Russell Johnson's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Unleash The Fanboy Reviews: 178
8.5Avg. Review Rating

'68: Hallowed Ground One-Shot #1

Nov 5, 2013

The stories inside '68 are at their base about sacrifice and those who have made it in war. It may be zombies but the war remains the same and the heroes who fight it are portrayed with grit, determination and heart. I only wish '68: Hallowed Groundweren't a one-shot and sad Medors isn't with us anymore to dazzle zombie fans with his work. Kidwell, Charles and Fotos have produced a fitting tribute to a comic artist's memory.

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'68: Jungle Jim #1

Apr 3, 2013

So if you like zombies but are in search of a story with a new take then '68: Jungle Jim is a worthy read.

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'68: Jungle Jim #2

Apr 30, 2013

Initially I was a little less than thrilled by the Vietnam war backdrop but that all changed after the first page of issue one. This isn't simply a war comic, it's not simply a zombie comic, it's a mashup of action and horror that is great fun and visually arresting. Any comic fan, regardless of you genre preferences, will enjoy this book. '68: Jungle Jim is a great story with great art. What else could a fan need?

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'68: Jungle Jim #4

Jul 10, 2013

The bottom line is that Kidwell shows us the obstacles that we fight against and the ones that determine our future and it's not always a pleasant thing to witness. The final few pages of this book are so painful and dramatic but what your left with is an emotional satisfying and well rounded tale that knocks you down with such purpose that you can't help but be left wanting more. '68: Jungle Jim finishes strong and we see how the horror of war creates monsters and heroes. Sometimes they can be one in the same.

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Alex + Ada #1

Nov 5, 2013

Vaughn and Luna have crafted a very thought provoking first issue while presenting it in an average Joe Shmoe character. It's that very thing that makes is work so well. The implications of where this story going is vast and there is definitely more here than meets the eye and I can't wait to see what's next. While Alex + Ada surprised me it is well worth picking up and see only great things moving forward with it.

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Alex + Ada #2

Dec 11, 2013

Alex + Ada is simply a great read that you have to dig a little deeper into to see past the obvious and when you do the story becomes much richer and dynamic. By the end Alex makes the decision I think most would or at least are lead to believe you would and that's the strength of Luna and Vaughn's storytelling. Alex + Ada is a great read that creates a world we feel we live in without minimizing the exceptional technology or the threat it may hold at the sacrifice of convenience. This is a story more about emotional struggle than sci-fi fantasy but are blended in a well balanced, well rounded, imaginative story.

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Alex + Ada #3

Jan 15, 2014

The story leaves us with the question of how far Alex is really willing to go to make Ada more human and where will it lead him? Alex discovers that there is a "Robot Rights" movement and how this doesn't lead into our actual world's parallels to basic human rights will be an interesting topic Alex + Ada will have to tackle. It those very things that makes this such an engaging book where a conversation is as captivating as an out of this world sci-fi sequence. Not easily accomplished but Alex + Ada achieve it abundance. Alex + Ada is simply an amazing title!

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Alex + Ada #4

Feb 18, 2014

The book is dialogue heavy to be sure but through it we get the exposition without the inner dialogue of a single character making all this information flow more naturally. Alex + Ada is not about the bells and whistles and I think that's the beauty of the story. Alex is a very likeable character and you can't help to feel his sympathy toward Ada and the possibility of unlocking and freeing someone to be themselves and see the world for what they want and not what they are told to be. It's truly a terrific character study and by the end you'll be hooked at what will come next. This is a great story, with great heart and character and one I highly recommend from Luna and Vaughn. Image has a winner with Alex + Ada.

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Alex + Ada #5

Mar 25, 2014

Alex + Ada continues brilliantly with the story, and I as a reader, have grown to love and by the end of this issue you will also be completely on this couple's side and rooting for them with all your might. This is a sci-fi book that's doesn't feel like one and makes you root for honest and caring relationships. Luna and Vaughn have created a story it's hard to not love and at the core that's what this book's all about. You'll question what it means to be human and for once a sentient A.I. won't be viewed as an enemy but as someone who deserves the right to choose and to trust. If you haven't picked Alex + Adaup yet then I can't suggest it highly enough, as not only a great comic, but simply and great and honest story.

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Alex + Ada #6

May 6, 2014

Alex + Ada is a slow burn of twists and turns, and when they happen, are subtle and disarming. Alex's grandmother is one example and at the end of this issue a new wrinkle gets thrown in that seems so simple but so drastically impactful. Throughout this series I have yet to find a lackluster issue and issue #6 is no different. Alex + Ada is a deeply intertwined story masterfully constructed by Luna and Vaughn which is masked in it's clean, simple presentation. Don't be fooled by it's approach because it is rich with drama and emotion which struggles to answer the question, few have the answer to, of what it means to be human. However, Alex + Ada is the best possible story and relationship constructed to try to answer it.

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Archer & Armstrong (2012) #11

Jul 16, 2013

The Valiant Universe is better off for Archer & Armstrong and comic fans should be jumping on this title in droves. This book is a well rounded combo of action and fun that as a fan of comics must be on your pull-list. Van Lente captures the perfect tone of this book and this is a title you do not want to miss!

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Archer & Armstrong (2012) #12

Aug 13, 2013

If you enjoy any of Valiant's titles this should be on your list! Archer & Armstrong has ties across all Valiant books and the story and art literally comes alive on the page. If you want fun, action, adventure and a touch of social sensibility then put this on your pull list. You'll be glad you did.

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Archer & Armstrong (2012) #15

Nov 12, 2013

Another great issue of a great title with more twists, turns, time jumps, drunken brawls and even bigger drunken blackouts than, well literally, any comic on the market. Not that it wasn't already but if Archer & Armstrong can make peace then the Sect Civil War just got a whole lot more interesting and that's saying a lot. Archer & Armstrong offers some of the best characters in Valiant's line who continue to get bigger and better each issue.

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Archer & Armstrong (2012) #16

Dec 11, 2013

Archer & Armstrong has always been a solid, fun read with a dynamic, imaginative plot that is easily accessible and comprehended by the reader. There aren't many books like this on comic book shops shelves these days but it's well worth your time to seek it out. This is another example of Valiant's unique approach to the comic medium and how they are both bold and daring with their storytelling.

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Archer & Armstrong (2012) #17

Jan 14, 2014

This is a game changing issue in the Archer & Armstrong title and within the Civil Sect War. Van Lente really sets the stage with a satisfying ending but with just enough of a tease with what's still yet to come. Fans of all the Valiant titles should be on this book not simply because it's a great read but because it continues to weave a thick tapestry within the different Valiant books and characters. It's one of the things that makes Valiant such a complex and interesting comic book universe.

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Archer & Armstrong (2012) #20

May 6, 2014

Archer & Armstrong has always been outrageous and fun but with the twist of Hollywood, fame and the mysterious behind-the-scenes look of it's biggest sci-fi religion does it takes this book to an all new crazy, fun level. It's no surprise that Van Lente has Archer's “real” parents somewhere part of a strange Hollywood system and the results are full of humor and mystery. All the things that continue to make Archer & Armstrong a entertaining read. This is a great time for new readers to jump on board and a great turning point for long time readers. The results are sure to be as great as they are outrageous and entertaining. Archer & Armstrong is the title that demonstrates Valiant's ability to make quality books more comic book fans should be reading.

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Armor Hunters #1

Jun 10, 2014

So, the original question was "does this crossover pay-off?" I can say with resounding confidence that is does and does so in a very big way. As a crossover it's tough to say that readers with no pervious knowledge will have an easy time jumping in here but it is so good that I can't recommend it highly enough for new readers. Longtime X-O Manowar fans will fall in love from the very first page and Venditti does such a good job, blasting right out of the gate, that new readers will love it for it's solid foundation and the story Venditti is telling. Armor Hunters is off to the right start and if issue one is any gauge this will be both exciting and rich with character, action and drama. If there's one event to get in on from the beginning to the very end, Armor Hunters #1 is it!

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Army of Darkness Vol. 3 #12

Apr 3, 2013

While I had my issues with Army of Darkness the ending was strong enough to entice me to follow Ash into battle. If you can get through the mountain of set-up then you should too.

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Astounding Villain House One-Shot #1

Oct 30, 2013

Again, I may be the minority and I just don't get it, and you're probably right, but unless you are familiar with Wheeler's work and understand where it's humor is derived I highly suggest moving on to something else. For fans of Too Much Coffee Man it'll get high marks from me not so much. What I find “astounding” is that anyone finds Astounding Villain Houseremotely amusing. Pass.

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Axe Cop: American Choppers #1

May 20, 2014

Sure it's silly but that's what makes it a great comic. The joke may wear thin at times but Malachai has brought some great nuances between characters to break up the fun and action. Ethan's art is still a joy to behold as he captures the fun and spirit of his younger brother's stories. If you like Axe Cop already you won't be disappointed and if you are new to the party this is a great time to jump in. Axe Cop: American Choppers is flat-out fun and entertaining!There needs to be more comics like this.

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Baltimore: Chapel Of Bones #1

Dec 31, 2013

Baltimore: Chapel Of Bones seems to have started off on the right foot and created a stand off which we rarely see in a Mignola story but is positioned to be an epic showdown between good and evil. While mildly cliche it still serves as a great horror based story of vengeance and a book worth checking out for it's great sense of suspense and drama.

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Baltimore: The Inquisitor #1

Jun 18, 2013

This is a great one-shot and if you are a fan of Mignola then this will be a great read for you. If you are not familiar with his style and previous work then this is as good as any point to jump in and join in on the experience and you will be a fan too.

