A+X | 3 issues |
A+X #1
Nov 2, 2012 |
My first thought here was that this comic was WAAAAY too short to be a $3.99 comic! It went by SO fast! Besides that, the first story was way superior to the second, although neither one is what I'd call a must read. This comic really didn't leave any kind of impact on me actually, because I can't even think of anything else to add! |
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A+X #2
Dec 2, 2012 |
Speaking of bad ideas, this comic... See what I did there? Anyway, yeah, this comic was all around terrible. I should have just reviewed Thor and FF instead of this one, but what's done is done. The Black Widow/Rogue story had Widow acting oddly out of character, while the Kitty/Iron Man one just wasn't funny, which is shocking since it was written by Peter David, who is probably the best comic writer of all time when it comes to stirring humor into a comic. In other words, I would highly recommend skipping this one. |
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A+X #5
Mar 9, 2013 |
That second story made this comic SO worth it!! Everything about it was genius! The reason for the "team-up", if you can call it that, the actions of everybody involved, the outcome, it was all perfect! Even the set-up, with Doom wanting to outdo Reed! Genius!! And Loki deciding, correctly, that Sinister was the lesser of two evils was great! Plus I loved Sinister's thoughts on Doom... It just seemed like the kind of snobbery Sinister would think. Seriously, I loved that story! Unfortunately, there were two stories in this comic, and the first one was horrendous... |
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Action Comics (1938) | 9 issues |
Action Comics (1938) #878
Jun 22, 2009 |
Once again, Greg Rucka did a very good job producing an enjoyable comic here. It wasn't world-shattering or anything, but it was a good, fast-paced read. I like the characters of Nightwing and Flamebird, and to be perfectly honest, I really don't miss Supes at all in this series. |
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Action Comics (1938) #879
Jul 22, 2009 |
Once again, this was a solid issue of Action Comics, nothing spectacular, just good, decent stuff. |
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Action Comics (1938) #884
Dec 27, 2009 |
Meh, this comic really wasn't anything to write home about. The only good to come out of this book was the fact that Nightwing was finally cured of his rapid aging problem. The stuff with Lois and the Daily Planet really didn't move me, nor did the stuff with Pillings and Flamebird |
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Action Comics (1938) #885
Jan 22, 2010 |
Meh, this issue just didn't really do anything for me. We find out there are Kryptonian sleeper agents in STAR Labs and the SP, but I kind of don't care anymore... NW and FB had been ignoring their mission to capture the sleeper agents for so long, that now that they are after them again, I've just lost all interest. This comic probably wasn't as bad as I'm making it out to be(the artwork was nice), but it's just the same old, same old in the Superman family of books. To be honest, I think I finally miss Big Blue. He really needs to come back to earth from New Krypton... It's time. |
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Action Comics (1938) #886
Feb 19, 2010 |
After reading this, all I want is for Geoff Johns to write one issue of this series returning Chris to a seven year old kid, while getting rid of everything that's happened here recently. |
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Action Comics (1938) #887
Mar 20, 2010 |
Compared to last issue, this comic wasn't all that bad. Then again, I don't know how this comic COULD have been as bad as last issue was! This comic was more or less about Nightwing and Flamebird attempting to halt the rampage of fake Rao, which was WAY better then last issues unwanted Kryptonian Mythology lesson. Sure some of the dialogue was hokey, and the story wasn't terribly original, but at least this comic was readable, and that makes it a huge improvement in my book! |
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Action Comics (1938) #901
May 26, 2011 |
I wasn't exactly sure what to expect from Paul Cornell with the end of his Lex Luthor story here in Action... I mean I liked most of his Lex work, but there were some parts that didn't do it for me, and with the idiotic direction DC has taken Superman in as of late, I'll admit, I wasn't expecting all that much from this series. Boy was I wrong though! This issue was WAY better than I expected it to be! Supes and company retreating from a multitude of Doomsdays, a huge threat to the planet, a new badass Supes villain, very good stuff here. Hell, maybe I'll drop the main Superman title and just stick with this series, because the quality difference between those two books is staggering! |
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Action Comics (1938) #903
Jul 29, 2011 |
I really don't have much to say about this one... It was perfectly acceptable. The story moved along well, Supes entered the Doomslayer's ship, setting up what I'm sure will be the final confrontation between Supes and the Doomslayer, and Supes appeared to deduce the Doomslayer's identity. Now if I read into this issue correctly, the Doomslayer would be a Doomsday clone who got lost on that massive alien ship for a few million years, meaning the lost Doomsday would have had a few million years to evolve, which would explain the Doomslayer's intelligence compared to the other Doomsdays. If that's the identity of the Doomslayer I have no qualms with it, as it makes sense. I'm a bit confused by the ending with the Doomslayer firing up the engines, since I thought he wanted to do that after his ship burrowed into the earth's core, but whatever. All in all, this was a good, fast, action-packed read. |
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Action Comics (1938) #904
Aug 28, 2011 |
Eh. Once the spaceship began talking to Supes and telling him how to defeat the Doomslayer/save the world, my eyes began to roll and I stopped paying full attention to this story... It was just all too pat. Supes gets blown up or something by the Doomslayer last issue, but here we find out that he was actually pulled inside the spaceship's informational engines(which Supes helpfully tells us as soon as it happened! Does this sort of thing happen to Supes SO often that he's completely unaffected by it?), so he could learn the secret to beating the Doomslayer and sending the ship back to it's own dimension/blowing it up(I'm still kind of foggy on that...). I liked Lois's speech to Supes to end this issue(why the hell didn't she just tell him that before he went on his asinine trek across America?!), but the story just wrapped up TOO neatly for my liking. I guess this is another storyline that got shortchanged thanks to the DC reboot... |
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Action Comics (2011) | 2 issues |
Action Comics (2011) #1
Sep 7, 2011 |
This was an odd issue... There were parts I REALLY enjoyed, and others I didn't really get, which is par for the course when talking about a Grant Morrison written comic book... At it's heart, and in simplest terms, this comic was basically an edgier Superman trying to save the people of Metropolis while Lex Luthor tried to eradicate what he saw as an alien menace sent from the stars to destroy humanity. |
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Action Comics (2011) #2
Oct 7, 2011 |
Oh, this issue was WAY better than the last one! I mean I was ready to drop this series after that last issue, but now I'm more willing to see how things play out here. Granted, I'm still quite pissed about the pricing of this issue(defend that DC fanboys, I DARE you!), especially after how hard DC pushed their whole, “Holding the line at $2.99” program... Stuff like this simply makes them look like hypocrites. Sorry, a bunch of random sketches and Morrison-babble does not make up for a 20 page story. At least Marvel is more open with the fact that they're trying to fleece as much money out of their fans as they can... Rant over. Going back to the story, Morrison seems to be setting up some good things(Lex, Brainiac, Metallo), he just needs to write Supes less like Batman and more like the virtuous Superman that we all know and love. |
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Adventure Comics (2009) | 7 issues |
Adventure Comics (2009) #2
Sep 25, 2009 |
I definitely liked this issue more than the last one, the main story, as well as the Legion back-up were both way better than last month's installment of "Adventure". |
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Adventure Comics (2009) #5
Dec 16, 2009 |
Umm, I really didn't like this comic. I thought the Prime feature was too cutesy, and the SB feature was too short. So yeah, this definitely won't go on my Geoff Johns highlight reel. |
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Adventure Comics (2009) #6
Jan 20, 2010 |
If anything, Geoff should have introduced a new character with the duel Superman/Lex Luthor DNA instead of forcing it on SB. That's probably why I haven't enjoyed this series as much as I figure I should have. I hated that stupid Lex/Supes journal SB was always writing in. I never really understood the purpose of it... He's Superboy, not Boy Luthor, or Conflicted-boy... Anyway, thanks for bringing SB back from the dead Geoff, but please, stay away from him now! |
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Adventure Comics (2009) #8
Mar 13, 2010 |
Needless to say this comic did absolutely NOTHING for me. Don't like the Old Legion, don't care about them or their problems, and I didn't appreciate that every story ended by telling me, "To be continued in Last Stand of New Krypton #1!"... Yeah yeah, I got that the first time! If you're a fan of the Golden Age Legion/the Old Legion, or are Geoff Johns, you'll probably enjoy this comic. If not, then I'd recommending avoiding this one. |
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Adventure Comics (2009) #9
Apr 9, 2010 |
I was pretty pleasantly surprised by this comic, especially in light of how much I disliked the last issue. Storywise, nothing really happened to advance the New Krypton/Brainiac storyline, but the little stories that were here were pretty good, especially the last one about the infiltrator. In the end, if you didn't read this comic, you wouldn't be missing much in the Last Stand x-over, but for those of us following the Last Stand x-over, this comic was a worthy addition. |
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Adventure Comics (2009) #10
Apr 23, 2010 |
Very good stuff here! The first story was pretty good, but the second story was great! The infiltrator story had been very strong from the first part, and it definitely ended on a high note. |
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Adventure Comics (2009) #11
May 25, 2010 |
I actually liked both stories. The first story had Vril Dox in it, and as far as I'm concerned, a Dox appearance can make ANY comic better! The second story felt somewhat rushed, but was a satisfying end to Mon-El's story. |
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Age of Ultron | 7 issues |
Age of Ultron #1
Mar 6, 2013 |
This was an okay start to this series, but I can't help but want better... |
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Age of Ultron #3
Mar 28, 2013 |
This issue went by FAST! I mean it took me like a minute or two to breeze through it! And to be honest, I liked it better than the first two issues. That's not to say that I loved it, as there were some things I didn't get, but it was, for me, a step in the right direction. Would I have sent both Luke and Shulkie, my two remaining powerhouses, into the jaws of Ultron? Probably not. Do I believe for a second that Vision is the true leader of the Ultron droids? Nope. But I am looking forward to the next issue, and am hoping my enjoyment of this series continues to grow. |
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Age of Ultron #4
Apr 4, 2013 |
Wow, this was pretty bad! For me, this was a HUGE step back from the last issue. |
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Age of Ultron #5
Apr 11, 2013 |
Eh. This series is rapidly losing me... It really doesn't feel like an event, it feels like one of Bendis's many lackluster Avengers tales. I don't feel the same sense of importance or dread that something like, say, Fear Itself, gave me. Fear Itself seemed more important. This? With the heroes parading through time to undo mistakes? It feels like a forgone conclusion that Ultron is going to lose(we STILL haven't seen Ultron Prime yet!), and the heroes will simply retcon everything at the end of this series. I know Marvel keeps promising a huge shock at the end of this event, but I'm not even psyched for that. The wheels sure fell off of this one quicker than I anticipated. |
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Age of Ultron #6
Apr 18, 2013 |
UGH!!!! This series is so damn stupid!!! It makes my head hurt! |
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Age of Ultron #7
May 2, 2013 |
Meh. Honestly, I think I'm past done with this whole "event" by now. Seriously, I'm just completely uninterested. I'm not going to bother pointing out all of the faults and stuff that made no sense, I'm not gonna put on a fake smile and act like this was a good comic. It wasn't. It was your typical Bendis event. And if you've read one of those, you've read them all. It was boring, nonsensical and splashy. And this will be it for me. I'm gonna see if I can hand the Age of Ultron reviewing duties to my compadre, JT. Maybe he'll have some fun(negative or positive) with the rest of this story. Me? I just don't care. |
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Age of Ultron #8
May 16, 2013 |
Hey, this issue was leaps and bounds better than the last two! That's not saying I'm actually enjoying this storyline, I'm not. That ship has already sailed. But I did like the fact that Iron Man pointed out so many other options to Wolverine's plan to simply kill Pym. Why not go to a Reed Richards, or a Prof. Xavier, or someone along those lines to deal with Pym? I know, sense in a Bendis comic? Madness. The reveal of Morgan Le Fey as the chief villain with Pym gone was way more Bendis-like, because it made no sense... Then again, Bendis did use Le Fey in one of his storylines, and we know how he hates Avengers stories that he didn't write, so I guess Le Fey's inclusion actually makes perfect sense... Bottom line, this issue was better, but everything is still in a holding pattern, and I have no clue how Bendis fixes his mess. |
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Alpha: Big Time | 2 issues |
Alpha: Big Time #2
Mar 14, 2013 |
This issue was okay... I guess... I loved Alpha's inner monologue, where he was completely conflicted about giving up his powers. I mean, who wouldn't be conflicted? If anything, it shows growth as a character that he was even considering giving up his powers. Other than that though, nothing really happened... Alpha fought a big energy monster. And went to a coffee house. And was grabbed by a mugger. So yes, I enjoyed this one because I'm about the biggest Alpha fan you'll find, but honestly? This comic was kind of skippable... |
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Alpha: Big Time #4
May 11, 2013 |
So yeah, great character, great issue, great mini-series, all means I'll be pulling out all my Alpha comics to give 'em all a reread once the next issue drops. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) | 16 issues |
Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #652
Jan 21, 2011 |
Um, I really don't have any complaints here at all... The story was VERY sound(as I'd expect from anything written by the severely underrated Dan Slott), the art was good, and the dialogue read like a Spidey comic. I guess if I was forced to complain about something, I'd complain about the weird Mary Jane portions of this story, where she was longing for Peter, even though she was the one who dissolved their marriage with the help of Mephisto(or whatever the hell that story is now). I personally don't get why MJ is even in this series anymore. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE MJ as a character, but seriously, Marvel erased Peter and MJ's marriage. Why is she still here? Besides that though, this was a great first issue to this storyline, and I'll be looking forward to the second part. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #661
May 20, 2011 |
I can't remember the least time I laughed this much while reading a comic. And I don't mean those times when you think to yourself, “This is funny.” I mean literally laughing out loud at some of the stuff I was reading. The scenes with Spidey trying(quite unsuccessfully I might add) to teach the kids were totally hilarious. And the story itself was extremely solid, with the hints of the Psycho-Man's involvement being dropped early on with the monkey(I missed it), making his reveal surprising, but completely within reason. What more can I say, this is comic easily gets the 12th perfect score for 2011. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #663
Jun 2, 2011 |
Okay, first things first, I apologize for that review, because it was a real mess... As I was doing it I was also on my Playstation 3, since for the first time in over a month, the PSN Store was up and running, and I wanted to check out what was in stock. Obviously I'm REALLY bad at multitasking, and this review proves that point... Anyway, this was a pretty good comic that had some really interesting moments(Jean DeWolff?!), as well as Eddie Brock, who I've always been a fan of. There's really not much more to say here... It was Amazing Spider-Man and it was written by Dan Slott... Of course it was good! |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #664
Jun 30, 2011 |
As usual, this was an extremely good issue of this series. No surprise there. There's really nothing here I can point to and say I didn't enjoy... Well expect for Carlie, but that's the Mary Jane fan in me talking. Nope, all in all, this was a very good comic, so I might as well post the score and move on. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #669
Sep 16, 2011 |
The Queen? Really? If that's who I think it is, that's a pretty obscure character who only appeared in like 6 issues of the old Spectacular Spider-Man series. Then again, I guess if you use a character with like NO prior appearances, you can do just about anything you want with them without having to worry about fan backlash. Looking past the Queen thing, this was a pretty enjoyable comic, as usual. Now, it wasn't great, but it did set up three pretty important plot points, the first is the Queen reveal, the second is Carlie becoming increasingly suspicious of Peter and the third is Jameson finding out that he had the spider-plague. So for me this felt more or less like a set-up issue. As the next few issues delve deeper into these plot points, I'm sure my score for this series will continue to climb. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #672
Oct 28, 2011 |
Okay, first let me get the positive out of the way. I really enjoyed this storyline, and LOVE the fact that it gave us Kaine back in what I'm hoping will be a prominent role moving forward(Scarlet Spider anybody?). BUT(you had to see that coming!), this issue felt really rushed for whatever reason... It starts with the Queen turning enormous, she rampages off page for most of this issue, and then gets killed... I mean we really didn't get a Peter/Queen showdown. Sure she bitch-slapped him, but that doesn't constitute a real battle to me. So overall this was a good storyline, but for me, the ending was a bit anticlimactic. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #675
Dec 8, 2011 |
First off, sorry for how sucky that review turned out, but as I said, I am dead tired and barely keeping my eyes open at this point! Um, as for this issue, it was okay. I enjoyed the story, liked the fight, and really had no major complaints. Sure, this wasn't the best Dan Slott/Spidey story I've ever read, but it was a fine way to waste some time. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #676
Dec 24, 2011 |
This comic was okay. I mean I liked the premise and all, but didn't enjoy the way it ended. For me, the wrong team won, and that can go a long way in souring the way you feel about a comic. A fan of Octopus and the Six would have enjoyed this comic because they won, but the Six utterly humbling the Intelligencia? I just don't think so... |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #679
Feb 6, 2012 |
Eh, this was a pretty good story. I've always enjoyed time travel, alternate dimensions and the like, so this was a nice little two-part story taking Spidey away from his normal, “Beating up super-villains” deal. So while I did enjoy this story, I have to admit, it was a bitch to review! |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #680
Mar 1, 2012 |
There we go, that was a nice, quick review! This was another comic that I didn't really have a problem with. The story was logical(Spidey's friend is in trouble in space. Spidey needs to get to space. The FF have spaceships... etc), while unspectacular. I mean this was a good read and all, but it wasn't something I'd go out of my way recommending... |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #683
Apr 5, 2012 |
This was a pretty solid issue... However, there was one thing that bugged me... If you guess it was the Avengers losing, AGAIN, you win the no-prize! Seriously, what is it with Spidey's enemies beating up on the Avengers?! First Osborn, now this! Besides the constant Avengers bashing, I did enjoy this comic, and am still extremely interested to see where Ock is going with this plan of his... |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #686
May 27, 2012 |
What can I really say here? As usual, this issue was really good. This storyline is really good. I can't wait to see how it ends, and the fallout from it going forward. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #693
Sep 6, 2012 |
Come on, it was Alpha AND Jackal... In the same comic! How couldn't I love it?! Alpha continued being self-absorbed and an all-around jerk, while Jackal was his regular crazy, funny self. I will admit that I was a tiny bit let down by the end of this one when Alpha blew Spidey off and didn't take Spidey up on his offer of more training, but to be honest, that kind of fit Alpha's whole deal. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #695
Oct 6, 2012 |
Okay, I don't think for a second that Hobby believes that Peter is Spider-Man. So let me just put that out there right off the bat. Instead, I figure he kidnapped Peter due to that report that said he was Spidey's tech guy. What better way to get into Spidey's head than to kidnap Spidey's tech guy. Not only that, but Hobby can take Peter to Kingpin, who can then force Peter to perfect the Spider-Sense dampening device Kingpin had Stone working on. It all makes so damn much sense! There was also some stuff with the presumed to be dead former Hobgoblin, Roderick Kingsley, returning to Manhattan to take back his mantle from Phil. All in all, great stuff here, as usual. I can't wait to see what Dan Slott has in store for Spidey(and us!) as the march to #700 continues. |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #697
Nov 16, 2012 |
Thank you, Dan Slott! Norman Osborn belongs in a Spider-Man comic, hassling Spider-Man! Not going toe-to-toe with the freaking Avengers(Bendis!!)!!! If Norman IS indeed up and about(which would make sense as we roll towards #700), I'm glad it looks like he'll be back where he belongs. As for this issue, it was good. It wasn't great, probably because I'm so amped up for the next few issues leading into Spidey #700, that I just wanted this storyline to conclude. But yeah, with this story out of the way, all roads now lead to issue #700, and it should be a hell of a great trip! |
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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #700
Dec 29, 2012 |
For a comic that cost as much as this one did, I'd have hoped for a bit more... Or hell, at least one good to great back-up story! |
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American Vampire | 1 issues |
American Vampire #34
Jan 7, 2013 |
This issue was kind of confusing... I didn't know who Abilena was, I didn't know who Gene was, and I didn't know who the vampire(if it WAS a vampire ) in the basement was... But that's the problem with this series, I guess. It bounces around in time so much, and since I usually read like 60 comics between issues of this series, I tend forget most of what happened previously. |
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American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest | 1 issues |
American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest #1
Mar 5, 2012 |
Ah, this was a VERY promising start to this mini-series! The portrayals of the major characters here(Felicia Book and Cash McCogan) were VERY well done, as is par for the course when it comes to Scott Snyder. On top of that, the story itself looks really strong, although there's really no doubt in my mind as to how this one will end(you KNOW there's either no cure or the two will come tantalizingly close to getting the cure before something tragic occurs)... Still, I AM interested in seeing where this mini goes, and will probably happily polish the next four issues off by the end of the night. |
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Annihilators: Earthfall | 2 issues |
Annihilators: Earthfall #2
Oct 31, 2011 |
Well this issue sure was predictable! Seriously, would it have hurt for Quasar to tell the Avengers what he and the Annihilators were doing on Earth? |
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Annihilators: Earthfall #3
Nov 27, 2011 |
I really, really enjoyed this issue. Sure, some of it has been series has been comic book writing 101(the Avengers and Annihilators early interactions) but the twist with the Magus splitting his essence further to stymie the heroes was very well done, as was the arrival of the Kree Sentries at the end of this issue. While nobody really wanted to come right out and say it, as distasteful as it may seem, Ronan's solution of destroying the US mainland to stop the UCT from recovering the Magus IS the best solution. Besides the strong story and good artwork, I also liked some of the interactions between certain characters, especially Ronan and Captain America, seeing as they were both soldiers, but saw different solutions to the problem at hand. I have to say, this mini-series has been building nicely, and the final issue should be explosive. |
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Avengers (2010) | 10 issues |
Avengers (2010) #1
Jun 7, 2010 |
So this re-re-re-reboot of the Avengers was a bit of a mixed bag for me; good art, a good story but horrid dialogue. Here's hoping next issue is more action packed, with less verbiage. |
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Avengers (2010) #3
Jul 23, 2010 |
I've got to say, I'm STILL loving this storyline! Lots of Classic Avengers action, problems in time, Apocalypse, I mean it's like Marvel is specifically trying to cater to me! I don't have a single thing to complain about here... Even Bendis's usually painful dialogue was kept to a minimum! I can't wait for issue #4! |
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Avengers (2010) #11
Apr 4, 2011 |
Weird... Just weird... I don't even know what else to say about this comic. It was apparently a part of some sort of initiative between Mayor Bloomberg and Marvel to help residents of New York City learn about Workforce1, some free career counseling service. Now that's all fine and good for people living in one of the five boroughs, but I moved out of NYC 4 years ago! So yeah, this comic was, as I believe I mentioned, weird. So if you're an out of work resident of the Big Apple, google Workforce1. If you're like me and you no longer(or never did) live in NYC, well then you're plumb out of luck! |
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Avengers (2010) #13
May 23, 2011 |
If you want to see the Red Hulk eating raw eggs or Spider-Man randomly drinking a bottle of soda with a straw, THIS is the comic book you've been dreaming of! But if you're looking for a cohesive story or action, avoid this comic at ALL costs! You'll thank me later. |
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Avengers (2010) #14
Jun 17, 2011 |
See, Bendis doesn't NEED to fill page after page of every comic with rambling dialogue! This comic was WAY better than the last issue, mainly because Bendis reined himself in and let the action in the story do the talking. I mean if you have John Romita Jr. doing art for you, let HIM tell the story with his art! This issue actually tied into the main Fear Itself books nicely(unlike last issue...), and basically showed us what happened to the Thing after he got his magical hammer. Now unfortunately, I'm not a huge fan of either the Thing or the Red Hulk, but I was still able to enjoy this story. I'd imagine a fan of either of those characters would like this one even more. Here's hoping THIS Bendis sticks around for a while, and not that other gabby Bendis... |
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Avengers (2010) #18
Oct 20, 2011 |
What the hell was THAT?! Seriously, the cover to this issue REALLY misled me big time! Frigging Bendis... Leave it to Brian Bendis to take something as simple as picking a new set of heroes to be on the Avengers and not even be able to do THAT in one issue!!! This comic was most definitely an example of Bad Bendis. Here's hoping we get Good Bendis next issue. Oh, and why the HELL is Luke Cage the owner of AVENGERS MANSION?!? I know Bendis loves him and all, but Avengers Mansion has been in the Stark family for YEARS! *sigh* Let me just end this post now before I go insane... |
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Avengers (2010) #20
Dec 27, 2011 |
The good here definitely outweighed the bad, so huzzah for that. This issue turned out to be a very pleasant surprise, as I was expecting a comic so bad I'd be using negative numbers to score it. Was it perfect? No, of course not, but it was WAY better than what we've been getting from this series for the past 8 months or so. So for that, I have to say I am happy. Hopefully Bendis will wrap up this Osborn story and get back to the relatively good stories we were getting back when this series relaunched. |
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Avengers (2010) #23
Mar 2, 2012 |
There's not much for me to say here. It went down exactly as I expected. Quake, the most inexperienced Avenger(yes, she has experience, but not Avengers experience), ended up saving the more senior members of the team... It doesn't get much more clichd than that. Besides that, Osborn is still being portrayed as a flawless god. So yeah, the Avenger fan in me didn't enjoy this comic much at all. On the plus side, it wasn't as bad as the last issue, so there's that... I guess... |
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Avengers (2010) #24
Mar 20, 2012 |
That's about as much time as I plan on spending on this one. If I never see Norman Osborn again, it'll be too soon. That's how terribly Bendis has written both Osborn AND this story. To end this review on a positive, I'm going to say that I'm happy this storyline is over. |
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Avengers (2010) #25
Apr 20, 2012 |
Bottom line, this wasn't a very good comic, but it wasn't a horrible comic, and sadly, that's about as good as it can get for this series. |
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Avengers (2012) | 1 issues |
Avengers (2012) #1
Dec 6, 2012 |
Well, this was what I feared... Hickman seems like he wants to be Grant Morrison, but he actually makes LESS sense than Morrison!!! It's awful. After reading this issue, I'll be dropping new Avengers from my pull list(before it even releases!) and will put the series on a VERY short leash. I have a terrible feeling within a few months the unthinkable will happen and I'll be longing for the simpler days of Bendis as the Avengers writer... Naturally, if you were a fan of Hickman's work on Fantastic Four and FF, I have no doubt you'll enjoy this, because he's moving in the same direction here. If not? Good luck... |
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Avengers Academy | 11 issues |
Avengers Academy #6
Nov 7, 2010 |
This was a difficult issue to review. It wasn't very action heavy, it was more a look into the mind/actions of Reptil. Before I picked up this comic I could easily be placed in the, "Not a fan of Reptil" category. With that said, after reading this issue my mind was definitely changed. Christos Gage(writer)really did a masterful job of giving Reptil a personality, as well as making him into a sympathetic type character. Besides that, this was a great jumping on point for this series, as we see the Academy students and teachers through the eyes of Reptil. |
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Avengers Academy #13
May 7, 2011 |
This issue was 80-pages long, and was WAY better than the JLA 80-page giant I read a few weeks back. So that's the good. The bad? This comic was $8!!! I was thisclose to not picking this one up, but my obsessive collecting got the better of me, and I did(obviously) decide to give this comic a shot. I wasn't expecting anything from this comic(especially when I realized Arcade was the main villain!), but it told a good little one and done story. Will I remember it a month from now? No, probably not, but it was a fine way to spend a couple of minutes. |
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Avengers Academy #16
Jul 21, 2011 |
Woooo, Christos Gage is easily one of the best writers in comics today! Seriously, if you see his name on a comic, pick it up, because it WON'T disappoint! The work he's doing in this series during the Fear Itself issues is truly remarkable. Yes, we're getting appearances by the Worthy, which is something I feel all Fear Itself tie-ins SHOULD have, but he's also taking the opportunity of the war itself to further develop the Academy kids... I hate to beat a dead horse, but that's the difference between this comic and Generation Hope, which features lead characters of around the same age... Comparing this series to Gen Hope is like comparing Shakespeare to a coloring book... Anyway, I know I'll be looking forward to the next issue of what is, in my humble opinion, the best Fear Itself tie-in besides Invincible Iron Man that Marvel is producing. |
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Avengers Academy #17
Aug 3, 2011 |
This was a good issue of this series, as usual. It continued advancing the Fear Itself story, with Absorbing Man and Titania attacking the students at their home base, while further developing the characters. I didn't mention in the review the scenes where all of the kids were trying to cope with the stuff they saw in DC, but that just added to what makes this series so great. I actually care about these characters, all of them, which is a VERY rare thing for me. If I had a complaint, it would be that this issue was pretty much setting up the events of next issue. Titania and Absorbing Man only arrived at Infinite Avengers Mansion towards the end of this comic, which is when the action picked up. But the character development prior to that made up for the late action, and has me eagerly anticipating what happens next issue(which comes out in two short weeks!) |
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Avengers Academy #19
Sep 30, 2011 |
Scratch what I said in the introductory paragraph, not only is this the best Avengers comic book, this is probably one of the top three ongoing series I read monthly, and anybody who frequents this blog with any regularity knows that I read A LOT of comic books monthly! I tip my proverbial hat to Christos Gage, Tom Raney, Scott Hanna and the rest of the creative team behind this series, because they deserve it. Seriously, this was a great issue from a great series. I don't often say this, but I'd STRONGLY recommend this series to ANY comic book fan. And as I said, I hardly ever come right out and recommend something here on the blog. But I am openly recommending people to check this series out. There's nothing more for me to do here expect give this comic it's well deserved perfect score and move to the next review. |
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Avengers Academy #21
Nov 2, 2011 |
Whew, that was A LOT to take in! Let's see, for starters, this series is awesome. The addition of Hawkeye and the new students? If there was a word past awesome, that would be what this series is now. Seriously, there is no flaw in this series... The characterizations are perfect, the art is great, the writing is topnotch, this has to be the most complete series I read. So going forward we have the “murder” investigation surrounding Jocasta, the real Reptil being trapped in the future while his evil future self tries to take advantage of the confusion surrounding Jocasta's “death”, new students AND Hawkeye!!! In other words, the future looks GREAT. This is a fantastic jumping on point for any comic fans who haven't yet given this series a chance... It's only $2.99 and it's worth every single penny. |
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Avengers Academy #25
Feb 1, 2012 |
Well, this was a pretty good issue, but for whatever reason, I didn't enjoy it as much as I did some of the earlier issues of the series. The battle with Hybrid was well done, as he was a force to be reckoned with, and nearly single-handedly defeated the entire Academy, trainers and students both! The stuff with Reptil, both present and future was okay, but never really came together for me. And the Jocasta reveal, while dramatic, didn't really impact me either. Oh well, if nothing else, the return of Jocasta and Veil should liven things up come the next issue, as we get away from the mindless fighting and get back to the inter-character relationships that made this series so great to begin with. |
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Avengers Academy #27
Mar 7, 2012 |
You know, I laughed out loud no less than FOUR times during this issue... It was hysterical! Not only that, but the story was fun and made sense, the art was pretty good, and ALL of the characterizations here were spot on. Seriously, Gage wrote Victor so well(my favorite Runaway, fyi) I'm hoping he stays with the Academy after this storyline. The conversations between Victor and Pym were EVERYTHING I had been hoping for coming into this storyline. The ONE thing I was REALLY hoping we'd get to see was Pym and Victor interacting because of their obvious connection, and as usual, Gage did not disappoint. I really don't have any bad things to say about this issue... Wait, does that mean what I think it does?!? |
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Avengers Academy #28
Apr 4, 2012 |
Well, this issue wasn't perfect, but it was damn good. I liked it, but the way everything wrapped up so neatly kind of bugged me... This story seemed the type that SHOULDN'T wrap up all that neatly, and yet it did. |
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Avengers Academy #37
Sep 20, 2012 |
I hate to say it, but this was a pretty underwhelming comic... I mean I had been enjoying this storyline up to this issue, but for whatever reason this issue just didn't do it for me. The final battle never really felt in doubt, and the ending wrapped up too neatly for my tastes. Plus I didn't like Briggs dying... He seemed to be a character who could have become something... On top of that, who dies in a comic book by slowly bleeding to death?! I did like the fact that Finesse let Briggs die, simply because it was in character for her. I can't help but wonder if Christos Gage had to rush things along here due to the impending end of this series, because this storyline easily could have used another two issues. Eh, they can't all be gold, I guess. |
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Avengers Academy #39
Nov 8, 2012 |
Naturally my thoughts here were pretty bittersweet... Yes, this was yet another good to great issue of this series, but it WAS the final issue. From here, many of the characters from this series(although not my two favorites...) are heading into Avengers Arena. I've already added Avengers Arena to my pull list, but seriously, how long can a comic series with THAT premise possibly last? Even with the Avengers name on it... Oh well. In the end, kudos to Christos Gage for finishing this series off as wonderfully as he did. As I said in the intro, I can guarantee you I'll be reading this series again, from the first issue to the last, and loving every second of it. Again. |
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Avengers Arena | 1 issues |
Avengers Arena #1
Dec 13, 2012 |
I'll keep reading this series, mainly out of loyalty to some of the characters. But as the deaths mount, my interest will wane and I can easily see this as a book that gets dropped down the road(if it lasts that long). |
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Avengers Assemble | 3 issues |
Avengers Assemble #1
Mar 14, 2012 |
Eh, same Bendis, different title. While I am grateful that Norman Osborn didn't pop up here, the dialogue was still the same dialogue Bendis has been using for years now... The stuttering, the repeating, the inane conversations, they were all still here. Now, the story has some potential, as Bendis is at least giving us a threat from the Avengers past(for a change), but with a twist. I'm interested in seeing where this series is going to go, but I must admit, I am a bit disappointed in what we got here as well. Oh, and I love how Hulk and Thor were here even though things haven't been straightened out for them in their own series's... |
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Avengers Assemble #3
May 11, 2012 |
Yeah, the ending totally saved this one for me! The Thanos revelation was excellent, and actually makes sense story-wise, so props to Bendis for that. The Ultimate Nullifier not only destroys whatever it's aimed at, it also destroys the user, so it makes perfect sense that Thanos would want it(through the Zodiac as his minions), as it could, possibly, end his life, as well as several others. Sure, this one dragged in the middle, and the dialogue did get a bit crazy at times, but or a Bendis comic? This one was pretty good, with a damn good ending. |
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Avengers Assemble #7
Sep 14, 2012 |
No complaints here. The best thing about the Avengers fighting in space for most of this issue is that Bendis couldn't go dialogue crazy due to nobody being able to hear anything in space. Besides that, the story was strong and simple, the Badoon teamed with Thanos and are therefore bad. The Avengers and Guardians fought the Badoon. They destroyed a Badoon ship, something which could lead to repercussions down the road. Plus you had Thanos taunting and supposedly killing the Elders, although that action seems to have been what trapped Thanos in the state he was in at the end of this issue. Honestly, I'm looking forward to the next issue which wraps up this storyline. I'll be curious to see hos Bendis wraps it all up. |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men | 4 issues |
Avengers Vs. X-Men #0
Mar 28, 2012 |
The Wanda story was WAY better than the Hope story, but then I hate Our Lord and Savior with a white hot passion, so that probably colored my opinion just a tad. The Wanda story basically proved what I had guessed after reading Avengers Disassembled all those years ago, as well as Avengers #24.1... Bendis really, REALLY hates Wanda. |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men #4
May 16, 2012 |
Bottom line, this issue was a set-up issue. Now the next issue? That should be FULL of fireworks! |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men #5
Jun 6, 2012 |
Even though I didn't love this issue, I'm still looking forward to the next issue in two weeks. |
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Avengers Vs. X-Men #12
Oct 3, 2012 |
The bottom line is this... There was ONE thing and ONE thing only I wanted out of this series. And that would be the reversal of that idiotic, "No More Mutants" garbage. That one line handcuffed so many X-Men writers since they had no way to add new members to the team, nor any way to give them new mutant enemies. So, as a long time X-fan, I am overjoyed to see new mutants popping up, hopefully leading to some great new characters and storylines(not involving an endless supply of Sentinels and William Stryker!). |
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Avengers: Children's Crusade | 4 issues |
Avengers: Children's Crusade #2
Sep 10, 2010 |
I could easily go on for another several paragraphs detailing just how much I loved this comic, but I won't. Instead I'll post the score(which shouldn't be a HUGE surprise!)as well as several scans from the comic. That's right, SEVERAL scans! I liked this comic so much I couldn't decide on just one page to post. I CAN'T wait for the next issue!!! |
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Avengers: Children's Crusade #3
Nov 11, 2010 |
So THIS issue was fantastic, there are storylines aplenty going on here, and it goes without saying that going forward things should only get better! Needless to say, THIS is my favorite mini-series of 2010, period, the end. |
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Avengers: Children's Crusade #4
Jan 7, 2011 |
Sheesh, how many superlatives can I use to describe this series? Once again, it showed why it was my mini-series of the year last year, and why it WILL be my mini-series of the year THIS year as well. The story is insanely strong, the art is magnificent, the dialogue is spot on, and all of the characterizations are absolutely perfect. |
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Avengers: Children's Crusade #5
Apr 7, 2011 |
You know, this comic was so unbelievably good that I had a hard time typing up this review... I literally couldn't type fast enough, and that's NEVER happened to me before. This comic was a masterpiece in every single aspect. The story was perfect. Simply perfect. |
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Avengers: Solo (2011) | 2 issues |
Avengers: Solo (2011) #1
Oct 26, 2011 |
The Hawkeye story was a bit on the confusing side, but it starred Hawkeye and much like those old Avengers Solo comics, had him facing off against uber-lame villains like the Trapster(Pot Paste Pete!!!) and Chance. So while the story wasn't fantastic, the Hawkeye fan in me was pleased. The second story, while shorter, was much better. I love the Avengers Academy characters, and the story here made sense. So for a back-up tale, I couldn't ask for much more. For a score, I'll give the Hawkeye story a 7 1/2, and add an extra 1 for the great Academy story, bringing this issue's final score to a... |
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Avengers: Solo (2011) #4
Jan 27, 2012 |
You know, I wish they'd just drop the Hawkeye feature and give the next issue fully over to the Avengers Academy back-up story... And I say that as just about the biggest Hawkeye fan you'll ever find! The Hawkeye story was nearly incomprehensible. Plain and simple. The Avengers Academy back-up was good, but since it was only 5 pages(actually four because one page was a splash), it really couldn't save this comic for me. Ah well. Hopefully the next issue will magically make sense or something. I don't know... |
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Avengers: The Initiative | 7 issues |
Avengers: The Initiative #15
Nov 25, 2008 |
For me personally, this comic book was mostly just a refresher, but I realize that the writers(Dan Slott and Christos Gage)wrote this comic to explain exactly who Crusader was to the majority of fans who probably had no clue. |
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Avengers: The Initiative #17
Nov 26, 2008 |
Not only that, but it's also the small touches that really make this comic book work for me. There was a scene with Komodo and Hardball, where the two embrace and Komodo says something along the lines of "I know who I can trust.", obviously referencing Hardball. Well, if you read the Avengers: The Initiative Special #1, you know that Komodo shouldn't trust Hardball, but for a whole different reason! |
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Avengers: The Initiative #18
Nov 27, 2008 |
As long as either Dan Slott and/or Christos Gage are involved in the writing duties of this comic, no matter what Marvel decides to do with this comic book, I will definitely be along for the ride. |
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Avengers: The Initiative #19
Jan 6, 2009 |
