The Sandman Overture #1
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The Sandman Overture #1

Writer: Neil Gaiman Artist: J.H. Williams III Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: October 30, 2013 Cover Price: $5.99 Critic Reviews: 38 User Reviews: 17
9.2Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

Twenty-five years since THE SANDMAN changed the landscape of modern comics, Neil Gaiman's legendary series is back!
THE SANDMAN: OVERTURE heralds New York Times best-selling writer Neil Gaiman's return to the art form that made him famous, ably abetted by artistic luminary JH Williams III (BATWOMAN, PROMETHEA), whose lush, widescreen images provide an epic scope to The Sandman's origin story. From the birth of a galaxy to the moment that Morpheus is captured, THE SANDMAN: OVERTURE will feature cameo appearances by fan-favorite characters such as The Corinthian, Merv Pumpkinhead and, of course, the Dream King's siblings: Death, Desire, Des more

  • 10
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Nov 11, 2013

    Remember how excited you were when you heard George Lucas was returning to Star Wars to create more adventures and they fell short of everyone's expectations? I was feeling similarly anxious on hearing Gaiman was going toreturn to Sandman–and this, too, was a prequel. Allay your fears, friends. You will not nod off for the Sandman's return, instead you'll only fall into the welcome arms of an engrossing fantasy. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Booked - Jeff Hill Nov 1, 2013

    So we have a wonderful piece of art that is going to reinvigorate the industry, bring back some steam to two creators' comic book careers, and hopefully bring some thought into the everyday superhero comic reader. Not to mention that, even though I'm sure it won't work out well in the end, part of me still hopes that there will be enough twists and turns throughout the tale to give me even the slightest glimmer of hope that the original Sandman might not be dead. I mean, come on" Who wouldn't want a new modern-day ongoing Sandman series? Excluding maybe Neil Gaiman. Which, I guess is probably pretty important. All kidding aside, there is no question in my mind. This is, by far, the pick of my week. And quite honestly, the month. Well done. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Geeked Out Nation - Jess Camacho Oct 30, 2013

    J.H Williams does something in this comic that I have never seen before. I wish I could show it to you but even a screenshot would not do it justice. Towards the end of the comic there is a fold out page. There are two pages that open up to reveal a very large splash page. What was so interesting about this was that the two pages that open up are connected. It is Dream being pulled into this void and when you open it you see where he ends up. It is a very impressive feat. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Oct 30, 2013

    This book is beautiful, it's structurally sound, it gives you everything you want from a Sandman issue, and it reminds me why I prefer to read Gaiman in collected form. I will say, though, that $4.99 (or $5.99 for the digital combo pack) is a pretty steep bill for a story that clocks in at less than half the pages of the original Sandman #1 back in '89, but to be honest, I'd still pay the $5.99 for some good Gaiman story. In short, The Sandman: Overture #1 is worth any of the hype, and even as a story set in "the past," (as though the original book didn't jump around in time anyway) it doesn't fall prey to prequelitis or dashed high-expectations. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Joey Caswell Oct 30, 2013

    This story is pure poetry for the mind. The graceful words combined with the deeply cosmic images will make your heart soar as you venture through the astronomical and the subconscious. As the original Sandman books from Vertigo changed the landscape of comics before, Sandman: Overture feels like it has the same potential. Thank you to the creative team for bringing this beloved story back to our lives with new adventures and mysteries of the mind. Sandman: Overture #1 was wildly whimsical, dark, and deeply intelligent in every respect. If you havent read the original series, its time to catch up on the ten trade paperback collections so that you can relish in the sheer power and beauty of Overture with the rest of us. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Oct 30, 2013

    Like a genius disturbed by a random thought demanding more brain power and immediate attention, Dream is distracted from his confrontation with the Corinthian, setting up the still sprouting seedling of the story that is "The Sandman: Overture" #1. Neil Gaiman is back writing his characters and telling his story. J.H. Williams III's brilliant artwork magnifies that creative output and adds even more impact to this comic book. It packs a hefty price tag, but the story and the artwork live up to the billing individually and transcend it to become much more together. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Oct 30, 2013