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Batman (2011) #26

Dec 11, 2013

Capullo and Snyder are literally crushing this new take on Batman's origin and for those fearful of a lackluster story in the show of Year One should take solace in the fact that this story stands on it's own and has carved it's own niche in Batman's utility belt. This story has been beyond epic so far and there's no reason to suspect that the best is yet to come!

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Batman (2011) #28

Feb 12, 2014

Batman #28 brings the goods and Batman fans are treated to an exciting glimpse of Batman Eternal which will have you bursting down comic book shops doors when it finally hits stands in April. If you were on the fence about a new weekly series, Batman #28 will knock you off and plant you squarely on the side of the Eternal series. Snyder, Tynion and Nguyen have sold me and I was already squarely on board. You will be too after reading this issue!

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Batman (2011) #30

Apr 16, 2014

I don't feel any shame in coming across as a gushing fanboy on this one simply because this is such a great overall story and a superb kick off to the final act. If you have abandoned 'Zero Year' at any point before issue #30 then you are doing yourself a disservice. Get back on board immediately! This is the story Snyder and Capullo were meant to tell and it is simply the best overall origin story in the New 52 and is poised to be a classic Batman story for all time! Don't miss this issue as it set's up what's sure to be one hell of a final act!

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Bitch Planet #1

Dec 10, 2014

It would be easy to pigeonhole this bookas a feminist soapbox and the possibility exists to alienate men but, to pass up Bitch Planet #1 for something so trivial would be a tremendous mistake. DeConnick is taking risks with Bitch Planet #1 as she dives headlong into tackling sex, stereotypes, race, oppression and a whole host of moral and political themes. Some will think she's gone too far, others, not far enough but, she has the courage to step outside conventional thinking and cut her own path through the thick-headedness of many modern comics. DeConnick and De Landro are off to a great start with something so inventive, fresh and smart.

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Black Science #1

Nov 27, 2013

Black Science is a home run from page one and by the end you'll be gasping for breath at the speed and flow of this outrageous ride Remender has built. The final page sets-up what is sure to be a wild ride through what is called the Eververse as Grant and his family try to make it home and based on issue one it will not be a easy or simple task. This hooked me from page one and if you value a great sci-fi tale where literally anything goes then you should grab Black Science immediately. A great beginning with no slow down in sight.

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Black Science #4

Feb 25, 2014

After the high intensity opening half Remender slows the action down and brings the crew to a new imaginative alien place in time. Filling it full of different species and diversity. While the pace is slower the drama only gets deeper. Alliances are formed, secrets are revealed and new threats are introduced. Black Science is a must read for epic sci-fi fans but also fans of great comics. Remender and Scalera are a team that create deeply strange and beautiful fantasy with all the action and adventure that will get your blood pumping. Remender throws all caution to the wind and barrels full-force into epic sci-fi territory with amazing characters and deeply engaging storytelling. Don't pass on Black Science and add to your pull-list immediately!

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Black Science #5

Apr 1, 2014

It's simple. Black Science is hitting it's pace and moving from simply interesting and intriguing to being fully immersed. Issue five knocks it out of the park and if you haven't jumped into this time travelling, sci-fi, action world Remender has created you are doing yourself a disservice and missing out on some of Remender's best work to date. Black Science is the sci-fi tale we've been waiting for and it over delivers on quality and entertainment. Black Science is as smart and highly addictive as any comic in stores right now!

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Black Science #6

Apr 29, 2014

I can't help gushing about the magnificent strides and progressions Remender brings to this story. It's action-packed, heartfelt, emotional and unleashed sci-fi mayhem. The relationships that are built and destroyed by the teams travels through dimension and time will keep you guessing what's around each corner, which is the best part of this ride Remender has created. Black Science is an incredibly well thought out adventure with rich characters fans of sci-fi, drama, and action can all get on board. Issue #6 is the pinnacle of change for the story and for all the characters involved and a perfect ending to the story's first full arc. Black Science is magically story-telling from both Remender and Scalera which every comic book fan should take a chance on because you will not be disappointed.

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #14

Sep 17, 2013

If you are looking to get started in the Valiant universe then Bloodshot & the H.A.R.D. Corpsis a prefect title to get started. Bloodshot has always been a favorite of mine and the new direction they are taking by adding the H.A.R.D. Corps is a welcome one. This is a quality title that just keeps getting stronger. Be sure to add this to your pull-list, you won't be disappointed.

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #16

Nov 19, 2013

Action fans will love Bloodshot And H.A.R.D. Corps #16 but it's also as thought provoking as many of Valiant's titles that never ceases to be fun and exciting. Bloodshot is relentless and so is this issue and makes most all other action comics pale in comparison but still understands how to have fun too. Bloodshot And H.A.R.D. Corps goes beyond the one dimensional action characters by providing diversity and depth and shouldn't be missed by, not just fans of action but, fans of comics in general.

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #18

Jan 7, 2014

Bloodshot and H.A.R.D Corps #18 also serves as the first book in Valiant's "MUST READ VALIANT!" campaign utilizing the "all-new jumping-on point" method of attracting readers. Kudos to Valiant for such a campaign and it does work for new readers as a beginning but also doesn't ignore long time readers in the process. For me this issue worked on many levels from fleshing out existing characters, adding new ones and a sense of nostalgia for the early Valiant days. But most importantly it works a simply a great action comic book. Bloodshot and H.A.R.D Corps knows what it is and owns it. Dysart and Gage are crafting an exciting new and action packed take on the section of the Valiant Universe. So wether you are a old timer like myself or a newbie this is a great place to start with only good things lying ahead. Must Read Valiant?…Absolutely!

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #21

Apr 8, 2014

In the end we Gage and Dysart give readers a complete and satisfying finale and what Archer will learn by the end really helps tie-up his long search of answers that has permeated the heart of his story. Bloodshot remains indebted to P.R.S. for the time being but shows he still plays by his own rules. The final panel of the issue sets-up a disturbing question for future issues. Bloodshot and H.A.R.D. Corps hasn't always been my favorite in Valiant's line but this crossover has gone a long way to reestablished Bloodshot as an very interesting and complicated character. A solid ending to a solid event.

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Bloodshot (2012) #0

Aug 20, 2013

Origin stories can be tricky but Kindt and ChrisCross find a way to breath life into this story. The final few pages of the issue is a perfect ending to such a complicated story. It's sad but packs a punch in which you won't easily recover. This is a good jumping on point for new readers and another solid and satisfying issue to long time readers. This is a near perfect match of writing and art that brings the pages to life. Bloodshot is the complicated anti-hero of the Valiant Universe and reason why Valiant is a top-shelf comic publisher.

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Bloodshot (2012) #13

Jul 23, 2013

This is a great tie-in that gives you a dynamic look from Bloodshot's eyes and advances the overall story of the Harbinger Wars. This issue is a great read on it's own but it's definitely worth investing the time and money to get full experience of how rich and dense the Valiant Universe has become. Bloodshot is a cornerstone of Valiant's continuing mythology and each issue gets increasingly better and quite literally addictive.

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Buzzkill #1

Sep 17, 2013

Buzzkill is a must-buy this week! The story is strong, the art beautiful and it's off to a tremendous start. Dark Horse has a gem here and you would be missing out if you don't pick this title up. This book has so much potential it's scary. Yes, it's that good.

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Buzzkill #3

Nov 19, 2013

It's really too bad that this is only a four-part miniseries because I feel this story by Cates and co-plotted by Mark Reznicek is really just beginning. Although the big showdown is introduced by the end of issue #3 there's enough going on and left unsaid that I only hope that this book turns into so much more. Buzzkill so far has been excellent and while I can't wait to see what happens next I also don't want it to end. Give it a read and you'll feel the same way. Buzzkill is such a great surprise in comics this year and one well-worth picking up.

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Criminal Macabre: The Eyes Of Frankenstein #1

Sep 24, 2013

The first issue of this Criminal Macabre: The Eyes of Frankensteinplot line is mostly set-up, a lot of mystery and don't expect a lot of back story which is fine by me and quite frankly is welcomed. Let me find out some things on my own and if I have to go back then even better. McDonald seems like a highly unlikable character but one well worth reading as his layers simply peel away when confronted by adversary. OK the book's not "simple," in the strictest definition, but it is simple to enjoy and fun while reading. Can't wait to see what issue #2 has in store.

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Criminal Macabre: The Eyes Of Frankenstein #2

Oct 30, 2013

Criminal Macabre: Eyes of Frankenstein #2 is both fun and entertaining with just the slightest touch of black comedy and gruesome ghouls and creatures. It's the most entertaining monster book on the shelves and Niles and Mitten work so well together in their approach. Well worth your time to pick this book up. You won't come away disappointed.

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Criminal Macabre: The Eyes Of Frankenstein #3

Nov 26, 2013

By the end of Criminal Macabre Eyes Of Frankenstein #3 the supernatural element kicks into high gear and the fate of Cal, Hemlock, Mo'Lock and Adam are now in question. This is a very well thought out and executed plot and for fans of monsters, ghoul, demons and all things magical and mystical should give this miniseries a try. Next issue ends the series, sadly, and based on what we've gotten so far it's sure to be a satisfying conclusion to this supernatural mystery!

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Divinity #1

Feb 10, 2015

The cold-war meets new God and Divinity #1 is a keeper. It's fairly simple why a book like this is so good and Kindt makes this mini-series one worth keeping up on. Sci-fi can be tough but this is easily one of my favorite new entries for Valiant this year and keeps reminding comic book fans why they need to dive in to the Valiant Universe. Good comics are in abundance right now and Valiant is putting out a good portion of them and Divinity will be one of the best so far.

