Heretic's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Heretical Jargon Reviews: 197
8.2Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (1938) #901

Jun 4, 2011

I was kind of bored with the bulk of this issue. Superman and Doomsday have been going head to toe with no end in sight. At least his life long feud with Luthor has some life too it, Doomsday just keeps doing the same thing over and over again, and its boring! With the few minor golden moments, it doesnt really help this issues sturdinessor lack thereof.

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Action Comics (1938) #904

Aug 31, 2011

In the grand scheme of things, Action Comics ends in a way that allows its readers to relax and know that, even though this is the final issue, the Superman story isnt really over. Ive been a reader of Superman since I was a boy. My nostalgic sensibilities wish it wasnt ending, but I certainly can rest easy with the type of ending Mr. Cornell gave us. But now its on to the September reboot!

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Action Comics (2011) #0

Sep 18, 2012

This is a great read. Again, nothing in it is neccesary to understand what happened in issue's 1-12, nor will it help any incoming issues " it's just fun to read.

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Action Comics (2011) #1

Sep 8, 2011

Week one of the new 52 is starting off flawlessly with Action Comics #1, and I have a feeling its only going to get better from here. However, even with this amazing first issue paving the way for the amazing onslaught of the new 52, I still have a little bit of anger building up inside of me that Action Comics was hindered from reaching the mile-stone of 1000 issues. #1 was fantastic, but Grant Morrison had better continually deliver for the duration of his time on Action Comics, otherwise I'm dropping this title like a batch of hotcakes.

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Action Comics (2011) #2

Oct 6, 2011

There you have, another successful turn out for Action Comics! Am I getting sick? I enjoyed TWO comics in a row by Grant Morrison??? Maybe I should lie down

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Action Comics (2011) #3

Nov 9, 2011

From what I can see, Morrison is still bringing his A-game to the front of the stage with Action Comics. Theres so much meat and excitement with this issue that Im uncertain if the two super titles, Action Comics and Superman, can meet on equal playing fields. Only time will tell!

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Action Comics (2011) #5

Jan 16, 2012

Morrison is bringing in something I thinks he's wanted for a while; combining his literary vision of All-Star Superman with what the ignorant public knows thanks to Smallville. Morrison just might have created the ultimate Superman beginning…one that both old and new fans can enjoy!

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Action Comics (2011) #6

Feb 2, 2012

This isn't the best issue of Action since the reboot, but without a doubt it's one you don't want to skip out on! Six hits in a row for Morrison, this rocks!

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Action Comics (2011) #7

Mar 15, 2012

Knock on wood, I think Morrison is writing a Superman story worth remembering! I had thought that with his All-Star Superman story he should never be allowed to come near the title again with his dirty, continuity destroying pen in hand. But this go 'round his seems to be taking extra care and finally writing a story worthy of the character.

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Action Comics (2011) #8

Apr 5, 2012

I'm still confused as to how things transpired the way they did, but there's enough good in this issue where I need not dwell on those trivial things. Here's to another powerful story arc for Action Comics, cheers!

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Action Comics (2011) #12

Aug 7, 2012

Some ups and downs, but overall very satisfying. With issue #0 coming out next month, #13 and the return of Mxyzptlk will have to wait until October.

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Action Comics (2011) #13

Oct 7, 2012

Nothing about this issue isnecessary, it was simply a scary ghost story for Morrison to tell in honor of Halloween. Although, I am excited to see Zod make his way back into Superman's line-up of arch enemies.

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Action Comics (2011) #15

Dec 6, 2012

Overall, it's a good book. It'll rack your brain a lot, but it's still worth picking up. Enjoy!

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Action Comics (2011) #16

Jan 12, 2013

It's one big cluster-fuck of a story, and I pray for the sanity of anyone who reads it.

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Action Comics (2011) #17

Feb 22, 2013

I think I'm done with Action Comics. My money can be better spent with titles that aren't tripping out on drugs and trying way to hard to be meaningful.

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Action Comics (2011) #18

Mar 21, 2013

To be honest, I'd like to see Sholly take the main writing responsibilities of Action Comics with Chris Sprouse on art. Rags Morales is great, but Sprouse is superb. However, I'm delighted to see Morrison off the flagship comic of DC. This title started off well, but in no way is it one I'd recommend to any new comers to comics in it's current form. It's inaccessible and almost impossible to read. Thank goodness for Fisch redeeming it at the very end.

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Action Comics (2011) #19

Apr 4, 2013

This is a dynamite issue. Sure, there's some flaws, but nothing sonoticeable to offer distractions. You probably won't even notice it.

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Action Comics (2011) #21

Jun 6, 2013

The end of the issue still entertains the silly Channel 52 news, which I could care less about and don't even bother reading, but the bulk of #21 is an entertaining read all the way through. Finally Action is being treated with some respect and Superman is who he should be. My worries are defeated. Action Comics, do what you will. I will enjoy it.

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Action Comics (2011) #23

Aug 8, 2013

It's a fun issue with very few flaws. Keep on trucking DC, you're treating Superman well!

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All-Star Western #1

Oct 3, 2011

Again, Im not a fan of Westerns, but I can see myself getting hooked into All-Star Western. I might have chosen a different name for this title, but Im not going to complain. Give it a chance, whether you love or hate Westerns, this book might just get you excited about comics.

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Aquaman (2011) #2

Oct 30, 2011

When All Is Said And DoneNow, RIGHT when I thought I had a handle on the Trenchs motiveswhich I thought was to eat, eat, and eat some morethe assumed leader of the Trench provides the twist! Now the mystery begins its path into the meat of the arc, showing the possibility that the Trench has a deeper, more hidden agenda thats more than simply eating non-stop. What it is, however, could turn out to be simply more eatingbut with Aquaman as the main course!

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Aquaman (2011) #3

Nov 30, 2011

Needless to say, I was MORE than impressed and taken with this Aquaman installment. I rank this book right up there with my other favorites, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, and Action Comics. Seriously? I have to wait another FULL MONTH to get issue #4?!?!? This sucks!

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Aquaman (2011) #5

Feb 2, 2012

I'm very excited to see where Johns goes with Aquaman. There's obviously something big coming, and knowing Geoff Johns, that big thing is going to blow us all away! Back in 30!

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Aquaman (2011) #6

Feb 23, 2012

Aquaman is one of the better titles in DC's new 52 lineup that is actually doing a good job with rebooting is line. We haven't actually started over, but Aquaman's story isdefinitelyjust beginning.

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Aquaman (2011) #8

Apr 30, 2012

Aquaman continues to be a book I don't hesitate to read. Many of the titles I pick up have me wondering if I'll enjoy it month after month. There are only a few I don't worry about at all…and Aquaman is among that elite group of titles for me.

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Aquaman (2011) #11

Aug 1, 2012

This is a fun issue with some great moments. Everyone would do themselves quite well by picking this series up. Start with issue 13 though, and purchase the trades for issues 1-12.