    Lavishly written and gorgeously illustrated, Sandman: Overture demands your attention. Gaiman makes us all realize how much we’ve missed him.  Read Full Review

  • 10
    Hero Nuggets - Kelsey Rasmussen Nov 27, 2013

    The story is brilliant so far, and although Sandman: Overture is undoubtedly setting up a much grander plot, I was still entertained as a reader with the multiple cliff hangers and unanswered questions I was left with Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody "The Thorverine" Ferrell Oct 31, 2013

    Overture is just that, a piece of music. Sandman took a while to pick up steam when it first came out, but now with the passage of time people realized how revolutionary and important it was. The good thing about Overture is that it doesn't have to try and find an audience and what it has to say is important. If Gaiman and Williams keep even half the quality of the first issue with the rest of the series, this is going to be something special. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Lan Pitts Oct 30, 2013

    As a fan of the older series, I really like the vibe Gaiman and Williams are throwing out. The addition to original letterer Todd Klein is also a big win in my book. I think it's the coolest thing ever that there are new Sandman stories for a whole new generation that can serve as both a refresher's course for fans like me and sort of kiddie pool introduction for long-time comic readers who have been curious for years about the series and new readers who are looking for their niche in what they want out of their comics. Years ago this title broke the mold of what comics could do and tell visually, and with this sequel things are off to a great start. The last double-page spread is something I'd never thought imaginable, yet Gaiman has conceived a notion and added a new dimension to the Sandman character that has made this title a must-read for the year. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Max Dweck Oct 30, 2013

    I had high hopes going into this, and they were surpassed. This is going to be a fantastic prequel to The Sandman, and may even get a few new readers interested in the original series. There's really no experience like reading The Sandman, and I got the same feeling of fascination reading this as I did when I read the first issue of the original series a couple of years ago. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Heretical Jargon - Heretic Nov 2, 2013

    No lies, the Sandman series is strange. Even Neil Gaiman will admit to that. But it's brilliantly written and artistically flawless. The only negative thing I have to say about this issue is how I have to wait until late December before I can read the second chapter. Read Full Review

  • 10
    CHUD - Adam Prosser Nov 2, 2013

    But for all that"and I agree with it, to some extent"Sandman remains a masterwork, and this comic shows every sign of fitting right in with the old stuff. I can't even pretend to be objective about it, as is hopefully clear by now, but this sure as hell doesn't feel like a disappointment or a desecration of a classic. It feels like Sandman returning, as if it's never been away. Suddenly, it's right back where it started, and whatever the existential problems for the character, for the reader, it can only be a delight. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Fangoria - Svetlana Fedotov Nov 6, 2013

    Gaiman paints a vivid portrait of his characters without stomping over old ground, creating a brand new adventure for the classic hero. J.H. Williams' artwork is the perfect companion to the words, playing with the intricacies of the author's design. He jumps styles with every leap of the story, from fine pencil work to full colored pieces, without ever coming off as unnecessary. The two just work so, so well together. A testament to what comics could be, have been, and hopefully, will be again, THE SANDMAN: OVERTURE is quickly on its way to becoming as essential as its predecessor. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Oct 30, 2013

    The Sandman: Overture is the wonderful place where art and storytelling co-mixes with waking dreams, vividly bringing back to life a modern classic in a way that exceeds expectations. The final splash pages reveal a cornucopia of detail that readers will go over with a fine comb, including a few surprising appearances if you look closely. Due out bi-monthly as a limited series, the wait will be all the harder for the high quality of this first new issue. An essential piece of reading. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Modern Age Comics - Alexander Moser Nov 3, 2013