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Drifter #1

Nov 12, 2014

Drifter is well worth your time and investment in characters that are just now scratching the surface of what this sci-fi world has to offer.

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Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven and the Red Death #1

Oct 30, 2013

Corben's art really shines here and it's as much a celebration as it is a condemnation. The goofy cartoonish look of the King and the costumes the party guests revel in are similarly outlandish and gaudy. Still it's befitting such self-indulgence and gluttony. The Red Death will have it's vengeance and the fallout is another masterpiece of horror and grotesque revenge on the King and his followers. This is a perfect Halloween treat this time of year and I highly recommend seeking out more of Corben's work and enjoy his unique style he possesses and that his work showcases. If you like gruesome dark horror incased in Poe's tales I highly recommend picking this book up.

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Eternal Warrior (2013) #1

Sep 10, 2013

This is another step forward for Valiant as they bring back the Eternal Warrior to their ever growing reassurance in comics. This story was far more intense and heart-breaking than I had anticipated but thoroughly enjoyed. This issue focused more on Gilad's human qualities more so than his immortality and it sets the right tone for this character. Eternal Warrior is off to a great start. It's complex, action packed and most importantly entertaining. Another great Valiant title with a ton of potential. My highest recommendation.

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Eternal Warrior (2013) #3

Nov 19, 2013

Three issues in and Eternal Warrior is quickly becoming a must-read in my comic book pile and it only seems to be getting better. This is a rich story centered around some not-so-simple concepts. This shouldn't scare readers off because Pak and Hairsine make it easily digestible without dumbing down the narrative. Harsine's action scenes take a short respite here but the art is none-the-less great work. Pak delivers the goods and by the end I guarantee you'll be chomping at the bit for the next issue.

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Eternal Warrior (2013) #5

Jan 21, 2014

This is a new direction and arc and for those unfamiliar to the Eternal Warrior this would be a fresh and appealing starting point. The only questions to be resolved is why jump this far into the future and, when or if it, might return to the present. Immortality can be a complex yet rich story telling device and Pak is taking full advantage of it. So far the Eternal Warrior is a character that's difficult to define but strikingly interesting. The Eternal Warrior uses all the devices in it's arsenal and makes for great storytelling. Pak knows this territory and it not afraid to shake up your expectations of what a action comic book can be.

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Eternal Warrior (2013) #6

Feb 11, 2014

There was a part of me that was apprehensive when the Eternal Warrior title was going to jump forward into the distant future but now two issues in has sold me on the concept. Pak is able to show Gilad in a new light in 4001 and revels the layers that make up the heart of the character. The Eternal Warrior is a great read and Pak has made him a more richly deep character while maintaining his warrior aggression. The future landscape feels very much like the early years in Gilad's life and for longtime readers an easy transition into the year 4001. This is a great time to pick up this title and a great addition to the Valiant line. Great heart, great emotion and great action!

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Eternal Warrior (2013) #7

Mar 25, 2014

Pak is effective in giving readers just enough hope for a cure but then turns it on it's head by adding a dangerously small solution and dragging in much greater new threats. By the end Gilad's quest takes on new meaning with implications of a wealth of action and excitement. He's putting new tools of disposal in the Eternal Warrior's arsenal and the results will be explosive. The Eternal Warrior set in this time gives Pak a plethora of material to play with and expand. This is a great new twist on this character and Pak is succeeding in exploring how Gilad's eternal experience makes him a rich and deep mine for exciting storytelling.

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Eternal Warrior (2013) #8

Apr 23, 2014

Pak's point is the change in Caroline and on the surface it's pure happiness but underneath lies the dread of human nature. All this could get lost in the action and excitement but Pak punctuates this arc perfectly. The Eternal Warrior is fantastic storytelling with meaning and in the end heart. This entire run is a feather in Valiant's cap and a must read for fans of comic books that go beyond expectations.

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Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #2

Dec 3, 2014

Eternal Warrior, Days of Steel #2 should be enough to make many readers go back and try to find every story of Gilad's previous mini-series and pretty much anything he's every been in. Milligan makes Gilad Anna-Padda an even more interesting character than almost anything I have read and combined with Nord's art makes me wish this was more than a three issue mini-series. Eternal Warrior, Days of Steel #2 is another winning Valiant title and one comic book fans should put on top of their reading stack immediately.

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Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel #3

Jan 7, 2015

In the end Gilad's struggles to teach and train someone, so obviously not willing to be a warrior, is frustrating and hopeless. But within that a good story is told and by the final pages Gilad is rewarded and so is the reader. While this feels like it could have been shorter, like an oversized one-shot, it was about as long as it needed to be. Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel is actually quite simple story on it's own but this creative teams execution is what makes it great. If you were asked to show what makes comics such an amazing medium then Eternal Warrior: Days of Steel would be a perfect example.

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FCBD 2014: Project Black Sky #1

May 5, 2014

Free comics shouldn't be this good and it stands out from most by bringing big action and an even bigger story set in motion by Van Lente. While most free comics are good, they are mostly promotional tools, but Dark Horse goes above and beyond and gives readers a first look and a solid story fans will be looking forward to with Project Black Sky.

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Harbinger (2012) #14

Jul 23, 2013

The Harbinger Wars event doesn't wrap-up with a neat little bow and Dysart is to be commended for such honest storytelling. Harbinger #14 is a coming of age superhero story and what seems like the final chapter in the Harbinger Wars is really only the beginning. It's unquestionably one of the single best superhero books going.

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Harbinger (2012) #15

Aug 13, 2013

After re-reading Harbinger #15 I like it even more. This issue hits all the right notes, with beautiful flow and touches of fun and action. The dynamic between how the book begins and how devastating it ends makes it a great read. Valiant is doing everything right in their universe and Harbinger leads the way. It's fun, engaging and shockingly dramatic. The issue sets the tone for the new story arc and you can't afford to pass it by.

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Harbinger (2012) #16

Sep 17, 2013

Harbinger is about to change everything. The look into Torque's mind is a tiny glimpse of a much larger question as to what is reality and has it ever been what we think. Yes, it's that confusing but it also's that smart and interesting. This sets a new course for Peter and the Renegades, Toyo Harada, the Harbinger Foundation and who knows how many other Valiant characters. Harbinger has been the most interesting title in the Valiant universe and it's a must read to all fans who simply want great stories and characters.

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Harbinger (2012) #17

Oct 22, 2013

Harbinger is Valiant's most consistent and thought provoking title and this issue is a demonstration of all it's unique qualities. This is a title to look forward to each month because you never know what's coming and will keep you on your toes for the unexpected. Highly entertaining and a consistently great read.

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Harbinger (2012) #18

Nov 12, 2013

Dysart is building to a cataclysmic climax in Harbinger #18 and everyone in play is in danger and vulnerable. This has been the most dynamic Harbinger in some time with the various styles and mental gymnastics we must go through but it is crafted so well you help but enjoy the craziness. By the end the fuse on this bomb is near it's end and I can only imagine the destruction and changes that will come out of it. This isn't your typical physic powers comic or characters, nor should it be, because it is so much better than similar books and gets my highest rating for satisfaction and excitement in comics.

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Harbinger (2012) #20

Jan 14, 2014

I love the new addition of @X to this book and his sparring with Harada and police is exciting and interesting enough to make you almost forget Peter and his team don't so up until the very end of the issue. Harbinger brings it each month with strong characters and a well crafted story. This is a great time to jump on board and see what you have been missing from another great Valiant title.

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Harbinger (2012) #21

Feb 11, 2014

After all the events an d actions that have taken place over the past several issues Harbinger #21 is a nice change of pace. Dysart gives readers a look at the team and their complex relationships which has been missing since the final battle in Las Vegas. The dynamics of the team are on full display here and Dysart doesn't hold back on what makes these characters tick under the most stressful situations. Harbinger is a great book and balances action and character development equally and makes it's easy to invest in their fight to be free. Harbinger is one of the most entertaining books from Valiant that everyone should be reading.

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Harbinger (2012) #22

Apr 22, 2014

Harbinger #22 is a great kick off to what feels like a very sad and painful story by the end of the arc. It's simply good story telling and Harbinger has always been about that at it's core. A great story. Dysart is in no short supply of being able to clearly present, a group of teenagers, who mature quickly through conflict and still feel genuine and honest. With so many great arcs in Harbinger's run this is setting up to be a classic and readers are the ones who will benefit most. Harbinger is easily the top Valiant title which is mainly character and emotionally driven with unlikely heroes and terrifying villains. Certainly Dysart is not above getting his hands dirty but focuses mainly on great character and drama to drive Harbinger into one of Valiant's best series going.

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Harbinger Wars #4

Jul 16, 2013

Valiant does it again! Harbinger Wars ends on a high note although still tragic and the repercussions will be felt across the Valiant Universe like no other. Harbinger Wars has real consequences and as a reader you can feel the satisfaction of solid storytelling. Valiant deserves the praise it's received because it chooses great storytelling over empty promises. Readers are the real winners with Harbinger Wars and Valiant.

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I Love Trouble #4

Apr 11, 2013

It will be interesting to see how Felicia deals with the mental and emotional aspect of committing her first assassination moving forward. In short the narrative plus the art (which is the single best reason to be reading this, I Love Trouble #4 earns a recommendation.

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I Love Trouble #5

May 7, 2013

You can't help but love Felicia and still ache for her as she struggles with the ramifications of her powers and how they are used. But there isn't a character I want to root for more than her. Give I Love Trouble a chance and I'm know you will too.