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Batgirl (2011) #0

Sep 18, 2012

I like that the Jokerincidentin paralyzing Barbara is still within the DC continuity, but I'm not sure how this is going to work out in the long run without becoming too confusing or frustrating. This was the reason why I picked up this issue – to see how the crippling is weeded into the continuity of the Bat-verse. Adisappointing end to say the least, but I'll wait and let things pan out before judging it too harshly.

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Batgirl (2011) #2

Oct 19, 2011

All in all, while I was disappointed with the story components, Gail Simone certainly knows how to write intelligent dialog. Im simply having trouble wrapping my brain around the sudden recovery and how amateurish Barbara is behaving. Maybe Im expecting too much, but this issue was still entertaining if nothing else.

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Batgirl (2011) #4

Dec 21, 2011

This comic is on the verge of being one of DC's BETTER books, but it's still timid and playing it safe enough to the point where it just hasn't broke out in excellence like Suicide Squad, Swamp Thing, Action and Detective Comics have. However, Batgirl has reached my "4 issue" trial period and is definitely staying on my pull list. I can't wait to see how Barbara's story behind her mysterious recovery is unveiled and how she uses her new found strength in the future.

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Batgirl (2011) #16

Jan 17, 2013

Next month will be Gail's last issue before she takes a one month break from the title. In the meantime, Death of the Family is taking the comic book genre to new heights, laying the ground work for a revitalized Bat-family. Barbara Gordon has become a much more mature character within the New 52 thanks to Gail, and only good things can come of the unknown result of the Joker's return.

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Batgirl (2011) #19

Apr 13, 2013

Artistically this book is perfect, minus Barbara's Bat-boots. Sampere brings even the kitchen sink out, designing a perfectly sculpted set a visuals. Don't you dare think for a second that, simply because she isn't Batman, Barbara can't be just as intimidating and menacing.

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Batman #713

Aug 25, 2011

Well, its over! The Batman of my upbringing is now gone. Its a fun, enjoyable issue, but leaves me disappointed at the same time. And sadly, this will not be a Bat-installment that will be remembered within a years time.

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Batman (2011) #0

Sep 18, 2012

Batman #0 is an amazing story that ended way too quickly. This is a Batman story that anyone can (and should) get behind. Snyder is going to have one Hell of a time topping the Court of Owls, but he's certainly on the right track.

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Batman (2011) #1

Sep 27, 2011

Batman #1 was a delight to read and truly caught me off guard with that nice little twist at the end. Youll have to read this issue to know what Im speaking of. And believe me, if you do, youll be anxiously waiting for whats coming up in 30 days just like I am!

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Batman (2011) #6

Feb 23, 2012

There is a similarity between this story and Grant Morrison's “Batman, R.I.P.” As this arc has progressed, the reviews have been flooded with how Snyder is simply copying what Morrison did with One of DC's better selling event miniseries. However, Snyder's take on basically the same story isn't muddled with confusing dialog, contrived plot lines, and non-existent consistency. Of course, this will be a hard issue to pick up for those of you who haven't been following Batman since issue #1, but I wouldrecommendthat everyone start picking up this series next month because it is a DOOZY! Enjoyable with every page turn! (And don't forget to pick up the first trade once it's available!)

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Batman (2011) #7

Mar 27, 2012

I'm on board with this storyline and hope it keeps pushing forward for another five issues. I want to find out what exactly the Court hopes to achieve and what their long term goals are. They're quite unclear, But Snyder's writing is so good that my intrigued continually discovers new peaked levels and leaves me wanting more. Batman is delivering some really good stuff so far, and it's only going to get better.

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Batman (2011) #8

Apr 20, 2012

While I still firmly believe Batman will prevail, winning this fight against the Court, this arc has certainly put a new perspective on his infallibility. So long have we been under theassumptionthat Batman knows all the inner workings of every major crime syndicate in the history of the world, and now we are faced with the realization, and a threat that even perplexes Batman, almost causing him to loose his mind. I know some people are getting tired of the Court of Owls, but I say bring them back often, they are definitely a team built on annoymity that I will always enjoy reading about.

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Batman (2011) #10

Jun 24, 2012

My skepticism aside, as well as Bruce's, this is truly a dynamite issue! Is this really going to end next month? Say it ain't so!

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Batman (2011) #11

Jul 14, 2012

Go pick it up, quick quick quick! I was lucky enough to have it on my pull list at my local comic book store, because this issue was SOLD OUT on Wednesday. Don't waste time! Despite its weighty beginning, its still enjoyable and fun.

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Batman (2011) #12

Aug 20, 2012

By no means is this issue mind blowing, but it's definitely a good read and worth the overpriced admission. I'd say go for it! Get it and enjoy.

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Batman (2011) #13

Oct 11, 2012

Snyder is bulking up for a potentially bigger event than the Court of Owls, and that's hard to imagine! I'm going to have difficulties waiting for the tie-ins to come week by week, much less month after month.

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Batman (2011) #14

Nov 16, 2012

Scott Snyder, in my opinion, is having a perfect winning streak with Batman. Tony Daniel did a great job, but Snyder knows Batman like no one else. Snyder might just create a legacy for himself equal to that of Geoff Johns.

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Batman (2011) #15

Dec 14, 2012

It's as creepy as can be"until Capullo delivers something better next month, which I'm sure he will. Reapplying his face is terrifyingly realistic and gruesome. But this opening page is enough for me to survive a full artistic month"yet I want more!!!

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Batman (2011) #16

Jan 19, 2013

Snyder's story is still fun, there's simply many more noticeable flaws in this installment than in the last 15 issues. Court of Owls was a perfect Batman story, and this arc is gearing up to be even better. I can only cross my fingers in hopes and ending comes next month worthy of what's been built up thus far

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Batman (2011) #17

Feb 13, 2013

With the exception of a fewdisappointingplot developments due to my own pre-conceived ideas, this book is absolutely fantastic! And even if this issue isn't as great as it could be, this ARC is without a doubt the best Batman story to come around in a VERY long time.

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Batman (2011) #18

Mar 14, 2013

All in all, this is one Hell of an issue. I understand the way DC works and it's hard to create stories without falling back on past story arcs. However, it would be nice to see more issues like this.

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Batman (2011) #20

May 9, 2013

Apart from the two little distractions, this is an action packed comic. Clayface has never been handled that well except in Batman's animated series in the 90"s, but Snyder may have finally provided the character with an opening into some fantastic stories for the future!