I was really into this comic until the unfortunate shooting/death(?) of Crusader. I liked him dammit! Even though Crusader was shot, this was another example of why Dan Slott is such a marvelous writer, and is heads and shoulders better than Marvel's golden boy, Brian Bendis. Dan managed to involve so many characters in this comic, who were all but forgotten in the Marvel Universe, including one of my all-time favorite groups, the Great Lake Avengers. Yep, I've loved those losers since they first showed up in the West Coast Avengers series, and it's always great to see them show up. Their interaction with Gravity(another forgotten favorite)had me laughing out loud. |
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Avengers: The Initiative #24
Jun 21, 2009 |
If you want to read a good Avengers title and are tired of the BENDIS-ization of the Avengers books, I'd highly recommend giving this series a shot before it's too late. |
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Avengers: The Initiative #27
Oct 4, 2009 |
Wow, there was a lot of good stuff packed into this comic. The stuff with Johnny Guitar was extremely well done, by the time he died, you couldn't help but feel badly for him, which is a credit to how good a writer Christos is. The battle at the Negative Zone prison ended a lot quicker then I thought it would(just one issue?), but I have my fingers crossed that this leads to Hardball returning to the Initiative, or better yet, the New Warriors. |
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Avengers: The Initiative #33
Mar 18, 2010 |
You know, I don't know what's going to become of the Avengers titles after Siege, but whatever happens, I REALLY hope Christos gets one of, if not THE main Avengers book, because he's been incredibly solid on this series since he took it over. He did a wonderful job of blending his story into the main Siege storyline, while continuing to move the storylines from this series forward. We're definitely starting these reviews out on the right foot, with this one. |
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Avengers: X-Sanction | 2 issues |
Avengers: X-Sanction #1
Dec 14, 2011 |
There was nothing technically wrong with this comic book. The art was bright and vibrant, and the story was easy to understand(for a story that involved time travel, people not being dead when they were supposed to be and techno-organic viruses). The first couple of pages weren't that bad actually. It all made sense. And then we got the fight between Cable and Cap. |
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Avengers: X-Sanction #2
Jan 4, 2012 |
The art was good, and the story moved along at a brisk pace. So oddly enough, while I hated the main points here, I liked this issue as a whole. One thing is for certain though, come the next issue I will be rooting HARD for the Red Hulk for the first time in my life! |
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AVX: VS | 2 issues |
AVX: VS #2
May 17, 2012 |
Again, much like the last issue, I really love this concept. No stories, no real thought, just a full-on fight. So this issue puts the Avengers up 3-1, as well as making my guesses 3-1 as well(damn Namor/Thing fight...). I liked the way the Cap/Gambit fight went, because, let's face it, the only way Gambit had a chance was if Cap was distracted, and once Cap wasn't distracted? Game over. Now, I WAS a bit surprised that Spidey took the loss to Colo-naut... Spidey is probably the most popular Marvel character(if not the most popular character in all of comics), so while logic dictated that he should lose to Colo-naut, I wasn't sure if he'd find a way to emerge victorious. Honestly, I'd have been fine if he did win, but with that said? The more powerful character definitely won. Much like after reading issue #1, I'm eagerly anticipating the next issue. |
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AVX: VS #6
Oct 4, 2012 |
This comic was awful, and doesn't compliment the main AVX book in the least. My best advice is to save your $4 and skip this one. |
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Batgirl (2009) | 9 issues |
Batgirl (2009) #6
Feb 11, 2010 |
This was a very good comic, from the story, to the artwork, to the dialogue. Not only that, but once again, I thoroughly enjoyed Damian in this comic! I don't know how Bryan does it, but he seems to be accomplishing the impossible, making Damian tolerable. You put Damian in any other comic, and I'm spitting blood like a Red Lantern, but whenever he's in Batgirl, I like him... Weird. Anyway, this was a very good comic that I'd be willing to recommend to anybody. |
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Batgirl (2009) #7
Mar 8, 2010 |
This comic was flat-out, full-on awesome. Everything about it was perfectly done. |
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Batgirl (2009) #9
Apr 24, 2010 |
How I've missed reading this series! If I were to rank my favorite DC comics, this series would probably be in the top 3. This issue did everything right. It built a good story, had great dialogue, introduced a strong villain, and gave his motivation. So we had a great story, great dialogue and extremely good art... What more could I ask for? |
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Batgirl (2009) #13
Aug 13, 2010 |
It was a Batgirl comic, of course I enjoyed it! This was a really good little one off story, that gave us some insight into Det. Gage, who has become a regular in this series. What more can I say? It was what it was, a really good self-contained story. No complaints here whatsoever. |
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Batgirl (2009) #15
Nov 12, 2010 |
You know, I REALLY needed to read this comic after reading that abysmal Brightest Day #13. This comic and that one were like complete opposites to each other. Where as BD #13 sucked the big one, this comic was great! It was nice to have Oracle back in the fold again after a few issues absence, Steph's explanation of the Bat-Family to Proxy was awesomely done and the story was fast moving and fun. What's there for me to complain about here? |
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Batgirl (2009) #18
Feb 14, 2011 |
I literally laughed pretty damn hard four different times over the course of reading this comic book. Sure, the story was kind of weird, but anytime I laugh THAT many times over the course of a comic usually indicates the comic was VERY good. Bryan Q. Miller really is a hell of a writer, as this comic once again showed. It was just a good, dumb, fun, one and done comic. One of those comic books where you could turn off your brain, sit back and unwind with. I can guarantee this will be the best Valentine's tale about a Witch Boy and a were-cat you will EVER read! |
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Batgirl (2009) #20
Apr 15, 2011 |
Meh. I don't know what it was about this issue, but it just didn't do much for me. I mean technically it was fine, we learned about the villains, Steph set up the electro-magnetic-gooperangs earlier in the issue, the story moved smoothly, and the end saw the villain arrested, with the next threat already being prepped. However, I'm just not all that fond of these Order of the Scythe guys... They just don't really impress me much. Maybe when their secretive leader is revealed I'll change my tune, but for now? I wish they'd just go away. |
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Batgirl (2009) #21
May 14, 2011 |
Well, a lot of stuff certainly happened here, no? Proxy has decided to head to Nanda Parbat, leaving Batgirl without an advisor since Barbara Gordon/Oracle has been busy with the Birds of Prey and her other Batman Inc. related duties. The Grey Ghost revealed his true colors by handing the leader of the Order of the Scythe the DNA collector that Harmony lost during her battle with Batgirl, and Batgirl is still trying to get to the bottom of just who's behind the Order, as well as what their plans are. I have to say, most of DC Comics may have gone to hell in a hand basket, but at least the majority of the Bat-books are still delivering top-notch stories. |
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Batgirl (2009) #24
Aug 12, 2011 |
This was a great comic and a strong, if VERY bittersweet, ending to one of my favorite monthly DC titles... Good-bye Steph. And good luck with the reboot... |
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Batman | 10 issues |
Batman #681
Dec 9, 2008 |
I guess this comic will have huge ramifications throughout the DC Universe, but I think I missed way too much to fully grasp what was going on here... My loss I guess. |
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Batman #683
Jan 7, 2009 |
The bottom line is that I am really hoping that DC resists the urge to kill off the Dark Knight, because in the long run, I think this move will be looked at as a grave mistake. |
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Batman #686
Mar 3, 2009 |
The whole comic was just so surreal, I couldn't help but to like it, even though I really didn't have a clue as to what was going on. This was one strange comic book... |
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Batman #687
Jun 19, 2009 |
I'd happily recommend this comic book to anyone. |
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Batman #688
Jul 19, 2009 |
I think this series is better than Grant Morrison's "Batman and Robin"! Yep, I said it! The first two issues of Judd's run have been(to me anyway)more straightforward, easier to read and just plain better than Grant's first two issues of Batman and Robin. Plus I think Two-Face is a WAAAAY better foe than Pyg. OK, I've thrown down the gauntlet, "Batman and Robin" fanboys, return fire! |
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Batman #694
Jan 6, 2010 |
Eh, I didn't really care for this comic one way or the other. Maybe my apathy is due to the Penguin appearing in these pages(I do HATE the Penguin!), or maybe it's the whole disjointed feel this series has going for it right now... Nothing really clicked for me. Black Mask is talking to himself(sort of like the Red Skull did while he was in possession of Aleksander Lukin's body), Dr. Death is killing mobsters, Penguin is annoying Mask, some girl is working against her mobster family and working for Penguin, it was all just a convoluted mess. |
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Batman #696
Mar 5, 2010 |
Being a fan of Dick Grayson, I have to say, this storyline has been very lackluster. |
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Batman #697
Mar 29, 2010 |
I actually liked this comic! I picked it up having heard some terrible things about it(JT!), but surprisingly it wasn't NEARLY as bad as I thought it was going to be. Sure, it wasn't an instant classic or anything like that, but it was a pretty good comic with a decent enough story. |
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Batman #698
May 3, 2010 |
This was a pretty good story, even if the ending is really obvious... I'd be willing to bet almost any amount of money that Blackspell is actually the Riddler, who is returning to his criminal ways. I definitely hope that isn't the case, because I like the Riddler a lot more as a pseudo-good guy then a go nowhere villain, but let's just say I won't be surprised when/if Riddler turns back to the darkside. Other then that, this was definitely a good read, with a fun(if seemingly obvious)mystery, so how can I really complain? |
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Batman #704
Nov 29, 2010 |
Maybe Tony Daniel should stick to what he does best, art, because he just can't seem to tell a logical story. |
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Batman (2011) | 5 issues |
Batman (2011) #4
Dec 23, 2011 |
If you took out the middle 8-10 pages of this comic, it wasn't that bad. But I just never got into Bruce's flashback tale. I'm sure a lot of people enjoyed it, but for me it was just kind of time-wasting... But your opinion of this issue will definitely be decided on that flashback, so for me, this issue was a letdown. |
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Batman (2011) #6
Feb 15, 2012 |
Um, what the hell just happened here? Seriously, I wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't in this issue... The first Court of Owls had to be fake since they, you know, literally looked like owls. I have no idea why Batman suddenly looked like a demon, especially since it was Batman who had been drugged... I guess he saw himself as a giant demonic bat? For some reason? I don't know... For as much as I liked the originality of the last issue, I disliked the insanity of this one. |
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Batman (2011) #7
Mar 22, 2012 |
See, now this was a comic with a fantastic cliffhanger. The ending here saved this one for me, as most of this comic was Bats explaining to Dick(or more accurately, the readers) the events of the past few issues, dating all the way back to Dick being insinuated in that murder in the first issue(Grayson DNA was present due to Talon being his great grandfather). Basically, Batman told us how everything we've seen these past few issues happened. If that was all we would have gotten here, I'd have been mildly annoyed. As it is though, we got a great ending, which apparently heralds the start of the Night of the Owls storyline. So yeah, ending good, beginning not so good. |
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Batman (2011) #8
Apr 18, 2012 |
This was a very strong comic. Sure, the Hulkbuster armor was a bit much(when did Bruce Wayne become Tony Stark?!), and I have no clue why Damian wasn't in the Manor but was in Gotham, alone, in his Robin attire... Besides those two very minor points though? No complaints here. Oh, and this comic had 30 pages, so it DID have a few more than usual, thus explaining the cover price, so kudos to DC for giving us some extra bang for our extra buck... Unlike a certain OTHER comic book company... |
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Batman (2011) #17
Feb 13, 2013 |
So yeah, there were a few things here that definitely did bug me. But then, on the other hand, this comic was a blast to read. The pacing was great. Batman's plan of turning the tables on Joker at the end was inspired. There WAS a lot of good here. But still, there was just something missing... |
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Batman and Robin (2009) | 9 issues |
Batman and Robin (2009) #1
Jun 26, 2009 |
The stuff that made sense I enjoyed. Unfortunately, there was little here that made sense! |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #2
Jul 13, 2009 |
I'd like to go higher, but I just can't get past my overwhelming hatred for Damian... His very presence brings down my enjoyment of this comic book. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #4
Sep 23, 2009 |
I thought this issue was definitely a step in the right direction. There were still some things that bugged me, like Damien's attitude(must Damien ALWAYS be so obnoxious?)and the Penguin appearing in this issue(I HATE the Penguin!!!), but I thought this issue was a much easier/logical read. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #10
Mar 26, 2010 |
If you like Grant's Batman work, then I'd guess you'd probably like this issue. If you're like me, and can't decipher Morrisonese, then you're probably glad this issue ended when it did! |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #12
May 18, 2010 |
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm sure all of you Grant Morrison apologists will try to tell me that Grant is a genius, and that this comic was brilliant, but to me this was just a bunch of random scenes that made little sense. Add that to the atrocious dialogue, and yeah, this was one BAD comic. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #16
Nov 14, 2010 |
Now that Bruce has come out and connected himself to Batman, a lot of doors open up. Some villains are bound to go after Bruce Wayne to get at Batman, and some of the smarter villains/citizens of Gotham might be able to connect Bruce and Batman. So while it should make things in the Bat-books more interesting, it hurts some of the long established Bat-mythos. But I'm more than willing to see how this current direction plays out. As I said earlier, if nothing else, it should at the very least make things interesting. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #23
May 18, 2011 |
Maybe it was the red hair, maybe it was the talking animals, I don't know, but for some reason, this issue didn't draw me into the story like I expected it to. It was still better than most of the Batman titles, but it just didn't provide the greatness I was hoping for. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #25
Jul 9, 2011 |
Yes, the dialogue was good-to-great, something Winick is a master at, but the story, and even the look of Jason was the Morrison version! And anybody who knows me knows I hate the red-headed, acne-riddled Morrison version of Jason Todd... Now if Winick would have written HIS version of Jason, I'm SURE this storyline would have been eight different shades of awesome. But he didn't, and so it wasn't. |
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Batman and Robin (2009) #26
Aug 14, 2011 |
After I read a comic book, if I'm not near my laptop, I'll usually jot down the title of the comic, the score, and a few words about the comic for when I do the review. For this comic, I put down the title, the score, and one word, "Rubbish"... That, in a nutshell, was exactly what this comic was. Garbage. Seriously, it was one of the worst one-and-done stories I've read in quite some time. The worst thing was the fact that I was kind of looking forward to this issue because I saw that David Hine was writing it. I'm not even going to bother wasting any more time on this comic. If you enjoyed this issue, kudos. Me? I absolutely hated it. |
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Batman and Robin (2011) | 5 issues |
Batman and Robin (2011) #1
Sep 25, 2011 |
There's definitely some promise here, but I really hate the Damian/Bruce dynamic. I don't want to read Batman & Batman... That's like having a peanut butter and peanut butter sandwich... You need some jelly too! I won't be dropping this series, but I do hope that Damian either lightens up a bit(and no, I'm not saying he should become Grayson-esque, but just a bit less angry) or Bruce fires him and takes on a new Robin. Give Damian a solo series instead. I know I'd buy it. |
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Batman and Robin (2011) #3
Nov 13, 2011 |
Scorewise, this comic was an easy 7 1/2, with a shot at an 8 before the cliffhanger scene... It was that horrible. I honestly don't get why I'd want to pick up the next issue after that last page. So I can read about Batman and Robin watching a film put together by Nobody? Um yeah, no. Overlooking the last scene(which is hard to do since it's what leaves the lingering taste in my mouth), this was a really good comic book. The characterizations between Robin, Alfred and Batman were all nicely done. But that last scene... |
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Batman and Robin (2011) #6
Feb 13, 2012 |
Don't you just love misleading covers? Misleading cover aside, this was a damn good comic book. It was a bit bogged down in the middle, what with the Nobody origin story, but the stuff set in the present was really good. I liked Damian's reason for joining up with Nobody, as it fits with his whole MO of trying to gain his father's approval. I also liked that Nobody beat Damian up WHILE making sure Bruce could hear the whole thing, as it gives us a reason to really despise Nobody, and want to see Bruce catch up to and beat the hell out of him. I have to say, I'm definitely looking forward to the next issue of this series. |
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Batman and Robin (2011) #7
Mar 15, 2012 |
I have to give kudos to Tomasi, he got me invested in this story big time last issue and he delivered another great issue here. Most of this issue was a fight scene, and it was well put together by Patrick Gleason. |
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Batman and Robin (2011) #8
Apr 15, 2012 |
This was a pretty good read. The art was strong(as usual) and the story was solid. Yeah, I was a bit bugged by how easily Bruce pushed aside Damian murdering Nobody right in front of him(can you IMAGINE what he'd have done to Jason Todd had he pulled a stunt like that?!), but I guess I'll chalk that up to Bruce finally looking at Damian as more than another expendable soldier in his war on crime and more like a family member. So yeah, this was a good issue, but it's probably not something I'll remember two months from now. |
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Batman, Inc. | 3 issues |
Batman, Inc. #5
May 1, 2011 |
Oddly enough, and nearly inexplicably, I liked this issue. I think I've FINALLY figured out the secret of reading a Grant Morrison comic book... The secret is to read the comic REALLY slow... I mean exceptionally slow! Like literally study the frigging page, the language used, the pictures, EVERYTHING before turning the page. And then repeat the process. I did just that, and I'd say that I understood like 85% of this comic, which is better than the 25% I normally understand! |
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Batman, Inc. #7
Jul 2, 2011 |
Meh. For a change, I understood practically every page of this one, but the story never really caught on for me. I mean it was okay, but I don't know, I expect better than okay from Grant Morrison. I expect epic... And by epic, I mean epically good, OR epically bad! This was just meh. Oh well. Maybe next month's offering will be better, although with a title like "Nightmares in Numberland", I'm not holding my breath... |
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Batman, Inc. #8
Aug 28, 2011 |
I'm at a complete loss here. If you understood this comic, and realized that Jezebel was somehow behind this, then I tip my hat to you, you're a much smarter person than I am. This comic book read like Grant Morrison slammed his head into his keyboard a bunch of times and sent the results of that to DC... It was... I... I honestly don't even have words for it. I mean it didn't offend me or anything, it just made NO sense! Why the hell was a dog saying, and I quote, "5H898EH23346!"!!! I'm not going to spend any more time on this comic. Like I said, if you enjoyed this issue, more power to you. Me? I just want to forget I ever made the mistake of reading this mess. |
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Batman: Battle for the Cowl | 1 issues |
Batman: Battle for the Cowl #1
Mar 20, 2009 |
All in all, I really and truly enjoyed this comic book and for a score, I'm going to give it a 10 out of 10. I was really on the fence concerning what I should score this comic, and was torn between 9 and 10, but since I really had no major complaints about this comic book, a 10 it is. I can't wait until the next issue! |
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Batman: Gates of Gotham | 4 issues |
Batman: Gates of Gotham #1
May 19, 2011 |
Meh. This comic wasn't bad, as it set up a pretty interesting mystery, but it also didn't wow me. It seems that the three families from the beginning, the Waynes, the Elliots and the Cobblepots may have wronged somebody back in the day, and their offspring is looking for revenge in the present day. I could be wrong, but that's what I got out of this one so far. Anyway, while I wasn't blown away here, my interest was piqued enough to make me want to read the rest of the mini-series, so hey, that's good, right? |
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Batman: Gates of Gotham #2
Jun 25, 2011 |
I enjoyed reading this one. We got a mess of Bat family characters here, with nobody seeming out of place or forced into the story. We also learn(from Hush of all people) that the Gates of Gotham weren't a what, but a who, giving us our villain(s) of the story. So either the Gates of Gotham are REALLY old, or whoever is trying to blow up all Wayne/Elliot/Cobblepot named things in Gotham are the disgruntled offspring of the original Gates, who are probably pissed that their names didn't carry on the same legacy as the other three families. Whoever the villain of this piece is, I'll be interested in learning moire next issue. |
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Batman: Gates of Gotham #4
Aug 8, 2011 |
I enjoyed this issue, probably more than any other issue of this mini-series. The pacing was quite good, the story was solid, everything moved along at a nice, brisk speed. Yes, the Robins getting beaten up by a no-name new villain was kind of wrong, but it didn't bug me as much as it probably should have... I guess I was in a good mood when I read this one. I'll admit that I was glad that the flashbacks wrapped up this issue, while I get why they were there and all, they did hurt the flow of this mini for me, especially early on. Um, that's about all I've got to say about this one... Let's move on. |
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Batman: Gates of Gotham #5
Aug 30, 2011 |
Eh. This was a perfectly acceptable comic book. Nothing more, nothing less. The ending/reveal of who the Architect was wasn't a surprise at all, I called it about two issues back, and when I can see the swerve coming, you KNOW it's obvious! This was an okay mini-series, that had a few ups and downs, but was pretty forgettable overall. If I had to do it all over again, I probably wouldn't have bothered picking it up, because it just never turned into the great story I was hoping it would. Oh well. |
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Batman: Streets of Gotham | 3 issues |
Batman: Streets of Gotham #8
Feb 2, 2010 |
Eh. I was enjoying the Zsasz storyline, so I've got to say I'm a tad bit disappointed that nothing occurred in this issue to further that story. This issue was OK, but it's obviously a stock, filler issue to be used when the regular writer of a series is unavailable. I'll be looking forward to issue #10 when we get back to the Zsasz storyline. As for this comic, it was perfectly acceptable, nothing more, nothing less. |
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Batman: Streets of Gotham #9
Mar 9, 2010 |
Hey, once this story got rolling, I actually began to enjoy it. I enjoy a good murder-mystery as much as the next guy, and this comic kept me guessing the identity of the murderer until the very end, so good job. While I can't wait for this series to get back to the Zsasz storyline, these last two issues served as a very nice little filler story. |
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Batman: Streets of Gotham #16
Oct 13, 2010 |
I like Hush a lot. Always have. He's such a nice change of pace from Batman's normal rogues gallery. So I had no problems with the Hush parts, I liked his interactions with Zatanna, Katana and Alfred, and I enjoyed his attempts at freeing Jane Doe(I also enjoyed Jane's utter confusion at why billionaire Bruce Wayne was interested in her). What I didn't enjoy was this boring backstory with the old mobster |
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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) | 1 issues |
Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #1
Oct 3, 2011 |
This comic was the very definition of a forgettable comic. Here's what I mean by that... I actually read this issue last night before going to sleep. Upon sitting down to do this review today, I couldn't remember what happened in this issue for the life of me! Seriously, until I turned to the last page and saw mega-sized Two-Face, I couldn't recall a thing about this issue. It's gonna be fun next month when the second issue arrives and I'm like, “Batman: Dark Knight?! Is this the comic with Joker or is this the one with evil Dick Grayson in it?!?” |
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Batman: The Return | 1 issues |
Batman: The Return #1
Nov 21, 2010 |
At least Grant Morrison is trying new stuff. And for that reason alone, from this moment forward, I will not score ANYTHING Grant Morrison does for DC lower than a 6. No matter how confusing/bizarre/insane his work is, at least he's trying NEW ideas. That's more than GEOFF is doing... Huh, that rant came out of left field... Um, yeah, as for this comic, it wasn't really worth the $5 cover price, but it might be worth grabbing if you want to see where Morrison plans on taking DC's Dark Knight. |
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Battle Scars | 2 issues |
Battle Scars #3
Jan 16, 2012 |
This was a pretty good, fast, read. We are getting tantalizing tidbits of information regarding Johnson, which is fine since we're at about the halfway point of this mini. I'd expect a few more pieces of the puzzle to drop next issue, with the majority of the mystery of Johnson's life being revealed by issue #5. From what we learn from Taskmaster, Johnson's father, who Johnson had always thought was dead, has an enemy, who has apparently put the massive price on Johnson's head. Who is Johnson's dad? Or for that matter, who's Johnson's father's old enemy? We don't know yet, but my interest is definitely piqued. Here's hoping the eventual payoff is worth the ride. |
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Battle Scars #6
Apr 30, 2012 |
Seriously, if you would have told me 6 months ago that Marvel was going to swap out the 616 Nick Fury for the Ultimate/movie version, I'd have told you I hated the idea. But as it is, I not only like the idea, I'm extremely interested to see where Marcus pops up next and look forward to seeing him rise through the ranks of SHIELD to claim his rightful position as director. |
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Birds of Prey (1998) | 1 issues |
Birds of Prey (1998) #127
Feb 27, 2009 |
This comic was OK, but the pacing was all out of whack. Well, the only thing left to say is that I'll be looking forward to picking up the "Oracle: The Cure" mini come March, which hopefully WILL NOT have Misfit appearing within it... I REALLY hate her! |
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Birds Of Prey (2010) | 2 issues |
Birds Of Prey (2010) #1
May 27, 2010 |
Ah how I missed my Birds of Prey!!! As always, Gail had an amazing grasp of these characters. She is probably the ONLY writer who should EVER write this series. Seriously. As for the story, I can't say I'm overly pleased to see Hawk and Dove joining the team(I mean come on, they scream their names to change into their costumes!!!), but I trust Gail's judgment, so I'm willing to see what comes of them joining up. |
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Birds Of Prey (2010) #3
Jul 30, 2010 |
Oh, with all of the talk about this storyline, I forgot to mention, this comic was great! I really enjoyed it, and I CAN'T wait to find out how it ends next issue. |
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Birds Of Prey (2011) | 4 issues |
Birds Of Prey (2011) #11
Apr 25, 2011 |
You know, I was as confused as hell for some of this comic, but once I figured out what Catman was doing with his triple-cross, I realized that I REALLY enjoyed this issue! A lot! Like more than any issue of BoP since it's relaunch! So what did I like? Well, the fact that this issue spotlighted Huntress sure did help, plus there was NO Hawk or Dove in this comic... I think THAT'S what bugs me the most about this series, the fact that those two are a part of things. For me, they just haven't fit in yet. In my opinion, all you really need in this series are Oracle, Black Canary and Huntress. Jettison the dead weight, Gail Simone! |
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Birds Of Prey (2011) #12
May 27, 2011 |
I'm not sure I could have hated a comic written by Gail Simone any more than I hated this one... I mean I usually enjoy Gail's work and all, but this was just horrible. Okay, let me clarify what I'm saying here... In MY opinion, this comic was horrible. The story was ALLL over the place, AND it made me think about Ragdoll, a character who is reaching Mad Hatter levels of annoyance from me. I have NO idea what the point of the first few pages of this comic few, nor do I know why Huntress and Question were in the sewers halting dirty cops. This was bad... It was really bad... |
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Birds Of Prey (2011) #13
Jun 12, 2011 |
Meh. It's not that this comic was bad per se, I just hate Useless #2(that would be Dove) and Junior. I mean if you'd have replaced Useless #2 and Junior with any number of characters, I'd have enjoyed this one WAY more, because it was a good, fast moving story. But alas, instead we get Useless #2 and Junior... If you don't have a problem with those characters, you'd probably enjoy this one more than I did. |
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Birds Of Prey (2011) #14
Jul 19, 2011 |
Yeah, this comic was a bit confusing, especially since we never actually find out what happened in Argentina in 1950, but I found myself enjoying the pacing of the story. It moved along briskly, and I'm sure everything will come together next issue. Plus there was no Hawk or Dove, making this the best issue of BoP since the series relaunched! Huzzah!! The bottom line here is that this was a slightly confusing, but otherwise perfectly acceptable comic book. |
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Blackest Night | 5 issues |
Blackest Night #2
Aug 17, 2009 |
WOW!!!!!!! This was possibly THE perfect comic book! I can't use enough positive adjectives to describe the out and out awesomeness that was this comic book! In-frigging-credible. |
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Blackest Night #4
Nov 2, 2009 |
What did I think? I thought this issue was flat out, completely and totally AWESOME!!! There's not one single area of this comic I can find a single fault. |
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Blackest Night #5
Nov 30, 2009 |
The art was brilliant(as usual)and the story was good, but to me, this issue was missing any really special moments to make it truly memorable. |
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Blackest Night #6
Jan 12, 2010 |
This issue felt like a placeholder for the climatic battle yet to come between the combined Corps and Nekron, and I for one expected better here. Oh well, here's hoping the final two issues of Blackest Night make up for this one. |
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Blackest Night #7
Feb 27, 2010 |
All in all, this comic was really good, although the Earth/Entity stuff did take something away from it for me. |
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Blackest Night: Batman | 1 issues |
Blackest Night: Batman #3
Nov 4, 2009 |
I liked this issue a lot, although the ending left a bit to be desired. |
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Blackest Night: JSA | 1 issues |
Blackest Night: JSA #1
Jan 25, 2010 |
Oh yeah, I most definitely enjoyed this issue! Besides the main story, you also had the JSA coming face to face with their recently deceased teammate BL Damage, as well as Earth-2's BL Lois Lane going after Ma Hunkel, who is saved by the timely arrival of Power Girl, who is originally from Earth-2 and was like a daughter to BL Lois, plus we also get Liberty Belle running into her dead father, Johnny Quick. |
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Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps | 1 issues |
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #1
Jul 25, 2009 |
his was a perfectly acceptable comic, no more, no less. |
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Blackest Night: The Flash | 1 issues |
Blackest Night: The Flash #3
Mar 4, 2010 |
It turns out I didn't like this comic at all... I didn't like Saint Barry magically curing Bart, I didn't like the Rogues killing Captain Boomerang Jr, and I ESPECIALLY didn't like the apparent revelation that the Reverse Flash is somehow connected to the White Lanterns... Boy, I'm usually one of Geoff John's most stringent supporters, but lately, his work has been leaving me flat... The sooner Blackest Night is over, the better. |
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Blackest Night: Wonder Woman | 1 issues |
Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #3
Feb 13, 2010 |
Umm, why did I just read this? I don't get what the purpose was... I don't really get what the purpose of this entire mini-series was actually... It was kind of all over the place. Instead of getting something simple like WW vs. Maxwell Lord for three issues, we instead get one issue of WW, one issue of Black Lantern WW, and an issue of Star Sapphire WW. I don't see any reason to spend more time talking about this comic actually, since it never really went anywhere. |
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Booster Gold (2007) | 6 issues |
Booster Gold (2007) #22
Jul 26, 2009 |
I've got to hand it to Dan, he did a great job with the story and his pencils were also pretty sweet to boot. He faithfully recreated the events from New Teen Titans #2, even managing to keep some of the original dialogue. |
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Booster Gold (2007) #24
Sep 26, 2009 |
I actually have some mixed emotions about this comic... I thoroughly enjoyed the stuff in the future with Black Beetle, Trigon and Lex Luthor. I loved the fact that Beetle was just biding his time, waiting for the right moment to steal the Red Scarab from Trigon. That part of the story was good... The part of the story when Booster an co. headed back to the past bothered me a lot though. |
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Booster Gold (2007) #28
Feb 16, 2010 |
Not bad, not bad at all. First off, props to me for working "macabre" into this review. That's one of my favorite words. Anyway, as a fan of Cyborg Superman(yeah, that's right, I like him!)I liked that this issue focused on him in two separate time periods. |
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Booster Gold (2007) #29
Mar 12, 2010 |
Oh yeah, I really enjoyed this story. As a matter of fact, the past couple of issues of this series(especially the last two issues)have been really strong. In particular, I'm loving this story and the moral choices it is forcing Booster to make. |
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Booster Gold (2007) #30
Mar 30, 2010 |
I was debating whether or not to give this comic a perfect score, but after thinking about it, and recalling the great dialogue and story, the decision became pretty easy. |
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Booster Gold (2007) #39
Dec 14, 2010 |
This was the first time in a while Booster looked like that character I'd become a fan of again, and for that I'm extremely pleased. Here's hoping the next few issues keep up the great work. |
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Brightest Day | 4 issues |
Brightest Day #12
Oct 24, 2010 |
This was a weird comic for me. There were parts that were just horrid, like D'Kay's lame origin(she made herself forget she was ever a Martian, but remembered she was a Martian when J'onn came back? Zuh??), but there were other parts that were... I wouldn't say good, so I'll say less horrid. |
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Brightest Day #18
Feb 5, 2011 |
Okay, now for the fun part! That first scene with Cold and Boomerang earns -5 points because it made me think of Saint Barry... I had no qualms about Deadman's initial scene, so I'll give it a pity +1. The stuff on Zamaron was actually pretty good AND served a purpose, getting rid of Hawkgirl's evil mother and FINALLY getting rid of that curse on the Hawks, so I'll give the whole mess a +5. However, -1 point for the Hawk's deciding the most romantic place they could go was a museum... Another -1 for Deadman freaking out about his ring reaching 100% charge... I mean come on, he HAD to have seen that coming! +2 for Deadman acting like a creepy voyeur, and -3 for DC killing off the Hawks AFTER fixing their damned confusing history! Seriously, what the hell is THAT all about! Finally, +3 points for me repeatedly abusing the phrase, “Naked Twister.” So after some addition and subtraction, this issue of Brightest Day ends up with a...... |
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Brightest Day #20
Feb 27, 2011 |
I don't know about anyone else, but I'd rather read one linear story as opposed to 31 different stories in the same comic. |
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Brightest Day #22
Apr 9, 2011 |
You know what the worst thing about this comic book was? It WASN'T that bad! I mean come on, I read this comic because I KNOW it's gonna suck, so the fact that it was pretty good kind of bummed me out. |
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Bruce Wayne: The Road Home | 1 issues |
Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Catwoman #1
Oct 21, 2010 |
Like the other Road Home comics, this one was really good. It was definitely on par with the Road Home books that came out last week. |
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Cable and X-Force | 1 issues |
Cable and X-Force #1
Dec 16, 2012 |
This comic was... okay, I guess. It never really did anything for me. I'm not a big fan of any of the characters(sure, I thought Cable was cool as a kid, but then I grew up), and I downright hate Hope. Why couldn't SHE be getting killed off in Avengers Arena?! Hope is such an empty, uninteresting character... She was brought around for ONE reason(the idiotic Mutant Messiah!!!! thing) but that's over now, so can't she crawl under a rock and die now? Other than that, this comic just was. It wasn't awful, it wasn't great, it didn't leave me psyched for the next issue, it was just a way to spend 5 minutes or so. Eh, hopefully we ditch Hope, add Colossus and get a good story going here. |
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Captain America (2004) | 15 issues |
Captain America (2004) #46
Feb 17, 2009 |
Last issue was a little slow for my taste, but Ed Brubaker is back in his usual great form again. I know I'll be eagerly looking forward to the next issue. |
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Captain America (2004) #600
Jun 30, 2009 |
I wouldn't complain at all about Marvel jacking up their prices if all of their comics had this amount of great content in them. Very nice job here Marvel, I'm definitely impressed. |
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Captain America (2004) #603
Mar 1, 2010 |
This was a pretty good comic. The story is moving along at a brisk pace, and we now know what Bad Cap's plan is(creating a mega-powerful Vibranium bomb). This was definitely a set-up issue, but it does a good job of making Bad Cap and his Watchdogs look very strong, setting up for what should be an explosive confrontation between Bad Cap and Bucky down the road. |
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Captain America (2004) #604
Apr 26, 2010 |
While this isn't going to go down as one of my favorite Captain America storyarcs, it's STILL better then like 85% of the other comics on the market today. |
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Captain America (2004) #605
May 11, 2010 |
As usual(or maybe I shpuld say as always)this was an excellent comic book. The pacing here was just great, and the battle between Bucky and Bad Cap was extremely well done. Granted this wasn't one of my favorite Brubaker/Cap stories, but it was still better then more then 90% of the stuff I read monthly. I'm not exactly sure what next month will bring, or how Ed is going to use Bucky and Steve Rogers in this series, but needless to say, for as long as Ed is writing this series, I'll be eagerly anticipating the next issue. |
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Captain America (2004) #611
Nov 5, 2010 |
What's not to like here? I mean come on, it's Captain America and it's written by Ed Brubaker. Seriously. This was a great set-up story for the upcoming "Trail of Captain America" storyline, which should really put Bucky through the wringer. I'm sure this will be a fantastic storyline, all I'm hoping is that it doesn't end with Bucky giving up the uniform of Captain America... |
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Captain America (2004) #613
Jan 23, 2011 |
Ah... So THAT'S why Baron Zemo visited Sin in her cell all those issues back! To tell her Bucky was Captain America and to lie in her psych tapes that she had always known that Bucky was a sleeper agent of the Red Skull's... Ed Brubaker, you are a GENIUS! This comic was absolutely perfect. Literally perfect. I can't think of a single thing that seemed wrong, or that I didn't like(and believe me, I tried!). Bucky's parts were small, but powerful, Steve trying to do everything in his power to help Bucky out was great, I STILL love seeing Bernie again, and Sin's parts in this were perfect. Her dream was especially wonderful, as in two pages, Brubaker basically laid out every stitch of motivation Sin has ever had in her life; to prove to her father that she was better than any son the Red Skull could have had. Having just given out a perfect score earlier this week, I really didn't want to give out another one, but if this isn't a perfect comic, I don't know what is! |
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Captain America (2004) #614
Feb 12, 2011 |
There wasn't a single part of this comic I didn't love. Not like, LOVE. The trial itself was awesome, especially the way Bucky's defense attorney battered several of the prosecution's witnesses(especially the way she handled Norman Osborn!). But not only was the trial wonderfully done, so was everything else, from Faustus's role both at the trial and then in the van, to Bucky making the(Faustus assisted)decision to head to Liberty Island to deal with Sin even though doing so would turn him into a fugitive. Ed Brubaker wrote the best Dr. Faustus I have EVER read here! And I've read TONS of Captain America stories! I have literally ZERO complaints about this comic. The only complaint I could possibly have is that this issue was so good waiting for the next issue is going to be utterly torturous! From the first page of the story to the last, I was hooked and couldn't wait to turn the page. If a comic like THAT doesn't deserve a perfect score, I don't know what does! |
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Captain America (2004) #618
Jun 5, 2011 |
Gah, what was this all about?! Usually I absolutely love this series, but this issue was just... All over the place... Sure, there were parts of this issue that bugged me on the heels of reading Fear Itself #3(which I won't get into in case you've yet to check it out), but still, I expected to enjoy(and understand!) this issue a lot more than I did. Normally I'd say the sooner this storyline was over the better, but in light of recent events, maybe I should be cherishing a certain character in this series while I still can... |
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Captain America (2004) #619
Jul 5, 2011 |
Goddammit... You know, this issue was the perfect segue from Bucky being Captain America to a new identity... It was all set up PERFECTLY! I mean Ed Brubaker set the stage for Steve Rogers returning to the Captain America mantle, with Bucky becoming something else... And then Fear Itself #3 happened... I mean, in light of THIS issue, the events of Fear Itself #3 don't even make sense! Why was Bucky even Captain America in FI #3?! Dumb. Well, if this was truly the end of Bucky, he went out on a high, and I'll always remember him leaving with his longtime love, the Black Widow, on a helicopter, planning the next chapter of his life. Dammit... What a waste. |
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Captain America (2004) #620
Jul 28, 2011 |
This issue made me miss Bucky even MORE than I already did, which sucks, since he seems to be gone... Again. I'll definitely be picking up each and every issue of this series, but I must admit, I'll be reading it with a bit of a heavy heart. |
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Captain America (2004) #625
Dec 29, 2011 |
Eh, this was one of those perfectly acceptable comic books I yammer on about from time to time. I mean there was nothing wrong with it, but it also didn't get me excited for the next issue. It was okay, plain and simple. |
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Captain America (2004) #626
Jan 26, 2012 |
Eh. This storyline has been really paint-by-numbers for me thus far. The Naslund reveal was no shock because it was pretty much established last issue that he had no real past, which, coupled by Davis's suspicion, made it pretty clear he was more than meets the eye. I will say this, I wouldn't mind Adam III sticking around past this storyline, because he has some potential. Will he though? That's something I am unsure about... |
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Captain America (2004) #628
Apr 2, 2012 |