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I Love Trouble #6

Aug 20, 2013

I Love Trouble was an all too short series that packed it's fair share of punch. This was a title that stood out for it's look and it's style all while telling a fun, action packed story with a tremendous female lead. Felicia deserves to go out on a high note and Symons makes sure she does. That said I would "love" to see Symons have the opportunity to bring her back in some fashion because the comics industry is better off because of the characters and the creators of I Love Trouble. Felicia, I miss you already!

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Imperium #1

Feb 3, 2015

Imperium#1 brings along some familiar characters like Stronghold but Dysart has brought in characters like robot Mech Major who despite the dark undertone throughout brings some levity and fun into the mix Truth be told a robot may be the most human of Harada's team. Valiant's book, Unity, has been a great team hero book and Imperium is the villainous equivalent. Harbinger fans all know that Harada, deep down, really wants what's best for people with psiot powers it's just his methods are dark and violent. Imperium #1 is a great start to this series and leaves enough to the imagination to anticipate great things to come. Imperium is a must for any Valiant fan and for those who are new to the Valiant Universe this is a perfect reason on why they are so good.

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Imperium #2

Mar 3, 2015

Imperium #2 turns on a dime at the end of the issue and, quite frankly, as a reader I shouldn't have been surprised, given Dysart's track record, but I most certainly was. The first two issues of this series has crammed so much information, mistrust, deceit and drama that readers are pulled in a tug of war of loyalties but the story never suffers and is better off in the long run. If you like your heroes and villains explicitly defined in terms of good and bad Imperium #2 may drive you mad. But if you simply love great storytelling, grand action and incredibly interesting characters, don't miss this book. It's as good as any Valiant book has been of late and I dare say it's better.

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Killogy #4

Apr 23, 2013

If you like a good horror-comedy with great art Killogy is well worth your time. If you are a fan of Vincent, Ramone and Grant then it may be better, you may get an extra laugh, but for my money I would have like to have seen an all original take from Robert. He's definitely got it in him.

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Lazarus #1

Jun 25, 2013

Rucka hits it out of the park here with Forever. She is tough as nails and even though her freedom of choice is nonexistent, she is intelligent, strong and full of heart. Whatever her flaws it's obvious they are only temporary. Michael Lark's art is a perfect fit for this story. His details and line work convey all the brutality and darkness of this dystopian future and the grit of what Forever must endure and what she gives in return. Lazarus is action-packed, tough as nails and gritty with just right touch of emotion making Forever Carlyle one of the best female characters to come along in quite sometime and Lazarus is a hit in the making.

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Lazarus #2

Jul 25, 2013

It's difficult to find any fault with Lazarus if not damn near impossible. Rucka is writing like an actor who chews the scenery. This is his forte and I am willing to give in to his gritty depths without question. Lazarusis a ticking time bomb, a compellingly dark take on class warfare and a twisted family drama that puts similar dysfunction to shame. It's potential is off the charts and if you could only read one title, read this, it's that good!

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Lazarus #4

Oct 1, 2013

The drama, intrigue and action that flows throughout Lazarus is the best stuff going on in comics today. Forever has a lot of mystery surrounding her with the actions of her siblings and even her own father but what those are is still a mystery. Don't miss out on what Lazarus has to offer. It's high stakes and survival at a level at which we don't see very often and anyone would be missing out on a tremendous story if you pass by Lazarus which is some of the single best work Greg Rucka has ever put out!

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Lazarus #5

Dec 11, 2013

Lazarus is quickly becoming a more rich and complex landscape and Forever continues to be a sympathetic but tough leader in a world she just may not completely belong. Rucka and Lark have created a must-read title for Image and are setting up for what appears to be an epic explosions within the ranks of the three factions that inhabit this dystopian world. Thanks to the skill and collaboration of Rucka and Lark, Forever Carlyle is on the brink of becoming an iconic heroine! New readers jump on Lazarus now and discover what you have been missing!

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Lazarus #8

Apr 22, 2014

In the end Rucka puts the danger squarely in the "waste" camp and sends the reader into a frenzy of dramatic tension. Lazarus is an Image title that Rucka was born to do. He has a strong knack for the dirt and grime which oddly gives the book life and hope. This makes for strange bedfellows but Rucka and Lark hit the mark every single issue. Now that the "waste" have been not only given a face but heart and drive equally as fierce of Forever Carlyle. Lazarus is a don't miss book and once you get hooked you'll be starving for more.

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Lost Vegas #3

May 28, 2013

When Lost Vegas began it was a sci-fi head scratcher many times yet has now slipped into a strong cohesive story with a balanced blend of the odd and the familiar to make this as entertaining and engaging as any book out there. It's easy to get lost in Vegas and highly recommend taking a trip to try your luck.

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Mars Attacks #9

Apr 11, 2013

There's more going on in this issue than Layman makes it feel. You have to give some reflection to see the scope of the story and ultimately his goal is to focus on hope for the human race. Professor Walter's is portrayed as a character, by others, as one who might not survive being captured by the Martians but his will power shines through, and as stated before, hope is always in play. If you are a fan of Layman's writing and are looking for a more sci-fi story then there's hope for you inMars Attacks.

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No Mercy #1

Apr 1, 2015

De Campi sets us up and knocks us down just as quickly. It's a surprising turn of events and was the real payoff of No Mercy #1. It's a very solid start and the next issue is set-up for even more action and drama. It's an interesting look at how American teens view their place in a foreign land and how quickly that noticed turned on it's head, chewed up and spit out.No Mercy #1 is a premise based in reality that turns into a thriller as quickly as teenage drama crumbles to an unimaginable hell. Highly recommended.

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ODY-C #1

Nov 29, 2014

Don't pass this up even if it seems somewhat intimidating. The bottom line is that this is a complex and beautifully visual take of a classic and if invest the effort it is well worth reading. It's a great start to what will be an epic run from Fraction and Ward who takes chances and with ODY-C succeeds on every level.

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Pretty Deadly #4

Jan 21, 2014

Artistically this book strikes all the right chords in both the writing and the art but for some I'm sure it's a bit overwhelming. Pretty Deadly isn't a title that you blow through rapidly because of the dense nature of the storytelling. It may be off-putting to some but it's still a damn good book overall. I was left more confused than normal with issue #4 but it's worth reading more than once. This is a comic book that raises the standard for both reading and art and what we've come to expect but DeConnick is setting herself up for a place among some of the best abstract storytellers in the business. Pretty Deadly proves she's willing to make the reader work for their supper but it's worth the effort.

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Punk Mambo #0

Nov 19, 2014

In the end I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed this book and it is a balanced story of a very complex and odd character. In Shadowman she was a mystery but in her own book we finally see that she's still a mystery but with plenty of punch and reasoning she should be both feared and respected. Punk Mambo is one tough cookie and Milligan makes her a character worth getting to know. It's both a great piece of comic book storytelling and engaging character development. Don't pass on Punk Mambo #0, it's as good an origin as you find in the dark corners of the Valiant universe.

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Quantum and Woody #1

Jul 9, 2013

Quantum and Woody is now on top of my must read list and should be on your's as well. This title is a stunning mixture of fun, action and mystery. These two misfits just might make for the perfect superhero team and Quantum and Woody might just be the perfect superhero book. I'm buying what Asmus, Fowler and Valiant are selling and so should you!

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Quantum and Woody #2

Aug 6, 2013

Quantum & Woody is a must-read and a model for what comics can be. It's entertainment at it's fullest. Comedy, action and heart don't always make great bedfellows but in Quantum & Woody it's a match made in heaven. This is another jewel in Valiant's crown with a creative team that's more than up for the task. If you only read one new book this year, this should be it.

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Quantum and Woody #3

Sep 4, 2013

Quantum & Woody has set a whole new course for Valiant and their success in the comic book marketplace. With a book like this they easily challenge other publishers for quality, action, diversity and flat-out fun. If you think comics aren't doing anything new these days, Quantum and Woody will prove you wrong. You can't get more enjoyment reading comics than this.

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Quantum and Woody #4

Oct 1, 2013

Quantum and Woody #4 is great! That's it! Simply great. The combination of fun, action, superheroes, villains (weird villains) and the small dash of the brothers family life as children makes this book one of the single best titles from, not only Valiant, but ANY publisher. It's one of my favorites and now that the Goat is here I only expect my love for the book to grow exponentially. Read Quantum and Woody because it's awesome! OK, had to say it because it's true.

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Quantum and Woody #5

Nov 5, 2013

If all this isn't enough to make you run out and grab this book then I fear there is little hope for you and you truly are doing yourself a disservice by not reading it. Asmus and Garbett have not missed a beat with this book and while most of Valiant's line is full of action and great stories, Quantum and Woody is the most balanced with it's attack. It's simply a great read and a book that deserves a higher profile within the comic book world. It's that good and that much fun!

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Quantum and Woody #6

Dec 3, 2013

Quantum & Woody is funny but full of fun in other ways, charming with all the heart, and simply put, a great witty comic full of energy and excitement. There's plenty to love here and it hits all the right notes for a action comedy superhero book. There aren't many like Quantum & Woody on the store shelves and you most certainly shouldn't pass this book up.

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Quantum and Woody #7

Jan 7, 2014

Quantum & Woody is on par with another great action/comedy Valiant tile, Archer & Armstrong, with it's humor, odd team and eccentric villains. Eric and Woody are the oddest of couples but not only do they have to work together, but literally, their lives depend on it. They have a complicated history as brothers and even with all the mishaps and near-death experiences, Asmus manages to make their relationship much deeper and emotional under the surface than appears at face value. This book has all the elements for a great comic and is what most comics should strive to be more like. In a world full of darkness and brooding, Quantum & Woody is a breath of fresh air. For laughs, fun, action, heart and just a little bit of absurdity, Quantum & Woody is the book to get!

