David Harper's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Multiversity Comics Reviews: 110
7.9Avg. Review Rating

Alex + Ada #2

Dec 13, 2013

A great comic should be the marriage of writing and art in service of the story, and Alex + Ada is a book that is burrowing its way into our hearts thanks to two creators working in lockstep. Try this book out for size. You might just find your new favorite book.

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Alex + Ada #5

Mar 28, 2014

This issue in itself beckons a significant change for the remainder of the series, but if you're a comic reader looking for something special and something entirely its own, I couldn't recommend this book more.

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American Vampire: Second Cycle #1

Mar 21, 2014

American Vampire was once one of the strongest books in comics, pairing with Jason Aaron and R.M. Guera's Scalped to be the new flagships to Vertigo's present. That day has past, but as the Second Cycle commences, Snyder and Albuquerque have announced to the world that they're back, and in a big way.

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Archer & Armstrong (2012) #0.2014

Feb 4, 2014

It's a hell of a thing Van Lente accomplishes, and it is all the better with artist Pere Perez onboard. Last issue, I talked about how the book suffered with a less fitting artist on it during the "Sect Civil War" arc, and with Perez back onboard we're given a perfect partner-in-crime for Van Lente that hits the comedic moments (of which there were few here) and completely nails the character ones. This is a very good issue, and sets up the new status quo while building up one of the titular character's past. A clever, well-crafted issue.

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Archer & Armstrong (2012) #16

Dec 12, 2013

Once again, there's a lot to like here, but your mileage may vary with the art. For me, even with solid storytelling chops, it's just not a fit for the story that is being delivered.

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Archer & Armstrong (2012) #17

Jan 15, 2014

All in all, Sect Civil War really did change the status quo for this book quite a bit, and it's naturally leading into the crossover with Bloodshot and H.A.R.D. Corps. With that, Pere Perez will be back, and he's been one of the singularly best artistic voices on this book so he'll be welcomed with open arms. That said, this arc, and this issue, ultimately were frustratingly one-dimensional, and have me glad to be getting past.

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Armor Hunters #2

Jul 9, 2014

Armor Hunters has been a rollicking action blast of an event comic that hasn't lost sight on its identity or its story. Venditti and Braithwaite have delivered another chapter that pushes the story well, but still finds time to thrill us with its action movie DNA. Now, for the hard part. Sticking the landing. I think they'll nail it, and I'm excited to find out if I'm right.

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Avengers Arena #11

Jun 28, 2013

This issue is very character focused, center on Hazmat and Reptil and how they're responding to their situation, and it very much underlines how well Hopeless understands these characters. Add in some excellent art from Burchielli " I really enjoyed how he handled Reptil vs. the Great Whites in the open " and this issue is one that keeps its forward momentum going while unifying some of the disparate parts of the book.

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Avengers Undercover #10

Sep 12, 2014

So ultimately, as much as I wanted to love this, Undercover comes to an end in an unsatisfying fashion. I don't really blame anyone involved for it, as it really feels like a book that had plans, but didn't have the time to execute them properly. It's an issue that wanted to tie up every loose end, but in the process, it ended with more of a thud than a bang.

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Avengers Vs. X-Men #11

Sep 14, 2012

Yet next issue brings Jason Aaron back to the mix, as well as frequent collaborator Adam Kubert. If anyone can bring this thing home, it's Aaron. In my perspective, he's on the shortlist of finest writers in comics, and given where this all leads, he's going to need his A game. As for this issue, it came nowhere near the creative team's A game, which is a shame for what amounts to the flagship of Marvel…well, now.

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B.P.R.D.: Hell On Earth #103

Jan 9, 2013

All in all, it's a bit early to tell how much this arc will pay off, but it is a strong start that is slightly mitigated by expectations I as a reader have after the previous issue. One way or another, I'm excited to see where this goes, and it undoubtedly earns a solid buy rating.

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Batwoman (2010) #25

Nov 22, 2013

I do think that Marc Andreyko and Jeremy Haun can do very good things on this book, but because of its nature and because of the quality of this issue that introduced Andreyko to many Batwoman readers, they may be screwed from the start. It's a damn shame, just like much of what has complicated DC's recent history.

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Before Watchmen: Comedian #1

Jun 22, 2012

Brian: I feel sorry for your employer, what with you being drunk before noontime. Go sober up, Harper, and we'll be back next week!

