Batman and Robin #16

Writer: Grant Morrison Artist: Cameron Stewart Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 3, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 15
8.3Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

Don't miss this fantastic finale as BATMAN AND ROBIN's storyline connects with THE RETURN OF BRUCE WAYNE! The climactic showdown between Batman and the Black Glove is finally here. It's payback time for The Dark Knight as Batman and Robin face the ultimate evil. Will Damian betray his father's legacy? Will Bruce Wayne return just in time to see Dick Grayson die? Plus, The Joker and Professor Pyg!This is only the beginning of a startling new status quo for the Batman

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ross Haralson Nov 7, 2010

    All in all, Morrisons work with these characters will stand the test of time as some of the most consistently engaging Batman material ever published, and Batman and Robin #16 functions splendidly in its dual role as both the conclusion of one era and the birth of another. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Kyle Garret Nov 7, 2010

    Then again, maybe were going to see Morrisons other ultimate Batman story. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    A Comic Book Blog - John Barringer Nov 10, 2010

    Morrison isn't finished with Batman yet but this issue will mark the end of a run that is sure to be discussed and built on for years. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Nov 4, 2010

    I have to say, I've enjoyed Morrison's run on this comic, and I'm sorry to see him go. His stories have been challenging, often convoluted, but well worth the effort to unravel. I'm looking forward to his next project, whatever that might be. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Nov 4, 2010

    And so the door closes on of the most divisive storylines in recent memoryGrant Morrison's multiyear, multititle epic that saw Bruce Wayne at his highest and lowest points as he battles the mysterious Dr. Hurt. In the midst of this, Morrison wrote some of his best and worst work, but he ends on a very strong note with this issue. When you had in superb efforts from Burnham and Stewart, you have a simply phenomenal comic, even if Irving's work is simply abysmal. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Nov 3, 2010

    Batman and Robin #16 marks the end of one of the most exciting eras in Batman history and the beginning of an entirely new direction, as Morrison and the Bat-books gear up to explore the unchartered waters of Batman Incorporated. It's a fantastic finish to a wildly entertaining ride that's been at all times challenging, unsettling, amusing, inventive, iconic and epic. Bring on Return of Bruce Wayne #6 and Batman Inc. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Nov 14, 2010

    Now that Bruce has come out and connected himself to Batman, a lot of doors open up. Some villains are bound to go after Bruce Wayne to get at Batman, and some of the smarter villains/citizens of Gotham might be able to connect Bruce and Batman. So while it should make things in the Bat-books more interesting, it hurts some of the long established Bat-mythos. But I'm more than willing to see how this current direction plays out. As I said earlier, if nothing else, it should at the very least make things interesting. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chris Kiser Nov 7, 2010

    If youve been reading Batman and Robin, youd be a fool not to join him in Batman, Inc.. The many cherished memories from this series are a guarantee that your pal, Grant, has a whole new round of them already conjured up in that imagination of his. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Nov 2, 2010

    Overall, "Batman and Robin" #16 provides the kind of closure that most readers were probably expecting from the end of "Batman R.I.P." a couple of years back. But it doesn't wrap up everything, and it still leaves plenty of story possibilities for Morrison to pursue in the rest of his Bat-run, wherever it's headed. This is a pretty great comic, flawed by an imperfect production schedule and saved by the skill of the three individual artists. And it's Bruce Wayne, back in Gotham, with a vengeance. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - DS Arsenault Nov 3, 2010

    If you can get over DC's editorial/publishing snafu, this issue will do a lot to bring some closure, but some of its transitions are a bit jagged. It's a clay-footed beauty of an issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Nov 5, 2010

    When did the Morrison run really start? Was it with Batman and Son? Was it with issue #666 or the start of R.I.P? Wherever you believe it actually began you will find that you can relax your mind at the conclusion of this issue. Most of your questions are answered and a very different and new beginning is launched. I can't wait to go back and reread this whole thing….but I guess I need to wait for Return of Bruce Wayne #6 to ship. I highly recommend this comic book. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dave Wallace Nov 7, 2010

    Ultimately, however, I can't give this book a full five-bullet rating because there are still a few lingering plot points that need to be resolved before we can get the full picture of how Morrison is bringing his epic Batman run to a climax. Happily, however, in just a few days time we'll be able to read Return of Bruce Wayne #6, which will, hopefully, not only give us a few more answers about Hurt (whose origins might be given extra definition here, but who still feels like he deserves a little more attention) but also directly acknowledge Darkseid's involvement in the creation of Barbatos--as well as showing us exactly how and why Bruce returned when he did. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Nov 6, 2010

    For a comic that's been the least of all the Bat-books since issue #2 this one's not half-bad. Given it's ending it also marks an important milestone in Batman's career and is definitely worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Nov 8, 2010

    Batman and Robin #16 is a great end to Grant Morrisons final arc on Batman and Robin. While this issue has a big problem with schizophrenic art the story was still very strong. Morrison showed how great he can be when he writes a tightly focused comic book. With Bruce announcing the Batman Incorporated initiative I am at least interested in the direction the Batbooks are going, well at least Morrisons title. For those who enjoy Morrisons work on Batman I highly recommend picking this arc up when it comes out on trade. Read Full Review

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