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Rai #1

Apr 29, 2014

Valiant has a hit on their hands and Kindt and Crain make a perfect team to tell Rai's story. It's exceeds all expectations and will have you glued to the pages as you read. If this is the beginning of the "Valiant First" initiate then it's off to a great start. Rai is possibly the best new indie title to come along this year.

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Rai #5

Dec 2, 2014

Rai #5 is another standout issue for this series and while new readers can jump on here I highly recommend getting the first four issues to get the full experience of this amazing Valiant story. Kindt and Crain are a team that gives us a future that's wildly imaginative, exciting and scary all at the same time. Get Rai #5 or any issues in any form you can. It's one of the best new Valiant titles and best new comic title from any publisher hands down.

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Rai #7

Feb 11, 2015

Kindt finally adds one more layers to this story at the end and again longtime readers of not just Rai but Valiant in general knows why and who shows up in the final pages. It continues the tightly woven mythos of the Valiant Universe and adds another wrinkle to Rai's plan to stop war and defeat “Father.” Rai #7 is great and rises to a new level of this already outstanding series. Kindt has the knack to make sci-fi and even the extreme future palatable to all readers and Rai is a must buy in my book. One on Valiant's best books ever.

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Rai #8

Apr 7, 2015

I'm sure Kindt and Crain have something uplifting coming in issue #9 but again sadly we'll have to wait until August to find out. Until then go back and re-read the first eight issues as RAI has simply been a consistently great title and well worth a second, third and many more readings. Fantastic storytelling paired with beautiful art. What else could you want from a comic book? RAI is an amazing piece of work.

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Resurrectionists #1

Nov 12, 2014

Van Lente starts off on the right foot. Resurrectionistsis action packed from the beginning and Van Lente takes what could be an overly complicated story about past lives, those who are just learning about them and those who know how to use them and those who try to stop it, and lets it play out organically rather then playing to the lowest common denominator or making it so complex a reader just might give up. Van Lente also splashes in enough humor and action to ease the reader through the complex maze The Resurrectionistssets up, to make it a thought provoking yet still fun comic all along the way.

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Sex #2

Apr 11, 2013

SEX is peeling off layers as slowly and as engaging as any show girl in Annabelle's club and I am more than willing to watch. But it's also much more than you expect. Simon Cooke's move into retirement will not be easy as more than one player is pulling his strings. He has superhuman willpower in the face of sex being literally laid at his feet but in the end it may be his undoing. If you are easily offended then this might not be the book for you but if good storytelling is paramount than give SEX a try.

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Sex #3

May 21, 2013

SEX is ready for it's next act and based on what's come before it's going to be big, intriguing and complex. While that may seem daunting it will also be as much fun as SEX can possibly be. With Casey and Kowalski leading the way your satisfaction is guaranteed.

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Sex #4

Jun 25, 2013

Sex continues to tantalize, entertain and surprise. This is such a solid book which gets better with each issue. Sex is definitely a worthy endeavor.

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Sex #8

Oct 30, 2013

Sex #8 is chock full of explicit sex from both the well off and the underbelly of the city. But you need to look closer as this issue offers something much more satisfying in the resurrection of Simon's state of mind and character. It'll be interesting to see where the story goes from here. I stated ad nauseum that Sex is as emotional satisfying as it is titillating but look closer and you'll find a story with as much soul as it does sex. A highly effective end to this story arc and played out with great skill by Casey and Kowalski.

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Sex #10

Jan 21, 2014

Sex has been a series of peaks and valleys and I'm sure that's just the way Casey likes it. This issue was missing the underlying deep seated need for former heroes to recapture their glory but it looks like it's setting up to be a new direction with familiar motivations. The issue is a valley among the peaks but still a more than worthy addition to the overall story. Sex continues to keep you guessing at what it's got up it's sleeve next and reveals it all in slow painstaking style but worth the tension and anticipation.

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Sex #12

Mar 25, 2014

It's been a full year since Sex was released and at most times it's been exciting and edgy. But now after at issue #12 it's starting to feel like a dog chasing his tail. As a reader from the beginning I'm not getting a sense that there is a bigger story behind all the small ones and many of those are becoming tedious.

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Shadowman (2012) #8

Jul 2, 2013

I like Shadowman and I love where the story is heading. Jordan is writing a terrific magic and mystical story with great creatures, monsters, ghosts with deep character. If you are looking for a non-traditional superhero with edge then Shadowman is a book you should be reading.

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Shadowman (2012) #9

Aug 6, 2013

Jordan knows what he's doing here with Shadowman and his final battle with Darque. This is the climax and Jordan doesn't fail to deliver. Shadowman is a great mix of horror and action with a touch of heart. This is a title that any fan of both genres will find satisfying and exciting. This is Valiant's sleeper hit that fans should not miss.

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Shadowman (2012) #10

Sep 3, 2013

This is an origin story, which can often be simplistic and pedestrian, but this is an intriguing and engaging piece of storytelling which solidly stands on it's own. This sets the stage nicely for Shadowman's next story arc and this issue alone is all you need to know it's going to be a doozy. Shadowman is underrated but it's value is through the roof. Don't pass on this title. It's one of the best supernatural tales comics has to offer.

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Shadowman (2012) #11

Oct 1, 2013

I feel like Shadowman #11 was a missed opportunity for something much darker and more directly connected to the main plot and one of the few misses from Valiant. This is a one-shot Halloween special at it's best. It's fine and I had fun with it but overall I felt it lacked punch and falls flat. It's Jack fighting off some spirits from the Deadside, again fun, but does it really lead to something bigger? I hope so. If you just want a decent Halloween story then by all means Shadowman #11 will do the trick but I don't see it as a jumping on point for new readers either. It could have been worse but it could have been a whole heck of a lot better.

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Shadowman (2012) #13

Dec 3, 2013

Milligan uses every device at his disposal from the back alleys and swamps to literally boiling a skull in a pot and huffing the fumes. This isn't a pretty picture he paints or which De La Torre draws and neither should it be. This is the dark side of the Valiant universe and this new creative team isn't afraid to go to the darkest depths and drag Shadowman readers with them. This is a great kick off to a new arc and well worth picking up. It's got me excited again at the possibilities for Shadowman and even though they're dark, they are also full of ambition and excitement.

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Shadowman (2012) #14

Jan 7, 2014

With issue #14 Shadowman continues to elevate itself into one of the most improved and rapidly growing titles in Valiant's lineup. Milligan's direction gets darker and edgier with each issue and Jack's own internal battle with it's repercussions showcases the strength of this character, his complexities and where this is all leading. For fans of the darkness, horror, supernatural and depth a story like Shadowman can bring to the table do not pass on this title. By all indications, the best is yet to come.

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Shaft #1

Dec 2, 2014

Bottom line is that Shaft #1 was much more than I gave it credit for and much more than I had preconceived. It still may have a tough time finding an audience but fans of hardboiled crime comics and the like should give Shaft #1 a try. I was pleasantly surprised by Walker and Evely's take and would recommend this book to fans of not only crime but just good, gritty self-made heroes who will risk everything while doing the right thing. Shaft is entertaining and even a like bit motivational and you don't need to be a fan of the seventies to enjoy Shaft #1, you just need to be a fan of solid storytelling.

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Sinergy #4

Feb 3, 2015

Sinergy#4 is colorful and fantastical in nature but a bit of a come down from last issue. Lots of plot lines take their final step toward their conclusion and there's plenty of clever and funny dialogue to keep you smiling. It might not everyone's cup of tea but for me it's been a fast-paced, interesting look at the magic and the drama of growing up in such a crazy world. It's not easy for Jess and on the surface can be seen as a bit naive but once she commits she's dedicated and unwavering. She's much more than what just appears on the surface. As long as the final chapter is equally action-packed as issue #4 was working through explanations, then Sinergywill be an overall well-balanced and fun story, maybe even a little heart-warming.

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Snapshot #3

Apr 3, 2013

Of any book I get each month Snapshot is on top of the pile and if you like a get kick-ass action mystery then it should be on your too.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #23

Dec 4, 2013

If you dropped Spider-Man after issue ASM 700 or even into SSM's run then you are missing out on a terrific read. I'm a huge fan of Peter and hated what Slott did but it also made for a fantastic story and in the end isn't that what good comics should be all about? Superior Spider-Man has had it's ups and down's since it's launch but definitely many more ups and is simply a great story no matter how you feel about Ock-Spidey. Do yourself a favor and pick it up, you won't be disappointed.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #25

Jan 15, 2014

This is one of the most exciting Superior Spider-Manissues in the run to date. By the end of the issue Octavius is back to his scheming deceptive ways but by now very few people are buying it. While I am happy that Peter is making his return I freely admit that Superior has been a very good book and in many ways wish there will be a way both Amazing and Superior could coexist. Maybe Slott has the way that can happen and for a lifelong die-hard Peter Parker fan that's saying volumes. Superior Spider-Manwon me over and for those who jumped off after Amazing #700 you are doing yourself a disservice. Much has to happen before April and I for one am looking forward to what's to come.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #27.NOW

Feb 12, 2014

Superior Spider-Man #27.NOW is a great beginning for what looks to be an epic fall and a war that will usher in the reemergence of Peter Parker as Spider-Man. Slott has been a master at this entire shift from Peter to Ock and now back to Peter and fans should have never doubted his plan from the beginning. Now that Goblin has come face to face with Ock, Spider Island under attack and a new Spider slayer waiting in the wings, Superior Spider-Man is hitting on all cylinders and is more fun than it's ever been. If you haven't jumped on board yet jump on this “point NOW” issue and see what you've been missing.