Eh. I just never got into this story... Sorry. It just didn't do it for me. The story, the art(which I think is more fitting for a flashback tale, not a story set in the present), nothing clicked for me. I mean it wasn't a horrible comic or anything, and I wouldn't begrudge anybody who did enjoy this issue/story, but unfortunately, I wasn't one of those people. |
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Captain America (2004) #629
Apr 25, 2012 |
Huh, this comic was pretty much perfect... By the time I got to the end I was desperately looking for something, anything, that I could point at and say, “Nope, I didn't like this.” However, I never found that thing. Great dialogue? Check. An inviting story? Check. Good art? Check. And the biggie for me since I'm such a huge fan of both, Cap and Hawkeye portrayed properly? Yep, that gets a check too. Not only that, but this comic actually felt more like a team-up book between two equals. It didn't feel like Hawkeye guest starring in Cap's book. Both characters have their strengths and weaknesses, and Cullen Bunn did a great job displaying those here. Seriously, I don't have a bad thing to say about this issue... Which means, for the SECOND time in ONE night... |
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Captain America (2011) | 5 issues |
Captain America (2011) #2
Aug 19, 2011 |
I rarely say this about anything written by Ed Brubaker, especially a Captain America comic, but here it is... Meh. This was a very sub-par comic for me, as the lack of ANY mention of Bucky is actively beginning to piss me off now. |
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Captain America (2011) #7
Jan 13, 2012 |
Ah, now this was WAY more like it! The story focused heavily on Cap's strange power losses, but it also featured Beast, Hawkeye and Falcon. If Bucky would have been here it would have been a who's who of some of my favorite Cap/Avengers characters! It seems more and more likely that Machinesmith may be the one behind Cap's power-losses, because his name is being mentioned a lot these past two issues. I'd like to think it's Machinesmith and the Squad working together, but I'm sure this will all come back as some sort of master plan for that Hydra Queen and Bravo. Speaking of which, the lack of Hydra Queen, Suddenly Evil Baron Zemo, as well as Bravo only appearing on three pages is probably another reason I enjoyed this one. |
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Captain America (2011) #9
Mar 17, 2012 |
For me, the Sharon/Machinesmith battle stole the show here, plain and simple. The other stuff(with Cap and Iron Man, and with Falcon) was good, but I've always been a big fan of Machinesmith, and like Sharon, so their battle made this issue for me. |
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Captain America (2011) #12
May 24, 2012 |
Well, I hate to say it but I saw that coming... I recall typing somewhere that I was hoping the Scourge didn't turn out to be somebody like D-Man, and sure enough, that's who it is... I've NEVER liked D-Man as a character. He does nothing for me. And now he has a kick-ass look and name. Eh, no sense harping on it I guess, it's already happened. I'll be honest, this issue was extremely good. To the point where I was actually pondering if it was perfect score material as I approached the end. And then the Scourge unmasked and REALLY hurt my enjoyment of this one. In the end, this was a great comic, but one that I think missed a golden opportunity to be a perfect comic... |
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Captain America (2011) #18
Oct 14, 2012 |
Blah. That's my thoughts on this one. It's sad that Ed Brubaker's epic Cap run is ending with such a whimper, but that's what we're getting. But considering the fact that Brubaker's Cap run is my favorite run, by any writer, on any comic, from any company, ever, he definitely gets a pass from me on this one. |
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Captain America (2012) | 4 issues |
Captain America (2012) #1
Nov 22, 2012 |
Awesome!! That's really all I could think after putting this issue down. It ticked all of the boxes I was hoping Remender would tick. It gave us some development between Cap and Sharon, it brought back one of Cap's old foes(the HUGELY underused and under-appreciated Zola), gave us a great story, great art(sorry, I'm a huge JRJR mark), and a sweet cliffhanger. So yeah, I loved this issue and am SO looking forward to seeing where Remender goes with this storyline. Personally, I'm really hoping the baby Cap rescued grows into the new Bucky, because, why not? Um yeah, I could keep heaping praise on this issue, but instead I'll just give it the inevitable perfect score and move on. |
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Captain America (2012) #4
Feb 21, 2013 |
As usual, this was a strong comic. Rick Remender can almost do no wrong here! I love Cap's plight, I love Ian, and I love the whole setting of this comic. My only complaint was the rather long flashback sequence, which was good and all, but I'd have preferred to remain in the present with Ian and Cap. Anyway, this issue seems to be slowly bringing us to the end of this storyline, and I for one am REALLY intrigued to see how things shake out... Will Ian become the next Bucky? Will Ian even leave Dimension Z with Cap at all? And what will happen when Cap comes face to face with Ian's twisted reflection, Jet Black? Good stuff here, with more good stuff to come! |
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Captain America (2012) #6
Apr 20, 2013 |
Damn is this comic good... Seriously, it's fantastic! This issue was no different. I couldn't wait to turn each page, hoping that Cap would manage to reach Ian before Zola's brainwashing took effect. Besides the story here, the characters are SO well thought out! |
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Captain America (2012) #7
May 30, 2013 |
I enjoyed this comic, as usual. However, it's been so long since I read issue #6, I didn't quite enjoy this story as much as I could have... I didn't really remember everything that happened last issue... That's what happens when you read like 200 comics a month! Honestly, I probably should have read my review of issue #6 before I read this one, but that ship has sailed. Still, I enjoyed this comic, and can't wait to see what happens when Cap realizes just who shot him. |
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Captain America Corps | 1 issues |
Captain America Corps #5
Oct 24, 2011 |
So about those conflicted feelings... You see, I STILL profess that this mini-series should have had the Red Skull as the main villain... I mean Superia is okay and all, but it was a Captain America story bridging 5 different generations of Cap. How COULDN'T the Skull be the mastermind here!? Now with that said, Roger Stern did a great job with Superia as the main threat here. Granted, she is no Red Skull, but she played the villain's role well. Most importantly, this mini-series gave me what will probably be the final Bucky-as-Cap appearance we'll ever be graced with... That's really pretty sad... I mean even if Bucky were to come back(fingers crossed), it wouldn't be as Captain America, so this was it for him as Cap(except in flashbacks)... Taking everything into account, I did enjoy this issue and this mini, and so I'll give it a score of... |
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Captain America: Man Out of Time | 2 issues |
Captain America: Man Out of Time #2
Dec 19, 2010 |
I have to say, I wasn't really enjoying this issue until the end, with the FDR reveal. That was VERY well done, and played into Cap's already established mythos where he was a huge backer of Pres. Roosevelt. Some of the stuff that happened earlier in this issue was kind of funny(Cap being surprised to see a female doctor, and his puzzlement at some of the terms he heard), but the story with the alien was just okay. All in all, I enjoyed this comic, and can't imagine those feelings will change as this mini rolls along. |
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Captain America: Man Out of Time #3
Jan 20, 2011 |
As a total American history nut, this issue did an great job blending comic book history with Marvel history, a testament to Waid's awesome abilities as a writer. To say that I liked this comic was an understatement and a half. |
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Captain America: Reborn | 3 issues |
Captain America: Reborn #1
Jul 12, 2009 |
This was a very strong first issue to this series, and I'll be waiting anxiously to find out what issue #2 has in store for us. |
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Captain America: Reborn #3
Sep 29, 2009 |
This was an exceptionally good issue, which really isn't much of a surprise considering who the writer is. Not only was story great, the dialogue was fantastic, especially Steve's inner monologue, and Bryan's art was beautiful. |
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Captain America: Reborn #6
Feb 8, 2010 |
All I have to say about this comic is bravo. It was well worth the wait. Ed hit all of the right notes here, the battles were fantastic and his mastery over all of the inter-personal relationships here was a thing of beauty. I really can't find fault with anything that was in this comic... Even as it wrapped up the Reborn storyline, it planted seeds for the future with whatever those weird visions Steve was having were all about. After reading this, even without reading the final issue of Flash Rebirth, I declare this mini-series the winner of the Cap Reborn/Flash Rebirth mini-series contest... Hands down. I think you know what score I'm going to give this one. |
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Catwoman (2011) | 1 issues |
Catwoman (2011) #1
Sep 23, 2011 |
And the above average comic reading streak comes to an end at 8... This wasn't a horrible comic or anything, it just didn't hold my attention. It was just a bunch of loosely connected stuff. Oh look, CW's apartment blew up. Oh look, CW's in disguise beating some guy up for some reason. Oh look, CW's on top of Bats. Speaking of Bats, I could have done without a Batman appearance here. Having him show up this early in the series takes something away from Catwoman and her story. That's what I liked so much about the Nightwing series, it focused ONLY on Nightwing, not Bats or the other Bat-family members. I'll stick with this series for one more issue, but the clock has begun ticking... |
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Daken: Dark Wolverine | 4 issues |
Daken: Dark Wolverine #9.1
May 28, 2011 |
This issue was really good. As a matter of fact, it was Daniel Way good! And that's about as high a compliment I can possibly give Williams. |
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Daken: Dark Wolverine #12
Aug 13, 2011 |
Okay, I'll just come right out and say it. Taskmaster MADE this issue!! Absolutely, positively, 100% made it. He was hilarious, awesome, homicidal, everything Taskmaster SHOULD be. After reading this issue, I'd be all for a Rob Williams penned Taskmaster series, because Williams obviously knows that character well. |
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Daken: Dark Wolverine #17
Nov 23, 2011 |
This issue was fast paced and pretty good. Naturally, I loved seeing the Runaways pop up here, as I was always a fan of that series and those characters. Roston possibly being an extended family member of one of the Pride is interesting, although it still doesn't explain his powers(which include invisibility, intangibility, shapeshifting, telepathy, and probably more)... I guess he could be related to Nico in some way, because a powerful sorcerer could probably manifest all of those powers, but other than that, I'm stymied as to who/what Roston is... However, for the first time in several issues, I'm actually looking forward to the next issue of this series, so that's definitely a huge positive. |
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Daken: Dark Wolverine #23
Mar 29, 2012 |
So while I'm sad that I won't be reading about Daken one to two times a month anymore, I do think the character needed a bit of a break, and look forward to seeing Daken come back strong sometime soon. |
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Daredevil (1998) | 6 issues |
Daredevil (1998) #109
Nov 7, 2008 |
here's still to many loose ends dangling for me to go higher then that, but I'm confident Brubaker is going to do his usual awesome job wrapping this story up. |
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Daredevil (1998) #110
Nov 8, 2008 |
I liked the story, but there were just too many plot holes to bump the score up any higher. |
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Daredevil (1998) #113
Dec 31, 2008 |
If you don't already read Ed's work on this comic, or have really never cared about Daredevil, believe me, you should give this comic a try! I was once a Daredevil hater too, but Ed has totally made me a fan of the character. |
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Daredevil (1998) #114
Jan 1, 2009 |
This comic is getting better with every issue as we roll towards the end of this storyline. |
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Daredevil (1998) #504
Feb 18, 2010 |
What an inspired storyline twist, one that I didn't see coming at all. |
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Daredevil (1998) #505
Mar 19, 2010 |
I kind of liked this comic... It wasn't great or anything, but I enjoyed the fact that all of the Daimyos are far from heroic(as it should be!), and that they all have copious amounts of blood on their hands. So DD is forced to defend Bakuto, who is a scumbag from an assassination attempt from the other three Daimyos, who are also scumbags! Oh what a tangled web DD is weaving... Next issue should have lots of ninja action, while DD tries to unravel who wants Bakuto dead, as well as figuring out what the other three Daimyos are after. |
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Daredevil (2011) | 7 issues |
Daredevil (2011) #3
Sep 18, 2011 |
Eh. For whatever reason this comic just didn't do it for me. The Klaw story bored me and Matt's ultra-happy personality STILL disturbs me(he's more Peter Parker than Matt Murdock now). The law consultation plan actually seems like a good idea considering that Matt really can't work a case in court without the opposing lawyer constantly accusing him of being Daredevil. Besides that, I guess we'll learn down the road who the mystery person assisting Klaw was, so there's that to look forward to at least. Overall though, at least to me, this issue was a massive step back from the first two issues. |
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Daredevil (2011) #9
Feb 20, 2012 |
This was a pretty weird comic... Moloids robbing graves, Mole Man dancing with a corpse... Hell, I don't even NEED to list anything else! Just read that again... Mole Man was dancing with the corpse of a woman!!! That is BEYOND creepy! |
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Daredevil (2011) #10
Apr 1, 2012 |
This was a good comic. It wasn't great, and there was a warped part of me that was kind of disappointed that Mole Man actually had a reason for stealing that poor woman's corpse, but it was good. I still think the way to go with Mole Man was to just make him as creepy as possible, and have him pillaging graves and swiping bodies like a really sick freak. I mean hell, it's not like the 4 Mole Man fans out there will be that outraged about the change in Mole Man's character, plus it would actually give us(and the various heroes) a reason to really despise him. Eh, again, this was a good read, but not something I'll be talking about for weeks to come. |
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Daredevil (2011) #10.1
Apr 9, 2012 |
I swear, this comic did not seem like a regular sized, $3 Marvel book... It almost seemed like two different stories, the Matt Murdock one in jail, and the DD one, with the criminal organizations. This is what a point one issue should be! A story heavy comic that basically fills newer readers in on who the main character is(Matt Murdock), what he does(fights crime as a lawyer and costumed hero), and what the main storyline is(the Omegadrive stuff). So while we didn't really cover any new ground for somebody like me, who has been following this series since the first issue, I'd think this was a great comic for newer fans to the series/character, and really, isn't that what these point one issue SHOULD be about. |
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Daredevil (2011) #12
May 7, 2012 |
Okay, I have to admit, I liked this comic. It was mainly a story about Matt and Foggy in college, but it worked. I can honestly say I haven't read very many(if any...) “DD in college” stories, so this issue was a treat. Add the ending and you have a good comic here. That's not to say this issue was without flaws, because it wasn't. For example, why would DD decide to go out on a date when he has several crime organizations gunning for him due to his holding the Omega Drive? Why not just paint a nice big target on Kristen's back? They're villains! Of course they're going to go after DD's friends to get what they want! Besides that, DD asked Spidey to keep an eye on things during his date and yet Spidey just sort of vanished when that Spectre taunted Matt, claiming Spidey had been, “diverted”... Nice work there, Web-Head... Overall though, I did enjoy this issue and look forward to seeing how the DD/Omega-Drive story ends up. |
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Daredevil (2011) #22
Jan 17, 2013 |
Well that ending sure hits close to home... This issue was extremely good, of which I'd expect no less. Waid captured Spidey/Ock's dialogue SO well here, and actually made me laugh out loud a few times, especially when Spidey and Stilt-Man were using the same dialogue. I'm glad somebody, in this case, Daredevil, called Spidey on his super-villain-ish dialogue! Everybody in Superior Spidey seems oblivious to Peter's recent dialogue. The dialogue was great, the story was good, this was a very solid issue with a strong cliffhanger. What more could a DD fan like myself ask for? |
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Daredevil (2011) #23
Feb 23, 2013 |
This was a very strong comic. As usual. I really don't have any complaints here... I guess I was a bit confused by the scene at the beginning of this one, since it turned out that the mystery man DID succeed in creating his own Daredevils(kind of). But the stuff with Matt and Foggy? The fight between DD and the DD-lites? DD's thoughts throughout this issue? All really good stuff. |
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Daredevil: Reborn | 1 issues |
Daredevil: Reborn #1
Jan 14, 2011 |
Before I get into this issue, first a quick question... Why isn't this mini-series taking place in the Daredevil series as opposed to Black Panther taking over the Daredevil series? Answer: Who the hell knows?! This was a very entertaining comic book, and a great start to this mini-series. It shows us that the real Matt Murdock is back, not the crazed, Hand leading one. Matt simply wants to be left alone, and not deal with the whole super-hero deal anymore, but as is his life, the insanity seems to follow him wherever he goes. Can a depressed Daredevil take care of a bunch of dumb hicks who have taken over a New Mexico town? Um yeah, probably, but I'll enjoy seeing how things turn out regardless. |
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Dark Avengers | 7 issues |
Dark Avengers #1
Feb 5, 2009 |
'm still optimistic here Brian, keep up the good work! As long as Brian can keep from f###ing up Noh-Varr too much, I think I might really enjoy this series. |
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Dark Avengers #3
Apr 12, 2009 |
Wow, I just gave a Brian Michael Bendis written comic book a 9 out of 10! I feel kind weird... I think I should lay down or something... |
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Dark Avengers #4
May 25, 2009 |
I can honestly state with no hesitation that this was my favorite BENDIS penned comic in at least three years. I'd say keep up the good work, but let's be serious, lightning isn't going to strike twice, and I'm positive that next month the DREAD LORD will have me tearing my hair out again. |
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Dark Avengers #5
Jul 20, 2009 |
If you like dozens of panels of Norman Osborn giving an interview, then this is the comic for you! |
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Dark Avengers #7
Jul 27, 2009 |
This x-over continues to entertain as well as leaving me eagerly anticipating the next part. |
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Dark Avengers #15
Apr 5, 2010 |
There really wasn't NEARLY enough new content in this comic to justify the $3.99 cover price, since most of this comic dealt with events that I've already seen play out in the Siege: The Cabal comic... Not only that, but man was BENDIS in one of his bad dialogue moods. |
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Dark Avengers #185
Jan 21, 2013 |
Okay, first things first, I am a HUGE sucker for dystopian alternate dimensional stories, so this storyline is right up my alley. With that said, I'm not sure how many other comic fans this kind of book would appeal to... I mean, there aren't any big name characters, and the characters who are here aren't even in the 616 Marvel U... So yeah, while I liked this issue, and am enjoying this storyline, I worry that I may be alone there. Anyway, I liked Strange's plan, setting Iron Man and Thing against each other, I like US Agent getting the use of his limbs back, hell, I liked most everything here. This was a perfectly acceptable comic book, nothing more, nothing less. |
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Dark Reign: The List (2009) | 1 issues |
Dark Reign: The List (2009): Wolverine #1
Dec 10, 2009 |
Hot damn, that was frigging AWESOME!!! Just Noh-Varr being in this comic would have been enough to leave me very happy, but the addition of Fantomex was like a pleasure overload! Although I have to admit that I haven't really enjoyed any of Grant Morrison's DC work, his Marvel work is mind-blowingly good, so for this comic to feature two of Grant's Marvel creations(Fantomex and Noh-Varr), and for Jason Aaron to have done a splendid job with said characters, I couldn't be happier. This is one of those cases where I was expecting nothing before I read this one, and I turned out being VERY pleasantly surprised. |
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Dark Reign: Young Avengers | 2 issues |
Dark Reign: Young Avengers #1
May 30, 2009 |
After saying all of that, I will state that I'll be picking up the next issue in order to find out what happens next. If this group had some minor tweaking done(change the team name and get rid of the big racist girl!!!)this could definitely be an interesting team. |
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Dark Reign: Young Avengers #3
Aug 10, 2009 |
Even though the story is still a bit all over the place, Paul is doing a great job with the character development. Almost all of the New Young Avengers have interesting little back stories developing. |
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Dark Wolverine | 6 issues |
Dark Wolverine #75
Jul 6, 2009 |
There was a lot to like about this comic, but in particular, I was glad Daniel began to expand on Daken's "other" power. His phenomenal abilities. Since Daken's debut, the phenomenal abilities were always there, but they were kind of under-defined. This issue went a long way in establishing the extent of those abilities. |
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Dark Wolverine #76
Jul 29, 2009 |
This is such a good comic! I love what Daniel and Marjorie are doing here. Daken with a few simple words and actions is managing to turn everybody against one another. |
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Dark Wolverine #78
Sep 28, 2009 |
As usual I enjoyed this comic. I've never made a secret about my feelings towards Daken, and so far this series has been consistently good since Daken took over as the title character. So this issue, Daken leaks the footage of himself going on a rampage in an effort to further infuriate/discredit Osborn, he also sends Moonstone a book along with a flower as he continues to draw her closer to him and further from Osborn, all while continuing to push Osborn's buttons... That's what I like the most about this series, while Osborn may fancy himself in complete control of things, Daken seems to be the one playing the role of the puppeteer. |
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Dark Wolverine #81
Jan 11, 2010 |
There were no real action scenes in this one, just a lot of talking between two of the more cerebral Marvel characters. It was kind of like a good chess match, some people probably won't get what was going on, while others will absolutely love what they read. For the record, I'm a member of the latter group. |
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Dark Wolverine #82
Feb 3, 2010 |
I can honestly say that this was one of those rare comic books that I read with a huge smile on my face from start to finish. It was that good. |
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Dark Wolverine #85
May 4, 2010 |
As always this was a good comic. |
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Dark X-Men | 3 issues |
Dark X-Men #2
Dec 21, 2009 |
Considering this is only the second part of this mini, I'm VERY happy with the way things have gone thus far. Thank you Paul, keep up the good work! |
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Dark X-Men #3
Jan 30, 2010 |
So far, so good! One of my greatest fears upon hearing that Nate was getting brought back to life in this series was that the writer would completely butcher his character and that the Nate Grey I loved reading about a few years ago would be totally and irreparably different. Three issues in, I've got to say, Paul's portrayal of Nate has been right on the money! |
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Dark X-Men #5
Mar 25, 2010 |
There were only two ways this mini could have ended, considering how INSANELY powerful Nate is, Nate either gets captured by Osborn and put in the Omega Machine, or he "dies" again and returns to the astral plane as discorporated energy, because with Nate's power level, he wasn't going to be allowed to roam around the Marvel U. For me, being THE biggest Nate Grey fan anywhere, I'm OK with this ending. |
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DC Universe: Last Will and Testament | 1 issues |
DC Universe: Last Will and Testament #1
Oct 26, 2008 |
If you are a fan of Deathstroke or even if you hate his guts, this comic is WELL worth a read. |
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Deadpool (2008) | 11 issues |
Deadpool (2008) #21
Apr 3, 2010 |
Eh, I guess this was a pretty good story... I'm just glad the Hit-Monkey story is over. I won't go into one of my anti-monkey rants, but yeah, at least this story is over... With that said, I'm looking forward to the next issue, which hopefully will be monkey-free! |
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Deadpool (2008) #30
Dec 26, 2010 |
God help me, but I LOVED this issue! Daniel Way(writer)was ON in this issue! DP's lines had me laughing out loud at times, and his refusal to call the vampires, “vampires” was hilarious. I could go on and on gushing about some of my favorite moments from this issue(“Draculas dressed like mummies?”), but instead I'm just going to end this review by saying this: If you only read one vampire infested Deadpool comic this year, make it this one! You WON'T be disappointed! |
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Deadpool (2008) #31
Jan 17, 2011 |
Um, what the hell happened here?! I LOVED the first part of this storyline(I gave it a perfect score for crying out loud!), but this issue just didn't do it for me. At all... I was fine with DP staking the vampires, and I was even fine with DP having a priest bless the hospital reservoir, but seriously, when the hell did DP turn into Reed Richards?! DP defeating the remaining vampires with an MRI machine and a rigged x-ray machine? Really?! I mean come on, I love Pool as much as the next guy, but gimme a break! I'd be surprised if he could use a microwave, let alone transform an x-ray machine into a vampire-killing device... Oh well, I guess not every issue of Deadpool, can be perfect... |
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Deadpool (2008) #35
Apr 15, 2011 |
Meh. This was an okay comic, but it didn't really leave me feeling anything... It was kind of like chewing a piece of gum. Fine while the flavor was still there, but not something you'd remember once you spit it out, or in the case of this comic, finished it... Wow, what a weird comparison... Anyway, Deadpool's adventures in space were okay for the most part, but I'm definitely glad Pool is heading back to Earth, where he belongs. |
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Deadpool (2008) #38
Jun 9, 2011 |
What can I say? I liked this one. It was funny, the action scenes were well done, and the story is moving along logically(or at least logically for a Deadpool comic). So Pool has his dream in sight, being murdered by the Hulk, but with Hulk in full berserker mode, in the process of killing Pool, he'd probably kill several innocent children as well... So much for Wade's best laid plans! Next issue should have a VERY injured Pool now trying to calm down the Hulk to save the kids, even though doing so will ruin his best chance at dying and meeting the woman of his dreams, Death. |
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Deadpool (2008) #48
Dec 28, 2011 |
Meh. This comic was okay, but we didn't get any Deadpool on Evil Deadpool action, thus hurting my enjoyment of this one. Sure, Evil Deadpool and Deadpool are fun on their own, but together they are pure comic book gold! But sadly they were never together here. The story was solid, but the hilarity that had marked the previous few issues wasn't here, and as I've stated before, one of the main things I expect from a Deadpool comic is a few good laughs, which, to me at least, is the most important thing about an issue of Deadpool. Oh well, here's hoping we get the mammoth Evil Deadpool/Deadpool showdown next issue. |
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Deadpool (2008) #49
Jan 12, 2012 |
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this comic book, but I can't help but think I should have enjoyed it more than I did... Something was just a bit off here... Oh well, I enjoyed the hell out of the first few parts of this issue, and am thoroughly looking forward to the next Deadpool storyline, so no real complaints from me. |
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Deadpool (2008) #49.1
Jan 25, 2012 |
See, THIS is what I thought these Point One issues were supposed to do! Fill you in on what's been going on in a series if you happened to be a new reader. And this issue did a good job of that... Well, I personally could have done without the musical aspect of it, but I'm sure some people probably enjoyed this one way more than I did. Plus there was a Dr. Bong and Daken cameo, so that helped bump up my enjoyment of this one. As it was, there were a few parts here that got a chuckle out of, but for somebody like me, who knew all of the storylines Pool sang about, this comic was kind of unnecessary for me to read. |
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Deadpool (2008) #52
Mar 21, 2012 |
Oh, and yes, I was kind of bummed that we didn't get the Deadpool/Daken battle I was anticipating here... |
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Deadpool (2008) #55
May 25, 2012 |
This issue was a blast to read... From Deadpool's lame attempt at shaving, to his hilarious zinger about the Hulk(and then wishing the Leader was there since it would have had a bigger impact), to just about everything here. This was a great issue. It was funny, there was a strong story, it had everything a great comic needs. After the ending of this one, I'll be interested to see what Pool does with himself after that humiliating defeat... |
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Deadpool (2008) #62
Oct 12, 2012 |
Okay, I kind of/sort of expect Taskmaster and Pool to be working together here, and that Pool asked Taskmaster to tell Kemp that he was leaving in order to draw Kemp and her cronies out in the open. However, I REALLY hope that Taskmaster has betrayed Pool again, because that would just be awesome on so many levels, especially since Taskmaster had just apologized for selling Pool out a few seconds earlier! Um, besides that, nothing really happened here... T-Ray and Slayback trained, and Deadpoollearnedthe art of forgiveness... This wasn't a terrible comic, and the last page(which I'll scan) gave me a legit laugh, but other than that, that was it. |
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Deadpool (2008) Annual | 1 issues |
Deadpool (2008) Annual #1
May 7, 2011 |
I really enjoyed this one... Like a lot. Granted, my review for it was crap, but don't let that fool you, this was a great comic. I'm actually enjoying this entire storyline. It concludes in the Invincible Hulks Annual next month, and you can be SURE I'll be picking up a copy! |
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Deadpool (2012) | 1 issues |
Deadpool (2012) #1
Nov 10, 2012 |
Yep, this was about as bad as I was fearing... I means seriously, Deadpool vs the former presidents? Who the hell thought THAT was a good idea?! Basically this comic was terrible. It didn't have a good story, but it was also missing the humor that a Deadpool comic so desperately needs, especially for when the story is lacking. Comedy IS subjective, so hopefully there are some people out there who did enjoy this series. I just wasn't one of them. I really don't have anything good to say about this comic, so I think I should end this review here. Before signing off though, I will say that this series looks to be the first Marvel Now! casualty from my pull list... I'll give this title one more issue and then wait for a new writer(s) to take over the book. |
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Deathstroke (2011) | 3 issues |
Deathstroke (2011) #2
Oct 12, 2011 |
I liked this comic, but didn't love it... There wasn't enough meat here for me. Sure, it's always fun when Slade goes on one of his patented killing sprees, but I can't say the story was advanced in any significant manner. So while this was a fun way to kill like 3 minutes, that's about all it was. |
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Deathstroke (2011) #3
Nov 11, 2011 |
This comic was okay. It was a fun, brainless little romp, but that's kind of the problem... The first three issues were ALL fun, brainless little romps... Like I said, it's fun to see Deathstroke chopping idiots to pieces, but by the midpoint of the issue, you KNEW what fate was going to befall Legacy #2. Here's hoping things change up just a bit come the next issue, because I really don't know how I'll feel sitting through a FORTH issue of this series nearly identical to the first three issues. |
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Deathstroke (2011) #4
Dec 19, 2011 |
I really liked this issue. It seems that I can simply turn my brain off when I read an issue of this series and just drift through all of the senseless violence without having to really think too hard about stuff. Every now and then, it's good to have a comic like that to just veg out on. Add finally finding out what was in the suitcase, and the fact that the contents actually could lead to something interesting, and I'm a happy camper. See, I don't ask for too much! |
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Defenders (2011) | 2 issues |
Defenders (2011) #1
Dec 7, 2011 |
I'm still holding out hope for this series, because like I said, the story here could be great, but for me, this issue didn't start off on the right foot. |
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Defenders (2011) #5
Apr 24, 2012 |
Well, this issue sure made my decision to drop this series easy! Sorry, but I'm not going to pay $4 for a series that I have zero interest in. Plus the next issue brings us Fat Cobra and the Immortal Weapons?! The only thing missing would have been an appearance by Our Lord and Savior Hope to really up the suck quotient! So yeah, this is officially the final issue of this series I'll be buying. But then, with the way this series has been falling down the sales charts, it may not be around much longer anyway. |
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Demon Knights | 1 issues |
Demon Knights #1
Sep 19, 2011 |
Well, you can't say I didn't give this series a fair shot. Unfortunately, it just isn't the type of comic book I'd want to pay money to read. I know there's an audience for this sort of story/setting, but I'm not a member of that audience. I've always preferred stories set in the present or the future. The past? Not so much. With that said, I definitely won't be picking up the second issue of this series. |
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Detective Comics | 3 issues |
Detective Comics #866
Jun 29, 2010 |
I LOVED the artwork during the flashback story! It looked exactly how you'd expect a flashback story to look, bright and cartoony. Granted the artwork for the main story was extremely well done too, but I'm a sucker for that old cartoonish style. The story was good, nothing groundbreaking or anything, but a solid read. Will I remember it a month from now? Probably not, but it was a completely inoffensive way to spend a few minutes. |
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Detective Comics #872
Jan 4, 2011 |
I actually liked this story. Much like Batman: Dark Knight #1, it wasn't simply a smash-'em-up comic, it was a slightly more cerebral issue. It didn't contain a single super-villain, instead it dealt with Dick trying to infiltrate Mirror House, succeeding and then getting stuck in a trap. The Dealer seems like an interesting character, the story was solid, and I really had no complaints. |
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Detective Comics #874
Apr 1, 2011 |
Okay, this comic was awesome seven ways to next Sunday. That summary I did for it up above? It doesn't even BEGIN to do this issue justice. This comic was a tough one to actually review because a) the story kept jumping back and forth from the present to the past. b) I'm REALLY tired right now, and c) I suck! But yeah, that crappy "review" notwithstanding, this comic was really, REALLY good. So my hat is off to Scott Snyder, who has written the best Commissioner Gordon since... well, since Ed Brubaker. And a comparison to Brubaker is just about the highest praise I can possibly give a writer. |
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Detective Comics (2011) | 1 issues |
Detective Comics (2011) #2
Oct 6, 2011 |
Come on, how am I supposed to take a villain named The Dollmaker serious!? That right there handicaps the poor guy, because that name sucks! “Call me the Dollmaker!!!” It just doesn't work. Besides the unfortunately named villain, the story fell flat for me. We get Bruce talking business, sleeping with a reporter, going to Arkham, talking to Gordon and then losing to a parade of freaks. The fight with the freaks was okay, but the rest was kind of boring. As for Gordon, I'm going to guess that the guy we saw at the end of this one wasn't Gordon, but was some poor sap dressed in Gordon's clothes, because really, the Dollmaker would have had to move at super-speed to have done all that work to Gordon in such short order. |
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Doomwar (2010) | 1 issues |
Doomwar (2010) #1
Mar 15, 2010 |
If you follow the Black Panther series, then I'd guess this is a must read, if not, then I'd recommend skipping it entirely, which is exactly what I'll be doing. |
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Exiled | 1 issues |
Exiled #1
May 3, 2012 |
What the HELL was THAT?! Seriously, I have NO idea what I just read! I thought this was an AvX tie-in, but after reading it, it obviously isn't... So does that mean the New Mutants won't be taking part in the AvX festivities? Because that kind of sucks... As for the story here, I've got nothin'. I think/guess Sigurd was attacked by the Desir back in the day, and he's taking his revenge on them... But yeah, this story was a) all over the place and b) not very good. This was a huge disappointment... |
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Fantastic Four (1998) | 3 issues |
Fantastic Four (1998) #583
Sep 25, 2010 |
I was half hoping that this would have been a jumping on point for new(or in my case, returning)fans, but this was most definitely NOT a jumping on point. It was more like a "jumping into the deep end of the pool and trying to learn how to swim" point. I just didn't understand a good 75% of what was happening here. Hopefully before the next issue I can get my hands on some back issues or trades, because I was just in over my head here, which led to me just not enjoying this comic as much as I think I could have. Oh well, maybe next issue will make a bit more sense then this one did. |
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Fantastic Four (1998) #586
Dec 27, 2010 |
Whew! This was the embodiment of a set-up issue, ladies and gentlemen! Jonathan Hickman is lining up all of his pieces in preparation for next issue's climatic(double-size!)issue. |
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Fantastic Four (1998) #587
Jan 26, 2011 |
I've got to admit, I was a bit misty-eyed after finishing this issue, which is a sure sign of a VERY well-written comic. |
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Fantastic Four (2012) | 2 issues |
Fantastic Four (2012) #1
Nov 20, 2012 |
Not bad. This was an interesting start to this series, with a story(the FF could be dying due to molecular decay) that should hold my attention. And as a plus, it was clearly written and not at all confusing, which is what caused me to drop the FF books when Jonathan Hickman was the writer. So kudos to Matt Fraction for a strong start. Honestly, with Reed holding this HUGE secret from the team, Sue knowing something was off and Franklin having a bad premonition, the next few issues should be a blast, especially when Reed's secret inevitably comes to light. |
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Fantastic Four (2012) #4
Feb 16, 2013 |
Meh. That, in a word, sums up my feelings for this issue. Much like Ultimate X-Men before it, this is a series that just isn't doing it for me... It's okay and all, but there's no one character here that I'm a fan of... I can't stand the two kids, and the other four are just plain boring. There's nobody for them to interact with, its just the Four, and nobody else. And that is already starting to get tiresome for me. |
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Fear Itself | 4 issues |
Fear Itself #1
Apr 6, 2011 |
Nothing really memorable happened here, and for a huge event issue, I kind of expected to read something that would have me frothing at the mouth anticipating the next issue. While I'm excited to see where things go next issue, I have to admit, my excitement for this event has diminished slightly after reading this one. |
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Fear Itself #2
May 5, 2011 |
Woooooo, THIS is how you do an event comic! |
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Fear Itself #7.2
Nov 9, 2011 |
The first 4/5's of this comic was quite good. The mood was perfect for the situation(somber) and all of the characters acted in the manner I'd expect them to. I liked Odin leaving to play brother's keeper for the rest of eternity, and I'm intrigued to see how things turn out in Asgard with Freyja and the other goddesses serving as the leaders. So everything is moving along smoothly, and then the Tanarus thing happens... |
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Fear Itself #7.3
Nov 16, 2011 |
Bottom line, this was a great comic that fell apart towards the end and turned into a really good comic instead. |
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Fear Itself: Deadpool | 1 issues |
Fear Itself: Deadpool #1
Jun 9, 2011 |
So wait, the hammer Deadpool gave to the Walrus really WAS magic?! Huh... This was what you'd call a perfectly acceptable comic. It wasn't great, it wasn't horrible, it just was. It had a few funny moments, but it wasn't as funny as the main Deadpool comic, so for a score, I'll go with a nice, average number... |
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Fear Itself: Hulk vs Dracula | 1 issues |
Fear Itself: Hulk vs Dracula #3
Oct 16, 2011 |
I'm not exactly sure what to say about this comic... Dracula came across as a real moron... How the hell did he survive for so many years? Seriously, how could he possibly think confronting THE HULK and dropping a net on him was a wise strategy? Raizo had the right idea. I mean hell, EVERYBODY knew that you couldn't defeat the Hulk with brute force, so he tried a different tactic, attacking the Hulk's emotions. I have to admit though, the Hulk being free of the Serpent's influence should make Fear Itself #7 that much more interesting when it comes out. All in all this was an okay little mini-series, but it's not something I'd go out of my way to recommend or anything. |
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Fear Itself: The Deep | 4 issues |
Fear Itself: The Deep #1
Jun 1, 2011 |
Well, if this comic would have ended after like the first 6 pages, I'd have given it a perfect score, because the beginning, with Attuma battering a... dare I say, frightened Namor was fantastic. Unfortunately, this issue didn't end after that battle... Now, I don't have anything against Dr. Strange, but Loa annoys the hell out of me, and I can't really stand anybody in the Hulk family, which is why Lyra's appearance really hurt my enjoyment of this one. Honestly, if there were two characters I enjoyed more in Loa and Lyra's places, this comic would probably be around the 9 range score-wise. Unfortunately that's not the case, which means the score looks more like this... |
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Fear Itself: The Deep #2
Aug 1, 2011 |
Meh. I have to say, not all that much happened in this issue... I mean the issue began with the Defenders battling demonic sea creatures and ended the exact same way... I guess we learned that the Undying Ones were somehow involved, but I can't really say that I care all that much. There wasn't anything wrong or actively offensive going on in this issue, but in the grand scheme of things, it seemed like a wasted issue. If I skipped this issue and went right to issue #3, I doubt I'd even realize I missed anything. |
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Fear Itself: The Deep #3
Sep 2, 2011 |
You can probably tell from that review that this wasn't my favorite comic... In all fairness though, this wasn't a bad comic. It just veered a bit off-road with the whole, “Undying Ones making an alliance with Attuma's goons” storyline. Attuma has been kicking everybody's ass, from Speedball(okay, bad example), to Alpha Flight(um, another bad example I guess...), why does he need “lieutenants”, and why the hell did those lieutenants need demonic powers? For me it was the lack of Attuma that bugged me the most here. Next issue should be an all-out battle between the kind of/sort of Defenders and Attuma, and if it turns out to be that straightforward, I'll be a very happy camper! |
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Fear Itself: The Deep #4
Oct 4, 2011 |
Well, I wasn't fond of the first three issues of this mini(they were okay I guess...), but this issue was a fun little romp. I really don't have anything bad to say... I mean this issue wasn't a masterpiece or anything, but it was a satisfying read, and really, what more can I ask for? |
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Fear Itself: The Fearless | 5 issues |
Fear Itself: The Fearless #1
Oct 19, 2011 |
You know, much like everything I've read thus far today, I really enjoyed this comic book... That doesn't happen very often! The story here is simple. On one side you have Valkyrie, who doesn't want to see Asgardian weapons lead to anymore widespread destruction on Earth. On the other side you have Cap, who is still hurting over the death of his best friend/protg Bucky, unwilling to trust the “gods” to watch over these weapons. And then of course you have that damned Sin who is looking to regain her lost powers by gathering the Serpent's hammers. So you have an easy to follow story, good artwork and solid dialogue. There's not much more I could ask for here... The next issue comes out in two weeks and it should go without saying that I'm already looking forward to it. |
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Fear Itself: The Fearless #4