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Batman and Robin (2011) #2

Oct 16, 2011

The ending shouldnt dictate the quality of the issue, overall. B&R #2 is a joy to read and a proud addition to the new 52.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #3

Nov 16, 2011

Be warned, dear reader, if you d not start following this series before it's too late, you may regret it forever.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #4

Dec 21, 2011

Every Bat-Title is playing its part, with Detective Comics leading the way in quality. But, without a doubt, Batman & Robin is boosting itself into a close second. Damian, there may be hope for you yet".but not much.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #8

Apr 20, 2012

It took eight issues, but it's eight issues well worth it. Tomasi has set the tone of the dynamic duo, giving them life and a new purpose as a team. Maybe they'll start working together and not always bickering at each other. Working with a family member can be difficult, but with the heart felt conversations filled with tears and hugs, Batman and Robin might just be ready to start a new.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #9

May 21, 2012

This was a fun issue with a lot of creepy moments, one of the better issues in this run so far. No doubt, this a filler issue as a way to kill time before the big event starts up"but it's a goodie!

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Batman and Robin (2011) #12

Aug 20, 2012

Overall this book is a farce – nothing in it, story wise, is worth the cover price. But if you like art, definitely pick it up…just don't bother reading it because it won't wrap anything up for you.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #13

Oct 16, 2012

Batman and Robin has been and up and down title for me, never being consistently good enough to excite me month after month. Thank goodness this gem of a Batman and Robin installment came around.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #17

Feb 16, 2013

I love Tomasi, and I hate giving his writing a rating of less than 10 stars, but this is one time where his writing didn't grab me like normal.

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Batman and Robin (2011) #20

May 13, 2013

All in all, a very, VERY good read. Every once in a while Batman and Robin is a let down, but it's one of the more consistently well written titles coming from DC's arsenal.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #1

Oct 6, 2011

The most interesting aspect to this title is its Alice in Wonderland motif at the end. I thought the random appearance of a gorgeous blond in a white rabbit outfit was out of place, (which it is) but then I began to think about a few of the smaller aspects to this issue and began to see the amazing potential of future issues down the road. Im still a little iffy about this title as of right now, but if Paul Jenkins and David Finch pull through and deliver something truly refreshing, I might just stick with it.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #2

Oct 30, 2011

This IS a fun issue, no doubts there; great art, good writing, and a gothic motif permeating all throughout the book, but its substance is very minimal. Its a lot like James Camerons hit movie, Avatar; it has a lot of great stuff to look at, and overall is well executed, but the story is lackingwell everything! The difference with the Dark Knight isIm looking forward to the continuation of the story.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #5

Feb 2, 2012

The Dark Knight is a fun title despite its total lack of literary substance. If you're a fan of Batman, The Dark Knight is definitely one to have in your collection.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #8

Apr 30, 2012

It's a good issue with only a few minor faults. It's still the “muscle” book as opposed to the “brain” book, but it's as purposeful as should be.

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Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) #12

Aug 26, 2012

For the most part, this books shines because of its visuals and not so much the story. But, you know, for us seasoned readers, this is a boring book. But for the newbies DC wanted to draw in, this might just be their cup O' tea. I'll let you decide…

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Batwoman (2010) #2

Oct 16, 2011

Every page seems to be different from the next, holding onto different color schemes on each one its 20 pages. It goes from bright and exciting colors, to faded and dull color schemes, all of which are appropriate for the mood Williams wants to set for specific scenes. All of this combined with the mysterious and spooky storyline has me wondering if this title will become one of my favorites in DC's new line of titles".

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Batwoman (2010) #3

Nov 16, 2011

More to come in 30 days!

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Batwoman (2010) #4

Dec 21, 2011

There's so much to look forward to and the potential is just building up with every issue. It seems everyone Kate Kane knows is working against her alter-ego, which could turn into a very bad situation if Kate's secret identity is discovered. This just might be one of the stickiest situations a superhero has ever been in. She has nothing gain, and everything to loose. Fingers crossed that Flamebird doesn't die off, otherwise she might not have any friends.

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Batwoman (2010) #6

Feb 18, 2012

Batwoman is, without a doubt, the most interesting title on DC's list. If I were forced to choose only one Bat title to read, I drop all of them except for Batwoman…it's just that good!

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Batwoman (2010) #12

Aug 20, 2012

A great issue with minor flaws…but no comic is perfect right?

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Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search for Swamp Thing #1

Jul 3, 2011

So overall, this is a quality first issue. Im looking forward to seeing how this miniseries establishes what is to be once Swamp Thing #1 pops up on stands in two months. But of course, who knows whats going to happen with the reboot.

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Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search for Swamp Thing #2

Jul 29, 2011

With Swamp Thing returning, and DC Comics going through a complete revamp of the DCU, Ive been wondering how well the HORROR side of the company is going to play out. So farI like what Im seeing.

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Brightest Day Aftermath: The Search for Swamp Thing #3

Aug 31, 2011

So #3 gives us a lot to look forward too, and its unclear as to what will happen to Swamp Thing next month. Swamp Thing is still disconnected from mankind. We all know the swampy creature wont bond with Constantine due to his connection the Justice League Dark, so who could the unsuspecting victim be? Excitement boils within my veins!

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Captain Atom (2011) #3

Nov 21, 2011

JSA All-Stars really pissed me off in the beginning with the art. Freddie Willaims was doing too much with every character, especially giving Power Girl the super human ability to have non-existentback problems. But as the All-Stars continued towards the two year mark, the art became increasingly better. Now in Captain Atom, there's so much great artwork on every page that I can barely contain my excitement! The character definition is amazing and the coloring job is perfect! Thanks Williams and Villarrubia, this was fantastic work!

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Captain Atom (2011) #4

Dec 26, 2011

Captain Atom is certainly one of the DC titles that has a better grasp on where it's going, plot-wise. I thank Mr. Krul and Mr. Williams for putting this much hard work into it.

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Captain Atom (2011) #10

Jul 2, 2012

Captain Atom keeps getting better with every issue – please bring more Mr. Krul, this title is great!

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Catwoman (2011) #1

Sep 27, 2011

This is an appropriate representation Catwoman. She doesnt seem very different in how her character is represented, but more so in her motives, desires, and needs. Catwoman should be shown as a lively person who thrives under the thrill of dangeras well as getting very excited by it all. With all of this, however, Judd Winick adds in a bit of sympathy intermingled with it all. And I suspect that this sexually driven title will emerge into something bigger and better than it already is in future issues.

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Catwoman (2011) #2

Oct 30, 2011

There is so much going on with this title right now, and its only been two issues. THIS is the Catwoman DC Comics NEEDS to have in its repertoire. The one from the Sirens was good, but the rebooted Catwoman has so much more life and energy to her. Keep up the good work Judd and Guillem, youre doing one Hell of a job!

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Catwoman (2011) #3

Nov 21, 2011

Don't hesitate, pick up this issue! Even if you haven't been following the series thus far, this issue stands on its own without any trouble.

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Catwoman (2011) #4

Dec 26, 2011

50% good, 50% not so good. What happened with ol' rock face? Is he going to get his just deserts? C'mon Catwoman, go back to fighting the bigger fight and leave the everything else behind.