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #30

Mar 26, 2014

Honestly, I'm a little sad as this book is one issue away from the return of Peter and along with the anticipation Slott and his team make you feel for Otto if even for the tiniest of moments. Superior Spider-Man has had it's share of shocking moments and Superior Spider-Man #30 has the biggest of them all. I welcome the return of Amazing Spider-Man but also know Slott did the right thing by giving fans a Superior Spider-Man and a superior story!

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Superior Spider-Man (2013) #31

Apr 17, 2014

All in all this is a very solid end to the Superior Spider-Man. It may seem as though Slott left the fate of Otto open ended but Peter's realization of the cost of Otto's actions seals his fate"if only for the moment. It's heavy on the melodrama but instead of making a pitch perfect happy ending the team went for honesty vs fantasy. I will miss Superior Spider-Man and Slott won me over as a fan who never wanted Peter gone. But I think Slott's intentions were to show his respect and love for the character and Superior did just that. Look beyond the obvious and you will see it for yourself.

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Superman (2011) #30

Apr 23, 2014

For longtime readers this is a lot of well worn exposition with many unanswered questions but for newbies who are jumping on Superman for the Doomed crossover you'll get a great understanding behind the mythos of the Man of Steel. All in all a very solid issue and one well suited to lay the foundation for the upcoming event.

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The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage #5

Jan 15, 2015

In the end, what's always tough is a mini-series with so many characters and sub-stories but Van Meter manages a solid balance between them and ties them up nice and tidy in the end. The last 2 pages of the issue serve as an epilogue of sorts and finally brings a sense of calm and completion to the havoc that came before. Death-Defying Doctor Mirage is a great start for a new hero that lies beyond the physical plane of existence and a dark mystifying corner of the Valiant universe. For readers who like things unconventional and out of this world amazing!

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The Dream Merchant #1

May 14, 2013

The Dream Merchant jumps and shifts without being shocking or confusing. It's capable of hooking the casual reader by exploiting the comic medium for maximum story-telling value. There are plenty of books that ask you to think outside the box and this one does too but supplies you with a road map as well. If you like a title asking you to think a little without being talked down to then The Dream Merchant should be in your weekly stack.

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The Dream Merchant #2

Jun 11, 2013

The Dream Merchant is a great book and Edmondson takes the material and presents it with respect to the reader. It's a story that feels complicated but reads clearly and defined. This is one head-trip you are going to want to take.

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The Legend of Luther Strode #5

May 14, 2013

The Legend of Luther Strode is oft overlooked but should be given pause and consideration. This is book is a non-stop action ride with enough heart and toughness to rival anything else on the shelves. Pick it up and enjoy the ride.

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The Legend of Luther Strode #6

Aug 6, 2013

I'm a huge fan of Jordan's work and his let loose approach to the Legend of Luther Strode makes it so much fun in action, dialogue and character. Petra really deserves a spin-off book due to Jordan's portrayal her and makes her one the most likable female action heroes around. It's inevitable that Luther will win in the end but he faces the dire consequences of collateral damage with honesty and pain alike. I will miss this series and hope both Jordan and Moore will bring us more Luther Strode in the future. Comics are better off because of series like this.

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The Massive #11

Apr 23, 2013

The Massive continues to be heartbreaking and while it is dwindling rapidly hope still looms somewhere out there with Cal and his crew. If you enjoying rooting for the seemingly doomed, Wood gives you a book and a cast worth cheering.

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The Massive #12

May 21, 2013

The Massive has been an exercise is patience and hope all of which are rapidly depleting but the story also manages to make you care about those few willing to go literally to the ends of the earth for a belief and purpose. Callum is a man with nothing to lose and you can't help admire his courage for redemption in the harsh glare of certain failure.

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The Massive #13

Jun 25, 2013

Wood has done a excellent job changing course from chasing ghosts to chasing death but still maintaining the consistent drive and fight of Callum and his group on the Kapital. Artist Garry Brown's work is a bit more clean and precise but also maintains the tone we have come to love about the Massive. The muted tones of Jordie Bellaire gives the feeling of cold isolation but also sharply defines the time jumps and flashbacks that weave throughout the story. The Massive continues to be a stellar piece of work and this new three-part series promises to be as exciting as it is thought provoking.

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The Massive #17

Nov 26, 2013

In the end Callum Israel is finally pushed to his breaking point and the results will not be pretty. For someone who has endured the life of Israel it seems as though his breaking point would have hit a long time ago but now that's its here it's beyond destructive and we see Callum in a new light for better or worse. When it comes to someone who has nothing more to lose, there's no one more dangerous. Wood tells a great story and The Massive is a true testament of that story telling. If you want something non-traditional in the medium of comics this would be a great place to look. The Massive gets my highest recommendation.

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The Massive #19

Jan 21, 2014

I love this development and direction for Callum Israel, the Kapital and Mag finding himself facing an all new mountain of trouble to navigate. The Massive is now on dry land but Wood has not missed a beat with the story and leads readers toward new goals and challenges never before conceivable only a few issues ago. Issue #19 has recaptured my attention and I can't wait to see where the story leads. Strong story and strong character make The Massive one of Dark Horse's most underrated titles which comic book fans should jump on immediately.

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The Other Dead #1

Sep 24, 2013

The Other Dead has a shot at becoming a well talked about story but I'm afraid for all the wrong reasons. But the book can be more than that and a hell of a lot of fun along the way. The Other Dead hits the shelves at a time when new blood needs to be injected into the zombie genre and they do it with plenty of horror, blood and violence but it's potential is much more than the sum of it's parts. Now that Halloween is officially in the air don't pass on The Other Dead!

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The Other Dead #3

Nov 12, 2013

The Other Dead has promise but this issues simply doesn't showcase it. It's a lot of set-up which barely moves the story forward from issue #2 and it's been much of the same since the animals first attacked. If you like the unusual concept, give the book a try, because, the zombie gore is worth at least the first three issues. I only hope we can start to care about the main characters and strip the Obama stunt down to it's base ingredient and make an ass-kicking, zombie killing POTUS.

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The Owl #1

Jul 2, 2013

Krul and Michael have a great start here with issue one and while not a completely original idea it's solid and well executed. The potential is there and from what I've seen in issue #1 that potential will be fully realized!

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The Owl #2

Aug 6, 2013

Dynamite handles the glory of the superhero as well as anyone and The Owl is a great new title any fan of the classic and current styles. This is good old fashioned story telling with a twist at it's best.

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The Valiant #1

Nov 29, 2014

Kindt has a intimate knowledge of the Valiant Universe with his work on Unity and it shows here in spades. With a quick look at Bloodshot and his task to retrieve something long lost that is very much now in need and a quick nod to X-O Manowar, The Valiant is setting up to be a fantastic and grandiose story. With Lemire, Kindt and Rivera at the helm it's in great hands and a story for longtime Valiant fans and new readers alike. The Valiant is destined to be one of the best books Valiant has released this year hands down!

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The Valiant #2

Jan 22, 2015

Quite simply, The Valiant is an incredible read! Valiant is such a tightly linked universe and seeing all the characters play their part to help Gilad feels more like a solid story than a simple cheap stunt to include everyone. This book comes with my highest recommendation and it's a great way for new readers to introduce themselves to all the best characters in Valiant's lineup. It's a must read!

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The Valiant #4

Mar 24, 2015

The Valiant #4 is an outstanding conclusion to this story. It had all the elements of surprise, twists, action and emotion without a single wasted page. The epilogue sets-up what will become Bloodshot: Reborn from Lemire and it's a new direction for Gilad, the Eternal Warrior, as well, with a familiar task but with a fresh new twist. The Valiant has easily been the best new mini-series from Valiant and some of the best independent work from both Lemire and Kindt. The tone and pace of, not only this final issue but, the entire run has been near perfect with a creative team that needs to do more work together. They solidified themselves on these long standing Valiant characters and gave them a freshness and originality all their own.

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The Walking Dead #109

Apr 11, 2013

Now that it seems as all the players are in place and in the know I hope the series moves at a brisker pace with more actions and more consequences. Frustration with Rick was intentional but the fight with Negan needs to happen soon for readers and the characters not to become complacent. All in all a solid issue as always.

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The Walking Dead #110

May 7, 2013

Charlie Adlard's art remains consistent but I just don't think he's been given much to do lately. Lots of exposition and talking between characters but little in the way in action. You get fooled into a Ezekiel vs. Michonne fight and I only wish it had been more confrontational and Michonne would have questioned Ezekiel's authenticity harder. The Walking Dead is still a very cool story but the time for a real fight is sorely needed.

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The Walking Dead #111

Jun 11, 2013

All through this time of planning and scheming I have always believed that Negan is somehow aware of the plot against him. We've never seen it but it's been hinted at so much it's a no-brainer that he's not in the dark. Negan confirms as much when he shows up early to Rick's group to collect. One thing about Negan is that he's unpredictable and that make's him a much more complicated villain than someone like the Governor. How he handles Spencer, the son of the man who used to lead Rick's current group, is typical Negan, but so much more. Rick is about to enter hell and I for one am happy it's finally here. Artist Charlie Adlard's art feels slightly inspired here as he has more to illustrate that just dialogue plus the bonus of defining the viciousness of Negan's judgement.