Dec 11, 2011 |
This was probably my favorite issue of this “mini”-series. Although, to be honest, this “mini”(sorry, but I hate the term maxi-series) has been surprisingly good from the start. Sure, the last issue was a bit lackluster, but the first two were pretty strong. Considering this series is little more than an obvious money grab by Marvel as they try to squeeze every last penny out of the Fear Itself event, I have to say, I've been very happy with the quality here. Here's hoping that continues for the next 8(!) issues. |
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Fear Itself: The Fearless #5
Dec 25, 2011 |
I can't say I liked this one much at all... The issues prior to this one were actually pretty good, but this particular issue just didn't do it for me. Between the stupid battle strategies, Valeria popping up to save the day(as usual...), and Sin powering up a giant robot, this one failed for me... Hopefully next issue we get back on track again. |
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Fear Itself: The Fearless #6
Jan 7, 2012 |
This was a middling comic book that was saved by it's fantastic ending. I mean before that last scene, this issue was probably around a 5 1/2 or a 6 for a score. But Daimon and that cliffhanger definitely pulled this comic up to a more respectable score. So could this issue have been better? Yeah, the Valkyrie parts, while giving us insight as to her motivation and why she's so hellbent on collecting the hammers were necessary, but they just bored me... I will say this, Wolverine vs Crossbones, in a small room for one of the Serpent's hammers is worth the price of the next issue right there, anything else will simply be icing on the cake. |
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Fear Itself: The Fearless #12
Apr 7, 2012 |
Okay... Why the HELL is Daimon Hellstrom STILL evil?!? See, that right there? That fact? That ruined this comic for me. As I was reading thorough this one I kept thinking to myself, “When is Daimon going to reveal his REAL plan? When is he going to betray Sin to the heroes?” And you know what? He never DID betray Sin to the heroes! So in Journey Into Mystery, he's uber-good. Here? He'd STILL teaming up with Crossbones and Sin, two of the scuzziest scumbags in the Marvel Universe. In that regard, this was a very disappointing end to a series that started out with some real promise. See, I can't even talk about anything else that happened here because of the Daimon thing... That really sucks. |
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Fear Itself: The Home Front | 2 issues |
Fear Itself: The Home Front #6
Sep 27, 2011 |
God help me, I LOVED the GLA story! It was legitimately funny! I literally had a smile on my face for the entire story. Everything else in the comic was crap to me, but THAT story single handedly saved this issue from what would have almost definitely been a 1 or less for a score. Since I only read two stories here(and no, I don't consider a one page feature to be a story), I'll base my score on the average of those two stories... I'll give the Speedball story a 1, and the GLA story a 10(I TOLD you I liked it!), bringing the overall score of this issue to a... |
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Fear Itself: The Home Front #7
Oct 25, 2011 |
The two stories that I read were very, VERY sugary... But that's not necessarily a bad thing, is it? Call me a sentimental sap if you will, but seeing Miriam Sharpe and Speedball make peace and seeing that bald dude leave the safety of the school shelter to head back out to stand by Cap's side put a smile on my face... Yeah, yeah, I know, both stories were uber-sappy, but what do ya want, I brought it hook line and sinker. Anyway, I'd rather sappy to sucky any day, so this issue was a major improvement over last issue's debacle, and really, what more could I ask for? |
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Fear Itself: Uncanny X-Force | 2 issues |
Fear Itself: Uncanny X-Force #1
Jul 6, 2011 |
Okay, so there really wasn't a STRONG Fear Itself connection in this issue, but Rob Williams did use the Fear events to advance this story, which is a good thing. Sure, we didn't get X-Force vs any of the Serpent's Worthy, but at least the events in this issue occurred BECAUSE of the events of Fear Itself. As for this issue, it was good. I have to admit, I enjoyed it. You had crazy bigots, X-Force killing said bigots, and the head bigot acting like a loony religious fanatic! All in all, good stuff! |
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Fear Itself: Uncanny X-Force #2
Aug 15, 2011 |
I was really enjoying this comic right up until the ending, which I obviously didn't get. |
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Fear Itself: Wolverine | 1 issues |
Fear Itself: Wolverine #3
Sep 12, 2011 |
To say that I regret spending money on these three issues is an understatement... |
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Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt | 1 issues |
Fear Itself: Youth in Revolt #4
Aug 24, 2011 |
All in all, Hardball being alive, as well as a good story make for a very happy X. |
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FF (2012) | 1 issues |
FF (2012) #3
Jan 26, 2013 |
Well, this was WAY better than the other crap I've read tonight! This was a good little issue. There was nothing overly fancy about it, we learned about older Johnny, we get Darla back on the team, and Scott decides to end Doom. That last part, Scott deciding to go after Doom, is the main reason I picked this series up. After Doom killed Scott's daughter, Stature, in Children's Crusade, I've been eagerly anticipating Scott's eventual meeting with Doom. This issue brought us a step closer to said meeting. So while nothing huge happened here, we did lay the foundation for future stories(get it? "foundation" "future"??), and got solid writing and good art. And really? That's good enough for me. |
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Final Crisis | 3 issues |
Final Crisis #5
Dec 22, 2008 |
I'm ever so slowly starting to see the story come together, but I'm still kind of foggy on the finer points of this story. I am confident that by the next issue and surely by the 7th issue, I'll have a full understanding of Final Crisis as a whole... Maybe! |
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Final Crisis #6
Jan 17, 2009 |
In time, depending on what happens to Batman, the score for this comic may wind up being higher, or much lower. But as it is right now, not knowing what the future holds, this comic was nearly perfect. |
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Final Crisis #7
Feb 9, 2009 |
This comic book was a horrible ending to a mediocre at best crossover. While Final Crisis had it's high points and it's good moments, I'll remember it as being as bad, if not worse than Secret Invasion, and that's saying something. I kind of get the feeling that Grant was writing this comic for a group of maybe 10 people, while the rest of us are just left shrugging our shoulders saying, "What the hell did I just read?". |
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Final Crisis One Shot | 3 issues |
Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns #1
Nov 15, 2008 |
This story was pretty good, if a bit confusing to a novice Green Lantern reader. I am interested in picking up the next issue of Green Lantern to see what happens next, so if that was the purpose of putting the misleading Final Crisis banner on this comic, then they tricked me good! |
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Final Crisis: Resist #1
Nov 14, 2008 |
Don't promote a series as containing the last of something, and then have a million of the last something show up soon there after. The other thing that disturbed me, was since when did Snapper Carr become a teleporter? I guess I missed something somewhere, because when he was with Young Justice, all he could do was annoy people by snapping his fingers incessantly. These weird gaps in logic really hurt this comic for me. |
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Final Crisis: Requiem #1
Oct 30, 2008 |
It was a tad slow at times, but it really caused me to care about the Martian Manhunter, who I'd never given much thought to before. |
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Final Crisis: Legion Of Three Worlds | 1 issues |
Final Crisis: Legion Of Three Worlds #5
Aug 8, 2009 |
Like I said, this issue just didn't dazzle me like the previous ones did. I'll always hold this mini in very high regard(it brought back Kid Flash and Superboy!)though. |
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Flash (1987) | 2 issues |
Flash (1987) #237
Oct 24, 2008 |
Anyway, this comic was completely inoffensive and told an alright story, so I don't have any major gripes about it. |
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Flash (1987) #246
Dec 7, 2008 |
This was a pretty sad comic... After reading this comic, I'm now beginning to wonder exactly what direction DC and series writer Alan Burnett are going. |
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Flash (2011) | 4 issues |
Flash (2011) #3
Nov 29, 2011 |
I really enjoyed this issue... I mean like a lot. A good story, good art, strong dialogue and a major threat makes for a happy X. Sure, the ending could have been better(it ends with Wally exclaiming in his head, “His finger!”), but 21 good pages and 1 strange one is a damn fine ratio in my eyes. I'll definitely be looking forward to reading issue #4 to see how Wally ends up stopping something electronic based like Kilg%re. |
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Flash (2011) #4
Jan 3, 2012 |
Overall, this was a good comic. Wally was, as usual, great, and the addition of Cyborg was logical for the story and was enjoyable. You know Wally fooling around with the married woman(who happens to be like 12 years older than he is) is going to lead to some trouble down the road, possibly as soon as the next issue, as the woman tells Wally at the end of this issue that she needed to settle things with her estranged hubby. So while I was disappointed by how easily Kilg%re was dispatched, I am looking forward to the next couple of issues. |
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Flash (2011) #5
Jan 30, 2012 |
What can I say? I'm enjoying this series. Yes, the ending was insanely over the top, what with the fuel depot exploding(!), but I'm still enjoying watching Wally act relatively irresponsible for a superhero. |
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Flash (2011) #6
Feb 28, 2012 |
This was a pretty good comic. It wasn't as much fun as the prior issue was, but it was a pretty good read nonetheless. Sure, the next issue should be odd, what with Wally heading to Siberia to kidnap(?) a Soviet scientist so he could save Jerry, who IS a rival for the attentions of the woman he loves, but that's Wally for you. Anyway, this was another good, solid issue of this series and the ending has me mildly interested in the next issue. |
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Flash: Rebirth | 1 issues |
Flash: Rebirth #5
Nov 28, 2009 |
To be honest, I'm eagerly anticipating the end of this mini-series and the beginning of the new Flash comic book, which I'm hoping will be a little bit better then this mini has been. |
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Freedom Fighters | 3 issues |
Freedom Fighters #2
Oct 8, 2010 |
I can't say I didn't like this story, but I really didn't enjoy it either. It was just sort of there. |
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Freedom Fighters #8
Apr 11, 2011 |
This review may have been rushed and a tad sarcastic(just a tad), but don't let that fool you, I actually enjoyed this issue! Not only was the physical battle between Sam and Jester enjoyable, the war of words they were having made the fight that much better. It's weird, the first 5 or 6 issues of this series didn't impress me in the least(and had the Ray not been a part of the team, I probably would have dropped the series early on), but these last 2 or 3 issues have been really good! The pacing has been brisk the past two issues(I guess due to the impending cancellation), but for this series, a quick pace really seems to work. Although the speed at which the Jester lost was a bit annoying... |
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Freedom Fighters #9
May 9, 2011 |
Well that was an odd way to end a series... It didn't really wrap anything up... Sure, the Freedom Fighters themselves have been officially disbanded, but with Bomb being basically abducted by Trumont, this seemed more like a continuation of a story then a definitive ending. As it was, I really had no complaints with this issue, although like I said, the ending was a bit odd. I guess I'll be waiting until DC inevitably launches yet another Freedom Fighters series to see what happens next... |
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Generation Hope | 1 issues |
Generation Hope #13
Nov 22, 2011 |
Gah, this sucked. And hard. Well, it would be bad form to drop a series that I JUST put back on my pull list, so I'll give this series at least one more issue(probably two knowing myself), but good god was this awful. Granted, it wasn't Avengers #19 terrible, but it was close. Now, while I detest almost every character in this one, I will say that Zero and Transonic have some potential. Hey, check me out, I just said something kind of nice about this series! I think I'll end this post there, since I'm sure everything else I type will be very negative. |
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Ghost Rider (2011) | 2 issues |
Ghost Rider (2011) #1
Jul 17, 2011 |
What do you want me to say? I despise the idea of a female Ghost Rider. We already had TWO perfectly fine Ghost Riders in Johnny Blaze, or the WAY superior Danny Ketch. Was this a bad comic book? No, not at all. As a matter of fact, I enjoyed the main story a lot, although I didn't get the origin story in the least... But seriously, what is Marvel's obsession with taking established male characters and turning them female? |
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Ghost Rider (2011) #2
Aug 16, 2011 |
This comic wasn't that bad. Rob Williams did a good job of laying out the story, as well as giving us the motivations of the two major players(Mephisto and Adam). Johnny wasn't written as some sort of brain-dead hick this time around(thank god...), and the art was solid. However, I'm still not sold on the new Ghost Rider. |
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Gotham City Sirens | 2 issues |
Gotham City Sirens #24
Jul 3, 2011 |
Um, was this the last issue or something? Weird... I mean by the end of this issue, there was only one Siren left standing, Catwoman... I mean I like CW and all, but I liked the dynamic of Cats, Harley and Ivy together... Ah well. As usual, this was an above average read. My only complaint would be how swift the Joker/Harley-Batman/Catwoman showdown was. I mean we were building up to this big tag team main event, and it's all over over the course of a few short pages. I personally could have went for an entire issue of Bats and Cats battling the demented duo all throughout Arkham, but alas, it was not to be. If this was the last issue of this series, I'll definitely miss it, if not, then cool, I'll be reading issue #25 next month! |
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Gotham City Sirens #25
Jul 30, 2011 |
This was another comic where I have no serious complaints. The story was logical, the pacing was good, the art was good, everything came together nicely. I mean it wasn't perfect or anything, but it does have me looking forward to the next issue, which means it did it's job well. |
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Gotham Gazette: Batman Dead? | 1 issues |
Gotham Gazette: Batman Dead? #1
Mar 17, 2009 |
If anyone is on the fence about picking this comic up, save your money, it had NOTHING to do with the upcoming "Battle for the Cowl" storyline. |
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Green Arrow (2011) | 1 issues |
Green Arrow (2011) #11
May 13, 2011 |
I'm pretty much in shock here after reading this one... I mean what the HELL was JT Krul thinking?!? This was ALL kinds of bad. I don't even know where to begin. I KNOW Krul can write better stuff than THIS, so I'm gonna say that his hands were tied by editorial, which is what led to this... Man, it seems like anything even remotely connected to Brightest Day somehow manages to gain some of Brightest Day's sucktitude... I'll end this review by simply saying this: this was the last Green Arrow comic on my subscription, and after this issue, there's NO way in hell I'll be putting this on my pull list... So long, Ollie. It's been fun. |
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Green Arrow / Black Canary | 6 issues |
Green Arrow / Black Canary #14
Dec 5, 2008 |
This was the last issue of this series written by Judd Winick. I can honestly say that I am going to miss Judd's steady hand in this comic book. Judd is a great writer, and I hope whoever takes up the writing duties for this book can keep up Judd's great work. |
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Green Arrow / Black Canary #18
Mar 22, 2009 |
For the first time in a while, I'm actually looking forward to the next issue of this series. Good job Andrew! |
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Green Arrow / Black Canary #19
May 1, 2009 |
Honestly, with the exception of the characters acting in ways they shouldn't, this wasn't a terrible comic book. Personally though, I can't ignore the weak way Dinah is being written... That really annoys me. |
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Green Arrow / Black Canary #21
Jun 25, 2009 |
Anyway, back to this comic book. For a score, I'll go with an 8 1/2 out of 10, which is by far the best score I've given any comic in this series for quite some time. Hopefully Andrew can keep up the good work over the next couple of issues. |
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Green Arrow / Black Canary #24
Sep 24, 2009 |
What the hell was this??? This comic was pretty terrible, from cover to cover. The dialogue was awful, the story was nonsensical(why was Dinah running from the cops with Cupid? |
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Green Arrow / Black Canary #28
Jan 16, 2010 |
What can I really say? I guess I can respect the fact that Andrew is at least trying to explain Cupid's actions, fighting ability, etc, but it's like every issue we discover yet another far-fetched thing about Cupid's past. Last issue we find out she was a black ops soldier. This issue she's a crazed super-soldier. What's next, we discover she's the long lost love child of an alternate version of Superman and Wonder Woman? Eh, that's going to have to do it for my anti-Cupid rant this month, I still have a few other comics to get through. |
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Green Lantern (2005) | 5 issues |
Green Lantern (2005) #40
May 7, 2009 |
I have to say, I'm enjoying Hal's interaction with that annoying Blue ring. Hal wishing for world peace and the ring scolding him for being insincere was pretty funny. My one problem with the Hal/Blue ring story is that I find it very hard to believe Hal doesn't hope for anything. There must be something Hal hopes for... The return of dead teammates, the love of Carol, safety for his brother's family, there HAS to be something, doesn't there? |
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Green Lantern (2005) #41
Jun 11, 2009 |
As for this issue, it was exactly what I'd expect from a Geoff Johns penned comic, a very good read. I personally would have preferred a little less flashback stuff and more current events, but besides that, I really have no complaints. So now Hal seems to have lost his arm... I can't wait to see how he remedies this situation! |
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Green Lantern (2005) #43
Jul 17, 2009 |
I'm going to have a tough time waiting for Blackest Night #1 to arrive after reading this comic... I want to read Blackest Night #1 now!!! |
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Green Lantern (2005) #47
Nov 9, 2009 |
The fact that I find myself caring about these other Corps tells me that Geoff Johns has done a splendid job on this series for the past 4 years now. Not only do I have an emotional investment in Hal and Sinestro and their respective Corps, but more and more I find myself truly caring about the rest of the Corps running around in the DCU. As usual, this was a great comic that I'd highly recommend. |
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Green Lantern (2005) #53
May 1, 2010 |
I liked the Sinestro/Hal/Carol parts and was intrigued by the Ganthet/Atrocitus/Guy Gardner parts, so I guess I'd say there was more good then bad in this one, although I can see that things are going to be a big mess until Brightest Day is over. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2006) | 8 issues |
Green Lantern Corps (2006) #33
Apr 1, 2009 |
GL Corps might not be as flat out awesome as GL is, but it is a consistently well written comic book, and that's really all I ask for as a comic book fan. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #37
Jun 16, 2009 |
After reading this comic book, I'm practically salivating with anticipation for the next issue, which should be a direct lead-in to the upcoming DC mega-event "Blackest Night". If you're a fan of DC Comics and have ANY interest at all in Blackest Night, you HAVE to give this comic a shot. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #38
Jul 10, 2009 |
Don't get me wrong, this was a very good comic. Probably better than like 85% of the stuff I'll wind up reading all month. However this issue was a bit of a step back from the 10's I've been giving this series in recent months. With all that said though, I'd still recommend this issue highly. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #42
Nov 21, 2009 |
That comic was simply amazing. I'm going to start off by giving MAJOR props to Patrick Gleason and the entire art team, because this was one of the best art jobs I can recall seeing in a comic book in quite some time. The pencils, the inkwork and the colors were completely flawless. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #48
Jun 10, 2010 |
I liked it. Tony seems to have a definitive idea of where he's going with this series, and I for one am glad to see Guy Gardner replaced for John Stewart. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #52
Oct 18, 2010 |
Anyway, this comic was all right, although I was a bit bummed by Cyborg Superman's defeat. It seemed a bit too easy for my tastes. So far as I know, he can effortlessly dominate any form of robotic life, so I was a bit perplexed as to how Boodikka was able to fight him off when he attempted to enslave her body. Besides Cyborg Superman's loss though, this comic was a prime example of a perfectly acceptable comic book. It wasn't great, but it wasn't awful either. It was a fine way to kill a few minutes. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #55
Jan 18, 2011 |
Besides Ganthet's projectile vomiting, I really didn't have any problems with this issue. The story is moving along nicely, the Weaponer is being built up as a huge menace(he beat the GL Honor Guard PLUS a Guardian!), and the cliffhanger has me interested in checking out the next issue. Granted, there were a few little things that bugged me here(what exactly was the Weaponer planning on doing with the Lanterns he defeated? Why not just kill them?), but all in all, good stuff, as usual with this series. |
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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #56
Jan 30, 2011 |
Before Sinestro's no-selling antics, this was a pretty good comic. But after that? My enjoyment of this story whittled away to almost nothing. Please let Sinestro get just a little beat up by somebody other than Hal "The only Green Lantern that matters" Jordan next issue... That's all I ask. If Sinestro at least gets knocked down next issue I'll bump the score up an extra 1/2 no matter what I thought of the rest of it. |
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Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors | 1 issues |
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #3
Oct 15, 2010 |
This was a good comic all the way through, but the last page revelation that Guy intends on killing Sodam definitely added to its final score for me. That was a very interesting little touch, which should make next issue's events on Daxam VERY interesting. Besides that, no real complaints here. Although things are a bit slow right now I'm expecting the story to really pick up first on Daxam, and especially in the Unknown Sectors. |
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Green Lantern: New Guardians | 2 issues |
Green Lantern: New Guardians #1
Oct 2, 2011 |
As a fan of both Tony Bedard's writing and Kyle Rayner, this comic was a bit of a treat for me. Yes, I am a bit pissed that the color corps still exists in the new DCU, but I've come to terms with the fact that in the eyes of DC, Chairman Johns can do no wrong, and as such all of his ideas, even the terrible ones, are golden. Negativity aside, this was a good comic, one that I don't intend on dropping anytime soon. |
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Green Lantern: New Guardians #6
Mar 3, 2012 |
This wasn't a very bad comic... In all honesty, it doesn't deserve to be scored with Brightest Day Rules, but a promise is a promise, so onward we go. Right off the bat +5 for a good story, +5 for good art and +10 for no Larfleeze! So we're rolling right off the bat! |
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Grifter | 2 issues |
Grifter #1
Sep 14, 2011 |
I liked this issue. It was a good, strong, solid start. There was some mystery, like who/what those creatures were and why Grifter seemed to get powers from them, and the eventual confrontation between Grifter and his brother should be heated(you'd think). I definitely won't be dropping this one yet. |
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Grifter #8
Apr 16, 2012 |
Woo, this comic was ALL over the place!! I don't blame the writer, Nathan Edmondson, at all though. He was forced to wrap up ALL of his stories in this one issue, which made for a VERY jarring experience. |
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Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) | 3 issues |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #9
Feb 6, 2009 |
I LOVE this comic book. All I can do is implore anybody who reads this post to go out and buy issues of this series. By far, this is one of the superior titles Marvel is publishing monthly. PLEASE, yes I'm willing to beg, PLEASE buy this comic book. |
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Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #11
Mar 24, 2009 |
Everyone is entitled to a bad issue here and there, and this was definitely not the best work I've read from Dan and Andy. But, once again, let me temper that criticism by saying that I LOVE the way Dan and Andy continue to implement obscure characters/events from the 1990's. I grew up reading Marvel comics in the 90's, and I'm particularly fond of the lesser known characters of the 90's. Darkhawk, Quasar, Jack Flag, even Nova, Adam Warlock and Gamora, I loved reading about those characters growing up then, and I love that Dan and Andy are keeping these characters alive and flourishing today. |
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Guardians of the Galaxy (2008) #15
Jul 18, 2009 |
As far as x-over issues go, this was a good one, but once again, my problem here was that I'm ready for the x-over stuff to end so the Guardians can get on with their own stories. |
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Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) | 1 issues |
Guardians of the Galaxy (2013) #0.1
Feb 28, 2013 |
Wow, this new Bendis? I love him!! I really can't find much to fault about this comic... It flowed beautifully, we met Peter's folks, got a taste of what kind of a kid he was, and learned why he hated the Badoon, all while setting up this series. I mean yeah, this was nearly perfect! If I was to nitpick, I'd complain about how wordy Meredith was with J'Son, but that's Bendis's style of writing, and to be honest, he wasn't nearly as wordy as he usually is. Yeah, good story, dialogue, set-up, art, I have nothing bad to say here! |
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Hawkeye & Mockingbird | 2 issues |
Hawkeye & Mockingbird #1
Jun 16, 2010 |
Well hot damn, this comic was awesome!!! I absolutely love both characters here, and I couldn't have been happier to see Crossfire and the Phantom Rider show up as the villains. Crossfire has a long history with Clint, once paying an army of c-list villain a small fortune to cut off Clint's arm, while the Phantom Rider once kidnapped, drugged and raped Mockingbird back in the hugely under appreciated West Coast Avengers series. I can't really think of anything here that I didn't like... I've got to say, I am LOVING the Heroic Age so far! |
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Hawkeye & Mockingbird #5
Oct 9, 2010 |
The exorcism stuff with Jaime was also kind of hokey, but besides those little quibbles, I enjoyed everything else about this comic, and I'll be looking forward to seeing what happens now that it appears Hawkeye and Mockingbird are headed for splitsville(again!). |
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Hawkeye (2012) | 4 issues |
Hawkeye (2012) #2
Sep 8, 2012 |
Um, this comic just didn't do it for me... I mean it was okay, but it wasn't great. But it WAS a Hawkeye comic, so that makes anything better. Sure, I don't know why the likes ofKingpinand Hammerhead would be dumb enough to go to a show being put on by the Circus of CRIME, nor do I get why the Circus would want to make enemies with KINGPIN, of all people, but whatever I guess. I was definitely happy to see Kate pop up here and become Clint's partner, because I AM a huge Young Avengers fan, but this issue was strangely lacking for me. I can't really put my finger on it, but there was something missing here for me... But hey, it IS Hawkeye, so that's still a huge boost, regardless of the story. |
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Hawkeye (2012) #4
Nov 26, 2012 |
First things first, the art in this issue was way better than the art from the first three issues, which is a GREAT thing. |
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Hawkeye (2012) #5
Dec 10, 2012 |
Yep, I loved this issue. Hell, I loved this entire storyline! Add the fact that Hawkeye DIDN'T actually kill the terrorist(which would have gone counter to his character), but dangled himself out there as bait to protect the identities of the Navy Seals who did, and you have the recipe for a wonderful comic. I'm not sure what else to say... I have nothing bad to say about this comic... Only good... Um, buy and read Hawkeye! There, that should do it for this post! |
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Hawkeye (2012) #10
May 4, 2013 |
Um, this was... Odd... This issue really didn't do anything for me. Kazi isn't interesting ti me in the least, which made this issue kind of a waste of time. I mean this issue ended the exact same way, in the exact moment in time as the last issue! Bah. But hey, one subpar issue doesn't ruin this series for me. I'm sure things will get back on track next issue. |
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Hawkeye: Blindspot | 1 issues |
Hawkeye: Blindspot #1
Feb 20, 2011 |
This was the first issue of this mini-series. It's only four issues. The price is a VERY reasonable $2.99. Buy this comic! If you've ever been a fan of the Avengers you owe it to yourself to read this! Even if you don't know squat about Hawkeye besides the fact that he's an archer, you should STILL buy this comic! Trust me, you'll be glad you did. |
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Hell Yeah | 1 issues |
Hell Yeah #1
Mar 9, 2012 |
Um... This comic was okay, I guess... It didn't set my world on fire or anything, and none of the characters really grabbed my attention(although Ben could be a good character with time), but this wasn't a terrible read or anything. It just didn't wow me. I'll probably put this series on my pull list, but I'm not sure how long it'll be staying there... The next issue should go a long way in telling me whether this series is a keeper or not. |
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Hellblazer | 2 issues |
Hellblazer #288
Feb 17, 2012 |
This was a really, really good comic! Seriously, the story, the art, the pacing of the story, the way Milligan switched scenes, it all made for a great read. Plus, we now know that Constantine has a nephew out there somewhere. And with how messed up the rest of his family is, who knows how screwed up this nephew is! There were a few things I didn't touch on in the review because they really didn't add anything to the story, such as Constantine meeting up with his evil double again, and seeing the bedroom where he was born, but those little touches REALLY helped set the scene of just how fucked up Hell was. Needless to say, I am REALLY looking forward to seeing what happens next between Constantine and Epiphany, Terry and Gemma(and eventually Constantine), as well as Constantine and this nephew of his. |
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Hellblazer #289
Mar 24, 2012 |
No complaints here. This was a good, solid comic that didn't really give me anything to gripe about. Hey, sometimes that's all I want in a quick read. This storyline finishes off next issue as Epiphany will make her decision, while Constantine no doubt tries to stop her from making any deals with demons. It SHOULD be good. |
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Heroes for Hire (2010) | 2 issues |
Heroes for Hire (2010) #7
Jun 10, 2011 |
Wooo, I REALLY enjoyed this issue! First off, I've always liked Misty Knight, and one of the things I really enjoyed from Heroes for Hire #1 was the fact that she was serving as an Oracle-like character, running things and directing heroes from behind the scenes. Had the Puppet Master not shown up in Heroes #1, I probably wouldn't have missed an issue... Anyway, as with pretty much anything written by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, this was an exceptionally good comic. I honestly can't think of anything I want to complain about, so I'll just move on to the next issue. |
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Heroes for Hire (2010) #9
Jul 7, 2011 |
No complaints here. We had an appearance from one of the Serpent's Worthy, which validates the Fear Itself banner on this comic, as well as several heroes dealing with the fallout from the events of Fear Itself. Add Elektra and the Purple Man, and you've got the makings of a perfectly acceptable comic book. So like I said, no complaints here, let's move on. |
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I, Vampire | 5 issues |
I, Vampire #1
Oct 4, 2011 |
What can I say? It looks as if I'll be sticking with this series for the foreseeable future. I definitely didn't expect that, but I guess life is full of surprises. |
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I, Vampire #6
Mar 13, 2012 |
Whether Andrew comes back or not, I have to admit that this was my least favorite issue of this series... The ending, while surprising, managed to annoy me, which is a good way to get me to give out a mediocre to bad score. |
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I, Vampire #8
Apr 29, 2012 |
Well, here I was hoping this x-over would make JLD better. In actuality, this x-over made I, Vampire worse! How annoying is that! This series was rolling along nicely until the x-over with JLD, let's hope the Rise of the Vampires was just a minor bump in the road and now that it's finished this series will get back on it's roll of solid comics. |
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I, Vampire #9
May 26, 2012 |
I have to admit, I didn't enjoy this issue as much as I did the pre-Rise stories... I'm not exactly sure where we're going here... I mean it's obvious that Andrew isn't evil, but most of the vampires with him are... And then there are the Van Helsings, who you'd think were the good guys on account of them being vampire hunters, but are being portrayed as the bad guys. Plus there's Mary, who I guess is at the least crazy, and at most evil. And on top of that all, Andrew still has god-like powers... It looks like this series is still trying to find it's feet after the Rise storyline. Hopefully it finds it's feet quickly! |
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I, Vampire #16
Feb 4, 2013 |
Meh. Much like the first comic I reviewed tonight(Dark Avengers #186), this comic didn't do anything for me... That probably explains why these two comics were at the bottom of my pile... I didn't love it, I didn't hate it, I simply read it and moved on... Maybe it's the impending cancellation, or maybe it's the length of time between issues, but I just couldn't bother getting all that worked up about this issue... |
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Impulse | 1 issues |
Impulse #29
Nov 8, 2011 |
I really enjoyed reading this issue! I mean REALLY enjoyed it! I enjoyed it so much it made me want to pull out the entire Impulse series to remind myself how awesome DC was once... As opposed to what it has become... *sigh* This was a really good taste of what this comic was all about actually. It was just good fun. And you know what? There's a HUGE gap in the market right now for this type of comic book. I don't know that either of the Big Two are putting out a series that's just plain fun, like this series was... Thanks for getting rid of Impulse, Geoff Johns... |
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Incredible Hulk (2011) | 1 issues |
Incredible Hulk (2011) #3
Dec 26, 2011 |
Dammit!! When I wrote the introduction to this post, I was like 86.8756% certain I'd be dropping this series after closing this comic book up. Instead I'm almost positive I'll be forced to pick up at least another issue, as I REALLY want to see the Crazy Bruce/Hulk confrontation. Yeah sure, I have a pretty good idea of how the storyline will(probably) eventually end(look above at “The Bad” section!), but I still want to see Crazy Bruce and Hulk get in each other's faces. *sigh* Well, I guess I'll probably drop the Ultimates and keep this series... For now... |
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Indestructible Hulk | 1 issues |
Indestructible Hulk #8
Jun 1, 2013 |
I enjoyed this issue a bit more than the previous ones in this storyline. It was a quick read, and took very minimal thought... Which is good sometimes. So yeah, I really don't have much else to say here... Um, Happy June? |
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Invincible | 4 issues |
Invincible #79
Apr 23, 2011 |
All in all, this was yet another great issue from this series, which is quite honestly, no surprise. |
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Invincible #80
Jun 16, 2011 |
Um, okay... I guess... So Dinosaurus destroyed Las Vegas... I really don't know what to think of that. I kind of like that Robert Kirkman is trying to give Invincible a new foe, and Dinosaurus does have a pretty cool look, but destroying Las Vegas? It seems a bit far fetched to me... I mean, didn't the people hanging out in Vegas notice a giant, 9 foot tall, red dinosaur walking around hiding bombs? The first half of this issue was a lot of talking, and for once, I didn't thoroughly enjoy it... I don't know, for whatever reason, this issue just didn't click for me... |
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Invincible #87
Jan 11, 2012 |
This was a good issue of this series(as per usual), but not a great issue... And why wasn't it great? For me anyway? Because the focus went back to Invincible for the first time in at least two issues... I know I said it before, but it bears repeating, I really don't like Invincible as a character right now. I don't know what the deal is, maybe the horrors of the Viltrumite War, coupled with Atom Eve and the (possibly) aborted/miscarried child, have just caused Invincible to get slightly off keel. But seriously, I just don't like HIM. I still thoroughly enjoy the series because of the ultra-strong supporting cast, but the main character? He needs a good ass-whupping. |
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Invincible #90
Apr 6, 2012 |
Eh. This issue wasn't bad or anything, it was solid, it just didn't showcase any if the characters I care about... Oliver got a single page, Cecil Stedman got a single page, Eve didn't really do much and Invincible himself only woke up on the last page. Not being a fan of Dinosaurus or Thragg definitely hurt my enjoyment of this one. I will say this though... Ryan Ottley's art? Amazing! That guy doesn't get nearly enough credit for his work on this series... He MADE that battle between Dinosaurus and Thragg. Plain and simple. In a way this issue was a lot like this week's issue of New Mutants... It was a solid story, but it just wasn't my particular cup of tea. |
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Invincible Iron Man | 6 issues |
Invincible Iron Man #505
Jun 18, 2011 |
Matt Fraction continues to bring the awesome in this series. I've got to say, I might not have liked what went down in Fear Itself #3, but Fear Itself, Invincible Iron Man and Mighty Thor, all of which are written by Fraction have been amongst the best comics I've been reading the past few months. Much like Avengers Academy, this comic did a great job of showing a) just how insanely powerful the Serpent's henchmen were, and b) just how awful their actions were. This issue also did a great job of showing us how damaging psychologically the events in Paris were on Tony Stark himself. Seeing Tony take that bottle with him, showed us, probably more than anything else, that he wasn't expecting to make it through Fear Itself. Again, this was a great comic, that has me eagerly anticipating the next issue. |
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Invincible Iron Man #506
Jul 20, 2011 |
What can I say? This was a very good comic, that validated my faith in it. I mean it wasn't perfect or anything, but it tied into the Fear Itself events perfectly, which makes sense since Matt Fraction is writing both. Whereas most of the Fear Itself tie-ins are unnecessary to the main story, or unnecessary period, reading Iron Man greatly enhances the main FI mini, since events in Iron Man tend to bleed over into Fear Itself. I enjoyed both stories, although I am a bit annoyed that Tony threw away his years of sobriety just like that... I get that Fraction is trying to show that the whole Fear Itself thing is SO big that Tony is willing to do anything to end it, but we already knew it was big, what with Washington DC being destroyed and Paris being turned to stone and all... Tossing out Tony's years of sobriety just seem kind of unnecessary... At least that's how I see it. |
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Invincible Iron Man #510
Nov 25, 2011 |
Ah the good old Daily Bugle and their headlines... You'd think they'd have gotten more classy after JJJ became mayor, but I guess not. This comic was a great set-up issue. It moved briskly, and the story is pretty simple... The Mandarin is out to ruin Tony(again) and along with another one of Tony's enemies(Stane) is willing to go further than ever before. Personally, I'm delighted to see the Mandarin here, as he's probably the most well rounded villain in Iron Man's rogue gallery. Sure, I could do without the dwarf, since it adds NOTHING to the series, but what can ya do? For the most part this was a really good issue, one that has me interested in this storyline, dwarf or not. |
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Invincible Iron Man #514
Mar 23, 2012 |
Man, Fraction has set this series up for like a full YEAR of awesome storytelling! |
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Invincible Iron Man #515
Apr 19, 2012 |
Okay, first the bad. I am so pissed that Melter appears to have devolved into your common, dime a dozen villain. I always felt he was better than that. So yeah, that annoyed me. Going into this issue, I didn't expect Rhodey to die, because he's all over several other books... I mean he's in AvX, he's in Secret Avengers, etc. But yep, I TOTALLY brought his death when I read this one! That's some good writing from Fraction, because like I said, I was sure Rhodey wasn't going to die, but Fraction got me here... He tricked me but good! Overall? As usual, this was a strong, above average read. Par for the course with this series. |
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Invincible Iron Man #517
May 19, 2012 |
Matt Fraction is doing a great job of slowly moving all of the pieces around the chessboard here... Stane has freed himself from the threats of the Mandarin, without the Mandarin knowing, Tony has freed himself from the eyes of the government since he relinquished the Iron Man tech to them, while still maintaining the pieces necessary to turn him back into IM again, we got some more stuff with Spy-Master, and there was another Iron Man flitting around at the end of this one. This was a very good read. |
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Invincible Iron Man Annual | 1 issues |
Invincible Iron Man Annual #1
Jul 2, 2010 |
All in all, this annual did a good job of really hammering home just how much Mandarin hates Tony Stark, and that even when he isn't actively pestering Stark, the Mandarin is ALWAYS obsessing over Iron Man. |
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Iron Man (2012) | 3 issues |
Iron Man (2012) #1
Nov 12, 2012 |
So far so good. This was a good start for the Marvel Now! Iron Man series. We have a good story, some new threats for Tony, all born from an old threat to Tony. Basically, this was everything you'd want from an Iron Man comic. We may be only one issue in, but I think it's safe to say Tony Stark is in good hands going forward. |
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Iron Man (2012) #2
Nov 24, 2012 |
I liked this one. I think Arthur and the Circle have some real potential to be reoccurring foes for IM. Arthur, Merlin and Lancelot in particular were pretty well developed by Kieron Gillen in just one issue. So yeah, bottom line here? This was another good, solid comic. It wasn't spectacular, but it was good, and that's all I really need. |
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Iron Man (2012) #6
Feb 7, 2013 |
This was a pretty good comic. Kieron Gillen seems to have a good feel for Tony's voice, which is a good thing since most of this comic was just Tony and the alien princess chatting. The story looks like it has some good potential, as it makes sense that some civilizations WOULD worship a cosmic force like the Phoenix. It'll be interesting to see how Tony beats this particular charge. |
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Iron Man 2.0 | 2 issues |
Iron Man 2.0 #3
Apr 17, 2011 |
This comic was pretty much the tale of TWO comics... The beginning was sort of slow and I'd even say a bit boring. Once we got up to the Rhodey/Tony new War Machine stuff though, this issue kicked it up like 8 or 9 notches. One thing Nick Spencer has proven he's GREAT at is dialogging Tony and Rhodey's scenes. Their interaction was awesome in IM 2.0 #1, and it was awesome here. They come across EXACTLY as I expect them to, so kudos to Spencer for that. The storyline from the first two issues kind of took a break here, as this issue built up to the unveiling of the new War Machine duds. While I would have liked a little bit of story advancement, I can overlook that since War Machine really DID need a new suit of armor! That old one was SO 1990! |
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Iron Man 2.0 #11
Dec 17, 2011 |
And the lackluster comic streak reaches 4! This issue was WAY rushed. In one issue we get to see the full effect of the Addley toxin, get an antidote, disperse the antidote, and find out the antidote is only temporary, all in a few pages. I get that this series is headed rapidly for cancellation, but damn was there too much packed in here! And the worst thing is that the next issue will probably be even worse! Next issue we get War Machine vs Iron Man, plus we have to wrap up the Palmer Addley story so we can put this series to sleep... It's too bad really, because I had been enjoying the slow build we've been getting in this series, and all of this rushing is really hurting what had been an enjoyable, long storyline. Oh well... |
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Irredeemable | 7 issues |
Irredeemable #29
Sep 10, 2011 |
