Batgirl #0

Writer: Gail Simone Artist: Ed Benes Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 12, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 15 User Reviews: 16
8.0Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

How did Barbara first become Batgirl? What led to her to don the cape and cowl? Witness Barbara Gordons shocking injury and her inspiring drive to recover and walk again!

  • 10
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Sep 17, 2012

    Zero month is supposed to be an outreach program that lures new readers to comics and it's something the Bat-family of titles has done very well so far both in quality and concept. In "Batgirl" #0, Simone and Benes deliver another good series installment that utilizes the zero month concept to the full, setting up the character's future adventures, reflecting on the past and teasing out some mysteries to be revisited another day. More importantly, Simone hits the nail on the head with this book, making it the perfect entry point for readers of all ages. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Gotham Spoilers - Gotham Spoilers Sep 12, 2012

    Ed Bene's art was fantastic, and not a single out of place ass shot! No, but really, for the most part, his art was on point, and I loved the page that was only colored from his pencils, summing up Babs' time as a solo crusader. The spread of her, Bruce and Dick? Yeah, guess what panel I'm picking this week? Read Full Review

  • 10
    Fanboy Buzz - TommyZimmer Sep 16, 2012

    As the series goes forward beyond #0, it continues to be one of the best series at DC Comics, and thats all due to Ms. Simone and the fabulous artists she works with. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Blue Raven Comics - Eric Scroggs Sep 13, 2012

    While this issue wasn't quite the story I'd hoped for, it still met and even exceeded most of my expectations, in some respects. I'd challenge anyone to find a better custodian for this character than Gail Simone. This issue effortlessly earns a solid 9.5/10 from me! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Heretical Jargon - Heretic Sep 18, 2012

    I like that the Jokerincidentin paralyzing Barbara is still within the DC continuity, but I'm not sure how this is going to work out in the long run without becoming too confusing or frustrating. This was the reason why I picked up this issue – to see how the crippling is weeded into the continuity of the Bat-verse. Adisappointing end to say the least, but I'll wait and let things pan out before judging it too harshly. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - J. Skyler Sep 12, 2012

    Do I have qualms with this issue? Only one: Batgirl's initial costume, which is modeled after the one illustrated in Frank Miller's All-Star Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder. It works well with Miller's storyline but seems out of place here. Batgirl should always wear a full cowl, period. Other than that, Batgirl #0 is a must read, one that will leave you wishing it were a limited series unto itself, rather than a stand alone issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Read Comic Books - Tommy Lutz Sep 12, 2012

    As I said, this #0 does exactly what it should do, introduces new readers seamlessly, and caters to the readers who have already been on the Batgirl train from the beginning. As far as I've read, Batgirl #0 is the perfect origin story. And it's so well written and drawn that if this issue doesn't convince you to start reading Batgirl, I'll be a monkey's uncle. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Matt Santori Sep 13, 2012

    As an origin tale, #0 succeeds in spinning out an entirely new story that neither feels like a moment between minutes, nor a complete revision of the past. Yes, we see many minor changes, but the largest of these are strictly cosmetic the mask may have changed, but the girl underneath it is still the one we knew before. To Simone's credit, the abbreviated history we do get, right up until the familiar moment at her front door, actually tracks remarkably well with her previous origin, but still leaves many questions for fans to roll around in their heads and online. How much of the rest of her history may have changed (Babs being one of the characters most affected by DCs continuity reboot) is yet to be determined, but the beginning that manages to feel respectful, fresh and familiar all at once. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Sara 'Babs' Lima Sep 12, 2012

    Overall it was a well organized issue that basically covered all the bases. At the start of the comic we see Barbara practicing ballet, and practicing martial arts -- so when she appears to kick some butt later in the issue, it's not entirely outside the realm of possibility. I don't think that was ever an issue in this book. I think there's something about the way Barbara reads in this book, though, that doesn't feel real to me. Like there's something missing. For example, during the entire fight scene, Barbara is saying things like "I can't believe I did that," and you don't get a real feel for the choreography of the actual fight. It would have been great to see her break down the fight in her mind through her internal dialogue; identifying what she has to do in order to beat him since she is at such a big disadvantage physically. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Joey Esposito Sep 12, 2012

    Ed Benes does some fine work here, most notabley in the action sequences in the GCPD and the close-ups on various characters. The further Benes pulls back his angle, the less attractive the panels become. Luckily, he plays to his strengths for the most part and is able to keep the action quick and intense, avoiding ever making it feel claustrophobic. Though he's probably best known for his buxom ladies, Benes shines brightest on the pages featuring Batman himself, making him imposing and mysterious, underlining the way that Barbara is seeing him for the very first time. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Danielle Luaulu Sep 17, 2012

    I really enjoyed this book on a second and third read-through. Gail Simone has so far done a stellar job on this series and hasn't disappointed on this issue either. The art continues to enhance and work with the story, instead of against it. This was a very good edition to the Batgirl series and its ending, while a little heart-breaking, really tied together this zero-issue to the rest of the Batgirl mythos. I recommend that one at least gives it a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0 - Nicole Wander Sep 17, 2012

    ‘Batgirl' #0 is, without a doubt, an insightful look into the beginning of what turned Barbara Gordon into Batgirl. The issue is nicely paced and the art is very well done indeed. Barbara's early days are also, in and of themselves, an interesting story that I hope is explored further at some point in the not distant future. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Batman-News - Andrew Asberry Sep 12, 2012

    Overall, I found this issue to be pretty dull and it actually raised more questions than it answered. We see her dress up in a makeshift Batgirl costume and get a head nod from Batman, but what about after that? How did she become a part of Batman's team? The final pages give a quick montage of what happened after that fateful day at the GCPD (except for how Batman let her in the group) and shows that Batgirl retired prior to The Killing Joke but she doesn't explain why, “Story for another time.” she says. Of course, Barbara definitely was retired back in the old continuity before Alan Moore wrote The Killing Joke– but I don't remember why that was and now I wonder why she would want to be Batgirl now when she wanted to leave the mantle behind then. Oh well. I thought it was a pretty weak installment ofBatgirl, which is a shame because I was looking forward to this the zero issue the most. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Newsarama - Aaron Duran Sep 13, 2012

    Ed Benes stills draws with an eye towards the sexy bad-girl look, which is not something I want in a story that's focused on a teenage girl. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Barron Network - CE.Rap Sep 17, 2012

    Im sure Bat fans will read it no matter what. Readers new to DC Comics or Batgirl "there's nothing here for ya. Read Full Review

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