science-fiction, fictional history, and a touch of the weird. Valiant has been providing fans with some great new books and this is one of them. While Hairsine does some great work with establishing shots, really setting the scene, there are moments where his art just isn't on the same level as the writing. However, overall, this first issue is a real success. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Coming Up Comics - David Melton Feb 10, 2015

    The artwork in this book is gorgeous. When you allow someone as talented as this group to play around in outer space and changing the rules of reality, you end up with some fantastic panels. It's also a glimpse into what Abram is now capable of. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Feb 11, 2015

    Divinity #1 entertained me and I will certainly be back for more, if for no other reason than to find out more about this mission and who the hell this guy is. The artwork could use a little more sizzle for my taste, but it certainly could be worse so I'm going to hold out hope that Hairsine falls into a stronger groove with this book as it progresses. Matt Kindt's work at Valiant continues to impress and I'm intrigued to see where he takes Divinity. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Rhymes With Geek - J. Reifler Feb 10, 2015

    If you are struggling to keep up with every title Valiantis publishing these days, it might be safe to pass on Divinity #1. On the other hand, Valiant completionistscan safely purchase this titlewithout feeling ripped off. Divinity has a fun premise and perhaps will serve as the origin of a key power player in this line of heroes. Until we see more from Kindt and his art team however I'm going to be waiting this one out on the sidelines. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Jim Johnson Feb 11, 2015

    "Divinity" #1 is a true and worthwhile expansion of Valiant's footprint, both in the publishing world and the fictional world contained within it. The first installment of this four-issue miniseries establishes a unique place for this series in the Valiant universe, putting a new footprint in the sand that doesn't trample on the ones that are already there. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Byron Hendricks Feb 12, 2015

    So it is all starting in the Australian outback, where Camp meets the communist Russian new god that is Abram Adams. I am keen to see where this story goes from here as it is clearly offering something new to the Valiant universe. This is the beginning of an epic sci-fi adventure, so bring on Book 2! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    IGN - Tres Dean Feb 12, 2015

    Kindt and Hairsine have crafted an intriguing first issue that, if anything, is bound to make the reader at least a little bit curious as to where Divinity is going next. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Feb 10, 2015

    Divinity #1 is unashamedly an origin issue for its two unfortunate protagonists, offering nothing in the way of a supporting cast and very little progression past Adams' and David's stories. As such, it's almost impossible to see where Divinity is going; which is a somewhat questionable decision for a four-issue miniseries. Despite the intrusive narration, detailed artwork and thoughtful coloring combined with a gripping premise make for a solid book with great potential for issues to come. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Nerds Unchained - Michael Bowie Feb 16, 2015

    Divinity #1 could very well be the beginning of an epic, but that kind of promise brings with it a somewhat lofty barrier to entry. As I said, it can be hard to wrap your head around or to get a read on what exactly is going on here. I wouldnt be surprised to hear that people picked up this issue and then walked away from the series because they were unwilling to put in the time it feels like it will take to see the full scope of this story. For myself though, there is enough interesting and intriguing going on here that I cant not continue forward. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Feb 14, 2015

    Divinity #1 was a little too brainy for me, and while I'd like to stick with it, there just wasn't much to keep me on board. The art is fine, with some beautiful shots of mountain climbing in Australia, but this comic will rise or fall based on how willing you are to read a little mind-bending weirdness. Read Full Review

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