Thunderbolts #165

Writer: Jeff Parker Artist: Kev Walker Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 3
8.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Captain America and Namor have fallen before an army lead by the corrupted Human Torch. Now the only chance to keep the forces of the Red Skull from tipping the balance of war is The Thunderbolts! But for the Bolts to exist in the future, Zemo must not fall- will they switch sides once more?

  • 9.0
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Nov 16, 2011

    The visuals have never been better on this title. Kev Walker does a great job of maintaining a realistic environment for these crazy characters to operate in. The way he transitions from the snowy battlefield, up to the castle, inside a blimp floating in an unknown location, and back again is incredibly smooth, utilizing a stylized yet intuitive set of paneling techniques. His Mr. Hyde is especially well-done and he earns a few laughs through physical comedy and funny facial expressions. What started as a crazy and confusing story arc has completely turned around into a crazy and charming romp through time that was breathtaking, sexy, and hilarious. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Multiversity Comics - David Harper Nov 18, 2011

    This book is a joy to read month in and month out. It has been great for a long time, and it is as good as ever now, bringing a lot of fun to my monthly comic reads. I know some don't like the term “fun” when involved with comics, but come on, what else can you use to explain the awesome that is Troll. Well done Team Thunderbolts. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Nov 20, 2011

    And the parade of above average comics continues! Once again, this was another solid issue of this series, which has been solid for the longest time now. This series is now to the point where before I read it I know to expect a good, strong story. That's about the best compliment I can give a series. Sure, I don't recall giving this series many 9 1/2 or 10's, but I'd be more than happy reading a series where almost every issue is an 8 or 8 1/2 with little fluctuation either way. Read Full Review

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