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Catwoman (2011) #6

Feb 23, 2012

Catwoman still remains one of my favorite titles thus far. Winick is blowing it out of the park, and March is continually improving on his already awesome talents. One arc down, success! Looking forward to the next one!

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Catwoman (2011) #8

Apr 30, 2012

More to come in 30! (Well, I guess it's less than 30 days by this time, but you get my meaning right?)

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Detective Comics (2011) #1

Sep 13, 2011

This is my kind of comic! It contains the right amount of heroics, horror, violence, and thought provoking plot progression and my senses were tickled beyond anything I could imagine. Tony Daniel is the BEST writer and artist for Batman in the history of the character. Please DC, keep everyone else away from Detective Comics and leave Daniel on this title for as long as you can!

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Detective Comics (2011) #3

Nov 9, 2011

I love Tony Daniel and his work on Batman. In fact, this is the only Batman comic Ive ever read by Daniel that I didnt love to deathin fact it felt mediocre. I trust Daniel though and will continue to follow Detective Comics, assured in the fact that he is a great writer and will bring everything together to make this a great first arc.

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Detective Comics (2011) #6

Feb 8, 2012

And when is the freaking Joker gonna come back?!?!?!?

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Detective Comics (2011) #8

Apr 20, 2012

More to come next month, I'm sure. Night of the Owls is on it's way and it's going to boost Detective Comics up in popularity, no doubt.

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Detective Comics (2011) #17

Feb 6, 2013

Overall it's a decent issue, just a little TOO predictable to make it exciting. Enjoy it, but don't begin reading it thinking it's going to be a mindblower.

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Earth 2 #0

Sep 8, 2012

Earth 2 is slowly becoming one of my favorite books from DC's line. I'm looking forward to the story and how this is going to tie into the yet-to-be-named Justice Society!

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Earth 2 #1

May 5, 2012

James Robinson makes the upset, delivering a comic book completely worth the $3.99 price mark. I promise you all, if you haven't picked this up, do so…You'll be happy you did!

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Earth 2 #2

Jun 17, 2012

Oh crap, I may have just jinxed Alan Scott!

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Earth 2 #4

Aug 7, 2012

Earth 2 is slowly becoming one of my favorite titles and I'm glad to see the Society coming back to the DCU. More to come in 30.

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Earth 2 #6

Nov 8, 2012

Much like what we find in the movies, the resolve delivers a classic superhero ending to the first arc of Earth 2. It may be a be cliche, but it's suits this title just right. I'm uncertain of the longevity of Earth 2, but if it ends after one year to give birth to a Justice Society title, I'll be on board!

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Earth 2 #9

Feb 7, 2013

It's a great issue that proves DC's doing all they can to make sure their stories are top-notch. There's been some misses amongst DC's regime of titles, but Earth 2 isn't one of them.

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Flash (2011) #1

Oct 6, 2011

The Flash is off to a good start! Barry Allen has everything he needs with a mystery to boot. Iris will undoubtedly make the moves on Barry eventually, causing some interesting relationship turmoil to stir up, as well as other personal strife. Looking forward to more excitement in the world of the Flash!

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Flash (2011) #2

Nov 9, 2011

The bulk of the issue is the Flash running around town, saving every woman and child he can with his new found ability. We do learn a little more about his friend Manuel, but not a whole lot. But so far, Im not too terribly impressed with the story. Its all about the art for me at this point, and thats definitely Manapuls strong point.

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Flash (2011) #6

Mar 6, 2012

Off to a good start, this series progressively gets better with every issue. Manapul andBuccellatoare not only telling a story of a classic DC hero, butreimaginingthe entire mythos as a comprehensive and intelligent – giving us a story EXPLAINING what being apart of the Flash family actually means.

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Flash (2011) #11

Aug 1, 2012

This issue is a lot of fun and will make you yearn for more. More to come in 30!

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Flash (2011) #12

Aug 26, 2012

Predictability is NOT a stereotype this comic book adheres to as the story splits up into multiple sections of surprises and chaos – a traitor amongst the Rouge's reveal himself, another shows his true colors, and one breaks free of a situation and becomes an even deadlier foe than ever anticipated. Expect to be shocked readers! It'll blow your mind.

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Flash (2011) #14

Dec 2, 2012

All in all, this book is fun because of the art, not because of the writing. I'm not going to drop this title though. Every run has to have a few bad issues here and there. Just don't expect a lot from #14.

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Flashpoint #2

Jun 23, 2011

I dont know, I liked this issue but Im pissed about the future of DC being helmed by Johns and Jim Lee. I cant fault this issue based on the disgusted feeling I have towards the reboot, so I cant justly give this issue a bad rating based on that. But I must make it know to Johns and LeeI am NOT HAPPY!!

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Flashpoint #4

Aug 8, 2011

So with the penultimate issue now published, #5 has a lot to deliver. Theres so much going on and there are only 40 pages in which to wrap it all up with. And right now, based on what was presented in issue #4Im not that optimistic.

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Flashpoint: Lois Lane and the Resistance #1

Jun 23, 2011

All in all, this is a fun issue. Nowhere near perfect, but enjoyable all the same. And after a book like this, it makes me wonder why DC hasnt given Lois her very own ongoing series to begin with. Maybe 52 #1s could turn into 53???

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Flashpoint: Project Superman #2

Aug 8, 2011

So how much of what is happening in Flashpoint will transcend into the DCnU's version of Superman and how much will stay behind. If this origin story sticks around, I truly think I'm going to enjoy the upcoming Superman reboot.

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Flashpoint: Project Superman #3

Aug 31, 2011

As much as I like this Superman origin story, Im glad it wont be archived into the Supermans canonized history. But, as a stated above, Elseworlds would do well to continue with this awesome storyline!

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Flashpoint: Secret Seven #1

Jun 4, 2011

Maybe Im allowing love for the Secret Six book to dictate my feelings towards the Secret Seven, but I really think that this three issue tie-in series will flop on its face while the rest of the world stomps on top of it. I only hope it the next two issues are better.

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Gotham City Sirens #23

Jun 4, 2011

This is a solid issue; very few flaws (if any) with stellar storytelling and artistic techniques. Im glad Harley finally got her spot light!

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Green Lantern (2011) #1

Sep 17, 2011

So, overall, this first issue is enjoyable, but the buildup of the new 52 really did get my blood pumping for what was in store for Green Lantern. I trust Geoff Johns; Green Lantern has been his baby for a REALLY long time so Ill trust him to deliver some incredible stuff. Fingers crossed.

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Green Lantern (2011) #21

Jun 7, 2013

Overall it's a good book. Nothing to write home about, but definitely a good start to a new chapter in the Green Lantern mythos. Looking forward to what's up and coming!