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The Walking Dead #112

Jul 9, 2013

If I have one complaint it's that Carl and Andrea are on the cover facing down Negan with a bloody knife and Image's official description reads: "Carl and Andrea are faced with the unthinkable." While Andrea does play a role here it's not with Carl and it's not an unthinkable situation. It's actually one she's been dying to face. So the cover misleads what really happens in the pages. All in all I feel The Walking Dead is on the upswing again and now Rick's crew are in for a world of hurt. While I'd still like to see Negan go down Kirkman and Adlard have given me reason to at least want to have him stick around a little while longer and by the way this issue ends it's obvious he will.

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The Walking Dead #114

Sep 10, 2013

In the end, Negan's final declaration, sets the stage for all out war and I don't think the fans will be disappointed. This is the gritty, dirty, mean Walking Dead fans love and it's a more than perfect set-up for issue #115. Get ready for something big but don't miss this issue if you want the full effect!

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The Walking Dead #116

Nov 12, 2013

While I was still hoping for something just a bit more grandiose overall I was not disappointed. This is a return to the grit, horror and grim that the Walking Dead is well known for and I can't wait to see what Kirkman and Adlard have in store. It was also great to see Rick shed his submissive role he has been wearing since Negan's arrival and a return to the tough, aggressive leader he has always been. Walking Dead #116 feels like the return of a long lost undead friend and fans should strap in for what's sure to be an exciting ride during "All Out War."

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The Walking Dead #118

Dec 11, 2013

Overall not an hyper issue but a poignant one nonetheless. Even though the art shows the brutality and unforgivingness of war the words say something else deeper and more profound. This is a slight change of pace but still packs an emotional punch!

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The Walking Dead #124

Mar 26, 2014

Even though the overall story has seemed to drag out at times this issue gets the sense of urgency back on course. This issue also feels like Kirkman saying goodbye to the old and moving forward with the new. I don't know any of this to be true but Kirkman seems to be ready to move beyond Rick, Michonne, Andrea and Carl, as well as killing off the one seemingly unstoppable villain. We'll see, but this is a great beginning to the end of this arc. I wouldn't get my hopes up for some happy ending as Kirkman doesn't seem wired that way and I would be shocked if any of the major players are around much longer tow issues form now.

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The Walking Dead #126

Apr 23, 2014

Not everyone is sold on Rick's solution to the end of war and long-time readers will understand why. You can't blame any of these characters for their need for vengeance and justice but sometimes the easy answer isn't always the best one. Kirkman addresses that fact head on and gives the survivors a new outlook on what it means to be living in this world. It only took ten years of The Walking Dead to get here and the ride was well worth the new hope that war created. How long will that last? Only Kirkman knows but at least he's attempting a new approach even if it's not the most popular one.

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The Wheel of Time (2010) #34

Apr 16, 2013

Dixon seems to have managed to grasp what it takes to adapt this novel to a comic book series and for that he should be applauded. This book was a tough read for me but I feel that this story would fit right into the wheelhouse of any fan of epic fantasy so it's worth a try.

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The Wheel of Time (2010) #35

Jun 18, 2013

The art for me was by far the thing I liked least. While the colors are rich and vibrant and a nice visual explanation of the coming spring, Francis Nuguit's line work is heavy and unless the panel is a close-up the details are minimal. Again, an issue that has the tendency to draw me out of the story. The book's strengths lie heavy in the faithful adherence to the epic fantasy of it all and for fans of that style I'm sure it's a solid book for you. This isn't light reading nor should it be. I only wish it made noobs feel more at home and at ease with the material. Overall it's a middle of the road issue with little visceral impact. Not always essential but in this case a little would have gone a long way to increase my interest in the Wheel of Time epic.

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Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth #4

Apr 16, 2013

The art by Perker compliments the humor and horror perfectly. The exaggerations and comic flare add so much that's it's as fun to look at as it is to read. The bad news is that Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth has concluded. The good news is they'll be back in September as an ongoing series. If you are a fan of dark humor, horror and just plain great story-telling get this book!

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Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth #5

Sep 25, 2013

Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth is a book quite possibly not of this earth. No one is sparred and that's what makes this book do damn good. There's no agenda in it's mockery which makes it a book everyone can enjoy unless you are easily offended. Some will be, but for the majority of us who like to laugh and be entertained, even at times when it feels completely inappropriate, Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth provides it in abundance. If you like dark, funny, gut-wrenching comics, Todd is the book for you.

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Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth #6

Oct 2, 2013

The people, I use that term loosely, in Todd's life are clueless, selfish and disengaged with their responsibilities, especially, when it comes to children. Inherently this is a bad thing but in Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth it's comedic masterpiece for those dark twisted souls such as myself. Jump on and enjoy the ride and you may want to check your morals and hygiene before you enter as well.

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Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth #7

Nov 21, 2013

It would be impossible to try and explain everything going on in Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth and not have your head spinning but suffice it to say this is one incredibly entertaining title that you have to read to believe. This might not be a book for everyone, nor should it, some may be offended by any number of things Todd offers. But if you like your comedy a little off kilter, hell, enormously off kilter than there's no reason you shouldn't be reading this book. Todd, The Ugliest Kid on Earth is a book that is in a class all it's own and fans of this genre should kneel and worship at the alter of Kristensen and Perker!

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True Blood #11

Apr 11, 2013

I haven't been very big on TV and movie adaptations for comics but True Blood is solid and there is enough meat on the bone to keep me reading. I'm not sure how avid fans of the show who read the comics feel but I for one found it engaging enough to stick around Bon Temps to find out what happens next.

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True Blood #12

Apr 23, 2013

Beni Lobel keeps the mood and tone with an overabundance of darks and blacks. The color palette's muted tones could use a splash more color from time to time but that's a tough chore in the deep swamps of Bon Temps, Louisiana. McMillian does a very nice job with True Blood and it is an adaptation that continues to grow on me. I start to wonder what I've been missing on TV all these years, good books will do that and for that I'm thankful. If you are a fan of the show it would be in your best interest to read this comic as well.

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True Blood #13

May 21, 2013

It's always a good time when a story opens up the flood gates and takes the reader on a wild ride making your head spin. For a book like True Blood it truly gets you blood pumping building anticipation for the next issue. Good serials survive this way and True Blood delivers in spades this time round.

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Unity #1

Nov 8, 2013

Valiant has done it again and added to their already impressive stable of books with Unity. This is a new kind of team book and brings a diverse and complex group from Valiant's Universe to readers who are looking for something fresh in the world of comics. This is a great read with a bright future. If you needed a reason to pick up a Valiant title the Unity is it. Once you read this you'll want to go back and see what you've been missing.

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Unity #2

Dec 11, 2013

Unity #2 continues to keep pace with the first issue and somehow manages to surprise you by the end with a twist longtime readers of X-O Manowar never thought was possible. Again, there really are no pure villains or heroes here and that makes for a complex and rich story that Kindt handles with ease. A great new team book in the super-powered comic landscape that fans should not miss.

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Unity #3

Jan 14, 2014

Unity #3 hits on many levels, some surprising, but mostly in a very full and well rounded way. Kindt and Braithwaite make a great team on this title and it's so much more than you might expect. Unity is really starting to hit it's stride and if you haven't checked this out then you are missing out on some great comic book storytelling and action. It pulls from so many influences within the Valiant Universe to make one of the best team books on the comic shop shelves.

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Unity #4

Feb 18, 2014

Kindt also throws in a nice side story of the journalist Aric rescued during the battle he had with the Russian military and how she has become a secret ally and asset to Aric's cause. Not too heavy, just a nice arc to bring in more character and heroics of a not-so-super scale. Unity has been one hell of a ride from the beginning and issue #4 ends in a big bang and on a high note. The new heroes have arrived and it's one of the most entertaining and exciting new team books in comic shops today. There are many good team books on the market but Unity is on the verge of being a great one! Try Valiant's team on for size and you'll be more than a little bit surprised how good and exciting it is.

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Unity #6

Apr 8, 2014

Unity #6 is a keeper and the series as a whole has been outstanding. Valiant develops a deeply entwined universe and Unity is the story that brings all the major story lines together in one title. This is more than just a good team book, it's a universe's great story book. Kindt has created a rich, vibrant story that comic book fans would be crazy not to jump on!

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Unity #7

May 20, 2014

Kindt dishes out a masterfully fun, exciting and engulfing issue. There's plenty of action but his set-up and delivery moving into the next issue as well is just as exciting. This is one of the single best issues of Unity where this team is finally making moves as opposed to reacting to the them. It showcases all their talents and brings the team closer together as a whole. Unity #7 is the team book that Kindt has really brought to the forefront of the Valiant universe as the team grows by leaps and bounds since issue #1.

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Velvet #1

Oct 23, 2013

Velvet is all you could want and more from a dark espionage period piece from two creators who maneuver through the medium with ease and grace. There's a multitude of reasons this book is already going back for a second printing but for fans of gritty spy stories it's simply a book that hits on all cylinders and only promises much more of the same. The first issue kicks off in high gear and never lets off the gas. It's simply as good as a comic can get.

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Velvet #2

Dec 4, 2013

This is a must read for fans of the genre but also for those who want great storytelling, plenty of action and a main character that's easy to embrace as powerful, no-nonsense hero. There's still plenty to discover along the way as each step forward and closer to the truth puts not only Velvet but those close to her in danger. Velvet is a terrific story with tremendous upside for what still lies ahead. This is simply as solid as it gets!

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Velvet #5

May 20, 2014

This is a near perfect ending and beginning to the first arc that flows smoothly and coldly as the ice that runs through Velvet's veins. Velvet #5 is chock full of insight, twists and turns all of which makes for a satisfying conclusion to the first arc in a story that gets better each and every issue and in the end sets readers up for great things to come!