I enjoyed reading this comic from cover to cover and was never once bored by any portion of the story, no matter where Mark Waid took us. So the story was good and the art was good. |
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Irredeemable #31
Nov 6, 2011 |
Every month I read this series I think the same thing... How much longer can this story possibly go on? And every month Mark Waid manages to keep me hooked by shaking things up. As usual though, I can't help but think that the endgame HAS to be coming up soon... Now we don't even have Survivor around to take on Plutonian once the weird giants are out of the way... But then again, we DO have the return of Modeus, plus who knows, maybe Qubit will come back sometime soon with a new plan to stop the Plutonian... Huh, you know, maybe Waid CAN continue to stretch this series out! |
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Irredeemable #32
Dec 10, 2011 |
I enjoyed reading this comic book a lot. I mean I literally have ZERO idea how Waid is going to end this storyline... Logically, it HAS to end with the Plutonian's parents dropping him off back at the end of time, but doing that would kill the Plutonian, and as satisfying as that event would be to read, it would also mean the end of this series... So in other words, the Plutonian has to figure out a way to outsmart his parents, thus returning to Earth AGAIN. For me, there's only one way this story can end in an acceptable fashion(hint: the Plutonian dies!), I can't wait to see what tricks Waid has up his sleeves to tie this one up. |
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Irredeemable #33
Jan 6, 2012 |
If this storyline was solely contained in the Irredeemable series, I'd be quite pleased with it. Instead, I'm mildly annoyed that I have to pick up an issue of Incorruptible to find out what happens... To be honest, a) I doubt my shop will even have an issue of Incorruptible #26 in stock, and b) I don't know if I want to spend another $4 on a series I don't particularly care for... So while I MAY pick up, read and review that issue of Incorruptible, realistically? It's probably not gonna happen. |
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Irredeemable #34
Feb 4, 2012 |
No complaints here. I'm curious to see what Qubit's plan is concerning Plutonian, since he has no way of making good on the promise he made Plutonian, which would naturally make Plutonian VERY angry. We also have Plutonian closing in on the position of Bette, who is almost definitely possessed by Modeus by now... And really, why wouldn't Modeus possess Bette, since that's who the Plutonian really desires. It makes perfect sense, in a weird, super-villiany sort of way. All in all? Good stuff here, as usual. |
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Irredeemable #36
Apr 21, 2012 |
I'm gonna miss this series when it's gone.. It's been a really good read. Anyway, as for this issue? It was okay. It wasn't great or anything, but it WAS good. It all does seem rushed(for example, why have Modeus sleep with the Plutonian in Bette's body and then kill Bette's body off this issue... That seemed like it could have led to something...), but the cliffhanger here, and the final confrontation between the Plutonian(the world's strongest man) and Qubit(the world's smartest man) to close out this series should be awesome... Or at least I hope so... |
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Irredeemable #37
May 23, 2012 |
Needless to say, this issue was rather bittersweet... This is the last time I'll get to read about Qubit(who had become a favorite character of mine) or Kaiden, or anybody else from this universe... However, I guess it's NOT the last time I'll be reading about the Plutonian since he lives on in Superman! THAT was a sweet piece of storytelling by Mark Waid, which should come as no surprise to anybody. Waid is one of the top writers in all of comics and it's no shock that he ended this issue so wonderfully. In the end, the Plutonian DID kind of get redeemed, as he was reimagined as the greatest hero in the DC Universe. My heart tells me this was a perfect comic book, my head tells me it was a really, really good one. In the case of this comic, I'm definitely going to go with my heart. |
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Journey Into Mystery (2011) | 4 issues |
Journey Into Mystery (2011) #622
Apr 18, 2011 |
No problems here for me. This story moved along nicely, was pretty action packed, and I've slowly turned into a fan of Blastaar since his appearances in the old Nova comic. Plus it had Steve Rogers in it, and Lord Summers didn't really do anything, so I'll be looking forward to the final part of this story in the Namor annual, as crazy Namor tries to kill and(hopefully) drink everybody. |
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Journey Into Mystery (2011) #627
Sep 17, 2011 |
What can I say, I'm a sucker for Marvel mythology. Be it the various gods or the assorted demons running around the Marvel U, I love reading about them. Mephisto, when written properly, is a great character, and here? He was definitely written properly. There's really not much more I can say about this comic. You'll either love it or hate it, depending on your view of beings such as Mephisto, Nightmare and the godheads. Me? I absolutely loved this issue. |
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Journey Into Mystery (2011) #632
Dec 15, 2011 |
This comic was a light-hearted Christmas style tale, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I had a few good chuckles, the story and art were fine, no major complaints here. If you want to read a light-hearted Asgardian x-mas tale, this one was by far the best one I've ever read. Granted, it was the only Asgardian x-mas style tale I've ever read, but my point stands! |
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Journey Into Mystery (2011) #634
Feb 11, 2012 |
I loved this comic! Hellstrom was written perfectly(for a change...), the villain of the piece makes perfect sense, as does his plan, and the story, dialogue and art all came together perfectly. Sure, this comic wasn't perfect, but it was damn good, and that's better than most of the books I read. |
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JSA All Stars Vol. 2 | 3 issues |
JSA All Stars Vol. 2 #1
Jan 15, 2010 |
This was a pretty good start for this series. I love the Johnny Sorrow character(just the look alone if priceless!), but I'm kind of... I don't know, disturbed I guess, by his sudden fixation with Stargirl. She's the love of his life? Wha?!? Anyhow, as a fan of the JSA, I've got to say this issue hit almost all the right notes, so I don't have anything substantial to complain about. Huzzah! |
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JSA All Stars Vol. 2 #4
Mar 27, 2010 |
This was a very good, fast-paced comic, with plenty of action and a good enough story. |
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JSA All Stars Vol. 2 #11
Oct 12, 2010 |
The beginning of this storyline wasn't great, but I thought it was passable. Unfortunately things just kept getting worse and worse as this story rolled along, culminating with this issue. Ugh, what a mess. On the positive side, the only direction to go from here is up. |
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Justice League Dark | 4 issues |
Justice League Dark #4
Jan 2, 2012 |
When you don't get/don't care about the story in a comic, that's a pretty good indicator of what kind of a score it's going to get. I was happy that we had more from the characters I actually care about here, but I'm still going to be VERY happy to see this storyline end, hopefully as soon as the next issue. |
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Justice League Dark #5
Jan 29, 2012 |
Meh. This issue, much like the rest of this storyline, did nothing for me. If I had to say something positive, I'd say that it's nice to see that Peter Milligan finally featured Constantine prominently in this issue, since that was one of my main gripes about the prior few issues. But the Enchantress/June Moone storyline? I have no idea what happened, and to be honest, I could care less. The only thing that matters to me is that it's over, and hopefully things will get better moving forward. |
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Justice League Dark #6
Feb 26, 2012 |
Well NOW sure would be a great time for my comic shop to FINALLY get I, Vampire #2 in stock so I can catch up on that frigging series! As for this issue? It didn't do enough. To be perfectly honest, if it wasn't for the I, Vampire crossover, I'd be dropping this series this Wednesday when I hit the comic shop. It just doesn't do it for me. With that said, I'll continue reading through the I, Vampire x-over stuff, and once that ends? I'll be dropping this series. I'm sure I can find a more creative way to waste $3 every month. |
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Justice League Dark #7
Mar 30, 2012 |
Meh. That's my thought on this issue in a word. I mean it wasn't horrible or anything, it just didn't grab my attention. On the plus side, this was probably the best issue of JLD since it debuted, so that's something... |
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Justice League of America (2006) | 4 issues |
Justice League of America (2006) #30
Mar 2, 2009 |
OK. I get it. Dwayne McDuffie REALLY likes these Shadow Cabinet guys, and he especially seems to like Icon. Good for you Dwayne. I like the Justice League of America. I want to read about the JLA, not some losers I've never heard of before. That's why I buy this comic series month in and month out. Unless things change drastically(maybe a change in writers is due)I'll be dropping this series very soon, something I thought I'd never even entertain doing during Brad Meltzer's brilliant early run on this series. |
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Justice League of America (2006) #43
Apr 16, 2010 |
Did I enjoy it? Yes. Did it leave me scratching my head in confusion? Definitely! I can't even begin to guess what the next issue holds. |
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Justice League of America (2006) #44
Apr 29, 2010 |
The rest of this comic was REALLY good, and if you aren't following the JSA book, and as such wouldn't be annoyed by the major spoilerage, I'd wholeheartedly recommend this comic. |
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Justice League of America (2006) #58
Jun 26, 2011 |
Eh. With the exception of Saint Walker's inclusion here, I had no real complaints. The JLA very clearly outlined their plan and enacted it, while Eclipso's forces fought to defend their master. It was all pretty straightforward. No problems here, so we'll simply move on. |
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Justice League: Cry for Justice | 3 issues |
Justice League: Cry for Justice #2
Aug 20, 2009 |
I'm a really big fan of slowly building up a story, and James is doing a great job of that here. Oh, and Mauro's artwork is still mind-blowingly fantastic. |
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Justice League: Cry for Justice #5
Dec 15, 2009 |
I've got to admit that this issue left me with one overriding feeling, that of pure, unadulterated rage! Suffice to say, if I were living in the DCU right now I'd most definitely be a Red Lantern after finishing this issue. To say that I'm pissed off about what happened to Roy, one of my favorite DC characters, is the understatement of the decade! |
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Justice League: Cry for Justice #7
Mar 24, 2010 |
As for my final thoughts on this comic, I guess all I can say is that it disappointed me. I think this story could have easily played out without the maiming of Roy Harper or the death of his daughter, and still had a huge emotional impact. |
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Justice League: Generation Lost | 2 issues |
Justice League: Generation Lost #1
May 20, 2010 |
This was a VERY strong opening issue to this mini-series. The writers did a great job of setting the stage, putting all of the main players in position and giving Max a way to rebuild his powerbase away from the watchful eyes of every hero on the face of the Earth. It would have been nice if the Brightest Day mini-series was this coherent... I for one can't wait to see what Max decides to do now that he believes he is free to operate however he feels, as well as seeing what the former JLIers do to try to stop Max before he embarks on whatever his next evil act will be. A villain with all of Max's knowledge of Earth's super-heroes, free to do as he pleases could be a very scary thing! |
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Justice League: Generation Lost #3
Jun 17, 2010 |
What a load of crap. I'd better stop this review before things start to get R-rated here. |
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Justice League: The Rise of Arsenal | 1 issues |
Justice League: The Rise of Arsenal #3
Jun 1, 2010 |
I HATED the first issue of this mini, and I really enjoyed the second issue, so I was hoping that this issue would continue the upward climb... Unfortunately, this issue took three steps back instead... I HATED this issue!!! |
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Justice Society of America | 6 issues |
Justice Society of America #22
Jan 12, 2009 |
Even though Gog's defeat came a little bit too easily for my taste, I loved the rest of this storyline, and would strongly recommend it to anybody. |
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Justice Society of America #23
Feb 10, 2009 |
This comic felt like it was setting a lot of future events into motion, and as such wasn't nearly as good as Geoff's work usually is. With that said though, I'm sure once this story gets moving along, it will wind up being great. |
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Justice Society of America #24
Mar 15, 2009 |
I would have liked more from this comic, but I guess with this storyline only being 3 parts, Geoff couldn't really expand on things the way he usually does with his longer storylines. This issue really felt rushed, and at times it seemed like we were missing parts of the story. I guess I'm just used to most of Geoff's storylines being more in-depth and longer than the 3 parts this storyarc is being afforded. |
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Justice Society of America #25
Apr 18, 2009 |
I think there are only 2 more Geoff John's written issues of this series left before he departs, and I for one hope Geoff manages to bring back that old magic he had with this series one last time before he goes. |
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Justice Society of America #37
Apr 13, 2010 |
Anyway, if you're like me and you enjoy futuristic/alternate reality storylines, then this comic is definitely worth checking out. If you don't, well then I'd still recommend it! |
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Justice Society of America #43
Oct 16, 2010 |
You know, there was a time when I'd easily point to James Robinson(who wrote this)and say, "You KNOW you'll be getting a quality read when you pick up a comic with his name on it." Now? I don't think that holds up anymore. He's not near the writer he was during his amazing Starman run. |
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Kick-Ass 2 | 4 issues |
Kick-Ass 2 #1
Oct 27, 2010 |
Totally awesome stuff here. If you enjoyed the original Kick-Ass even a little, you owe it to yourself to buy and read the sequel. |
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Kick-Ass 2 #2
Apr 2, 2011 |
Why can't this comic book come out on a regular schedule? Hell, I'd be fine with a semi-regular schedule. That's how much I love this series. This series does indeed prove that Jeph Loeb DOES still have some mad writing skills when he wants to, because this series has been top shelf from the first issue onward. I liked the story, I enjoyed the twists with Liz's mom and Blob, I liked the character development Loeb put into Teddy even though you know he's simply going to go out there and be your basic super-villain. In other words, I liked a LOT of what I read here. If I had a gripe, it would be the fact that Jimmy was pretty much an afterthought here. Other than that, good stuff. Oh, and on the back page they claim issue #5 will be out in May... I know I'll be keeping my fingers crossed! |
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Kick-Ass 2 #3
Aug 25, 2011 |
What do you want? It's Kick-Ass! You either love it for it's excessive violence, graphic language and awesome story, or you don't. I fall on the “love it” side of that equation. This issue had everything you'd expect out of Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. Great art, funny dialogue, a great story, um, great everything. This issue heralded the return of the Red Mist... Excuse me, I mean the Mother Fucker, who should have a huge hand in the final few issues of this series. Other then that, Kick-Ass's dad learned that his son was masquerading as a super-hero(which lead to the laugh out loud moment that had his father stating, “Oh my god... You've lost your mind.”), Col. Stripe, who I could have SWORN was going to be revealed as a bad guy, was brutally murdered, and the slow burn to Hit-Girl's return to action continued. No complaints from me, only compliments. Here's hoping the next issue of this series comes out before the end of the year! |
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Kick-Ass 2 #5
Nov 24, 2011 |
I hate to be repetitive, but when it comes to this series, I can't help it... This series is very polarizing... There are people who are going to absolutely hate it because of it's over-the-top violence and language. Then, there are people like me, who can overlook all of that and see the awesome story underneath it all. And that's really the bottom line here... The story here IS great. |
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Legion Lost | 2 issues |
Legion Lost #1
Sep 20, 2011 |
This was a solid first issue. It had it's faults, but overall I liked it. I think the team as is is UBER-weak, but at least I get Timberwolf here. He just has a lot of work to do to keep me interested. I'm not sure where this comic book can go, the Legionaries are stuck in the past... Okay, now what? But I'll definitely be sticking around to see what happens next. |
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Legion Lost #9
May 15, 2012 |
Again, like with Superboy, I really enjoyed this issue. It was basically one long battle against Harvest, but several tantalizing hints were dropped about Harvest, his motivations and origin, as well as Kid Flash's origin which kept the battle interesting. I did ignore the Rose/Fairchild stuff because it didn't really seem to lead to anything, but they were here as well. I have to say, this storyline is shocking the hell out of me with how strong it is. |
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Legion of Super-Heroes (2004) | 1 issues |
Legion of Super-Heroes (2004) #48
Dec 7, 2008 |
As much as I'm looking forward to the next issue of this comic to see what happens, I'm also dreading it, since the next issue is nearly the end of the series. Jim Shooter did his usual great job writing this comic, and cut out alot of the future speak that was driving me crazy! |
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Magneto: Not a Hero | 1 issues |
Magneto: Not a Hero #4
Feb 25, 2012 |
Now that's more like it! That's the way I like my Magneto! Not the whipped one that currently follows Lord Summers around like a toothless little puppy dog, but as the man who all of humanity SHOULD fear. The true mutant bogeyman. As this issue was winding down, with Joseph defeated and all, I figured Mags would simply leave Bach and his fellow bigots alone to show that Mags was the bigger man... Mags dropping all of that rubble on them and probably killing them? That was a great surprise, and a satisfying way to end this mini-series. So sure, Magneto is currently playing the role of Lord Summers' lapdog, but once Mags feels that isn't the best direction for mutantkind to go? He made it perfectly clear here that he'd be willing to do whatever it took to make sure mutantkind survived... By any means necessary. |
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Marvel NOW! Point One | 1 issues |
Marvel NOW! Point One #1
Oct 18, 2012 |
Honestly, I'm kind of interested in all of the comics mentioned here, even the one I was sure I wouldn't want(FF)! Nothing mind blowing here, this wasn't a necessary read in any way, it was an okay comic about a few upcoming comics. If you're curious about Nova, Guardians of the Galaxy, Secret Avengers, Young Avengers, Cable and X-Force or FF, this may be worth a pick up. Nothing more to say here. |
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Mighty Avengers | 3 issues |
Mighty Avengers #21
Feb 3, 2009 |
I'll definitely pick up the next couple of issues of this series, due mainly to the fact that I think Dan Slott is one hell of a writer. BUT, I don't know if I'll be able to stand reading this comic book unless Dan changes up the team roster SOON. In the end, I liked this story, but the inclusion of the a##hole really, really hurt my enjoyment of this comic book. |
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Mighty Avengers #25
Jun 10, 2009 |
It's funny how much better this comic was compared to New Avengers #53, which I reviewed a few nights ago. Comparing Dan Slott to Brian BENDIS is like comparing a thoroughbred horse to a rundown donkey! Dan depictions are just so dead-on, while BENDIS' are just all wrong. You can tell Dan was a fan of the Avengers with his knowledge of the team and the characters, while I seriously doubt BENDIS has EVER read an issue of the classic Avengers books. |
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Mighty Avengers #26
Jul 4, 2009 |
My favorite part of this issue? Seeing Mr. Fantastic's 2-year-old daughter completely outsmart that pain in the ass Amadeus Cho. God do I HATE Cho!!! |
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Morning Glories | 6 issues |
Morning Glories #12
Oct 9, 2011 |
This was one of those cases where I liked the comic I was reading, but couldn't shake the feeling that it COULD have been better... Hodge's story just didn't really grab me like the past 5 issues did. I mean hell, if I'd have reviewed issue #11 I probably would have given it a perfect score because it WAS that good. That's another problem I had with this issue, it completely ignored issue #11's cliffhanger... Did Ike kill Abraham? Probably not, seeing as that Ike was still here, but how did that scene go down? Did he flat out refuse to kill Abraham? Did he say he'd consider it? We never find out. So while this issue was a step down from the prior 5 issues, it was still a strong issue. |
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Morning Glories #13
Oct 13, 2011 |
If you're tired of Marvel or DC and want to try out a comic from one of the other companies, I'd have to say that THIS series is the best one I'm reading right now. |
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Morning Glories #14
Nov 16, 2011 |
I really enjoyed this issue. Yeah, there were a few confusing things going on here, and it took me a few pages to figure out that this issue was happening at the same time as the prior issue, but those aren't the types of things that can ruin a comic for me. I'm sure the weird stuff from 1693 will be cleared up in due time and will add to the rich tapestry of this series. Sure, I wish Ike was in this issue, seeing as that Ike rules, but Zoe did a good job of being the asshole of the issue, so I was cool with Ike not showing up here. As always, I'm definitely looking forward to the next issue. |
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Morning Glories #15
Jan 18, 2012 |
Another depressingly strong issue of this series... Why "depressingly"? Because we have NO idea when the next issue comes out! The fact that we don't have a date to go by(even if it was way off) makes me think that Image has no idea when the next issue will come out either... Which sucks, because after the ending to this one, I can't wait to see what happens next, and with the way this story has been jumping back and forth, we probably won't get back to Hunter and Zoe for a good two issues! |
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Morning Glories #16
Feb 23, 2012 |
Well this was weird... It was good and all(as usual), but everything that happened here was just damn weird! I guess that's par for the course with this series though. So now Casey has been sent back in time, and has some sort of instructions from Hodge that will, I'd imagine, help the rest of the Morning Glories kids in the present... Man is time travel hard to write about! Now, while this WAS a good issue and all, I can't shake the feeling that this issue may well be the catalyst to end this series... I mean I haven't heard that this series was getting canned or was gonna end or anything, but IF Nick Spencer and Joe Eisma wanted to pull the plug, Casey escaping Morning Glories sure as hell would be the way to start knocking down those dominoes and bringing this series to a close... Here's hoping that doesn't happen for a very long time though... |
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Morning Glories #18
May 12, 2012 |
Okay, first things first, I love the reveal that Jun is gay. Jun was probably one of, if not the most boring student in this series, so him being gay, and having a lover in Guillaume actually makes him into a more complete character, so I liked that a lot. Story-wise though, this issue was kind of everywhere... Sure, the character development with Jun was great, but I have NO idea what was going on with Guillaume, or Zoe, or, well, anything else. But here's hoping that gets fixed up some the next issue, which is the conclusion to this storyline. |
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New Avengers | 5 issues |
New Avengers #47
Jan 2, 2009 |
Since the Skrull crap was kept to a minimum, I didn't hate this issue as much as I've hated the past few issues of this series. But, since I just don't care about Jessica Jones and I barely care about Luke Cage, this issue didn't really do anything for me. |
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New Avengers #52
May 10, 2009 |
Well, I'm glad I got this mess out of the way. Now I won't have to suffer through another issue of New Avengers for a month. |
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New Avengers #53
Jun 8, 2009 |
What more is there to say? Once again, the DREAD LORD has proven to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that he shouldn't be allowed within 100 yards of any type of writing apparatus. Brother Voodoo... The Sorcerer Supreme... HaHaHa!!! If it wasn't so absurd, it would be hilarious. |
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New Avengers #54
Jul 21, 2009 |
I still don't get/like the fact that Brother Voodoo is the new Sorcerer Supreme, but I think I made my feelings on that subject very well known during my review of New Avengers #53, so I'm not going to get into that again. This was a mediocre comic that I doubt I'll even remember come tomorrow morning. |
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New Avengers #60
Jan 8, 2010 |
Do I even have to say it? Of course I hated this issue. I really miss the days when I could open an Avengers comic book and read about actual Avengers characters! You know, Captain America(Steve Rogers), Iron Man, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Hank Pym, Black Panther, etc. What a novel idea, Avengers in an Avengers comic! No, instead month after month after month, BENDIS flushes the Avengers proud legacy down the drain as he continues to run roughshod over the Marvel Universe... Very disappointing. |
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New Avengers (2010) | 2 issues |
New Avengers (2010) #14
Jul 16, 2011 |
My god, I have to read another comic book quickly to rinse the stain of this comic from my brain! NOW I remember why I never picked this series up! |
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New Avengers (2010) #26
May 14, 2012 |
That cover? The one on this issue? Ignore it, because neither characters appear in this one... As a matter of fact NO Avengers, New or otherwise showed up here... God does Bendis hurt my brain at times... I have NO idea what to give this issue score-wise... I mean it wasn't terrible, but what the hell did it have to do with AvX?! |
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New Avengers: Reunion | 2 issues |
New Avengers: Reunion #1
Mar 14, 2009 |
I expected this comic to be nearly unreadable, but to my surprise, I enjoyed this book, and I'm looking forward to the next issue. |
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New Avengers: Reunion #4
Jun 20, 2009 |
If you were a fan of the WCA like I was, then I'd definitely recommend this comic to you. |
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New Mutants (2009) | 6 issues |
New Mutants (2009) #27
Jul 13, 2011 |
So far I have no serious concerns or complaints, he's in good hands with Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, so this comic left me feeling very happy. |
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New Mutants (2009) #28
Jul 27, 2011 |
First the positive. Nate was still hanging around, which makes me think that he's going to be a regular in this title, which is great because that means Nate will be SOMEWHERE, which is better than nothing. Yes, it pissed me off to no end that Our Lord and Savior Hope had to come into the Danger Room and save Nate, but I'll deal with those little indignities in order to see my favorite comic character back in action again. Overall, I liked this comic. Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning managed to make Magik(somewhat) likable, which is a minor miracle since I always saw her as a bit of a bitch. The therapist was kind of tough on Karma and Cannonball, but it made for a good read. As long as Nate is in this series I see myself enjoying it, since I know in my heart that Abnett and Lanning's work with Nate can never be as bad as the crap that used to go on in the X-Man series... The next few issues look to be Fear Itself x-overs, so we'll see how that works out. |
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New Mutants (2009) #29
Aug 10, 2011 |
As for the story, it was good and made sense(Moonstar gets lost, her teammates decide to look for her), so no complaints there. The art was okay, although I have to admit, the way Nate was depicted kind of bugged me as he was kind of drawn like the Incredible Hulk, which was pretty weird. |
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New Mutants (2009) #31
Sep 28, 2011 |
Well, on the plus side, Nate was in the comic. On the negative side, I really don't care for this storyline... But hey, I'm NOT going to complain because of the fact that Nate was doing stuff in this issue. Am I biased? Hell yes I am! Gimme a sucky storyline with Nate sword-fighting some fools and complaining about Sunspot and I'm happy. See, I AM easy to please! But seriously, here's hoping this storyline ends next issue... |
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New Mutants (2009) #32
Oct 27, 2011 |
Okay, the most important thing about the end of this issue was the reveal that Magik seemed to know that the team wound up in Hell, not Hel, meaning she screwed them over by deliberately giving them the wrong spell. But I'm sure that'll be explored in the next few issues. As for this issue, it didn't really do anything for me. The New Mutants Fear Itself tie-in issues overall didn't do anything for me. Sure, I'm glad it was Nate's idea that ended the threat of the Draumar, thus(presumably) solidifying a spot for himself on the team, but besides the Nate parts, I didn't care for anything else. I mean it was okay, but I am definitely glad the New Mutants Fear Itself adventure has come to a close. |
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New Mutants (2009) #39
Mar 22, 2012 |
Before the ending I was REALLY enjoying this issue. But the addition of the plant Ani-Mator and Cypher and Warlock combining really bugged me. Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning did a great job prior to those actions though, as they gave us great character development moments for pretty much EVERY character in this issue, which is an amazing feat. Not only that, but they also managed to get me to like Warlock for the first time since... well, ever. A better ending would have probably put this comic in the 8 to 8 1/2 score-level, but as it is, I'll give this one a... |
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Nightwing (1996) | 11 issues |
Nightwing (1996) #61
Oct 29, 2008 |
I know the write up for this issue is kind of on the short side, but that doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy this comic thoroughly. It was pretty fast paced, and showed just how dirty some of the cops in Bludhaven really are. |
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Nightwing (1996) #72
Nov 4, 2008 |
Hopefully, this story will start to make more sense soon. |
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Nightwing (1996) #73
Nov 4, 2008 |
Story wise, I was happy to see things starting to come together, even though I was a little surprised Dick would be willing to speak to Mrs. Redhorn without any type of disguise at all... What would the Batman say! |
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Nightwing (1996) #86
Nov 10, 2008 |
Dick's behavior in this comic was just horrifyingly wrong. I hope that there is some reason he is acting this way, and I hope it is explained really soon, because I am rapidly losing my patience with this crap. |
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Nightwing (1996) #90
Nov 11, 2008 |
I was happy with this issue. Dick's more extreme measures were totally acceptable to me, considering all Blockbuster has put him through. The next few issues should be really interesting. Now, I try to make it habit to NEVER read spoilers about anything, but I have a pretty good idea how this storyline shakes out... I'll be looking forward to reading the end of this storyline to see what all the fuss was about. |
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Nightwing (1996) #94
Nov 16, 2008 |
This comic was OK, but it kind of pisses me off that Dick is now travelling with Tarantula, considering the events of the prior issue. I guess Devin is trying to show that Dick is at least partially insane with guilt over what happened, and doesn't really have any idea as to what is going on around him. |
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Nightwing (1996) #99
Nov 23, 2008 |
I think I can fairly say that Devin Grayson has done a horrible job overall with this comic book since she took it over a good 25+ issues ago. |
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Nightwing (1996) #115
Dec 1, 2008 |
You know what? I really liked this comic! I was so glad that Dick's plan was finally revealed. It took forever for the plan to come out, but I actually liked Dick's plan and his motivation behind it. Dick cleaned out the police department, had Sophia in a position of power in the mafia, and had plans to keep the super heroes and villains out of Bludhaven. If everything would have worked out like Dick planned, things in Bludhaven would have looked pretty good. |
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Nightwing (1996) #117
Dec 1, 2008 |
Wow, that was one hell of a well written comic book. Devin Grayson sure did herself proud in her last issue on this series. |
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Nightwing (1996) #118
Dec 2, 2008 |
This was a perfectly acceptable comic as far as I was concerned. |
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Nightwing (1996) #120
Dec 3, 2008 |
What a weird comic book. A lot of pretty stupid stuff happened here, but for some bizarre reason, I kind of liked this comic. Don't ask me why, but I got a kick out of it. |
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Nightwing (2011) | 4 issues |
Nightwing (2011) #0
Sep 22, 2012 |
Eh. This was a bastardized version of Dick's origin as Robin... What's there to really say here? Personally, I liked the original telling of Dick's origin more, because Bats looked way more competent. In this telling, Dick discovers Bruce is Batman, Bruce doesn't tell him. Dick designs his own costume, and he names himself. AND he goes out on his first mission when he wants, not when Bruce decides he's ready... Bats really had little to no role in any of this. I guess Bats was pretty inexperienced at the whole super-hero thing himself back then, but he didn't come across particularly well here. However, I did like the way Dick ended up with Bruce Wayne. So there's that. Oh yeah, and Dick's Robin outfit was horrible. |
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Nightwing (2011) #3
Nov 18, 2011 |
To be 100% honest with you, after I put this comic down the first thought that came to mind was simply, “Meh.” This issue didn't accomplish anything. The villain we all knew wasn't dead came back, and the guy we never suspected was involved with Haly's death was cleared of any potential foul play. Was this issue awful? No. Will I remember this issue 3 minutes from now? No. It was the very definition of a forgettable comic book. |
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Nightwing (2011) #16
Jan 27, 2013 |
This comic wasn't bad... If you read it in a vacuum .. If you haven't been reading all of the other Death of the Family books(or even if you were only reading this and Batman), then this was a pretty good comic book. However, this issue really falls apart if you try to fit it into the rest of the Death storyline... |
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Nightwing (2011) #18
Mar 23, 2013 |
So if you take away those last three pages, this comic was an easy 8 1/2 to a 9 for me. Kyle Higgins had Dick down perfectly here. He brooded for a while, he bitched at people, but in the end, he was still Dick Grayson. Sure, this story was done before, you know, back when Jason died, but still, I enjoyed reading this. |
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Nova (2007) | 5 issues |
Nova (2007) #18
Nov 13, 2008 |
I know a lot of other people might read this comic book and disagree, but this comic was pretty much a dream come true for ME. I implore, beg, plead, and urge anyone reading my writing to collect Nova's series. I've loved every issue of this series so far, and this issue solidified Nova as one of, if not my favorite comic book today. |
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Nova (2007) #22
Mar 19, 2009 |
Yes, I enjoyed reading this comic book that much! Once again, Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning have written another awesome issue of this spectacular series. |
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Nova (2007) #23
Apr 11, 2009 |
This issue was OK, but it kind of left me wanting something more. Something seemed just a bit off here... Maybe it was the "War of Kings" tie-in stuff, but I just didn't enjoy this issue as much as I usually enjoy this series. Oh well, there's always next month. |
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Nova (2007) #24
May 24, 2009 |
Prior to the last page, I probably would have given this comic an 8 or so, but that final revelation was just excellently done. I didn't see it coming at all, which really says a lot! |
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Nova (2007) #25
Jun 13, 2009 |
This was definitely a good comic book, one I'd have no problem recommending, but not quite at the level of greatness this series has attained before. |
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Nova (2013) | 2 issues |
Nova (2013) #2
Mar 21, 2013 |
Good stuff here. Sam is still really likable, and I like the pace at which Loeb is telling this story. I like the focus being on Sam, and not on any villains. Build up the character first, and then bring on the bad guys! If I had a complaint, it would be Rocket going all rabid on Sam, but maybe he IS rabid... I mean he is a raccoon and all... But yeah, good strong work here leaves me with no complaints. |
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Nova (2013) #4
May 18, 2013 |
Eh, this issue kind of fell flat for me. I think my problem with it was the heavy focus on Titus, and the lack of focus on Sam. I've said it in past issues, it's more the character than the story that I'm enjoying here, and this issue really hammers that home for me. Besides that, what the hell happened to Rocket and Gamora?! They send an untested Nova after the Chitauri and then vanish? What a pair of jerks! |
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Peter Parker, Spider-Man (1999) | 1 issues |
Peter Parker, Spider-Man (1999) #31
Mar 4, 2012 |
Huh, you know, I remember NOTHING about this comic! I mean I KNOW I read it because it's filed away in my comic collection and all, but I can't recall a thing about the way the story ends... Anyway, it's always kind of hard to have a lot of thoughts on a comic that's in the middle of a three part story... I didn't remember the events of PP:SM #30, nor do I remember the events of PP:SM#32, so I can only base my score on this one issue and not the storyline as a whole(which actually seems pretty good...). As a single issue, this comic wasn't that bad. It wasn't great, but it was a good, satisfying read. It was good enough to make me pull out the issues before and after this comic just to see how it ends, so you can't get much better than that I'd say! |
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Power Girl (2009) | 1 issues |
Power Girl (2009) #25
Jun 19, 2011 |
This was kind of like walking into a movie halfway through... I believe this was the second of a two part story, so it was a bit difficult to get into this one. However, once I had the characters/situation down, I did find myself enjoying this issue. I'm sure glad I started reading this series, since I've always been a fan of PG, and love Judd Winick's writing... What do you mean this was Winick's last issue on this book and this series wasn't surviving the DC Reboot?!? |
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Punisher (2009) | 1 issues |
Punisher (2009) #2
Mar 4, 2009 |
Like I said, this wasn't a bad comic, it just can't possibly lead anywhere. Frank should be spending his time gunning down mobsters, not trying to prevent Norman Osborn's plots for world domination. |
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Punisher War Journal (2006) | 2 issues |
Punisher War Journal (2006) #25
Dec 31, 2008 |
Once again I did enjoy the story, but the artwork hurt this book for me. |
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Punisher War Journal (2006) #26
Jan 11, 2009 |
Matt Fraction(writer)should also be commended, because this was a really funny comic. It touched on many of the things that had happened previously in this series, like Frank killing Stilt-Man, blowing up Stilt-Man's funeral(which was held in a bar!), as well as his relationship with Rhino. I'd wholeheartedly recommend this comic to anyone looking for a good Christmas story, or just a funny self-contained comic book period. |
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Punisher: War Zone (2012) | 3 issues |
Punisher: War Zone (2012) #3
Jan 12, 2013 |
See, going into this comic I was dubious because, come on, it's THOR vs the Punisher! THOR!! The God of Thunder vs a guy with guns! To me? That's a first round knock out. But since this is Punisher's book, I was afraid Punisher would somehow outsmart or outfight Thor. Thankfully Greg Rucka didn't go that direction as he had Thor destroy Punisher. And then they talked. And I loved it! Thor trying to talk sense into Punisher was fantastic! I mean Thor is a guy who has been in Punisher's place when he was younger. Just battling and fighting simply for the sake of the fight. I really enjoyed this issue a lot, from the fighting, to the talking, to everything. Now, the ball is in Punisher's court, does he continue to circle the world fighting, or does he head home and turn himself in to help Lady Punisher? We'll find out with the next issue, I guess. |
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Punisher: War Zone (2012) #4
Feb 2, 2013 |
Okay, here's the thing, if Punisher really managed to take Tony Stark out, IN HIS TOWER, and then stole Iron Man armor and proceeded to use it(because it's apparently as easy to use as your basic computer), then this issue was horrible. However, I'm holding out hope that the Iron Man in the courtroom was really Tony Stark, and that his taking Alves was some misdirection. I mean, how else would Spidey get blasted by Iron Man that easily!? Was his spider-sense on the fritz again or something? So yeah, I guess Punisher has become as smart as Joker during the Death of the Family storyline. And that's just plain annoying... |
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Punisher: War Zone (2012) #5
Mar 2, 2013 |
This comic... First things first. What does Greg Rucka have against Tony Stark!? Punisher has OWNED Tony for this entire mini! I mean yeah, Tony is arrogant and all, but if this was your introduction to that character you'd wonder how he ever defeated the likes of Blizzard, let alone the Mandarin! Sheesh! So here's the thing... I'm of two minds with this mini-series. It was enjoyable. It was a good read. Action-packed, fun, all of that. However, it was HORRIBLE at portraying the Avengers. They were a bunch of clueless goofs! So while the Avengers fan in me cringed at the way they looked in this mini, the comic fan in me enjoyed this mini... Strange... |
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R.E.B.E.L.S. | 2 issues |
R.E.B.E.L.S. #23
Dec 30, 2010 |
As always, this was one of the highlights of my month. This was a very good comic, although Dox's plans not coming to fruition kept this a very good read, as opposed to a great read. I would have preferred it if Dox could have discredited the GLC some more, but I guess that wasn't a realistic wish. I loved the reveal that Dox had put his son up to creating the weapon, because that just hammers home the point that Dox doesn't play by the rules, and that he was willing to endanger an entire star system to see that the Lanterns get humbled. The ending, with the reemergence of Starro was great, and leaves me salivating for the next issue. By this point, I would EASILY call this the best title coming out of DC today. |
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R.E.B.E.L.S. #24
Jan 25, 2011 |
I do loves me some REBELS! This was a great set-up issue, as we learn that Starro is finally ready to take his revenge on Dox, and has already taken out one of Dox's big guns in Lobo. There were some good little character development scenes with Capt. Comet's pity party, and Dox possibly becoming romantically interested in Starfire's sister, Blackfire. THAT could have some crazy repercussions if anything was to develop there. As for complaints? It's REBELS, I don't have any! |
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Red Hood And The Outlaws | 6 issues |
Red Hood And The Outlaws #3
Nov 17, 2011 |
Eh. That sums up my thoughts on this one in a nutshell. I mean it was kind of cool to see the Outlaws in their pasts, but the story here is still a major letdown. Don't get me wrong, I WANT to like a series that stars Jason Todd and Roy Harper. I really do. But thus far this series hasn't done it for me. |
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Red Hood And The Outlaws #4
Dec 22, 2011 |
Even though I don't get the main storyline here, this WASN'T a terrible comic book... I enjoyed the fight scenes, I just don't get what the mission here is... While Teen Titans and Superboy are slowly starting to come together and make sense, Scott Lobdell hasn't grabbed me yet with this series. But that's cool, as a huge fan of Jason, I'm here for the long haul. Whether I know what's going on or not! |
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Red Hood And The Outlaws #6
Feb 16, 2012 |
Eh. This was what it was, a filler issue... BUT, it was one of those rare cases where, while it was a filler issue(as evidenced by the fact that it wasn't scripted by series writer, Scott Lobdell), it was a filler issue that helped fill us in on some of the past of the new DCU... Which is something ALL of the DC books should consider doing! |
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Red Hood And The Outlaws #8
Apr 22, 2012 |
Well I'll be damned! A good issue of this series! Huzzah!!! Yeah sure, it wasn't great, Hood and the Outlaws were more murderers than heroes and the villain of the piece blew chunks(Suzie Zu, the morbidly obese Hong Kong mobster? Really?), but it WAS good! And the ending was, dare I say it? Great! See what happens when you get away from all of that All-Caste/Untitled crap? Jason Todd is such a good character that even with a crappy opponent like Suzie Su, he CAN rise to the top. So this issue told us definitively that yes, Jason WAS killed by the Joker in the post-reboot DCU(we still don't know how though), and that he still has at least one ally in the Bat-family, and an unlikely one at that, in Red Robin. Yeah sure, it would have been nice if this info came out 6 or 7 issues ago or so, but hey, better late than never, right? |