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #3

Nov 21, 2011

The Green Lantern side of the DC Universe is, without a doubt, the weakest side of the DC reboot. I can't put my finger on it, but there's something happening that just isn't meeting the quality coming from the other rebooted titles. However, with that said, There's still a lot great potential for the future of Green Lantern. I'll stick with it!

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #8

Apr 30, 2012

The Corps just keeps getting better; there's more concentration on creating a coherent plot amongst the multiple side plots as well as giving characters bigger spotlights and character developing moments. The GL Corps title is turning out to be the best one yet!

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Green Lantern Corps (2011) #9

May 21, 2012

More to come in 30…

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #1

Oct 6, 2011

So, theres nothing really wrong with this issue, its just not modeled for me. The end of a world kind of story which turns into Kyles Green Lantern birth has already been told, so lets get through all that stuff and get to the juicy NEW stuff. But for the sake of the newer readers, Ill force my way through it and hope for the best!

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Green Lantern: New Guardians #3

Nov 30, 2011

So far, New Guardians is very enjoyable, definitely the BETTER of the Green Lantern titles thus far, without a doubt. I just want the Guardians to go already! Kick them out! push them out of the window! feed them to the dirt and shove them off this mortal (or immortal) coil! Lets get on with it!!!

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I, Vampire #1

Oct 3, 2011

In ConclusionIll be honest, I wasnt expecting much out of this issue; I assumed it was going to be nothing more than a twilight fan hitch to draw in readers who enjoy very bad story telling. Instead, I got a gaggle of amazing and fantastically written sets of dialog as well as wonderfully disturbing artwork. I am a happy lover of gothic literature and comic books!

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Justice League (2011) #1

Sep 8, 2011

I wont lieI loved #1! I think Johns set it up in the best possible way. Im excited to see how Cyborg integrates into the League and how the rest of the members make their way into the ranks. Plus, Darkseids inevitable coming is going to be an exciting moment! Looking forward to it

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Justice League (2011) #2

Oct 30, 2011

Im not trying to say Johns and Lee are awful, I love their work, but I feel their styles havent really gotten into the new feel of the rebooted DC Universe. Johns writing is safe, but not spectacular, with Jim Lees style lingering in that safe zone with Johns. Maybe things will pick up once my favorite hero of all time, Wonder Woman, joins the fun.

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Justice League (2011) #3

Nov 21, 2011

Whatever the case may be, Darkseid is certainly coming in full throttle and without mercy…and the team couldn't be LESS prepared. Much like what Dwayne McDuffie and James Robinson tried to do with the League before the reboot, (and failed) Johns and Lee are bringing a team together and allowing them to grow as a unit. There'll be punches thrown, and obviously leadership issues, but this is going to turn into something truly great and memorable!

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Justice League (2011) #4

Dec 26, 2011

Even though there's nothing new being brought to the League as of yet, I still feel as if I can give #4 a high rating. When Brad Meltzer took over the League a few years ago, I remember calling it “the best Justice League origin story in comics history.” But now we are at the reboot where an origin story has been presented for a new set of readers. What a powerful way to get newbies excited for comics on a monthly basis!

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Justice League (2011) #5

Feb 2, 2012

Darkseid seems to be an aimless character so far. Surely things will develop further with him, as well as giving the League something more to go off of than constantly bickering at each other.

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Justice League (2011) #6

Mar 6, 2012

The team stands in front of the world at the capital accepting recognition from the President. While the cheers and hoopla are thrown their way however, the League wonders where they go from here. They aren't a team, they don't really like each other, and feel much more drawn towards their personal responsibilities rather than the the assumed collective responsibilities as the League. However, they can't refuse the acceptance as it's a free ticket into the hearts of the people. Thus will follow the fantastic potential of great character building stories and team building adventures! I'll definitely be coming back for more to see how Johns builds this team into somethings bold and daring!

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Justice League (2011) #7

Mar 27, 2012

If I were to take a guess, Geoff Johns is setting up a more realisticviewpointof the League. These aren't perfect heroes who hold to the same sense of Justice and honor the ones we knew before the reboot did. Rather this is a group of Heroes have a lot to learn…and that promises for some fine reading material!

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Justice League (2011) #8

Apr 30, 2012

I enjoyed the art in this book, as well as the Shazam story and a few little things within the main JL storyline. However, I wasn't able to keep my eyes open long enough to finish the issue in one sitting…and that's saying something for me! Because of that I simply can't give #8 a very high rating. Sorry boys and girls, #8 just didn't cut it.

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Justice League (2011) #9

May 21, 2012

And there we have it, issue #9! It's a great read and an undeniably fantastic improvement on an already fun title. Three more issue to go before we hit the one year mark, and things are just starting to boil!

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Justice League (2011) #10

Jul 2, 2012

Is this how we're going to end the first year of the League? Two more issues to go and it's not looking too good. I'll never drop the Justice league as it's the comic book that first got me into the genre in the first place, but it's certainly hard to watch it sink lower and lower.

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Justice League (2011) #11

Aug 1, 2012

With so much negativity I threw at this issue, it's still entertaining. David Graves has a lot of potential as a villain, I just hope we get more on his back story. There's also some nice character developing moments For Cyborg and Green Lantern. I wouldn't call this an issue worth remembering though.

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Justice League (2011) #12

Sep 8, 2012

Jim Lee's art is REALLY freaking good this go 'round. Combined with Reis and Finch, this is truly an artistic gem. While this issue has flaws, I think the League is on track to creating some really good story lines. I'll leave you with this week's moment of zen. Happy reading!

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Justice League (2011) #17

Feb 24, 2013

I think I'll be sticking with the League on a monthly basis for a bit longer. I certainly hope Johns continues with this level of quality in the League, otherwise I'll be leaving it very soon.

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Justice League (2011) #22

Jul 16, 2013

All in all, good stuff. Entertaining and fun. If you need my thoughts on the art by the brother's Reis…EPIC! (as always.)

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Justice League International (2011) #1

Sep 13, 2011

Im looking forward to seeing how this title develops over the next year. Twelve issues isnt a long time to live up to and fill the shoes of the incredible miniseries, Generation Lost. But with Dan Jurgens at the helm, I can only see great things for the future of the JLI.

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Justice League International (2011) #6

Feb 8, 2012

Not the best book in the series, but definitely on and equal level WITH the best one; and we are left with a real WTF moment at the book's end. Who is this phantom player and why the heck is he or she trying to destroy the League? (Is it Maxwell Lord? Please say it is!!!) More next month!!

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Justice League International (2011) #7

Mar 15, 2012

JLI is certainly delivering on the classic title. I'm happy with what Jurgens is doing with it and suspect it will only get from here.

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Justice League of America (2006) #60

Aug 25, 2011

Monets paintings were awesome, filled with incredible lifeit wasnt just about the water lilies! This same philosophy can and should be implemented into storytelling, and Robinson never seemed to grasp onto that. Brad Meltzer gave this series such an amazing start. It really pains me to see that the League had to end in such a way before the DC reboot.