    I've said many times that book-X is what you get when you take two top creators together and I give it a perfect score. Sandman Overture is more than that. It's the beginning of the collaboration between two legendary creators, a.k.a. the perfect "treat" on Halloween. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Oct 30, 2013

    SANDMAN is back and it's everything you'd hoped it would be. Neil Gaiman is the only one that could pull this off and he does effortlessly. J.H. Williams III art and Dave Stewart's colors are phenomenal. We may have been waiting a long time to return to these characters and world but it feels like it was just yesterday we last saw it all. Gaiman does a great job bring us back into the story and never misses a beat in the storytelling. We get a great set up with the mystery building as the story progresses. It will be hard to wait for the next issue but we've already waited this long. SANDMAN was a great series and Gaiman once again reminds us why with this first issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Oct 31, 2013

    New readers should track down the reprint volumes, anyway - they're some of the best stories in the history of comics. This series is well on its way to earning an equal spot with the rest of the series. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Nov 1, 2013

    In a single issue, Overture establishes itself firmly as the crown jewel of not only Vertigo's current renaissance, but of nearly all the comic book output there is. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Big Comic Page - Chris Bennett Oct 30, 2013

    Safe to say, it was an absolute pleasure to read overture and i have no idea how i've managed to keep this spoiler free, but i highly recommend picking this book up, whether you're new to comics or Sandman, or have been reading since the original series #1. You can thank me later. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Jorge Solis Oct 30, 2013

    Readers can tell a tremendous amount of thought, care, and heart went into “The Sandman: Overture” #1. “The Sandman” series continues to be an enduring classic, as it was before. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Oct 31, 2013

    Perhaps second only to “Hellblazer,” “Sandman” is one of the best exemplars of the worth and importance of the Vertigo imprint. With DC apparently looking to put some wind back in those sails, it's only fitting that the series return to lead the way. While each individual reader will likely come away from “Sandman Overture” #1 with a grossly different take, it's safe to say the Gaiman's return to the Dreaming is a momentous success. This could be the definitive “Sandman” story that no one expected. “Crisis of Infinite Dreams,” anyone? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - kanchilr1 Oct 30, 2013

    Sandman Overture will not disappoint those who are seeking a return to the universe that Gaiman has created so many moons ago. The art of J.H. Williams takes center stage in this first issue, functioning as comic book visual assault to the senses. This adds greater value, as re-reads to the chapters will be required. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - Stephen Hardman Oct 31, 2013

    The Sandman: Overture #1 was pretty much a sure thing for comic of the week, even up against the always superb Saga. The characters, the writing, the art. Everything here is stunning. Buy this comic book. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Oct 31, 2013

    This issue moved me deeply and the Karen Berger credit just solidified the feeling that I was in for something very, very special. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Noelle Webster Nov 4, 2013

    It's not the plot that will stick with you after reading the issue, it's the feel. It's knowing that we're back with Sandman, and that we're in good hands. I'm sure I wasn't the only one equal parts excited and nervous for the issue. I wanted more Sandman, but I didn't if it wasn't going to be as good. I was nervous that Overture could end up tainting something that we all hold so dear. Again, I know it's a personal series for many, it often being the first comic that people read. But it's back, it's pretty, and my fears have subsided. Let's sit back and enjoy it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Nov 10, 2013

    Highly recommended for Sandman fans. If you've never read Sandman before, go get the trade paperbacks of the original series first. At least the first 2 or 3 volumes (or the 1st Absolute). Overture will still be here waiting for you when you've finished those. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    PopMatters - Brett Mobley Dec 11, 2013

    All in all, the anxiety that pervades this opening comic does not detract from its status as one of the best comics I've read in sometime.In fact, I think the anxiety that is inculcated into Sandman Overture is perhaps why it is so good. While it re-introduces us to old favorites and simultaneously gives us a fresh perspective on our understanding of the Endless, and while it showers us with astounding art and authoritative storytelling, Sandman Overture #1, is a meek dipping of the toe back into the big waters of the Sandman universe—and I can't wait to see more. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Alison Berry Nov 2, 2013