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Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre #1

Jun 15, 2012

I'm going to give it a 9.5, and say this is the clubhouse leader for best comic of the month so far.

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #17

Dec 20, 2013

Lupacchino's art was superb, as per usual, but holy crap, the art shift about 3/4 into the issue? Diabolical. I have no doubt that Cooper is a talented artist in his own right, but that kind of switch is destined to harm the flow of any story, and it positively nukes it here. Such a bummer, as this was almost a dynamite issue. Instead, it's a decent one with a lot of positive signs. Here's hoping the art gets in order with the arrival of Bart Sears next issue.

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Bloodshot & H.A.R.D. Corps #18

Jan 10, 2014

So it's a tale of two halves: entertaining story and dialogue, but art struggles throughout. This is a book that really could go for an art upgrade, even if it is cool to see Sears work on interiors again.

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Captain Midnight #1

Aug 2, 2013

Entertaining, pulpy as all hell and a little bit ridiculous? Yeah, that sounds about right for the "debut" issue of Captain Midnight, following up on the heels of the Zero issue collecting the shorts from Dark Horse Presents. Josh Williamson finds a happy medium between Lobster Johnson and Captain America in this issue, breeding an atmosphere that's almost a character in the story.

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Casanova: Avaritia #2

Oct 7, 2011

It's new comics, baby. It's a revolution and a good time in the midst of it. Enjoy it while you can.

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Cataclysm: Ultimate Spider-Man #2

Dec 13, 2013

For those that are passing on this as an event tie-in, let me just say this: you're missing one of the best superhero comics on the stands in the process. Don't make that mistake.

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Catwoman (2011) #1

Sep 24, 2011

There is genuinely solid storytelling in this book, and it covers about half of the story. That's the reason why this book doesn't earn a “Buy” from me. I don't care that the intro and the conclusion were borderline smut. I care that those sections were poorly told and filled with thoughtless decision making from both writer and artist. That's why this book is earning what it does from me.

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Chew #35

Jul 12, 2013

Chew is undoubtedly one of the best comics being released today, and it's sad it takes an "aha!" moment with a toe and a pumpkin house to make us stand up and realize how great it is.

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Deadly Class #2

Feb 27, 2014

This book is beautiful, dark, hopeful, violent, smart and a whole lot more things, and in two issues, it's done more for me as a reader than most do in a year's worth of issues. If you're not reading Deadly Class, you are truly missing out.

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Deadly Class #5

May 30, 2014

There are some of the most absolutely astounding sequentials I've seen in 2014 within the pages of this issue, and if Remender's work on this issue is the steak, than Craig and Loughridge are another delicious steak right next to it with a double serving of sizzle for everyone. This is one of the best two or three looking comics on the stands right now.

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Descender #1

Feb 3, 2015

Lemire and Nguyen prove themselves to be a potentially great partnership after just one issue, and in this debut, they deliver a gorgeous and unique issue that leaves an indelible impression. "Descender" #1 looks to the stars to give readers the world, but it is the ability of the storytellers behind it to take us into the hearts of its leads that truly sets this book apart. That and one hell of a creator-owned debut by Nguyen, who looks like he's on the verge of taking his art to another level by taking it in a different direction. You won't want to miss this comic, folks.

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #1

Jul 25, 2014

A good start that could be verging on greatness

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Dream Thief: Escape #1

Jun 27, 2014

"Dream Thief: Escape" perfectly follows the first mini-series with an exciting and well-crafted opener, and if you enjoyed the first one, you'll like this one even more. Even if you missed the first mini, you'll be able to appreciate this and pick up on what's going on, and even if you don't"well, Greg Smallwood art. I rest my case.

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Drifter #1

Oct 20, 2014

All in all, “Drifter” is an excellent debut, and the type of science fiction that I can't help but love. The storytelling exudes a real sense of confidence, and within (or because of) that, the characters intrigue and the visuals astonish. Like with many Image titles, it very well might not be for you, but if you're a fan of more grounded (literally) science fiction and just absolutely phenomenal art, “Drifter” likely is a book for you.

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East of West #7

Nov 8, 2013

Truly a masterpiece in the making, East of West #7 is yet another stunning chapter of one of the best comics around.

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East of West #9

Jan 31, 2014

This, my friends, is how you kick off a second year.

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East of West #10

Mar 14, 2014

This is the most confidently told comic on the stands, and it knows exactly what it is each and every month. What it is happens to be badass, and I am alright with that.