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Night Force (2012) #1

Mar 15, 2012

I'm definitely coming back for more next month. There's enough GOOD happening here that I'm compelled to find out what happens! I just hope I have room to breathe next time.

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Nightwing (2011) #3

Nov 21, 2011

More in 30 days….

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Nightwing (2011) #4

Dec 26, 2011

Overall this was a good issue, a great way to catapult into the next arc as well as giving new meaning to both Dick and Barbara's life. But, as much as IappreciatedHiggins bringing in a new love life for Dick, with this much sexual tension building up with all the Bat-titles, I suspect Dick and Babs aren't entirely done with each other.

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Nightwing (2011) #6

Feb 23, 2012

Overall, this issue is great! But I don't see this being end of the first arc for Nightwing. There's still to much left open! How will this end for Nightwing next month? I'm getting chills just thinking about it!

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Power Girl (2009) #24

May 22, 2011

Power Girl continually does great work month after month. After two years its still one of my favorite titles to read.

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Power Girl (2009) #26

Jul 21, 2011

With only one issue left to go, Im not sure how to deal. Ive been on board with power Girl since the beginning. Its been the most consistently awesome title published by DC Comicsright after the Secret Six. Ugh, my sorrows are only going to grow from this point.

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Power Girl (2009) #27

Aug 25, 2011

Power Girl had become a fan favorite for DC Comics. It wasnt like the epic titles like Green Lantern, Superman, Batman, and many others that were always fighting the angst driven fight. Power Girl was a unique entity that kept bringing fans back for more. I am certainly hoping that, after the fan outlash occurs, Power Girl will be making a comeback sooner rather than later.

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Red Lanterns #5

Jan 16, 2012

I'm still enjoying everything Peter Milligan is doing, it's just not a ground breaking comic. I'm glad that DC is taking advantage of the new Corps they created through Blackest Night, but I think the Blue Lanterns might have been a better choice to give a title too.

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Red Lanterns #6

Feb 8, 2012

So in and of itself, this issues is quite good. Like many other reviewers, however, I share their fear that the Red Lanterns may become an unfocused title that no one will read.

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Red Lanterns #7

Mar 15, 2012

A lot of interesting questions are raised by Rancorr's innermonologue, which will lead to some interesting confrontations for the future, and tension is building up better than I thought possible. I guess it proves that as long as you have a capable writer behind the wheel, any comic book can have a great story.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #34

Jun 4, 2011

Once again, Simone and Calafiore produce a flawless installment of the Secret Six. It's one of the saddest moments for me in my comic book collecting career, however, to hear of its inevitable cancellation due to the DCU reboot. I can't say I'm happy about this decision as it pushes my favorite comic out the door to make way for"something else. But, while I still have time, I'm going to enjoy the ending arc that I'm sure Gail has planned starting next month. Gail, you are an amazing writer!

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #36

Aug 8, 2011

I can't end this review any better than by simply thanking Creator, Gail Simone, and artist J. Calafiore for bringing the greatest superhero comic book series in history into the hands of readers like me. As much as I wish that the Secret Six was a part of the new 52, I think I can rest easy with this ending and let go. I've come to terms with the ending and needn't any reboot nor revamping. They went out in the best way possible.

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Suicide Squad (2011) #0

Sep 18, 2012

Suicide Squad is constantly putting out good stories. Some stories have been better than others, but each issue has been worth the cover price. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up from this reviewer!

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Suicide Squad (2011) #1

Sep 17, 2011

Of course, Im going to have trouble NOT comparing this to the greatest super villain comic ever made, the Secret Six. Gail Simone gave that title what it needed in order to still be qualified as a bad guy book, while maintaining a certain, twisted sense morality and family loveIm wondering if this new Suicide Squad can do something to help give its readers something to relate and hold onto, much like the Secret Six did. But as of right now, Im hooked and looking forward to whats coming next month more than any other title thats come out thus far!

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Suicide Squad (2011) #2

Oct 16, 2011

Now we have a baby born from the womb of a zombiewhat could this mean for the future? What does Amanda Waller have up her sleeve and how is it going to affect the Squad as a whole? Can Deadshot save himself before his brain blows up? Theres so many tense moments here that I might just have to come back in 30 days and pick up issue #3!

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Suicide Squad (2011) #3

Nov 16, 2011

Suicide Squad is officially one THE title I look forward to over all the rest, even Action Comics and Wonder Woman. Despite some of the flaws in issue #3, this book certainly appeals to my desire for stories that push boundaries. There's so much going on with this title that it's hard to put it into words.

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Suicide Squad (2011) #4

Dec 21, 2011

It's not quite up to Secret Six quality, but I don't think ANY title ever will be. However, the Squad is standing on it's own two feet and is definitely sticking out with it's own uniqueness and creativity that none of the other 52 have been able to touch yet. This is one of DC's best titles!

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Suicide Squad (2011) #6

Feb 18, 2012

The Squad is consistently surprising me and keeping me on the edge of my seat. I love that Glass is now focusing on the Joker and Harley's past relationship and what it now means for the rebooted DCU.

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Suicide Squad (2011) #7

Mar 15, 2012

I'm still enjoying the series, no doubt, but this is the weakest issue thus far.

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Superboy (2011) #0

Sep 18, 2012

My conclusion…skip it. #0 won't excite you and might, in fact, bore you to death. You'll be fine with out it.

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Superboy (2011) #1

Sep 17, 2011

The characters are all very segregated emotionally; Superboy locked away in his chamber, Ms. Red (as Superboy calls her) is seemingly of a different mindset than the rest of her colleagues, and the rest of the characters all seem at odds with the entire project. There isnt a lot to hold onto which makes this comic unemotionally emotional. (I know, I phrase things strangely.) There is a huge emotional disconnect that causes so much angst and darkness within the story that you wonder if any happiness will ever come over anyone! Dont allow that to turn you off as the story is incredibly well written and planned out. Its refreshingly new and different with the right amount of darkness to keep my twisted senses alive and kicking!

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Superboy (2011) #15

Dec 16, 2012

Not much to say here since not much happens, apart from character development. That said, this is Superboy's best installment thus far and I'm finally getting excited for what's to come. I do hope Hell on Earth and the crossover initiative with the Superbooks starts getting better, possibly giving He'L a better placement within Superman's line of villains. Fingers crossed!

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Superboy (2011) #16

Jan 19, 2013

H'El on Earth needs to end. It's a bogus arc and DeFalco should go away and work on others things.