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Red Hood And The Outlaws #9
May 21, 2012 |
Huh... I don't know about the way Scott Lobdell wrote that Talon here... That was pretty weird... All of the Talons prior to this were pretty much one-minded, emotionless machines programed to follow the Court's orders... Except for this Talon, who wasn't... Like I said, it was weird. For the most part this was a good issue, but that stuff with the Talon really bugged me... |
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Red Hood And The Outlaws #16
Jan 25, 2013 |
Yep, Scott Lobdell definitely wrote this comic... It's always fun when a comic titled RED HOOD and the Outlaws doesn't even feature Red Hood... At all... Anyway, I'm honestly of the mindset that Lobdell is messing with everybody now. That's the only explanation for the Killer Croc flashback here. He must sit back and laugh at how utterly idiotic the whole thing is... As for this issue, it was about as bad as I've come to expect from this series... The explanation for Joker having the cure to his Joker toxin was that he was "probably going to use them(the cure) to hold the city hostage at some point!" But if that's the case, why make a real cure? Wouldn't a fake cure work just as well? But then, why am I trying to make sense of this? I think I'll just slowly shake my head and move on... |
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Red Hood: The Lost Days | 1 issues |
Red Hood: The Lost Days #6
Nov 5, 2010 |
So even with a few missteps here and there, overall this was a fantastic mini-series, and I'm BEGGING DC to either give us some kind of sequel, or better yet, a Red Hood ongoing. Come on DC, make this happen! |
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Red Robin | 4 issues |
Red Robin #17
Nov 20, 2010 |
It was nice seeing Tim interact with Ives, Cassandra, Lonnie and Bruce, but storywise, nothing important really went down here. So this issue was more or less written for us Tim Drake fans. And as a fan of Tim Drake, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this issue. |
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Red Robin #22
Apr 20, 2011 |
I liked this issue, although I'm not exactly sure what I think about this storyline yet... Are Azrael and this Crusader feeb really that unstoppable that NONE of the heroes of Gotham can stop them? I can't buy that. Plus I'm not exactly sure what Ra's game is here. Now, before I ended this review I'd be remiss to not mention the fact that Tim Drake is apparently WITHOUT sin! I mean hell, EVERYTHING is a sin! You're going to tell me he's never sinned once, ever, at all?! I mean he once tried to boink his dead best friend's girlfriend, shouldn't that be a sin? I guess I should strip the Saint moniker from Barry Allen and pass it on to Timmy! |
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Red Robin #25
Jul 14, 2011 |
Again, and I've been saying this A LOT when it comes to the DC books lately, this issue was very rushed. The assassination tournament stuff was wrapped up, as was the longer running sister of Al Ghul thing. Tim finally broke up with Tam Fox, which doesn't bother me because I never really got their relationship. And in one quick page we get the Lucius Fox is alive announcement, as well as a quick one page blurb showing Cass and Tim getting owned by the Cricket. I mean, I did like the way everything ended, so I can't complain about any of that, it was all just so brisk... I'd have loved to have seen a longer battle between Cass/Tim and the Cricket. Or a longer scene showing exactly how Tim broke the news to Tam about her father. But alas, it was not to be. Still in all though, this issue was quite good, probably one of the better DC books I've read in some time, so I guess I can't complain too much... |
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Red Robin #26
Aug 11, 2011 |
I actually enjoyed this comic a lot. I'd have enjoyed it more if Not Old, Not Bald, Not Fat, Captain Boomerang somehow died, be it due to Red Robin or even a pure accident, but I guess I should have known better. |
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Rise of the Black Lanterns | 4 issues |
Rise of the Black Lanterns: The Question #37
Feb 20, 2010 |
You know what? I give up. I don't even know what more to say... Now if you show no emotions, you're invisible to Black Lanterns? Since when?!? I can recall Etrigan showing no emotions, and still having Black Lanterns attacking him. Whatever... I can see that each writer is going to make up their own rules as to what a Black Lantern can and can't do, instead of following Geoff Johns already established rules on Black Lanterns. Let's put this comic behind us and move on. |
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Rise of the Black Lanterns: The Atom & Hawkman #46
Feb 22, 2010 |
As for this comic, it was more of the same Blackest Night stuff that I'm SO used to reading. Hero meets BL from their past. Hero and BL battle. Hero eventually finds way to defeat BL. Rinse and repeat. |
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Rise of the Black Lanterns: Weird Western Tales #71
Jan 17, 2010 |
This comic lacked that impact for me because I really didn't know(or particularly care)who any of the characters were. Fans of DC's western comics probably loved this issue(I guess...)but for me, I could have done without it. |
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Rise of the Black Lanterns: Catwoman #83
Feb 1, 2010 |
This was definitely one of the better Blackest Night one-shots. There wasn't much not to like here, BL BM was hilarious in an evil, sadistic sort of way, and this issue actually ended in a cliffhanger of sorts. I like the fact that this issue didn't wrap up neat and clean like Starman #81, but that it's a storyline that can easily continue into Gotham City Sirens. I'll definitely be looking forward to the eventual return of Catwoman's crazy sister. |
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Runaways (2008) | 1 issues |
Runaways (2008) #12
Jul 28, 2009 |
This was what I would call a perfectly acceptable comic book. There was nothing spectacular or mind-blowing, just a decent little story, which is really all I ask for. |
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Saga | 2 issues |
Saga #2
Apr 13, 2012 |
I liked this comic. It's still early on in the series, and Brian K. Vaughn is still building up the world of Saga, so I'm not completely immersed yet, but I'm sure in time I will be. As with last issue, all of the pieces for a fantastic series are here, it's just a matter of waiting for those pieces to fall together. I say by the 5th or 6th issues of this series I should be 1,000% sold on this comic. |
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Saga #3
May 22, 2012 |
We're getting there... We're slowly getting to that “great” region I'm hoping to see... The story is still moving forward, the characters are slowly being filled out(including the Stalk, the Will and Prince Robot, who I didn't even mention in this review), the art is already strong, same as the dialogue, I'm telling you, within three more issues I'm seriously expecting this series to be amongst my monthly favorites, as well as pulling down 9's and 10's as scores. For now though, we'll go with an... |
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Secret Avengers | 8 issues |
Secret Avengers #1
Jun 10, 2010 |
Well hell, I say let's just hand the reins of ALL of the Avengers comics over to Ed Brubaker, because this issue is ALREADY putting BENDIS'S Avengers works to shame, and this was only the FIRST issue! |
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Secret Avengers #4
Aug 29, 2010 |
Meh... First off, I am a HUGE fan of Ed Brubaker's writing. When given the opportunity, I have been known to gush over his work for hours on end. I'd even go so far to say that he is currently the best comic book writer in the industry today. BUT, I just never really got into this storyline... I can't exactly figure out why, but something here just didn't click for me. |
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Secret Avengers #15
Aug 9, 2011 |
Um, okay. This was an odd comic in that nothing REALLY happened. In a way, the premise here was interesting, with the reporters representing "real" people and Black Widow representing comic book characters, with each side arguing why their version of death was worse. My problem was that that kind of debate didn't make for a great, page-turning experience... I was into this comic for the first couple of pages, then I found my attention drifting a bit, and by the end I was wondering what the point was. Like I said, I enjoyed the first few pages here, but I kind of think that this argument would have worked better in like 1/4 the pages. |
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Secret Avengers #16
Sep 1, 2011 |
Seriously, this comic impressed the hell out of me! I can't believe I was dreading this one... Now I can't wait for the next issue! If Ellis can keep up this sort of storytelling, he can count me as a new fan! |
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Secret Avengers #18
Nov 1, 2011 |
Had somebody like Moon Knight filled the role Shang-Chi occupied here I'd probably have enjoyed this one even more, but alas, that didn't happen. Hopefully next issue is another decent one as Ellis' lame duck run on this title slowly marches onward. |
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Secret Avengers #19
Nov 28, 2011 |
Honestly? No problems here. The story was REALLY fast paced(as you can probably tell from the summary I typed up), and while a bit strange(drugs made from the bones of old gods, or something like that...), I found the story easy to get into, unlike the past few issues. So yeah, this one was definitely a pleasant surprise. |
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Secret Avengers #20
Jan 3, 2012 |
I liked this issue. But that should come as no surprise seeing as that Black Widow is amongst my favorite female comic book characters. It was nice seeing her get the lead, save the team and then tell them nothing about her actions. That fit her character to a T. So while there was some confusion and a few holes, this was a better issue of this series than we've been getting, so for that I have to say that I'm pleased. |
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Secret Avengers #24
Mar 31, 2012 |
I guess the real question here is this; was that the Eric O' Grady Ant-Man, or was that Hank Pym, come to help the team as the cavalry? Other than that though? There's nothing happening here that I am the least bit interested in. Hawkeye's been written as a terrible leader, the story isn't doing anything for me, there's just nothing here I can point at and say, “THIS is why you should be reading this series!” I guess I'll just move on... |
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Secret Invasion (2008) | 1 issues |
Secret Invasion (2008) #8
Dec 16, 2008 |
here were just too many things that made no sense and were never explained. Please Marvel, PLEASE don't have another crossover again next year. I can see the way the wind is blowing though, and I next year at this time I predict I will be bemoaning yet another horrible Marvel crossover event. |
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Secret Six Vol. 2 | 7 issues |
Secret Six Vol. 2 #2
Oct 23, 2008 |
I was happy with this issue and will be looking forward to seeing what the next issue has in store. But I know it can still get much better. |
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Secret Six Vol. 2 #7
Mar 16, 2009 |
This issue concluded the Junior storyline in a very satisfying fashion. Great job Gail and Nicola! |
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Secret Six Vol. 2 #8
Apr 18, 2009 |
Yeah, um, I really didn't get this comic book... What the HELL was going on here??? Seriously, what was this? I guess Gail Simone(writer)wanted to give the team an easy time after the events of the last few issues, but I really didn't enjoy this comic at all, which was a bit surprising. This issue just fell totally flat for me. The jokes didn't work for me, which really hurt this comic, since it was supposed to be a funny interlude. I know Gail can do a better job than what was in this comic. |
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Secret Six Vol. 2 #9
May 29, 2009 |
This was a very solid comic that I'd have no problem recommending. |
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Secret Six Vol. 2 #10
Jun 14, 2009 |
Besides the weak ending, this was a pretty good comic, one I'd have no problem recommending. |
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Secret Six Vol. 2 #11
Jul 16, 2009 |
Please Gail, end this dumb story and return the Six back to their earlier, badass persona's! |
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Secret Six Vol. 2 #36
Aug 6, 2011 |
Well, this was the last issue of the Secret Six. I have to say, it's been quite the journey... There were a few peaks, but sadly, there were more valleys. Fortunately, this series ended on a high note, as I found myself really enjoying this issue. Bane's plan to break Bats was sound, with the only flaw being his choice of team members, since they themselves were so flawed. I didn't really care for the whole, “blaze of glory” thing the team was going for as they staged their final assault on the gathered heroes, but I can understand why Gail Simone wrote it, since there was really no other way to end this one... The Six weren't going to surrender, and there was no way for them to escape. A suicide attack was really the only way this series could have logically concluded. Sadly Ragdoll didn't die, but since I didn't see him in the epilogue, I'm going to say that he did perish, just to make myself feel better. |
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Shadowland | 2 issues |
Shadowland #3
Sep 2, 2010 |
This mini-series is amazing, and you're doing yourself a grave disservice if you aren't following it. |
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Shadowland #4
Oct 14, 2010 |
So while this is still the best mini-series to come out of either of the Big Two this year(hell, it's still MILES better than Blackest Night/Brightest Day)I can't help but feel a bit let down by the way this series is coming to an end. |
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Siege (2010) | 2 issues |
Siege (2010) #2
Feb 6, 2010 |
I definitely enjoyed the prior issue WAY more then this one. However, I think that was kind of the intention of this comic. The first issue set the stage and gave us the opening salvo of the Siege storyline, while this issue began moving the major players into position for the final two issues of this mini. The next two issues should give us Thor vs Sentry, along with Steve Rogers leading his Avengers forces against Osborn's forces, with Loki still lying in the weeds. |
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Siege (2010) #3
Apr 1, 2010 |
Anyway, this was another solid effort from BENDIS, although I liked it a little bit less then the awesome first issue, as some of BENDIS'S annoying dialogue began to rear its ugly head again. |
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Silver Surfer (2011) | 1 issues |
Silver Surfer (2011) #3
Apr 26, 2011 |
Not bad. Not great, but not bad. This was one of those comics where I thoroughly enjoyed certain scenes(anytime the Evolutionary was around), while I hated others(pretty much all of the stuff with the Surfer and Suzi)... If nothing else, this issue reaffirmed the fact that I'm a sucker for ultra-intelligent villains who think their actions are, in some way, helping the world/universe(Magneto, Dr. Doom, Lex Luthor, the High Evolutionary, etc). Too bad this wasn't simply a High Evolutionary mini-series! |
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Static Shock (2011) | 1 issues |
Static Shock (2011) #1
Sep 11, 2011 |
Well this comic was something... And by something, I mean something not very good. Here's the deal. I don't know much of anything about the Static character. He popped up in a few issues of the pre-DC reboot Teen Titans and seemed to have some pretty cool powers, so I figured I'd give this series a shot, since this would let me learn about who Static was right from the start... Unfortunately, this issue answered next to nothing about who Static is and why I should care about him. I have no clue who Hardware is. Some kind of older mentor of Static's? A Batman to Static's Robin maybe? Maybe not? Who knows. As for the story, it was pretty meh. And as for the ending, what IS it with DC and their obsession with characters losing hands/arms!? Bizarre. Sadly, this will be the first and last issue of Static Shock I'll be reading, because it just didn't give me enough to make me want to come back for more. |
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Steve Rogers: Super Soldier | 1 issues |
Steve Rogers: Super Soldier #4
Oct 22, 2010 |
And this ladies and gents is why Ed Brubaker is the best comic book writer in the industry today. Hands down. I'll admit that I wasn't really overwhelmed by parts of this mini-series, but by the end I was hanging on EVERY page. |
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Stormwatch (2011) | 6 issues |
Stormwatch (2011) #1
Sep 7, 2011 |
Well I'll be damned, I REALLY liked this comic! If Paul Cornell can manage to keep Apollo and Midnighter true to themselves(you KNOW what I mean), I think this could be an AWESOME comic book. Besides the main story which I described above, there were also a few other stories beginning to build up in the background, involving mysterious artifacts, and a giant eye inside the moon. So yeah, this comic packed a lot of awesome. I'm afraid to get my hopes up TOO high for this series, but if this issue is any indication, this series may just be THE sleeper hit of the DC reboot. Huh, I've managed to read a rebooted DC comic and the world hasn't come to an end... Maybe things aren't going to turn out as bad as I feared! |
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Stormwatch (2011) #2
Oct 5, 2011 |
So the moon is attacking the Earth to toughen it up? The moon is not exactly the type of villain you can either get behind or against... Therein lies a major problem... Most REALLY good teams/characters? They have a really good villain/villains to match them. And the frigging moon(or more specifically, the entity in the moon) isn't going to be that villain. Add the lack of attention paid to the aforementioned trio of stars in this comic, plus the uber-annoying leader of the Watch, and it all adds up to a comic I didn't particularly care for. |
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Stormwatch (2011) #3
Nov 4, 2011 |
I thought this was a really good issue. Sure, I'd like to know more about the individual Stormwatch members, but I'll have to assume that's in the cards sometime soon... Hopefully. So while the story and characterizations are coming along slowly, the action is keeping me invested in this series. Bottom line? This series successfully passed it's three month test, meaning it's permanently on my pull list. |
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Stormwatch (2011) #6
Feb 2, 2012 |
I REALLY enjoyed this issue! There really wasn't a slow part to be found here, and the story is really starting to come together. All of the little reveals(like the ship being a Daemonite), and the character development scenes blended together perfectly. Really, everything here was great, which makes me all the sadder that Paul Cornell is leaving this series, because he really seems to know what he's doing. This issue gave us the full Stormwatch team, gave Midnighter and Apollo a reason for sticking around(considering they were both loners at the start of this series), and gave Stormwatch a longterm enemy, as well as missions to run. All in all, Cornell did a masterful job of putting the team together and putting events into motion... I wish the other team books I read from DC were HALF as together as THIS series is! |
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Stormwatch (2011) #16
Jan 13, 2013 |
As usual, this was a good issue with great characters. I've enjoyed this storyline and am happy to see Tanner exposed. The fallout from this issue should be interesting with Apollo mistrusting Midnighter, who WAS right the whole time, Projectionist learning Tanner had played her the entire time, and Engineer seemingly joining the dark side. With Engineer, I'm guessing she has been corrupted somewhere along the line, I recall something happening a few issues back that should explain her antics. Apollo and Midnighter? It'll be interesting to see how readily Midnighter forgives Apollo for not believing him and, you know, trying to kill him and all. All in all, good stuff that has me looking forward to the next issue. |
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Stormwatch (2011) #18
Mar 7, 2013 |
This was SO anti-climatic!! I was really enjoying things until the ending... I mean Engineer goes from nearly ruling the world to suddenly blown up?! This storyline actually felt like it was supposed to get like three more issues but somebody decided to abruptly end it now. I don't know how long DC knew this was going to be Peter Milligan's final issue on this series(knowing the way DC is though, they probably told Milligan at issue #17...), but yeah, it seemed like Milligan was trying to wrap up his storyline as quickly as humanly possible. Which was a bit disappointing, because I was really getting into the story here... Oh well, I WAS enjoying everything before Engineer's sudden "death", from Midnighter, Apollo and Zealot's banter, to Engineer's crazy antics, but that abrupt ending... |
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Suicide Squad (2011) | 2 issues |
Suicide Squad (2011) #2
Oct 15, 2011 |
With this issue this series has managed to earn a permanent slot on my pull list, and passed my 3 issue test an issue early. So unless this series falls off dramatically and begins producing crap issue after issue, I'll be collecting this one for the foreseeable future. |
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Suicide Squad (2011) #4
Dec 20, 2011 |
I enjoyed this comic book... However, I'm not sure if I enjoyed it enough to keep picking it up... I'm seriously on the fence with this series, and will take a good two weeks to seriously debate whether or not to continue following it. But this issue went a long way in making me want to stick with this series. |
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Superboy (2010) | 2 issues |
Superboy (2010) #2
Dec 12, 2010 |
All in all, this was a mixed bag, with some good(the story), some bad(Ivy as the villain)and some annoying(Simon!). Hopefully next issue gives us more SB and less Simon. |
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Superboy (2010) #6
Apr 14, 2011 |
Ignoring the SG stuff, this was an excellent comic. Unfortunately, I can't ignore it, so instead, this was simply a very good comic. |
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Superboy (2011) | 7 issues |
Superboy (2011) #3
Nov 12, 2011 |
You know what my mistake has been with this series? And yes, I'm a big enough man to admit that I did indeed make a mistake. I kept comparing this obviously lesser Superboy to the prior Superboy, the one who I was a huge fan of... About halfway through this issue I realized that this was a different character, that it could never touch how awesome "my" Superboy was and you know what? I found myself FINALLY enjoying this series. |
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Superboy (2011) #4
Dec 18, 2011 |
Huh, who'd have believed that THIS comic would be the one to finally pull me out of the comic book doldrums?! Seriously, there was way more that Lobdell did right than he did wrong here, so I honestly have no major complaints. Believe me, I'm as shocked as anyone! |
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Superboy (2011) #7
Mar 19, 2012 |
Okay, basically this was a pretty good comic book, with a good fight scene and some interesting reveals(we learned that SB was the second thing NOWHERE had cloned and got a shadowy glimpse of what I'm guessing is NOWHERE's big boss), but with a horrible ending. |
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Superboy (2011) #8
Jun 3, 2011 |
You know, this issue wasn't that bad. If you would have taken out some of the VERY long 1850's Smallville stuff, I'd have scored this issue even higher. Even Simon Valentine: Boy Genius didn't bug me here like he usually does... I guess the impending end of the DCU has me feeling more kindly towards the DC comic books I'm reading, since in a few months, I won't be reading any... |
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Superboy (2011) #10
Aug 4, 2011 |
I have no real complaints here. We now know exactly who the villain of this storyline is, and what his major malfunction is. I don't know that we needed an ENTIRE issue spelling that out for us, but since Tannarak's story wasn't boring, I guess I can't complain... Much. I don't quite grasp spending this long on a villain's origin story, especially since there's only one more issue before DC blows Superboy to smithereens, but what can ya do? |
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Superboy (2011) #12
Nov 8, 2011 |
Yep, this was sure a Superboy comic from the mid-90's alright... Luckily, I tend to like comics from that era, so I can overlook some of the more annoying aspects and still manage to enjoy the story. Somebody without my love of bad 90's comics might have found this comic way less enjoyable than I did... Of course, I'd MUCH rather have THIS Superboy around today as opposed to the current, robotic SB. At least this Superboy had a personality, unlike Robo-Superboy. So once again, thanks for destroying yet another character, Geoff Johns. You're a class act... |
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Superboy (2011) #17
Feb 18, 2013 |
Damn has this week been mediocre thus far! Much like most of the other comics I've read this week, I can sum this issue up in a word. That word? Meh. Once again, this wasn't a bad comic book. Tom DeFalco knows how to write a good comic book(unlike a certain writer who used to do SB...). This WAS an okay comic. It just wasn't really for me. I'm not interested in the H'El on Earth storyline, and I'm not following it at all. I haven't read an issue of Superman or Supergirl, I haven't spoken to anybody about what's been going down in those books, nor have I read any reviews on those books. I'm just not interested. I do think fans of Supes and this storyline would enjoy this comic. For me though, it was just meh. |
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Superboy (2011) Annual | 1 issues |
Superboy (2011) Annual #1
Jan 28, 2013 |
Well, that was pretty succinct, no? Really, there was no reason for a more in depth review, because that's the gist of what happened here. This comic was more or less Superman and SB getting to know each other. I will say one thing before ending this post though... Tom DeFalco writes the New 52 Superboy SO MUCH like the pre-reboot Superboy. And that? That's a good thing to me. |
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Supergirl (2005) | 3 issues |
Supergirl (2005) #49
Mar 22, 2010 |
Not bad, not bad at all. The story was good enough to make me want to get the past couple of issues so I could see what was up with Silver Banshee and that cop, plus the cliffhanger has me eagerly anticipating the next issue. Well, I guess I might as well stop talking and get to SG #50. |
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Supergirl (2005) #54
Jul 23, 2010 |
The main story was great, the back stories are heating up, and I for one can't wait for the upcoming issues. |
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Supergirl (2005) #64
May 22, 2011 |
Hmm, my DC reviews are getting shorter and shorter as I lose more and more patience with the company... How unfortunate. Was there anything incredibly wrong with this comic? No, not really. SG had a threat to face and wound up beating it with a little help from her friends. Unfortunataly, I just don't find myself caring about this charater or this series anymore... Since Marvel screwed up DC's plans of making Nick Spencer the new ongoing writer of Supergirl, DC is changing writers AGAIN with the next issue, and to be 100% honest, I have NO idea if I'll be picking that issue up. As of right now, I'll probably be dropping this title, but who knows, maybe between now and Wednesday(when I go to the comic shop) I'll have changed my mind. But right now? I honestly don't expect to be posting another Supergirl review on this blog anytime soon. |
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Supergirl (2011) | 3 issues |
Supergirl (2011) #1
Sep 26, 2011 |
When all I can gripe about in a comic is the costumes, that should give you a pretty good understanding of how I felt about it. Michael Green and Mike Johnson did a wonderful job of telling the old, “stranger in a strange land” story here. These rebooted DC comics have been really hit or miss for me, but I'm happy to say that this series is one of the biggest hits for me yet. |
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Supergirl (2011) #6
Feb 18, 2012 |
Much like Thunderbolts #170, this was an issue that was saved by a strong cliffhanger. Nothing really happened in this one except for SG hallucinating(presumably) and Reign attacking the Earth. I figured this was all building towards a Reign/SG showdown, but the addition of the other three Worldkillers really added a great twist here. I can't wait to see how SG manages to defeat FOUR Worldkillers considering the fact that she was battered by ONE of them an issue ago! |
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Supergirl (2011) #7
Mar 25, 2012 |
After a slew of really good issues, this one was definitely a bit of a misfire, but that's okay, as long as Michael Green and Mike Johnson right the ship(which I'm confident they will) next issue. |
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Superman (2006) | 5 issues |
Superman (2006) #689
Jul 2, 2009 |
I like Mon-El, I like the way James has been writing him, and I hope the next issue devotes more time to Mon and less time to the secondary characters. |
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Superman (2006) #692
Oct 6, 2009 |
Eh, this comic was OK I guess. Nothing really spectacular happened here, this was basically an issue to deal with the fallout from Codename: Patriot. I'm guessing I missed the comic where Zatara gets captured(possibly the Superman Annual?), when I place my next comic order, I'll have to see if I can figure out what I missed. I was a bit bothered that Guardian outed Mon's identity so readily... I get Guardian's explanation(Mon's dead, so why hide it), but jeez, people come back to life all the time in the DCU! At least wait a few weeks to make sure he's really dead before you out the guy! |
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Superman (2006) #698
Apr 6, 2010 |
This was a very good comic. I have to say that I enjoyed it from the first page to the last. Of course, whenever Lex Luthor is around, that's always bound to make the comic a much better read! This issue was basically a lot of Mon fighting, and Supes being taunted by Brainiac and Lex, with the only real story advance being the fact that Supes was now free to renew his attack on Brainiac and his ship. So although nothing of real note happened, I still highly enjoyed Supes and Lex's interactions. This story continues in Adventure Comics #9, and as long as it's anything like this issue was, I'll be very happy to give it a read. |
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Superman (2006) #699
May 13, 2010 |
This issue was a little better then SG #52, but considering it was the penultimate part of the Last Stand storyline, I was kind of hoping for more. I think the problem with this story, for me anyway, is the fact that there is just WAY too much going on at once to keep the story cohesive. |
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Superman (2006) #703
Oct 27, 2010 |
Yeah, Superman walking around Main Street AS Superman is pretty dumb since he's inviting trouble, but where does it say that once you became a super-hero that was it, you could never live amongst regular citizens again?! Once again, UGH. I don't even feeling like spending any more time talking about this one, so let's just end things right here. |
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Superman / Batman (2003) | 1 issues |
Superman / Batman (2003) #79
Dec 28, 2010 |
You know, I kind of liked this issue... It wasn't the best thing I've ever read, but it also didn't leave me angry, confused or any number of other negative emotions. It was what you'd call a perfectly acceptable comic book. The story was straight-forward(or as straight-forward as a story about time travel COULD be), the villain was built up to look strong, and the cliffhanger left me interested in checking out the next issue. What more can I really ask for? |
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Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen Special | 1 issues |
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen Special #2
Sep 30, 2009 |
I enjoyed this comic a lot. I'm not normally a big fan of Jimmy Olsen(I've always found him incredibly annoying), but James did an excellent job giving Jimmy a personality and actually making me care about him. Now I guess the question is, where does this lead? If Jimmy is really dead(let's face it, that's not likely)Supes is going to be enraged, Mon-El is going to feel responsible and Lois will undoubtedly find out it was her father who put the hit out on Jimmy, leading to some big time drama. In other words, Jimmy's death should have some major ramifications in the Superman family of comic books. |
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Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton | 1 issues |
Superman: Last Stand of New Krypton #3
May 14, 2010 |
This was a lousy end to a storyline, but an awesome set-up issue for the upcoming Superman crossover, so take that for what it's worth. |
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Superman: World of New Krypton | 1 issues |
Superman: World of New Krypton #3
May 17, 2009 |
This really was a wonderful comic with a great story and a hook at the end that leaves me eagerly anticipating more! |
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Team 7 | 1 issues |
Team 7 #0
Sep 18, 2012 |
This was a total set-up issue, and there's nothing wrong with that. I have to admit I was disappointed that Midnighter wasn't a part of the team here, as he seemed kind of perfect for the role(plus seeing him and Deathstroke interact would have been awesome). I have to admit that I'm cautiously optimistic about this comic, as there are a lot of ways things could go, although they are a bit hampered by the fact that this takes place 5 years in the past, meaning we know certain characters(Waller, Deathstroke, Grifter, Black Canary, Kurt Lance) will make it out of this series basically unscathed. Even still, I will be looking forward to the next issue to see what this group gets into. |
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Teen Titans (2003) | 8 issues |
Teen Titans (2003) #70
May 21, 2009 |
I can honestly say this x-over isn't living up to the lofty expectations I had for it before it began. Maybe things will really pick up as this x-over comes to an end, but I seriously doubt that's going to happen. I will say that I was very happy that Ravager finally showed up here. Unfortunately I think her appearance may be a case of too little, too late. |
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Teen Titans (2003) #72
Jul 15, 2009 |
I really don't have any complaints or anything to rant about... That makes me feel sort of empty inside. Usually after reading an issue of the Teen Titans I'd be hurling obscenities and banging my head into the wall. However, after reading this issue I don't feeling like doing either of those actions. Nice job Bryan! |
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Teen Titans (2003) #73
Aug 9, 2009 |
he story is good and thankfully isn't overly complicated, which is nice for a change. You have your good guys(the Titans), you have your bad guys(the Fearsome Five)and you have the secret mastermind behind it all craving revenge(the Calculator). Simple and enjoyable. |
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Teen Titans (2003) #78
Jan 13, 2010 |
This was a completely acceptable comic book. Nothing more, nothing less. I like the entire Wilson family, so it was nice to see them spotlighted these past two issues. |
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Teen Titans (2003) #88
Oct 29, 2010 |
This issue was WAAAAAY better than anything that's been happening in this series for the LONGEST time! Hell, I haven't really enjoyed this series since... Jeez, probably since like issue #55 or so... I liked this issue. I didn't love it, but I did like it, which is a start. |
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Teen Titans (2003) #90
Jan 3, 2011 |
The story is really good, the villains(although nameless)are interesting, and Nicola Scott's art is impressive. I've got to admit, it's nice to actually pick up a Teen Titans comic and enjoy reading it. That hasn't happened a lot lately for me. |
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Teen Titans (2003) #97
Jul 18, 2011 |
JT Krul just isn't a good enough writer to get me to commit to a comic I was undecided on, and this issue solidified that fact. So check that out, this issue of Teen Titans was SO bad, it actually convinced me NOT to pick up GA in a two month's time! That's some epically bad storytelling! |
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Teen Titans (2003) #100
Aug 26, 2011 |
While not a perfect comic, this was a nice little issue for the Teen Titans to end on. |
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Teen Titans (2011) | 7 issues |
Teen Titans (2011) #0
Sep 28, 2012 |
It's funny how low I've set my standards for anything written by Scott Lobdell nowadays... So I'll say this was an okay comic and move on. |
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Teen Titans (2011) #1
Sep 29, 2011 |
While the negatives may seem to outnumber the positives in this post, the most important thing about any comic to me is the story, and the story WAS good. So while there were a lot of things I wasn't exactly fond of, the story kept me involved. I guess if I had to bottom line this issue, I'd say it was solid but unspectacular. |
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Teen Titans (2011) #3
Dec 13, 2011 |
Wow, so why the hell doesn't THIS Scott Lobdell also write Red Hood and the Outlaws and Superboy?! This issue actually gave me some serious hope for this series. I mean it was that good! Hell, I can't believe this is the same series I was so down on only a few minutes earlier(after finishing off issue #2). |
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Teen Titans (2011) #5
Jan 26, 2012 |
Sheesh, the Titans sure looked like crap in this issue, didn't they!? Superboy defeating the team CAN be overlooked however, mainly because they AREN'T a team yet. They haven't had a chance to train together, and as such were overwhelmed by their stronger opponent. That makes sense. My problem with this comic comes more from the fact that it spent the entire issue telling us that the Titans needed more training... It was kind of boring. This entire issue consisted of a random Titan attacking and getting a slight advantage on SB, and then SB defeating them, before the next random Titan attacked, meeting with the same results, until the entire team had lost. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I don't know if we needed to spend this entire issue on that. |
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Teen Titans (2011) #7
Mar 29, 2012 |
Well, if you overlook Red Robin walking around the Titans unmasked, Red Robin telepathically knowing Superboy needed rescuing and was no longer working for NOWHERE, and the whole Danny the Street(the teleporting street) thing, this wasn't a horrible comic. Now, I can overlook one, maybe two things, but come on, a teleporting street? Really?? |
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Teen Titans (2011) #15
Jan 3, 2013 |
How's that for a quick review! This issue was... well, it wasn't horrible! And for a comic book written by Scott Lobdell in the 21st century, that's about as good as I could possibly hope for. However, it wasn't anything new or interesting either. Joker talked to Red Robin a lot, and the Teen Titans got into trouble. That one sentence sums up this entire issue. However, Joker didn't reveal himself to be Red Robin's creator, nor did the All-Caste show up, so hey, I'll count that as a win for me! |
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Teen Titans (2011) #16
Jan 31, 2013 |
Hey, here's some good new, Lobdell didn't do the script for this issue, the infinitely more talented Fabian Nicieza did. Honestly, Nicieza SHOULD be the guy writing this series, but c'est la vie. This issue was okay, but man were there a mess of holes in it... Why would Red Hood, of ALL people, even entertain the thought that Joker was really holding his suddenly alive father captive, and would let him go if he DID kill Red Robin!? I'd believe a politician before I'd believe Joker! I was happy to see that Jason was going to kill Joker in this issue, because SOMEBODY should, but did anybody really think that Joker was going to die in this issue?! However, that would sure make Batman #17 an interesting read... Jason: "Hey Bruce, guess what? Joker's dead!!" Bruce: "Already? Now what do we do..." All in all though? This comic was miles better than Red Hood and the Outlaws #16, so that's a win for me. |
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Teen Titans (2011) Annual | 1 issues |
Teen Titans (2011) Annual #1
May 6, 2012 |
Sarcasm aside, this wasn't a terrible comic book. To be honest, I was expecting way worse. Yeah sure, this NOWHERE/Harvest storyline has gone on way too long for my tastes(which seems to be a running theme regarding Scott Lobdell written comics), but this comic was just good, dumb fun. You really didn't need to think much while reading it, it was straightforward(or at least as straightforward as a Teen Titans comic has been post-reboot), and most importantly, Red Robin wasn't a half bird/half boy creature in this issue! Hey, I have to look for the good wherever I can find it! |
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Thanos Rising | 1 issues |
Thanos Rising #1
Apr 6, 2013 |
This comic was... interesting, I guess. I mean, I know a lot of Thanos's history, but nothing really in-depth from this early on in his life. Now, there were a few things that bugged me, such as Mentor's disinterest in Thanos, as well as a lack of Starfox. The Starfox thing was especially odd. I could swear that Starfox was Thanos's younger brother. But this comic kind of contradicts that... If Thanos's mother ended up in a mental home after Thanos's birth, how could Starfox have been born AFTER Thanos? Thanos's popularity in school also contradicted his established origin... I remember him isolating himself due to his appearance... So yeah, there were a few things that bugged me as a fan of Thanos. With that said though, this comic was an okay read... Especially for people who aren't as familiar with Thanos's history as I am. |
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The Avenging Spider-Man | 1 issues |
The Avenging Spider-Man #18
Mar 16, 2013 |
This was a nice little one and done story. The story was simple and easy to understand, and the team-up between Spidey and Thor didn't feel forced or anything. If I had a complaint it would have been that Thor came across as really arrogant,(He is arrogant... it's part of his charm!) and was kind of out of line by calling Spidey disrespectful after the battle... I can't really recall Spidey doing anything that could have been considered disrespectful. (He told Thor to get his hands off him when Thor touches his shoulder and said he wasn't worried about Electro. BOOM!) Thor was the one who was disrespecting Spidey! Besides that very minor quibble though, no complaints here. |
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The First X-Men | 1 issues |
The First X-Men #3
Oct 16, 2012 |
Okay, I'm just gonna come right out and say it, I didn't like this comic. As in at all. I'm not a fan of the story, I don't like the art(what the hell is wrong with Sabretooth's mouth?!?), the characters don't interest me, there's really nothing here I like. Sabretooth as a good guy who wants to settle down with Holo?! What the hell am I reading here?! I think I'm going to do something I NEVER do, and that's drop this mini before it concludes. And I actually picked up all of that awful Space Punisher mini! But yeah, I think I'm done here. You can't say I didn't give this a real shot... |
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The Iron Age | 1 issues |
The Iron Age #1
Jul 4, 2011 |
Now, if this issue only contained the Avengers story, it's an EASY perfect score. Probably one of the easiest perfect scores I've given out all year. The story was PURE 80's Avengers perfection. I mean you can tell Gage KNOWS those Avengers characters! It was literally like picking up one of my old Avengers trades or back issues and reliving a past story! That's how good this issue was! |
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The Mighty Thor | 6 issues |
The Mighty Thor #1
May 3, 2011 |
I really have no complaints here at all. There was also a back story with the people of Broxton, Oklahoma trying to rationalize their faith in the face of the "gods" who were basically living next door to them. While I enjoyed it, there really wasn't any reason for me to put it in the review, since it didn't really seem to lead to anything. The Thor stuff was good, I'm REALLY enjoying prepubescent Loki, and the impending battle between Thor and the Surfer over the Seed should be REALLY good. I'll definitely be adding this one to my pull list. |
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The Mighty Thor #2
May 30, 2011 |
Well, I loved pretty much everything about this one. From the mystery of Thor's non-healing wound, to Odin acting weird, to the REAL Silver Surfer(not that horrible Greg Pak version) showing up at Asgard, to the impending Thor/Surfer, Thor/Galactus battles, I didn't have a single complaint. I only picked up the first issue of this series on a whim, and boy am I glad I did! I've NEVER been that interested in Thor, but if Matt Fraction keeps up the awesome work, he'll have converted me into a full-fledged Thor fan! |
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The Mighty Thor #10
Jan 28, 2012 |
Meh. For whatever reason, I just never got into this comic. It's probably due to the fact that we ALL know that Thor will defeat the Demogorge and confront, and defeat, Tanarus/Ulik. Sure, there's some suspense in whether or not Thor returns in time to save the All-Mother from Tanarus's betrayal, but I'm not really invested enough in the All-Mother to really care if the trolls kill her or not. Maybe if she was more established I'd care more, but as it is, I'm just waiting for Thor to come back and beat up Tanarus, and really nothing more. |
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The Mighty Thor #12.1
Apr 14, 2012 |
This was a fun little read. Sure, it pointed at Loki and pretty much said, “Don't be shocked when he becomes evil again!”, but maybe that's a bit of misdirection by Matt Fraction? Hopefully? Eh, I guess deep down I know that Loki is going to become evil, malevolent Loki again, as opposed to fun, impish Loki, but I want the former Loki to stay away for a while longer... |
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The Mighty Thor #13
Apr 28, 2012 |
The hell?! I'm sorry, but I just can't get over that image of that thing straddling Thor... That's just TOO bizarre! And you KNOW I'll be posting that! Besides the hilariously absurd image you'll see for yourself down below, the story here didn't really do anything for me.. So Thor fights some creatures... Or so we think. The more interesting revelation was Blake wanting to become a god again and turning to the Enchantress, of all people, to help him achieve his goal. Hopefully we get more of that and less of Thor being molested by weird creatures next issue. |
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The Mighty Thor #22
Nov 4, 2012 |
