Superboy #12

Writer: Tom DeFalco Artist: RB Silva, Rob Lean Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 8, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 4
4.5Critic Rating
6.1User Rating

Theres a monster hiding in the shadows of New York after dark, and shes set her sights on Superboy. But her interest in him is more complicated than it seems! Superboys just starting to figure out what it means to have friends does he have the good judgment to pick the right ones? Or is he destined to run with the wrong crowd?

  • 6.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Nov 8, 2011

    Yep, this was sure a Superboy comic from the mid-90's alright... Luckily, I tend to like comics from that era, so I can overlook some of the more annoying aspects and still manage to enjoy the story. Somebody without my love of bad 90's comics might have found this comic way less enjoyable than I did... Of course, I'd MUCH rather have THIS Superboy around today as opposed to the current, robotic SB. At least this Superboy had a personality, unlike Robo-Superboy. So once again, thanks for destroying yet another character, Geoff Johns. You're a class act... Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Aug 8, 2012

    This series has had its ups and downs. DeFalco is attempting to humanize Superboy a little more and it's a welcome change. We've been through his origin and have seen his early adjustments to the 'real world.' Trying to connect with 'normal' people is a good idea but hopefully we'll continue to see the struggle as he tries to figure out the proper way to handle things and etiquette required in different situations. The art here was an improvement but unfortunately seems to be just a fill in. During Superboy's efforts to create and maintain a normal life, he is pulled into a supernatural-type confrontation. The 'villain' leaves a little to be desired but hopefully we'll see some payout when the reason for her appearance here is explained. It's going to be good to see where this series will go moving forward but we'll have to wait until after next month's zero issue. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Aug 10, 2012

    But there was also that shudder of early 2000's Supergirl, out at the club, not wanting to be a hero, surrounded by other self-involved people, and with a dark soul ... dark enough to scare a demon-esque villain. Who wants to read that book? The art on the book is a hodge podge of inkers over Eduardo Pansica pencils but feels awkward as we go from style to style. Read Full Review

  • 1.6
    The Comic Book Revue - Jay Mattson Aug 8, 2012

    Really, this issue feels phoned in. Tom DeFalco's awful story is just boring and gratingly inane, while the artwork from Robson Rocha and Eduardo Pansica is plain ugly. There was only one panel I truly enjoyed and that's because it had hints of Darwyn Cooke's style nestled in there. Otherwise, the panels looked rushed and dated. I really did have high hopes for Superboy after it's last two issues. I even conceded that my issues with the series were due to the cumbersome N.O.W.H.E.R.E. arc. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Superboy is just bad. Read Full Review

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