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East of West #16

Dec 31, 2014

The apocalypse rolls on, though, and I for one am as interested as ever in the Message and everything in this world it has tainted or emboldened. “East of West” is back, and things are looking better than ever, at least for us. I'd tell you to pray for the characters in the story, but something tells me it wouldn't do any good.

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Eternal Warrior (2013) #4

Dec 20, 2013

It's an entertaining issue, but with 4001 coming, I have to admit, this issue did more to get me excited for the future (literally) than blow me away now. A good first step, though.

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Eternal Warrior (2013) #6

Feb 13, 2014

The thing that is working so well about this arc is that it has given us a reason to invest in Gilad's violence, in a way that I think " to a degree " establishing his family in the first arc was meant to do, but just works far better when it has Caroline's innocence rather than Xaran's ostentatious intensity. I believe I said it last month, but this arc? This is the Eternal Warrior book I want to read, and no Valiant book has me more eager to read it each month than it right now. Well done to the team, and here's hoping it keeps rolling as the arc continues.

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Fables #134

Oct 18, 2013

It's a very good issue, but not quite the level it has been at recently.

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Fables #141

Jun 20, 2014

If it weren't for Buckingham's art and everything Medea, this would have been a hell of a bust. Here's hoping everything gets back on track as we progress down the long road to closure.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #600

Nov 23, 2011

Fantastic Four #600 is an issue that had high expectations, high cost and high degree of difficulty. With Hickman and his cadre of talented artists tasked with the new job, we knew they wouldn't disappoint, but from page one to the very end, this is a highlight reel book for what Big Two comics can and should be. Bravo to everyone involved, and I can't wait to see what is next.

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Fatale #19

Jan 10, 2014

Fatale is an exercise in perfectly measured storytelling amidst what is often a bloodbath, and I think things are going to get a lot worse before they get better, if they ever get better again.

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FBP: Federal Bureau Of Physics #3

Sep 13, 2013

I'll want a little less head scratching in the future, but for now, the artist formerly known as Collider is something I continue to enjoy.

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FF (2012) #9

Jul 19, 2013

This book is just damn fun, and a pool party is the perfect place for it.

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Five Ghosts #4

Jun 28, 2013

What happens when you combine mystical battles between two age old masters (featuring a dragon!) with the lead taking a vision quest through his own soul to claim the rights of his powers? An awesome comic, it turns out, as Barbiere and Mooneyham continue to craft one of the best comic minis of 2013

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Five Ghosts #8

Jan 10, 2014

Lost Coastlines continues to be a rollicking good time that you could argue is even more fun than the first, introductory arc.

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Fury MAX (2012) #13

Jun 28, 2013

Ennis and Parlov tell a definitive Fury story over these 13 issues, and in this final one, they drop the final gut punch that is one of the most heartbreaking and truly poetic finales to a character arc I've ever seen in comics.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #1

Oct 1, 2014

“Gotham Academy” #1 might be the single most enjoyable comic I've read in 2014. It's an absolutely gorgeous and unique adventure, and an adventure that can and should be enjoyed by everyone. It doesn't matter who you are – a first time reader, a long time reader, a man, a woman, young, old, whatever – Becky Cloonan, Brenden Fletcher and Karl Kerschl's “Gotham Academy” #1 probably has something for you to love in its pages.

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Gotham Academy (2014) #5

Feb 27, 2015

Overall, it's another solid issue. I'm enjoying this book quite a bit, and if the colorists regulate, I think the book will be better overall. Either way, if you're in the market for a fun book that's less focused on continuity and more focused on engaging you actively, this book may be for you.

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Great Pacific #8

Jul 12, 2013

It's a stunning, engrossing read, and one that is getting closer to the top of my buy pile each month.

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Great Pacific #15

Jun 6, 2014

If you've been reading Great Pacific so far, this is a really nice issue that builds off of what we've seen before. For new readers, probably not so much, but with bold decisions and strong character work from Harris and Morazzo, Great Pacific is an adventure we continue to enjoy following.

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Harbinger (2012) #19

Dec 12, 2013

This is a book that has struggled to find its identity since Harbinger Wars ended, but thankfully, things are starting to coalesce again with the end of this arc. Dysart gets back to the basics, hitting character breakthroughs and making us care about the team again.