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Witch Doctor: Mal Practice #6

Apr 23, 2013

Seifert's solution for Morrow's seemly final defeat could come off as a cop-out but given the dire circumstances, the simple brilliance of the Morrow's plan comes off as a no-brainer. If you like horror, magic and well-timed humor, give Witch Doctor: Mal Practice a try. None of these genres is generally my cup of tea but this creative team sucked me in without much of a fight. True fans should find this, diamond in the rough, a perfect fit.

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X #1

May 7, 2013

While X may be a little light on substance I feel there's enough under the surface to definitely make it worth your while. The writing is tight and concise and the book is heavy on action and blood. I'm sure there's a plan for a better balance but for a first issue for this type of book my expectations are to be kicked in the teeth, wine and dine me later. Expectations met.

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X #2

Jun 11, 2013

Eric Nguyen's art suits this story like a glove and his loose, ragged style only enhances the darkness, violence and grim of Arcadia. Not to knock the colors on the pages, because they are top-notch, but Nguyen's art almost feels like it should be black and white. There are plenty of violent and graphic titles on the market but X uses it as an enhancement and not as a crutch. Although the same can't be said for X's victims as they are beyond crutches after an encounter with him. It's fun, it's action packed and it's something you should be reading.

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X #3

Jul 9, 2013

This book might not be for everyone and Dark Horse and these creators aren't here to pull punches with X and Arcadia. They go all out and on that level it works. Issue three really starts to reveal the motives and the games that must be played to take over or win back this city. X cranks it up to 11 and if you know what's good for you then just strap in and enjoy the ride!

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X #4

Aug 13, 2013

Swierczynski's final pages of this issue slow down enough to have Leigh figure out what makes X tick and for her it's as eye opening as it is an genuine progression of their relationship. Simply put X is what it says it is and nothing more or less. If you can go in with that perspective and surrender to Swierczynski and Nguyen's all out assault on your senses then you'll get more out of it than a simple vigilante violence because somewhere lurking beneath lies substance to go along with the brutality.

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X #5

Sep 10, 2013

Leigh is questioning her dedication, X questions his sanity or maybe it's just everyone around him and the villains continue to be outrageously fun and disturbingly dangerous. Not sure where X is heading with this stand alone tale but it's still worth reading if you enjoy the action and chaotic drama X has brought so far. Not as brutal as we've seen previously but still enough action to make it as edgy as promised. A solid book and totally worth it if you enjoy over-the-top action and characters.

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X #7

Nov 12, 2013

Swierczynski does a good job showing innocence in Ruidoso's team but also gives them enough smarts and chemistry to make them more than formidable in the long run. Glimpses of that starts to show itself here and by the end Ruidoso will have leverage that Lt. Setter only could dream of but will put them in the cross hairs of X. As we've seen before that's not a healthy place to be. While I was hoping for a little more punch X #7 still hits the mark and puts things in motion for a longer story arc and return to the brutality that X possesses. Overall a solid issue where X marks the spot.

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X #8

Dec 11, 2013

This is a no nonsense action packed issue but it's nice to see that X isn't solely alone and that there is a reason for hope in such a corrupt city. Will X ever be trusted? Doubtful, but without a team to support them vigilantes become unlikable and unsympathetic. Swierczynski is moving in the right direction with X and it's a welcome ray of light in a brutally dark world. If you love over-the-top action X will definitely suit your needs but it's growing into a more well-rounded and balanced story.

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X #9

Jan 14, 2014

X has fluctuated some from issue to issue but #9 has easily been one Swierczynski and Nguyen's strongest and the new twist on X's mental make-up and those he hunts down is a great new dynamic that makes it's way to the forefront. X is on the right track and gets better each issue. Fans of edgy and graphic storytelling should be picking up this book but look a little deeper and you'll see there's much more to discover.

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X #10

Feb 12, 2014

By the end of the issue we get a final showdown with X and another new villain, Gamble. It's obvious that not only does X have a history with Tango but one as well with Gamble as well. Once again an odd villain who's love of the western gunslinger is obvious but the depravity and extremes he's willing to go to are off the chart as well. X #10 was flat out entertaining and visceral. While this title might not suit everyone it's definitely worth giving it a look. X is the vigilante that everyone loves and everyone fears equally which makes him a true dark hero in a sick twisted city. The progression Xis making should warm the hearts of the blood thirsty but fan of crime, revenge and raw justice should jump on this book immediately. I like where X is headed and have bought in to Swierczynski and Nguyen's world, lock, stock and bloody barrel!

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X #12

Apr 9, 2014

In the end Leigh is used as a device to draw X out in the open but more importantly letting his guard down. For that he pays and in the face of not just one major villain but four. Swierczynski shows that he and X are no one trick ponies and that there is plenty of meat left on the bone. It shows more subtle and emotion triggers for our hero and lays bare the vulnerabilities and weakness getting to close can get you. A different tone for X but still edgy and aggressive. X is moving in new territory and it shows how versatile this title can be while still keeping you on the edge of your seat. Dark Horse's X is really hitting it's stride and readers should get on board immediately.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #14

Jun 25, 2013

X-O Manowar is another solid and exciting title in the Valiant Universe. Planet Death revealed true character in Aric and completed his journey to wield and bond with Shanhara and use it to return freedom to an alien race who wanted to destroy him and his people. X-O Manowar is one of many Valiant titles that should be a must read for fans of great characters and exciting storytelling!

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X-O Manowar (2012) #15

Jul 9, 2013

This is a perfect jumping on point for new readers and a great introduction of the Eternal Warrior who gets his own title in September. X-O Manowar #15 is a slower pace but it's a perfect pace to finally see Aric struggle with the loss of his people. Things are more complicated for Aric but Venditti sets the stage for a terrific new arc and an epic battle for two warriors fighting for home, honor and a future. Get on this title immediately!

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X-O Manowar (2012) #16

Aug 20, 2013

X-O Manowar is shaping up to be the leader in the Valiant Universe and with so many solid titles that's no easy feat. Aric and Gilad's complicated relationship and history is the most interesting and dynamic in comics right now. Unity is going to be the toughest challenge for Aric and the Shanhara and, with the soon to be released Eternal Warrior title, the X-O Manowar section of the Valiant Universe looks to be it's best yet.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #17

Sep 17, 2013

X-O Manowar is setting up for the UNITY event and that explains the titles lull in action as the Valiant Universe is set to explode. But don't be fooled into thinking it's lesser in value. Venditti his hitting all notes in X-O and it still packs a punch without packing literal punches. X-O Manowar is leading the way in uniting all of the Valiant Universe and it continues to get better with each issue.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #19

Nov 19, 2013

Venditti writes Aric with honor and complexity which is why X-O Manowar is a stand out Valiant title and with Nord's art makes this my absolute favorite book this week hands down. New readers should jump on this book immediately and once you read it you'll be sold on why it's so good. X-O Manowar is truly hitting it's stride and there's no doubt only greater things lie ahead.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #21

Jan 21, 2014

Venditti is moving in a new more complex direction with X-O Manowar and just when readers think you have this character figured out Venditti throws a curve ball you never expect. His ability to make alien technology and superhuman traits feel natural is the key to X-O's success and continued growth in new directions. This is one of Valiant's books that marks their signature of a great comic book publisher and Venditti is the key to raising standards of great comic book storytelling. X-O Manowaris a great read and heading for bigger and better things to come.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #22

Feb 25, 2014

Venditti has always been extremely effective is making Aric actions and motivations more gray than black and white which also makes for the best kind of storytelling. X-O Manowar is a perfect hero for the Valiant Universe which is both complex and entertaining and something comic fans should not pass by. I can't recommend X-O Manowarhighly enough as it hits all the right notes and pulls all the right strings for fans of action packed and engaging comics!

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X-O Manowar (2012) #24

Apr 15, 2014

As usual, X-O Manowar #24 is a great lead-in to a bigger event and a chance for readers to feel both greatness and humility through Aric's eyes. This issue makes the anticipation for Armor Hunters palpable and exciting. X-O Manowar continues it's dominance as the flagship title for Valiant and with the plethora of great titles under their imprint that's saying a lot! This whole series is worth all the time and invest in not just great superhero stories but simply great storytelling!

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X-O Manowar (2012) #25

May 20, 2014

This book is a treat for longtime fans and it's an amazing opportunity for new readers to get the foundation they need to jump in and prepare for Armor Hunters. This should be enough for anyone to get their fix of the amazing job Venditti has done so far and what he still has in store. If this doesn't hook you nothing will. This is a perfect blend of history, action, anticipation wrapped in stunning and brilliant art. X-O Manowar #25 is a must-have in your Valiant collection!

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X-O Manowar (2012) #34

Mar 4, 2015

Venditti shocks readers in the end and for the first time Aric seems not only vulnerable but more defeated than ever before in what he fails to do. X-O Manowar has faltered before, others have paid the price, but never on this scale and that's saying a lot when it comes to what Venditti has put Aric through prior to Dead Hand. X-O Manowar #34 is a fast-paced issue with plenty of action and emotional drama. As Valiant's flagship title it continues to set the standard and rarely has any superhero title had the consistency that Venditti has maintained throughout X-O Manowar‘s run. Venditti and Bernard are on the top of their game with Dead Hand which looks to set the bar for the series higher than ever before.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #35

Apr 1, 2015

This chapter of the Dead Hand sets up for something even bigger in both size and scope. The Armor Hunters machines move on after their destruction and their new destination is going to put Aric at the forefront of an epic battle. Even though Aric has a personal stake at what's to come, Venditti makes sure that Aric also remembers the Vine and the casualties that took from Dead Hand. Aric protects his own but also defends even those who once enslaved him and his people. X-O Manowar is a universal hero and Venditti continues to raise the bar for what it means to be a hero.

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