This issue was basically the trail of Thor. As such, it was a bit of a recap comic. I mean it was okay and all, but it wasn't great. It dragged at times(mainly during the parts I had already read), but it was a pretty good comic to read heading into the new Thor series. If you need a Thor refresher, this issue is ideal. |
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The Walking Dead | 4 issues |
The Walking Dead #102
Sep 19, 2012 |
The last page of this comic took it from a good read to a really good read for me. This issue had no real action(physical action that is), but had tons of character development, which is probably why I'm such a fan of this story, the development Robert Kirkman puts into every issue. |
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The Walking Dead #104
Nov 18, 2012 |
He's written himself into a brilliant corner, and I can't wait to see how the pieces all line up. So while this issue wasn't the best in the series, it was a phenomenal set-up issue, one that has me eagerly anticipating next month. |
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The Walking Dead #105
Dec 18, 2012 |
It was a good comic, it furthered the story, or at least furthered Negan as crazy and kind of softened Carl's character a bit, so I guess it was more about character development than story... |
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The Walking Dead #107
Feb 14, 2013 |
This was a set-up issue. Plain and simple. We moved Carl back to Rick, there were a few other things that came up, and it ended with Rick beginning to come up with a plan of attack against the Saviors. Boom, simple. As always, this was a good issue, but there really wasn't much to it. |
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Thief of Thieves | 2 issues |
Thief of Thieves #1
Feb 9, 2012 |
Huh, this was actually kind of boring... We met a few characters in rapid fire fashion, we saw a quick job with Redmond and Celia, and Redmond quit. That was pretty much it. I guess Redmond is lying about quitting and doesn't want to cut the other thieves in on his score in Venice(which we have no idea as to what's being stolen/done), but who really knows. As I stated in the open, I expect huge things from the guys responsible for this comic, so I'll definitely be sticking around. Here's hoping we get a bit deeper into things and do less skipping around next issue. |
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Thief of Thieves #3
Apr 17, 2012 |
Um... Yeah. This issue happened alright... I really don't have anything to say here... Yes, I know how odd that must sound... I mean here I am, somebody who has posted over 2,500 posts to this blog, as well as a few hundred posts to others. Somebody who has commented thousands of times on all things comic books, and yet I have nothing to say about this issue. It just sort of happened. I didn't hate it, I didn't love it, it wasn't boring, it wasn't interesting. It just was... I could go on, but really, what's the sense? I wouldn't recommend this issue, but I wouldn't NOT recommend it either... |
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Thor (2007) | 1 issues |
Thor (2007) #609
May 10, 2010 |
This issue really didn't do much for me. Thor didn't show up, nor did Ragnarok, and Loki's parts were just kind of weird. I'm not sure why he wouldn't take credit for Osborn's attack, while claiming that he was partially responsible for what happened. That just didn't really make sense to me... Besides that, there was some back story that was being wrapped up, as well as Volstagg still bumbling around. Not exactly the ingredients to a great comic in my most humble opinion. |
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Thor: God of Thunder | 1 issues |
Thor: God of Thunder #2
Dec 4, 2012 |
I have to say, Marvel has been hitting it out of the park(for the most part) with their Marvel Now! titles. I enjoyed the first issue of this series, but the jumping back and forth in time kind of took me out of the story a bit. This issue rectified that by focusing solely on Thor from the past, and showing us his entire battle with the god-killer. The battle was great, the lead-up to the battle was great(as we saw a younger, more brash and cocky God of Thunder , and Thor's thoughts during the battle were great. I have to say, I had no major complaints about this one and am intrigued to see what happens when Thor and the god-killer face off again in the present. |
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Thunderbolts (2006) | 10 issues |
Thunderbolts (2006) #143
May 8, 2010 |
Eh, this comic was OK I guess. It pretty much dealt with Osborn's Thunderbolts imploding from within, but since I never really had the same emotional connection to this set of T-Bolts that I had with the original team, it didn't do much for me. |
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Thunderbolts (2006) #144
Jun 3, 2010 |
Not bad, not bad at all! This issue was going to go a LONG way in deciding whether or not I'd bother continuing with this series, or whether I'd be dropping it. After reading this comic, I can firmly state that I'll be sticking with T Bolts for the foreseeable future. |
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Thunderbolts (2006) #151
Dec 19, 2010 |
Well, before this issue I could care less about Ghost, but his origin story was so well done, I couldn't help but like him. The origin story was well done, and gave Ghost more of an anti-hero vibe, than the pure villain vibe I had been previously getting off of him. It's always nice when a writer can take a character that I really don't care about and give me a reason to care about them. So good job to Jeff Parker on that one. The reveal at the end that Hyperion would be joining the team left me a bit conflicted, since they already have Juggernaut on the team... I'm not sure they needed ANOTHER powerhouse on a team that already has Juggernaut, Moonstone and Luke Cage. But I guess we'll find out with the next issue. |
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Thunderbolts (2006) #152
Jan 27, 2011 |
So Hyperion was crazy all along... Maybe they should have listened to Moonstone! She may be a lot of things, but she was a psychiatrist, and is great at reading people. This issue was a fun, old fashioned monster-stomping romp, which I liked. There were a few little things that bugged me(like why didn't Moonstone simply turn intangible to avoid the blasts, and Juggernaut was basically defeated by being swatted away by one of the monster's tails), but all in all, this was a good story. Not only do the T-bolts still have to deal with the monsters, they're also going to have to contend with a foe who is Marvel's answer to Superman... Not an easy task! |
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Thunderbolts (2006) #159
Jun 23, 2011 |
Well, I did enjoy the first story, but the rest of it? Meh. I mean none of it is what I'd call bad, but I don't get why this issue was made into a double-size, four story comic... Instead of paying $5 for a bunch of filler stories, I'd have been happier paying $3 for my regular single issue T-Bolts story... It's that price that had a lot to do with the score I'll be giving this one... |
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Thunderbolts (2006) #163
Sep 9, 2011 |
The bottom line here was that this was an exceptional comic that I enjoyed reading. |
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Thunderbolts (2006) #163.1
Sep 23, 2011 |
Meh. This issue was okay, but it definitely didn't wow me or anything. It also didn't seem like a great jumping on point for new fans, since it basically continued the story that's been going on in this series for the past few issues. I guess Songbird's flashback was supposed to be for newbies, but it wasn't all that helpful, and the stuff at the end of the flashback/dream with Zemo just added confusion to it all. This issue basically can be summed up like this: Thanks to Valkyrie, the T-Bolts can hunt down their rogue teammates by latching onto the energy signature of Gunna's axe. And all of that information came out in the last two pages, making the rest of this comic a waste of time for me... |
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Thunderbolts (2006) #165
Nov 20, 2011 |
And the parade of above average comics continues! Once again, this was another solid issue of this series, which has been solid for the longest time now. This series is now to the point where before I read it I know to expect a good, strong story. That's about the best compliment I can give a series. Sure, I don't recall giving this series many 9 1/2 or 10's, but I'd be more than happy reading a series where almost every issue is an 8 or 8 1/2 with little fluctuation either way. |
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Thunderbolts (2006) #171
Mar 26, 2012 |
What in the blue hell was THAT?! Seriously, these last few comics I've read have been SO disappointing... Here I was, all happy and expecting an awesome issue featuring a battle between the Evil Thunderbolts and the original Thunderbolts and what do I get? A sea creature licking a woman's feet... Seriously, what more is there to say? |
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Thunderbolts (2006) #173
Apr 23, 2012 |
Wooo, that was a VERY good comic! Everybody was written so perfectly! From Fixer, to the Moonstones, to Baron Zemo. Jeff Parker knows his Thunderbolts! |
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Thunderbolts (2012) | 3 issues |
Thunderbolts (2012) #1
Dec 8, 2012 |
I think this book could be a HUGE sleeper title, and I look forward to seeing how long it takes before Punisher is trying to kill his teammates. |
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Thunderbolts (2012) #3
Jan 13, 2013 |
What the hell was THIS!? I swear, as I started reading this issue I thought I missed an issue somewhere along the line... I mean, last I remember, Deadpool had been shot in the head while working with Elektra. Now he was suddenly with Rulk, with no mention of Elektra at all... And nobody even mentioned Pool getting shot! I mean, I KNOW it happened! But here Pool was just randomly working with Rulk... Weird. And then there was Leader, who was drugged up and vomiting. What purpose did that serve!? Or Punisher shooting monkeys... Or Venom driving in trucks... I have no clue what this was all about. And I didn't like it one bit. I trust Dan Way, so I'll give this title a longer leash than most other series, but if things don't pick way up, this series may find itself in the scrapheap. |
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Thunderbolts (2012) #5
Mar 4, 2013 |
UGH!! Why is this comic so bad?! Why?!? I don't want it to be bad... Quite the contrary, I really, really want it to be good! I like most of the characters, I like the writer, but man, this series just isn't doing anything for me... I'm going to give this series three more issues. Maybe once this initial storyline wraps up things will improve... If not? I get to save $2.99! |
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Titans (2008) | 6 issues |
Titans (2008) #3
Nov 6, 2008 |
I liked this comic even though I hate to see Dick and Kory together, oh wait, I already ranted about that. Well, other then that, I like the idea of Trigon's sons, and look forward to reading the next issue. |
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Titans (2008) #8
Dec 23, 2008 |
Until I get some answers concerning Jericho's bizarre behavior, I'm not going to be very pleased with this comic. There better be some mind control or something involved here, because I just can't see Jericho suddenly turning evil. I just can't see it. |
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Titans (2008) #10
Feb 23, 2009 |
Personally, if this team loses Dick, possibly Wally and possibly Roy(depending on the validity of that glimpse into the future), I don't know how interested I'd be in continuing to collect this series. The group of Raven, Cyborg, Donna, Beast Boy and Starfire isn't exactly a team I'd be very interested in following. |
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Titans (2008) #14
Jun 17, 2009 |
I guess if you're a huge Cyborg fan you'll dig this comic, but I for one just found it meaningless and boring. |
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Titans (2008) #17
Oct 5, 2009 |
When I saw this was going to be a spotlight on Beast Boy issue I nearly didn't bother to read it! I've never been a fan of BB, he's always been a shallow annoyance to me. However, this issue wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. It wasn't like it was mind-blowingly good or anything, but the fact that it was readable made it WAY better then I thought it was going to be. |
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Titans (2008) #28
Nov 17, 2010 |
So ignoring that(and ignoring the Mad Hatter, since I hate that damn midget), this story wasn't that bad. All of the Titans had little moments of character development, and the cliffhanger leaves me intrigued to see what'll happen next. So yeah, no major complaints here. |
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Titans (2008) Annual | 1 issues |
Titans (2008) Annual #1
Jul 10, 2011 |
This wasn't a terrible comic or anything, it just dragged on too long, especially considering the fact that I could care less about the outcome. |
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Ultimate Comics Hawkeye | 1 issues |
Ultimate Comics Hawkeye #4
Nov 26, 2011 |
Ugh. This sucked. I've got to say, in many ways Jonathan Hickman is very much like Grant Morrison... And I don't mean that as a compliment. Morrison has a habit of writing over the heads of his readers, and I can see that Hickman tends to do the same. I mean really, Xorn and Zorn, floating cities and mutant serums, and Eternals, Celestials and Deviants? Really? What ever happened to the days of straightforward storytelling? I hate the whole Eternal, Deviant, Celestial thing in the regular 616 Marvel U, and while Hickman gave it a slightly clever twist(and eliminated the giant space gods), it's not something the Ultimate Marvel Universe needed, at least in my opinion. The bottom line here is that I am glad this mini is over, because while I'll always support Hawkeye regardless of the universe, I'm happy I don't have to read anymore issue of this mini. |
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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) | 1 issues |
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2011) #3
Oct 17, 2011 |
So I'm STILL at a crossroads with this series. I'd say more than likely I'll be dropping this series before #4 comes out, and when I get myself a job and have some more discretionary income burning a hole in my pocket I'll give it a shot again. |
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Ultimate Comics X | 1 issues |
Ultimate Comics X #5
Jun 29, 2011 |
This "mini-series" was Loeb at his best. I can honestly say I enjoyed practically every issue(not that there were a lot...), and I honestly hope we see another Ultimate X mini, or better yet, the characters in this "mini-series" show up as members of the new Ultimate X-Men comic. |
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Ultimate Comics: Ultimates | 2 issues |
Ultimate Comics: Ultimates #4
Dec 1, 2011 |
Hopefully once we finish off this storyline Jonathan Hickman can show us that he can write a Marvel comic book WITHOUT Reed Richards in it, something he has yet to prove. |
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Ultimate Comics: Ultimates #16
Sep 30, 2012 |
Issue #1 of the Captain America as POTUS era was a success in my opinion. I liked Cap basically blowing off all of the politicians and continuing to act as Captain America, a man of action, not President Rogers, a guy sitting in an office signing paperwork. So yeah, all the Cap stuff was great, as was the way the other Ultimates were used. |
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Ultimate Comics: X-Men | 9 issues |
Ultimate Comics: X-Men #1
Sep 21, 2011 |
This was a very good start to this series. Granted, I HATE the fact that Shadowcat is going to be the female lead in this series, but if that's the worst thing about this series I can tolerate it. Besides Shadowcat, I like every single other character in this comic book. Jean, Jimmy, the Torch, Iceman, Quicksilver, hell, it's almost like I chose that line-up myself! I'm also fine with the government being responsible for mutantkind in the Ultimate Universe. It's a bit of a stretch that from Wolverine a mutant “virus” formed that led to hundreds(thousands?) of mutants being born, but that's something I can overlook. All in all, this series seems to be in very good hands with Nick Spencer. As a matter of fact, the Ultimate Universe is looking really good in general since Marvel shook it up. And look, Marvel didn't even have to reboot the entire Ultimate Universe to make it interesting! |
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Ultimate Comics: X-Men #2
Oct 14, 2011 |
Can't I go six damn months without a damn Stryker in one of the goddamn X-books?! The Purifiers are a group that can be interesting, but in SMALL doses! I mean seriously, since M-Day, they seem to be butting heads with the 616 X-teams every other month. |
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Ultimate Comics: X-Men #4
Dec 16, 2011 |
Yeah, whatever. There are my thoughts on this one in a nutshell. Wake me when this damned Stryker storyline is over, because I could literally care less about him. Seriously, I'd rather watch paint dry than read ANOTHER story about William Stryker. |
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Ultimate Comics: X-Men #5
Dec 30, 2011 |
This comic was okay, even with Stryker in it. I'm pretty certain that Nick Spencer should be able to have himself a nice little run on this series... Once he gets away from Stryker!!! |
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Ultimate Comics: X-Men #7
Feb 19, 2012 |
I love that Nick Spencer is basically undoing all of the bullshit that Jeph Loeb did during that horrendous Ultimatum event... Now I'm I'm sure some of you are thinking that's a somewhat hypocritical thing for me to say seeing as that I'm usually such a stickler for continuity. But when it comes to Ultimatum? I say it was SUCH a terrible event it SHOULD be forgotten, and erased from continuity! I mean hell, if DC can erase their entire history, why can't I pretend Ultimatum never happened? Anyway, this was an okay comic with an ending I never saw coming, seeing as that EVERYTHING was pointing towards Apocalypse being the “God” in the cave. The Magneto reveal was a HUGE swerve that has me mildly interested in the next few issues here. |
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Ultimate Comics: X-Men #8
Feb 29, 2012 |
Well, there were a few interesting little things going on here. Unfortunately, I don't care about the SEAR, Celestial Cities, or Xorn/Zorn... So yeah, that definitely hurt my enjoyment of this one. If you liked the Ultimate Hawkeye mini-series from a few months ago, then this is a must read comic. If, like me, you weren't a big fan of that mini, then this issue probably isn't going to be very impressive to you. |
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Ultimate Comics: X-Men #9
Mar 18, 2012 |
Meh. This was the third(it was at least the third actually) issue of this series where we didn't see Jimmy and his band of X-Men... Which is kind of weird. Last issue was a spotlight on Quicksilver(or Jean, or something), while this one was a spotlight on Storm. So we had a storyline about a Stryker(I don't care to remember which one), and then we moved away from the main team for a few issues... Of a new series!!! That's just plain bizarre. And since this issue ended in a cliffhanger, you'd have to think we'll STILL be away from the main team of X-Men for at least one more issue. That's all kinds of strange... |
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Ultimate Comics: X-Men #10
Apr 16, 2012 |
Here's the thing. The story here is good, the art is good, everything is good. Except for the fact that we STILL haven't gone back to Jimmy and the real X-Men for a whole mess of issues now... We just keep setting up different stories in different areas... Which is well and good and all, provided we actually get to see the main characters from time to time! The flow of this series is just so weird... |
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Ultimate Comics: X-Men #18
Nov 6, 2012 |
Okay, I'm just gonna come out and say it... Is it REALLY that bad to have your mutation "cured"? I mean living a normal life, NOT being attacked by crazed robots or wild bigots, is that REALLY a bad thing? But naturally, Kitty acts like Cap pissed on her leg or something when he broached the subject. Go figure. If anything, the reservation idea should have disturbed her more, because, much like Utopia, putting a bunch of mutants in a stationary place is a recipe for disaster. Especially in the Ultimate U, where humans hate mutants even more than in the 616(probably deservedly so due to Magneto's antics). On top of that, my hatred of Kitty is well documented so I don't like her as the "face" of mutantkind. Besides those little gripes though, this comic told a good story and hopefully got rid of William Stryker. Now let's hope he stays gone... |
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Ultimate Fallout | 2 issues |
Ultimate Fallout #1
Jul 15, 2011 |
Wow... That was quite the emotional ride right there... I seriously teared up when that little girl and May embraced outside the Cathedral... Hell, just typing about it is making me kind of misty eyed right now! |
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Ultimate Fallout #6
Aug 17, 2011 |
Okay, first things first, I thoroughly enjoyed ALL three stories here. Seriously, storywise, I have no complaints... But(you had to know that was coming), the way this issue ended gave us no real finality. |
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Uncanny Avengers | 7 issues |
Uncanny Avengers #1
Oct 10, 2012 |
This comic was NEARLY perfect. If not for a few small bumps(mainly the Red Skull and his whole brain-snatching thing), it would have been perfect. |
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Uncanny Avengers #2
Nov 30, 2012 |
This was a very, very good comic. I can easily see it becoming my favorite monthly title if it keeps up like this. We learned where the Skull came from(he was apparently another clone of the Red Skull who woke up recently), and found out that he had managed to steal Xavier's telepathy. This issue pretty much did everything right. It continued to slowly put together the Uncanny Avengers team, gave us some animosity between Wolverine and Havok going forwrd, gave us a sensible reason Cap chose Havok to lead the Uncanny Avengers, made Rogue likable(which is something I always found her lacking), and explained what the Red Skull was doing here. All that was really missing was some explanation as to what the Skull's henchmen were. So yeah, all in all, this was a nearly perfect comic. Needless to say, I wish Rick Remender was writing all of the Avengers books! |
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Uncanny Avengers #5
Mar 30, 2013 |
I really am happy to see Remender actually using AVENGERS villains in this Avengers book, unlike Bendis, who wanted to use Spider-Man villains, street-level villains and Fantastic Four villains as the Avengers nemeses. So as usual, good stuff here. |
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Uncanny Avengers #6
Apr 13, 2013 |
Absolutely perfect. That's what this issue was. I literally don't have a single bad thing to say about it. It was absolute comic book perfection. Thor vs Apocalypse? Kang manipulating BOTH of them in order to gain a weapon of immense power? Everything here was fantastic. This is EXACTLY what this series should be! You have one of the greatest X-Men foes, as well as one of the Avengers greatest threats. And it's not like this was one of those lame, "Two villains randomly team-up to pester two groups of heroes" stories, the story was great, and the reveal at the end with Jarnbjorn tied everything together so perfectly. Amazing work by Remender here, this comic is definitely the front-runner for best single issue of the year for 2013. |
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Uncanny Avengers #7
Apr 25, 2013 |
Yet another great issue of this series. Sure, it wasn't as perfect as the last issue, but yeah, it was damned good. Lots of little interpersonal stuff went on, all while the main story advanced. Just like in the good old days of the Avengers. Plus, Rogue was benched, meaning I hopefully won't have to see her anytime soon! So huzzah for that! But yeah, as I said, this was yet another good issue in a long line of them here. |
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Uncanny Avengers #8
May 9, 2013 |
Yeah, I somehow doubt the Avengers are dead. This issue didn't grab me as the past few issue did. It was good, but there was a lot of people speaking in riddles and events being set up. It seems like the Apocalypse Twins have broken from Kang, who took them so there wouldn't be an Apocalypse, which would make it easier for him to create a dynasty in the future. The twins seem to be uber pro-mutant, ala Magneto, and are striking out, in part, because of Red Skull's antics earlier in this series. Or at least that's what I was able to gather. So yeah, good stuff, but not great, so I have to admit, I'm just a tad let down. |
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Uncanny Avengers #8AU
May 25, 2013 |
Yep, Remender can indeed tell us a really good AoU story! It kind of makes me wonder why Marvel lets Bendis do anything... We got a glimpse into the Age of Ultron world, AND Remender managed to give us a deeper look at the twins, further advancing his own storyline. What more could you want in a tie-in issue!? |
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Uncanny X-Force (2010) | 8 issues |
Uncanny X-Force (2010) #2
Nov 30, 2010 |
I really enjoyed this issue. It gave us some character development with Psylocke, Wolverine and Archangel, some humor with Fantomex and Deadpool, as well as a great cliffhanger, where Kid Apocalypse was being asked by his tutors how he wanted X-Force executed. |
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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #7
Apr 19, 2011 |
So that's what the Deathlok's were looking for! I also guess this is how Rick Remender is going to try to fix the fact that Fantomex killed a child... By having Fantomex now inexplicably save Kid Apocalypse... I'm not sure how I feel about that revelation, I don't think I liked it, but it is still early on, so I'll give Remender a shot before I blast the idea too much. What I will blast is this storyline, which I didn't enjoy at all! I've never cared about Deathlok at all, so I am VERY glad that this storyline has concluded. Hopefully we'll be moving on to bigger and better things. |
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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #14
Aug 31, 2011 |
This comic was pretty interesting... I was a bit thrown by the whole, "Kinder, gentler Apocalypse" thing that Archangel was doing, but as the issue progressed, I found it less jarring. |
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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #15
Sep 15, 2011 |
As Archangel's plans become more convoluted, I find my interest in this storyline waning a bit. Hopefully we get a bit less techno-babble and more good storytelling next issue(which knowing this series will be coming out next week...) |
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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #21
Feb 7, 2012 |
This was absolutely terrible. There's literally not a single nice thing I can say about this comic book... I could care LESS about EVERYTHING happening here. I hate the Capt. Britain Corps concept, I hate Otherworld, I hate Merlin. I hate it all. So if you liked this comic, awesome. But me? I couldn't have hated it more. What a waste of money... |
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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #23
Apr 3, 2012 |
Well, I have to admit, this issue was WAAAAY better than I ever would have expected it to be. I mean I was seriously expecting a score of about a 3 or so based on the other issues of this storyline. Now, I still hated this storyline and hope to never see nor hear of the Captain Britain Corps or Otherworld ever again, but hey, at least this issue wasn't that bad! The swerve at the end with Jamie was well done, and I liked the way Psylocke scolded Capt. Britain for forcing her to do the dirty work so he could remain clean. At least we finished this week off on a high... Kind of... |
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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #25
May 13, 2012 |
This was a welcome issue after the junk we've been dealing with as of late... We got to see that Psylocke IS really hurting as a result of everything that happened to her recently, we saw that Fantomex DOES seem to care more about Psylocke than as a conquest, and we see that AOA Nightcrawler seems to want to stay in this world. This was a really strong first issue for this storyline, although it sure as hell wasn't worth the $5 Marvel was selling it for... Ah Marvel... |
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Uncanny X-Force (2010) #32
Oct 8, 2012 |
Hey, hey, this was a great comic! First off, this version of the Brotherhood is probably among my all-time favorites. It's basically a who's who of X-villains, but without Magneto or Apocalypse there to monopolize the page-time. There's really not all that much I can say negatively about this one... Everything played out the way I would have hoped, and this issue ended with all of the heroes in mortal jeopardy... What more could you want? Hell, even Daken was written well, which is something I haven't seen since his glory days in Dark Wolverine! Nope, no complaints here. |
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) | 10 issues |
Uncanny X-Men (1963) #334
Jan 31, 2012 |
But as far as set-up issues go, this was one of the better ones I've ever read, and clearly laid the groundwork for what was about to happen to the X-Men, and why. |
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #412
Jan 9, 2012 |
I remember the Squid Boy/Juggernaut scene as being dumb back when I first read this issue, but upon this reread, it wasn't just dumb, it was downright embarrassing... Before I end this post, I just want to point out how fitting it was that this issue ended with some fart jokes... Because it stunk!! |
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #499
Oct 27, 2008 |
I pine for the X-Men I grew up reading about... The outlaw mutants, saving a humanity that hated and feared them. Not the X-Men who allowed Sentinel's to stand guard on their own front lawn... That idea was so ludicrous that I can still barely acknowledge it... ####ing Sentinel's protecting the X-MEN!!!! Insane... Hopefully the upcoming issue's, including #500 can bring some of my interest back to my former favorite comic book. |
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #508
May 26, 2009 |
Besides the return of Kwannon, this comic was pretty decent. I know I'm usually pretty hard on the X-titles, but Matt did a good job with this issue. |
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #512
Jul 11, 2009 |
If you turn your brain off, you could probably enjoy this comic, but once you really start to think about things, the story just falls flat. |
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #515
Oct 21, 2009 |
Wow... You know, before I read this comic, I already had a rant in mind that I was going to unleash upon finishing this issue up. That's how sure I was that I was going to hate this issue. After finishing this comic though, I can gleefully say this was the best issue of Uncanny X-Men Matt has EVER written! Hell, this is the best x-comic I've read in YEARS! I'm actually feeling a little bit giddy! |
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #534.1
Apr 8, 2011 |
So while this story didn't rock my world or anything, it DID feature a character who I wish was still alive, thus making it at the very least readable to me. |
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #538
Jun 21, 2011 |
I'm going to put this right out there so everybody understands where I'm coming from. I HATE Shadowcat. Passionately. She served a purpose in the 80's(I guess...) as the token spunky/incredibly annoying teenage girl that Chris Claremont is obsessed with writing about, but that role has been filled by several other characters over the years. Now she's just sort of around. Doing nothing of note. Why she was brought back is mind-boggling to me, because she's one character who served her purpose YEARS ago, and died an acceptable, heroic "death". And yet here she is, wasting space. That in a nutshell is how I felt about this issue and this storyline. I hate Shadowcat, I'm not a fan of Colossus the pervert, so I hated this storyline. If you like those characters, chances are you'll enjoy this one. Me? I hated it. |
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #540
Jul 8, 2011 |
Okay, I'm just going to say it... When the hell did Juggy gain the ability to possess people?! I mean I've read like 98% of the Fear Itself comics, and I'm confident I've read every single Fear Itself comic Juggy has appeared in. I've seen him march across the country, from New York to Chicago, from Missouri to Las Vegas, finally ending up in San Fransisco. Never once in those travels has Juggernaut shown the ability to possess somebody! Never!! I don't even know what else to say here... This issue featured characters I either don't like(Her, Shadowcat), characters I'm indifferent towards(Colossus, Lord Summers), or characters who should have remained dead(Magik)... So yeah, once again, as usual with something written by Kieron Gillen, I didn't enjoy this issue. The art was quite good, but it was done by Greg Land, so no surprise there. The story though? Meh. |
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Uncanny X-Men (1963) #544
Oct 21, 2011 |
It returned the real, true, legitimate MR. SINISTER!!! Possibly my favorite X-Men villain, and one of my favorite villains in ALL of comic books. Whenever I think back on this issue I find myself adding an extra 1/2 to the score over and over again because the stuff with Sinister was THAT awesome. |
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Uncanny X-Men (2011) | 3 issues |
Uncanny X-Men (2011) #1
Nov 3, 2011 |
So yes, I'm still firmly in the camp of Team Wolverine, and yes, I'm basically only reading this comic to see Lord Summers and company fail miserably, but overall I'm glad I decided to stick with this series because this issue was a strong read. |
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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #2
Nov 30, 2011 |
This was basically a good read. However, I had a huge problem with the way Kieron Gillen is writing Mr. Sinister here. Basically he's writing Sinister as a completely different character than the Sinister we've established for the past 20 years or so. While that's a bit galling, it's not THAT annoying, as Sinister has changed a lot from his initial appearances. So it's with great difficulty that I'm(trying!) to overlook this new change to Sinister. That's basically all I have to say about this one... It could have been better with the introduction of a new character obsessed with genetics, but instead I guess we're getting Sinister Version 3.0. |
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Uncanny X-Men (2011) #4
Jan 8, 2012 |
You know, every time I write a negative introductory paragraph I end up enjoying the comic book I read... I can't explain that, but apparently if I get myself good and angry prior to reading something I almost always tend to enjoy it. Go figure! This is probably the perfect issue to drop this series, because it was a one-and-done issue, and it wasn't horrible. That way I can look back on this series and remember it as being not that bad. Oh well, at least for now, adis, Uncanny X-Men. It's been... something... |
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Vengeance (2011) | 1 issues |
Vengeance (2011) #1
Jul 11, 2011 |
Maybe Casey just needed an issue to introduce some new characters/ideas and stuff, and everything will be smooth sailing from here... I mean, it COULD happen, right? |
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Venom (2011) | 9 issues |
Venom (2011) #7
Oct 1, 2011 |
This issue did a fantastic job of further developing the characters of Flash Thompson, Eddie Brock AND the symbiote! And here I thought this was going to be a simple throwaway comic! |
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Venom (2011) #8
Oct 29, 2011 |
I really enjoyed the letter from Flash's father. Remender did a great job with writing that and showing how sorry Flash's father was as he faced his end. He also scripted the Venom/Queen battle very well, as Venom was at a HUGE disadvantage due to the Queen's sonic powers. So that was what I enjoyed. I didn't like the way the Queen was written here... She was oddly sensual towards first Venom and then Cap. Now I only know the Queen from these Spider-Island issues(I think I have her first appearance from a few years back but I don't remember it at all), but she wasn't written anything like that in the Amazing Spidey books... So that was really weird, and a bit disconcerting. But as usual, this was a good, strong comic and as such gets a good, strong score from me. |
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Venom (2011) #13.1
Feb 10, 2012 |
Meh. This wasn't a horrible comic or anything, it just should have been renamed Ghost Rider, since that's obviously who Williams wanted to push to the forefront here. I haven't liked the new Bad-Ass Ghost Rider from the start, and apparently I wasn't alone, as it was canceled after a piddly amount of issues. So naturally that makes her the main focus of this issue. Makes sense to me! Overall, even my annoyance with Bad-Ass Ghost Rider getting top billing couldn't hurt this story too much, as it's a solid story, with a solid villain, regardless of who's writing it. |
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Venom (2011) #13.3
Feb 27, 2012 |
Well, this was WAY better than I expected it to be! Jeff Parker, in this one issue, did a fantastic job fixing the mess Rob Williams made in the past two issues... Now, if Parker was anything like Williams, he'd have made this issue ALL about Red Hulk, since Parker writes the Red Hulk comic book(like how Williams made the past two issues ALL about Bad-Ass Ghost Rider since he wrote her series). Instead, Parker focused on all four characters in this comic(imagine that!), which led to me enjoying this comic way more. I believe with the next issue Rick Remender takes back over, and I can honestly say that this story is now finally moving in the right direction thanks in large part to the efforts of Jeff Parker. |
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Venom (2011) #14
Mar 10, 2012 |
You KNOW what I'm the most pissed off about, right? There was NO reason Bad-Ass Ghost Rider couldn't have been killed off in this storyline. Absolutely none. Hell, I'd have even been okay if she was killed off in a relatively heroic manner! Instead, she acted like a bitch the entire storyline, and ended up leaving with the Spirit... I would have bet good money that Marvel was going to give the Spirit back to Johnny Blaze in preparation for the new Ghost Rider movie! Instead, that unlikable, useless Bad-Ass Ghost Rider is still out there. And that sucks. Yeah, that really put a damper on this issue for me. This comic was okay and all, but it isn't something I'll be thinking back on in a few days time. It was a pretty lackluster storyline that ended in a pretty lackluster way. Here's hoping we get the awesome Venom back come next issue now that this Hell nonsense has concluded. |
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Venom (2011) #24
Sep 10, 2012 |
I have to say, I was cautiously optimistic when Cullen Bunn took this series over from Rick Remender, but that optimism is slowly eroding away... |
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Venom (2011) #29
Jan 5, 2013 |
Eh. This was an okay comic, nothing more, nothing less. It was pretty boring at times(Flash tracking down Katy probably didn't have to be shown in such detail...), but the climatic battle was kind of fun. Cliffhanger-wise, this was an odd one, since instead of ending with Flash and Valkyrie down and out at the feet of the U-Foes, we have the symbiote taking over and preparing to attack. Anyway, this issue was better than the weird start to Bunn's run on this title(Venom vs demons?! I still don't get that...), but was a bit of a step back from the last issue. |
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Venom (2011) #30
Jan 19, 2013 |
Well, it's safe to say Bunn's good comic streak ended at one issue with a resounding thud... I mean this issue was horrible! |
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Venom (2011) #31
Feb 11, 2013 |
Meh. This comic wasn't horrible, but it really wasn't all that interesting either. Flash moves in to a new apartment Flash goes on patrol! Flash wonders if he beat his neighbor into a coma! Eddie Brock talks to an old woman! See, not the most exciting reading. I mean, it wasn't horrible, but it also wasn't something I'd go out of my way to recommend. As I said, it was meh. |
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Villains For Hire | 1 issues |
Villains For Hire #1
Dec 12, 2011 |
Well, this issue didn't really help me decide whether or not to pick up the rest of this mini-series... The score is going to end up RIGHT at the cut-off line. I was hoping this one would be either really good or really bad. As it is, I have NO idea what I'll be doing concerning the rest of this mini... I guess it'll depend on how much money I have in my pocket when the next issue drops. |
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Voodoo | 2 issues |
Voodoo #2
Oct 31, 2011 |
I liked this issue. I mean it didn't blow me away or anything, but it was a good, fast, solid read, and to be honest with you, that's the most I could expect from any comic that has the DC logo adorning it's cover. We have ourselves a super powered foe for Voodoo to face going forward(Black Jack) and a Kyle Rayner appearance coming up. This was probably one of the best DC books I've read all October, although that's not exactly saying much... |
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Voodoo #4
Jan 1, 2012 |
This was an okay comic book. It moved along briskly, but it also had very little meat to it. Personality-wise I have little reason to feel connected to Voodoo or the government-types who are out to get her. This is the rare comic where I'm fine with the story but could care less about anybody in it one way or the other. |
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War of Kings | 4 issues |
War of Kings #1
Mar 28, 2009 |
For a lifelong Marvel Comic book fanatic, who grew up reading about the Shi'ar in Uncanny X-Men and the Kree in Avengers this was euphoric experience. After reading this issue, I can confidently state that War of Kings is going to finally give us a Marvel event that lives up to expectations. One last thing before I cut out, the cover price for this comic is a rather daunting $3.99. Although the cover price is a bit high, this comic was WELL worth it! Any comic book fan owes it to themselves to at least give this comic a shot... It really was that frigging great. |
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War of Kings #4
Jun 29, 2009 |
This comic sure turned this mini-series around big time, and as should be apparent by my glowing words, I couldn't be happier. It's like this mini-series was tailor-made just for me with how much I love the Marvel alien races. This mini-series is probably not for everybody, but for those of us that can tell a Skrull from a Badoon, this is must read stuff! |
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War of Kings #5
Jul 14, 2009 |
Yes, the vaunted perfect score. Remember what I said in the intro about this series not quite reaching the levels of awesomeness the original Annihilation obtained? After this issue, I think War of Kings has reached that level! |
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War of Kings #6
Aug 18, 2009 |
Although this issue didn't dazzle me like the previous two issues did, overall I'd have no problem recommending this mini-series to a Marvel Comics space connoisseur like myself. |
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War of Kings: Darkhawk | 1 issues |
War of Kings: Darkhawk #2
Apr 7, 2009 |
This comic is a tough one to score... On one hand, I can appreciate what the writers are trying to do(take an obscure character from the 90's and make him relevant today), but on the other hand, I didn't like how far away the writers strayed from the original Darkhawk character/series... Plus the artwork really bothered me. |
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War of Kings: Who Will Rule? | 1 issues |
War of Kings: Who Will Rule? #1
Oct 8, 2009 |
Going into this comic I was desperately hoping Gladiator wasn't going to become the Majestor of the Shi'ar, but this issue was so well written that I didn't mind when Gladiator finally embraced his destiny. I still hate the Inhumans, there's nothing that can change that. Sorry, but a space-faring monarchy just annoys the hell out of me... If the Inhumans are so advanced, why would they continue such an antiquated form of government? The ending set the right tone, with Talon and the Magus being set-up as the duel threats down the road. |
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Weird Worlds | 1 issues |
Weird Worlds #1
Jan 8, 2011 |
Okay, the Lobo story was a lot of fun, like most properly written Lobo stories are. The Garbage Man story was WAY better then it had any right to be. The Tanga story was akin to torture. She just wouldn't shut up! |
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What If? (2010) | 1 issues |
What If? (2010) #200
Dec 31, 2010 |
Yes, the cover price might scare some people away from this one, but trust me, it is WELL worth the price! |
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Whispers | 1 issues |
Whispers #2
Apr 8, 2012 |
This is such an odd series... I'm not quite sure what I think of it, if that makes any sense... I mean, it's definitely interesting, and the inclusion of the demon definitely spices things up, but I can't say I care much for any of the main characters. Sam is different, but not really all that interesting. Neither is Lily. We only just met Cali, so I can't say much about her. And Sam's acquaintances from last issue? They didn't show up in this one, so yeah, the baby-eating demon is the most interesting character in this comic right now... How weird is that? |
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Widowmaker | 1 issues |
Widowmaker #1
Dec 16, 2010 |
Umm, I guess this comic was okay. It didn't really blow me away or anything, it just kind of was. I'm going to chalk the slow start up to the fact that this was only the first issue, and as such had to set things up. With three of my favorite Marvel characters in this mini(Hawkeye, Mockingbird & Black Widow), I'm still expecting GREAT things, but so far, I'm still waiting. |
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Winter Soldier (2012) | 8 issues |
Winter Soldier (2012) #3
Mar 8, 2012 |
So yeah, Doom went over strong here, as he should have. Besides that, the rest of the story is falling nicely into place as Brubaker begins to find his groove in this series... I can't wait to see how much better things get next issue. |
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Winter Soldier (2012) #4
Apr 11, 2012 |
I have to say, I found myself really enjoying this comic, but a lot of that had to do with Doom... I'm telling you, dialogue-wise, Doom is probably my favorite character in all of comics. It would be between Doom and Thor, but I think Doom would take the prize. Anyway, Besides the awesomeness that is Victor Von Doom, the story moved along nicely here. I liked that Von Bardas's plan wasn't simply to stage an assassination at the UN, but was to actually gain access to Latveria's nuclear arsenal and use it against America. Sure, her plan banked on a lot of events outside her influence occurring(such as Doom not being in Latveria), but overlooking that, I liked where Ed Brubaker took this story. The next issue is apparently the final part of this storyline, and it should go without saying I'm REALLY curious to see what happens and how Bucky and/or the Black Widow manage to prevent Von Bardas's nuclear attack. |
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Winter Soldier (2012) #5
May 18, 2012 |
