Archer & Armstrong #16

Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Khari Evans Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: December 11, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 1
8.2Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Showdown on the lowdown! The secret factions of Sect Civil War steamroll into their biggest battle yet! The multiple Sects that secretly govern our world have stepped out of the shadows and right into each others' faces! Now the newly reunited Archer and Armstrong (for now) must stand tall in this conspiracy free-for-all and find a way to not only survive, but save the world in the process (again)!

  • 10
    Herotaku - Brian Benjamin Dec 11, 2013

    Overall, this arc of Archer & Armstrong has hooked me. It's also caused to start buying some of the trades so I can know what adventures our heroes went on before this current arc. While this isn't an issue a new reader should read as I feel they would miss out on a lot of things. The issue itself was another great issue. Valiant Comics, Fred Lente, and Khari Evans know what they're doing with this series and I can't ask for anything else as a reader. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Dec 11, 2013

    The Sect War is a riot and Archer & Armstrong #16 is a great read. The story Van Lente is telling is action packed and Evans backs it up with solid artwork that brings the Sect War to life. This is a solid chapter to what has been a strong arc in the best series Valiant has put out to date. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Eric Biewenga Dec 11, 2013

    Okay this book is great; not the best starting point but it moves toward the conclusion of the war. It does leave you with one question at the end "is he really going to do that?" which sets so much in motion. If you have enjoyed the war this has to be my second favorite of the arc, sorry last issue is still my favorite. I would say pick it up because there is more to come and many things set in motion. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Russell Johnson Dec 11, 2013

    Archer & Armstrong has always been a solid, fun read with a dynamic, imaginative plot that is easily accessible and comprehended by the reader. There aren't many books like this on comic book shops shelves these days but it's well worth your time to seek it out. This is another example of Valiant's unique approach to the comic medium and how they are both bold and daring with their storytelling. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Dec 12, 2013

    Khari Evans and ChrisCross are on art, once again, and this issue looks pretty good. Evans does a fine job, although he's still not a great match for this series. As previously stated, this issue has tons of action, and both arts deliver on those scenes big time. Every other page features explosions, stabbings and other violent acts. There are times when the character look a little too puffy in the face, like everyone has had a too much to drink (maybe they have?) and many of the characters look incredibly similar. It's not bad, but you'll not all the Egyptians look like the same dude. Kinda weird. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Multiversity Comics - David Harper Dec 12, 2013

    Once again, there's a lot to like here, but your mileage may vary with the art. For me, even with solid storytelling chops, it's just not a fit for the story that is being delivered. Read Full Review

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