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Harbinger (2012) #20

Jan 15, 2014

No less, this arc is looking like a real knockout, and I'm really hoping Henry stays on this book for a while. With him on the book, it could quickly become the best book in Valiant's ranks once again.

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Harbinger (2012) #21

Feb 13, 2014

Throw in Monica Jim and her clear disdain for the team, and we've got a hell of an issue that is setting up the pieces as we build to " apparently " the death of one of the Renegades. With Henry on art, this book is arcing back up, and hopefully Dysart and Henry stay teamed up for the foreseeable future.

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Harbinger (2012) #25

Jul 17, 2014

All in all, "Harbinger" #25 is an entertaining ride that ably sets up what is next, but for me, it felt like there was something missing. For all the effectiveness found in some of the short stories, namely Knisley's, the main story was a solid if unspectacular one that didn't quite reach the expectations tied to an anniversary issue.

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Hawkeye (2012) #2

Sep 7, 2012

I am a big fan of Hawkeye anyways, but this? This is the Hawkeye I want to see. This is the bow and arrow equivalent of Waid and team's Daredevil. It's not an apples to apples comparison, but they both just capture this sense of spirit and vitality that previous iterations of the characters had lost touch of. And I for one am very thankful that this book is around, even if Aja is off after issue three. Don't miss this book, people.

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Hawkeye (2012) #15

Feb 27, 2014

All that said, the character work and dialogue is endlessly charming, as is the utilization of Clint's exes. Bits like Clint's pants not being able to stay up go from something that could be trite in other creator's hands work because Dave Aja is so effective at visual humor and highly communicative, expressive characters. This is a good comic, but it's one that suffers under the weight of a nine-letter word for the quality of being distinguished: greatness.

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Hawkeye (2012) #21

Feb 6, 2015

The whole issue is a whirlwind of a read, delivering a lot of story in a standard length comic. Aja's gifts as a storyteller extend it, as he uses unique and rapid fire paneling to make these 20 pages worth 40 of an ordinary book. It reads fast, it reads breathlessly, but it's dense at the same time. It's a cleverly made book, and one with a hellaciously impactful ending.

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High Crimes #1

Jan 31, 2013

These two creators are completely new to me, but with this issue, they have me completely onboard for all of “High Crimes” and whatever they're working on in the future. An unexpected knockout, “High Crimes” is a must buy for comic fans, especially when you consider that it costs just $0.99. For those that are burnt out on double shipping and $3.99 cover prices, this book is the remedy to all of those problems.

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Invincible #106

Oct 18, 2013

This is a book that is struggling to find an identity after the Viltrumite War, much in the same way Fables did for a while after the war with the Adversary wrapped.

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Invincible #110

Apr 11, 2014

So, in all, in this rambling review, this is a decent comic, not a great one. And if you're upset about the rape, I'd recommend looking back through the history of the book and ask yourself, "is this the worst thing that has ever happened in it?" Not by a long shot.

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Lazarus #6

Feb 7, 2014

World building can be a very rewarding process in comics, but in the wrong hands it could be a complete drag. You see it in comics sometimes where they build and build and build, but you never actually get anything from it. With "Lazarus", that is certainly not the case, as Rucka and Lark take the second issue of the "Lift" arc to expand this tortured, desperate world while expanding our relationship with the lead, Forever.

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Lazarus #8

Apr 25, 2014

Lark and Arcas make this world feel very lived in, and I mean that in the most dire of ways given the state of the world, and Rucka fills the air with rich, intent driven dialogue. This is a book that is lean and effective, just like its protagonist, and I wouldn't want it to be anything else.

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Mara #4

Apr 18, 2013

Overall though, I've been thrilled with “Mara” so far. It's a consistently surprising and excellent book, with stellar character work and imaginative ideas from Wood paired with the artistic magnificence of Doyle and Bellaire pushing this book to higher heights than even I'd hoped for. The promise of greatness was always here, but it always makes me happy when a book reaches its potential. Just like Mara.

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Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #1

May 9, 2014

All in all though, this is a solid issue that is strangely deflated by the moment that was set up as the biggest one it had. Looking forward to where it goes from here, but mostly because Miles is my guy, and I hope he stays that way.

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Moon Knight (2014) #6

Aug 8, 2014

A fitting conclusion to a beguiling, bizarre, beautiful run.