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Superboy (2011) #19

Apr 15, 2013

I shouldn't hate on this Super-installment too much, it follows the typical storytelling pattern well even with all of the jargon being flung in. The art has definitely gotten better, getting away from the ridiculous visual shout-outs to the stiff-looking manga art style. I guess I'm a bit annoyed with how Lobdell has decided to weave things through – calling Superboy the son of Lois and Clark, even though he technically isn't, and poorly using a villain who's treatment within DC's line of teen books hasn't been stellar. If you're looking for a book that doesn't require a lot thinking, but does do a “fine” job at going from point A to point B, you'll be satisfied with this issue. As for me, I seriously might be crossing Superboy off my pull list before next month.

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Superboy (2011) #20

May 9, 2013

The action is good though, and I chuckled more than I thought I would. New writer Justin Jordan combined comedy and action just as good as Shane Black did in Iron Man 3. Despite all of the strange happenings, inconsistencies, and multiple moments of eyebrow raising weirdness, I still had fun reading. Superboy started off well, then hit rock bottom. Now it's on its way back up, and I'm more hopeful of Superboy's shelf life now than I was two issues ago.

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Supergirl (2011) #6

Feb 23, 2012

Apart from a few little confusing aspects and artistic flaws, the book is a good read. Supergirl is consistently pumping out good stories and keeping the "new" mysteries exciting and gradual.

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Superman (2006) #712

Jul 3, 2011

Without saying very much, I give this issue a very high rating due to its originality and creativity in how it involved Krypto. Youll burn through this issue faster than most others, but Ill bet you everything I own that you enjoy it more than all the rest.

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Superman (2006) #714

Aug 8, 2011

So take what you want from this. Its a great ending to the series, but sad to see that it took a terrible story arc to catapult into that ending.

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Superman (2011) #1

Oct 3, 2011

Theres so much going on in this issue, and we got a little extra for $2.99 because of it! Just like the Bat books, the entire run of #1s for the Superfamily has been amazing and worth the price of admission. Keep up the good work guys! See you in 30 days! (Well, I guess Action #2 comes out in six days, so belay that remark.)

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Superman (2011) #2

Nov 9, 2011

I like receiving my comics in the mail through the subscription service offered by DC Comics, but it certainly sucks to have to wait two to three weeks to get them. However, I'm greatly looking forward to seeing where this story arc goes and why alien monsters are targetting Superman, as well as watching Lois and Clark's relationship blossom while General Lane's bigoted hatred towards Superman grow over time.

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Superman (2011) #12

Aug 26, 2012

Take it for what it is " a classic, hokey tale of Superman fighting off aliens while stereo-typically handing us his boy scout card. It's nothing phenomenal, but it doesn't have to be, does it?

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Superman (2011) #14

Dec 1, 2012

I'm still making up my mind about H'el. He seems to be a potentially great bad guy, but there's still some inconsistencies in his motives, which is fine. That's the way it should be this early in the story. But I'll be happy to see Lex Luthor putting his claws back into the story next issue.

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Superman (2011) #16

Feb 1, 2013

There's a lot of good stuff going on here, but very much somedisappointmentas well. H'El's finally becoming interesting, yet Kara continually annoys me more and more as the issues roll out. Next month marks the finale of this arc, and I couldn't be happier!

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Superman (2011) #18

Mar 28, 2013

The best issue of Superman to date since the New 52 started. If Lobdell keeps this up, we might just have a shot at seeing a Superman we're much more familiar with!

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Superman (2011) #22

Jul 28, 2013

Without giving anything away, there's definitely something coming that I'm excited to see unfold. Praise Grant Morrison all you want, but he can't touch Superman with anything comprehensible or entertaining. And I'm glad DC's giving a better writer a chance to bring one of Superman's most powerful enemies back for a more appropriate story arc.

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Superman (2011) #24

Oct 24, 2013

Not my favorite arc, and definitely not my favorite issue. It has it moments, but overall was a bit too random. Almost as bad as a Grant Morrison story!

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Superman Family Adventures #1

Jun 5, 2012

I wonder if the kids are truly going toappreciatethis style of comic however. Oh sure, they'll love it simply because it's Superman, but for people around my age, this is the ultimate nostalgic trip down memory lane. Likewise with the new Green Lantern: The Animated Series comic title, Superman Family Adventures reminds me of the above mentioned Batman Adventures series. The style of art and writing calls out to my nostalgicsensibilities, which helps me to enjoy this first issue that much more.

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Superman Family Adventures #2

Jul 14, 2012

It's a fun issue that will have your kids wanting more. Have fun!

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Superman Unchained #1

Jun 13, 2013

I always love it when Superman is given a new twist on his powers, or when we learn something new about Superman that we assumed wouldn't change. Superman, while not necessarily being unchained in the way the title means it, is something slightly new an refreshing. How often can we say that about multiple titles involving the same main hero? Batman, Spider-Man, and even Superman. All their respective titles don't hold up to the name. Superman Unchained does show potential in giving us a Superman title which has the potential of being very different from the other Super books. And I look forward to what this title, and Scott Snyder, can bring to the table.

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Swamp Thing (2011) #1

Sep 13, 2011

Theres so much going on with this first issue that anyone who reads it wont know how to take it initially. My recommendation is to simply enjoy issue #1 and let everything unfold as it may. Theres more coming and Im stoked about what Snyder has planned. Oh, and no matter what Alan Moore may say about this reboot of his iconic and horrifying character, this is a great start to a one of DCs most terrifying comic book characters.

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Sword of Sorcery #0

Sep 23, 2012

Sword of Sorcery shows promise. Amy's story could be exceptional, but there's also the potential of going a bit overboard too. I'll be giving this series my regular four issue trial run before deciding to nix it or keep it. But no doubt, this was a good start!

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T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #7

May 22, 2011

There are those who get frustrated by a comic that decreases the level of dialog for the sake of having great art. Personally I don't mind it provided that the art is stellar, which it is. The fact that Colleen gets no more than two pages worth of stage times didn't bother me as more will develop in the coming issues. But no doubt, T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents has become one of my favorite comic book series, right after Secret Six.

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The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #1

Oct 3, 2011

Its still a fun issue, but definitely nothing to get excited about. I honestly dont care what happens next month. Fingers crossed that issue #2 will show an improvement in this series. Sorry Gail, Im still your biggest fan! Please dont hate me!!!

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The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #3

Nov 30, 2011

Cinar did some great work this issue; a combination of terrifying and saddening shots is where this book shines. There's a great usage of lighting within the coloring job that gives #3 that much needed visual aid to keep us interested. I just wish the story were just as good.

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The Movement #1

May 1, 2013

Simone is a master of creating characters we can immediately invest in. We've been trusting her for this long and sheseldomwrites anything that doesn't get your blood pumping. Taking the theme of cop brutality andcorruptionand bringing in a team of young heroes daring enough to put stop to it is a much needed topic to be addressed. Now we'll see how far the corruption goes and if the Movement can do anything about it.

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The Sandman Overture #1

Nov 2, 2013

No lies, the Sandman series is strange. Even Neil Gaiman will admit to that. But it's brilliantly written and artistically flawless. The only negative thing I have to say about this issue is how I have to wait until late December before I can read the second chapter.