    Its very hard to rate a single issue of a story like this. Things that seem minor now will probably gain infinite substance later. I only ever read The Sandman in trades; Im not sure my heart can take waiting month-to-month for the next chapter. Dreams have a very random quality to them, changing setting abruptly without any narrative reset. Thats what this issue felt like a very weird, pretty dream. Ill be waiting anxiously to find out what it means. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - Jason Motes Nov 3, 2013

    I… want to give this a five. The writing is incredibly intelligent and poetic. The art is possibly the best I've ever seen. It may have just been a teenie, tiny bit too intelligent (if that's even a thing) and challenging. I think once the entire thing is collected, that might go away. Who knows what the rest of the series holds? The fact that the first issue may also not be new-reader friendly also makes me take a step back on my rating. Just barely. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Den Of Geek! - Mike Cecchini Oct 30, 2013

    At a mere 20 pages (ah, but what beautiful pages!), one can't help but feel that Sandman: Overture might have been better served released as one volume rather than in bi-monthly installments. But the novelty of seeing Neil Gaiman play in his most famous and beloved sandbox again is just too delicious to complain about. Mr. Gaiman defined this world, and he knows these voices well. It's strangely comforting to "hear" them again. Welcome back. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - George Marston Oct 30, 2013

    While it's hard to say that Overture's first issue is perfect, that it even comes close to living up to the impossibly high expectations set for it is almost miraculous. Sandman: Overture presents a new chapter to the story of Morpheus, one that feels at home with the rest of Sandman's canon, but not one that feels as much like the start of something new. Those already familiar with Morpheus, the Endless, Cain, Merv, and the rest of the many wonderful characters that populate this world will find much to love, if only for one more fleeting glimpse at a story that, for many, was a definitive literary experience. For the uninitiated, there is still the gorgeous art of Williams and Stewart to feast on, but Gaiman's magnum opus is still best begun like all stories - at the beginning. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GoCollect - @UrbanRemnant Dec 4, 2013

    As a writer, "The Sandman: Overture Special Edition #1" was an encouraging invitation into their craft and process. Unless you're willing to spend a lot of money to learn more about that process, stick with the regular version. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Keith Silva Nov 5, 2013

    Imagine if Gaiman -- with Williams III and Stewart in tow -- let Sandman rest and instead of this overture what if he went back to the time when he was ushering Sandman into the public's consciousness. When he dressed like a Ramone, was all detached cool as he walked the corridors of the Fort Lauderdale Airport Hilton and chatted up hotties. Somewhere Tommy Tompkins of the Newsboy Legion weeps. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Nov 1, 2013

    Sandman is a comic event that needs no extra hype. The comic book is a legend and this will only add to that aurora. While the book does carry the inexplicable $5 cover price, the book certainly feels well worth the price. Even if you can't quite figure out the story from this issue the writing and art are one-of-a-kind. Give this book a shot. Read Full Review

  • 7.7
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Oct 30, 2013

    This is not to say this issue is bad, because it certainly is not. There's a fairly tale like quality to it, a whimsical, song structure that breezes you from one scene to the next. You might have to read it twice just to grasp what exactly is happening, and even then it seems like the only thing we can say about it is "it looks amazing!" Who are these characters and why should we care? You won't get that, not in these pages. It's incredibly well written, but if you are looking for that feeling you had when you read the first issue of the original Sandman series, you won't find it here. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Graphic Policy - Brett Schenker Dec 8, 2013

    I can only review in how I ended my experience, and in this case it wasn't very good. I can't recommend the regular series at all for folks who have never read Gaiman's previous works. The “Special Edition” might be worth it just to get the behind the scenes look. For folks who know Sandman, and have read it before, I have no idea how much you'll like it. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Shadowhawk's Shade - Abhinav Jain Oct 31, 2013

    Guess we'll see what the second issue brings next month. Read Full Review

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