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Ms. Marvel (2014) #3

Apr 18, 2014

But really, when it gets down to it, this book is pretty damn incredible for two reasons: that "real" feeling I keep expressing, and that it's just a whole lot of fun. This book is an easy one to pick up and appreciate, no matter who you are or how much experience you have with comics. It speaks to being young, to being confused by emotions, to not giving in to being who you have been told you are, to being a fan, and to wanting something more. It's universal, even if it is the story of a young girl with the rare gift to embiggen herself. Don't miss it.

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Nova (2013) #8

Sep 27, 2013

This book continues to be a book I enjoy quite a bit, especially when it's really just focusing on Sam Alexander as a neophyte hero trying to figure out his way.

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Quantum and Woody #6

Dec 6, 2013

This comic never forgets to bring the fun, and in this issue, we start making some fantastic connections with the rest of the Valiant universe as mention of the Sect Civil War pops up here. It's all coming together, and I just dig it.

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Quantum and Woody #7

Jan 10, 2014

This book rules, and continues to fire on all cylinders. If you're not reading it, you are really missing out.

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Rachel Rising #3

Nov 10, 2011

This is a pretty short review, but to be fair, it's a pretty short book. It's a very, very quality one as well, and one that shows off the talents of one of the most consistently great creators on the market. If you get a chance to pick it up, I highly recommend this unique and well-crafted book.

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Rachel Rising #19

Sep 13, 2013

A solid chapter that establishes key points, but lags in story.

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Rai #3

Jul 9, 2014

Overall, it's a fascinating story in a unique, glossy package. It also is pretty freaking rad in parts, especially in the more action heavy moments. Kindt and Crain are really, truly building a world here, and while it's not all the way there, the foundation is enticing enough that we can't help but be hooked as readers. More of this, and we could be on our way to another Valiant great.

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Revival #13

Aug 21, 2013

That said, well crafted art, rock solid character work and one of the best covers of the week? Definitely gets a buy rating, but the potential for more clarity in events (besides Joe fading away probably, as I'm sure that will be a big focus going forward) kept this issue at a lower level for me.

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Revival #20

May 9, 2014

This book is just fantastic, and when you add on things like Jenny Frison's infinitely amusing and beautifully illustrated cover, it's hard not to just completely love this book, even as it tears at the lives of the people within it. Keep on keepin' on Revival. I know you will.

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Saga #14

Sep 27, 2013

BKV had a resurgent issue, however, and the budding relationship between Klara and D. Oswald Heist is touching, and Hazel's omnipresent narration continues to push this book into wonderfully touching levels. A great book that is getting on its feet again.

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Saga #15

Nov 1, 2013

It's always fun to review a comic that is so universally beloved because the question becomes how do you find new ways to say happy things about such a great book

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Secret Six (2014) #1

Dec 4, 2014

The secret to this book may in fact be that it's a slow build to where it needs to go. But I can tell you this: if it is, that's one secret I won't discover.

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Shadowman (2012) #1

Nov 7, 2012

his is maybe the co-lead for best debut of any Valiant series with Archer & Armstrong, mostly because of how effective at world building it is and just how fantastic Zircher was in this issue. He feels truly inspired.

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Shadowman (2012) #14

Jan 10, 2014

Dark times are here for "Shadowman", and I really hope things will start getting settled and more interesting as we get further into the arc.

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Shadowman (2012) #15

Feb 4, 2014

It's just a shame that the rest of it reads so rough, and I feel like my idea that this arc has been a bust is validated by the fact that the upcoming "End Times" mini is supposed to already act as a new jumping on point in Milligan's run. Le sigh.

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She-Hulk (2014) #2

Mar 7, 2014

It's kind of crazy how good this book is after two issues, but with Charles Soule, Javier Pulido and Muntsa Vicente on the book, I guess it should be expected. I knew it would be beautiful, pop classic of a book with Pulido and Vicente, but Soule's writing gives it a lot of pop and fizz as well. This book, my friends, is the total package, and should be read by everyone. For real.

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Shutter #3

Jun 13, 2014

This comic is everything I want out of comics, and it's just a whirlwind of pure comic booking in all the best ways. Keatinge, del Duca, Gieni and Brisson should bend over backwards patting themselves on their backs, because this " excuse my Eisner nominated French " shit is the goddamn bomb.

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Spider-Man 2099 (2014) #1

Jul 11, 2014

This book is remarkably solid, but nothing you could truly call "spectacular" or "amazing." At least not yet. I'm looking forward to #2, which is the most spectacular thing of all, as I picked this up truly on a lark. Well done Peter and Will. Now keep it up.