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Voodoo #1

Oct 3, 2011

In ConclusionVoodoo is another refreshingly new and exciting addition to the DC lines of titles. I look forward to seeing where this mystery goes.

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Voodoo #2

Oct 30, 2011

Im really surprised by how much Im enjoying this series. I wasnt too keen on most of the horror titles post reboot, but decided to give the new books a chance. So far, Voodoo and I, Vampire rank up there as some of the best horror fiction Ive ever readand theres only been two issues of each!

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Voodoo #6

Mar 6, 2012

Voodoo is still on my pull list, but something's going to have to change for it to remain there. Fingers crossed.

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War of the Green Lanterns: Aftermath #1

Jul 29, 2011

So now Krona is dead, and the plot couldnt be thicker. Next month is just around the corner and a new beginning is excitedly pumping my comic book needs to an all-time high. Tony Bedard, thanks so much for making this a great ending to a fantastic series. Lets just hope issue #2 delivers an equally exciting storyline. Fingers crossed.

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Wonder Woman (2006) #614

Aug 25, 2011

I was worried for a chunk of the issue, but the last eight pages brought back the way it should be, giving Wonder Woman an ending worthy of her character. Though it may suffer due to its connection with the poorly planned out story arc, Ill take this issues last few pages as a sign that DC apologizes for what transpired for fourteen issues.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #0

Sep 20, 2012

One last note…it's always fun to see the credits at the beginning of comics take a comical approach at the opening.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #1

Sep 27, 2011

When it comes to getting a new writer, new arc, new artist, or even simply rebooting a character, Wonder Woman is the one I worry about the most. If I was forced to choose only ONE comic book to pick up on a monthly basis, Id choose Wonder Woman. So it goes without saying that Im very particular about what writers and artists do to her. Im very happy to see that Azzarello and Chiang are starting this series off well, and I look forward to seeing what they do in the next year!

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Wonder Woman (2011) #3

Nov 30, 2011

I'm certainly enjoying this reboot. Three issues in and I'm sold on this title even more than I am on Suicide Squad. I'm not sure why this title was qualified as a horror comic as the last two issues weren't really thathorrifying. There's so much more content in this title than the typical horror comic. Not that horror comics aren't substantial, but there is a significant difference between Wonder Woman's run vs. other horror comics.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #7

Mar 27, 2012

I'm falling in love with this title more and more as the days continue on. Keep the twists and turns coming Azzarello! I'll keep reading!

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Wonder Woman (2011) #9

May 21, 2012

This title however, as it is currently, isn't for everyone. Brian Azzarello has always been a writer who brings in a 50/50 percentage vote…you either like him, or you hate him. I've always enjoyed his stories, and his work on Wonder Woman right now is worth it's weight in blood!

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Wonder Woman (2011) #10

Jun 24, 2012

There were a few little glitches in the dialog, awkward and silly. But this isn't too strange if you're familiar with Azzarello's work. Still, you might chuckle after reading them""Meat? Meet and Amazon""Can't it just be MY mess?"I also wasn't clear as to why Wonder Woman felt the need to constantly refuse or reject the help of those who offered it. Of course, I wasn't even sure how this was ONLY Wonder Woman's fight as she stated multiple times. I guess I was simply waiting patiently for the reasoning behind this arc other than setting Wonder Woman's "New 52" character up. Nothing in this arc set the stage for futureentanglementswith Hades. It's only Strife that has a future in Wonder Woman's list of potential returning villains, and she was the one I had hoped would never come back at all. Oh well.The art is gorgeous. The color of Diana's skin within the halls of Hell, as well as the garb she was made to wear made her seem dead, as if she wer

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Wonder Woman (2011) #13

Oct 21, 2012

All in all, this is a fun read. Azzarello knows how to keep me on the edge of my seat, waiting anxiously month after month. And now with the demon child putting the choke hold on Wonder Woman, I have to find out what happens next!

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Wonder Woman (2011) #14

Nov 27, 2012

#14 is a fantastic read, giving Wonder Woman its flawless streak since the reboot began over a year ago. Don't delay, grab this title now!

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Wonder Woman (2011) #16

Jan 27, 2013

Azzarello took the monsters from Greek folklore and put them into the DC Universe like no one else has, and it's been good for the book. There's nothing in this issue, however, that we haven't seen before, and the progressions are very much the same when compared to past issues, but the tone of this issue makes you excited for next month.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #17

Feb 24, 2013

All gripes aside, it's still enjoyable, there's just this one glaring annoyance in the form of an unagressive and dumb Wonder Woman. I certainly hope Orion tries something on Wonder Woman next month, giving him three strikes, and Wondy's foot clogging him in the groin as the strike out.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #18

Mar 21, 2013

It's a disappointing issue that does a good job at a few insignificant things, but fails in so many other ways. I'm not going to drop Wonder Woman, but this issue in no way will get you excited for what's to come.

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Wonder Woman (2011) #19

Apr 19, 2013

It's a great issue with only a few things here and there to bring it down. Overall, however, this is a solid Wonder Woman installment!

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Wonder Woman (2011) #21

Jun 20, 2013

#21 is as successful as I could have hoped it to be. And just when I thought it was supposed to end, the arc keeps on trucking into excitement and adventure. See you guys in 30!

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Wonder Woman (2011) #22

Jul 19, 2013

There's good and bad, but overall it's an entertaining issue. My hope for the future is that Orion goes away and gets his own title (because DC is showing no signs of getting rid of Orion, so a New Genesis title should be in order right?) and give us more Wonder Woman focused stories. see you all in 30!

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Wonder Woman (2011) #25

Nov 21, 2013

New 52 Wonder Woman, DC's best superhero, while not as great as Gail Simone's run, has proven itself to be one of the best runs of the said superheroine to date. I understand it's debatable, but for me, I don't care.

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World's Finest (2012) #1

May 5, 2012

All in all, this was a fantastically enjoyable issue. A few gripes here and there, but in no way does it deter me from loving it! Thank you Levitz! Looking forward to issue #2.

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Zatanna #13

Jun 4, 2011

This was a shorty review, but worth reviewing either way. Im glad I started picking this title up a few months ago. But, of course, anything Dini does is worth picking up right? Especially if its with Igle as well!

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Zatanna #15

Jul 29, 2011

Zatanna is fun and has been since issue #1. The thing I love most about this title is its new reader accessibility. As long as you know Zatanna uses spells and wears fish-net stockings, you should be good to go. The jumping on points with this title are numerous, and theres only been 15 issues! If this series wasnt going to end next month, I would recommend to everyone that THIS specific issue would have been a great jumping on point for new readers. But alas Oh well, its still a fun comic and you wouldnt be wasting your $2.99 (and some tax) on this issue.

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