Suicide Squad #2

Writer: Adam Glass Artist: Federico Dallocchio Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 12, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 10
7.2Critic Rating
6.9User Rating

80,000 ordinary people vs. the Squad! Well, they're not really "people." Not anymore. With an entire sports stadium on lockdown following the outbreak of an unknown virus, Deadshot, Harley Quinn and the rest of the Squad must sneak past a military perimeter and fight their way through the infected to retrieve... "it." What is "it"? Brace yourself for a stomach-churning reveal as the most brutal version of the Suicide Squad soldiers on! Plus: Bring a body bag it's the team's first Squad fatality!

  • 9.0
    Heretical Jargon - Heretic Oct 16, 2011

    Now we have a baby born from the womb of a zombiewhat could this mean for the future? What does Amanda Waller have up her sleeve and how is it going to affect the Squad as a whole? Can Deadshot save himself before his brain blows up? Theres so many tense moments here that I might just have to come back in 30 days and pick up issue #3! Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Entertainment Fuse - Nicole D'Andria Oct 16, 2011

    Suicide Squad is the evil team you should be reading and is the perfect polar opposite series to Justice League International. This issue is perfect for the Halloween season despite the fact that it could be a hundred times creepier with some improved artwork. The characters are interesting, flawed people who have entertained in this issue, and can hopefully keep in the next issue of Suicide Squad. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Roman Colombo Oct 13, 2011

    They tease that characters are going to die and it's clear they are putting much more focus on the four listed above. Deadshot, Diablo, King Shark, and Harley Quinn. Don't they make kind of a sick and twisted Fantastic Four? We have one guy who has flame powers (but not as chipper), one genius in his field (but can't stretch), one goofy tank (but not as morally grounded) and one, um, chick (that's not as hot. Hey, I like blondes). I'm on to you, DC…. I'm on to you. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Oct 15, 2011

    With this issue this series has managed to earn a permanent slot on my pull list, and passed my 3 issue test an issue early. So unless this series falls off dramatically and begins producing crap issue after issue, I'll be collecting this one for the foreseeable future. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Nov 22, 2011

    I love this book even though I don't find it to be the best of the best. What it is, however, is just a lot of fun with good action and an assortment of characters that I want to follow. To their deaths. While I don't expect any major deaths here, I wouldn't be surprised by it happening either. Right now it's all establishing what the lower tier will suffer through in the book and that's fun in itself because while you can lose some in a fight, you can also lose some just because of what the mission parameters call for. And with Deadshot involved, you never know what will happen, especially since he can go so many different ways. There's a lot to like here, but it's not a book for everybody. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Oct 13, 2011

    "Suicide Squad" is showing real promise, and I feel bad for having doubted it. With a stronger art team, "Suicide Squad" could actually turn into a winner. For now, though, I'll come back for a third issue based on Glass's scripts. The jump in quality from #1 to 2 was already big, and it gives me hope for the long-term potential of the comic. So far, not bad. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Rafael Gaitan Oct 24, 2011

    You've had your six, Suicide Squad. I was willing to give this book a chance based on my love of team-ups, anti-heroes, and describing things in hyphenates, but it has proved a fruitless endeavor. It could never hope to replace Secret Six, and in all likelihood didn't intend to, but losing Gail Simone's series to a dry, witless and mean-spirited comic is almost insulting. Read Full Review

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