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Starlight #4

Jun 13, 2014

This book is very fun, and very cleverly made. If you're looking for a book that you can simply enjoy for a Star Wars meets Flash Gordon type tale, then look no further than Starlight. It's a good time, especially because of one brilliant artist and doing a superb job of knowing exactly what it is.

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Superior #5

Oct 7, 2011

Even with that in mind, this book is still a blast and a half. This is the Mark Millar that I love. If I could read Superior each and every week I would " it's just a good time with a real joyous sense of storytelling at its center. Here's hoping the next issue comes sooner than this one did, and that in the process everything comes out all hunky dory.

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The Black Beetle #3

Apr 19, 2013

But it's a small complaint in a book that has oh so much going for it. Francavilla is one of the most gifted storytellers in comics, and "The Black Beetle" is a passion project that finds him at the top of his game. It's an absolute blast to read, and something I hope we see much more of after "No Way Out" wraps next month.

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The Kitchen #1

Nov 13, 2014

And for everyone involved. Masters delivers characters with built-in depth from the start, introducing us to years of history between Kath and Raven with a simple question about dinner. Doyle's character work superbly shows the building confidence in Kath throughout the big scene at the end. Bellaire adds to the ferocity of it with small color flourishes in the right spots. This is a total team effort, and a team delivering a very interesting debut with a whole lot of potential going forward. "The Kitchen" is off to a strong start, and I'm excited to see if Kath, Angie and Raven find the respect their imprisoned husbands had and that they deserve as we go along.

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The Private Eye #8

Sep 19, 2014

This is a remarkably well crafted book that is near its end. If you haven't caught up now, you might as well just wait 'til it wraps, but don't miss this gem. It's online only, and it deserves your love completely.

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The Walking Dead #114

Sep 13, 2013

Charlie Adlard crushes on the issue, as per usual, and we're given yet another top notch issue from a book that obviously shows no signs of slowing down.

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The Walking Dead #125

Apr 11, 2014

For a character first writer like Kirkman, it's very odd that he struck out on such a big moment.

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The Walking Dead #137

Feb 13, 2015

All in all though, it's another enjoyable yarn. "The Walking Dead" won't return to its Eisner winning roots, more than likely, but you also aren't likely to find stronger fictional zombie drama anywhere, including its enormously rated TV show. It's well worth paying attention to all these years later.

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Thief of Thieves #15

Jul 5, 2013

Great character moments, exceptional storytelling and cinematic spreads by Martinbrough highlight another strong issue for Skybound's other Kirkman series.

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Thief of Thieves #16

Aug 23, 2013

Diggle's character work continues to be strong, although I have to say, Agent Cohen has gotten to the point she's a caricature of unbelievable nature. This ship keeps on going, although we've gotten past the point where the art's greatness greatly surpasses the writing.

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Thor: God of Thunder #10

Jul 19, 2013

Ribic continues to render this world in a scale that can only be described as godlike, and with the Godbomb potentially having gone off (not likely, of course), I can only imagine what the two of them have in store for us. If you haven't been reading this book, I envy your ability to read this in trade when it's done. One of the best Thor stories ever.

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Thor: God of Thunder #25

Sep 19, 2014

Overall, this was a very solid, occasionally great issue. However, the Bisley/frost giant story left enough of a sour taste in my mouth to push the book down a couple notches. Regardless, I'll miss this book, and I have high hopes that the next iteration will continue its spirit on very well.

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Thunderbolts (2006) #165

Nov 18, 2011

This book is a joy to read month in and month out. It has been great for a long time, and it is as good as ever now, bringing a lot of fun to my monthly comic reads. I know some don't like the term “fun” when involved with comics, but come on, what else can you use to explain the awesome that is Troll. Well done Team Thunderbolts.

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Thunderbolts (2012) #12

Jul 5, 2013

It's a great story of Frank, as it shows just how dedicated to his murderous craft he really is. It's a great character story, and one that Dillon " the artist of all-time great Punisher story "Welcome Back, Frank" " excels at. He's a guy who is top notch when it comes to violence, and he really kills it here.

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #4

Nov 11, 2011

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man is a book that has had a proud legacy for its entire existence, and I can say that since Miles Morales became the lead of this book, it hasn't missed a beat. It's an impressive and fun book that has firmly entrenched itself as one of the first books I read every time it comes out, which is a sure sign of it being a book I love as much as ever.