I LOVED this issue! Seriously! Doom + Bucky + Nick Fury = awesomeness to the third power! There's really not a bad thing I can think to say about this comic... I loved the set-up, I loved the fight scenes, I loved the dialogue, I loved everything! And you know what that means... |
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Winter Soldier (2012) #6
Jun 7, 2012 |
First off, I can't believe Fred Davis died here! He JUST starred in a storyline in the Captain America and Bucky series a few months ago, so he's a character who was still fresh on my mind. I never expected him to get offed like that. With that said, this comic? It was awesome. Ed Brubaker took Leo and made him into an ULTRA dangerous threat to Bucky. If given a good villain name, I can't see why Leo can't become Bucky's own personal Red Skull/arch-nemesis type of character. With Fred's murder and Bucky training Leo back in the day, it's already personal between the two, plus Leo is crazy and crazy people make for great foes! This was the prologue to the next Bucky storyline, and if it's half as good as this issue was, we're in for a treat! |
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Winter Soldier (2012) #10
Sep 16, 2012 |
This was yet another really good issue of this series. As usual. Ed Brubaker is one of those writers who once he gets rolling is probably better than anybody else. Sometimes it takes Brubaker's stories a little time to develop, but once they do... Pure awesomeness. This storyline is no exception. |
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Winter Soldier (2012) #11
Oct 2, 2012 |
This issue was a bit of a step backwards from the total awesomeness that was the last issue. I mean it was okay, but it was also a whole lot of nothing... Hawkeye and Bucky wandered around for a while, fought some AIM agents, and Leo told Bucky his nefarious plot. Which was pretty cool actually... With Leo living in the past, it makes sense he'd want both Bucky and Widow working with him. Leo's interactions with the weapon's maker here were also pretty good, as he made it obvious that he wanted everything Bucky has, and wanted to earn it. I'm still looking forward to the final confrontation between Bucky and Leo(in a HUGE way!), but this issue was a bit of a sidestep. |
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Winter Soldier (2012) #14
Jan 24, 2013 |
This was a great issue, written by a great writer, about a great character. There's nothing left but to give Ed Brubaker a HUGE thank you for all that wonderful stories he's crafted over the past several years. Marvel is undoubtedly worse off without him. |
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Winter Soldier (2012) #16
Mar 11, 2013 |
Bad, bad, bad... That just about sums up my thoughts on this one. I don't know why we're supposed to care about anybody in this series... That's one of the things Ed Brubaker did such a magnificent job with here, he made me care about Bucky, and Black Widow, and hell, even Agent Sitwell! Here though, I don't have any reason to care about Robards. Or this Electric Ghost character... The story is all over the place and I don't feel a connection to the characters... That is a recipe for me dropping this series... |
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Wolverine (2003) | 4 issues |
Wolverine (2003) #69
Nov 18, 2008 |
Out of the hundred + comics I've reviewed on this blog so far, this is only the 2nd time I've given out a perfect score. That should say alot about how great this comic was. If you enjoy alternate world stories, Wolverine, Hawkeye, or good comic books in general, do yourself a huge favor, and pick up this, and the three preceding comics of this series, you won't be sorry! |
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Wolverine (2003) #70
Feb 20, 2009 |
The story also did a great job in explaining why Logan has become the peace seeking man he is today. What he did to the X-Men was just plain horrible, and I couldn't fault Wolvie for laying his head on those train tracks. The worst part was that Wolverine wanted to punish himself in the worst way for the slaughter of his teammates, but thanks to his adamantium bones and his healing factor, not even a train running over his head was enough to kill him. Whew, what a deep comic. |
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Wolverine (2003) #72
Jun 6, 2009 |
Um, if you aren't reading this storyline, my advice would be to run out to your local comic shop and buy the this series! This gets my highest recommendation. |
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Wolverine (2003) #73
Jun 7, 2009 |
What the hell was this??? Neither one of these stories did a thing for me. The first one really didn't have a plot, or give me any reason to want to read the next issue, and the second one just wasn't very interesting. Sheesh, if I wanted to read a bad comic book, I should have read New Avengers #53! |
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Wolverine (2010) | 9 issues |
Wolverine (2010) #7
Apr 12, 2011 |
All right! Hope is going to save Wolvie!!! What, she's the frigging mutant savior and does the Phoenix thing now, so I could be right. God, imagine if it IS Hope and not Jean that Crawler pulls out of that room? I think my mind would literally explode. Not figuratively, LITERALLY! Back to this issue though, I liked it. I liked it a lot actually. Anytime Possessed Wolvie is around, kicking ass and taking names, I'm a happy camper. Somehow, someway, Jason Aaron NEEDS to make Possessed Wolvie a reoccurring character in the Wolverine series. Possessed Wolvie, you are my hero! |
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Wolverine (2010) #16
Sep 28, 2011 |
Um, that's it? After all of the awesomeness that was the first 15 issues of this series, with Wolvie going to Hell, being tormented by the Red Right Hand, killing his bastard children and leaving society, THIS was how he returned? This issue really didn't do much for me. I mean it was an okay "Wolvie is a hero" story and all, but it was a BIG step back from the prior several issues to me |
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Wolverine (2010) #18
Nov 10, 2011 |
This was easily one of the funnier comic books I've read this month... It's just all so ludicrous! Seriously, Wolverine, a talking monkey and a fat guy are wandering around underground tunnels and fighting dragons all so Wolvie could save a kid, avenge his master who was pushed into, what was described as a “bottomless pit”, and get back the money that was stolen from him from back when he was the crime boss of Chinatown in San Fran... Add an insanely over the top villain and her underground poppy fields and you have one hell of a funny comic. It all just works perfectly here. Who knew Jason Aaron was so funny?! |
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Wolverine (2010) #19
Nov 30, 2011 |
Again, I really liked this issue. It was at times over-the-top ridiculous, but I'm sorry, every now and then, a comic series can use a storyline like that. It was all good here. The comedy was funny, the story was strong, the art was vibrant, the dialogue made me chuckle a few times, seriously, no complaints about this one. Next issue we get back to the serious business with Wolvie coming face-to-face with the current leader of the Hand, Kingpin. That should be good, just in a different way than this issue was, which goes to show you what a versatile writer Jason Aaron is. |
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Wolverine (2010) #300
Jan 14, 2012 |
Eh, this was a good comic and all, but it was ANOTHER “Wolverine goes to Japan and fights Ninjas/the Hand/the Yakuza” story. I've said it before, but it bears repeating... I've NEVER been a fan of Wolvie's Japanese exploits. I hate Amiko, don't particularly care for Yukio, and could care less that the Silver Samurai is dead. I mean yeah, the Wolverine/Sabretooth throwdown was fun, as were all of Sabretooth's scene's actually, and the story was pretty straightforward, but still, it was a Wolvie in Japan storyline... Eh, so far it's probably the best Wolvie in Japan story I've read, but that's not exactly saying much, now is it? |
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Wolverine (2010) #301
Feb 19, 2012 |
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I just plain don't like Wolverine's adventures in Japan. Sorry. I mean the story here is pretty solid and easy to follow, but I just can't get too in to it because in the end it's ANOTHER Wolverine in Japan story. To end this review on a positive note, this IS one of the better Wolverine in Japan stories that I've read, so that's good. |
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Wolverine (2010) #302
Mar 11, 2012 |
This was a surprisingly good comic! Really, for a series that had tons of characters I normally loathe in it, the story here was way better than I could have hoped for! Go figure. The next issue is the conclusion to this Wolvie goes to Japan: Part 500 storyline, and I'm not quite sure what's left to accomplish... Wolvie defeated the Hand, and the villains escaped. It seems like this story could have gone on the back burner for a few issues, but I guess Jason Aaron wants to polish it off now. Here's hoping the next issue is as good as(or better!) this one was. |
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Wolverine (2010) #304
Apr 12, 2012 |
This comic was okay, I guess. I don't get why Tooth would throw a party, (because it was his birthday, X, you idiot!)I don't get why Wolvie knew it was Sabretooth's birthday(who keeps tabs on their arch-enemies birthday's?), and to be honest, I would have preferred it if we got more from the other stories as opposed to spending so much time on Tooth and his party... I mean that Maverick scene was just BEGGING to be explored further! And it only got two measly pages and then nothing... Even the Dr. Rot stuff deserved more than it got. Oh well. Like I said, this was an okay comic, but I can't help but feel that if the focus was shifted slightly it could have been a great comic. |
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Wolverine (2010) #305
Apr 27, 2012 |
This comic never really grabbed me. It was an okay read and all, and a fine way to kill a few minutes, but it just didn't pull me in. So Rot is somehow manipulating Wolvie, making him blackout and kill people... All of a sudden... Seeing as that Wolvie is on like EVERY hero team there is, and as such is teaming with pretty much every hero there is, you'd think he'd say to... oh, I don't know, Iron Man, or Rachel Grey, or Hank Pym, or somebody, “Hey bub, I've been blacking out and killing people. Can you fix that for me?” Instead, Wolvie goes off on his own, has NO idea how to find Rot, and tells nobody where he'd gone... Very dumb, Wolvie... Very dumb. |
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Wolverine and the X-Men | 2 issues |
Wolverine and the X-Men #3
Dec 21, 2011 |
Well, so much for this being amongst my favorite series! Seriously though, this issue was a major step back for me. The fact that Kid Omega is ALREADY beginning to turn into a good guy really left a bad taste in my mouth here. I have no idea why he decided to stop Kid Krakoa from eating the school, Wolverine and everybody else, and make good on his own escape... Maybe he has an evil, nefarious plan up his sleeve? Hopefully?? On top of that, the school board officials suddenly forgetting the last 24 hours and giving an obviously demolished school their seal of approval was also kind of dumb. Add Sabretooth's appearance here(he hasn't even officially returned yet in the pages of Wolverine!), as well as the STILL unexplained mini-Nightcrawler clones running around and you have the recipe of a comic I just didn't enjoy all that much. Oh well, better luck next issue I guess... |
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Wolverine and the X-Men #4
Jan 12, 2012 |
Eh, I've had my say about this series I guess... I mean it's not as if it's terrible, and I don't plan on dropping it, but the student body... Sheesh! I'd really love to see kids like Hellion, Mercury, Anole, Rockslide, or any of the other Hellions/New Mutants get major roles here. Because between Kid Omega's constant whining, and Kid Gladiator's constant asshattery, I'm getting fed up with the kids here... Rapidly. Eh, hopefully Genesis gets some more page time going forward, thus giving Omega and Gladiator's tired acts a rest. |
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Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega | 5 issues |
Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega #1
Jan 5, 2012 |
Man, Omega is one of those kids you'd really love to just beat the hell out of... Just sayin'... Anywho, this was a pretty good first issue. We don't know how Omega managed to take such control of Wolvie(you'd think his psi-defenses were better than THIS!), nor how none of the rest of the school realized that a) Wolvie was gone, and b) something fishy was going on telepathically. Right now, everything is still being set up. We don't know much about the fantasy world, we don't know why Armor is there with Wolvie, and we don't know why Wolvie's body is up and about, considering his mind was otherwise occupied. But I'm curious enough to pick up the next issue, so that's something. |
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Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega #2
Feb 14, 2012 |
Eh. I didn't hate or love this comic. I had absolutely no feelings towards it. It just was. The Wolverine/VR parts did nothing for me, the parts with Quire were okay, and the fact that NOBODY has seen OR sensed Wolverine's berserker-fueled body wandering around the school campus(for at last a full day!) just seems wrong to me. If Wolvie's body is fueled by his berserker persona, shouldn't it be running amok or something? There just seem to be a lot of holes here, not enough to totally ruin this mini, but enough to be a nuisance to me. |
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Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega #3
Mar 12, 2012 |
Meh. I literally have zero interest in this mini-series. At this point I'm only buying it because I'm a completest and need the final two issues for my collection. Other than that, I have nothing to say about this comic, so let's just move on. |
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Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega #4
Apr 10, 2012 |
This comic... I have to say, it DID make me laugh... But for the wrong reasons! I mean come on, how the hell did Rachel Grey lose Berserker Wolvie that easily!? He showed up in front of her, told her he didn't do anything to Armor, and then just sort of vanished, which led to Rachel running around the halls like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to find him again. Why not, oh, I don't know, use your telepathy to locate him? As for the stuff in the VR world? It wasn't that bad. It actually showed Kid Omega in a more sympathetic light than I'm used to seeing as he actually apologized for what he had done to Wolvie and Armor. It was nice to see him act contrite for a change. With all that said though? I'll be glad when this mini is over. |
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Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega #5
May 8, 2012 |
Yeah, sure. Let the guy who screwed with your head to begin with train you to have stronger mental defenses, because there's NO way he'd know how to circumvent said defenses... Poor, stupid Wolvie... Anyway, this issue wasn't terrible, which is the best thing I can say about it. I didn't care enough about the story to care how it ended, especially since we knew that there would be no real ramifications coming out of it, what with Quintin being a major part of Wolvie and the X-Men and Wolvie being Wolvie and all. In the end, this issue better than I ever expected it to be, so I'd consider that a win, although it doesn't save this mini from being one of the worst ones I've read so far this year. |
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Wolverine Origins | 4 issues |
Wolverine Origins #36
Jun 5, 2009 |
f you ignore Romulus(like I try to)the rest of this story was solid. I like Daken a lot, as I stated in the opening paragraph, and I continue to enjoy reading the way Daniel is developing Daken's character with each passing month. I'll also admit that somewhere deep down inside, I take some twisted enjoyment at the fact that Daken can almost always kick Wolvie's ass. |
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Wolverine Origins #37
Jul 3, 2009 |
This was a good, fun issue. I've always liked Omega Red, he has a great look, and his first appearance is among the very first comic books to grace my comic collection. I also enjoyed the story, which showed us that Romulus seems to be several steps ahead of Wolverine at every turn. Poor Wolvie just can't seem to catch a break here. Every plan he comes up with to get at Romulus always ends up being countered. |
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Wolverine Origins #46
Apr 10, 2010 |
Anyway, for us long-time Wolvie fans, this issue doesn't really give us much, but newer Wolvie fans should definitely give this comic a read. |
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Wolverine Origins #47
May 6, 2010 |
I'm REALLY enjoying this and the Dark Wolverine series, and I honestly can't wait for the next part of this story in Dark Wolverine. |
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Wolverine: The Best There Is | 2 issues |
Wolverine: The Best There Is #2
Jan 10, 2011 |
Well, first things first, this issue was hundreds of times better than the last issue. Whereas last issue made NO sense, this one at least seemed to follow a story-thread. It seems that all of Wolvie's enemies here are immortal, even though I'm still not exactly sure what their game is. This comic was as gory as you'd expect, it does say “Parental Advisory” on the cover, but I'm still kind of perplexed by the censoring of the profanity... There are a few occasions of cursing in this comic, but they get the “####” treatment. If you already have dismemberments, and a parental advisory, why not just add the cursing and go the full monty? Meh, besides that, I'm glad that this series has become somewhat coherent, and I'm looking forward to seeing where the next issue takes Wolvie. |
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Wolverine: The Best There Is #7
Jul 1, 2011 |
This is a strange series... When it all comes together it's really enjoyable(like the last two issues), but when it doesn't, it's as confusing as hell... This issue was more the latter. Sure, there were a few places where I laughed out loud while reading, but for the most part? Confusing as hell. Meh, maybe things will make more sense come the next issue. |
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Wonder Woman (2006) | 5 issues |
Wonder Woman (2006) #42
Apr 12, 2010 |
Not a bad start for this storyline I'd say. There's still A LOT of mystery going on here, but I'm sure everything will start to make a little bit more sense in an issue or two. The reveal at the end was pretty shocking, seeing as that I didn't realize WW had an evil, space fairing aunt, but as I said earlier, I'm guessing that will be further explored come next issue. Being a fan of both WW and the GLC, I've got to admit that this comic definitely left me wanting to read more. |
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Wonder Woman (2006) #43
May 17, 2010 |
Meh. This story is OK, but pretty unspectacular. I just can't get into the whole, "Crazy space-snake-women trying to conquer/destroy the Earth" story. I guess Astarte being WW's aunt is kind of interesting, but that's probably the only real interesting thing about this comic. |
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Wonder Woman (2006) #44
Jun 14, 2010 |
Meh. I never really got into this story, but for what it's worth, this issue was better then the other parts of this storyline. I will say I'm glad it's over, and I'm looking forward to the next issue, which is issue #600. Only in comic books do editors count 42, 43, 44, 600. |
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Wonder Woman (2006) #611
Jun 4, 2011 |
I liked this issue a lot! Was it perfect? No, but it was a fast read with LOTS of action and a couple of deaths. So it appears the power behind the Morrigan is an alternate version of Wonder Woman, apparently the Goddess of Vengeance WW was warned about last issue. If I'm reading all of this the right way(and who knows if I am...) then that's a pretty awesome little swerve that'll have WW battling against a warped version of herself to end this oh so long Odyssey storyline. It's nice to see the finish line to this story... Just as DC prepares to self-destruct in a few months... *sigh* |
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Wonder Woman (2006) #613
Jul 31, 2011 |
Man, this is so weird... I mean I absolutely hated the beginning of this storyline, and with good reason... It was Wonder Woman, listening to an Ipod, carrying on conversations with a talking cat for god sake!! It was horrible! And then something happened halfway through the story... J. Michael Straczynski moved on to other projects and left Phil Hester to finish out the storyline from his notes. And from that point forward, the story really picked up. I don't know if it was Hester who should be credited with the turnaround, or if JMS would have done the same if he had stayed on the series, but I'll be damned if I didn't start to really enjoy this storyline! That just goes to show you, even when you're reading a storyline and have zero hope for it, it MAY just do a complete 180 and surprise you! Unless we're talking about Brightest Day, which, as we all know, sucked throughout. |
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Wonder Woman (2011) | 2 issues |
Wonder Woman (2011) #1
Sep 24, 2011 |
WW is one of those series I really can't ever see myself dropping, so it's still safe, even though I would have liked more here. It's rare when I laud the art in a comic more than the story, but here we are. So while this series didn't blow me away like Deathstroke or Nightwing, it was okay. I'll stick it out and hope that the mysterious stuff begins to make some semblance of sense soon. |
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Wonder Woman (2011) #2
Oct 23, 2011 |
I'm still on the fence when it comes to this series... I mean this issue was pretty good, but it wasn't great. And Brian Azzarello should really try to explain who these Greek Gods are, what their relationships to each other are and what motivates them. I don't want to have to do heavy-duty research just to enjoy a comic book... Will I be picking up Wonder Woman #3? Probably, but no promises. |
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X-23 (2010) | 4 issues |
X-23 (2010) #4
Jan 13, 2011 |
This was another good issue of this series, although not quite as amazing as the last issue was. Not only was this issue good, but Marjorie Liu has actually managed to remind me as to why I liked Gambit so much back when I was a kid... You know, before the X-writers destroyed Gambit's mystique with those awful origin stories they saddled him with. Gambit as X-23's friend/watcher was really working for me here. I'm really amazed that Liu has been able to take two characters that I either didn't care about(Gambit)or just flat out didn't like(X-23)and get me invested in them... THAT is a testament to her tremendous skills. So even though Miss Sinister seems to be the major villain of this storyarc, I'm STILL enjoying it. This is series is rapidly and amazingly moving up the ranks of my favorite comics. |
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X-23 (2010) #5
Feb 3, 2011 |
So this issue, while a bit slow in places, was REALLY good. But then I turned to the last page, and this comic went from REALLY good to borderline great! |
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X-23 (2010) #8
Apr 5, 2011 |
First things first, when did it become common knowledge that Daken and Colcord were working together? I mean I thought it just suddenly happened in the last issue of Daken, but it seems that it's a well known fact or something now... Weird. As for the story here, I liked it. It's hard to screw up a comic that was leading up to an X-23/Daken fight, and this comic gave me what I expected. I'm not exactly sure where the story goes from here(I guess Colcord betrays Daken? Or maybe vice-versa?), but I was pretty happy with the first part of this x-over, which continues in the next issue of Daken: Dark Wolverine. |
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X-23 (2010) #9
Apr 29, 2011 |
Woooo, I LOVED this issue! First of all, Blind Al was here, which automatically makes this comic at least a 7! Secondly, Daniel Way did a fantastic job of tying in so many little pieces of Pool's past here. From Weasel and Hydra Bob, to Blind Al and Sluggo(!), right down to Pool craving Death's embrace. I mean there was a Deadpool annual back in the last Deadpool series where we got a great insight into Deadpool's special relationship with Lady Death. I honestly had no complaints about this comic whatsoever. The story was good, plus there were several moments where I chuckled, or even laughed out loud as I read it, a must for any Deadpool comic. Great stuff here, with the future looking really, really good! |
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X-Factor (2005) | 19 issues |
X-Factor (2005) #36
Oct 25, 2008 |
I guess what I'm saying is that there are a lot of other characters I'd rather see in X-Factor right now then Darwin or Longshot. Since I am an unabashed worshiper of Peter David's writing, even though I'm not really enjoying this story, it gets a 5 1/2 out of 10. |
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X-Factor (2005) #39
Jan 27, 2009 |
Recently, I've been trying to give out less 10's, but this comic totally earned it. If you aren't reading X-Factor, this issue is a GREAT jumping on point. The next couple of issue's should be absolutely incredible. |
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X-Factor (2005) #40
Feb 25, 2009 |
The past two issues of X-Factor have been among the best comic books I've read over the course of the last two months, hands down. |
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X-Factor (2005) #43
May 22, 2009 |
This is still the best comic book with an X on the cover being published today, but this issue felt just a bit slower than the last couple of excellent issues have been. This was still a very good comic though. |
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X-Factor (2005) #45
Jul 8, 2009 |
All in all, I really enjoyed this issue and I'm hoping that the Cortex story continues to accelerate next issue |
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X-Factor (2005) #211
Nov 23, 2010 |
Meh. I'm enjoying the Rictor/Wolfsbane story WAY more than this one, so I was a bit saddened to see that the Vegas/Pip/Hela story dominated this issue. The action was pretty good, the art was fine and there were a few funny scenes(as you'd expect from a Peter David written comic), but I just don't care about Pip nor Hela. I could expand upon that and say I just don't care about Asgardians period! Here's hoping the next issue ends the Vegas portion of the story, or better yet focuses back on the Rictor/Wolfsbane stuff. |
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X-Factor (2005) #212
Dec 28, 2010 |
Well, they can't all be gold... I've constantly said that X-Factor is the BEST X-book on the market today, but this issue didn't really live up to that billing. I didn't like the story(Pip the frigging Troll?!), and the outcome was just horrible(Layla just reaches in and pulls all of the X-Factor members to safety?!). The only good to have come out of this issue was Shatterstar learning that Wolfsbane had been lying about Rictor being the father of her child, since Shatterstar ran into the real father(that Asgardian Wolf King guy)in Niflhel. Other then that, this was a really lousy issue to a really good series. |
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X-Factor (2005) #219
May 21, 2011 |
Huh, that was one sucky review... Well, that's what happens when you type one of these up at 4 in the morning... Anyway, this was an okay comic, but it didn't really impress me(yet another reason for the sucky review!). I mean technically it was okay, but I just never really got into this storyline. Thankfully this was the end of the whole General Ryan/SCARS storyline, so here's hoping we move on to bigger and better things. |
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X-Factor (2005) #222
Jul 25, 2011 |
With each passing issue, I find myself warming more and more to this storyline... But for me, the story wasn't the best thing about this issue... I've always said that Peter David is one of the BEST writers when it comes to writing dialogue, and man did he prove that again this issue! There were several moments when I found myself laughing out loud at some of the one-liners and quips that were being thrown around. Good story, good art, and hilarious dialogue equals a very happy blogger! |
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X-Factor (2005) #223
Aug 5, 2011 |
Um, I'm not really sure what happened here... I mean last issue was extremely funny with a good storyline, this issue? Not so much. I don't get how Jack managed to sneak Wolfsbane away from the rest of her team right under their noses... I mean damn, they're supposed to be detectives! How embarrassing is that! While there wasn't anything actively bad here, this issue just never managed to click for me... Maybe I was just in a bad mood when I read this issue or something, but it seemed like a big step down from last issue. Oh well, maybe things will rebound next issue as Wolfsbane finally gives birth to her child. |
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X-Factor (2005) #224.1
Sep 8, 2011 |
Meh. This comic wasn't exactly written for somebody like me, who has collected and read this entire series up to this point. It was definitely aimed at any fans who wanted to jump in here since this was one of those Marvel.1 issues. I mean the story was okay and all, but the story was basically a vehicle to tell the reader who each member of the team was and what they could do. I'd be more interested to see what somebody new to the series thought of this one, since, as I said, this wasn't an issue written with longtime X-Factor fans in mind. |
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X-Factor (2005) #226
Oct 22, 2011 |
Anytime a story causes me to think back to the West Coast Avengers, I'm a happy camper. This issue did a lot of little things right... It showed us that Hangman was one tough SOB, by having him take on Guido one-on-one, while strangling Madrox with his enchanted noose. After establishing that yes, the Hangman is no pushover, we were shown that he was afraid of whoever this Bloodbath character was, thus establishing Bloodbath as an even GREATER threat. Besides all of that nifty storyline advancement, we also got a mess of little character development scenes, which is something you can always rely on Peter David for. All in all, this was a pretty good issue that has me intrigued to see Bloodbath finally show up. |
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X-Factor (2005) #227
Nov 19, 2011 |
This comic was perfectly acceptable. It wasn't anything special, nor was it anything awful. It WAS better than the past couple of comics I've read, but it was by no means the best issue of this series I've ever read. One thing's for sure, I can't wait for the next issue to find out what the hell was going on at the end of this one! |
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X-Factor (2005) #228
Dec 9, 2011 |
Well this was an action packed little issue, now wasn't it? There was a lot of good here, namely the dialogue(as always), the action, the villain of the piece, Bloodbath, was a great threat who I hope we see again, and the story, while not one of Peter David's best, was solid. Now there were a few things that bugged me, namely the team ceasing their fight with Bloodbath because Bloodbath accused Guido of having no soul... I mean first of all, he's the bad guy, why the hell would you listen to him?! Secondly, who stops a battle to ask a team member if she brought one of their members back from the dead... While the villain is standing RIGHT THERE?! That whole scene seemed forced and would have been better served coming out at a different time, although I get why David did it then and there considering the end of this issue. Still, it seemed woefully out of place. So overall this was a strong comic, one that I can't wait to read the next issue of. |
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X-Factor (2005) #231
Feb 3, 2012 |
I've said this many a time around here, but it bears repeating... I LOVE alternate dimensional storylines! Especially good alternate dimensional storylines! And this storyline? It definitely fits that bill. Sure, we could have seen some more from the other X-Factor members, especially after last issue's bombshell with Havok and Polaris showing up, but the Madrox story was so good I have no real complaints. |
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X-Factor (2005) #235
May 4, 2012 |
No real complaints here. This issue was a nice, fast read, made sense and is obviously leading us to our next big X-Factor storyline. Um, yeah... That's about all I have to say... |
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X-Factor (2005) #236
May 20, 2012 |
First off, I liked the retro-ish cover... Yeah, that's neither here nor there, but there it is. As for this issue? I liked it. A lot. It focused almost solely on Star, which I'm just fine with. Yeah, there are like 50,000 characters on this team, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't get an issue here and there that only focuses on one character. I liked the battle between Star and Shot, and liked the way Star outsmarted his bigger and stronger opponent. All in all? Good stuff here. |
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X-Factor (2005) #251
Feb 9, 2013 |
This was another strong issue of this series. As usual. I swear I say that every issue with this series... But it's true! This is probably the most consistently good comic I pick up. So now we know why the Hell-Lords are coming after Tier, and the reason is perfectly plausible when it comes to Madrox and his unlucky group... Of course Tier would be the seven billionth person born, drawing X-Factor in the middle of massive demonic battle! That's just their luck. Now that we have the "whys" of this story out of the way, I'm intrigued to see how Peter David writes the team out of THIS quandary... How in the world are they going to defeat some of the most powerful demons and gods in all of the Marvel Universe, all while trying to save the life of Wolfsbane's son? Should be really interesting going forward. |
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X-Factor (2005) #252
Feb 25, 2013 |
I have to say, I wasn't really blown away by this comic. It was okay and all, but it wasn't as impressive as some of the other issues had been. I think some of what bugged me would have to be Tier (kind of/sort of) killing Pluto... Before this issue, Tier was an innocent kid, and X-Factor was being tasked with defending him from the various demons that were trying to kill him. Now all of a sudden Tier can take care of himself(as well as kill beings who have god-like power!), which ratchets down the excitement of this storyline a bit for me. I'm not as worried for Tier because I know he can kill the Hell-Lords if push comes to shove. Plus, I didn't get how Pluto seemingly killing Madrox and Jezebel caused them to end up in Mephisto's domain... Ah well, here's hoping things pick back up again come the next issue. |
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X-Men (2010) | 6 issues |
X-Men (2010) #7
Jan 29, 2011 |
Well, I didn't think I'd be saying it this soon, but here it is; please bring back the vampires! This comic was alright, but definitely a huge step down from the past 6 issues. Sorry, I don't care about a bunch of psychotic mutants living secluded on Crazy Mutie Island attempting to show the world that they aren't a threat and are actually super-heroes... Because nothing says “not crazy” like an army of mutant separatists living on an island with MAGNETO!!! I mean no PR work in the WORLD can spruce up the image of that man! Why they decided to travel to New York to tackle the lizard problem is also a bit of a mystery, as the X-Men have been operating around San Fransisco... I guess Victor Gischler really wanted that obligatory Spider-Man guest appearance out of the way. As it is, I could care less about this storyline, or the X-Men on this current mission. The sooner we move on, the better. |
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X-Men (2010) #11
May 15, 2011 |
I've always been a big fan of Prof. X, so it should go without saying that I really enjoyed this one. He's always had a great relationship with Jubes(there was an issue of Uncanny right after the X-Cutioner's Song that really hammered that home), so it was great to see these two characters who kind of fell off the map in the 2000's having a nice little heart to heart. If you're not a fan of Xavier, you probably wouldn't care to read about his youthful adventures. But for me? This was a breath of fresh air. |
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X-Men (2010) #16
Aug 27, 2011 |
I have to say, I haven't read a whole lot of Victor Gischler's work, mainly because he's still rather new to the world of comic books, but from what I have read, the man is a master of dialogue and storytelling. In this one issue he managed to take characters I don't like(Lord Summers and Emma), characters I don't care about(Pixie), characters in the wrong role(Doom and Magneto), and incredibly obscure characters(Lee Forrester and Skull the Slayer) and made it all work perfectly together. Seriously, if you would have listed the characters appearing in this issue, and the roles they'd be serving in, I'd have wanted to skip reading this one. But I'll be damned if it didn't all come together perfectly. So yeah, even with bizarre characters in bizarre situations, I'm definitely looking forward to the next issue... Go figure! |
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X-Men (2010) #19
Oct 8, 2011 |
Um, so the whole idea of this storyline was that the X-Men wanted to rescue Lee and bring her home due to a SOS beacon she sent out that was found by the FF... Right? So how does this storyline end? Lee tells the X-Men, “Whoops, I actually want to stay here! Sorry for the inconvenience!” and the X-Men and FF head home... What a waste this storyline was. I really can't think of many positive things to say about this one actually... I guess I enjoyed the interaction between Doom and Magneto? Meh. Here's hoping Victor Gischler gets back to the strong stories he was telling during the early parts of this series, because I really didn't enjoy this one at all. |
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X-Men (2010) #20
Nov 5, 2011 |
You know what? I actually enjoyed this issue... Maybe it was because I like this X-Men team about 500 times more than the team in Uncanny X-Men, or maybe it was because the story was pretty easy to follow, but yeah, I enjoyed this one. Seriously, a team that consists of Storm, Psylocke, Warpath, Vampire Jubilee, Domino is pretty damn great in my eyes. Sure, I don't get why Jugger-Colossus is there, but I really can't complain too much when there's only one member of a team that I don't particularly care for out of six characters. I also liked that the War Machine appearance didn't feel overly forced. He's currently serving the US government, so it would make sense he'd get the call to get the X-Men away from the hot spot to prevent any further escalation. Yep, no major complaints with this one. |
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X-Men (2010) #21
Nov 21, 2011 |
Basically, this whole story is just leaving me apathetic. I mean there's nothing outwardly awful going on here, but I just can't seem to work up any interest for the events taking place here. Sadly this series feels like a fourth string X-book where nothing of importance will happen. If you liked this one, cool. If you didn't, cool. For me, it was a big old bowl of meh. |
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X-Men: Apocalypse/Dracula | 1 issues |
X-Men: Apocalypse/Dracula #3
Dec 5, 2011 |
For what was basically a throwaway mini-series starring Apocalypse and Dracula, back before vampires became the pop culture sensation they are today, this was a solid mini-series. Sure, some parts dragged a bit(especially the third issue), but the set-up and ending issues were quite satisfying. |
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X-Men: Legacy (2008) | 6 issues |
X-Men: Legacy (2008) #225
Jun 27, 2009 |
I liked this issue of Legacy more than any other issue in recent memory, but with my dislike of the direction this comic has moved during the past 25 issues or so that's not exactly saying much. I wish Exodus would have come across a bit stronger(he's another character I like), but what can you do? |
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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #226
Jul 24, 2009 |
Hey, you know what? This was one of the best issues of this series in recent memory. Everything was just so smooth here. Rogue and Gambit still work well together and Danger is a strange, but welcome addition to this comic. It all just really worked for me this month. The story was fast-paced and simple, the fight scenes were well done and Gambit told Cyclops off(which earned Gambit a ton of respect from me). It was all good! |
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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #260.1
Jan 15, 2012 |
Whew, I sure had lots to say about this one, but I couldn't help it, I'm excited! I mean THIS comic pretty much gave me everything that I complained Wolverine and the X-Men WASN'T giving me! This was a great first issue for Gage, and if he can keep it up, I'd expect this to become my favorite X-title in a few month's time. |
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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #262
Feb 24, 2012 |
Oh, well thank the gods, Our Lord and Savior is on the case!! Why the hell should I even bother reading the next issue of this series since we ALL know what's gonna happen! Here's a hint, it involves Our Lord and Savior Hope defeating Exodus, probably with ease, while every other character in the comic book(as well as probably Exodus himself) stands around kissing her ass. So yeah, basically I HATED the ending of this one... This issue was moving along fine and good until the appearance of that damned Hope... I mean come on, I drop every series where she may pop up and what happens? She pops up in this series! I just have no luck sometimes... |
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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #263
Mar 16, 2012 |
Eh, not bad. Naturally, my enjoyment of this issue was hurt, a lot, by the arrival of Our Lord and Savior Hope... Man, you don't know how badly I'm hoping the events of AvX leads to Hope going away... Forever! Regardless, Christos Gage did a great job of fracturing the members of Wolverine's faculty here, which will undoubtedly lead to some good storytelling down the road. |
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X-Men: Legacy (2008) #265
Apr 26, 2012 |
Eh. This issue was okay, and all, but I never really felt anybody was in any real danger. |
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X-Men: Prelude to Schism | 1 issues |
X-Men: Prelude to Schism #3
Jun 20, 2011 |
Sarcasm aside, I enjoyed this issue for the most part. It was a real good issue for people relatively unfamiliar to Cyclops, as it gave a bunch of flashbacks detailing a few important moments from his formative years. Granted, the fact that he was thinking about his mother kind of took me by surprise(nobody EVER talks about poor Katherine Summers!), since I REALLY thought it would be revealed he was thinking about Jean, but whatever. I am a bit bothered that we still don't know what this massive, deadly, horrendous threat to the X-Men is, but hopefully we'll find out next issue. Other than that, this was a perfectly acceptable comic. |
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X-Men: Schism (2011) | 1 issues |
X-Men: Schism (2011) #4
Sep 22, 2011 |
Now there we go!! THIS is what I want to read about in an X-Men comic book! No children making fart jokes, just a great story and an AWESOME battle scene. |
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Young Allies | 1 issues |
Young Allies #6
Nov 13, 2010 |
This particular issue was good. Hell, I'd go so far as to say that it was really good. I'm a sucker for the old New Warriors characters, so the fact that this issue focused on Firestar was fine by me. Her conversation with Emma Frost was well done, and I was enjoying the little relationship that was beginning to form between her and Gravity. But I guess that's all moot now. |
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Young Avengers (2013) | 4 issues |
Young Avengers (2013) #1
Jan 24, 2013 |
Gillen did a really good job with characterizations(Although Wiccan and Hulkling could turn down the drama just a bit) and I have to say, I was thoroughly impressed! |
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Young Avengers (2013) #3
Mar 28, 2013 |
You know I enjoyed this comic. So let's get that out of the way right off the bat... I liked this comic! It was really good! I enjoyed the Miss America making the timely save. I loved Loki trying to convince Wiccan to lend his powers over for ten minutes. I liked learning a little bit about Miss America's background. I liked the boys texting Kate... Could we have gotten a little more action? Or learned how Miss America knew where to find the group? Or learned just what Hulkling's mother's deal was? Sure, but this issue was still very strong. And before I end this, I have to say, Kieron Gillen is doing a fantastic job with the dialogue here... The characters sound more realistic than most of the comic characters I read about do. So yeah, like I said, very good! |
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Young Avengers (2013) #4
Apr 27, 2013 |
Yeah, I still love this comic. What more can I say? Everything about it was great. Loki's constant attempts at manipulation is always fun, finally bringing Kate and Noh-Varr to the rest of the group was something I've been waiting for, and I'm still digging the story. So yeah, win for me! |
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Young Avengers (2013) #5
May 23, 2013 |
This was a pretty solid issue. I wasn't in love with it, as I was the previous issues, but I still enjoyed it. The team is officially together, we still don't know for sure where Loki stands, and Wiccan seems ready to return to being a hero. In other words, the future looks bright! Speaking of looking bright, the next issue brings us Speed and Prodigy, which is like a double treat for me!! I loved Speed through the original YA run, and was a huge fan of Prodigy before Decimation ruined New X-Men: Academy X(stupid Marvel...). It should go without saying that I am hugely looking forward to the next issue. |
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Zatanna | 2 issues |
Zatanna #11
Apr 3, 2011 |
Meh. As a huge fan of Hush, I can't say I liked this storyline at all... What happened to the master villain who could fight both Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson to a standstill all while concocting all sorts of deathtraps? I mean poor Hush... His credibility as a villain has just been going downhill since his first couple of appearances in that awesome Hush storyline by Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee... Now he's locked in Arkham, AS Dr. Tomas Elliot, where nobody believes a word he says. At least most of the other times he's lost he managed to evade capture. This time he gets squashed by Jane Freaking Doe, gets his face cut off and gets locked in Arkham... Maybe he and Jason Todd can talk about the good old days when they were both meaningful Batman villains... |
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Zatanna #14
Jun 24, 2011 |
Now THIS was a great comic! It was one of the best one and done comics I've read in quite some time. Hero and loved one get into a jam, hero has to outsmart villain to save loved one, villain is defeated and loved one carries on like nothing happened. The characterizations here were great, with Zatara being totally oblivious to everything, while poor Zatanna has to clean up his messes. Add just the right amount of good storytelling, comedy and good art, and you've got yourself a winner! |
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