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Umbral #3

Jan 24, 2014

This is fantasy done the right way, with true world building and character development informing the things that go bump in the night.

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Unity #1

Nov 11, 2013

Regardless of expectations and what the old Unity was, I thought this issue kicked ass. I loved the opening with the war-time blogger talking about how she became obsessed with the Man-O-War, as per usual Ninjak was tremendously badass, and this book acted as a really interesting counterpoint to Harbinger and Bloodshot, as it positions Toyo Harada as a"good guy? I think this issue does an incredible job of underlining how heavily in the gray areas of the world the Valiant universe exists in, and in the process tells an explosive, exciting story that should have ramifications all over the place. So I dug it big time.

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Unity #2

Dec 12, 2013

Ultimately, I don't know what the overall mission statement for this book is as an ongoing, but right now, I don't care. This book just kicks ass. Have fun with it.

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Unity #3

Jan 15, 2014

After two very, very well done issues, this one was more of a so so variety. I am excited to see what this means for X-O Manowar and this book going forward, though, and in that regard it was a success.

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Unity #9

Jul 17, 2014

Gilad's sections also work better, and the little segment with MI6 lead Neville Alcott helps put a face to the destruction, and some added motivation. Overall though, this is a bit of a disjointed issue with occasionally wonky art from Segovia that doesn't help matters. While Ninjak is never not cool and he really proves it here, this mostly felt like all filler, no killer, and the type of tie-in that is designed to be skipped.

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Wayward #5

Dec 19, 2014

I'm enjoying "Wayward". It's a book that I wouldn't count amongst my favorites, but it's an enjoyable yarn that has a fierce and unique identity as well as some great art. Based off what this finale gives us, the future could be even brighter, and I'm excited to see what's next for the book.

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What If? AVX #1

Jul 5, 2013

As someone who loves What If?, generally, I can't tell you how disappointing this comic is. Sure, it'd be perfectly fine as the first issue of "AvX," but this? This is no "What If?"

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Witch Doctor: Mal Practice #1

Nov 30, 2012

Overall though, this is a decent open for “Witch Doctor: Mal Practice.” We're set up to have a lot of really fun and interesting (character wise) things happen throughout, and any of the problems I had with it could easily be cured in issue two. One way or another, I'm excited the book is back, and I'm looking forward to seeing what's next for the troubled Dr. Morrow.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #33

Jul 26, 2013

The best X-Men book by a mile for me.

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Wolverine and the X-Men #40

Jan 24, 2014

This issue was comics at its best, marrying stellar storytelling that worked from the characters out with pitch perfect art. I am afraid I am in love with this book, even though we are meant to be apart.

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Wytches #1

Sep 15, 2014

"Wytches" #1 is a good comic. It's the debut of something with a lot of potential, and throughout its pages you can see true greatness. But it isn't there yet. Not in whole. It has made its pledge to readers with its first issue " the pledge of something great " and gotten its fingers around us, but it hasn't taken us with it yet. With time, it may get there. But for now, all I can tell you is "Wytches" #1 will make you want to go along with Snyder and Jock to see if it does. And that's good enough for now.

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X-Men (2013) #2

Jun 28, 2013

I'm so close to loving this book, but it just hasn't gotten there yet for me. Wood is doing some quality character work " I enjoy the way he writes Kitty, in particular, and his John Sublime is strangely human " and Coipel is, shockingly, brilliant, but there's something here that leaves me cold.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #12

Apr 18, 2013

As I said, I think this is one of the best marriages of writing and art we've seen from this book so far. I'm all about this version of Bloodshot, and the combination of wall-to-wall action and interesting character beats is up there in the world of comics. Badassery in comic form, my friend.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #19

Nov 20, 2013

Small downgrade for a book that is firing on all cylinders. All hail X-O Manowar.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #20

Dec 20, 2013

This is a really attractive book at this point, and 20 issues in I'm happy to report that X-O Manowar has now, in many ways, become Valiant's true flagship book like it was designed to be.

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X-O Manowar (2012) #21

Jan 21, 2014

X-O Manowar's 2014 launches really well, and I'm really glad to see that Valiant has done a great job in spinning this book out of its previous event in an exciting and new direction, rather than what happened after Harbinger Wars for Bloodshot and Harbinger. This book has all cylinders firing right now, and I'm in on it, big time.

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